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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 4 days ago

Kay made the facial expression of 'ohhhhhh' when he explained what he actually meant before shooting him a sheepish smile. "No I didn't know I was doing that bit, I thought I was just being nice and giving you a hug" she explained, before she too heard the front door open and frowned at Chas and Serena interrupting their weird nice moment together. She was about to jump off his lap when he picked her up making her hold onto him by draping one arm round his neck to the back of his shoulders, and the other holding onto his shoulder from the front. She saw the state of Serena and frowned in worry, wondering what on Earth she did to make herself that drained of energy.

As Serena began to fall as she tried to protest being carried, Chas grabbed her with the aid of her shadows before getting in front of her, squatting down and lifting her onto his back piggy back style. "Serena, no protesting, you can barely stay upright" he told her just as he saw John and Kay appear and he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the way they appeared. He did not expect to see John carrying the woman and wondered what they arrived to. He figured it was nothing riskay as they were both very much fully dressed but it was still curious noen the less. "Uh, yeah and no. She's cold to the touch and weak as she used way too much energy. She needs rest quickly" he explained. "I'll explain properly when I got her to bed" he added, stepping forward whilst making sure he had a firm hold on Serena.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Serena was fighting to stay awake as John set Kay down and moved over, checking Serena over. ā€œSheā€™s used heavy magicā€¦letā€™s get her to the sitting room. I need to make sure she didnā€™t damage her magic coreā€ he helped Chas get to the couch and laid her down, rested a hand on her forehead. ā€œSerena? Love can you hear me?ā€

Serena nodded weakly but her vision was bad now. John looked at Chas and said ā€œmate what the heck did she do?ā€
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 4 days ago

Kay gladly got down from John's arms and stood on her own two feet, equally worried about Serena and how she currently was. SHe remained close by as the two men brought Serena through to the main room and put her on the couch, letting John have all the room he needed to be able to check Serena over and see what he could do to help her out. "She put a curse on the doc, we both lost our cool when he opened his damn mouth, but Serena let her shadows restrain him before giving him every single ngihtmare from every minor in the hospital wing and from Kay and cursed him to forever feel and see those nightmares every hour. Or something like that. She decided death was too easy of an out for him" he explained, rubbing the back of his neck as he tried to remember everything in the right order to make sure he didn't leave anything out.

Kay couldn't believe what she was hearing and what Serena did for not only her, but all those kids that he was still inflicting a lifetime of pain onto. "Oh Serena... you shouldn't have used that much power" she told her new friend softly. She never wanted her new friends to put themselves in such danger to help her out or keep her safe. "If I knew what you were going to do and how much you were going to put yourself through I never would have allowed you to go" she added, feeling like in some ways this was her fault. If she didn't have those nightmares, if she didn't tell John what they consisted of, then this never would have happened.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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John shook his head and said ā€œI donā€™t think this was the plan, Kayā€¦I think she lost her control like the gods did in old times. But they didnā€™t have human bodies to deal withā€¦Chas? Sheā€™s freezing, letā€™s get warm blankets. Iā€™ll work on a spell to help recharge her coreā€¦and fastā€ he jumped up and headed to the work room

Serena was breathing sharply, her eyes half closed. She looked at Kay and muttered ā€œitā€¦is worth itā€¦to save your heart and soulā€¦ā€ she smiled weakly and held her hand out to Kay.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 4 days ago

Chas nodded and power walked off to grab the blankets that he knew were around the room and brought them back placing the pile ontop of the coffee table before one by one unfolding them by shaking them out and began to lay them over Serena as she spoke to Kay and held her hand out to her. Kay stayed as much out of the way as possible but also also close enough to hold Serena's hand as she clearly was gesturing for. The fact that Serena said it was worth it made Kay shake her head lightly, thinking that seeing her in such a state wasn't worth it, but that's just who she was as a person. She enveloped the girl's hand in both of hers, feeling how cold she truly was. She didn't know how to fully help but she did wonder if one thing would. Closing her eyes, she asked Fee mentally for help and soon enough her hands began to heat up slowly to try and transfer some heat over to Serena.

She got the idea from when John said she seemed to restore him just by hugging him out of concern for his wellbeing, figuring that if such an simple act like that worked when tending to John, then maybe it would work with Serena, a woman she was clearly bound to in some connection or another as well. "you're gonna be okay Serena, it's our time to look after you" she told her. Letting one hand go, whilst still keeping another hand holding Serena's, she placed her now free hand on Serena's forehead in a blind attempt to transfer the warmth to other areas of Serena.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Serena smiled softly and said ā€œIā€™m always okay with you Kay...you remind me so much of him...the one I lost...ā€ she shivered then closed her eyes. John came in with a book as Serena said ā€œhe was soft...like you but protective like Chas...and funny...he was perfect for me...too perfect...I wasnā€™t fast enough...I couldnā€™t protect him...I could spare him...ā€

John looked at Chas and raised an eyebrow. ā€œThe drain must be messing with her mind a little...who is she talking about?ā€
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 4 days ago

Kay and Chas both continued to just watch over Serena as John focused on getting the appropriate book to aid him in helping Serena. What she was saying was baffling both of them, and Kay wondered who she was on about, having never thought she could remind someone of someone else so vividly. Kay found herself continuing to keep trying to warm Serena up, stroking her forehead to keep an eye on her temperature at the same time, that she barely noticed John come back in the room until he spoke up. Chas looked at John as the question was more directed toward him and he could nothing but shrug. "Beats me. I'm guessing a loved one of some kind?" he took a guess, having not really questioned Serena about anyone from her past before, but now it was being brought up he figured it really needed to be questioned when she was feeling a lot more with it.

"Shh Serena, just focus on getting warmer and resting. We can talk about him later okay?" Kay practically cooed motherly, speaking softly at the same time. She was worried about who she was speaking of and if it was the fact the magic drain was causing this, but she didn't want Serena to be more upset and possibly cause complications in her recovery. She pulled another cushion down and put it under Serena's head to make sure the woman was completely comfortable.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

John moved to the coffee table and laid the book on it, flipping thru the pages as Serena turned her head. ā€œI loved him you know..,more then anyone...he was my rock...trained me to fighting hand to hand...he wasnā€™t even scared of my shadows...he knew what was coming for me and yet...he stayed and fought them off so I could run...or fight...we almost got out but...that bullet was for me and...he took it. He tackled me and took the shot...I held him as he died...he smiled at me the whole time...my shadows eating the demons to nothing...ā€

Tears rolled down her face and John looked up. ā€œSheā€™s talked about losing someone...man thatā€™s not right...ā€ he paused at a page and nodded. ā€œGot it. Itā€™s a easy one, a healing spell. Crap...I need a feather. I wonder if manny dropped one...ā€ he got up and went back to the office.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 4 days ago

Kay listened to Serena talk about the one person she loved and how he died, feeling the pain she felt emotionally. "I'm so sorry you had to witness that Serena" she told her softly, seeing now that Serena clearly needed to get this off her chest and not just keep it bottled up anymore. As the tears fell down the woman's face, Kay used her thumb to wipe them away for her when she overheard John talk about needing a feather. As he went toward the office she looked up and called out, "John! Would one of mine work?!" she asked, knowing that phoenix's were all about rebirth and healing and figured that is Manny hadn't dropped one, then he could just pluck one from her own wings. To her, it was the least she could do for Serena after everything she and Chas had just done for her.

Chas couldn't help but think it was a good idea, and strangely surprised that Kay would just offer up one of her own feathers just like that. To him it said a lot about her character as if there was one thing that would be certain, would be that phoenix feathers were just as rare as the bird itself for obvious reasons. "She makes a good point John! Her kind are all about healing and rebirth, it's worth a shot" he added before John could reply to her suggestion. Just as Chas said that, Kay willed her wings to appear through her 'tattoo' on her back, letting them appear and relax behind her, her larger bottom feathers touching the floor and just sprawling out like fabric would on a long skirt's train or the likes.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

John came back and said ā€œwhat was that? I couldnā€™t hear ya. But he didnā€™t drop...ā€ then he saw her wings out and said ā€œoh, thatā€™s a better ideaā€ he walked over and knelt down, carefully pulling a loose feather out and rested it on the book. He clapped his hands and muttered a chant under his breath, his eyes glowing and then the feather glowed gold.

John nodded and moved back. ā€œThere, now just rest the feather on her chest, right above her heart. This should help her recover fast before any permanent damage happensā€ Serena was shaking, her eyes half closed.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 4 days ago

Kay was about to roll her eyes at John coming back saying he couldn't hear what was said, until he figured it out himself by seeing her wings. She elt him walk over and kneel down to find a loose feather and pluck it from her, which she still found herself bracing herself for as she did still feel it pluck from the root and be removed. As it removed, her wings shuddered ever so slightly, almost in a manner of refluffing themselves to make up for the lack of one feather that John took with permission. There was just something about feeling his hands on her feathers that almost sent a shiver up her back, but not in a negative manner. Just like if someone were to stroke a human's back or arm, she felt every touch through the nerves in her wings. She wouldn't say it out loud with so many around, but there was almost something sensual about the very action. oNe she didn't fully realise until now.

She let John do the incantation without disturbing him until he was done, finding it fascinating what he could do before nodding, taking her feather and placing it on Serena's chest, right above her heart. "Don't let this fall off of you Serena, it's to help heal you, now get some sleep" she told her. She tentatively let go of Serena's hand and stood up before her knees or legs could cease up in the crouching position she was in this entire time. As she stood up, her wings made a very small stretching motion before shaking themselves a bit.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

John finished the spell once the feather was in place and it glowed brighter, starting to work. Serena sighed as the magic started to fix the damage and she turned her head, her shaking stopping. John moved to Chas and muttered ā€œwe need to figure out what she was talking about mateā€¦ā€

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 4 days ago

Chas let John do what he needed to before stepping to one side to give Kay and her wings more room. He watched over Serena as her shaking clearly stopped and saw how Kay kept watching over her also, finding it was proving that there wasn't a dull moment with the girls around. Hearing what John was muttering he nodded, "Agreed mate, seems it was a past lover or something" he muttered back to him, finding evrything that Serena was talking about highly curious to say the least. "Find it interesting though that she said Kay and I remind her of who this person was. And in other curiosities I got, what was with you and Kay while we were gone? Not seen you be so willing to carry someone in a long time" he smirked as he muttered more.

Kay could hear everything that was being muttered between the two men, but decided to not embarrass them by saying something. Instead she just let her wings disappear back into her 'tattoo' on her back and stretch her legs by pacing a little bit as she kept watch on Serena. She really did hope the woman would pull through, but she did also hope that they could go one day without anything traumatic happening to either of them and they coul experience what a normal day would be like. She also just wanted to truly figure out what was happening between herself and John as there was clearly something but she just didn't know what.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

John blushed a little and muttered ā€œmanny showed up and you know how he keeps me from slugging himā€¦he drained me. And I felt like it after he left and she gave me a hug and helped my core recoverā€¦she was on my lap when we heard you guys come inā€

Serena sighed again and turned her head, the color returning to her face. John looked over and said ā€œthis wonā€™t work for everythingā€¦but a power drain it works in a pinchā€
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 4 days ago

Chas listened to what John was saying and he couldn't help but smirk when the very question got a smallest of blushes out of his mate he didn't think he'd see that happen but it seemed he was mistaken. "so that's what you kids are calling it nowadays.." he joked, unable to resist teasing John and implying more went on than what actually went on. It had felt like a long time since he had an opportunity to do.

Kay rolled her eyes at what Chas was implying whilst her back was turned to them, before making her wings disappear and look toward Serena when she heard her sigh. She was certainly looking better already and was thankful that the spell John used and her feather was indeed helping Serena recover. "it's working, that's the main thing" she spoke up finally.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

John nodded and looked around and said ā€œI am going to look into this guy Serena is talking aboutā€¦then keep up the search on Kayā€™s motherā€¦ā€ he turned to leave but a sharp stab of pain hit him hard. He gasped stumbled back, holding his chest.

Another hit and he knew something was really wrong. ā€œChasā€¦the mapā€¦checkā€¦the mapā€¦ā€ he grabbed the wall, shaking badly.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 4 days ago

Kay nodded even if she did wonder if he would ever stop for a while and take time out from working himself to the bone. Yet when he doubled over in pain as he began to walk off she was quick to his side, worried about what was happening. Chas was about to see to him but was told to go check the map, so he did exactly that. He ran over to the large round table that always had the map on it and checked it over, low and behold there was new dots of blood appearing. "yup, there's problems occurring." he confirmed.

Kay slid her arm under and round John to help be another crutch for him and so she could help him to the armchair that was close enough to them both to get him to. "come on, let's get you in the chair" she told him, wondering why he was feeling such pain. "just lean on me John" she suggested.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

John tried to lean on her but gasped again as a new flash of pain hit him harder then before, making him lean forward in pain. ā€œChas...where...how many...it must be bad to link to me...like this...ā€ he sat in the chair and held his chest, his eyes glowing.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 4 days ago

Kay was worried about John and how it was affecting him. She felt helpless as all she wanted to do was take the pain away and she didn't know how to. Instead all she could do was look at Chas for an answer and hope they wouldn't regret asking it. Chas looked further and counted the spots on the map, his heart sinking in his chest as the number didn't seem to be stopping. "I'm counting 15 and they're just multiplying. That's not even the bad news" he told his best mate. "What's the bad news?!" Kay asked, wondering how that wasn't even the bad part considering it was doing to John.

"The bad news is they're all running toward this house" Chas replied, slowly looking up and toward Kay and John. "Sorry I asked" she muttered, really now wishing she didn't ask the question. She remained by John's side in the hopes that somehow she could fathom something out to help him even though she was completely clueless on how she could help.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

John looked up and muttered ā€œset up...a spot outside mate...I donā€™t think they mean harm...I think they are in pain...I feel the pain they are in...itā€™s more then it looks...ā€ he flinched and lowered his head, fighting to breath.

ā€œI sense suffering...ā€ Serena slowly sat up, holding the feather to her chest. ā€œI sense human souls...in great pain...Kay, they need you...ā€ outside the window people were appearing, looking like they needed help and were in pain. Serena got up slowly and said ā€œChas, we should check it out first...Kay? Bring John out when he can move againā€
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