Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

Two days ago, Mike Cove woke up felling better then her had ever felt in his life. His chest felt fine, his limbs didn't ache, and no headache. Oh, and there was also that strange floating text box that said that he was fully healed. If not for the shock of feeling healthy, seeing that might have gotten a more vocal reaction out of him. However as it was, he was so overloaded with information that he was able to processes it without losing his head. To celebrate his new health, he ran around the house squeeing all the way. When his parents saw him, they were briefly stunned by the sight of their sickly son doing something that should have made him double over in pain. One trip to the hospital and a building of confused doctors later, and they had confirmed that Mike was 100% healthy. Sure, his body was still weaker then other kids his age, but still, his current condition was nothing short of a miracle

More text boxes popped up that day; one telling him he just got a new quest (go to the hospital) and another saying he completed it. As insane as it sounded, Mike had a theory; it was the simplest explanation. So when he was finally alone again, he commanded his inventory to open...and it did. Somehow, someway, his life had become a video game...and he was alright with that. After that, he checked on his stats and skills before going to bed.

The next day, he began to go over every RPG and MMO he had ever played, looking for some skills to try to learn. It was a long shot, but hey, it couldn't hurt to try. He was also informed that his parents had enrolled him in public school, now that he was healthy enough to attend. Mike was excited to hear that. Sure it would be a big adjustment, but he wasn't too concerned about the curriculum. Considering he already studied things he wasn't being taught in his 'class' for fun, he felt that he would be fine.

Now we come to today, where Mike is currently working on trying to learn some skill. His parents were both out, and he was in the backyard. Living on the end of a cul de sac gave his backyard some cover, so he could work in peace. 'My highest stats are INT and WIS. So I'm starting out with caster stats. Ok, that's fine with me. I've got a good idea what INT does...but not so much WIS. Does it work like Spirit in DFO and is basically the magical equivalent of VIT, or does it effect my MP more then INT. I wish there was some sort of guide for this. Oh well. Assuming I get stat points to use when I level up, I should try to keep my base INT and WIS balanced.' He thought to himself 'I wonder if there are elements in this...whatever this is. If there is, then I might get to have a Light skill right at the start. Ok then, first on the list; Nen Shot. Sure, it might basically be a Hadouken, but considering that the Hadouken is used by physically fit people, it might work like Ki from Dragon Ball. If that's the case, then I'm better off with something that I know will use the INT stat...not that I know what I'm going to uses this stuff for. I guess that after having been confined to my room for so long, I've gotten a little stir crazy' he added to himself. "Well, here goes nothing. Nen Shot!" he cried out as he thrusted his palms forward, trying to will whatever internal energy his body had out through them as a ball of light
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

It was some logical reasoning. Thinking that he could use special supernatural powers with the now obtained Gamer Power that had made him like a Game Character. Of course the nature of the power was completely unclear. As thus when he attempted to use the Nen Shot something glorious happened. Absolutely nothing. Nothing came out from his hands despite how hard he focused to will his energy out of them. While it was possible that he may have been close, nothing seemed to come forth from his palms at all. Still something may have been in there, but it really was hard to tell.

As he practiced with skills he didn't possess a window suddenly appeared in front of him. No it didn't alert him to any new Skills unlocked it did alert him to something else. A window for a new Quest had appeared.

The quest seemed to state that there were other Gamers and that it was his objective in the quest to find him. Even EXP was granted from completing it. Whether 4 EXP was alot was uncertain, but any EXP was good EXP in this case.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

Other's like him!? That meant he could get involved with a party, and maybe someone could teach him some magic skills. That would be awesome......but where to look. Suddenly, a thought occurred to him; what if they were all his age? That meant that they might have formed a club at school. Most likely something with a weird sounding name as a cover, and to keep other people from being interested, like occult research club...or something. Anyway, while it might have seemed like an extreme longshot and quite stupid, he wasn't working with real world logic anymore, he was working with video game logic. So he grabbed his dad's old scooter from the garage and made his way to Gekkoukan High, which he fortunately lived close to already

When he reached the school grounds, he opened up his inventory and stored the scooter in it, grinning like a mad man while he did "yes! It works!". He ran up to the front door to enter the building, but found it was locked "oh man! This sucks" he pouted. "Oh well, guess I might as well explore the outside of the school while I'm here." he decided as he began to wander around. He visited a few of the school's outdoor facilities before he came across the track field, which is where thing's got interesting. At the track field, he saw a group of people, all with <The Gamer> above their head, just like him. He let out a silent squee of delight at having just found them like that. He almost rushed to greet them right away, but then he remembered something "oh yeah! I should get to work on leveling Libra...I man Observe, man I really hope there's a way to change skill names. So let's see, if everything else here seems to be voice activated, then shouldn't the skills be the same way? Time to find out" Focusing his attention on just one of them, he said "Lib-I mean Observe!" and a health bar popped up. Far more concerned with using the skill then the information it provided him, he ignored the heath bar once he confirmed that it was there. He then used Observe on the remaining people to get more EXP for the skill before he ran over to meet them "heeeeey!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BioHazard
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BioHazard The Plague Master

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Day 1

Like every morning I woke up around 10:00 AM, I had no school currently, and also didn't have a job of sorts so most of the day he would just bore inside the house. Most of the times playing video games. Around 16:00 AM heard his girlfriend entering again. "Hey Tomoyo." he greeted her while continuing playing his game. She walked up to him and grabbed the controller out of his hands. She paused it and looked as Silas with an irritated face. "You need to get out. Get some groceries or something. Here's the money and a list. Good luck." she said to him. Silas stood up and suddenly saw something floating above Tomoyo's head. It said: Tomoyo Hikari Level: 2. Where the hell did that came from? Well he had been playing video games for 6 hours straight, so it could be possible he was imagining things.

He went to the grocery store, picked up everything on the list and paid. He now had 30,000 ¥ in his wallet. It was something, but not much, seeing as that was all the money he had. The rest of the money was earned by Tomoyo, who had a job. He should get one too. When he was in the supermarket, and also on the streets he had been noticing people's name's floating above their heads. He certainly was going to spend tomorrow better than this one. While looking down to the ground, plastic bags in his hands, the saw a 1,000 ¥ bill laying on the ground. Since it was on the streets he could just take it. Always nice to find such things. No one would complain about him taking it. Silas got back home and put the groceries where they belonged. He and Tomoyo spend some time together before he went to bed again.
Day 2

Again he woke up at 10:00 AM. He stretched an got out of bed. Today was going to be different then yesterday. No gaming today, or at least not until the evening. He was going to the racquetball training. He looked to his left where Tomoyo usually slept. She was working today too. He vaguely remember her saying goodbye, but he continued sleeping. He prepared and went to the racquetball club. He already noticed it on the way. There were still names floating above the people's heads. It made him wonder if they were really illusions created by his mind. But now it was time for some racquetball. Silas was feeling very fit, and so his training went very well. He smashed his opponent, who also happened to be a good friend of his, off the court. They barely managed to score some points. However during the third game of the match a few blue windows suddenly popped open in front of him. He was really confused by it, and didn't know what to do. It said some stuff about his racquetball stuff.

Suddenly the black rubber ball was heading towards him, and because of panic he tries to hit it but stepped badly causing him to fall down on the ground.

"Are you alright Silas?" his opponent asked.

"It's okay. I only sprained my ankle. It does hurt like a bitch." Silas replied.

"Haha." his opponent laughed. "Mostly you only do these things when you're about to lose. But today I couldn't score much points. Seems like it is real."

"Ah just shut up." Silas said with a chuckle. "But I ain't going to play with a sprained ankle. I think I'm going to head home and get some rest. Tomoyo should be home too." he said and shortly afterwards left the racquetball club. Once he was home he dumped himself on the bed. Silas started to think. Why did those things popped up in my face? Why do I keep seeing people's names above their heads? It's like I'm in a game. He didn't get a lot of time to think as Tomoyo entered the apartment soon after he got home. He took it easy the rest of the day and went to sleep early that day.
Day 3

Unlike other days Silas woke up early. Well, early, earlier than normal. It was 8:00 AM. He woke up while thinking about the names he keeps seeing above people's heads. It was so annoying. Suddenly a blue window, opposed to the red windows he had seen before, popped up in front of his face. It said:

Tomoyo did not leave for work yet. "Oh, you're up early. Want to join me for breakfast? Be careful with your ankle though." she said. I nodded and carefully got out of bed. Once I was standing, there was weight on my ankle, but I didn't feel a thing. The window apparently was right, the pain from the ankle was gone. How the gentle caress was this possible? It hurt like a bitch yesterday, but now it seems like it never even happened. Silas had breakfast with Tomoyo, although she had to leave quickly afterwards, which left him alone in the apartment. It was weird. The name was still floating above Tomoyo's head.

"Am I in a video game or something? It looks like I'm in the real world. Tomoyo is also still here and she doesn't see anything, and she is the kind of person who would immediately tell such things. Maybe I am the video character who has arrived in the real world. But how could that be possible?" he said out loud to himself. "I can't make heads or tails out of this." after a few blank moments in his head he started to do something. "If those windows keep popping up in front of my face, could I also make the standard screens appear in front of me?" he thought. Silas ticked randomly in the air but nothing happened. Then he said out loud. "Stats." and his status screen appeared in front of him. Everything was full, and nothing much could be done. Quickly after he opened up other windows, one of Talents, a Skill one, a Quest one and a Friends List. The friends list wasn't much. It were just the people close to him. Silas is distant most of the time, so he has few people of whom he really considers as friends. Because not all your friends of Facebook© are really friends. The Quest window however showed something interesting. He had a quest titled: The Big Match. That was the racquetball match for the tournament. He opened it.

After reading it Silas closed it again. He was certain he was going to win that. "Inventory" he said and the item window appeared. Nothing was inside of the window. A little disappointing, but what could you do about it? Silas looked at the bottom of the rows of empty white boxes and saw a small bar which indicated how much money he had. There was nothing. Silas got curious and grabbed his wallet. He gave the 31,000 ¥ to the window, which absorbed it. The zero in the bar went up to the amount of money he handed over to it. "Awesome." he commented. "It's like a magical wallet no can steal from." he said with a sinister chuckle. "So if I can store my money here, that means I also can store other items here without them getting lost." and like that Silas put in two items. His keys and a bottle of water. He couldn't imagine what more he could put into it.

Silas experimented further and quickly discovered another window, attached to the Inventory window. It showed a silhouette of himself, with black squares surrounding his limbs. And some more black squares filling up the rest. He recognized it as the character customization screen. It showed what he was wearing at the moment. Just his standard clothing. There also was a spot to put your weapon, shield etc. just like in the RPG games. "As I got some kind of promotion while playing racquetball, then that means my racket it my weapon." he concluded. He grabbed the racket out of his back and inserted it into the spot where the weapons go. Silas tried to think of more things he could do, but just couldn't. Well he already had discovered much about this strange ability. So much that it almost felt like he always had it. Roughly and hour and a half had passed so there was enough time for him to play video games, which he also planned to do now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

The moment Mike saw the other Gamers a window appeared in front of him.

All Mike would see when he used the Observe Skill was the max amount of HP that each of the Gamers had and some very basic info. Mainly their age, gender, current Class (which for all of the Gamers there was "The Gamer"), and their current occupation, these all appearing in small windows that appeared in front of him each time he used the skill. That was it. It appeared that Ren was the only person actually his age in that entire group. Of course after observing two of them a window would appear for him, it reading the following. Unfortunately though the Skill did not increase in level after the other two were observed.

Ren still had his mini map up and wasn't really looking at it at first, as he prepared to answer any questions the others had about leveling up. Suddenly though he noticed a new dot appearing on his minimap, a non-hostile one. He quickly turned to see another person heading towards them. How was that possib-- but that thought was stopped by the "Gamer" text that was floating over his head. There was more than just them? Ren thought that all of the Gamers were already present, but apparently not. This appeared to be a boy about Ren's own age and even of Ren's own frail physique, as Ren was quite lithe and very thin himself. In fact, there was something else Ren noticed about this newcomer. Something about the way he ran. He wasn't just naturally nonathletic like Ren was, but it was like he was just not used to it, like he had been more or less confined indoors alot for whatever reason. Whatever that reason was didn't matter, nor did Ren care.

He was just a little surprised to see a window appear in front of him, not that the others could see it but Ren was now looking at something in front of him that wasn't there. A small smirk appeared on his face as he then looked at the newcomer once again. "Observe" With that one command he was now looking at another window, or so that was what could be assumed. "So I was right..." Ren closed the window with a swipe of his hand, looking at Mike now. "So you are that new student people in school won't shut up about, wondering if its a boy or a girl or whatever..." He sighed somewhat, really hoping that Mike was the last gamer out there, as he really didn't want to have to help grind for anymore. Not only that, but this kid's physical stats were abysmal, not that Ren's weren't originally, but they really need some more melee fighters in their group.

"So, what have you been able to find out about the Gamer power?" He wanted to see what this newcomer knew, as he was hoping he knew more than they did. As Ren asked this question he pulled out his PFP, deciding to do a quick update on a forum post about "The Gamer" power that Sasha had made, deciding to edit his old response instead of making a new one so that only someone seriously looking would get any ideas, the post now reading: "Any new Gamers that see this, head to Gekkoukan High". After that he pocketed the device, sort of hoping and at the same time not hoping that there were more gamers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

As Silas sat down to play videogames he would only be able to get about five minutes into a game before another window appeared before him, apparently issuing a quest of some kind, before disappearing and bringing up another window explaining the quest.

Apparently it was talking about more people with the same power that Silas possessed. After all it was a quest given to him by the power. Plus it had an EXP reward attached to it. Still it was unclear of how he would or should go about finding these Gamers though. After all they could be anywhere in Neo Tokyo, but the ability to see the 'tags' over everyone's head was a neat ability that allowed him to easily learn who people were. However Silas would go about investigating this quest to find these Gamers would be up to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
Avatar of Card Captor

Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

This was just too awesome. Not only had he found a group of people with powers like him, but they were all around his level too. Hopefuly one of them knew some sort of INT based skill. "Not much. What I do know is that we can recover from anything with a good nights rest. Even things that modern medicine doesn't have a cure for; like AIDS. Well, I'm only guessing it can cure AIDS. I was infected with HIV a few years ago by a used needle, so if sleeping could fix that and all the other crippling illness I used to have, I'm guessing it can fix AIDS as well" he answered. "Oh, and do any of you know any sort of INT based skills? The only stats I have that aren't crap are INT and WIS" he asked. "Although considering my body's been plagued with more illness then I can remember since the day I was born, I guess that makes sense" Mike added to himself as an afterthought. Suddenly remembering the other boy mention him being the new kid, he said "oh yeah, I'm finally getting to go to public school now, since I'm well enough to leave the house on my own now. It's so awesome! Just getting to wander around like this, being able to go outside whenever I want" Mike was bouncing in place excitedly
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Omnial
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

After listening to Ren's advice on what to level up and giving it some thought, Lucian opened his stat window to apply his points from leveling. I do have a taunt so to speak, so I guess if I put up my Vitality I can at least shield someone from getting that close to death again... He thought to himself and looked at Sasha, beaming with relief that all worked out well. He really didn't want anyone to die, even if he just met them. turning back to his window he clicked on the Vitality, putting all his points in, then stopped. Wait...I should probably still increase at least some other things...my Strength maybe? No...I'll stick with Intelligence...and maybe a point into luck for good luck? He removed two points and finished assigning them all. When he accepted it, his body flinched, again the strange surge coursing through him. He could feel that he had a lot more stamina than he ever had before, that his body could withstand more, it was an enjoyable feeling.

Lucian let out a deep breathe, then saw that Ren was talking to another kid...with the Gamer title? "Is this thing broken then? We finished our quest and another appears?" walking over to Mike, Lucian eyed him up, he noticed he seemed to be quiet...excitable. Lucian raised a brow at the boy, "You know it may have been better for you if you were still sick in bed."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BioHazard
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BioHazard The Plague Master

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Silas was still playing his video game when suddenly two windows popped up in front of him. He quickly had to pause the game, so he wouldn't die. When Silas opened the first window it read that a new quest had been created. One called; "Others Like Me". When closing the window, the teen quickly saw that the other window was the Quest window for said quest in the previous window. Silas studied the window. Somehow he was kinda liking this... power. He loves games, and so this could end up being fun. However it could also turn out to be a hell. However, the message read that there were others like him, well there was a possibility that there were others like him. But if this 'passing thought', which clearly was his own thought, issued a quest for it, then there probably are others like him.

Silas tossed his controller aside. If there were others like him then they also should have been curious or confused about their new abilities. And from experience Silas knows that everything can be found on the good old internet. He took place in a desk chair and started up the computer. Once it was loaded he went to the internet, followed by going to his default search machine. Before typing in his request he opened the quest once again. "I have to find info about The Gamer huh? Well, others may have gotten this quest too so..." Silas typed in; 'The Gamer A Passing Thought'. As expected there weren't much related results, except for a forum, made by a person named Sasha.

Silas scrolled down in the comments and saw this comment: 'Any new Gamers that see this, head to Gekkoukan High'. The reply didn't make it very clear that it actually talked about The Gamer, as in, the people who have the same ability as him. However it was worth checking out. Gekkoukan High... Silas didn't know how to get to there. But luckily there was good old internet to help him with that. He looked up the location of Gekkoukan High, discovering it was not too far away from his apartment. He closed off the computer, followed by the video game. He has everything he needed in his inventory and decided to head to the school on his bicycle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BioHazard
Avatar of BioHazard

BioHazard The Plague Master

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

((somehow it was posted twice))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan023


Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Hana Yamazuki woke up, just like any other day, that is, tired and sore from the previous day's run. Just like every other day, she pulled herself out of bed, groaning as every muscle in her body protested the action. She assembled her clothes and trooped into the bathroom, taking a quick shower without even glancing at the mirror. She stepped from the shower 10 minutes later, feeling refreshed as the hot water had soothed her sore muscles. She gently wiped the steam from the mirror and began doing her hair, just to stop when she noticed a small tag above her head, reading <The Gamer> Hana Yamazuki LV: 1. She blinked several times, but got back to work doing her hair, deciding that it was probably nothing more than a day-dream made reality by her immense fatigue. She got her stuff together and trooped off to school, after going to visit and her parents and noticing her parents featured similar tags reading Oriana Yamazuki LV 1, Minato Yamazuki LV 2. She was curious as to why her father's number was 2, however she chalked that up to her hallucination getting more detailed. The day proceeded as normal, ending with a Cross Country practice that was every bit as exhausting and excruciating as the previous day.


Hana woke up, again dragging herself out of bed and following the same routine as the previous day, however she was concerned when she found the name above her head hadn't vanished. It was then that she realized that "LV" probably stood for "LEVEL", since this was quite obviously a readout from a video game. However, beyond that she hadn't made any insights into it. So, she again drug herself down to breakfast and out to school. In school, she noted that practically everyone was level one, except for her content that she was being excused from school the following day as a reward for her great performance in the previous cross country team, having decided that the class co-captain of the cross country team, who was level two. She was a bit upset that she was only level one, since she was a better runner than him. However, she headed home, would be mostly useless anyway.


Hana's internal clock refused to let her wake up later than 6:30 on a school day, and so she groaned and drug herself out of bed. She took a shower as normal, however that level indicator and name tag still hovered over her head. So, since her parents had to go to work, she decided to spend the day at home experimenting with this. First, she fixed herself a quick breakfast then she immediately went to work. Hana was a smart girl, so she immediately reasoned that if she were like a game character, she must have things like skills right? Therefore, since she also lacked a real "HUD", it stood to reason that voice commands would be the way to access these menus.

She started by reciting various menus that were common for an MMORPG game, getting immediate result from her first word, Status. A window was brought up, showing her HP, her MP, which she assumed to mean Mana Points, and some various stats. She noted that her Intelligence, Vitality and Strength were fairly high, with her other stats being fairly average, excluding her luck which seemed fairly low. She grumbled lightly at that, insisting to herself that she wasn't THAT unlucky, however she moved on. She had to try several more commands before opening another menu, her friends list. It listed those she counted as her friends, however it only showed their names and their status I.E that they were alive.

She then opened opened her Quest Journal, though at the moment it was empty. For now, she just shrugged and decided to experiment more with that at a later date. She closed the menu, and then opened her talents. She was surprised to find she had a fairly high fisticuffs skill, along with crafting, were fairly high, with Melee Weapons following close behind. She decided that this was most likely because of her father's training, after all he'd taught his daughter a whole bunch of what he knew. She decided to experiment with talents, particularly her crafting, later. She then opened her Skills, just to find two that seemed to relate to her current situation, and was surprised to find her Intelligence and Dexterity had a +1 Boost. Did gaining this power actually make her more flexible and smart? She had noticed that both school and practice had been ever so slightly easier, so she put it down to that

Then, she opened the obvious window that she had been saving for last. She opened her inventory, just to find it was empty. She immediately noticed a Yen counter, which read a depressing 0, at the bottom of the window. There were multiple rows of empty white boxes, likely representing empty inventory slots, and then there was also a black silhouette of herself, and she noted slots also came out of that, with two larger ones at the bottom. The areas representing her underwear, shirt, pants, and shoes were all filled with the running gear she currently wore, and surprisingly enough an item description consisting of her thoughts on the clothing.

She then decided to experiment, first with the yen counter. She grabbed her wallet and opened it, revealing 30,000 Yen (30$). She pushed the money into, literally, the inventory window and noticed that the counter went up. Then, she grabbed a baseball cap that read "US ARMY", a gift from her dad, and put it on her head. She watched as it appeared on the slot on her head, nodding in satisfaction at having discovered this. She then took off the cap and pushed it into the inventory, finding it vanished from her hand and appeared in the slot. Tapping it again, she found the hat materialized in her hand. Having an idea, she shoved it back into the inventory and then drug it from it's slot to the slot on her head, jumping back in shock when the cap simply materialized on her head. She shook her head and experimentally drug ALL her clothing into slots. Standing there, shivering in her exposedness, she then reversed the process to find that all the items of clothing instantly materialized in their proper places.

Deciding to test this further, she shoved a few items into the inventory. A purse, the hat, a complete change clothes, her backpack and a hoodie. She then strode from her house, out into the streets. Looking around, she found that just as before, everyone had a level indicator, and once again, they were almost all level one. She found herself investigating this phenomena in the only way she knew how, since it hadn't occurred to her to use her laptop. She went to the nearest internet cafe and scoured the internet for more data, only to come up short. Cussing under her breath at her luck, she left the cafe and leaned against the wall outside, mumbling to herself "The Gamer huh? I wonder what caused all this."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Just as Hana left the internet cafe though two windows would appear before her. The two windows appearing to issue a quest of some kind, before disappearing and bringing up another window explaining the quest.

Apparently, according to the quest, there were possibly other people out there who possessed the same 'Gamer' power that Hana had. Finding them would appear to complete the objectives for the quest and apparently give some experience points, or EXP in this case. If this was a quest given to Hana by the power then there were indeed most likely other Gamers out there, but finding them would probably be a difficult to task to perform. Still, finding them would be quite beneficial as the quest did say that possible information on the Gamer power could also be a reward.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan023


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hana ruffled her eyebrows, pondering where she might find others bearing the "Gamer Tag", as she decided to call it. However, first she made sure to tap the accept button on the quest, as she was very curious as to the nature of this strange "power". For now, she came to a decision and began exploring the town's gaming stores and other Internet cafes. Cafe after Cafe, store after store, all that happened was getting hit on by some nerds, whose advances were easily repulsed. After she explored the last one that she knew of, she sighed and began wandering the streets, forlorn at her lack of results.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Valeric


Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Okay," Sasha said. She opened her status screen and mashed the buttons on the screen. Her senses screamed that she was probably going to screw up her stat distribution. She waved her doubts away.

When was done, there was another person talking to Ren. A quick glance at his class showed that he was a gamer too. So there were still more of them. Sasha waved at the newcomer casually, not bothering to introduce herself. There was only one thing on her mind.

"Hey, Ren. I'm done, can we start now? " she nagged.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Ren just nods, checking the time for a moment on his Minimap which gave the time as well right below it. It was about 2:00 PM now. Track practice would probably go on for a few more hours. Well it wouldn't be too dangerous to dispel the Psuedospace now. "Alright, fine. We can start. Ill first teach you all the method for creating a Psuedospace, as it was through that I somehow accidentally learned Mana Bolt as well. Maybe you can get something from that as well. Plus creating Psuedospaces will also be how you can freely grind your Skills and Levels without fear of the Interference law and thus no fear of you affecting the real world and having Gaia kill you".

Mike wouldn't know cause he wasn't hear when Ren explained it, but as the other Gamers probably remembered affecting the world was a huge no as apparently if one did so then Gaia, the very will of the world, would eliminate you in a way that would probably be unavoidable since it would be the very planet itself trying to kill you.

"I.D. Escape!" Ren raised his hand up to the sky and suddenly the very sky and space around them began to crack for a moment before shattering, restoring the area. Luckily they were far enough away from the track area and behind the storage shed, so no one was able to see a bunch of people who were clearly not students on campus with one individual student.

"Ok, now lets begin. To create a Psuedospace you have to close your eyes and focus. Raise your hand to the sky and connect your will and the energy of your being to the energy of the world. Focus that will into a thought of creating a Psuedospace. Do this and you should get the ID Create Skill. Lets do it one at a time since I am not sure how overlapping Psuedospaces would work and I am not up for finding out".

He waited for them to begin creating their Psuedospaces. Each one that was created Ren would destroy with the ID Escape Skill so that another person could then create their Psuedospace to attain the ID Create Skill.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
Avatar of Card Captor

Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

He was going to learn how to create his own dungeons!? This was amazing. Holding his hand up in the air, Mike closed his eyes and began to focus. As he calmed himself down, he felt some strange sort of energy inside him. Mentally willing it into his raised hand, he imagined it expanding outward, forming a sort of subspace (or Psuedospace, as the other boy called it). He steadied his breathing and thought of the energy in his hand taking ethereal shape around him and the entire track field, separating it from the outside world
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Pseudospace Creation Practice: 52 - 13 Focus = 39

As Mike slowly began to will the Pseudospace into creation a sort of ethereal green energy did form in his hand and went into the sky, seeming to, for a moment, form a barrier before vanishing, causing the area to be as it was before inside of Ren's Pseudospace. It seemed that the creation of the Pseudospace worked for Mike as a few windows would appear before him.

After Mike created the Pseudospace, moments later Ren used ID Escape to shatter it, giving a chance for the next person to practice creating a Pseudospace.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renose
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

After that the Psuedospace training continued, each of the other Gamers practicing to see if they could not only create the Pseudospace, but also attain an energy or mana manipulating Skill like Ren did when he first created one.
Sasha Pseudospace Practice: 59 - 13 Focus = 49

For Sasha it was easy making the space, but deriving some other form of understanding or skill from the practice was a bit more difficult. She would feel as though she barely got any additional understanding of energy or mana at all, but nonetheless a few new windows would appear before her.

Lucian Pseudospace Practice: 91 - 11 Focus = 80

Lucian Pseudospace Reattempt: 0 - 11 Focus = -11 (Critical!)

For Lucian he seemed to have trouble with it the first time, it seeming to be quite difficult for him and a little tiring. Fortunately though from his first attempt he was close enough to have a basic understanding of how it was done, which would allow him to try one more time with the thoughts still fresh in his mind to see if he could still get it right, and get it right he did. The second time went by so flawlessly and quickly it was as if he had been doing it for years. Perhaps the saying 'Practice Makes Perfect' is really true, as there seemed to be no flaws in the execution process that even seemed to impress Ren.

A larger understanding of energy and mana emissions would flow into Lucian as he executed this perfect Pseudospace as a few windows seemed to appear before him.

After Lucian's excellent go at creating a Pseudospace was complete, Ren next began teaching everyone the technique for escaping from a Pseudospace, which would be very useful. "To escape from a Pseudospace you do the exact same process for creating one, except using a different thought process. You simply emit the energy and will like before, only this time you show the desire to get out and escape the Pseudospace, which is done by essentially destroying it".
Lucian ID Escape Practice: 87 - 12 Focus = 75

Mike ID Escape Practice: 81 - 13 Focus = 68

Sasha ID Escape Practice: 61 - 13 Focus = 48
Attempting to break an ID that Ren would create for the each of them to practice one at a time seemed harder than creating one, at least for Lucian, who seemed to barely accomplish it, and Mike. Sasha, on the other hand, seemed to get the concept of it somewhat easily. The following two windows would appear before each of the other present Gamers after their successful attempt at escaping from Pseudospace.

After it was all done Ren sighed a little, glad that little practice session was over, not knowing exactly what everyone learned. Observe didn't allow him to see what Skills a person possessed. Well... not yet anyway. Perhaps at a higher level he could, but for now he could not. "So, that was... a time. What did everyone learn?" Ren was a bit curious actually, as this would indeed provide more insight into their power. Did they all manage to learn Mana Bolt like he did? Or did they learn something else. Either way, it would be interesting to discuss this for more information. This day was turning out a little better than Ren thought.

Sasha, luckily, during the course of all the Pseudospace practice sessions would have the 'Deadly' disappear from above her head as it seemed her HP finally recovered to just above 0. Not all the way yet, about 10%, but still it was better than being on the verge of death.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Valeric


Member Seen 1 mo ago

"A skill called... Energy Shot," Sasha said, reading off her skill window. "From your finger like a bullet you shoot a single point 'bullet' of energy, this dealing 10 + Focus Score% of your INT in damage. Sounds pretty alright to me, although I would have preferred something more powerful."

Her thoughts drifted to Dungeon Busters, where she mainly played a class known as the Mystic Assassin. High maneuverability, sneak attacks, and arcane spells were the name of the game. It was an extremely difficult class to play due to its fragility, but the feeling of landing a decisive strike was unmatched. Sasha thrived on adrenaline.

"Thanks, Ren. I guess from here on we'll just grind levels to get stronger, then search for more challenging foes? Here, this is my number..." Sasha said, offering her contact details. "We should all keep in contact. Leveling should be safer and faster in numbers."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Woop!" Mike cheered after he closed his windows "I got a knockback! This is awesome, my first skill is crowd control." he said. Then, a thought occurred to him "hey...I wonder if this can deflect projectiles too......that would be so awesome! Arrow coming straight at me? Energy Pulse! It's deflected. Oh man, I can't wait to level this baby up, and see how much more awesome it can get. Wait a second...if this is just my first skill......then how amazing are my future ones going to be!? Gah! I can't wait, this is all just so exciting!" Mike squeed "Oh man, I need to get work grinding...no, wait. It wouldn't be grinding, grinding isn't supposed to be fun. This, however, will be. Not only is this whole thing going to be fun as hell, but I'll be able to make my IQ soar by leveling up. Even if I never use my powers for anything but fighting monsters, that alone will make the rest of my life easier"
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