Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Lamb of Columbia

The Lamb of Columbia

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Paralyzed by the spectacle before her, Kennedy watched with wide eyes as Daniel first approached the girl, then Clarence did so as well. Getting a better look at the man lying on the floor, Kennedy could see that he was disfigured and scarred. Marks were apparent up and down both of his forearms, the red and puckered skin revealing the damage done by whatever the man had been injecting himself with.

The uneasiness that Kennedy felt was only amplified as the small girl replied to Daniel's brief introduction, a demonic echo of voices spilled from the little girl's body, making Kennedy take a small step back. The blade the girl held waving in the air let off a glint from the glare of neon lights. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before, and though fear was welling inside her, Kennedy was intrigued by the girl. She looked like a walking corpse, and the fact that she had been stabbing a syringe into a barely cold deceased was unsettling.

Rosie...? What in the world could that be? The child threatened them, but it was apparent that below the surface she was a scared little girl. Daniel and Clarence had now both approached her, which became more and more obvious as the wrong decision. She was frightened, like a caged animal putting up its last defenses. Then Dan rejected Clarence's suggestion to back off, taking hold of the situation himself. Kennedy was merely a spectator on the sidelines, curious to see what would happen next.

And when it did happen, she was left with a knot in her throat and burning eyes. Dan, perhaps the strongest person Kenn knew, had just cracked. It was a surprise to her, for a man who had put up so many emotional walls. She truly felt for him, knowing that there had to be a hell of a lot of hurt in him to make that happen. Her sorrow for her friend was briefly forgotten when she realized he had just confessed all of his feelings and regrets to this strange little girl. What would her reaction be? Would she scream for this Rosie character? Kennedy wished she could comfort her dear friend, but any movement now could be a hindrance to their predicament. She painfully stood where she was, feet cemented to the ground as she waited for what would come next.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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"Little girl...We're not going to hurt you..." softly said Clarence as he was mere steps away from Poppy, picking up a syringe and pocketing it. "I'd wrap that up if I were you, you don't want to get -stabbed- by that..." warned Poppy. There was a little bit of emphasis on the word stabbed, but she had a point - judging by the appearance of the splicer corpse, and the fact that the needle has been on the ground as well as in that thing's bloodstream...who knows what kinds of illnesses there were on it? But Poppy wasn't entirely worried about that. The last thing she wanted was for one of them to accidentally use a plasmid, because right now they were all not-angels, so Poppy didn't have to take non-existent ADAM from the stomachs of them all; a task which seemed to look increasingly difficult as time progressed.

Leroy took a step back and Poppy mimicked him, quivering blade of the box cutter outstretched to anyone and everyone in particular. Her back pressed against the metal wall of the alley-way, she felt the cold on the back of her arms as she clutched the syringe, hugging it close. No-one was going to take that from her. She'd like to see them try. But it wasn't the cold of the metal that was bothering her, it was the way these adults were looking at her - in fact, they looked more scared than she did. It was probably the box cutter - Poppy knew bringing out Stickie was a good idea! She might have a chance to escape and go to Daddy now.

"Daniel...back off."

"No. Not yet..."

Poppy locked gazes with Daniel. She watched as he sat cross-legged on the floor, staring levelly back at her with golden eyes. For a moment she wanted to say something but she shut her mouth again, waving the box cutter threateningly...it was becoming painfully obvious that she wasn't going to harm any of the Knights at all. On the other hand, however, it's very clear that she has the capabilities - that box cutter is covered in old blood. Daniel stared back at Poppy, and his gaze wasn't one of fear - Poppy could feel the regret, the sorrow and the pain flowing from his stare now as he opened his mouth, speaking with sincerity and true guilt.

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry that I scared you. I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you when you needed me most. When the world seemed against you. I'm sorry that I wasn't a good big brother...I want you to know, that as long as I'm breathing. This big brother is here for you. I couldn't protect you then, but I can now."

Poppy stood there, stunned. Her arms fell to their sides and she coughed politely, trying her best to restrain herself as memories she never had struggled to reveal themselves to her. They couldn't make it past her fever-dream, not enough for her to truly understand what was going on. And all at once, she understood what needed to be done here.

First, she put away the box cutter. The Knights were scared enough, it seems, and she didn't like waving it around for all that time. It slipped back into her ankle sock, virtually unnoticeable in between the creases and folds of the cotton cloth, but also a constant reminder that Poppy is, indeed, armed at all times - even if she somehow was forced to part with her dear syringe. The second thing she did was move the syringe into her hand, her little white fingers clutching onto it very very tightly. She didn't want it on her back, but she just as equally didn't want it on the floor. Not when it's full like this.

Then she moved forward. Little, hesitant steps but a movement nonetheless, stepping onto and over the corpse like it wasn't there. Perhaps, in her mind, it wasn't. Her fingers stroked the massive rivet as she walked past it, some form of comfort that at least if things go wrong from this point onward, that splicer won't be the only one with a rivet in the chest.

She did the thing that Kennedy only wished to do moments before; she comforted Daniel in the only way she knew how. Poppy wrapped her little arms around his neck because his shoulders were too broad to do so, elbows resting on the aforementioned shoulders, on her tip-toes, hugging the crying man as gently as she possibly can. Despite the pallid appearance, she's actually quite warm and feels a bit fragile.

After a moment of silence that seemed to stretch on for an impossibly long time, Poppy let go of Daniel, smiling at him. The silence continued for a further few seconds, punctuated only by a very distant, loud WHUMP noise, as if something just slammed into a metal grate. It was far away, though.

"I'm-...I am no-...t...your...I..." Poppy struggled to bring out the words, her tongue restrained by fluttering emotions, quick reflections of days she's been forced to forget. Instead, Poppy gave up on trying to say what she wanted to say. "Poppy Hartwell. I'm Poppy Hartwell, pleased to meet you."


"I'd ask what your names are, but time is running real short. Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt any of you, but...you're not...-from- here, are you?"
Poppy inquired, then her eyes fell on Jonathan. "Well, -he- is, I can tell a screamer from a mile off. Skinny, pale, kinda scary...you're form the research lab thingie, aren't you? I've still got to deliver ADAM there. It's really scary in there, but I bet everything's bright and pretty once you leave the reception at the front." Poppy idly conversed. She seemed so dreadfully unaware of the sick, twisted experiments forced upon the test subjects within that it's almost painful to listen to her talk about it so casually. However, the observant ones would've been able to pick up that she goes there. Regularly.

"Don't worry, though, 'cause it wasn't that obvious. It's just...I saw you lot arrive. Where are your funny dress-up clothes? I liked them." Poppy looked around for the outfits, still standing beside Daniel. She briefly rests her head on his shoulder, whispering "You might wanna stop crying now, 'cause it's making you look a bit silly."


Poppy glanced up, past Kennedy, past the knights, and down the neon-lit street. She looked immensely guilty, nibbling at her bottom lip and becoming restless. It might start to intrigue some people that they can hear that noise from so far away - its' as if the entire street was holding it's breath, the tension continuing long after Poppy had stopped threatening to call out on Rosie. There was danger fluctuating in the air still, and it looks like Poppy has a bit of an idea on what's about to happen next.


The noise sounded horrendous. A twisted, echoing, low wail of clear worry, and pain, and a bubbling anger. It reverberated through the street-WHUMPWHUMPWHUMP-as the slamming became more frantic and even more powerful. Poppy made a little impatient noise, glancing over at Kennedy, putting a finger to her lips-WHUMPWHUMPWHUMP and signalling for all of them to be very quiet, and very, very still.


Heavy, metal-clad footsteps were the only sound present, slowly plodding away from the Knights. Poppy took a deep breath, smiling confidently at the rest of the Knights. "Like I was saying, you all look really new here. Wouldn't survive two minutes out on your own, but now Daddy's looking for me...we don't have much time."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jeff for the first time in a long time merely remained silent throughout the whole spectacle. His expressionless face did not show what he was thinking of the small frail child with the demon like voice, nor did it really change when Daniel apologized as if it were her own sister,then continued to break down his wall of emotionless nature. Of course he was intrigued, curious, and even a bit nervous, but it wasnt the body next to the girl, it wasnt the strange syringe that she held, nor was it the sickly glow of her eyes. No, what took him was how scared the young girl was. For a strange reason, it reminded him of times passed, before he joined the Knights... when he was an orphan. He knew that look all too well, scared, not being able to fend off whatever it was that was scaring you. At least she had this Rosie character that she spoke of. But even then the frailty of the child was still very much present.

He could tell she wanted to say she wasnt his little sister, but something stopped her from doing so, perhaps something from her past? "Everyone hurts in their own ways..." whispered Jeff to himself, not intending for anyone else to hear, but more for himself. The little girl continued to talk about asking for their names, but inquired that they were running out of time, it was then Jeff noticed the steadily increasing WHUMPS that seemed to get closer and closer until...

That roar... that horrendous roar... it was unlike anything he had heard before, out of instinct, he shifted so that Kennedy would be more behind him, his habit of protecting his leader and friend, and he was just about to pull out his hand cannon until he noticed Poppy to stay very still and quiet. Jeff forced his hand away from his weapon and he held his breath and soon enough the plodding of the footsteps quieted, allowing Jeff to breathe a sigh of relief. Bringing back his joking smile, he looked to Poppy and said quietly "Your daddy doesnt seem to be the type that takes lightly to strangers huh?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 26 days ago

Jonathan continued throughout the conversation to be restless due to the fact that it might get him into trouble with the little sister but eventually didn't want to tell them for the little sisters sake. He didn't know why but form some reason he thought the girl was different. Not just because she had a syringe in her had but because she seemed more.... Sane than others. When the WHUMPing went by Jonathan almost screamed but kept it to himself until it went by. He let out a sigh of relief then slightly chuckled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nightwing


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

After holding it in for so long, and letting everything go all in one big, heavy, unpredictable sob, Dan couldn't help but feel empty. For the first time in a long while, he finally was. His regrets were gone, along with the storm that had raged, all flowing out of him slowly but surely with each tear that fell. He had welled up some of his emotion, as he was used to doing, trying to stop himself from crying. Though, as he was regaining his breath and his head, he heard the young girl move, lifting his watery gaze to lock with her gleaming one.

That was when she did something that made him nearly choke up again. She had wrapped her small arms around his neck, too small yet to hug any differently, her arms meeting at the back of his head. He, in return, set a large hand on her back lightly, almost covering both of her collarbones, his fingertips stopping just short of her side. The scene was easily in resemblance to a bear giving a hug to a fox. Though both participants had something emotional to take from this embrace as well as to give. The hug eased him, silencing his tears, giving him the support he never knew he so yearned for.

The embrace seemed to end too soon, his heart pumping violently, as if it were trying to break free of his chest and find salvation. As she removed her arms, he let his hand slide back to his lap, still making sure to keep his eyes on her, afraid to let her out of his sight. Afraid to lose something he never had. He could only try to stifle his stubborn watery eyes when she spoke, listening with vigor to every word she spoke. There it was, her name, her identity, Poppy. Dan let his gaze sink to the floor he sat upon, his breathing finally slowing. "Poppy..." He breathed, his voice still rough. "It's wonderful to meet you." His eyes shimmered against the bright lights as he looked up, again letting his gaze dance with Poppy's. He gave a solemn nod, the final step in his grieving process, the release, he was letting go. Saying his goodbye.

"Poppy." He addressed her with nothing but respect, a hidden emotion within his speech, but there all the same if one cared to hear. "You may not be my sister...But I meant what I said. I'm here for you when you need me." He looked down, a ghost of a smile on his face. "That's what friends do. What families do. What I do..." He glanced over his shoulder, at his friends, at the knights. He gave a light-hearted smile, as lopsided as ever. "That's what we do."

He turned back to her, wiping at his eyes, and raising a brow at the vibration he felt on the floor. Soon after, Poppy pointed out the lab, Daniel was unsure whether or not this was the lab they had to go to, but when she mentioned seeing Jonathan, his suspicions were confirmed. She admitted to delivering adam there, whatever that was. She also mentioned how it appeared, as well as admitting that she had gone inside the building, at least to the receptionist. Daniel rolled his eyes playfully, regaining his self-assure composer. The tears had finally come to a stop, but had left his face a little red. Daniel's lopsided smirk returned when Poppy rested her head against his shoulder, it still remained after she left, her comment along with her.

As soon as she lifted her head, she tensed, and Dan felt another vibration rock him on the floor. Daniel stood, his honey colored eyes searching the area, never finding the source of the pounding, which not only had grown stronger, but louder as well. He had just glanced down to Poppy, noticing her nervously bite her bottom lip, when he heard something that made him flinch.


It sounded like a loud groan, or a deep shout. Whatever it was, it sounded like a dying whale. Perhaps louder. Daniel could only hold his breath with wide eyes as the thumping came closer. Whatever it was that was on its way, it was not to be messed with. Daniel couldn't help but look back over to the corpse, the river sticking out of it's body like a crow in a flock of doves. He could only hope that whatever was coming wouldn't be the same as the one before, the one that had done that. His heart, which had previously been racing, was now slowing to a near stop, seeming to know of the danger at hand. Moving closer to Poppy, Daniel made sure he would be able to cover her if there were to be rapid fire, or anything that would put her in danger. His eyes moving over the Knights, if it came down to it, he would sacrifice himself for them. To him, they were the closest thing to a family he could ever have. They meant everything to him. They were everything to him.

As soon as the footsteps had thudded closer, they suddenly echoed away, giving Dan a chance to suck in a breath of air. He took a step back from Poppy, allowing her space. Noting the wide smile on her face, and the relief that was clear in her every move. Apparently, this whale whumper, was her "Daddy". He wanted to suggest giving her back to her father, but wasn't entirely keen with the idea of losing her, and was relieved when she had specifically chose to say "we" in her speech. Hearing a familiar voice, Dan turned to face Jeff, listening to what he was saying to Poppy, who was still beside him. He had to admit, Jeff could always lighten the mood, even with his light-hearted joke filled questions. Daniel turned to Poppy, his mouth curling into a small smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Lamb of Columbia

The Lamb of Columbia

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It took all of Kennedy's strength to not break down at the sight of pure innocence and kindness that was just displayed before her. Her friend, who was breaking down and hurting deeply, was suddenly comforted by this little girl who the group had only just encountered. She wrapped her tiny arms around his neck, looking quite small and fragile in the shadow of Dan's figure. The moment was a brief one, but it held heavy significance. After she had released her grip on Daniel, the girl addressed the others. So, Poppy was her name. And she seemed like she knew where it was they were supposed to be going.


A slight vibration rumbled beneath their feet. Poppy was now more relaxed, not the scared little child who had been waving a razor at them not moments ago. Instead, she was acting like a child. She had a short attention span, talking and asking questions like any other child would. Kennedy smiled softly, it was a relief to the stress and shock they had all been feeling just a few minutes before. But then Poppy's expression changed, and the slight rumbling had now grown to tremors under their feet. The group seemed to come closer together at the next sound. A grumbling, metal-scratching roar that pierced the air. Jefferey moved himself in front of Kennedy, she moved closer to him and placed a calming hand on the back of his shoulder as Poppy warned them to be quiet.


The rumbling that shook them soon dissipated until it could no longer be felt, nor the creature making it be heard. Kennedy let out a long breath, her heart jumping at the taste of oxygen. She turned to look at the others, just in time for Jeff to crack a joke and lighten the mood. Kenn smiled and let herself relax, the threat of whatever that thing had been was now lessened. Or so she had thought, until the little girl said they were running out of time. Kennedy finally took a step towards Poppy, kneeling down so she was eye level with the girl. "Nice to meet you, Poppy. My name is Kennedy." she stuck her hand out to greet the girl, "This lab, the one you said that you visit? Do you think you could take us there? We would much appreciate it." The warm and friendly smile that had become Kenn's signature expression was displayed once again, and she looked back at her little group. Dan was right when he had spoken earlier... "You know, what my friend Danny here said, that's true. We won't let anything happen to you kiddo."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Leroy, to say the least, was a bit off balance about the scene that was unfolding in front of him. He was a man that would be willing to face down a charging Handy man in a heart beat if need be, but when it came to dealing with emotions his or otherwise he was as useful as wet tissue paper trying to stop bullets. Leroy did feel for Dan, knowing the feeling of wishing you could change the past all to well, but he refrained from making a move towards his fellow knight. Leroy keep his eyes glued to the girl with the corps like complexion, who introduced herself as Poppy, up until the point the floor began to give off a slight rumble and the gut wrenching moans started to echo through the hall. He couldn't help but reach for the shotgun that was concealed under his coat, but he did manage to stop himself from pulling it into view when the thought that he was in a crowded hall full of people made it's way into his rather thick skull. He moved his gaze from the group only to met by the sight of a hall full of Rapture citizens that looked like they've seen a ghost. It didn't look back to the knights until Poppy mentioned something about a 'Daddy'. Okay don't make daddy angry. He wrote himself a mental note before refocusing. When it turned out that Poppy might be able to lead them to the lab they were looking for he grew a slight smile. Looks like we might actually have caught a break.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by facelessrecon


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They small girl and Daniel spoke, their conversation ending in a hug. Obviously Daniel had something that happened in his past, but Clarence wasn't one to pry about those things. Suddenly, a noise echoed through the halls of the underwater city. It was a groan, an inhuman groan that sent chills down his spine. He put his hand on his pistol quickly, ready to draw if the creature showed itself. He wouldn't start a conflict, but that didn't sound like a friendly creature. He turned towards the little girl, who the creature or "Daddy", was searching for.

When the thumping stopped, Clarence wrapped the syringe before placing it back in his pocket. The little girl seemed to know what it was, giving him a warning. He made a mental note to ask her about it, but this was neither the time nor the place. He glanced over, seeing a few people looking at the group. He gave them a slight nod, hoping that they would find interest in something else. Now this little girl said she might be able to take them to the lab... But from the way she described it, was it a good thing?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 26 days ago

Jonathan's knowledge of the world outside of the lab he was once in was limited so when the little sister or 'Poppy' said she was headed back to the lab where he had once lived but the only thing that came to mind was his old home. It had been maybe an hour or maybe minutes since he was hear last, he didn't actually know. But now he was going to be led somewhere by, what some call, the spawn of terror. It was mostly just what he called them but he think the name fit most of them. For the first time in a while Jonathan spoke up "Err Poppy do you know if those men who do test on us.. Screamers are looking for someone?" He asked referring to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Lamb of Columbia

The Lamb of Columbia

Member Offline since relaunch

The small group had soon relaxed, the tension that moments ago had felt so heavy in the air was now a thin mist, dissolving into the air. Kennedy stood, and peering out from the alleyway in which they stood, she checked to make sure there was no immediate danger. As she glanced left, she saw a large figure disappear around a corner down the walkway. She wondered if that was the thing that had worried them so, but she didn't harp on the thought. Turning to address her friends, she smiled wide, "Alright, well shall we get going then? Wouldn't want to keep them waiting," Kennedy took a step out from the alley and onto the walkway that led past several more stores.

Looking around, the everyday citizens of Rapture could be seen conversing, smoking a cigarette, or having a drink. It was a reassuring scene, knowing that the 'regular Joes' were out and about enjoying their day. They even seemed to be used to the sight of Poppy, though as they continued, they were met with several sideways glances and some peculiar glares. Kennedy simply brushed it off, not taking much worry in the matter. Looking back to her Knights as she took the lead, she spoke. "Chin up, fellas. Nothing has stopped us yet, and we aren't going to let anything get us down this time either." A sideways grin played on her face, "We are Knights, through thick and thin."

Continuing down the carpeted walk, bits of the citizen's conversations could be hear. "I can't believe they sunk that building, what good does that do?" "I really need to get some more EVE, getting the jitters..." "Now honey, be careful for splicers. Don't wander into the abandoned halls." Kennedy pondered on these statements, still trying to get a feel for the whole place, but she figured that would take time... Coming to what appeared to be a dead ending, with a directional map strewn out before them, Kennedy stopped. "Hm, let's see.... Apollo Square... Arcadia.... Fort Frolic...." She bit her lip and then turned to the others, "Well, your guess is as good as mine." She looked to Jonathan, who didn't seem to have a full grasp of his bearings, and then to Poppy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As the citizens of Rapture were used to Poppy, so too was Poppy used to the citizens - but her childlike amazement is not to be quenched by the distinct and intentional lack of attention given to her. She skipped over to shop windows, pointing happily at the goodies inside. She smushed her face against the glass of the aforementioned clothes shop ("D'ya think they make that blue dress in a children's size?") and she stared hungrily at the confectioneries on display in the sweet-shop. She didn't ask for any sweets, however, instead preferring the bright red contents of her syringe to guzzle on whilst she walked.

Of course, on top of that was a barrage of endless small-talk. Something really gives the impression that Poppy is either used to talking to herself, or hasn't had anyone to talk to for quite a while. "You know, the orphanage isn't that bad, and the orphanage ladies take the new girls out with pretty make-up on. I want the pretty make-up too, but they said 'cause I'm not new anymore that I don't get it, and that I've got to stick with Daddy and not talk to strangers. It's what a good girl does, and I don't wanna be a bad girl - the bad girls go missing. My friend Katie started crying about her mo-...her muuhhh...her moooo-..." Poppy faultered. She just couldn't get that word out either, her face going even paler as she realized what she was trying to do. "Her lady-daddy...she went missing a few months back. Apparently, she got invited to a princess castle, but she doesn't get to leave ever, so good girls must gather and bad girls go missing."

For a long while, Poppy fell silent, her little hand trying to weave it's way into Danny's palm. "This doesn't feel right, mister. I think-...I think I'm being a bad girl. You won't let me go missing though, would you? Daddy's out there worried sick for me...I should probably check on him in a little while. If he caught me with strangers, he'd-...." Poppy cut herself off, smiling and shaking her head. "He'd not be very happy."

Poppy looked up at the large map curiously, her eyes lighting up more so than usual with wonder. "My Orphanage and the lab are over here..." she chimes, pointing towards the general area of Point Prometheus. Then she hesitates. "Or was it over here? I can't-...remember... she whispers, her finger dragging across to Pauper's Drop on an instinct. For a moment, she sniffled, then violently shook her head. "No, no. Over here. I'm certain." confirmed Poppy, her finger resting on Fort Frolic. "I'm sorry, I'm so used to travelling 'round the vents and stuff, maps are weird. I'll know it when I see it, don't you worry!" Poppy said, cheerily. Something seemed to be bothering her, though...her expression isn't as cheery as she was in the streets. She kicked at the floor with her little white shoes, the blood on her dress congealing to a sickening blackish-red.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nightwing


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Daniel eased once the other's too had pocketed their anxiety, his face was slowly returning to it's proper color. He watched as Kennedy headed down just a tad bit ahead, peering over the nearest corner, her eyes widened, but the movement was nearly unnoticeable in the lighting. The young man adjusted his light blue necktie, afterwords running his hand through his coarse brown hair, letting a huff of warm air escape from his mouth. To be honest, if he were told that he would travel through time and space alongside his friends, confront his past, as well as acquire new attire. He would'a laughed hard at whomever suggested the preposterous idea. Now, he couldn't help but travel along the current made for him and the others, a path forged directly for them, it seemed, to help those that needed it along the way on their journey. Perhaps to help them as well..

As the group headed onward, Dan made sure to hang around Poppy, not too close; but not far either. A full arms length away, well, her arm length. As they were passing the clothing store, Daniel glanced over to his side, expecting to see the small figure of Poppy beside him. However, his amber gaze was greeted by the shiny ground. His heart seemed to skip, had they already lost her? Had he already failed on his promise, was he that naive to let her out of his sight... It hadn't been long. He stopped abruptly, avoiding collision with the other Knights by stepping slightly aside. He frantically scanned the area until his eyes stopped as well as his pumping heart.

There she was, Poppy. The little girl was peeking through the clothing store window, her hands and face smooched onto the sturdy glass. Dan watched as she pointed into the shop, a smile creeping it's way onto his face, whether he was mad or not, he understood her. He waited just behind the group for Poppy to return from her window-shopping, ready to head on with the girl by his side. Giving her a light nod as she strolled back, syringe-bottle in her mouth, he turned and continued forward, this time making sure to have her form be visible in the corner of his eye. Soon, the two had caught up to the group and weaved their way to the front, alongside Kennedy, allowing their leader a few steps ahead.

Along the way, Dan heard Poppy speak up from beside him, her voice was cheery, still an echo of sorts, but cheery. He raised a brow when she began to falter, so... She didn't have a mother that she was familiar with? Is that why she was having trouble getting out the word that clung to her lips, struggling it's way out?
Whatever the reason, it only made him feel that much more uneasy about her "Daddy". From what it sounded like, they made these girls work, harvest. Though, if they strayed from their path, well.... They'd go missing. It left a bad taste in his mouth, to hear something so dark be thrown out into the city lights as if it were common knowledge. Which, it most likely was here in Rapture. Obviously, it bothered Poppy to some degree, her face paling further than it already was. Dan moved somewhat closer to her, letting her know that he was there, that she wasn't alone. He was sure that he, and the other's wouldn't let her 'go missing' anytime soon.

It seemed everyone was silent after that, either deep in thought about her confession, or thinking about something else. Whatever it was, Dan couldn't help but feel awkward in the tension that hung in the air, thick and swarming around the group. It wasn't helping that along the way, he swore that half of the citizens had stolen glances at the group, some even offering what appeared to be glares. Maybe it was because he was fed up with everything that had sprung up at all of them, that had knocked them down on their way, whatever it was, it stirred him. Daniel glared directly back to the crowds,
"What?! Are we that attractive to you, we manage in stealing your attention for so long?" He raised a curious brow, along with a curious finger, hiding it from Poppy of course.

By now, he wasn't concerned anymore whether he was making a scene. Hey, they already managed to get the crowds attention, so why not put a stop to it. He had lowered his hand now, still sure that the young girl hadn't noticed his impatient bird raised. He noticed a few of the peeping toms avert their gaze, but other's had just been enraged further. So be it.
"I'm so sorry you have nothing better to do with your life than stare at those going about a life of their own." He muttered, rolling his eyes with disdain. He noticed one of the men that had been watching smile, his hands going into his white tuxedo, a strange dark rabbit head was embroidered onto the surface of his jacket. ('Strange')

He huffed out a breath, returning to his pace along with the others. After they had gone through all of that, was it too much to ask for a slight break? Soon, he had fallen back into the silence that had ensued around them, embracing him once more in it's familiar hold. That's when he felt something brush against the tips of his fingers, finding it's way into his palm. A hand, and a small one at that. Poppy. Daniel looked down at her, a lopsided smile finding a way onto his face. He opened his large hand, allowing the girl to insert her small one inside of his. Like a young bird finding it's way into the comforting nest that awaited. His amber eyes seemed to melt into her glowing gaze, his heart soon doing the same.

"No. I wouldn't let you go, not for anything. My friends wouldn't either, we'll be there for you Poppy." He whispered softly to her, an unnecessary action, but one that felt right to him. As soon as the worry had come across Poppy's face, it had gone, a smile framing her tiny face. Stopping alongside his new-found friend, hand still entwined with hers, Dan watched as she pointed at the map in front of her, her eyes that were normally alight, were widened with wonder. He watched as she assured them of herself, her memory would be sure to help. Daniel was fine with that, in fact, Johnathon could help. That wasn't an issue. What was, was something smaller than a city map; yet something bigger all the same. Poppy; she seemed a bit...off. Well- for her anyway. Daniel knew he had recently met the girl, but, it seemed obvious if you were to search for it, even if you didn't it was there all the same. Something was nagging at her, what it was, he didn't know. He didn't want to pry in on matters that didn't belong to him, but he could make an exception. He gave her hand a gently squeeze, one that was a reassurance of his presence. He lowered to his knees where he stood, his eye contact with the girl never wavered.

Once he was face to face with Poppy, he set both of their hands between them. He leaned in, only letting his words to be heard by her, and her alone. "Poppy. You're not alone anymore. You're not a bad girl, in fact, I've only just met you..." He smiled lightly at her, "And you're already one in a million. You've already helped us, even though we kinda didn't deserve it." He gave a small shrug. "But, you did. Poppy, we'll do anything to help you. You don't even need to say anything, that's what's special about it."
Daniel brought his other hand up, and placed it gently on her shoulder, resembling the way a father would reassure their child. "Whatever it is, we're here for you." He gave a nod to her, his honey colored eyes gleaming in the light. He gave his lopsided grin before standing again, still holding Poppy's hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As the stress in the air seem to die down Leroy couldn't help but still have a feeling of unease, be it from the new bizarre city or from the young girl wielding a large needle that undoubtedly could pierce straight through Leroy's gut, then again he always felt out of sorts when he was around any child, even when they didn't have the complexion of a corpse. Nevertheless he put on the mask of any relaxed man that he always keep on hand when his leader announced that it was time for them to press on with their mission, something Leroy was glad to hear because he knew it meant that they could leave this little heart saddening moment behind them.

Though he would never admit it Leroy felt like a child walking through the hall of heroes, everything seeming so spectacular it just didn't feel real, as the group made their way down the walkway. What really caught Leroy's eye though wasn't the shops or the neon lights, but the people themselves. He still couldn't believe how so many races were coming together and going about a normal day, he dreamed about a place like this more than he cared to admit, but what he saw next nearly stopped him dead in his tracks. It was a family, a husband, a wife and young boy being cradled in the arms of his mother, going on a casual stroll to who knows where, but it was there appearance that made Leroy that made Leroy gaze over at them. The father was a tall, fit black man with a close shave for a hair cut and a five o'clock shadow. The mother was a much more dialect white woman with honey blond hair, soft blue eyes and a smile that would melt a icy heart. They were the spiting images of Leroy's long since dead parents and then there was the child. Leroy wasn't able to get a good look at the boy but he was able to see his black hair, much like Leroy's own.

Leroy's attention was quickly pulled from the family when he noticed Dan's sudden out burst. He couldn't help but smirk as Dan gave a group of passersby the old one finger salute and braid them for their stares, Leroy wasn't one to talk about staring but he did understand the premise of not wanting attention. He let out a chuckle and patted Daniel on the shoulder as he passed by him. "That's the way to tell 'em, then again who can blame them for wanting to look at us?" He said with a joking tone before moving on, tipping back his hat.

When the group reached the map was when Leroy began to realize how similar Rapture and Columbia were, they both had section off parts of the city with quite ridicules names, like Neptune's bounty who came up with that? But the new problem was trying to figure out where in the hell was the lab they were looking for, but luckily for the knights they happened to come across Leroy's new favorite grey child. Though she seemed to be having trouble with remembering exactly where they needed to go, but she was the only one with enough experience with the city in the group so Leroy did have some faith in the girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jeff listened with a small smile as Poppy rambled on about her life at the orphanage, sounding just like an ordinary girl that wasnt a corpse grey with soft glowing eyes and wielding a giant syringe whose "daddy" sounded like Goliath on steroids. She then spoke about how the bad girls apparently go "missing" and he thought to himself 'that doesnt sound good at all'. He couldnt help but notice how she seemed to have trouble saying the word mother, and that was one thing that bothered Jeff, considering he believed everyone had a right to be with their mother... a chance he didnt have. He gave a slightly stern look at Dan at his outburst, falling back a little to whisper to him, "Keep it cool man, you'll have your chance at some bastards soon enough." When Poppy went silent, Jeff looked over for a bit to see that she was reaching for Dans hand, trying to hold it, with Dan gently taking hers in his own, encompassing her tiny fingers with his huge hand, it was, dare he say it, heartwarming. Didnt know Dan could be such a softie.

He walked a little faster until he was walking in pace with Kennedy. He glanced over at her sleek figure, the dress was more than complimenting on her. Jeff blushed a little and looked back down at the ground, regaining his composure before smiling and saying to Kennedy, "Poppy seems like a nice girl. and ol' Danny-boy has taken a bit of a liking to her. I swear theyre acting like siblings already... maybe itll do him good. He could use a little sister." He stayed alongside their leader, hands in pockets as he passed nonchalant glances at the staring passerby's. "If these orphans are as numerous as Poppy says they are, you'd think these people be a little more used to 'em. Think its cus we're with her that makes them uneasy?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 26 days ago

Jonathan walked along with the others hesatently still due to the fact that the little sisters big Daddy could make an appearance at anytime. Sure big daddies were bulky and not super agile but they still could so time manage to sneak up on you. As they walked Jonathan kept looking over a Daniel whom had obviously taken a likening towards the little sister which Jonathan found heart warming and terrifying at the same time. Though he'd never experienced it, Jonathan had heard stories about little sisters and how thier out-look on rapture was very different than most. Jonathan began to hum a song he had heard playing at the beach in Columbia to calm his nerves. He just tried to remember the beautiful sun he saw with its warm light that should spread across his face and make him feel complete. Jonathan began to compare the two cities to one another to pass the time, Columbia was warm, lively and perched high above the clouds with the sun so much closer almost within reach while Rapture was cold, dark and Dead feeling due to all the sickly looking pale people (including himself) with their gloomy clothing. Jonathan much more preferred Columbia than to Rapture and hoped to stay up there when everything was over.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Lamb of Columbia

The Lamb of Columbia

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Kennedy watched as her little entourage gathered at the map. It nearly melted Ken's heart when she saw how Dan and Poppy were with each other already. It hadn't taken long at all for them to act as if they'd been this way forever, apparently Dan's little emotional breakdown had some special effect that lured them both in on one another. As little Poppy made her way to the map, Kennedy took a step aside and stood next to Jeff. She nodded and watched as Poppy gazed at the large map, which swallowed her in size. "It's amazing, but I think you're right. This is a good thing for him." She smiled warmly, knowing that no matter what, Dan was going to be by this little girl's side.

Poppy seemed to falter at the map, changing her mind several times over before finally deciding on a destination for them to head towards. Kennedy shrugged, knowing that putting a small child on the spot like that could make them nervous, so she trusted her judgement. Hell, they had nothing else to go off of. "Fort Frolic, eh? These names are almost as ridiculous as the Columbian ones." Kennedy laughed lightly and turned to the group. "Okay, Fort Frolic it is. Thank you Poppy for helping us, we sure do appreciate it."

Glancing one more time at the map, Kennedy took a mental picture, just in case they should get turned around or in a bind. It seemed the way of travel here was through glass tubes that had the same effect as sidewalks. As far as Ken was concerned, it sure did beat waiting for a road to float down from the sky. Following in the direction she was guided, she began walking again. A metal door opened at their presence, revealing the glass hallway that was carpeted in red. It was a bit of an uneasy feeling, being in such a small space with so much water surrounding you, but she figured it was no more dangerous than them jumping through a tear, not knowing what lay on the other side.

Kennedy walked in pace with Jefferey, looking over her shoulder and smiling at the site of Daniel and Poppy's intertwined fingers. Looking back at Jeff as she walked, she grinned, "So, what do you think so far? Think we can save the day here in this backwards world?" It was a funny concept, but nevertheless, Kennedy and the Knights had pledged to help, and so they shall try until they cannot any more. A dull neon glow enveloped them in the tube, sea turtles and sharks were seen gliding effortlessly around them in the shiny water. Was it day? Or night? There was no sun to indicate the time of day, but Kennedy assumed by the amount of people they came across earlier, it must be early evening. Looking back over her shoulder she looked from Dan to Leroy to Jonathan and Clarence. "How we holdin' up back there? Hope no one is a hydrophobe." A cheeky grin appeared and Kennedy winked at them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nightwing


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Dan was strangely happy beside Poppy, sure he had just met her, but it seemed like they knew each other. Or, at least knew their reasonings to trust one another were entwined just so, that they just...clicked. Though he knew she was probably yearning for her "Daddy", he could only hope that this little adventure would help take her mind off of him for now. Now, he wasn't jealous of her father or anything, no that wasn't the case at all. Rather, he was worried for her. Her father sounded large, and powerful, he also appeared able to impale men and walk away from a battle. That, was what bugged him. Maybe he was mafia or something, whatever it was, he wasn't...normal.

Heh, normal seemed so far away now. Dan shrugged off his thoughts, for all he knew, her father could be a large kangaroo, with anger issues. That probably wouldn't surprise him compared to how the rest of his day had gone. It seemed that everything he knew about Columbia, and life in general had just taken a spin, and a diving crash. All but one thing had changed. One thing remained that was still the same. The Knights, they were still okay. At least, in a sense of the word. None of them were dead at least.

Walking along in silence, Daniel occasionally sent glances over to Poppy, and to his leader, as well as the others. He had to know where everyone was, and if they were okay. Especially in this city. As he looked around, he swore he saw the man in the white tuxedo again, that strange rabbit logo embroidered on the chest. What did it mean? Who was this guy?

The streets were beginning to crowd now, the people were chatting on politics, shopping, pubs, and even some kind of surgery that involved something plastic or other. Dan didn't know it, so what did it matter. If it didn't matter back then, didn't matter now.

"Excuse me..." A soft, almost eerily calm voice spoke from just behind the group. It sounded silky, and..perhaps thoroughly practiced. Upon turning, Daniel was met with a white face- no, mask. A white rabbit mask, and a white suited fellow. Was it the same man as before? This one seemed a bit taller..
"I'm sure I'm not mistaken, please do correct if I am. Though I'm certain I'm not." The mans beady green eyes surveyed the group, lingering on Kennedy, almost narrowing before continuing their sweep. "You all must be the casting crew, the ones who where wearing those hideous costumes from earlier."

He flashed a sly grin, obviously soaking up the reaction he hoped to gauge in them. "Whoever you work for, you are now currently disbanded from." His grin widened, as if he loved to ruin the lives of others.

"Don't fret, it is only because you have reached new employment." He looked ready to explode from excitement. "You all have been selected by Mr. Sander Cohen himself to preform in his new play. He heard of you through a shopkeeper, believe it or not, and immediately pulled you for the job!" The grin was practically burning through the mask now. "You must be so excited, it is a great honor to work for Mr. Cohen. Let me warn you though, he hates when his art is delayed, so do not be late."

With that, the masked rabbit man bowed, withdrawing an invitation to Mr. Cohens studio, for a 6:45 P.M play attendance, and handed it to Kennedy. Without another word, he turned around and headed off, muttering; "Let's just hope he doesn't kill these ones too, I'm sick of having to swap cleaning places because the last 'couldn't show for the job'.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Leroy had been following at the rear of the group, walking with a slow pace to try to take in as many details as he could. He watched the people walk by and go on with their daily lives. He examined the shops opening and selling their goods. But what he found most interesting were the posters of something called plasmids. "Evolve today?" He mumbled to himself as he read one of the advertisements. Leroy was considering going over to take a closer look but that idea was quickly pushed aside when he heard Kennedy speak up from the front of the group. "Well for some reason I'm in the mood for sea food but beside from that I'm peachy boss." He smirked lightly.

Leroy was lost in thought again when the white suited man approached the group. Why in the world is he wearing that mask for? He thought to himself, only half listening to what the man had to say. It was when he mentioned the name Cohen that he started to pay more attention. Where did I hear that name before... wait back at the store. Leroy thought when he realized that that was the name Kennedy used to get their new clothes. "Play? What play?" He asked but the man was already walking away. Leroy turned to Kennedy with a raised brow. "Well boss?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"What do i think? Well this isnt exactly our every day go-to. But as long as we stick to the plan we should be okay." said Jeffery was his usual cheeky grin, knowing full and well this group was never known to just 'sticking to the plan'. "Yeah I cant say that with a straight face, im sure we'll come up with some way to save the day that'll be grand and spectacular" he added, putting his hands in his pockets as Kennedy called back to the others, seeing how they were doing.

Next thing he knew, the voice of a man called to them, and Jeff looked to see a guy with a rabbits mask on, talking to them about being part of some actors group. Whatever that was about, but then a name made his heart skip a beat, Cohen. This wasnt the same Cohen they just scammed all that money for to get the clothes was it? How would he have found out so quickly about the charge? If this is the same guy then were all screwed with a capital S jeff thought to himself as the man spoke of their new 'employment' by this Cohen. when he turned to leave, Jeff couldve sworn he heard something about the last actors being... killed. He turned to Kennedy, "So boss... seems we have an... acting gig?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Lamb of Columbia

The Lamb of Columbia

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Kennedy had been leading the group through the glass tunnel, dark water and bright colored sea creatures surrounding them on all sides. Posters were scattered on the ground, "Evolution in a bottle!" "New Incinerate Plasmid!" "Evolve Today!" Some man with the name of Ryan has his company mark plastered on nearly everything here, and Kennedy wonders if these plasmids are similar to the vigors she and nearly every member of her team is juiced up with right now. Before she can carry the thought any farther, a smooth voice cuts through the quiet moment and addresses them. Ken turns, looking over her shoulder to see a sharply dressed man donning a rabbit mask.

"You all must be the casting crew, the ones who where wearing those hideous costumes from earlier." The man speaks up with a curious tone, and Kennedy narrows her eyes at the man. She takes a hesitant step forward as he continues to talk, "You all have been selected by Mr. Sander Cohen himself to preform in his new play. He heard of you through a shopkeeper, believe it or not, and immediately pulled you for the job!" A shopkeeper? What the--- Oh shit. This can't be good.... "You must be so excited, it is a great honor to work for Mr. Cohen. Let me warn you though, he hates when his art is delayed, so do not be late." With that, the man places an invitation in Kennedy's hand and turns on his heel, muttering something as he walks away.

Kennedy looks down at the card in her hand, You are cordially invited to the studio of Mr. Sander Cohen on this evening of November 14th, 1959. You are to be present at the time of 6:45 PM, please be prompt! Mr. Cohen looks forward to your presence. She tilts her head to the side in thought, looking up to discover the white suit man has already disappeared down the hall. Kennedy turns back to the group, a concerned look on her face. She looks at Leroy and Jeff as they both look to her for any indication of where this may take them. Ken purses her lips together into a flat line and looks back at the invitation card, decorated in bright colors and art-deco letters. Something about the whole ordeal was intriguing, though she knew that Cohen had to know they were the ones who just charged him a hefty bill for their new wardrobe.

"Well boys..." She gives them a shrug. If this masked man was able to find them so quickly and so mixed in with the rest of the crowd, another henchman is sure to be able to track them down as well. Kennedy weighs the options: Take up the invitation and face the situation head on, or attempt to blend in to the crowd and escape without much confrontation. But Ken knows the luck of her Songbirds, and it usually isn't in their favor. "Alright, what say we take Mr. Cohen up on this generous offer? Never know, there might even be cake." She winks playfully at the group and a smirk plays across her face. "We might not be so bad at this acting business, boys."
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