Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

With relaxation flowing through his body, Hoshi relaxed as well and only moved when either sipping his tea or looking to his side to see Noko leaning like she was the first time it had happened. He remembered the day well and everything that happened. The had spent a lot of the day together and had a fun time in each other's company. It was a nice memory to have and wasn't bothered at all with her leaning on him. He took a final sip of tea before placing it down on the table and looked out at the snow through the window. He liked the snow despite being a fire bender, and always thought that the winter was a wonderful season to experience, especially when it snowed. He allowed his body to relax a little bit more than he had planned on, and slowly drifted off in to sleep after several tries and attempts of keeping himself awake. His internal clock told him that it was very late out, and although he wanted to go back to his home to sleep, he knew it would be useless and he'd probably fall asleep on the walk home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 4 days ago

Noko sat there, her eyes closing now and then and staying closed longer than open. She snuggled closer to him as she started to fall asleep. After some time she jolted awake and looked at Hoshi, who was falling asleep as well. She slid away from him and grabbed the blanket that she had abandoned at her chair closer to the window. She walked back over to him and covered him with it before she woke him up, "Lie down... I'll grab you a pillow. You aren't walk home tonight. It is getting far too late...."

She went into her bedroom and retrieved one of her pillows. She put it down on the couch for him and smiled, "There.... Would you like another blanket? It might get cold in here..."

She smiled and walked back into her bedroom. She changed into her clothes for bed and pocked her head out, "Good night, Hoshi... I'll see you in the morning."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

He was only half asleep when Noko had moved her her stop right next to him, and his tiredness kept him from moving around or talking in anything other than small and simple words. He lay down on the couch as he was told and wrapped the blanket around him slowly. The couch was actually quite comfortable, and it only aided in his sleep. It was soft and comfy, and was just warm enough with the single blanket. He shook his head only a little as she offered to get him another, and continued to drift off in to a peaceful sleep, mumbling "Goodnight.." In the last second of consciousness that he had
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 4 days ago

Noko woke early the next morning and sighed. She rolled out of bed and walked into her bathroom. She brushed her hair as she normally did at this time in the morning. She yawned as she left her bedroom. When she spotted Hoshi on her couch, she yelped. She covered mouth quickly and giggled a little. She had completely forgotten that he had slept the night. She smiled and walked into her kitchen. She quietly went about making herself tea and a breakfast for the both of them. However, there wasn't much breakfast food she could make that didn't make some kind of noise. She walked over to Hoshi and leant over him, looking at his sleeping face. He looked awfully sweet when he slept. She pushed that thought aside and whispered, "Hoshi...Time to wake up."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hoshi moved a little as Noko whispered to him, and although that was all it took to wake him up, he got up slowly and looked around the area, a little uncomfortable since it wasn't his house he was sleeping at, but relaxed when we remembered that he had spent the night at her house since it was far to late for him to walk back to his home. He looked around once more and then up at Noko. He nodded slowly and smiled at her. "Thanks for letting me stay. Your couch was comfy." He said in a half asleep voice as he looked to her with a tired gaze.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hoshi moved a little as Noko whispered to him, and although that was all it took to wake him up, he got up slowly and looked around the area, a little uncomfortable since it wasn't his house he was sleeping at, but relaxed when we remembered that he had spent the night at her house since it was far to late for him to walk back to his home. He looked around once more and then up at Noko. He nodded slowly and smiled at her. "Thanks for letting me stay. Your couch was comfy." He said in a half asleep voice as he looked to her with a tired gaze.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 4 days ago

Noko laughed and nodded, "It is isn't. I made some more tea, would you like any?"

She stood up and walked over to the kitchen, "I was going to make some toast for breakfast, would you like any?"

She turned away and opened her cupboard and pulled out the toast. She continued looking through her cupboards. She tapped her fingers on the doors, "Do you want peanut butter, jam, butter, almond butter? Anything really. I kind of horde things for toast... I don't really cook breakfast."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I can cook something up." He spoke after some time to wake up a little more, and it was clear that he was because his words weren't slurred as they were before, and now spoke clearly. "I cook all the time back at my home, and it's the least I could do for you since you let me stay the night." He enjoyed cooking, and in some cases, he even went as far to get some of his ingredients imported so they'd be at their freshest. He didn't give her the chance to say anything before continuing. "I insist, and I bet I can use what you have to cook something."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 4 days ago

Noko was slightly surprised by his offer to cook. She nodded her head when he insisted that she allow him to, "Well... I guess... But you don't have to... I mean I let you stay because you would have probably ended up in some ditch if I let you go home.... and my couch is comfy."

She sighed and smiled at him, "Fine, come on..." she looked at him and around her kitchen. It was then she took notice to the lack of method to her madness. She gave him a sheepish smile, "Why don't you tell me what you need... I can get it for you, rather than you searching for it...."

She leaned against the counter as made his way over, "What were you thinking of making?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

He knew that she let her stay for the sake of his safety, but he still knew that he had to pay her back with an act of kindness of his own. As she moved away from the couch, Hoshi sat up on the couch and lifted himself off to walk over to the kitchen with Noko.

He nodded his head in agreement when she offered to help him, but he still hadn't much of an idea of what he was going to cook yet, and he simply shrugged when she asked him what he was going to cook. "I don't know, I need to know what you have, so I know what I can cook with. Maybe something simple, like eggs?" He wasn't sure, but from what he had heard and assumed, she wasn't to big on cooking breakfast.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 4 days ago

Noko nodded her, "I do have eggs."

She walked over to her fridge and pulled them, "There should be a couple of them in there," She looked in her fridge a little more, "I have some vegetables.... We could make omelets and with peppers... Or I have bread and we can have dippin' soldiers... Um..." She looked around a little trying to remember what else she had, "There might be a little bit of bacon...Or since we are stuck here all day, we could make muffins... I tend to keep my cupboards full... so name it and I might have some."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Omelettes sound great, so let's make one for each of us." Hoshi smiled some and stood there, looking at her cupboards to see how much she could fit in there, and if she had full cupboards like she had said, then he could make all sorts of things. He didn't want anything big or fancy, and two omelettes should do just fine for the two of them. He walked over in to the kitchen and looked at her with a curious look before doing anything else. "Do you mind?" He asked her, referring to looking in the cupboards to see what she had.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 4 days ago

Noko looked as he asked if he could raid her cupboards. She nodded her head, "Sure, go ahead."

She, on the other hand, turned and looked in her fridge. She pulled cheese, peppers, milk, and onions out and placed them on the counter. She looked at him as she grabbed a knife out of her block and placed it next to the foods, "Is there anything else you do or don't want to add to your omelette?"

She retrieved her cutting board and placed the green pepper on it first. Before she started to cut anything, she hunted down her cheese grater and placed it to the side, ready for when they need it. She lifted her knife and looked at him, "Peppers for you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hoshi went to the cupboard and opened it to look at what she had, and it seemed that she wasn't lying when she said she had a lot. Although, when it came to makin and omelette, he didn't really need anything from cupboard and turn to Noko just as she asked if he wanted peppers. He nodded and walked over to the fridge to get the eggs they would need. "Do you keep your eggs in the fridge or somewhere else?" He asked her, looking through and finding the eggs to answer his own question.

"However you make your omelettes is fine Noko, so put whatever you think they need in them." He then looked around for a bowl to separate the eggs in and stirred them together to mix everything together like it should be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 4 days ago

Noko nodded her head when he gave her permission to do as she liked and quickly started to cut the pepper. Once they were cut into small pieces, she pushed them to the side and cut up the onions. She pulled out two pans. She pours a small amount of oil into them both and tossed the onions into one. She smiled at Hoshi, "I feel they taste better when they are already a little cooked."

She added the peppers and cooked them for only a few moments. She put the pan to the side, "Those are ready for you."

She took the cutting board and washed it before she grated the cheese on it. Once she had a pile, she smiled at Hoshi again, "There were go. I think we are ready to cook these."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hoshi looked around for a pan to use and emptied the bowl's contents in to the pan and set it down on the stove. He turned the stove on and allowed the first side of the firs omelet to be heated. He was going to make Noko's first then his second. He looked at the two pans she had and nodded to her.

Flipping the omelette over to cook the other side, Hoshi grabbed some of the onions and cheese and put it in to the first omelette that he was making. It was simple and easy, and because of that he enjoyed to try different things with omelettes and using different ingredients.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 4 days ago

Noko stood next to him as he cooked the omelettes. She leaned on the counter as he flipped with ease, "Wow... You're good at that."

She walked over to the cupboard and retrieved two plates and placed them next to the stove top. She returned to leaning on the counter next to him watching at he cooked the food. She smiled up at him, "Have you ever cooked using your firebending? I think that would be fun... Although... your arm might get tired holding up the pan..." she laughed a little and grabbed one of the plates as the omelette was almost done. She held it out, ready to take it when he removed it from the pan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

He took her question to thought and cooked in silence for a short moment before speaking up. "Well, Cooking with firebending is a little hard, but it's possible. No matter that people tell you, firebender cooked food is no different from normal, fire cooked food. It's usually just a play to make restaurants seem a little higher class and make their food just a bit more expensive."

He enjoyed talking for a little while he finished up the first omelette, and placed the ingredients in the egg and flipping only half of it. He then moved the omelette to the plate that Noko held out and smile at her. "There you go! How's it taste?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 4 days ago

Noko laughed, "I wouldn't think it would be... I mean fire is fire. Surely fire coming for a person isn't going to taste much different. She pulled out two forks and a couple knives when Hoshi asked how it was. She cut off a small piece and bit it. She nodded her head, "Quite good actually."

She smiled as she placed it to the side, "But I'll eat the rest when you have your's," she rocked from her toes to her heels and back again, "That way, we can eat together."

It wasn't long until the second one was cooked at the two of them moved to the kitchen table. Noko handed Hoshi, his fork and knife before she started to eat her omelette. They were quite it for sometime before Noko broke it, "Why do they call two items a couple... but when it comes to people.... they have to be an item to be a couple... I find it strange..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hoshi nodded in agreement and started his work on making the second omelette for himself. It didn't take that long, and when he was done ne moved to the kitchen table with Noko and took the fork and knife that was offered to him.

He ate in silence with Noko for some time before a question was brought up. He wasn't sure where the question came from, but he'd try to answer it to the best of his abilities. He took a moment to think it over and he believed that he had a good answer to satisfy her. "Well each person is like an item of their own, and when those to items come together make a couple." As he finished his thoughts, he wasn't all that happy about how it turned out, but he gave it his best shot nonetheless. "Hey Noko, why ask something like that? Questions don't usually come from nowhere." He was curious, but she didn't have to answer if the didn't want to.
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