Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Girlie Go Boom
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Girlie Go Boom Hey~hey~!!

Member Seen 1 day ago


K, so like I finished my charrie.^^ Dae'ni is in my first post up ^there edited in. Hope she makes the cut. But I'll change whatever you need me to, Lovejoy, k? ;D ~~later!!!~~!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avery Calhoun
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Avery Calhoun I pick things up and I put them down.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

LJ, I know you and I had talked about Motya's origins in the last thread and that he would be touched by Omestri blood. I also saw that the new CS has a spot for race which I don't think the old one did... or if it did I missed it before; so I have added his race with the explanation (rightly required) for the Omestri bloodline. I'll include what I edited into the old CS below in a hider. Since I worked with you on the whole Red Seminary and Omestri history I figured I would tie the two together through Motya and leave you with a bunch of options to muddle with the Motya character later on, plot-wise, if you so desired. Sorry it is long-ish for a single race entry, but as you know I get fired up when I write about stuff in this setting of yours. It may still need basic editing so forgive any clunky structure or typos, I'll be reviewing later today again.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nightbringer
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Member Seen 2 days ago

So, I'm kinda interested for FFXV, but after the monumental disappointment that was FFXIII, I'm not holding my breath.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Scout Sentinel

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Ah, but I quite enjoyed XIII. I didn't get to beat it, but that wasn't because I lost interest. XV Looks excellent.

Christ, Avery. XD You are awesome. And Kassandra's race is in her background. Of course, La Nostran. :3 Gaaah! I can't wait to get back to her and Dara. XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hansa
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hey, I hope it's not too late for me to make a character! I was thinking a pure T'sarae would be a good addition, hope that's fine.

EDIT: Also, is it OK for me to post the CS without a picture first? I'm at my family's cabin and won't be able to use my drawing pad until tomorrow, when I get home. I assure you, I will try to sketch something, but until then...?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avery Calhoun
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Avery Calhoun I pick things up and I put them down.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

My FF days ended with XIII... with every iteration the franchise captures me less and less to the point where it is almost a chore to play out of principle. Not that they aren't good games its just that, and I am dating myself here, not one of them has replicated the thrill I felt in 1997 when I first played the newly released FFVII.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lovejoy
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Lovejoy turn on the stove

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@Bunnita - Wow. Great stuff! It's really amazing how much detail you went into your character. I really loved her backstory too. Awesome job, Bunny! (can I call you Bunny? :p) And no, there isn't really anything significant about your character that I think needs editing. You're missing a bit of emphasis on the Red Seminary training and the Omestri people that you might want to add in though. You'll see what I mean at the end of this post.

@Hansa: You can totally post your character now if you want. :)

By the way, for all the folks submitting new characters, I've added a bit of miscellaneous information about the world (entries on the Red Seminary and the Omestri people) to the second post of the thread. This extensive bit of background info was very kindly created by Avery Calhoun, and it's pretty interesting and gives some cool insight into those two plot elements. I'll be adding more entries of misc world info (stuff like different demon breeds, ect) to that section later on as well.

EDIT: Apparently there's a limit to how much text can be in a single post, which fucks up my plans for having a single 'codex post' containing more world info. So I'll just post the info entries in the thread as new posts and link them instead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hansa
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Name: Nasir Alborz (‘Father Nasir’ is more preferable than ‘Father Alborz’)

Age: 20

Height: 5’ 11” (180 cm)
Weight: 157 lbs (71 kg)

Race: T’saraen


Nasir is of an average height for a young man, and quite an average weight as well, with a miniscule fat reserve and an athletic level of muscle. His facial features are mild for a purebred T’saraen, but his brown skin and prominent nose cause no illusions about his ancestry. His cheeks and chin are round and slim, giving him a boyish look. His eyes are a light green, like moss, adorned by dark eyelashes. His eyebrows are inherited from the long line of T’saraen nobility, being robust but rising taller over the eyes, giving a look of curiosity and surprise rather than anger. Nasir’s head is covered by hair which is a surprisingly light hue of oaken brown, a color inherited from his mother. This differs the traditional black curls of his bloodline. He prefers to keep a cleanly shaved look, although he could grow a prominent beard if he wanted.

Father Nasir has a body very much honed by the long and hard training of the Red Seminary, boasting a fair amount of athletic muscle and fat reserves burned through long ago. He keeps a lean physique, characteristic of elegance and endurance rather than raw strength. His skin has very few scars or blemishes, being much cleaner than one would expect on a young man who has gone through hard, thorough training over several years. Either Nasir’s wounds heal surprisingly cleanly, or he has simply glided over the obstacles thrown at him.

As is the norm for the inquisitors of Varya, Fater Nasir wears the traditional black robes with red stitching. The fabric is thick and hard, as if the tailors tried to mimic leather with cotton and wool. The chest plate with the rising phoenix adorns his torso, as usual, although not much more metal protects him. This reflects Nasir’s style of battle, not wanting to weigh him down. However, his lower back is protected by a small portion of steel and he prefers to wear light bracers made of thin sheets of metal.

Although the Alborz family views itself as ancient nobility, and as such are often arrogant, this is not the case with Nasir. Although he too believes himself as noble, he has grown up viewing it as an unimportant surety. Nasir simply does not care that his blood is slightly blue – which is a good thing considering society does not view him as noble at all. His bloodline’s superiority was lost once the T’sarae nation was conquered and their god devoured.

So, all in all, Nasir Alborz is humble and content. This is the core of his personality. He will show even the dirtiest slave respect and always accepts his fate. This may be because, unlike the firstborns of his lineage, he has grown up with life at a smaller scale. Another aspect of Nasir is his compassion. He has an inner, furiously strong love for all living things and will go out of his way to minimize harm done to anyone.

Through his upbringing, especially through his work as a shepherd, Father Nasir has an unyielding focus. His level of concentration is unparalleled by most, and so the tasks he does are done perfectly for the most part.

Socially, Nasir often blends into the background. He makes friends quite easily, but is largely thought of as unremarkable by most. He is skilled, surely, and valuable in his work. But this is more often than not too little to be at the center of attention.

Talents & Abilities:
In his training at the Red Seminary, Nasir excelled most in the ethereal arts, being weaker in physical training. Brute strength was quickly dismissed in his program, and he focused on agility and endurance. The quarterstaff proved to be the best fit when trying out weaponry, and he mastered it fairly well after vigorous training. However, to this day, Nasir prefers to stand back and use his ether during confrontations rather than fight head-on.

Nasir’s ethereal abilities are what make him valuable in battle. In the Red Seminary, his masters called it faunamancy – the manipulation of animals. However, this is not truly his power. Nasir can make any animal or beast his ally as long as it is part of the natural world; anything from a little bird to a fearsome bear. It manifests, really, as an advanced form of communication where Nasir’s mind becomes one with that of the animal. Through hard training and experience with the ability, Nasir can empower the animals he converts, drawing out their uttermost potentials and inner vitalities. Since he has been using this skill from quite a young age, he can command quite the mass of animals at once as long as their size and will are mediocre, in example fifteen birds or ten sheep at once. However, maybe only two or three great bears.


The Alborz was once a revered name in the T’saraen civilization, stemming from a king’s youngest sister. Since then, their blood’s royal glimmer gave them a special place in the nation, their family among the uppermost nobility. However, the nation was soon conquered by the gluttonous Varyans of the west and their curious god was chewed and swallowed. After this terrible incident, the T’saraens were taken into the Varyan society and stripped of the glory they once had. The days of superiority were gone for the Alborz bloodline.

Generations later, Nasir Alborz was born in an eastern village on land which was once a part of T’sarae. His father and older brother were not present, only his mother Jaleh raised him. His father Zoltan and his firstborn brother Cyrus were far to the west, in a big Varyan city, hunting for a bright future for Cyrus. A noble firstborn boy, Cyrus was destined for greatness – or so the Alborz family believed.

Back home in the village, Nasir was growing older, and at a very early age he showed affiliation with the animals. He had a natural talent for handling the sheep on the many farms, and already at the age of seven he was handed a shepherd’s staff and given the responsibility for the biggest flock of sheep in the village. Jaleh, his mother, was very proud of the only son she considered truly hers and soon the family became dependent on Nasir’s steady income.

On Nasir’s eleventh birthday, his father and brother had still amounted to nothing. Over in the western cities, they had not broken through and found Cyrus’ fantastic fate. That day, a riot broke out and there was a heated conflict in one of the cities, a pack of Omestrese slaves broke loose from their quarters and were met by Varyan military police. In the quick exchange of blows, Cyrus was caught in the middle and suffered a fatal injury. Cyrus was dead. Nasir had never had a relationship with his brother though, and the pain he felt would soon blow away. His estranged father came home to the village in tears, only to find that his second son was a real talent, being the head shepherd of the village at only the age of eleven.

And so Zoltan, his father, tried his luck in the cities again, this time with his younger son Nasir. The farewell with his mother had been difficult, but his father said he had left his mother once more with a seed, and that she would not be lonely much longer. In the Varyan cities, Nasir’s ethereal powers were soon discovered, and he was subsequently enrolled into the Red Seminary. Finally the Alborz family could taste honor once more!

Nasir’s training was long and tiring, but after nine years he was deemed ready and shipped off to the eastern continent, on what was probably the most difficult mission he could ever hope to receive.

Quote: "Life, in all its simplicity, is the most valuable thing in the world. All else comes second, or even third"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Girlie Go Boom
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Girlie Go Boom Hey~hey~!!

Member Seen 1 day ago

Urms. I dun think this RP and me are a good fit.

After reading what the children went through to become inquisitors, I dun think my charrie would be happy and smiley. At all. I feels all depressed after reading what they make children go through; all that brainwashing and torture. Like I get it. It's what ya gots to do to be devout, tough and powerful, but I dun think I'm up for something so dark and dreary afterall. I'mma drop my application. I'd just make silly stuff happen anyway.

But! Thank you for reading my charrie sheet^^ And err'body has urshums charries too! Right. Sooo... best of luck, k? ~~Later~~!! ;D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lovejoy
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Lovejoy turn on the stove

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Ah, that's a huge shame, Bunnita. I was a huge fan of your character and was pretty excited about what you could bring to our RP. And if it means anything, this RP isn't meant to be super dreary and depressing, and certainly a lot of our characters don't fit in that mold (some of our previous cast were actually pretty happy-go-lucky). Sure the world it takes place in is very dark and brutal for the people who live in it, but still, I'd like to think that our characters could rise above that and find some light in it all. :p
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avery Calhoun
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Avery Calhoun I pick things up and I put them down.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hansa, that character reminds me of an NPC (at least the quarterstaff part) that Scout and I inserted into our collective back story during a training session once. I remember that it didn't go well for him because this was beginner level training before the ether abilities were a factor and Kass (Scout's char) and Motya are both pretty melee focused. If LJ ends up accepting your character into the fold maybe you, Scout, and I can develop that back story a bit more; something like having the tables turned when the ether training takes place, a sort of payback or something like that.

Too bad Mal hasn't returned because I think Joos's character would have been an entertaining counterpoint to him, f that character were to be finalized.

Bunnita, I agree with LJ, I don't think we play into the depressing and deary too much it is just that the common background of the Red Seminary's hardships give the characters a coming point of familiarity. If your final wish is to go though I wish you luck and all as you leave. I honestly don't know how to feel about something I helped to create in this world driving someone away... and to think LJ had to reign me in on the Red Seminary training, my Marine mentality wanted to make it far worse before she reality checked me. .
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hansa
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Avery Calhoun said
Hansa, that character reminds me of an NPC (at least the quarterstaff part) that Scout and I inserted into our collective back story during a training session once. I remember that it didn't go well for him because this was beginner level training before the ether abilities were a factor and Kass (Scout's char) and Motya are both pretty melee focused. If LJ ends up accepting your character into the fold maybe you, Scout, and I can develop that back story a bit more; something like having the tables turned when the ether training takes place, a sort of payback or something like that.

That sounds great! This backstory seems like something Nasir would fit right into ;)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Orion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hiya all, rumors of my running away have been greatly over estimated. I shall indeed be reposting Mal as soon I have a chance to write up his character sheet again. It is a pain but I never backed up the work onto the laptop I use know and everything I had was lost when the old site crashed.

I should hopefully have something up in the next couple of days.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Scout Sentinel

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Yay! Orion <3 How's the baby? :p

Also, your new avatar... XD Really? Just anime girls. That's deep stuff ;D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nightbringer
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Nice to see you back Orion! :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avery Calhoun
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Avery Calhoun I pick things up and I put them down.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Welcome back Orion, I hope the life of a Dad has been treating you well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 6 hrs ago

Taking a few creative liberties here. Let me know if you approve or not.

Name: Golesh Pheppos Xenophon ('Father Xenophon').

Age: 21.

Height/Weight: 6'4" and 240lbs.

Race: Lanostran.

Appearance: The most distinctive thing about Xenophon's appearance is the extreme disfigurement of his face. It is a charred, mangled mess of molten flesh, robbing him of any visual appeal he might have had (think of the Ghouls of the Fallout series), a result of an ether experiment gone wrong. It is something he hides behind a hand-crafted, crudely stitched mask that he has adopted as his new face in public. The only two reference points of normality left in his visage are his eyes -- hard and blue, like the worst of the skin-flaying blizzards. The rest of his head is also burned and mostly hairless, leading to Xenophon wearing a hooded cloak at all times. Almost nobody knows what he looks like.

Besides his aberrant appearance, he also draws attention through sheer size. Xenophon is unusually tall for a Lanostran (few Varyans could hope to match his height) which makes him stand out even more. Like all of the inquisitors, he wears the traditional garb, augmented with a heavier breastplate and more leather armoring than most, considering his adopted role as a heavily combat-oriented battlepriest.

Reference image.

Personality: Xenophon is considered by his peers to be a "hard bastard" in every way. His ruthless, unwavering dedication to the duties of his role as inquisitor and the empire of Varya are exemplary. His particular brand of faith is inspired by his Lanostran upbringing. Xenophon worships the combined aspects of Lanostre and Varya as the God of War, the Great Devourer, the driving force that has turned the art of combat into the art of conquest. As such, he respects nothing but power and dominion over lesser things. Compassion is utterly lacking in Xenophon and he looks down on those who extend mercy to their foes. This attitude makes it difficult for him to create friendships with others (not to mention his abominable appearance), something he doesn't particularly care for. Xenophon prefers respect and fear to camaraderie.

Background: Born into the warrior-caste of Lanostre, Xenophon was trained from a young age in the martial arts by his parents. He lived a simple life of training, sparring and rigorous study, learning how to wield several weapons, eventually finding his calling with the bastard sword -- the weapon's flexibility and potential appealed to him. When his higher-than-normal pool of ether was discovered, he was selected for training within the Red Seminary, much to the pride of his parents. Without flinching, Xenophon resolutely rose to the challenge and his prodigious physical growth, iron will and spectacular discipline made him a favorite among the combat trainers. It quickly became clear that he was utterly unfit to be a priest of the people, so the focus of his training at the Seminary was on the development of his martial and ethereal skills.

That's when the accident happened. In a completely unexpected turn of events, the ethereal power that Xenophon was blessed with upon his ordainment turned out to be the creation and manipulation of fire, something that immediately consumed and disfigured his face in the initial burst of flames as Xenophon discovered his power. Hospitalized for weeks, many at the Seminary wrote Xenophon off -- surely he wouldn't recover from this? Alas, Xenophon proved them wrong, and he rose like a phoenix from the ashes, undaunted by what had happened. He created a mask to hide his face, wore a cloak to hide his head, and finished his training with distinction. Eventually he learned to control the volatile nature of his spells and now exists as one of the most singularly dangerous inquisitors that has graduated from the Red Seminary in years.

Talents/Ethereal Abilities: As a Lanostran, Xenophon is a prodigious warrior that excels at close-combat. He wields a bastard sword (also known as a hand-and-a-half sword), a blade that can be wielded in either one hand or both. Other than his excellent swordsmanship, Xenophon has little other talents -- he is not particularly intelligent, absolutely not charming, has no mind for overall strategy and knows few practical skills other than stitching and basic armor and weapon maintenance. However, his ethereal skill, the creation and manipulation of fire, is exceedingly potent and makes him that much more dangerous in combat. Within the vaguely-defined distinctions there are of the different types of Inquisitors the Red Seminary produces, Xenophon identifies as a battle-priest, a highly skilled warrior who leads soldiers into visceral, brutal combat, bellowing litanies of worship and bringing the wrath of Varya himself onto his foes.

Character Relationships: TBD.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hansa
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Here's my drawing of Nasir. I know it's not the best, but it's the best I could do by myself. :S

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lovejoy
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Lovejoy turn on the stove

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Loving the new character submissions!

@Hansa: Great drawing! You have a really unique style.

So, I'm going to leave the submissions open for a few more days, at which point we're going to move forward with the RP. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 6 hrs ago

I take it I've been accepted, then?
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