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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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Peter took a breath.
"I am peter. The overprotective female is marigold....my mate."

Marigold nodded.
"pleased....to meet...you?"
She bit her lip. She was trying to be nice.

Alexander blinked. He suddenly chuckled a bit.
"hey! That tickles."
He bent down to pet the cat.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by EvellynGrace93
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Hades looked at Isabella. "She saved our lives from a witch." Refering to the witch that made his sister a permanent cat. He would have been the next one to be stuck like that if Isabella hadn't of come along and scared the witch off. "She protects us and we protect her." He smiled slightly. he heard his sister meow a little louder and saw her rubbing up against the strangers leg. Rolling his eyes he looked up at the sky. She never really did know boundaries.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Lacey snorted " that's funny how could a tiny cat like you protect her"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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Alexander continued to pet the cat. For some reason, he felt connected to the animal. maybe they met before? he wondered.

peter and marigold sighed.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by EvellynGrace93
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Isabella looked at peter and Marigold. "It's a pleasure to meet you guys as well. Marigold you have no reason to be itimidated by me." She said sincerely. Hearing persephone, Isabella looked in that direction and noticed the stranger giggling. He didnt seem dangerous if Persephone trusted him.

Hades looked at Lacey with a sideways glance. "Because we are a little bit more stealthy than big footed dogs." HE snickered a bit but turned his attention back to his sister.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Nic laughed a bit at Hades comment and lacey faked outrage " what I'm stealthy aren't I Nic"Nic smiled " yeah lacey sure you are"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by EvellynGrace93
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Hades looked at Nic and smiled. "Its nothing against you, cats are just quieter and more balanced than dogs."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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Vampiretwilight fellow roleplayer

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Marigold narrowed her eyes.

Peter sighed.
"Um, I don't think she is intimidated like you think she is."

Alexander smiled at the cat. He could have sworn she was familiar to him.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Nic smiles " I agree "he said laughing as Lacey punched him and huffed"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by EvellynGrace93
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Isabella looked at peter, "Oh, well I am truly sorry if I have done anything to insult you at all." SHe said with sincerity.

Hades laughed at the two and stood up. "I am going to go and find out who my sister is harrassing." He said as he silently started to walk away.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Nic and lacey waved "bye " they said in unison and continued talking
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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Member Seen 27 min ago

Peter nodded. He managed to calm marigold down.
"vampires are naturally jealous and possessive of what is theirs. Please be careful."

Marigold looked at Peter. She rested her head against him.

Alexander kept petting the cat. Either way, he was a sucker for cats. 'If only I could meet a female of my kind this sweet'he thought.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by EvellynGrace93
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Isabella smiled at Peter. "That is good to know. I haven't found that yet." She looked at MArigold and Peter and looked at the with a happiness she hadn't felt in a while. Probably since the cats became a part of her little family. "I am happy that you two have found eachother, but if you excuse me for a moment it looks like we are not the only vampires in this clearing." Isabella nodded over to where Persephone was and where Hades was making his way to.

Hades caught up to where Isabella was standing and stood close to her. He was actually pretty short. "Should we?" He asked her cautiously.

"We should." Isabella said as they started walking torwards the stranger and Persephone.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Nic and lacey stopped talking and noticed the stranger for the first time " smells like another vampire"she said as they both got up " how many vampire are in the forest"Nic mused outloud
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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Vampiretwilight fellow roleplayer

Member Seen 27 min ago

Peter and marigold nodded.
"Take your time. We're not going anywhere."

Alexander was still with the cat. He was smiling. He had not felt peace like that in a long time.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by EvellynGrace93
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Isabella and Hades had made their way over to where the stranger was standing petting Persephone. She noticed her brother had walked up and trotted over to him. Hades picked his sister up and she rubbed her face on his. "It's good to see you too sis. I missed you too." He said to his twin sister.

Isabella looked at the two and smiled, then looked at the new vampire her opal eyes glowing a tad. "Her name is Persephone." She said to him. Her voice was friendly but cautious.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Nic and lacey watched everyone's exchange
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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Vampiretwilight fellow roleplayer

Member Seen 27 min ago

Alexander blinked. He froze when he watched the boy and the cat. He heard him call him sister. He didn't know what to think now and he almost started to blush when Isabella greeted him. He blinked again and looked at her.
"oh, um, hello."
He sniffed the air a bit.
"oh, you must be one of the vampires I smelled."

Peter and Marigold watched too.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Nic and lacey walked to where Peter and marigold were " so you have a good hunt Peter "he said winking on the word hunt
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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Vampiretwilight fellow roleplayer

Member Seen 27 min ago

Peter sighed.
"yes, and we found something besides rabbits and deer for a change."

Marigold nodded.
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