Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Are you sure? I don't mind sleeping on the floor." Evie said, looking at him with concern. She did find it a nice gesture he offered but she didn't want him to be uncomfortable. "I'll sleep in the chair even."

"Oh for God's sake..." Sam muttered before standing up. "I'll take the floor, you have my bed, Dean."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Dean raised his hand after even trying to suggest sleeping on the floor before he looked abruptly at Sam who muttered before declaring that he was going to take the floor. He had to stop him right there. "No can do. International Dibs rule, I'm taking the floor. No ifs, ands, or buts. I already moved my things so I take floor. Sam keeps his bed, Evie tkes the other bed. Now! I'm going to bed and you all are doing the same! Goodnight." Dean said as he grabbed him some clothes to change into pajama wise and then made himself a bed space between both beds and got comfy as one could get before slowly going to sleep himself.

When morning hit, Dean was up about 8 a.m. and went to take a shower, having remembered that he had blood and gunk from last night and hadn't showered. Taking his time, he eventually got out, changed, and did his morning routine before exiting the bathroom and packing his things up while letting who were still asleep, sleep.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Upon Dean speaking up, both of them stopped bickering, Sam shrugging as Evie got comfortable under the blankets. However it was a sleepless night full of nightmares as Evie slept, haunted by the monsters she hunted. Tormented by Thomas's death which would've never happened if not for her.

She woke up the next morning with a start, dazed as to where she was before remembering. Sam was packing his things up and Dean was nowhere to be seen. "You're up. Dean went to checkout and grab us breakfast." Sam said, finishing his packing. Evie nodded before yawning and heading to change while Sam went out to place his bag in the impala.

"She seems to have adjusted well despite everything that happened yesterday." He said upon seeing Dean return. Then a thought appeared in his mind. "How are we going to explain this to Cas?" He asked him. A scream escaped from the room; Evie's scream.

She came running out, hiding behind the two as she looked back at the room in fear. "He-He just appeared out of nowhere!" She exclaimed as a familiar tan trenchcoated figure stepped out.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

Member Seen 43 min ago

Having gone and got some breakfast for all three of them, Dean opened the door with a bit of finagling with the door and his three to-go boxes of breakfast in hand. He closes the door and sets the boxes on the table while having looked to his brother when he told him how Evie seemed to be adjusting well. Dean honestly thought differently. He was waiting for it to catch up to her, it always did sooner or later. FOr now, he was going to play things off as if it was a normal day. In a sense.

Before he could say anything about how they might explain things to Castiel, Dean's head snapped up at the sound of Evie's scream. He was alert and trying to figure out what was going on and how anything could have come in here. He grabbed his gun from the back of his jeans where he kept it and as Evie came out and hid behind them. When a familiar trenchcoat could be seen, the older Winchester relaxed and put his gun away while turning on the safety. "Cas!" He walked up to the brunette angel and smiled as he gave him a hug in welcome. It took Cas a moment but had returned the gesture knowing that this was part of the Winchester's greeting, especially when you were considered family. "Dean." When they both released from the other, the angel looked to Sam and gave him a curt nod. "Sam. It's good to see you both."

"It's good to see you too. It's been a while." Dean felt happy that he got to see Cas again. Especially since he had been an ally during the Apocalypse despite turning on haven who wanted to let it happen, mainly the archangels that were loyal to Micheal. Dean then had his attention caught by something else as he looked to Evie and motioned her over with a flick of his head to come over. "Cas, this is Evie. Evie, this is Castiel. He's an angel and one of our good friends." Dean introduced.

Castiel looked Evie over and then realized what she was as his eyes widened before looking to Dean and Sam. "She's a Van Helsing." He pointed out of which Dean seemed to give no surprise liked Cas may have thought. "We know. And that doesn't leave between us. We were just given guardianship of her." Dean explained.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Evie was hesitant about coming close but eventually did, blinking in surprise upon learning this Cas was an angel. He didn't look like one; untidy brown hair, bright blue eyes, a suit with a tie that was loose and crooked, and a trenchcoat. "I've never sensed an angel before." She said before looking at them.

"I don't know how to explain it, but I'm able to sense the good or bad in people. With Cas...I can't describe it, really but I just know he's good. Like you and Sam. Although...there's this...emptiness to Sam." She said before blushing and shyly looking away.

"I'm sorry. I'm talking too much." She mumbled.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Dean and Castiel looked to Evie as she explained about sensing people. Dean was especially surprised and speechless by this new discovery. Castiel too was surprised but he had heard the Van Helsings had a gift that made them special. What surprised Dean was that when Evie explained that she could sense an emptiness within Sam. This made the older brother look at him in shock before looking over to Cas. "Emptiness? How?!" Looking at his brother. He seemed to connect the dots then. Sam's sudden mood swings that normally made him angrier and violent. "Did you know Sam?" This made Dean upset and confused. Almost angry even.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sam sighed deeply, knowing that Dean would react this way even if he told him in the first place. "Yeah, kinda hard not to know I don't have my soul with me, Dean. It's not easy getting out of Hell when you're trapped in a cage! But you wouldn't know that, would you? No, you weren't in there with him and you had him to help pull you out." Sam spat venomously, pointing at Cas on the last sentence.

"Stop it!" Evie exclaimed, running to stand between them all. She knew she wasn't much of a fight against the tall Winchester but she knew he wouldn't hurt her now that she was his charge. "Please don't fight about this. There has to be a way we can get his soul back, right?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

Member Seen 43 min ago

Dean was taken aback by Sam's sudden rage while explained some of what happened. How could he have known? He didn't know that Sam came back without his soul. Especially if Dean had come back from hell with his soul intact. Now all Dean felt was anger that Sam would dare blow up at him for something he tried to stop Sam from doing a year and a half ago. Yet when he was about to say something it was Evie that suddenly got between them, to stop Sam. "Evie..." Now Dean felt bad. That she had to get between them to stop Sam when it should have been him.

Castiel took a step forward as he hesitantly placed a hand on Sam's shoulder. "Sam. Please do not blow up on Dean. I was the one that pulled you from the cage. Sadly when I managed to pull you out, your soul did not make it back to your body as I had hoped." Castiel explained, hoping that this would help clear what Sam seemed so upset about and for Dean to understand what happened. "Fortunately, as I looked for a way to get it back, I may have found the answer." Looking to the brothers this time. "I had hoped...that I could have returned it to Sam before something worse happened. For this, I am sorry for keeping you both in the dark." Apologizing for this secrecy on the brothers. He hadn't meant to bring harm to them to the point to lash out at each other.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 2 mos ago

"So his soul is trapped inside a cage in Hell. Why wasn't it able to come back, is there something on the cage preventing it?" Evie asked, unaware of what the true purpose of the cage was and the terror which lay inside. Sam pulled his shoulder away from Cas' hand after he spoke, glaring before Evie talked about the cage.

"Not something, someone. Lucifer. The cage I foolishly opened, releasing him upon the world. I agreed into becoming his true vessel to trick and trap him in the cage again along with Michael." He explained before going quiet.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Castiel understood Sam's frustration and why he reacted harshly to his, most likely unwanted touch. He only wanted to mend what he hadn't been able to fix at the time, hoping to be forgiven. But it seemed that he would need to earn Sam's trust once more.

Dean took a deep breath, remembering all too well what had happened for Sam to be tricked into opening the Cage to Sam tricking Lucifer to get him back in, at the cost of his brother. It still hit Dean pretty hard and how he knew no way to get Sam out, figuring there was no way to get him out without bringing Lucifer with. Dean looked to Sam as he explained it to Evie before going quiet before looking back to Cas. "You said there was a way to give Sam back his Soul. How do we do it?"

The brunette angel looked to Dean and gave a curt nod. "There's a way, but sadly I am not the one to know it. That would be Crowley. And from what I understand. He is King of Hell now. He will have the answers. It would be a matter of finding him for I could not." Castiel explained to Dean. Dean looked confused. "You think you found a way, yet you don't and that Crowley knows. How does that work, Cas?"

"I found a way but I found it by trying to find Crowley who know for sure. Right now I have few windows to help find Crowley...." Castiel seemed to look tired and that alone made Dean worry. "What's going on Cas? What you mean you have few windows?"

Cas looked to both brothers before his shoulders sagged. "Haven is in the middle of a Civil War. Between those who wanted the Apocalypse to happen and those want to protect Earth and God's creations." Castiel explains.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Wait, what?" Evie asked, completely lost at hearing about someone named Crowley and shocked about the civil war in Heaven. "Why would angels want the apocalypse to happen? They're supposed to be the good guys!" She exclaimed before looking over at Cas with worry. While she sensed he himself was good, she was now unsure of what side he was on.

"You're not with them on wanting the apocalypse, are you?" She asked, her voice hopeful.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Dean scoffed at that. He was surprised that there was a Civil War within haven yet knowing Cas there could be nothing he could do since it was taking place in haven. This meant Cas wouldn't be able to help them since hevan was his home, but Dean understood. "Trust me. At the time, all the angels were nothing but dicks. Honestly, Cas was one at the time till we helped find out that they wanted it to happen. Calling it part of God's plan. At least that was what Douche bag Zack called it while trying to bring hell on earth." Dean informed Evie.

Castiel was mildly surprised of Evie's reaction about angels but in a way, he wasn't since they were considered supernatural and rarely seen. "We were suppose to be I suppose. Yet when other angels realized what was going on it had too late. Now that the Apocalypse is over and the Archangels are gone, a Civil War broke out and divided. I am amongst those who want to protect God's creations. It is thanks to the Winchesters that my eyes were open to the truth." Cas explained.

"We'll see what we can do to finding Crowley. But I'm sure you need to get back to your fight for haven. You know if you need our help, let us know, Cas." Dean told him. Castiel nodded before looking to Evie. "It was good to meet you Evelyn. I hope we meet again among better circumstances." And with a blink, the angel was gone. Dean sighed, knowing now he needed to go talk to Sam and apologize. Looking to his brother, he walked closer to his younger brother, trying to find the words before looking him in the eyes. "I'm sorry Sam. I should have figured you knew and not turned on you like that. I'd wished you told me sooner so we could have started looking."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 2 mos ago

"It's fine, Dean." Sam replied, not really wanting to brood over it any longer than they already have. "So, what's the plan for finding Crowley? No doubt he'll be in Hell ruling it."

"Hold up, who's this Crowley guy?" Evie asked, coming out of her stunned state when Cas disappeared into thin air.

"A crossroads demon and self proclaimed king of hell. He's...interesting." Sam explained before glancing at Dean.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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"Yep. I'd say if we want to look for Crowley, we can always try his crossroad underlings. See what they're willing to spill. Or we can wait to find something related to Crowley that may pop up. Either way we're going to need to be careful about this with Evie with us. I'd say we get her an anti possession tattoo, but it's going to be a little hard to get her into a tattoo shoo with her age. We're going to have to find other ways to keep her under the rada." Dean explained. He looked to Evie.

"Let's eat first before packing up the rest of our things. I don't know about you but I'm hungry." He walks around them to get to the table. And lays out the to-go boxes with each of their names on it. Dean got Evie a little bit of everything since he didn't know what she liked breakfast wise and got Sam what he usually liked.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Wait, anti possession tattoo?" Evie asked, her eyes widening in surprise. She had heard of charms preventing possession but never a tattoo. Sam sighed before moving his shirt collar so she could see for herself. "Cool." She grinned before taking her to go box and starting to eat. Turned out she wasn't too picky of an eater, devouring the pancakes, sausage, and scrambled eggs Dean had gotten her.

She was going to ask Dean something before bursting out into laughter upon seeing a piece of egg stuck to the left corner of his mouth, obviously oblivious it was even there. Her laugh was joyous and melodic.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Dean was now wondering what all the kid was given knowledge to while he ate his breakfast. He was also wondering how he should start teaching Evie. This definitely going to be interesting since he had never taught anyone before. Especially a kid, who he now had to be careful how they handled everything. Dean's whole. Thought process was interrupted when he heard launching next to him. Glancing over to the source, seeing Evie looking at him as she was laughing. This made Dean confused and wonder what made her laugh at him. He swallowed what he had in his mouth before he spoke. "What? What's so funny?" He had to admit it was good to see her laugh, that she was feeling somewhat better.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Your face!" Evie cackled, holding her sides as they began to hurt. It had been far too long since she had laughed like this. She was little when it had happened, too young to fully remember. She eventually calmed down long enough to gesture to the left side of her face as if wiping something off. "You have egg on you." She giggled.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

Member Seen 43 min ago

The older Winchester waited till Evie was done laughing though it caused him to smile a little. He wanted her to keep that smile since she looked better with it. When he learned he had some egg on his face, he grabbed a napkin and wipped his face to get it off. He went back to eating, not before taking a little bit of strawberry jam and wiping it on the tip of her nose a d then reaching over to Sam real quick and getting him too.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Beetlejuice96


Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Hey!" Evie exclaimed with a giggle before wiping it off with a napkin. Sam was less impressed as he gave his brother a look of really before wiping it off. Whether it was being soulless or being a bit more mature than his brother, it was clear he didn't like the little prank.

Once finished with breakfast, Evie packed up and headed to the car with the brothers. "So, what's the plan?" She asked as they drove off.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

Member Seen 43 min ago

Dean shrugged off Sam's look that was thrown at him, he was Sam's brother and therefore entitled to mess with him every once in a while. After breakfast was done, Dean grabbed what was left to grab, packed it up in the trunk, got in and started up the Impala. It wasn't before getting out onto the road that Evie asked about what the plan was. "We're going to back a stop to a friend's place before we go anywhere else," Dean explained as he set his destination for Bobby's house. Figuring they could get Evie set up with some things, check her stuff out and see where they can get her learning some of the supernatural and how they are taken out.
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