Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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Maire was on the verge of fainting, partially due to the tightness of the corset she had been forced into but mostly due to her own inability to breathe normally. “I can’t do this. I can’t. They’ll find out..! They’ll know immediately!” Her eyes wide with fright, she desperately tried to convince the man sitting across from her to turn the carriage around. They were already within Lutetia’s borders, and the lively buzzing of people just beyond the covered windows of the carriage seemed to suggest they had finally arrived into the capital. This also meant that Maire’s time was quickly running out.

“Our kingdoms were not on very friendly terms Princess Alicia, almost no one from Lutetia has had the chance to properly meet the two of you in person.” Unsympathetically, the man spoke to her in a stern but respectful tone. She had been told that he was one of her father’s, the King’s, personal guards and could be trusted to the ends of the earth to protect both her and the secret about her missing sister. However, to Maire he was nothing but a stranger carrying out her father’s orders.

“But I’m not-”

Using the same tone of voice as before, he interrupted her mid-sentence. “Princess Alicia, we’re almost there. Please let go of your dress. We will not have time to get you changed before you meet your fiancé.” Without warning her directly, he was clearly reminding Maire that she was to respond to one name and only one alone: Alicia.

Slumping back into the plush seats of the 2-horse carriage, Maire stopped gripping onto the fabric of her dress and attempted to smooth out the wrinkle she had made. Instead of her usual knee-length skirts, she was in a proper full-length dress that needed to be gently lifted up to her ankles to be able to walk without treading on the laced hems. Matching her white and purple dress, she wore purple heels with small white rose decorations that helped her reach her sister’s natural height. The tight corset she wore under her dress was also forcing her to straighten her back and stand tall as her sister always had. Her straight red hair was pulled back and raised into a style similar to her Alicia’s, but they had not been able to replicate the natural tight waves in her sister’s hair. In short, she was dressed as Alicia would have been. Her sister had always loved the color purple. It suited Alicia’s deep blue eyes and the mature manner in which she carried herself. Maire’s eyes were green, and no matter how hard she tried she knew there was no way for her to mimic the natural charisma her sister always exuded.

She had never even worn a single article of clothing they had brought with her. They had all been made to mimic her sister’s tastes in clothing, but tailored to actually fit her smaller body. Tight corsets, heels that were always at least 2 inches higher than she was used to, and fabric that always had a tint of blue or purple… Her existence as ‘Maire’ had been completely left behind in Brynmor. They had not dared to even allow her to bring a single item of personal importance for fear that it would give away her true identity.

And all too soon, the carriage came to a stop. Someone beyond the door was announcing ‘her’ name. Alicia Isolde Brynmor. ‘Alicia…’ Calling out to the sister that had abandoned her, the princess tried to recall the many moments she had chased behind her sister’s tall and reassuring back. Slowly getting out of the carriage, she stood tall and tried to walk towards the castle in front of her with confident strides. Her chin was tucked in and her eyes politely lowered, but not so low to seem hesitant or weak. Humble, but still confident and strong.

Maire had no confidence. She was weak. She was far younger than her sister and wanted nothing more than to return back home and cry her heart out. However, there was one thing she could be sure of. If there was anyone that could copy Alicia’s mannerisms perfectly down to even her subconscious habits, it was her. More than anyone, she had always followed after her sister and admired her with all her heart. For the sake of peace, in place of her sister who had yet to be found, for her parents who had no choice but to send her there, and for her own safety… She had to rely on her physical resemblance to her sister as a direct sibling and the years she had spent by her sister’s side. No matter what, as soon as she stepped into that castle, she had to become ‘Alicia’.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Invader Len
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Invader Len Your Friendly Neighborhood Megalomaniac

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Jules fidgeted uncomfortably with his cravat, which was tight and itchy around his neck. He had never worn one before, it was like a small, angry dwarf was trying to strangle him. He had dressed in a number of exotic clothes before, in his job as the official ambassador, but not those from Lutetia, not since he was fourteen. Now his job had ended, and he was to focus solely on Brynmor and their princess, his future wife. Just the thought of marriage made him pale and sweaty, this was too soon! He had hardly held hands with a girl, much less was prepared to marry one. And the rumors of her elegance and beauty did little to comfort his fears, instead elevating them. What if the reason they had stalled so long on the proposal was that the princess didn't like him? What if she hated him? His whole youth would be over like that.

Matthew came up behind his younger brother, grinning smugly and startling him with a pat on the back.
"Why, dearest Jules, you look like you've seen a ghost! What's the matter, wedding jitters?" he teased him, laughing and tossing his long, golden hair behind his ear. Jules smiled weakly in response.
"J-Just a little nervous, I suppose. Where's father?" he asked. Jules sighed, and shook his head.
"His cold got worse, he can't make it out. The doctor said he's too weak to walk. Silly old man, he's been working himself sick arranging the preparations for her arrival. The princess's, that is." he responded, tutting under his breath.

He then turned to his younger brother, brightening suddenly.
"Anyways, what are you nervous about? This is your chance to sweep her off her feet! I mean, look at you, all dressed up, you almost look like a miniature me!" he cooed adoringly, fixing Jules's cravat. Jules made a face of disgust, sticking out his tongue.
"Yuck. Kill me if I ever act like you as well." he retorted, causing Matthew to feign horror and shock.
"How could you be so cruel?! My own little brother, how could you have become so crass! Years with foreigners have warped your mind, I do deem you insane!" he gasped theatrically. Jules grinned and gave him a small shove, grateful to his brother for cheering him so.

The trumpets rang, and the announcer called out the name of the princess. Jules felt another plunge in his stomach as he and Jules walked out of the palace doors out to the steps where they would greet her.
"Just, please don't do anything that would embarrass her." he whispered to his brother, worried. Matthew smirked and only winked at him in response. Jules heaved and exasperated sigh, waiting as the door to the carriage was opened, and the princess stepped out.

Jules felt his eyes widen as he stared down at her, the woman walking out of the carriage. She was very pretty, she dressed beautifully, and her poise was polite and cool. Jules felt his back stiffen, straightening his posture as the girl approached, no, if he remembered, she was older than he was, she was Matthew's age. She certainly didn't look it though, she had a much younger face which was disguised by older makeup. It clashed her appearance, but he supposed he wasn't there to complain. He tried to smile at her, but in his anxiety, it came out more like a grimace. He tried to speak, but his throat suddenly tightened, preventing him. Luckily, Matthew stepped in, smiling warmly.
"Welcome, Princess Alicia, to Luisitania. We are all very pleased you have agreed to grace our kingdom with your presence. I am crown prince Matthew zi Lutetia, I am here representing my father. I am afraid his illness has taken a turn for the worse, so he cannot come out to greet you, but rest assured, he will recover." he introduced himself, before turning to Jules.
"And this is my younger brother, Jules vi Lutetia. You'll have to pardon him, he also caught a bit of a cold coming here from Circassia so swiftly. But I know that I speak for him when I compliment you on how lovely you do look." he said slyly, kissing her hand. Jules glared and looked away, damn Matthew...

Fully aware of his brother's discontent, Matthew clapped his hands together, grinning.
"Well then, let us show you to your room, our servants will help with your luggage, and afterwards, we can all talk over lunch!" he proposed excitedly, ignoring Jules' dark stares. Teasing his brother was simply far too much fun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Luckily for her, the two princes also differed greatly in age and made it easy for her to identify one from the other despite the fact she had never set eyes on either of them. Maire realized that they were both very handsome, adding to the pressure she felt to do everything in her power not to make some sort of embarrassing mistake under her sister’s name. Slowly approaching them with careful footsteps, she felt her heart skip a beat when she saw ‘her’ fiancé’s unhappy expression, worried that she had done something to offend him. She glanced back at her guard following close behind her, but he gave no gesture of support. She only hoped his silence meant that she had not made any mistake big enough to warrant a correction from him.

The appearance of the brothers standing side-by-side, however, made her heart ache with a different emotion. She realized for the first time that she and Alicia would have been separated, whether or not her sister had chosen to flee. The minute the two kingdoms had agreed on the engagement, the sisters had been fated to separate. She envied the bond Matthew and Jules still had, and began to wonder if her sister missed her at all. Realizing that her thoughts were beginning to bring tears to her eyes, she quickly pushed her emotions down and focused on maintaining the calm smile on her face.

Her eyes widened as the older prince, Matthew, took her gloved hand and kissed it. While it should have been a common form of greeting among royalty, Maire had successfully kept contact with strangers to a complete minimum even at social gatherings. She could only hope that the thick makeup on her face could hide the deep blush forming on her cheeks, from both the compliment and kiss on her hand. Giving him a slight nod in acknowledgement she replied, “Th-Thank you Prince Matthew. It is an honor to meet you and Prince Jules.” Inwardly, she cringed a little from the stutter and her own voice. She was trying to sound deeper, but her young age was apparent in her bright, clear voice.

Turning to the younger prince, she gave him a friendly smile as she re-introduced herself. "Alicia Isolde Brynmor. It is a pleasure to finally meet you Prince Jules." A second later, her expression faltered a bit as she had made a mistake. She had given him her usual warm and wide smile showing her teeth instead of the mature, close-lipped smile Alicia used. Under any other situation she would have felt proud for being able to smile naturally in front of a stranger at all, but she could already feel panic beginning to rise up inside of her.

… She thanked the heavens she had worn gloves. Otherwise Matthew would have surely felt disgust at her clammy hands.

“I… Apologize for the terrible timing I seem to have had with my arrival. I hope for all the best for the King and that Prince Jules feels better soon.” Inwardly Maire was glad there was one less pair of important eyes she had to act under, but her sympathy did go out to both of them. It was a rather complicated matter, wishing for both their health but feeling relieved the king was actually absent.

Giving a light gesture to the man behind her she added, “This man is a member of my father’s personal guard, his name is…” She trailed off, realizing that despite the long journey they had spent together in the carriage she had never thought to ask for his name.
“Evan Graner. My King has entrusted me to stay by Princess Alicia’s side and keep her safe in his place. I hope that my presence here does not cause any inconvenience.” Bowing down, he smoothly continued Maire’s introduction as though it had all been planned. Then in a low voice that only Maire could hear over all the noise he told her, “Accept the invitation to lunch. Give the prince a proper reply.”
“And I would be honored to join you both for lunch.” She quickly added, giving them the correct smile this time. The tight corset and her nerves were not permitting her to have any sort of appetite for food, but she also knew that the real Alicia would not refuse Matthew’s invitation. Taking in a small breath she continued, “I would very much like to get to know more about my fiancé and future brother-in-law. Thank you for your consideration Prince Matthew.”

Following after the princes, she looked in Jules’ general direction (too shy to actually look him in the eye). “The journey back from Circassia must have been difficult.” Maire started, attempting to make small talk. Then with a hint of genuine concern behind her mature act she asked, “Are you alright? I hope that I haven’t been keeping you from getting proper rest with my arrival…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Invader Len
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Invader Len Your Friendly Neighborhood Megalomaniac

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Matthew beamed, though with his attitude, the princess probably would have gone with them even if she had said no. He beckoned one of the palace butlers, issuing his orders to help with the luggage, before beckoning both his brother and soon-to-be sister-in-law to follow him.
"Wonderful! Come on then, this way! I'll give you a brief tour about the palace, Jules can give you a more detailed one later." he babbled, ignoring Jules' sigh of having his brother plan out his actions for him.

Jules couldn't help but fidget with the cravat around his neck; he wanted nothing more than to rip the damn thing off so he could have a decent chestful of air. But he could not, for one, it would look distasteful, and it might offend Matthew, who routinely wore them. So, all he could do was sit and suffer in the stuffy atmosphere and hope he didn't look as blue in the face as he felt.

As the pair of them trailed behind Matthew, the older prince moving farther and farther off, talking incessantly to nobody who was listening. Jules glanced over in surprise at the princess's questions, quickly looking away and taking up an interest in the floor tiles as he struggled to speak.
"A-Ah! I-It wasn't really, I've made the trip several times before. A-Actually, I returned home several days ago. Trust me, i-its not your fault." he stammered over his words, trying to reassure her. Was she concerned about him? If so, then he didn't have the heart to tell her he wasn't actually sick, and it was just one of Matthew's lies.
He tried to think of a way to continue the conversation, damn it, talking to girls was so hard! Did he talk about Brynmor? But then he might seem ignorant. What about her dress or hair? No, then it would look like he was just superficial! Dammit, he hardly knew the girl well enough to ask her anything!
"Um, s-so... D-Do you know much about Circassia? I enjoy it very much. It's very far south of here, near the desert lands on the Sapphire Sea. It's a trading nation, and because of that, it's extremely wealthy. They also have alchemy there, though their style is very different. Their alchemists are called Djinni, after the mythical spirits, and their practice is called Rukh. A lot of they alchemy involves glass, they are quite skilled in crafting it." he explained, finding the fluidity in his voice once he began talking about something he was passionate about.

"Oh yawn." interrupted Matthew, who had somehow managed to get behind them, resting his arm on Jules' shoulder. "Come on, Jules, you're boring the poor girl. Nobody want to talk about the dull lives of foreigners when there is so much to talk about Lutetia! You know, we are among the finest textile producers in the world! Even the mysterious Kou who hid the secret of silk from the world for nearly a thousand years buy our cloth, in great demand too. On top of that, our large territory gives us a variety of climates, and the rich soil allows for several types of crops to be grown at once! Not to mention our taste in music, dancing, art, wine, and women." he added, winking at Alicia. Jules smiled weakly at his brother, laughing nervously.
"U-Um, brother, I-I think that you're being a little too... biased?" he offered, Matthew turning to him and puffing out his cheeks in a childish pout.
"Why's that? Jules, are you telling me you don't think our beloved country is as wonderful as I do? That's treason, you know! I'll make it treason." he grumbled, his mood darkening.

Swiftly intervening, Jules swiftly grabbed his brothers shoulder, smiling as sweetly as he could.
"Not at all, brother dearest. I was just trying to say that, perhaps merely talking would paint an inadequate picture for the princess? What we see with our eyes is in describable even with all the words in the world, you know. Maybe we should let princess Alicia observe and decide for herself? You don't want to spoil all the treasure of our land for her before she even knows her way to her room, now, do you?" he asked, his demeanor changing to pleasant and yet frighteningly sly and clever. At his suggestion, Matthew gasped suddenly, as if he had an epiphany.
"By Jove, you're right! How silly of me! You have to see for yourself! In fact, lets skip the rooms, that can happen later. I want to show you the balcony, from which you can see almost the whole of the city! Well, all of it that isn't behind the castle, that is..." Matthew babbled, Jules toning his voice out as he rubbed the bridge of his nose, returning to his usual quiet self. He now felt very embarrassed at having used that skill in front of someone else; the skill of Silvertongue.

Not wanting to make a bad impression, he looked at Alicia nervously, brushing a stray hair out of his face.
"S-Sorry. Matthew is very passionate, don't mind much what he says." he apologized, hurrying after his brother.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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“Oh, I’m glad. I was already feeling very guilty about the delay we had before my arrival. I would have felt horrible if I ended up affecting your health on top of that.” Maire sighed in relief at Jules’ answer. She listened carefully to Jules’ description of Circassia. The topic of other kingdoms had always fascinated and scared her at the same time. On one hand she would have loved to see new sights and landscapes in the foreign countries, but on the other she was scared of leaving the comfort of her own home. Then again… She had already left it. The princess frowned a little when Matthew interrupted them. She would have liked to hear more from Jules, and Matthew’s forward mannerism was making her very uncomfortable.

Her expression brightened quite a bit at the mention of the balcony. “Really? I would love to see that.” Then hearing Jules’ apology she answered, “Ah, not at all. His excitement is a little difficult to keep up with, but I don’t think it’s a bad trait.” Smiling she added, “And I think it’s wonderful that you two seem to get along very well with each other.” She had been surprised by the sudden change in eloquence as Jules spoke to his brother, but she had taken it as a sign that he was comfortable speaking to Matthew and that perhaps that was how Jules normally was.

Having difficulty keeping up in her heels, Maire trailed a little behind. She was beginning think that the reason her sister never ran around like she did had less to do with lady-like manners, and more to do with Alicia’s attire. She had no idea that her first day at the castle would be so physically demanding.

Taking advantage of the fact the two princes had moved ahead, she whispered to Evan (who was following closely behind them), “Is there any chance you could loosen my corset?”
Evan raised an eyebrow. “Not here. When you have the chance to return to your room, please ask one of the maids to help you.”
Maire gave him a rather pitiful look that clearly said she was about to reach her limits. He let at a small sigh.
“Excuse me,” He called out to the princes, Matthew in particular. “Would your highnesses mind slowing down? Princess Alicia is a little tired from her journey here and would like to take things at a more leisurely pace.”
Then whispering very quietly he warned, “You need to stop relying on others for help. You need to think for yourself, and voice your thoughts.” Frowning, she chose not to answer him and instead did her best to catch up to Jules and Matthew without actually running after them.

“I’m very sorry… I don’t intend to be so… Slow.” She was trying hard to hide it, but she was beginning to run out of breath. “But… If it is no trouble… Could we walk a bit slower?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Invader Len
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Invader Len Your Friendly Neighborhood Megalomaniac

Member Seen 6 mos ago

As Matthew hurried on ahead, Jules had to run at a light jog to catch up with him, slowing as he kept pace by his brother's side.
"Matthew! What the hell? This is my engagement, not yours! Why are insisting on being the center of attention, especially now?! It is incredibly rude, and don't even try to wriggle out of it by claiming ignorance to Brynmor customs, because even an insect would interpret your actions as childish!" Jules hissed under his breath once they were out of earshot of the princess.

Matthew did not reply, instead stopping and smiling as the princess, who had now fallen fairly far behind, called out, asking for them to walk slower. As she took her time catching up, Matthew turned back to Jules, his stupid and happy face melting away to reveal a deadly serious one beneath it.
"Something has just come to my attention. Jules, be careful, I believe there may be more than politics at work here." he murmured cryptically, retuning to his previous demeanor as the princess caught up.

"So sorry, Jules wanted to have a moment of privacy with me. Apparently I was being a little overbearing. But, I have just remembered, that there is some work that desperately requires my attention, father will have my head if I mess it up, so I will be leaving you two love birds alone for now. Sorry to miss lunch, but I'll see you again at dinner, and we can talk all we want then. Adieu, brother, sister, um, you." he said, saying goodbye to each of them, fumbling over what to call Evan, before hurrying off.

"H-Hey, wait, Matt!" Jules called, thoroughly confused by what had just happened. What was going on with Matthew? He glanced over at the remaining pair, giving a nervous laugh, rubbing he back of his head.
"U-Um, m-my apologies. He usually isn't like this at all..." he tried not to mumble, but trailed off, shaking his head.
"U-Um... Anyways, I-I'm not exactly the best at giving tours. I got lost on the way to the garden just two weeks ago, actually. In fact, I'm a little lost right now..." he looked around, feeling deeply embarrassed as he gathered his surroundings.

"J-Just a joke! I know exactly where we are. Um, th-this way to the bacon- I-I mean, the balcony! Heh, a-another joke, I guess..." he stammered, falling into a slower pace beside the princess and her mysterious bodyguard, looking down in his shame. What a joke indeed... He was making a complete fool of himself, and Matthew switching between acting like he was four and forty certainly didn't help a good first impression. She had to think he was an idiot, or worse, that he was impaired somehow, in his speech or in his mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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“Whew…” Breathing a sigh out in relief, Maire looked at herself in the tall stand mirror beside her bed. With her make-up wiped clean and her uncomfortable clothes replaced by a white nightgown with a beige robe around her shoulders, she felt like herself again. Although this was technically a bad thing, she needed at least one place to relax and thought it was probably safe inside her new room. Surely no one expected her to sleep like her sister right? In a very un-ladylike manner, she dived into the bed and rolled around in the soft blankets, enjoying her first taste of freedom after a very tiring day. “Alicia… I really don’t think I could ever get married.” She didn’t feel that she had made a very good impression on Prince Jules, and their conversations had been rather awkward throughout the day.

But now that she was left alone to her thoughts, feelings of doubt and homesickness began to sink in once more. “Ah…” Wiping away the few tears that began to well up in her eyes, Maire got out of bed and pattered over to the door. Knocking she gently called out, “Evan? Can I please talk to you for a moment?” Silence. She waited, but got no reply from the other side. “Evan?” Opening the door just a crack, she noticed that there was no one there. Alarmed, she opened the door wide open and peeked outside. The hallway was dark and empty, which was strange. Evan had said he would be standing guard outside of her room. Feeling incredibly insecure again, she wanted to go out to search for him.

Closing the door again, she ruffled through her belongings and brought out a comb and two ribbons. Remembering how her sister braided her hair to protect her curls at night, Maire made a side-braid along her right with one ribbon tied into a bow around the base of her neck and another tied at the end to keep the braid from unravelling. She frowned a little at what she saw in the mirror. Despite having copied her sister’s hairstyle at night quite well, it somehow made her seem even younger. She hesitated a few times, wavering between undoing the braid and keeping it. Finally, she took the lamp by her bedside and left the room.

“Evan?” Maire whispered out, making her way down the unfamiliar hallways. The lamp in her hand was not hot at all and a bit brighter than the traditional oil lamps. There were crystals inside the glass container made with alchemy that glowed automatically in the dark. She could hear her heart thumping inside of her ears. She was scared of being found by someone, she was scared that something could suddenly pop out at her from the dark, and she was very worried that she would not be able to remember how to get back to her room.

Fighting the urge to panic, she arrived at a large set of doors that were too big to be someone’s private quarters. “?” Hesitantly, she placed a hand on one of the handles and turned it. There was absolutely no resistance, and the door opened. Inside, her lamp revealed row after row of books lined in tall shelves. Further on in the darkness, she was sure there were even more literary works that filled the room. “Wow…” Perhaps it was because of how dark it was, but the private library here seemed even bigger than the one back in Brynmor. Impressed, she momentarily forgot about Evan and her fears and stepped inside.
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