Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Vita: The City With A Soul

For the past decade the city of Vita has been plagued by an unknown force. Overrun by the sins of man. Lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride keep the masses in a state of paralyses as those condemned with these emotions continue to drag this once vibrate city into darkness. The reasons for this is not due to coincidence. A puppet master has labored for years to reach a height of influence and power that makes them above even the corrupt and blind. This puppet master is unknown and the pivotal piece in saving or damning the city.

This role play will take place in the city of Vita. During the past year stranger and darker things have begun to become increasingly common. This new found violent patter has become a city wide epidemic with no cause or end in sight. Our characters will be granted special powers that, along with some in game mechanics I will be implementing into the role play, will allow our characters to dive into the mystery of the city. These special powers are known as Personas which are the physical embodiment of our characters will and arcana path. Each character will take on the title of a tarot cards those are as followed...

The Magician, The High Priestess, The Empress, The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Lovers, The Chariot, Strength, The Hermit, Wheel of Fortune, Justice, The Hanged Man, Death, Temperance, The Devil, The Tower, The Star, The Moon, The Sun, Judgement, The World and The Fool

They are Separated by Two Groupings

Base Arcana
The Magician - The High Priestess - The Empress - The Emperor - The Hierophant - The Lovers - The Chariot - Strength - The Hermit - Justice - The Hanged Man - Temperance - The Sun - The Moon, Death, The Star, & The Tower

High Arcana Cards
Wheel of Fortune - The Devil - Judgement - The World - The Fool

I am not 100% done with the battle system I will be using for this role play; however, I have enough figured out that I can allow people to make their characters including their persona. I will explain more about how you will construct your persona in the character sheet skeleton below. Thank you for taking the time to read this OOC and I wish you the best of luck in all future endeavors.
Character Sheet Skeleton

Name Hopefully self-explanatory. This obviously includes first name and last name (if any), and may include aliases, nicknames, and other names which the character may be known as.

Age This is self-explanatory as well. All of our characters will be students at a local university so the age range should be somewhere between 18-24.

Gender Though it may be obvious enough with the name section most of the time (unless it's a fantasy name), this is still important; male, female, hermaphrodite, unknown, or none are the usual choices (male and female more often than any other, since the others are rare in society and some are much less familiar with them). This is not based on what your character looks like; a boy that looks like a girl is still a boy, for example. However, you may mention "looks like a boy/girl" and/or "prefers to be referred to as a male/female" if your character's gender is unknown or ambiguous. AUTHORS NOTE If anything above I have said was disrespectful please let me know. I am somewhat under educated when it comes to the modern understanding of gender.

Arcana This is a key part of the role play and very important to your character. I want to make it clear that no base arcana is more powerful than another. I do not want people to see their arcana as less important or cool than others. That said the arcana you decide to pursue should mean something to you and make you excited about the future it holds for you and your character. This selection will also play a role in what theme your persona might take on.

Appearance You need to let others know what your character looks like. Describe them in enough detail to let others get a mental image, but try not to stretch it out too much with tons of details. You may mention that they like this or that item or clothing they have on themselves at all time or a small description of how they obtained it, but do NOT mention anything which is not relevant to the way they look. I am comfortable with people using an image from the internet; however, I would also require a written section to help people see the photo through your eyes.

Personality The way the character acts. Even if they are shy or try to avoid social contact, you should still mention how they act when they have to interact with others. Likes and dislikes, phobias, and other such things also should be written down in this category. Make sure to include at least a few characteristics about the character; a personality of only one or two characteristics will make a flat character. Do not think that this part is written in stone. A big part of this role play will involve growth of character and developing them. That said I do not want your first post to be about how you are breaking free and leaving caution to the wind when you describe Jack Bower in the personality section.

History What happened in the character's past. This section usually spans from the birth or childhood of the character to the present day, although it may begin even before their birth. If you mention something about the way they act (I.E., they were feared by other children because they were extremely aggressive), be sure it was also mentioned in personality, and make sure it still is relevant to what happened in the character's past.

Others Anything that you couldn't put in any other category for whatever reason should go here.

Persona Skeleton Sheet

There will be three levels to your characters persona. They will be called Me, Ipse, and Ego. For now the character sheet will be for your Me persona. The basic way to look at this is your Me persona is your starter and therefore the weakest of the three. The Ego is an ultimate form and therefore the strongest. The way you will unlock these stronger forms will be by protecting, improving, and care for your personas home. This will be explained below in further detail.

Name I am going to implement a rule that the name can not be in English. If this is a horrible egregious rule let me know, but I think it could be fun to look up names and stuff for our personas that draw from other languages. If you haven't noticed already I have hidden several Easter eggs in this OOC by using other languages for names and found it very fun..

Arcana You may only have a persona from the base arcana list.

Home Each arcana will have a home within the city of Vita. They will often connect the arcana to the physical world in a fitting way. For example the Death arcana could have a home that is a graveyard. The better kept the graveyard is the move love and connection the city has to that place which in turn will strengthen the Death arcana and in turn strengthen your persona if it part of the Death arcana.

Appearance I would like it if you have a photo so we can all have a complete understanding of what it looks like, This can be any sort of image including drawings or other.

Skills/Spells Feel free to use this link for Skills/Spells For now you will have your Me persona have one spell type (Ice, Lightning, Fire, Wind, Light, or Dark with Almighty being unobtainable) Each character can select one and then have two basic physical attacks. If you have any questions about this feel free to send me a PM and I will assist in any way I can.

History This is where you get to explore the meaning behind your persona. You can have it based off a real god or goddess that connects to your arcana or create a new one. Have fun with this and I promise you will be all the more excited to journey though this role play with your persona
All character sheets must be sent to me via PM. I also request that you title the message with the following format [RPG SCREEN NAME - CHARACTER NAME] if you do not follow this rule I will be selecting other people ahead of you. As there seems to be some amount of interest I will possibly have to limit the number of people in which case I will select people based on quality of character sheet. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from all interested parties.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Role Play Mechanics

In this post I will list all the major role play mechanics including both battle systems and world interaction sequences. This post will always be a work in progress so please remember that and check it often. I will make announcements when major additions or important points are made so you don't miss anything and get confused.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Character Sheet

Name Colin Michaels
Age 21
Gender Male
Arcana The Sun

Dark hair and golden eyes are the center of Colin’s appearance. He is somewhat built; however it is with leaner muscles brought about through his love for tennis and soccer. He is on the tall side without being imposing most likely due to his bodies build.

Personality Colin is creative, resourceful, and intellectually quick. He is good at a broad range of things. Enjoys debating issues, but can fall into "one-up-manship" at times. Can get very excited about new ideas and projects, but may neglect the more routine aspects of his life. Colin is generally outspoken and assertive. He also enjoys people and has been described as stimulating company. An excellent ability to understand concepts and apply logic to find solutions has found him a lot of success in his life.*

History Colin is from a classic family of four. That traditional family has a pattern of traditional with his dad being the major bread winner and the house looked over by his mother. There was a healthy amount of attention given to him as a child with the normal older brother responsibilities added on when his sister was born. Since she is 5 years younger than him he often saw her as an annoyance before the relationship started to mature.

In high school Colin took a radio class where he fell in love with being a school DJ for its schools radio station. It started with a small role involving him giving an evening review of current events and traffic. As he got more involved he continued to work with the radio where in his senior year he was in charge of all students’ related projects and airtime. It was easy to see that he had found his calling. Upon graduating he celebrated his acceptance into the radio communications program at University of Vita.

While attending classes for his undergraduate studies he applied and was accepted into the schools radio internship. Since he is on the low end of the totem pole meaning he does a lot of busy work including organizing and cataloging the stations giant vinyl record collection. Thankfully there are few things Colin enjoys more than browsing and breathing in the music housed in the archive room. Colin recently celebrated being given a late night spot at the radio station.

Other Colin’s favorite music is Jazz.

Persona Character Sheet

Name Poco Sol
Arcana The Sun
Home Central Campus Sundial
Skills/Spells [list]
  • Skull Cracker - Poco runs towards an enemy and headbutts them. Chance to case confusion and knock the enemy over.

  • Swift Strike - Poco rushes around striking each enemy quickly.

  • Agi - Poco casts a fire attack at one enemy.

  • Patra - Poco's light cures Fear, Confusion, and Rage.

  • Dia - Poco's light cures light wounds and help people recover energy.

  • History Poco Sol is the ethereal pet of sun according to an ancient folk tail in rural Italy. Said to be as hard to catch as light itself. Clever and quick Poco is often warm and helpful in stories acting as a guide or giving advice. He is said to also be a sign of good tidings if seen in the summer.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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    Dolerman Chrysalis Form

    Member Seen 5 mos ago

    Name: Melanie Mitsu

    Age: 19.

    Gender: Female

    Arcana: The Hanged Man

    This is an image of Melanie when she was a bit younger, maybe 17. She has a very basic fashion sense, almost always wearing a skirt with a hoodie.
    Her eyes always seem to be constantly moving as if she is plotting something. Her hair is usually worn in a ponytail.

    Personality: Melanie sees her self as an intellectual, she is calm and she likes to think things through before she says them. She cant be described as cold but she isnt very warm either. For most situations that aren't of major importance she stays indifferent offering small observations and gentle philosophical points. This gives off the impression she is detatched from most situations, but in reality she is probably juggling a few dozen thoughts in her head she considers more important. Although she is very independent she is also approachable and helpful when she doesn't have more pressing matters she will attempt to make time for others.

    History: Melanie was born as the only daughter of two corporate lawyers who very rarely had time to show her the love and attention that she craved, though the were not neglectful she had very little experience in building loving connections with anyone in her later life. When she was 14 years old, she went missing for a month, her parents had the police search the entire area and after the first 2 weeks there was hanging worry over the community's head that she might have been killed. but after a month exactly she turned up at her front door completely unharmed, but she had no recollection of where she was for that whole month, there was no change in her personality.
    She channelled her loneliness into hobbies such as archery, cycling, and swimming. She also has a guilty pleasure for Arcade Video Games and Graffiti.
    Others: Melanie stands at 5'5 and weighs 125 pounds

    Persona Skeleton Sheet

    Name: Rabandos

    Arcana: The Tower

    Home: The Skyline Penthouse Bar



    Kill Rush- Inflicts a small amount of Physical damage up to three times on one enemy.

    Cruel Attack- Inflicts a small amount of Physical damage with a chance of Confusion on one enemy.

    Mamudo- 30% chance of instant death from the power of Darkness on all enemies.

    History : Rabandos Is gargoyle that was brought to life to avenge the death of it's castle's lady, he swoops the skies of all major cities, placing curses on those who vandalise ancient structures, so that all of the gargoyles can remain in peace never to have to suffer the eternal hunt that he has to.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IVIasterJay


    Member Seen 5 yrs ago

    This still happening?
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by World Traveler
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    World Traveler

    Member Seen 9 mos ago

    I would like it to; however, I am not getting a lot of confidence. One great character sheet has been sent *yours* and another was posted here when I gave specific instructions that it should be PM'ed to me.

    If I don't see any more activity in the next few days I will shut it down. There is another one of these I saw in the Interest Check if you want to jump on that instead.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IVIasterJay


    Member Seen 5 yrs ago

    That's too bad if it doesn't happen. Oh well, I'll just wait for another one to pop up. The other one right now isn't really grabbing me.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheRpgGamer


    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Character Sheet Skeleton

    Name: Kazuya Fujiwara

    Age: 18

    Gender: Female

    Arcana Justice


    She is a resemblance to Naoto but with Red Hair and Black Eyes.

    Personality: She is like Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4.She acts very mature.As a descendant of a respected lineage of famous detectives, she wears formal clothing, and deepens her voice when she speaks in a sophisticated, stilted manner. She yearns to be seen as an adult, and expresses frustration at being treated like a child by the police force. Her biggest insecurity is her gender, as well as her age. She hates being looked down upon, and fears no one would take her seriously since she was not born male, in an occupation that favored it.

    Kazuya was born without meeting her parents because her parents died in plance crash then she was raised by her grandmother.She loves detective shows so much and began playing one but her grandmother disagreed because she is a girl and she needs a job that really suit her as a feminine and that's when Kazuya cut her own hair and became a man.Kazuya's grandmother didn't get angry at her but instead accepted as she is then she became proud of her.Despite of her age,She solved 15 murder cases,6 kidnapping cases,and 8 robbery cases.She was called the "Prince of Justice" in her school.Despite her real gender,many girls have fallen for her looks and charms.Some boys despise her because of her popularity.

    Kazuya's real name is Midori Yamamoto.

    Persona Skeleton Sheet

    Name: Melchizedek

    Arcana: Justice

    Home: Court of Justice


    Anger Hit

    Melchizedek is a biblical figure known for his wisdom. Several sources, including the Book of Genesis, are quoted to mention Melchizedek as a king, as well as a priest, in the time of Abraham.He also known as the "King of Justice"
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lionheart
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    Lionheart Singer of Songs

    Member Seen 12 mos ago

    I'm interested I've just got a few questions. I noticed Fortune isn't in the base Arcana list, problem is the character I had in mind really fits the Fortune Arcana, a kinda goes with the flow type of character, one who does what they can do, but isn't overzealous about things. One who takes the hits life dishes out and keeps going, that's what I believe the Fortune Arcana is most attuned too. So is there no way I could use it?
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noel
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    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Also interested, if this is gonna keep going
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Corporal Lance
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    Corporal Lance Devil Dog

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    I know I'm a bit late to the game, but I would like to express my interest in this RP. Just in case there are still slots open, I'll be sending you a PM shortly.
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