Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragon princess
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Dragon princess Loki's Wife

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The city : A city humans live in, they live with peaceful but many catch stray dogs, gods must not use their powers around humans or they can be found out.

The forest of the pack : More then 340 miles of Forest each way the pack flourished and never has prey run low. The pack often travels around from place to place. They don't come in contact with gods of people here.

The ruins of the gods : ONLY the messenger from the pack knows the way to this place. This is the only place the messenger can go to talk with the gods. The messenger can bring other wolves with him but the messenger is the only one that knows how to get and to talk to the gods in these ruins.

The Alpha female, Deminio, of the small pack, opened her eyes as the sunshine brightly through the trees as dawn came forth from the shadows of the night. The German Shepard female opened her deep brown eyes and slowly got up from the cave she was from in the deep forest that no wolf other than her other two wolves where inside. She slowly walked out of the cave and looked around; the small den was carved out in the small rock race of a hill well hidden from intruders. The female dog went to the two warriors that where asleep and deeply growled at them to wake up her fur bristled,

“Wake up both of you” She said sharply and turning she walked to the edge of camp and thought about the day and what mysteries it could hold for her and her pack. She still from Hades was given the task of finding the gifted wolves of the world and gets them into the pack, and then they could do what they were born to do, protect the world from the evil that was waking its sleepy eyes. She was no small dog as she was four feet tall and very thick fur with eyes that glow with no mercy when angry. She was the reason not many animals attacked this pack, she could be REALLY scary when she got pissed off.

Tyruis eyes shifted open as the Alpha female had snarled at him and winced slightly ears back in submission. Tyruis was not the wolf to argue with the female’s command, she was the goddess of the afterlife if any wolf had half a brain they wouldn’t mess with her. Tyruis slowly got up and shook out his thick golden fur he was a slim male wolf, but that was needed for his duty, to run and talk to the gods and then come back to the pack and tell them. The wolves no longer could see the gods and it was his job to get messages back and forth just likes Hermes. Tyruis went off to the river to drink some water that would wake him up; his large ears perked up and listened to the sounds of the forest around him. His eyes where a deep red color, he was actually really scary when the time came forth to it, he went back to the pack camp and stretched himself out.

Cross the goddess of Nature’s wrath slept at her owners porch her eyes shut yet she was aware of things going around. Nature talked to her from her blood it whispered, it screamed. She shot her eyes open slightly looking around with deep blue eyes that made the sunlight seem to catch her eyes. She yawned and stretched deeply before she hears her owner about to go to work and barked happily. Her owner worked for the police and Cross was the best of the best when it came to that work. She went after her owner as they went back to the car. She jumped into the back as her owner drove she stares out the window, looking out into the dawn, the stray dogs and stupid wolves running for the shelter of the forest. Cross watched them and then as the car stopped she jumps out of the open window and lands and shook herself out once more. She was a young dog to the gods so she was still growing at her age.

She went after her owner and barking happily she sat beside her as she was looking through paperwork. The female dog sat beside her loyal till the end. The dogs of the station deeply respected her and dared not give her a hard time.

Seri the goddess of Trickery and escape was asleep in the night shade of a tree happily. She hears something running and opned a lazy eye and saw a pup a hucky running away from humans that had a lasso pole ready to snatch up the pup. Seri was not the one to let pup’s be in danger and with a deep growl she sprinted toward them, her eyes glowing darkly as she lunged turning into a horse and kicked two humans down painfully knocking them out cold. She then shifted back to normal and grunted shook out her long matted fur. She was a large female dog around 3’8 she had a lot of tricks up her sleeves and stared at the pup,

“Easy pup no harm is done for you” She said slowly and yawning looked at the pup and shook herself out. She looked at the pup before sitting down her eyes satre at the dawn awaking world, the forest russled with life like always.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

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Zariana was puffed out from the running, and was surprised when she was saved by another dog. She was even more surprised when she saw that the dog had turned into a horse to kick the two humans over. When she had turned back, Zariana was a bit scared. The pup wanted to say thanks to the dog, but shyness took over. No, she thought. I have to be strong. Zariana hesitated for a second, then said, "Thank you," to the female dog that had saved her. Curiosity also took over, and she asked, "Excuse me, but, how did you turn into a horse?" She was scared in case she got in trouble for asking, it might be personal or something. She refused to whimper as she normally did in these situations, and instead waited for an answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Axton was sleeping in a particularly snowy part of the forest, finding comfort in its icy touch. He opened his eyes momentarily before yawning and standing up, he took a moment to stretch before shaking himself off, snow fell off and flew in opposite directions. "Phew..." He commented to himself, admiring the breeze of wind, after all he was a god of the wind and most types of weather though he had no idea how to use them except for one, ice. He broke into a sprint for a moment, running quickly through the open field and over a hill, he saw a river in the distance. He quickly trotted down the hillside and made his way over to the stream, he picked up a scent and froze in plain, ears went back for a moment and his tail tucked between his legs. He was a timid and fearful wolf of most things, he had been an omega all his natural life, all he knew was to be afraid, that and fight every fight as if his life depended om it because at most times they did. He saw the male wolf he had smelled, tilting his head a bit at the patterned color of fur he possessed, it was nice to say the least, he also noticed the color in his eyes. He wondered if he had been a normal wolf and if not what could he do, was he like Axton, or was he different? He asked himself questions before shaking his head for a moment, carefully he stepped toward the male, not wanting to aggravate him by being too confident.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

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A blue wolf was at the top of the waterfall where the stream ran down, he was ensuring that the watrr would be nice and pure for everyone to enjoy as he lazyly did this more often then not. He was a very nive wolf tgat only wanted to make sure everyone was happy. Behind him, away from the water were two dead catchers who had tried to kill a mother and cub but Tidus killed them before anything could happen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragon princess
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Dragon princess Loki's Wife

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Tryuis snorted and then when smelling a differnt wolf his lifted his large golden head fixing his red pericing eyes on the wolf ahead of him. His fur bristled and deeply he gave a snarl at the intruder "Intruder, why you on the pack's land?" he asked deeply and before the other wolf the golden wolf seemed to trot but he was over ina flash right ahead of him, right in the face of the ice wolf, this wolf was beyond fast, he moved very gracefully and swift.

Seri lifted her large head looking at the pup once more and nodded slowly "Its ok pup your safe, if you ned a place to stay you can fallow me" she said with a gentle voice. The border collie slowly walked forward and away slightly to a large building that looked cold and dart but inside it would be very warm and cozy, There was things she collected thanks to being the goddess of trickery and cunniness she was often able to hide away easily from humans.

Demnio went to go hunt herself a down a deer for her and Mike and Tryuis to go and eat. She found them a stag, yes it was true the goddess of the after life was not a wolf but that very much didn't matter because she was very agile and swift hunter of the forest. She let her canine instincts take over her body and she gets ready to lunge at the buck, when the momment was right she lunged at it. Her jaws hit home latching right into the deers neck dragging the large buck down. She stepped on the chest and raised her large head and gave a howl for her small pack to gather to get some food. She tore off a leg and some chest meat to eat before she went slightly away to eat in peace.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

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Zariana cocked her head slightly and followed the Border Collie toward a building that looked cold. She dared not ask the question about turning into a horse again, she was a little too scared in case it had hit a personal nerve. She walked inside the building with the Collie, a tiny bit scared. "I-If you don't mind me asking, what is your name?" Zariana was a little curious to the name of the Collie, as she had to call the dog something. She started to feel slightly warmer inside the building, and was slightly happier because of it. Zariana looked to the Collie's face, waiting for answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragon princess
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Dragon princess Loki's Wife

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Seri looked at the pup once more "I'm Seri, I was born with the power to shapeshift helps if your really stuck in a hard place" she said smiling and brought over a package of some deli meat she had stolen "eat up you look hungry" said slowly looking around gently her voice was calm and yet motherly. Seri yawned and streched out in the floor slowly her brown and white fur shine in the dim light of day that came into the holes in the wall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

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Zariana looked at Seri's eyes with happiness, and said, "Thank you so much! By the way, I'm Zariana." She began to eat the meat that Seri had given her, noting that the voice sounded slightly, motherly. It reminded the pup a bit of her mother, and how she would have cared for Zariana when she was even younger than she currently was. A bit of light from the holes in the wall shined on Zariana like she was an angel, as she ate the meat which she found delicious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragon princess
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Dragon princess Loki's Wife

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Seri smiled gently at the pup and then streched and looking around she made her trips around the room and when finding a racoon she snapped her jaws at it causing it to squeal and run away in fear. She grunted and shook herself out walking back to the pup and laid down on the very soft couch. Sjhe stares at the picture on the wall of a man and her back in the old days.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

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He looked at the mother and cub and after getting them to safety, he made sure to cover up theirs tracks and scent so the hunter could never find the two of them again. He then dived off the waterfall his body transforming into Water as he hit the bottom of the fall in a speed that would of killed a normal wolf, however he was not normal as his body soon reformed in the water and he saw though it giving himself the shape of a fast swimming fish.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragon princess
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Dragon princess Loki's Wife

Member Seen 2 mos ago

(mike he was speaking to Axton, )
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

(Edited the post)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Axton gasped when he was noticed, immediately trying to back away from the male. When the golden black-striped wolf questioned him he stayed silent, not sure what to say, thinking that it would result in a violent reprimand. The wolf was right in his face, his blood red eyes pierced into him, his ears went back and he whimpered. That wolf was fast, very fast, maybe he was like him in a way, that only made things scarier for him. "I.....I came to drink f-from the river..." He said with a whimper, completely lying down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragon princess
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Dragon princess Loki's Wife

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The golden wolf looked at him slowly before stepping away slightly "enjoy your drink of water then" said slowly as he trotted off into the forest at the alphas call and snatched away some meat. That poor wolf looked hungry and he got some extra meat and went back to the wolf "hey if your hungry" drops a good chunk of deer leg down for the loner. Unlike the alpha female the messenger was very kind to all wolves till they gave him other reasons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Axton looked at the wolf, watching him go, once he was gone completely he returned to the river, lapping up mouthfuls of fresh water. He was startled by the wolf's voice, he hadn't been expecting it at all, put of shock he froze the river entirely. He yelped in realization, turning to face the male and seeing a deer leg, it made his stomach growl at the sight and by the scent. He wasn't sure about taking the piece of food, even if it was an offering, he timidly and fearfully walked to the deer leg, quickly pulling it away from the male and taking the leg into his jaws, crushing bone happily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragon princess
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Dragon princess Loki's Wife

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The wolf slowly watched him then eats the rest of the.other food licking his lips when done. He turned twoard the other wolf cocked his head "who are your godly parents?" Asked smiling warmly licking a paw. His red eyes soft and inviting to all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Axton was happy to have eaten finally, it had been long since he had eaten properly, he looked up at Tyruis when he asked who his godly parents were. "S-Susanoh, the Shinto god o-of r-rain, thunder, and lightning...." He said, his ears facing back, he was shaking a bit, fearful. He looked at Tryuis, his smile seemed inviting enough, he didn't seem hostile but Axton was never sure about other wolves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragon princess
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Dragon princess Loki's Wife

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The large golden wolf nodded slowly "neato. I'm tryuis, the god Hermes wolf companion . I am the messenger of the pack that I live in. If you like to live with the pack the Alpha female would love more wolves. She is really kind and never attacked anyone ever" he said as he stretched himself out and tai; swished side to side in a wagging n a friendly manner.

"you have no right to speak for me Tryuis" said a deep female voice. Out of the shadows of the forest came a german shepard who had thick fur. it was a she dog tail held high and ears up and ready for a reason to invite the wolf into her pack. She went to the other wolf and said "I am Alpha female Demnio, I am the alpha female of a small pack if you like to join you are welcomed but be warned you must be ready to work"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Axton looked toward the male wolf shyly, he was god-kin too in a way, it kind of made him settled but he was still a little scared. A pack, an alpha, this was slightly unsettling for Axton, he hadn't been in a pack in so long, he didn't even know if he was ready to trust again. Maybe the alpha really was kind, after all Tyruis seemed nice enough, he saw his tail swaying which caused his own to do so as he relaxed a little more. He was startled by a voice, his whole body looking as if he was ready to run away, he looked toward the voice and saw female, she wasn't a wolf though. She talked to Tyruis like she was a leader, maybe that was the alpha, after he informed her of her pack he was faced with a decision. He wasn't going to be able to survive any longer the way he was going, shaking noticeably he nodded and bowed to her, he had been taught to do so as an Omega once before. "Y-yes, mighty alpha..." He said to her, this was how he was used to addressing the alpha of his old pack, so many things from the past just stuck with him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragon princess
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Dragon princess Loki's Wife

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The alpha female blinked "Names Demnio you can call me that. I then welcome you to the pack with warm heart stranger" she said bowing her head to him with respect. She then turned and walked back into the camp slowly. Her large tail flicking back and forth slowly.

Tryuis smiled and watched the alpha walk off and looked back at the loner ice wolf 'come on I'll give you a tour of the lands" he said friendly wagging him tail brightly his ears flicking side to side with joy. He whined with joy and friendship as well. His large golden body shines in the sunlight of day as it was coming now into full swing.
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