Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by AlternateMan
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AlternateMan there is calcium in my bones

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

The ground around the students rumbled as they heard a beastly roar from in front of them. In the shades of the forest created by the trees, a giant figure was staring at them. There were no ginting eyes or sich, but its sheer size made it noticable. It was a giant monster.
Mineta let out a cry of desperation, and then acceptance, as he realized toilet was far from anywhere near them.

Midoriya gathered himself quickly as the giant beast made its presence known. This was apparently a test given to them. He had one job now: proudly go through it. The green haired boy turned to his classmates.
"Everyone! Get ready to fight!"
He said. Surging One for All around his limbs, Midoriya charged forward.

....so they were going to fight now. Hiems gave a quick glance at Momo-who was, hopefully, more than okay- and turned back to the giant monster. The best he'd do would be punching its legs to slow it down. Or even make it fall over.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The figure that Midoriya was able to point out, was rising on the spot - right behind Nensu. The rumbling sound vibrated throughout the ground, and the very sensation of being watched crept up on the female teen.
'What kind of test is this? Physical training?'
She wondered her eyes widened, watching this thing stand up to its full height in front of her. It rose its foot, and her basic instincts activated, causing her to automatically avoid the incoming assault, by creating an ice path, and skate upon it. Using her sense of balance, and experience in such a sport, Nensu evaded the creature, shortly before she landed back on solid earth, and conjured a frigid wind from her right side, very slowly freezing the creature.
'That should keep it still for some time'
She thought, before looking around, and running. Hopefully, in the direction of their destination. Another giant appeared, with Eijiro Kirishima. Following her instincts, she gave the red-haired teen a hand - by freezing it first, and allowing him to shatter it. "Nice shot!", he grinned, with her exchanging a smile in return, while using her left side to offset the right.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by AlternateMan
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AlternateMan there is calcium in my bones

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

As Nensu froze the first beast, both Midoriya and Hiems springed forward to punch it to dust. Midoriya went for its leg, smashing his fist. He flinched upon contact as he punched a chunk of earth off the beast. The green haired boy glanced at Hiems, who seemed to be having a good time mauling the monster’s head into nothingness. These things were made out of dirt, which meant they were made with someone’s quirk, specifically for this situation. Perfect. The Wild Wild Pussycats were ready to torment them.
As Nensu proceeded to help dispatch another monster, Midoriya smiled to himself. She was doing excellent as always. All he had to do was advance with his classmates.
“Alright guys, let’s team up! They aren’t too hard to deal with, we can go through this easily!”
He shouted as he ushered them to follow, running behind Nensu.

As the earth monster he assaulted started crumbling, Hiems jumped off it and landed on the ground. 1-A slowly started to advance as the powerhouses lead thrnway. Nensu and Shoto, with their ultimate ice and fire powers, froze the monsters with ease. Hiems glanced down at his hands and shrugged. They couldn’t endure winter like it was nothing now, could they? He was useful too, he just needed to strengthen his quirk more. Then the blue eyed boy turned around, looking to team up with Momo. Maybe she could give him something like a metal stick to swing around. Or even better, she could come up with a genius plan to lead them forward. Neither was his profession.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Someone was clearly testing their agility, strength, and battle intelligence. Judging by how these obstacles were programmed to get in their way, Nensu had to think quickly, as soon as these things were able to appear before her. Another thing she came to note, was the fact that most of her classmates were following her, rather than taking point. She figured it was because of the reputation, gained by herself, and Shoto, during the Sports Festival; they were clearly Class-1A's shield and sword, considering that they were mid- to long-range on the offense and defense. They would be able to divide and overwhelm the battlefield, just as easily.
Looking behind her, she spotted Midoriya sticking close, with his new-found speed, forged during his internship. It made the female teen smile to herself at his accomplishment. Like how she viewed everybody else in UA, Nensu believed he will be able to do great things in the future.

"We could use some defense right now", Momo said, having to appear at Heims' side, with a staff in hand.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by AlternateMan
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AlternateMan there is calcium in my bones

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Midoriya looked at the back of Nensu, who was leading fhe class bravely. Her dual hair swayed and mixed in her trail like a tornado of two colors. She was brave, and strong. Like her brother she had good control over her powerful quirk, and was arguably one of the leaders of the class. Or at least that was what the boy thought.
He caught up with Nensu as they charged forward. They couldn't just blindly charge and blast shenever they ran into an obstacle. They needed at least a single instruction to go by as they made their way to the camp. He wasn't really familiar with being thrown into a monster filled forest, so he decided to consult with Nensu.
"Nensu san, do you have any plan in mind?"
He asked.
"It might not be a good idea to charge blindly."

Hiems simply nodded as he saw Momo approach him with a staff in hand. They couldn't spend forever smashing monsters after all. They had to go through the forest to reach the camp where they'll do summer camp stuff. And hopefully some fun stuff too.
The boy answered. Ice armor grew around him as he concentrated his quirk.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

With so much focus on her own observance and reaction time, Nensu was not aware of the boy's silent admiration for her. Her dual-colored hair swayed in the wind, as she skated on the conjured ice she was able to provide for guidance and mobility. Since she and Shoto were clearly on the grand scale of leading the class, Nensu figured that their paths of ice would lead their fellow classmates on where to go - considering that they were clearly in a seemingly-endless forest.
They had to keep their eyes open, since unpredictability seemed to be a dominant trait in these creatures. This seemed to be subject of matter, even after Midoriya decided to run things through with her. She looked around - in front of them, behind, and next to them. She slowed down, so she was skating, in accordance to his own speed.
"Judging by depth, we could cover more ground, by splitting up. However, it will bring more harm than good, since these things can pick us off, separately. Plus, only certain quirks can put a significant impact on our adversaries. If we stay together, we would have numbers, by means of combining our quirks. Not always at the same time, but rather, we can triple battle power, if those quirks are built on top of each other. Those providing defense will be the shield, with others, taking assault at an open door."
She said, hoping that her thought process would work on such an analytical scenario.

"Let's regroup with the others", the raven-haired girl suggested, shortly after taking sight of one of the Todorokis.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by AlternateMan
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AlternateMan there is calcium in my bones

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Midoriya listened to Nensu's plan as they continued advancing at a moderate speed. There were noises of monsters coming from all directions, but hopefully not making any loud noises would help them attract les attention.
Nensu was right-splitting up was a bad option. They had to stay together and keep the firepower closed and focused, so that they could take out incoming targets more faster. Though it would make them an easy target it also meant they had all the power they needed.
"That sounds like a great plan."
He told her.
"That way we can all go forth making sure nobody gets left behind. And any approaching threat will stand no chance.
"Alright, guys, stay together! We should move and work as a whole group to make it safely!"
The green haired boy spread Nensu's plan to the other stdents, making sure they understood what to do.

Hiems nodded as Momo suggested to regroup. The teo of them would have a bad time surviving. Momo could conjure something of significant firepower but still needed time- and he himself wasn't really suitable for fighting giant enemies.
"Much agreed."
He said.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Upon Izuku's agreement to her hopefully-effective plan, Nensu took charge -- just like that -- of navigating through the maze of endless trees. Some directions would lead to a dead-end, while others just seem, well, endless. The female Todoroki could see more of the students joining the now-growing group without hesitance, and somehow, it surprised her that such a plan could possibly give them the leverage of pulling this off. Looking back at Midoriya, the very presence of the green-haired teen made her internally smile, shortly before such an expression showed itself on her face with determination. They were in this together. All of class 1-A.
One of the monsters showed itself just up ahead, and Nensu was quick to act.
"Now! Top off your quirks; one at a time!"
She told the group that were following her lead. Deciding to make the first assault, the dual-haired girl waited till she got close to the imposing figure, before throwing her leg outwards with a spin, launching an ice attack from that very appendage. The frigid wind from the very-action started to freeze the monster's face.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AlternateMan
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AlternateMan there is calcium in my bones

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

As Nensu lead the group, Midoriya could feel the class join in without hesitation. With the firepower focused as a single moving group, they'll charge through the the obstacles with no problem. A confident grin appeared on the green haired boy's face as Nensu turned back to look at him.
With a slight blush surfacing as he saw her smile, Midoriya shook his head to focus on their current objective-make it alive. Soon enough, another giant monster appeared in front of the crew.
Surging Full Cowl on his body, Izuku lunged after Nensu. As the giant creature stood stunned from the sudden frozen face, he landed a blow on its leg, chipping a good chunk of mass off of it.
After Midoriya came a handful of other students- Mina aimed for the other leg with a spray of acid. Iida finished it by caving in the monster's skull.
"Nice job, everyone!"
Midoriya wiped a drop of sweat off his forhead. The coordination was exceptional with a good lead.

Hiems looked as a bunch of students went on to take out a creature. As he failed to time right, he missed the beat to go for a hit and decided to stay at his position. A late lunge would've messed with the others' moves anyway.
"Are you holding up well?"
He turned to Momo to make sure she was doing alright. Unlucky for him, he was unaware that a creature was standing silently behind the trees-just so that he could not spot it- ready to strike.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Nensu looked back to see everybody follow her lead, accordingly. That first attack left an imprint, until the others immediately followed after, like choreography in a dance. In this case, the dual-haired girl was leading the charge of that said-dance. The moment she saw Kirishima and Momo take out the last of the monster, she grinned in happiness, having to feel relieved that her plan worked very well. They had an effective strategy now, so the objective of getting out alive would come out nicely.
Looking ahead, she glanced about, trying to find any more imposing figures that could be hiding behind the trees. Looking further ahead, she saw a structure. Was that their destination? She could only pray that it was, and that they didn't have to remain trapped. With a push, Nensu moved ahead, determined to reach the end.

Rolling her shoulder, the raven-haired teen looked at Heims, stretching out her arm, after having to swing a meteor hammer, having to also be unaware of the figure behind them.
"I'm fine. The faster we get out of this, the sooner we can end this insanity".

"You're telling me. And, I thought Iida-san would be the one dashing us towards the end. Turns out I was wrong"
Kirishima noted, as he ran with them, glancing at Nensu, skating in the front.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AlternateMan
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AlternateMan there is calcium in my bones

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

A shape was visible in the distance. Nothing of rough curves like the trees, buy more artificial straight lines... finally, buildings! Midoriys let out a sigh of relief. It wasn't that he hated training- this one had been exceptional, bring a surprise and all. And keeping control of Full Cowl needed a bit of focus too. It was almost like getting used to a new limb.
"We're almost there, everyone!"
The boy said in a hopeful voice. As they got closer to their destination, it also seemed that there were less monsters roaming around. Which was another good thing. Nensu didn't seem to tired either, so getting through the last part was an easy task.

Han noticed the giant beast approaching them at the last moment, when it opened its jaw wide and charged to their direction. It was too late for him to move out of the way or initiate any effective attack- so he did what he could in the split second.
Grabbing Momo by the shoulder, the boy moved her so that his back was facing the monster, Momo shielded by himself. If he could survive that hit, she could come up with a counter strike.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The closer they got to the building, the more anticipation Nensu felt for the future, regarding their training. Weren't they gonna be similar to the one that they were currently being tested on? Something similar? She wasn't sure, but such questions weren't gonna help their present situation. The goal was to get to their destination - everything else, later. The dual-haired girl looked back, for a moment, and gave a mental count of their class. A majority of them were following her, with three or four absentees, including Katsuki, and the one called "Kaminari". She didn't know whether to count Invisible Girl, but who wouldn't?

Further back, Momo yelped from the sudden action, performed by Han, prompting Kirishima to stop, and spot the taller male, using himself as a shield to cover the raven-haired girl. "Han!", he shouted, until the female launched a whip in the giant creature's direction to force it back. It was the perfect opening, so the red-haired boy hardened his skin to give their assailant's leg a punch, shattering it. "You good, man?!", he yelled.

By making a slope out of the ice, Nensu touched the grassy ground, right outside the building.
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