Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 2 mos ago

The coven of vampires were circled around in a main room, all eyes staring hungrily at their leader whose fangs were currently sunk into the soft flesh of Evie's left wrist as he fed. He had to make sure this was the right girl after so many hadn't been the one they were searching for. It had been years since he'd tasted the blood of a Van Helsing but he never forgot it.

He released her wrist from the needle like fangs, hissing in joy as his eyes flashed brightly. "Van Helsing!" He exclaimed, holding up her arm, blood trickling down and dripping off her elbow. Whither it was from the blood loss or the grip he had on her, Evie wasn't fighting back like when the brothers first met her.

She looked a little better than her former guardian but was still roughed up. Now her bloodline was exposed to the hungry coven which would'nt hesitate to drain her dry.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Dean could hear all that was going on the closer they got to where the bloodsuckers gathered which was now the worst move they could pull and would now lead to their deaths. With a coven of Vampires, would be good to use some homemade bombs filled with silver and dead man's blood to cover the shrapnal to make it more effective.

Dean signaled Sam to separate to divide and conquer. To Box in and destroy. Throwing these bombs in many directions to take out a huge majority of the coven as Dean switched with having bullts dipped in dead man's blood, picking off what the bombs didn't. Any who dared get close to him, Dean had a machete on hand and unsheathed. Dodging and decapitating. The older Winchester's face was that of stone. Giving no emotion as he fought his way to get to Evie with Sam's help.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Vampires shrieked in pain as the bombs went off, most dropping like flies from the shrapnel while others tried and failed to stop the attacking hunter. Sam helped by shooting the ones who tried getting Dean from behind, his face emotionless as his brother's. The head vampire hissed angrily before holding Evie close to him, glaring at Dean in hatred.

"Come any closer and I'll kill her." He growled, one of his hands gripping her hair and angling her head uncomfortably to expose her jugular. A whimper of fear escaped from Evie as she looked at Dean, the look a child gave to their parents when they had a bad dream and needed comfort. The look a child made when they were terrified. The same look Sam gave him when growing up.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Dean stopped where he was when the Vamp head made his point for Dean to not step any closer by making Evie move her head uncomfortably. Dean made his point made when he had his focus and pistol at the Vampire's head. He would make sure that the Vamp would regret his choice somehow. Yet it was a whimper that brought him from his track of thought. Not lowering his guard, Dean looked to the source. He glanced at the girl before him, scared and afraid. It was a look that tore at his heart and soul. He this look all too well and never wanted to see it on a child's face. Unfortunately, this only solidified his resolve to get this girl out and safe. He only hoped Sam hadn't followed him and could get a better shot than him at the moment for it would be better that he was bait. "It's okay kid. It's alright." Dean assured, making sure that the attention was on him. He looked back to the Vampire head. "Let her go." He warned the bastard.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Unseen or heard by the head vampire, Sam snuck up behind him as he raised his gun. He just needed him to remain distracted so he could get the right shot without hurting the kid. Just a little closer...

"Why would I do that? She's the last of the Van Helsings. She's quite the prize amongst our kind." The leader replied gently touching Evie's cheek with his other hand, causing her to whimper and tremble. "Everything about her; from blood to bone is worth something. I'd rather die than-!" He shouted before a gunshot rang out, a bullet going through his head.

Evie let out a scream, unsure where the shot had come from or if she herself was injured from it. The leader collapsed to the ground, leaving Evie standing there in a hyperventilating, trembling state of fear, tears falling down her cheeks.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Dean felt his blood boil with what the Vampire said about the girl. He was ready for the heartless bastard to die where he- nevermind! He was dead. With that, Dean relaxed and looked over Evie before putting away his gun and went over to the girl who was shaking like a leaf and in tears. Dean pulled her in a hug, wrapping his arms around her securely. "It's okay kiddo you're safe." Giving her the comfort she needed. "Let it out kid, let it out." He coaxed. He glanced to Sam and gave him the knowing look that she was fine.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Evie clung to him like a baby koala, letting out hiccuping sobs as she cried into his chest. All her fear left her in the comforting hug and release of tears, soon turning into dry sobs after a few minutes. She sniffled, wiping away tears before looking up at one of her saviors.

"Where's Thomas?" She asked, her voice cracked from crying and...small. Small and innocent that shouldn't have come from a teenage hunter. Neither of the boys sounded like that at her age. It was obvious that while she might have ancient hunter blood in her, she wasn't ready mentally for her family business.

Sam glanced at Dean as she mentioned someone named Thomas, knowing it had to be the man they made the promise to. He sighed softly, unsure who should give her the unfortunate truth.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Dean held the girl for as long as she needed him, knowing that she needed to release all the pain and fear she was feeling. He waited till she ready to leave his arms. Rubbing her back in soothing circles, rocking her as he use to with Sam when he was younger. It was when she was calmer that Dean watched as she looked to them and asked about Thomas. Guessing what Sam was most likely thinking, the older Winchester thought about how to break it to her. He glanced to Sam before looking back to Evie. "Come on." He had no way to be able to tell her so he thought it better to show her as much as he knew that would hurt more.

When they got there, Dean brought her to the man now known as Thomas. "He seemed to have fought them off as long as he couldn't. We wouldn't have known that you were here if it weren't for him." Dean managed to tell Evie.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Evie was confused at first as she was lead away with them but there was a sense of trust no matter how small it was. She gasped softly upon seeing Thomas's body, the state it was in told her everything. She carefully walked over before placing a hand on Thomas's, blinking back tears that appeared once more. "Thank you for keeping me safe. I hope you find peace where you are now." She said softly before looking back at the brothers.

"I don't know where to go now. He was my only family." She admitted, sniffling a little. She didn't even have much, just the clothes on her back and whatever was on her backpack if it survived.

Sam glanced at his brother before speaking up. "He made us promise to keep you safe and take you in before he died."

Evie looked between the two, only having met them hours before and even assaulting one in defense. "Y-You're hunters, right? You'll teach me everything Thomas wasn't able to?" She asked hopefully.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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The older watched Evie interact with what was her guardian. He watched while she had her mlment to say good-bye and Sam telling her that they were her new guardians. When she realized what this meant, Dean nodded. He walked forward and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Yeah. We will. We'll take care of you too." He promised, meaning every word. He looked back to Sam then, "Let's get the gas and make a pyre for Thomas. Give him a Hunter's Burial." He looked to Evie while looking her over. "Got some strength to help me stack the bodies in piles and use some of these pallets to make a pyre for your friend?" He asks, hoping she was ready for the task.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Evie nodded in reply, putting on a brave face akin to whenever Dean would before his father; being the perfect soldier. She glanced one last time at her former guardian before heading towards the pallets to help make the pyre. Sam left them to build while he grabbed the gas, returning soon with it.

It wasn't until a little over halfway of stacking the bodies and pallets that Evie let out a hiss of pain. The left sleeve of her shirt was soaked in blood from where the leader had bitten her.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Dean got to work on getting bodies stacked in a few different piles near and around the makeshift pyre. This took a bit of time but within half-way was when Dean stopped to look at Evie. He went over to her to check on her to realize that her arm was soaked in blood. He then remembered what happened and sighed. "Take a break. Sam and I can finish the rest. See if you can get that arm patched up till we get to the Motel." Dean told her with a knowing nod. She was a tough cookie that was for sure. Now, it was the brothers turns to finish the task.

When the brothers were done, Dean went over to Thomas' body and picked him up carefully. He then went over and placed him on a make shift pyre. After that he pulled out some matches, then looking to Evie. "Come here kid." Showing her the matches. "Would you like to do the honors?" He asks her.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Evie gave him a little nod in reply before moving out of their way so they could work. She was able to find a piece of cloth that wasn't blood soaked or too dirty, bandaging it around her wound surprisingly with only one hand and the skill of someone who tended to hunting wounds. She sighed softly once it was done, a dull sting rising as adrenaline wore off.

She walked over when Dean called to her, holding a couple matches out to her. Even at a young age she was warned against matches but this was different now. She was giving someone close to her a proper goodbye. She nodded in reply, taking the matches as well as the box before lighting them. "Goodbye, Thomas. Thank you...for everything." She said before tossing it towards the pyre, the wood, gas, and bodies taking flame.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Dean figured it was better that Evie got her proper good-bye and setting the bloodsuckers aflame. It was only fair for him because of what they did to her and her former guardian. Dean stood there for few minutes and watched Evie before placing a hand on her shoulder. "Let's go. I'm guessing that was your car that got wrecked. Let's grab what we can of yours and head to the motel." He offered as he guided her outside and toward the wrecked car.

From there they let Evie grab what she wanted and escorted her to the Impala, stashing all their weapons in the back under the false floor board. Dean started up his Baby and they headed back to the motel as promised. When they got there, the older grabbed a bag that was their first aide and went to the table. "Evie, right? Go ahead and grab a shower. We'll patch that arm up afterwards." Dean pulled out some wipes they had and cleaned his hands before leaning back in the chair while having looked to his little brother. "You wanna go ahead and call Boddy? I'm going to clean off my bed and let her have it for the night." Dean slowly stood up and went to clean off his bed for Evie to sleep on. Being the cilverous guy he was.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Evie nodded in agreement, giving the pyre one last look before following the brothers to the wrecked car. There she grabbed her backpack and opened the trunk for them to grab the weapons and supplies stashed there. She got into the backseat of the impala, hugging her knees close to her as they drove off.

At the hotel she looked over at the one who hugged her before nodding again. "It's Evelyn, but Evie's fine." She replied before grabbing a change of clothes and heading to the bathroom to clean up.

"Bobby, we managed to get rid of the coven." Sam said before explaining everything to the older hunter. "She's with us now, a little shooken up but she's alive." He sighed softly.

After a bit, Evie stepped out with a weak smile before sitting in a chair at the table, placing her arm on it. "I never got your name. I got his." She said, looking over at Sam who was still talking with Bobby.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Bobby hummed here and there as Sam explained what happened. "I see. Think you might bring her here when you come back this way? I want to get a look at the kid. I'll have some fake certificates made so we can hide that bloodline of hers. Keep certain things off her trail." Bobby explained. "Take care of the kid. Don't let Dean ruin her too much." More of a joke to lighten the mood.

When Dean was done with cleaning the bed off, he saw Evie come out of the bathroom and over to the table. He went and sat down on the other chair and pulled things while checking her arm to see if she needed stitches or just a simple bandage. "The name's Dean Winchester. Sam's my younger brother." Determining what needed to be done, poured alcohol on the wound and began bandaging it up. "Tell me a little about yourself,
Evie." Giving her something to distract her.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Will do, Bobby." Sam replied, glancing over at Dean as he patched up Evie's arm. He knew it had to hurt despite her putting on a brave face. He and Dean both dealt with bites so he understood her pain. She was tough, he'd give her that, but she was also just a kid. A kid who shouldn't be exposed to the supernatural or hunting life.

"What's there to know? I'm a Van Helsing; a descendant of one of the greatest hunters in history." She replied before hissing at the sting of alcohol cleaning her wound. "My parents died when I was four and I've been in hiding ever since. I learned about my lineage when I was ten and been training for four years to live up to the family name."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Dean rolled his eyes at the first part but he listened to her none the less. His heart broke her, knowing what it was like to be on the run. Not having a place to go. It was the life of a hunter and this girl was just too young to be in it. "Not exactly what I meant but I'm sorry for your loss kid. It's not easy to have this kind of lifestyle." Once he was done he cleaned up his mess and set the kit aside. He looked at her with a little more seriousness. "What I meant was what your interests are. What you don't like. Food, movies, places, things like that. We want you know You. Not your family history. You."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Evie blinked at this statement, never having been asked it before. "First of all, I hate pink. Like the obnoxious neon or bubblegum pink. Magenta is okay, but pink is a solid no for me." She said, relaxing a little and bringing a piece of her wall down. She never really got to express herself much because of being in hiding most of her life.

"I love hamburgers, especially double bacon cheeseburgers with fries." She grinned, getting an eye roll from Sam. Great, a female mini Dean. He thought while shaking his head. Evie soon opened up more telling the brothers she preferred action, sci-fi, and some horror movies and gagged at romance ones. She always wanted to go to New Orleans.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

Member Seen 1 hr ago

This made Dean relax knowing that Evie found that she could talk about her interests infront of the brothers. Hearing that she loved burgers and the types of movies she liked to watch had brightened his day. No doubt made Sam groan since he was the opposite of them. Hearing how the kis wanted to see New Orleans, Dean wondered about taking the her to go see the place some day. For now he was glad she was willing to open up.

Soon enough it was time to hit the hay and Dean was starting to get tired himself after all that happened. Dean stood up and stretched. "I think it's time to hit the hay. You can have my bed tonight. We'll leave in the morning and go from there." Informing her, figuring that he could sleep on the floor. It wouldnt be the first time.
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