Hidden 4 mos ago Post by LetsFly
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LetsFly Concierge of Crime

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As she listened, Lyra found herself surprised by his words. The idea of finding solace in the wilderness was foreign to her; for so long, survival had been her sole focus, and the wild had been her adversary rather than her sanctuary.

"No, I'll be find," she replied softly, her voice betraying a hint of exhaustion. Despite her reluctance to admit it, she knew her body craved rest, even if her mind resisted it.

As Finrod abruptly halted his words, Lyra felt a pang of sympathy, recognizing the struggle he seemed to be facing. She wanted to reach out, to offer comfort or reassurance, but she hesitated, unsure if it was her place to do so.

When he expressed concern about being too open, Lyra scoffed lightly, forming a wry smile. "Too open?" she echoed, shaking her head incredulously. "Believe me, you've been anything but."

Despite the levity of her words, there was a warmth in her gaze as she met Finrod's eyes, a silent acknowledgement. She may not fully understand his struggles, but she was determined to offer whatever respite she could, even if only her presence.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by LoadedGuns
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LoadedGuns The Bearded Wonder!

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Finrod, sensing Lyra's unease in the tranquility of the night, spoke up amidst the crackling fire and the soothing sounds of the river. The moon hung high, casting its silvery glow on their surroundings.

"You want some company, Lyra?" he offered, weariness evident in his voice but overridden by a genuine concern. The beauty of the night indescribable, creating a tense yet strangely serene atmosphere.

The fire whispered tales of both warmth and uncertainty as he awaited Lyra's response, the night holding its breath in the midst of their shared solitude.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by LetsFly
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LetsFly Concierge of Crime

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Lyra's weariness mingled with a hint of defensiveness at Finrod's offer. Her guard was up again. Yeah, I'm sure he'd love to give me his company. Her skepticism was born from far too many past experiences of men expecting that their assistance be returned in the only way they expected her to be able. The weight of her exhaustion made her thoughts sharper than intended, a shield against the vulnerability that threatened to seep through the cracks.

She retreated to her bedroll, the cool earth beneath her offering a nice relief from the heat of the fire. Gazing up at the twinkling stars above, she felt a familiar ache for her family, for the stories her father used to tell her. They had been her refuge in a world that often felt harsh and unforgiving.

"Tell me a story," she murmured softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "It doesn't matter if it's true. Just tell me something, anything." There was a rawness in her request, a yearning for a momentary escape from the weight of reality.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by LoadedGuns
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"Tell me a story," "It doesn't matter if it's true. Just tell me something, anything." Lyra said Was she talking to me... or just speaking out loud? Finrod thinking perhaps she was looking for some sort of comfortable feeling... but not knowing many engaging stories... Unsure of why... but Finrod feels he would do what ever Lyra asks... this scares him to the core, its not like him, he has been so isolated from companionship for so long...

Well.. here goes nothing I guess

"Amidst the towering pines of the Whiterun Hold, a lone adventurer named Elysia roamed Skyrim's vast expanse. Wielding a blade forged in the heart of the Throat of the World, she sought solace in the land's rugged beauty.

One fateful day, Elysia stumbled upon a small village nestled between the hills. Its residents, hardy folk accustomed to Skyrim's harsh climate, greeted her warmly. Among them was a blacksmith named Erik, his eyes revealing tales of longing and unspoken dreams.

As Elysia assisted the villagers and forged friendships, she discovered Erik's unfulfilled desire—to prove himself as a capable warrior. Determined to help, she trained alongside him, sharing her skills and knowledge earned through countless battles.

Days turned into weeks, and Erik transformed into a skilled warrior under Elysia's guidance. Together, they faced the challenges Skyrim threw at them – bandit camps, ancient ruins, and fearsome dragons. Yet, in each trial, their bond strengthened.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Erik gathered his courage. With a heartfelt confession, he admitted his feelings for Elysia, and to his delight, she reciprocated.

Their love blossomed, and soon they found themselves standing at the precipice of High Hrothgar, overlooking the breathtaking landscape. Skyrim, once a land of solitude for Elysia, had become a place of love and companionship.

In the glow of the setting sun, Elysia and Erik exchanged vows, pledging to face the challenges of Skyrim together. With a happy heart, Elysia realized that the true treasures of Skyrim weren't just the shouts of power or the riches hidden in ancient tombs but the bonds forged in the crucible of adventure."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by LetsFly
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LetsFly Concierge of Crime

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As Finrod began to weave his tale, Lyra's exhaustion crept up on her like a gentle embrace, soothing her troubled mind. She listened intently, the cadence of his voice mingling with the crackling of the fire and the whisper of the night breeze.

With each word, she felt herself drifting further into a state of tranquility, the weight of the world gradually lifting from her weary shoulders. The story painted vivid images in her mind, transporting her to a realm where adventure and love intertwined amidst the rugged landscapes of Skyrim.

As the tale unfolded, Lyra's eyelids grew heavy, and a sense of calm washed over her. The warmth of the fire and the comforting presence of Finrod enveloped her like a protective cloak, banishing the shadows of her past.

And then, just as she was on the cusp of slumber, Finrod's voice transformed, morphing into the gentle timbre of her father's. It was a bittersweet moment, filled with longing and nostalgia, yet also imbued with a sense of peace.

With a soft sigh, Lyra succumbed to the embrace of sleep, her dreams filled with echoes of Finrod's story and the comforting presence of her father. For the first time in years, she drifted off peacefully, cradled in the arms of tranquility.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by LoadedGuns
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LoadedGuns The Bearded Wonder!

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Watching Lyra drift off to sleep, looking peaceful as ever, Finrod thought to himself how she just seems like a sweet girl looking for a place in the world... Maybe it was fated her and I met...Sleep well, Sweet Lyra

The night hung in a delicate balance, its silence broken only by the crackling of the fire and Finrod's restless thoughts. His eyes refused to succumb to sleep, knowing that if Lyra stirred, his presence would offer her a semblance of security. As he tended to the fire, he couldn't escape the nagging question echoing in his mind What is happening to me...?

For almost three decades, he had navigated the tumultuous world of Tamriel without allowing anyone too close. Yet, here he was, willingly sacrificing his rest for someone he'd only recently met. The moon, a silent spectator, cast a soft glow, illuminating Finrod's contemplative expression.

Lost in the dance of shadows, Finrod couldn't shake the revelation that he hadn't tried so hard for someone in years. The quiet beauty of the night seemed to magnify his internal conflict.

As the embers glowed, Finrod's thoughts drifted back to a darker time, to the war and the Thalmor Embassy. The weight of lives taken in the name of duty bore heavily on his soul, faces of those he had slain haunting his every reflection. What is Lyra would think if she knew the things I've done? he pondered, the ache of remorse etched across his face.

The night slowly relinquished its hold as the sun crested over the mountain, bathing the world in the warm hues of a new day. Finrod, still grappling with his past, faced the dawn with a mixture of hope and uncertainty, wondering if the light of this new day might illuminate a path toward forgiveness and redemption. This is going to be a long day... Finrod thought to himself, realizing he surrendered his sleep for Lyras sake, even if its not what she wanted, He just could'nt help but make sure she was protected.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by LetsFly
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LetsFly Concierge of Crime

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As Lyra stirred from the depths of her slumber, she found herself ensnared in the clutches of a nightmare. Images of an ancient ruins bathed in moonlight flickered before her mind's eye, the same ones from the vision -- accompanied by the elusive symbols that danced in the darkness, taunting her with their incomprehensibility.

But the true terror came when Finrod's visage contorted into a mask of rage, his eyes ablaze with an unfathomable fury. "Traitor!" he hissed to her, the venom in his voice sending shivers down her spine, before he lunged at her, blade drawn, and plunged it into her chest.

With a strangled gasp, Lyra jolted awake, her heart pounding against her ribcage like a frantic drumbeat. The soft hues of dawn cast a soothing glow over the campsite, but the remnants of her nightmare lingered like a sinister shadow, refusing to be banished by the light of day.

Her eyes darted around in search of Finrod, and upon spotting him, she let out a frustrated grunt and hurled a pebble in his direction, striking him squarely on the arm. "You were supposed to wake me up for second watch," she growled, her anger genuine. What good would they be if they couldn't even keep to a simple watch schedule?

Scrambling out of her bedroll, Lyra rubbed the sleep from her eyes, her expression etched with frustration and lingering fear. She hastily fathered her bow, her fingers trembling slightly as she checked its string for tension.

"I need to clear my head," she muttered, "And kill us some breakfast while I'm at it." With that, she set off into the surrounding trees, her steps heavy with unresolved emotions. Though the campsite was small and confined, and she couldn't get far without going back down the mountain, she needed the space to distance herself from the remnants of her dream and the disconcerting image of Finrod's wrathful gaze.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by LoadedGuns
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LoadedGuns The Bearded Wonder!

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As Finrod pondered Lyra's abrupt departure, a sense of confusion lingered in his thoughts. The gentle crackling of the campfire provided a backdrop to his contemplation, and the flickering flames danced in a hypnotic rhythm. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had unintentionally caused some distress, and the question echoed within him What did I do?

Despite the inner turmoil, Finrod decided to channel his energy into preparing for Lyra's return. Gathering wood, he skillfully arranged it, ensuring the fire would be ready to welcome her back. Leaning against a sturdy log, weariness began to settle in, and Finrod's heavy eyes betrayed his need for rest. Soon, the tranquility of the campsite embraced him, and he succumbed to a light slumber.

In the realm of dreams, Finrod found solace in memories of his homeland – a nostalgic journey to the carefree days of his youth, playing with his parents. The warmth of those moments enveloped him, softening the edges of the recent confusion. His mind wandered to a special place, a hidden cave behind a majestic waterfall, where laughter echoed in the company of friends.

However, the peace of his dreams was interrupted by the snapping of a nearby tree branch, a sudden intrusion that jolted him awake. The wind whispered its secrets, and Finrod's eyes darted towards the fallen twigs. Startled, he muttered, "What was that?"

As he surveyed the surroundings, the remnants of his pleasant dream lingered, providing a momentary refuge from the questions that weighed on him. Patiently, he awaited Lyra's return, the crackling fire a beacon in the quiet wilderness, ready to illuminate the path forward.

Contemplating their journey ahead, he quietly wondered where they should go today and which path to take. The unspoken question hung in the air, a conversation he anticipated having with Lyra upon her return.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by LetsFly
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LetsFly Concierge of Crime

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Lyra ventured into the surrounding trees, her bow in hand and her senses keenly attuned to her surroundings. The cool morning air brushed against her skin, invigorating her senses as she set out in search of breakfast.

With practiced precision, Lyra stalked through the underbrush, her footsteps silent as she scanned the forest floor for signs of prey. A pair of rabbits nibbling on tender shoots caught her eye, and she crouched low, her muscles coiled like springs as she took aim.

With a steady hand, she drew her bowstring taut, her focus narrowing to a singular point as she lined up her shot. In one fluid motion, she released the arrow, watching with satisfaction as it sailed through the air and struck its target. The rabbit fell with a soft thud, its companion darting away into the undergrowth.

As she retrieved her kill, Lyra felt a small surge of pride at her skill with the bow. Hunting was becoming a second nature to her, honed in her weeks of surviving alone. She'd been pleased to find that stealth and archery came rather easily to her.

With her prize in hand, Lyra made her way back to the campsite, mind refreshed, her footsteps light as she approached the sound of the crackling fire. As she drew closer, a grin tugged at the corners of her lips, an idea forming in her mind.

With a playful twinkle in her eye, Lyra crept closer to where Finrod lay, his peaceful slumber evident in the rise and fall of his chest. Gathering a handful of fallen twigs, she waited for the perfect moment before letting out a sudden, sharp snap.

The sound echoed through the clearing, breaking the stillness of the morning and startling her companion awake. As he jolted upright, his eyes wide with surprise, Lyra couldn't contain her laughter, her mirth bubbling over.

"Gotcha!" she called out, her grin widening as she revealed herself from her hiding spot behind a nearby tree. "A bit jumpy this morning, are we?"

With a playful flick of her wrist, Lyra tossed the rabbits she had caught onto the ground beside the fire, pulling a blade from her belt with ease and sitting on the log before them to remove the hides. She flashed Finrod a teasing smile.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by LoadedGuns
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LoadedGuns The Bearded Wonder!

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"Gotcha!" Finrod heard Lyra call out, the joy in her voice echoing through the morning air. "A bit jumpy this morning, are we?" Lyra added with a playful grin. Finrod, trying to maintain a tough façade, let out a relieved chuckle. His tension eased as he realized the source of the sound.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Lyra!" Finrod replied, a mischievous smile playing on his lips, giving away his bluff. As he watched Lyra proudly display the breakfast she had collected for them, he couldn't help but feel a warmth in his heart. "I can't wait to eat! I am starving!" Finrod exclaimed.

Observing Lyra as she sat down with a radiant smile, Finrod couldn't help but appreciate the genuine joy she brought to the moment. She does have a pretty smile... cute and funny too he thought to himself. Realizing he had been gazing a bit too long, he quickly averted his eyes, hoping Lyra hadn't noticed. "Rabbit is one of my favorite meals!" he exclaimed, attempting to change the subject. "Where did you learn to hunt, Lyra?"
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by LetsFly
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LetsFly Concierge of Crime

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Lyra grinned as she began to prepare their breakfast. With practiced ease, she set to work skinning and gutting the rabbits, her movements swift and efficient.

As she worked, Lyra fashioned a makeshift spit out of sturdy sticks, carefully skewering the cleaned rabbits and positioning them over the flames. The aroma of roasting meat filled the air, mingling with the scent of wood smoke.

At Finrod's question about her hunting skills, Lyra paused for a moment, her mind racing as she searched for an answer. She was still hesitant to divulge too much about her past, especially to someone she had really only just met. She kept her answer simple.

"Oh, I learned from my father," she replied, her tone casual as she turned the rabbits to ensure they cooked evenly. "He used to take me out when I was younger."

It wasn't entirely a lie -- her father had taken her hunting once or twice when she was a child. But most of her skills had been acquired through trial and error, honed through years of necessity and survival.

Lyra pulled the skewers from the fire once they were ready, handing one to Finrod. "So, where are we off to today?"
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by LoadedGuns
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LoadedGuns The Bearded Wonder!

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The aroma of the rabbit cooking over the fire wafted through the air, blending harmoniously with the surrounding scents of nature. The gentle sounds of the nearby river and the melodious birds in the trees created a picturesque scene, enveloping Finrod and Lyra in a serene moment. As Lyra spoke about her father teaching her to hunt, it triggered memories in Finrod's mind, causing him to imagine his own father, a prominent figure in the Thalmor, who was often absent due to his demanding responsibilities.

Lyra handed Finrod a perfectly cooked rabbit skewer, and he eagerly took a bite, savoring the exquisite flavors and expressing his content with an audible sigh of satisfaction.

In response to Lyra's inquiry about their destination, Finrod took a thoughtful moment before replying, "So... first, we should make a stop for some supplies. Depending on the path we choose, I was thinking overnight. We both had distinct visions, yet I sense a connection between them. We could seek answers about the symbols in your vision and the mysterious dungeon with the Greybeards. Alternatively, northeast of here lies The College of Winterhold, a bastion of magical knowledge. Or, if we decide to pursue my vision first, I'm fairly certain we need to head west towards Karthspire. What are your thoughts?"
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by LetsFly
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LetsFly Concierge of Crime

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Lyra's stomach growled gratefully as she bit into her own rabbit, the savory flavor enriching her senses. The food soaked up the mead from the previous evening. A bit of a headache had been pounding at her temples, and was beginning to subside. She'd never been much of a drinker, and her body wasn't pleased with its effects.

As Finrod mentioned stopping for supplies, Lyra nodded, but inside, fretted a bit. She was nearly out of funds, and was uncertain she'd be able to afford much that would help on their journey. She'd have to forage and hunt, she decided. Even if it slowed them down, she wouldn't be ashamed. She was a survivor, and she would do what she did best.

Considering Finrod's suggestions for their next destination, Lyra weighed the options carefully.

"I think either the Greybeards or Karthspire could be promising," Lyra said thoughtfully. The College of Winterhold was tempting, but she was a bit ashamed of her lack of knowledge in the realm of magic. Besides, she wasn't sure the urgency of their visions. Could they afford to take their time?
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by LoadedGuns
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LoadedGuns The Bearded Wonder!

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Greybeards or Karthspire... Finrod contemplated, his thoughts mirroring the rhythmic cadence of Lyras' reply. Lost in the labyrinth of uncertainty, he finally spoke, "I believe Karthspire is the logical starting point. It's a known region, a solid foundation. Perhaps, along the journey, we'll unravel the enigma surrounding us, maybe even encounter another vision?" His words wove a tapestry of doubt and concealed anxiety, masking the silent question haunting him Why not return to the familiar embrace of the tavern and the solace of solitude?

As if relinquishing control of his own limbs, Finrod's hand reached out and found Lyras'. A sudden surge flooded his mind with ethereal whispers—voices chanting the word "Destiny..." glimpses of them traversing Skyrim's dirt roads, and an urgent refrain, "Do not leave her..." Amidst the whirlwind of visions, a poignant scene emerged—they stood outside Karthspire, the river's melody intertwining with their laughter, culminating in a warm and friendly embrace. The echoing voices reiterated their plea, "Do not leave her..."

Abruptly, the visions ceased, leaving Finrod disoriented. Panic surged as he clung to Lyras' hand, his gaze fixed on her eyes, searching for answers in the pools of uncertainty. In a hushed tone, he stammered, "Did...did you have one too?"
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by LetsFly
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LetsFly Concierge of Crime

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"Got it. Karthspire it is!" Lyra agreed happily, finishing up the last of her rabbit. She'd packed light, so there wasn't much cleanup to do in order for them to be ready to hit the road. Finrod had mentioned making a stop to stock up for supplies, so she was sure they'd head back to Whiterun -- at least, she thought. She had no idea what direction Karthspire was in. "I think that's a good starting poi--"

Before she finished her sentence, Finrod's hand was on hers. Lyra gasped, alarmed, nearly jerking out of his grasp, but when she saw Finrod's face, she didn't dare let go. He was staring off into the distance, as if in a trance, and his lips were moving, though no words came out. She tried to focus on them, to decipher the shapes of the words he was making, but wasn't able to figure it out. At last, he seemed to return to himself, his eyes focusing suddenly, looking tired. He didn't let go of her hand.

Did... did you have one too?

Lyra's eyes widened. He'd had a vision? Of course, their hands -- she looked down at them, brow furrowing. They'd had the vision the evening before when they'd touched -- that must have been what sparked it. But why hadn't she had one this time, too? "I... No, I didn't." There was worry in her voice. What did that mean? "What did you see?" She asked, a bit desperate. Would the same thing happen to her? Would she bump into Finrod later, on the road, and suddenly go into a trance? She hoped, if so, that it wasn't in the middle of a dangerous situation. Gods only knew what kinds of things they would run into in their travels. She squeezed his hand reassuringly, unsure if he was even aware he'd been holding it.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by LoadedGuns
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LoadedGuns The Bearded Wonder!

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The world around him still lingered in a haze as Finrod clung to Lyras' hand. A suspended moment of quietude enveloped them, the air thick with unspoken questions. When Lyras inquired about his vision, Finrod, caught in the delicate threads of the recent revelation, hesitated.

"We... we were walking," he began, his words weaving a tapestry of ethereal landscapes. "I recall the Old Hroldan Inn, it's on the path to Karthspire." The intensity in his voice conveyed a struggle to reconcile the vivid fragments that danced through his mind. "We were at the Inn, and then we stood over the river near Karthspire, a magical embrace, a tranquil calmness that defies explanation. And the voices... I kept hearing voices."

His revelation hung in the air, a delicate confession tinged with a hint of fear. Before the weight of the unspoken could fully settle, Finrod, almost breathless, shifted the focus, "We should set out soon... Supplies are crucial." With a reluctant release, he let go of Lyras' hand, and in that moment, their fingers parted with an almost reluctant tenderness. As he swiftly gathered his belongings from the camp, he turned to her with a subtle yet lingering gaze. "Whiterun is our first stop for supplies. A long day lies ahead of us, but, perhaps, an even longer journey awaits." Finrod glancing at Lyra often when she is not looking, thinking to himself What is going on between us...

Hidden 3 mos ago Post by LetsFly
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LetsFly Concierge of Crime

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Finrod explained the vision he had had, detailing the locations and… *a magical embrace*. Lyra stared, incredulous, and she was almost certain a blush crept onto her face, despite her dark complexion. “Well,” she sputtered, “I guess we know where we’re off to. That Inn must be our first stop, after Whiterun.”

He shifted gears, focusing on their supply run, and let go of her hand. Lyra cast her eyes downward, a bit embarrassed. “Supplies. Right.”

She stood, avoiding Finrod’s gaze as she gathered up the rest of her things, spreading the coals of the fire to let it dissipate safely. Without waiting, she made her way back toward the cliff they’d scaled to get up to this clearing in the first place. She would miss this place, she thought, in all its serene tranquility. The climb up had been surprisingly easy — but climbing back down seemed surprisingly daunting. “I don’t suppose you could magically teleport us back down?” she called out to Finrod, tilting her head as she tried to calculate the best route, how she would keep her footing without slipping down to her death.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by LoadedGuns
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LoadedGuns The Bearded Wonder!

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Perched atop the cliff, their eyes traced the vast expanse, a sprawling Whiterun in the distance, rivers meandering in multiple directions, roads branching north and south, and westward, the promising path toward Karthspire awaited their journey. The morning sun cast a warm glow, accompanied by the gentle caress of the wind, which played with their hair and clothes.

A soft chuckle escaped Finrod's lips in response to Lyras' question about teleportation. "I wish it worked that way," he remarked, a playful smile gracing his features. "I'll take the lead in guiding us down." With deliberate ease, Finrod navigated the cliffside, finding footholds with the familiarity of someone well-acquainted with the terrain. He turned back to face Lyra, extending a reassuring smile. "Follow my lead, and be cautious with each step."

As they descended, the world unfolded beneath them, a canvas of Skyrim's beauty. Finrod's guidance became a dance of shared glances and careful footing. The descent was not just a physical journey down the cliff but a subtle ballet, a duet between two souls on the cusp of a grand adventure. Finrod reached the bottom, turned and awaited Lyra to complete the decent, watching, trying to make sure she was safe on the climb down.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by LetsFly
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LetsFly Concierge of Crime

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Lyra followed Finrod's lead with careful precision, her hands and feet mirroring his movements as they navigated the cliffside. With each step, she focused intently, her heart pounding in her chest as she kept a wary eye on the ground below. The fear of falling gnawed at her, but she pushed it aside, determined to prove her capabilities.

As they neared the bottom, her foot slipped on a loose stone, and a startled cry escaped her lips. Bracing for impact, she closed her eyes tightly, only to feel herself landing gently on solid ground. She opened her eyes in surprise, realizing she had only stumbled a foot off the ground. She let out an embarrassed chuckle, shaking her head at her own overreaction.

The two set off toward Whiterun, and Lyra's mind wandered to the Inn that Finrod had mentioned in his vision. It seemed like an unexpected addition to their quest, nestled amount the mysterious ruins and temples that had been featured in such drama and shadows. Curiosity tugged at her thoughts, and she couldn't help but voice it aloud.

"That Inn you saw in your vision earlier," Lyra began, casting a sidelong glance at Finrod. "What do you think it has to do with our journey? It seems like an odd piece of the puzzle amidst everything else."
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by LoadedGuns
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LoadedGuns The Bearded Wonder!

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As they neared the city of Whiterun, the symphony of urban life crescendoed—whispers of bustling streets, the savory aroma of cooked food, and the fragrant blend of herbs and blooming flowers from the surrounding fields and farms. The vibrant tapestry of Whiterun's vitality unfolded before them.

Lyra's mention of the Old Hroldan Inn prompted a flicker of uncertainty in Finrod's thoughts. I don't even know, really... he confessed to himself, keen on avoiding the appearance of indecision. Crafting an answer on the fly, he responded, "I'm not precisely sure, but my assumption is that it's a safe haven for the night. The journey to Karthspire is a two-day endeavor, and the inn conveniently aligns with our path." Yet, why do I feel drawn to it? he pondered privately.

Attempting to strengthen his rationale, Finrod continued, "It might be a precautionary measure. Perhaps camping in the wilderness poses a risk, a sign of potential danger along the route. Civilization is scarce between here and Karthspire."

He gazed towards Lyra, gauging her reaction, before posing the question, "What do you think? We could reach the inn by nightfall, providing a sense of security in the unfamiliar terrain."
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