Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deamonbane
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Die has been cast.

Nilfgaard has once again crossed the Yaruga during a time of great turmoil and disruption in the North. Assassins have murdered various kings, making the kingdoms descend into chaos as successions are decided in the only way that they can be: Through war.Of course, there is no greater uniter than an outside enemy, so when the news of the Nilfgaardian invasion reaches the ears of the survivors of the disaster at Loc Muinne, they instantly rush to their respective kingdoms to assemble their armies and prepare to fight.

War in the North is nothing new, but on this scale it has been seen very rarely, and mercenaries, career soldiers and weapon wielders of all kinds flock to the banners of the kings and lords, prepared to fend off this invasion. Witchers of the various schools are picking sides as well. Some are joining the Northern armies for reasons that are obscure as they are themselves. And as anyone could tell you, a Witcher is a great boon indeed. Some are siding with the Nilfgaardian Empire however, under the promise that, should the North be taken, New Witcher schools will be built and protected by law.

During this time, as the protection of the lands grows weak, monsters make it their business to itnerfere with the war effort by attacking in greater numbers and boldness. Something is causing them to grow more bold and more daring in attacks, at some points attacking villages en mass. Few know or care why that is, however. And tales of another dragon flying over the ruins of Loc Muinne begin to spread...



1. This Game will be played in a Sandbox style, with various quests and fun stuff to do, and we will be following a loosely built storyline. You do not have to follow the various plots.
2. No God-Modding. Just no. If your character wouldn't know it, you don't know it (even if you do).
3. Your character is mortal. Take stupid risks, you won't come out unharmed. Do it repeatedly, and you will die. Also, if you are wounded, you won't heal instantly (Unless you are a mage or have one around that can perform healings). Even then, it will take a few days for wounds to completely heal, depending on their gravity. If your character dies, you can bring in a new one.
4. As per the rules of this site, romance is allowed, but anything past that will be fading to black. Non-compliance with this will be reported to the Mods.
5. I will be accepting canon characters, but those such as Geralt of Rivia, Triss Merigold, Yennefer and the like (That still have pertinence to the books and games to come) will not be allowed. Phillipa Eilhart or Saskia will be playable, for instance.

Now that the boring rules are out of the way, let's get to the good stuffs!





Appearance: (Pic and Description of at least two paragraphs. No Anime.)

Personality: (At least two paragraphs as well)

Weapons:(Nothing too overpowered here, please)

Bio: (Three paragraph minimum.)

Others:(Magical powers, small quirks, anything that you would like to include.)


Let us boogie-woogie-rock'n'roll!

Power, Sex, Power, SexBoth come down to the same thing: Fucking others - Geralt of Rivia
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by icos211


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

HUGE fan of the series. I'm about 100 pages into The Time of Contempt, and have played both games. I just want to ask, I know that most everyone would like to be a Witcher, so is there a cap on how many Witcher characters can be made? Also, seeing as how there aren't any Witcher schools anymore(at the time the books/games take place) could we invent one for the use of our backstory?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deamonbane
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

All of the Witcher Schools have been destroyed or abandoned, or so canon states. There are many surviving Witchers, though (And by many, I mean a several dozen in the whole world) yeah, that is probably a good idea. I will be accepting 3 Witcher Characters. First come first serve.

Also, Rules updated.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by icos211


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dibs on a Witcher spot. CP will be up shortly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alarei
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Going to start working on the Character Sheet in a little while...I've chosen to play as a surviving Witcher from the school of the Crow (a made up school).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alright, if not a witcher then what are my options? An Elf with a bit of power?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alarei
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

You can play as a Sorcerer (which are incredibly powerful beings) or you could even play as an Elf or a Dwarf who align themselves with the Scoia'tael. The Scoia'tael are basically a mixture of non-human races which fight for freedom from the oppression of humankind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hey, Ful. Nice to see you love (and your creeptastic sig) :P

And the Sorcerer would be on who's side? I'd like to be in opposition to the non-humans I believe. I need to read up on this world a bit more to get myself better prepared. I told Bane I looked for the Xbox game the other day and couldn't find it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deamonbane
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Small detail, Witchers are all Male, and all human (up to this point anyways). Dunno if there is any records of a female Witcher?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alarei
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Haha, and you too, thanks!

The Sorcerers align themselves with neither the humans or non-humans. Your sorcerer could be a part of the lodge, which is basically a sisterhood of sorceresses who wish to see a country ruled by magic.

However, if I remember correctly, the lodge was all but destroyed after the events of the Witcher 2. So perhaps maybe you can emerge from the embers of that group, try to reestablish it or something, I'm not sure...You should ask Deamon what he thinks of the premise and maybe he could give you a few ideas for your character.

And yeah, All Witchers recorded to date have been Human and Male. And going by canon, seeing as the schools have all been destroyed, I don't think we could work it into the story to have a non-human or a female take on the role of a Witcher, unfortunately...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deamonbane
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The lodge itself was destroyed, yes, but many of the members survived. Maybe you could play a sorceress that survived and is trying to rebuild it, using the war as something of a leverage to get the kings to support her, as the Emyr is well known to have his own magical entourage.

Will have my character up soon...

Also, call me Bane
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by icos211


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

On the subject of the Scoia'tael, in the books they are manipulated by and allied with Nilfgaard(which made me mad, as I had always taken their side in the games beforehand). In the games, they made out to be a lot more noble than in the books. In this story, are they taking the side of the northern kingdoms, Nilfgaard, or are they only going to get deeply involved if Vergen and the Pontar Valley are attacked?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alarei
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icos211 said
On the subject of the Scoia'tael, in the books they are manipulated by and allied with Nilfgaard(which made me mad, as I had always taken their side in the games beforehand). In the games, they made out to be a lot more noble than in the books. In this story, are they taking the side of the northern kingdoms, Nilfgaard, or are they only going to get deeply involved if Vergen and the Pontar Valley are attacked?

Iorveth, the leader of the Scoia'tael has vowed to fight for the races of Vergen regardless of their stance on the war.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lovely. A seductive witch I shall be. Thank you both! CS later tonight or tomorrow at worst.

Bane - I'm gonna need your brain, baby.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by icos211


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Nira of Malleore

Race: Human

Class: Witcher

Age: 26


Fresh faced and youthful, Nira is immediately apparent as a true son of the Dragon Mountains. Sunless winters have left him nearly as pale as the famous White Wolf, but the waves of blonde hair shimmering down his back betray the fact that he never underwent the extremes of experimentation that Geralt was subject to. Instead, he is but a normal witcher, his pale blue irises surrounding feline slit pupils, brutal scars marring any exposed skin from a decade of monster hunting, muscles toned and swollen in battle, and his fair skin freckled on the cheeks from summers spent in the south chasing beasts of the forest and steppe.

Nira's thick winter coat, bristling at its edges with the seal fur lining, accompanies the young Witcher even in his ventures down to the steamy Yaruga and beyond, though the amount it is stuffed with extra layers is determined by latitude. At home in the Hengfors League or even in a winter retreat in drafty Kaer Morhen, he often resembles the bear depicted by his silver medallion, as he is so swollen with fur undergarments, though his platinum maned head pokes out on its slender stalk. It is abnormal to find him clad in hues other than white and various shades of blue, excepting the brown leather sword belt across his chest and back. Upon this strap he wears both his meteorite and his silver sword parallel, at ready reach of his right hand. At his hip is a dagger the length of his forearm, and elsewhere on the belt of his trousers are small vials of elixirs arranged in threes by function.

Personality: Since childhood, the northern witcher has been a relative introvert. While in training, his masters noted his penchant for quiet - in every sense - determination. He would often sneak out of his chambers late at night, not to visit the taverns in the nearby hamlets as his fellow novices, or even the room of the sorceress aiding the masters with the mutations, but rather to scour the library with a candle, picking up all of the knowledge that he could ascertain, or to run the obstacles again and again by moon and starlight. He was and is a quester after knowledge, reading and speaking the elder tongue and seeking out the learned of every village he works in.

Interpersonally, Nira is a silent soul, speaking little to those he is not close with. It is not a disdainful taciturnity, but merely bashfulness that holds his tongue. Moreover, he expresses his thoughts through masterful control of his facial expressions. It was once joked by one of his few friends that he "has a thousand subtly unique grimaces for every type of disgust, a thousand types of shockingly warm smiles for each kind of happiness, and a hundred thousand different icy stares for each word you misplace. Oh, look! A hundred thousand one!". What words which do escape Nira's tight lips are often terse and eloquent, delivered in a callow and melodious voice marred by underuse. Naturally, he does what he can to work alone.

Weapons: A steel sword tinged yellow by the meteorite from which it was forged, a fluted silver longsword, and a long stiletto dagger.

Bio: Royal bastards, especially males are often given a high place in the world. Nobility, a spot in line to the throne, the funds to live comfortably, or at least a written record of his pedigree are the normal boons to being born of a regent and one outside the true royal family. The progeny of Niedamir of Hengfors' ravaging a poor and unsuspecting blonde in the snowy Talgar hills was denied all these privileges. When the bulbously pregnant woman appeared at the castle in Hengfors demanding her deserved justice and reparations, Niedamir decided, instead, to hide the disgrace from the record. Thus Nira was born in a dungeon cell, and sent to a boarding school in Malleore in the arms of a now tongueless mother.

Nira was never out of trouble at the school. His lack of personability caught him much flak from the other boys, and from the day he was old enough to form a fist he stood up for himself silently and violently, as he has lived much of his life since. Thus ignited his love for learning, being alone in the school's mediocre book repository, whether in hiding from the others, or sequestered there as a punishment for fighting. Yet his studious nature could not keep him in the good graces of the headmaster with his behavioral record. Overwhelmed by regret and the painful memory, his mother had ceased to visit him in the school when she married off back to Talgar, though she still secretly payed his tuition with what was left of a covert sum offered to her by Niedamir for the purpose. Thus, there was no one to collect him when he was expelled.

He made his way to Ban Exctar at his still young age, and began toil as a novice dock-hand. His days became full of the fishy stench that accompanied unloading ships. As he entered puberty, his muscles grew with the work, and he gained physical strength quickly and assuredly. He could not escape his streak of troublemaking, however, and was often caught stealing. Because he did so just to keep his stomach intact, the deckhands and dock workers would often let him off with a lashing, which he could tolerate easily. Yet when the guards caught him red-handed, he was chased out of the city and back onto the road. At this point of wandering, he was met by a hardened yet seemingly benevolent older man with the strangest eyes and most intriguing medallion that Nira had ever seen. The man recognized the strength of body under the boy's pale skin, and the strength of his mind behind the piercing blue eyes. They would both be needed in the Trial of the Grasses. And so Nira returned to the feet of the dragon mountains.

In the decade that followed his graduation from the Witcher school of the Bear, he traveled the content as far south as Mettina(though the heat stifled any thought of returning), and from coast to the Blue Mountains, though he often returned home to Malleore. In his travels, he developed a disdain for the Four Kingdoms and for Nilfgaard equally. The product of a small country, and the disowned son of a king, he had little love for those he saw as power-hungry oppressors of independent peoples. When the Four Kingdoms began their land grab following the death of Foltest and Demavend, Nira was in the southern border of the Pontar Valley, using the slaying of Echinopsae which plagued a farming hamlet's wheat field as a cover for watching the movements of Aedirnian forces and reporting them to the local Scoia'tael.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alarei
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nice sheet Icos!

Think it's just given me the inspiration needed to start writing mine now!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drewccapp
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Very much a work in progress I will definitely have him done in a day or two.

Name: Hurk

Race: Troll

Class: Warrior

Age: 28


Hurk has all the typical looks of a troll. Huge, muscular, beady eyes. He stands at a towering 7'2".His skin color is the typical dark muddy brown with splotches of lighter colors here and there. He wears a yellow paint mark on his forehead in the shape of a hand. His upper left arm is scarred from burns.

He wears very little. He has some rope tied around his waist and looped over his shoulders to hold up both a cloth covering his lower regions and a barrel tied to his waist used to carry things. He also uses branches for decorative purposes. Some are tied around his head to take the appearance of a crown.

Personality: Hurk is a friendly and passive troll. He enjoys working on his bridge. His "tolls" are usually talking with people, although he'll sometimes as for other forms of payment as he feels necessary. He'll defend what he finds important, but doesn't like to fight unless he has to. He thinks highly of himself and takes offense to rudeness especially if it's directed towards him.

Weapons: A large club.

Bio: (Three paragraph minimum.)

Others:(Magical powers, small quirks, anything that you would like to include.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Moon
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm goin' for a sorceress as well. Katelyn, seeing as they'd both be from the lodge, you want them to know each other? Perhaps working towards the same goal?

If you're going for seductive and powerful I could maybe do a younger, naive apprentice or some such. Dem foils doe.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yes and you're my new favorite person with that Sig... wherever I go, you should go. *melts*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by icos211


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hey, you remember what happened with Philipa Eilhart's apprentice... I mean the plotting and such. Not the girl-on girl poon. Though there is always that, too, isn't there?
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