Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


The world has changed.
What exactly caused it never came to light, but what was told from word on mouth was that a great cataclysm caused the near extermination of man. A few places remained untouched at first but that was before the Great Winter came.
Winters grew more long and harsh forcing humanity to bundle together in settlements and taking care of one another.
Countries ceased to be, the greater and more powerful cities however sought to control their people and control the food supply, thus forcing most of the smaller nearby towns into contracts that felt more like nooses, ready to be tightened and be made to obey.
These cities formed the Empirical Conclave, carving out large chunks of land to add as theirs, after all the people had to be fed.

Frostridge and the others would have been swallowed too if it hadn’t been for what lurked in the darkness of night and had seemed to come after the first long winter.
The Creatures.
Predators that hunted at night with a preference for humans since they were slow and weak.
Towns were exterminated, those that had tried to fight them perished. Hunting parties never returned.
Safe for one.
A young boy then had been spared when it had stumbled into a field of flowers. Snow’s Mercy’s to be exact.
It had been enough to cease the attacking creatures until daylight finally drove them away.
Ever since that incident people hard used the small blue starlike flower in the necklaces around their neck and as wreaths upon their door. They grew them around their houses making sure that their places would be protected that way.
It had halted the raids on villages and Frostridge itself hadn’t had another incident like it not until 6 years ago…

The Elders had come home with the lifeless bodies of Edwin and Aliena Ramsley, the wreaths had been found torn from their necks and later had been recovered.
No one knew exactly what had happened and the Elders more or less silenced any rumours on the matter. The children that were left behind were offered to be taken in by other families, but the eldest girl refused. Selene insisted she could take care of her brother and sister even though she was just 15.
She demanded a chance to prove herself and so the Elders agreed.
Like all other families she had to make sure they could contribute to the village, therefore a fixed tribute was required; a toll if you will so the village would be able to supply everyone with their rations for the winter. Farmers offered crops, Hunters offered game, Crafters and Smiths offered their tools and services and all depended on trading something back for it of value.
Now Selene had kept faith and had been able to provide the required tribute each year, but things were about to change this particular year….
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Selene’s quick feet hurried her along the safe path through the woods. The path of the small winter hardened flowers called ‘Snow’s Mercy’. The light blue flowers with their white inner petals were the only thing that seemed to hold the creatures at bay. Her free hand shot up to her neck, making sure her wreath was still hanging around it as she made her way down the slope and towards the village. It was Tribute day and she was running late.
It had been difficult enough managing the flock after her father’s passing and gather enough for her toll every year. Her offering of wool and frost berries would have to do.
Every year the villagers had to pay the toll and receive their share of the tribute. It was a way for the village to keep tabs on everyone, who was managing and who needed help.
The Elders had decided it would be the fairest way to assure fair trades and avoid driving up prices.
Smith offered their craft, the Doctor his knowledge, the Hunter his game and a farmer like her the fleece from her flock.
She tried to avoid glancing backwards, she could just feel their eyes on her even here in the broad daylight. She tried desperately to not think about it and let fear ruin her mood even further.
Seeing the trees become sparser and the first thatched roofs coming into view she released a sigh of relief, hopefully she would still be on time. As the sack bounced against her back she hurried down and towards the village centre.
If her sister had only done the job she had asked her to do, she would have been on bloody time. But no, when she finished her own chores in time intending to head out to the village early she had found her brother working his way through the job Ella had been supposed to do. Oh, Selene would have a word or two with that stupid girl when she god back, did she want them to separate, because that was what the Elders had promised to do if she failed at providing for them. Not making the toll on time on Tribute day would arouse their suspicions and that was the last thing she wanted.

As soon as she stepped upon the first stones of the gravel path that marked the village’s boundary she heard a soft whistle that made her look to the left.
“Well, well if it isn’t Selene Ramsley, I was beginning to think you wouldn’t make it.” Sam teased her as he came out of his house with his ‘offerings’. As a skilled hunter his were ‘of the forest’; rabbits he managed to snare, squirrels he managed to lure and trap and fowl that he was able to shoot with his bow. He occasionally had helped her out by giving them some game if she fixed his shirts, for which Selene was grateful, it was just that she couldn’t really stay and be chatty and neither could he for that matter.
“Well I won’t be on time if you’ll be keeping me Samuel Hunt.” She said as she briskly moved on.
“Ho..Hold up Selene!” The young man said as he hurried after her.
“We’ll be late, more than likely we already are!” She threw back as she hurried herself to the Village centre where tables and wares were set up and one of the Elders performed his tasks as the Tollmaster.
Joining the circle Selene quickly noticed her best friend looking at her relieved.
Marina mouthed something along the lines of ‘where have you been?’ since they were too far apart to be heard and during the Calling one had to be silent.
Selene mouthed with an annoyed look ‘Ella’ and saw Marina look back with worry and compassion.
Listening on it seemed her name hadn’t been called out yet, thankfully.
When her turn came up Selene hurried forward with her goods placing them at the feet of the Tollmaster before handing in her Tribute paper. It was a way of keeping track who was asked to bring in what and the Toll tended to change depending on the year. This year it had been a rather hefty toll, no doubt to test her once more, but her tribute would also be more bountiful. She had asked for 3 new pairs of boots from the shoemaker. It was extravagant, but thanks to the higher toll she had gotten the okay from the Elders. After the Tollmaster inspected her wares and assured that all was in order she received her Tribute and a stamped Tribute paper, as proof.
Keeping an eye on the sun she would have a few moments to spare, maybe she could talk to Marina a little before she had to make the journey back.
Moving off to the side she noticed Marina hurried towards her, clearly she had been of the same mind.
As they hugged Marina expressed her concern.
“Oh I have been so worried, normally you are always on time, so I almost thinking something must have happened along the way. Thankfully though you made it in time, father wouldn’t have been pleased otherwise.” She said with a sigh before she listened to a frustrated Selene.
“It was all Ella’s fault, I asked her to do one thing, ONE thing! And does she do it? No, she is nowhere to be found! Instead I find Edric desperately trying to finish her task in time for me, only being halfway done.” She sighed in a defeated manner before she noticed something.
“You’re rather pretty, did your father ask you to get dressed up for the occasion?” Selene asked.
“Oh no, it’s just that I was told to show myself off, this is one of my new dresses for the Tribute dance for the festivities. Father said we would be receiving guests from one of the other free villages. Apparently they have too many boys and not enough girls, so they were invited here.”
Selene raised her eyebrows at that. That was unusual. Still nothing to concern her.
Marina looked at her inquisitively.
“So what about you? Will you come to the dances this year?” Marina asked receiving a dismissing laugh. “What for? To be matched up with someone I hardly know? Sorry I am not that desperate.”
“You can say no of course, it is not like the Elders would force you to marry.”
“I have no dress and even if I had I pale in comparison to you, you’re pretty and I’m not.”
Marina shook her head in protest.
“You’re selling yourself short…again! But I won’t push you I know how thickheaded you can be.” She said as she walked with Selene back to the edge of the village.
“Stay safe Selene, you’d best hurry back, the sun will set soon.” Marina told her hugging her friend again before she watched Selene walk up the path again.
Marina couldn’t help but worry for her friend, living out there in the woods, having this constant shadow of the monsters lurking about. She shivered shaking the nasty feeling off as she headed on home.
Selene kept her pace up, she knew that she would be able to make it in time, but with approaching winter these creatures always got a little more aggressive and it was better to not tempt fate.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Metal Head White Skull 💀

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Metal Head White Skull 💀

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Did u quit?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

No just had a busy couple of days. I'll post tomorrow
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Metal Head White Skull 💀

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Sorry, i just don't wanna do this anymore, lost interest.
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