Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vahir
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Captain


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Here's the prospective Ilisian terrestial borders.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I like to claim those land to be my!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Captain


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Does our Lord, celestial fire dancing upon his shoulders, watch as we destroy all that he and his chosen bride built? He does, I think, and he weeps, and his blazing fury grows with each passing day of strife." - Patriarch Meraikos Andrenus

Nation Sheet
Nation Name: The Holy Ilisian Empire
Government Type: Officially, in the absence of a ruler of royal blood sitting the Martyr's Seat, the 'Imperial Senatorial Regency Council' presides over the Ilisian peoples in a governmental capacity. Their official mandate, as written in the 'Charter of Our Martyred Lady's Imperial Peace', is to act as careful strewards of all facets of Imperial Life until such time as a fit ruler of Sebastine Dynastic Blood appears to return the Empire to peace and tranquility. To this end they have seized control of the Imperial Military, the Imperial Legislature, the Imperial Governorates, and so on. Despite this apparent coup, they have maintained the old Imperial Institutions. They are loathe to endanger themselves by rocking the political boat it would seem, and as such they do little beyond keeping the arctrams running, keeping the gate posts manned, and keeping the squalid morass that is the bureaucracy a squalid morass. Indeed, beyond slowly, gradually cementing their place at the top of the empire, the Senate has done precious little for the current state of affairs, and the Empire has suffered for it.

A great number of disaffected commoners, veterans, military officers, clergy, and academics have called into question the legitimacy of the Regency Council, and many have even ventured to say that is naught but a mouthpiece for the old families that once ruled the despotates in feudal Ilisia. Indeed, these former nobility, now for the most part immensely wealthy landowners, have thrown their full support behind the Senate and its unprecedented, implicit move towards republican rule. So, with the Great Families and the Senate entirely unwilling to abandon their position of power, cracks have begun to form in the imperial peace. Governors and generals, both ideal and corrupt alike, have launched into their own myriad agendas. Petty warlords, with their own armies at their beck and call, have launched campaigns to restore the 'true empire', both for legitimate claimants and for themselves.

To define a single system of rulership in this troubled time is, to say the least, difficult. All manner of petty emperors and warlords have staked their claim, and it is hard to say where one 'emperor's' rulership begins and where another's ends. Many have set up their own petty governments to provide where the regency will not.

Economy Type: The Ilisian economy is closed to the common entrepreneur for the most part, and is absolutely thrall to the oligopic landowners and nationalized industrial conglomerates. Rare is the farm or workshop that is not given patronage by some manner of aristocratic family or affiliated with an imperial-chartered guild. Foreign trade is carefully regulated by the Imperial Economic Commission, and brutal protectionist policies such as import quotas and excessive tariffs give an obscene advantage to the wealthy, domestic industrialists.

Race(s): Ilisia is, by majority, populated by the Terviin peoples, who are a swarthy, olive-skinned, and dark haired people. They are not natives to the continent, but instead supposedly refugees from across the ocean. Imperial scholars for the most part have reached consensus in that they crossed the southern seas from their island homeland in ancient antiquity. The reasoning behind this mass exodus, however, is still quite up for debate. Many hypothesize that an inhospitable climate, famine, or some sort of etherium-related mass disaster are to blame.

Leader(s) and People of Importance:
The Imperial Senate Regency Council; The ambitious republicans who seek to end once and for all the blight of absolute monarchy.
The Grand Families; Landowners and Industrial Magnates whose wealth compensates for their lack of legitimacy.
Various Royal Pretenders; The second cousins, aunts, uncles, and bastards of the now defunct Sebastine Dynasty.
Local Governors and Warlords; Those with their own agendas and old scores to settle, and with the armies to make it happen.
The Clergy; Whose only wish is for the end of violence, the restoration of the empire, and a renewed adherence to the ten holy tenets.

Brief History:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vahir
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Hey Sigma, can I make an NPC nation to fill up some of that white space?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 16 days ago

Sure thing. Player numbers thus far is pretty low, so an NPC or two would be just fine by me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 16 days ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vahir
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

It would be interesting to see a proxy war in Captain's empire, yeah.

I think, given that we're all humans, we should say that non-humans died out. None of us seem to want to include them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vahir
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kingdom of Coromis

Government Type: Feudal Monarchy

Economy Type: Feudal


Leader(s): King Sigismund "the Idle"

Persons of Importance:

*King Sigismund: King of Coromis. Known as "the Idle" for his inaction during the etruscan conquest of Tolos. He is old and his grip on Coromis is weak, and so he acts with caution and deliberation- too much so, according to his subjects.


Brief History: Coromis has always been a battlefield. A mountainous yet fertile land, it was the target of many a warlord in ages long past. In those days, it was a patchwork of tribes, much like the rest of the world. The status quo was only shattered with the arrival of etruscan general Rolf Vonnel, the great conqueror who had smashed the Old Esmarians and claimed half of their empire in the name of Eya. Vonnel had then taken his army east, and subjugated the tribes, one by one. As the host progressed further and further east, it became less and less practical to incorporate the territories directly into the overextended Empire, and so defeated tribes were instead forced to convert to the faith of Eya. Those who did so were granted the title of "King", which originally had religious connotations, but later became the highest title among the tribes, reserved for those who had cobbled together their own kingdoms.

And so when the great army entered the Coromian lands to the north, he sought out the tribal leaders, and demanded they convert. Naturally, they refused. It took six years of brutal campaigning to finally force the tribes to concede defeat. Vonnel declared Jiskra, the mighties clan leader, King of the Coromians. This was the beginning of the Kingdom of Coromis. With time, the Coromians integrated the worship of Eya into their culture, though they practiced their own brand of it, refusing to kneel before the Emperors.

Around the year 370 A.A. (After Aedus), another threat emerged. The Ilisians to the south began their own imperialistic drive, and vast swathes of the southlands. Their ruler claimed divine right to rule, the same that the Emperor of the Etruscans enjoyed. Thus, the rulers of Ilisia aquired the title of Emperor. This new empire had its own religion, and it did not look kindly on the Eyan Coromis. Many emperors campaigned against the kings of Coromis, taking much land to the south and along the west coast. The kings, however, managed to hold back the tide, and the struggle shaped the kingdom into a permanent identity.

Coromis's golden age can be said to have started at the year 524, when the three-year-old etruscan Emperor died, the last direct descendant of holy Aedus. The Etruscan Empire was thrown into chaos and anarchy, with the reigning emperors holding no sway over the princes of the land. Similarily, the Ilisian empire collapsed in the year 740, with a regency taking charge. During this time of chaos, Coromis thrived, no longer having to defend itself from imperial incursions. On the contrary, it launched offensives both north and south, chipping away at the twin empires. The Ilisians briefly united to counter the threats on their borders, but they collapsed again after the devastating Battle of Slany, in which the Coromians, lead by King Wendislav II, drove the routing Ilisians to the river Obe, and drowned them by the thousands- A battle which was made immortal by the legends.

The fortunes began changing in the year 1127, when Emperor Frendrik inherited the Etruscan Empire. Frendrik was a political genius, to the horror of those that profited from his empire's division. He married his son to a powerful heiress and negotiated the re-entry of several key duchies into the Empire. The reforming empire at first took no action against the Coromians, being geographically distanced, and separated by many independent kingdoms. Yet as the years passed the etruscan emperors slowly recaptured land, particularly in the east. The ducal wars interrupted this trend, briefly, yet the conquests continued afterwards unhindered.

The current King of Coromis, King Sigismund, began his reign in the year 1340. He saw his northern neighbors be swallowed up one by one by the growing monolith. For many years he attempted to gain support among the nobility to send a force to halt the imperial advance, yet by this time the nobles of Coromis had become drunk with prosperity, and sought only to improve their own standing. Hus promise of protection to the kings of Tver and Mercia were proven empty when the Empire invaded these lands, eliciting no response from the King. For this, he was called "the Idle".

Now, Coromis stands in a precarious position, clearly in a state of decline. Though supported by the Esmarians with money and materials, Sigismund's position is weak, and the nobility are all powerful. And at the border, the hungry Emperor Endor waits, preparing to pounce at the slightest sign of weakness.


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 16 days ago

I was actually planing on adding none-humans in my nation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Captain


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I was considering a non-human secondary/npc nation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 16 days ago

Sounds like a great idea.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Senor Herp
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Senor Herp Byzantium Pro

Member Seen 6 yrs ago



Getting back on this miserable nag of a horse again. Claims down; gray is Germany, blue is balkans/Yugoslavs, green is Magyars, gold is Papal States, dark gray is border princedoms, minor states and knightly orders, burgundy is Burgundy, vivid burgundy is not-Hansa, turquoise is bastard Venezia-Ukraine, all are under one imperial crown & Ilisian papal sect. I apologize for not being able to clean up the horrendous jaggies, but Vahir saved the last version of the map as a .jpeg. The artifacts and the mutilation of all rivers forever were beyond my ability, I did not tackle them. A proper sheet is forthcoming. Surely, it is forthcoming.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 16 days ago

Awesome! Welcome aboard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vahir
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

There's already two empires. Another might not be wise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I think having NPC nations is bad because everyone will just attack it than a PC
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 16 days ago

Nah, it's alright, NPCs help fill the world out a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vahir
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Senor Herp said but Vahir saved the last version of the map as a .jpeg.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Senor Herp
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Senor Herp Byzantium Pro

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

... downloader, why do you do this to me. why. I save it straight from the browser, I make no edits to the file type. None. And it somehow came out as a .jpeg even so.

ffnnngngngn. Redrawing borders by eyeballing is not going to be fun, but oh well.

Oh wait. Lower resolution, that's the source of the artifacts. Nevermind. Jaggy mess is still on you, mate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vahir
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

So, when's the IC coming up? Or can we just post whenever?
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