Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ninian
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Ninian Oracle of Destiny

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Lilisette the Kirlia
[Folio Town - Eastern Residential District]

@Light Lord@Shiny Keldeo
As the door opened, Lilisette's pupils contracted. I-I didn't know he was going to be that BIG... Somewhere between awe and terror stricken, the Kirlia simply stood there for a few moments.

Eventually, she regained her composure. Almost immediately, she blurted out, "Nice to meet you too, sir!" He continued on about parties, and she began to scratch her neck, "O-Oh. Well um... the party... feast, thing is mostly for the dancing troupe. Kind of a welcome to Folio thing, I guess? Either way, we really would like to have Selena come, I think it would be a lot of fun. Of course, after we're done eating, we'll bring her back right away! I know it's pretty late already..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ninian
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Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karaha the Umbreon
[Inner Horutoto Ruins - Lily Tower]

It had been a long evening for Karaha, though it had technically just started a few hours ago. His former traveling companion, Petra, decided that she wanted to explore the Quicksand Caves, as she inferred that it was her birth place.

Not that it mattered. Though Karaha had almost gotten his hopes up on having a traveling companion, it was true that what he planned to do was a path best traveled alone. Padding along, it wasn't long until he happened upon the Lily Tower. Hopefully this is the right one... otherwise, I'll need to travel across Sarutabaruta...

Looking up, a fairly short tower looked over the steppe; it towered over the treeline, but it wasn't exactly impressive by any means. At least, according to its size. It was constructed with large stones, all stacked up and filed to make what was supposed to resemble a baobab tree. In the distance, a few other towers of similar shape could be seen. Karaha assumed—hoped—they were the Amaryllis Tower and the Dahlia Tower.

At the base of the faux tree was a small tunnel. Padding through, he came upon a set of stairs that took him under the earth.

Once inside, he was surrounded by ancient looking stones with strange carvings. They likely didn't have meaning, and if they did they were likely some sort of energy conduit. They weren't runes or glyphs seen in ancient languages. Small light sources dotted the walls. Karaha was unsure if it was some sort of energy, or a luminescent fungus. Either way, it appeared to provide a stable, if dim, light source.

Once down the long, shallow staircase, the Umbreon reached the bottom. Looking around, it was a rather small, square-room, with small hallways branching off at each of the four corners. At the end of each hallway was a tiny room with strange, alien-like stone orbs situated in them.

Not that he could see the orbs in the small rooms, but he had visited the ruins a week previously, and was aware of their existence. Now let's see, which am I supposed to activate first? Or perhaps it matters not...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Brute the Venusaur
[Folio Town - Far Eastern Residential District]

Brute finally refocused on the topic at hand. "Oh, the dancers. Haven't seen 'em myself, I... don't go out much... not after I hurt my back down in the trunk. Had to quit Guild Work 'cause of it too, and nobody's gonna see 'ole Brute sitting behind no desk." He said. "I'm sorry, I keep rambling about the past... well, to be honest, I'm not the one you have to convince."

He looked over his shoulder through a window that looked over their 'backyard'. "Leanne... Selena's mother... she's the one you'll have to convince. She's protective of Selena, maybe you kids can convince her to let her grow on her own for a while. I don't know, but if getting to go to this party thing is so important to you, you have my approval, but you need Leanne's." He finished, stepping aside as the ground slightly trembled from his footsteps.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Light Lord
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Light Lord Nothing can take my lightning!

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Glyph the Flygon and Letho the Sableye
[Glyph's Guild - Guildmaster's office]

The very dazed, and distant visage of the Luxio caused Letho's grin to lower a bit. His head flicking back to Glyph for a moment before he wrapped his arm around Fuse's ribs and began to walk him out the double doors. "Come on buddy, let's get some food in ya. We'll uh...Catch ya later Guildmaster Glyph."

Waving with a kind smile on his face as the two exited through the double doors, the Flygon's head tilted back down to his papers. "Goodbye you two. I'll be rejoining with you all shortly." Even with his head near the desk, Glyph's eyes moved to track the doors as they opened, iris' following the heavy wood block as it quickly came ajar, and then slowly, painfully began to shut. He waited patiently until it was closed completely before letting out a long, drawn out sigh.

And here, I thought that I would never see another catastrophe during my life time...How naive of me.

Devon the Totodile
[Folio Town - Far Eastern Residential District]

@Ninian@Shiny Keldeo
The young, inexperienced Totodile listened in interest to the Venasaur's tales. Staring up at him and crossing his arms as the thoughts and images of adventuring through Mystery Dungeons and going on these 'Expeditions' clouded Devon's mind. Wow....Being a Guild member sounds even better than I thought it did....These stories are cool, but we really need to grab Selena before it gets too late....I hope he's almost done.

Thankfully, the Water-type didn't need to wait very long. Lilisette spoke up and cut the Grass-Poison type short, allowing them to finally get to the point. However, what Brute said caused Devon to frown. I know where this is going....

And the former human was right with his assumptions. As his friend's father stepped aside and gave his approval, Devon nodded up at him. "Thanks Brute. And we'll try our best." Looking back at the blue Kirlia as he walked into the grassy home, he smiled. "I'm sure we can do it. It'll be way easier than fighting with a bunch of thieves right?"

Quickly making his way through the cozy wood home, the tiny blue croc approached the back door and pushed it open a bit, sticking his snout out to smile at the two plant dinosaur's. "Hi Selena. Hi Mrs. Leanne. Is it cool if we talk to you two for a minute?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Fuse the Luxio
[Folio Town - Glyph's Guild: Dining Hall]

The Luxio somewhat mindlessly walked with Letho down to the Dining Hall. Before they went in he semi-shook himself out of the daze he was in and put on a brave face for his associates. The two took their seats at the table. Fuse didn't really pay much attention to Letho after that. He put a few morsels on his plate and attempted to eat, but the thoughts in his head kept coming forward. It came to the point where, at a point where everyone seemed distracted, he excused himself, plate still half filled.

He made his way through the now slumbering center of town and headed for the outskirts, finally ending his short walk at the Observation Platform. And there he sat, or more so laid, just looking over the vast desert that surrounded the trunk yet again. Another memory from the past, much farther back...

Ligero the Shinx and Hikari the Shinx
[Unknown - Luxray Clan]

The two were playing around near the outskirts, a playful wrestling match. After a few minutes of rolling around in the dirt, the two finally gave up the match and just laid there laughing happily. "Hey, Ligero? Do you ever wonder what it'll be like when we're grown up?" Asked Hikari, Ligero smiling. "Not really. Only thing I know is that someday I'll be the leader of the clan like Stormer is." He replied.

Hikari looked slightly concerned. "Do you think... we'd ever change... our friendship I mean..." She said, Ligero shaking his head. "No way, we'll always be friends, nothing can happen that will break that up." He said, looking around he spotted a small pink flower. "Here, this'll be proof of it. I swear, that only if that flower dies will our friendship end." He said proudly and confidently. Hikari would slowly put the flower in her hair. "It's a deal!"

He never broke that promise, either. Not from the day he gave her that flower, to the day he evolved, to the day he set out on his ill-fated quest. To this day he wonders if that flower had wilted since he'd been gone. He wondered what really had changed. If Stormer still led the clan, if all his old friends were still there. Maybe one day...

Selena the Bayleaf and Leanne the Meganium
[Folio Town - Far Eastern Residential District]

"Now, Protect is one of the best moves to have to help, well, protect your friends. Barely anything can get past the shield it creates, but a few moves and Pokemon can. Keep that in mind..." Said Leanne as she tutored Selena on defensive strategies. A voice behind her caught her by surprise as she turned and saw a blue Kirlia and a Totodile.

"Devon, Lilisette!" Said Selena, quite happily. "Oh, so these are your new friends, Selena?" Asked Leanne. "Mhm!" She replied. The Meganium turned and walked over to them. "Well, then I'm happy to meet you. What is it you want to talk about?" She asked, turning her head somewhat curiously.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ninian
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Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lilisette the Kirlia
[Folio Town - Eastern Residential District]

@Light Lord@Shiny Keldeo
Oh man, he wasn't the one we were supposed to win over? This... oh man, oh no. The way he worded it, we're... so totally not going to get to have dinner with either Selena or Ember. Arrgh, I can't believe this... Hanging her head somewhat, she lost the optimism she had previously. Thankfully, Devon still seemed confident in their abilities. At least someone was.

Giving Brute a nod, and then a small smile, she filed in behind Devon, putting her arms behind her back, her eyes trailing at the ground. I can't believe I talked us into this...

When Devon mentioned it'd be easier than fighting thieves, all she could mutter was a dejected, "Yeah..."

At Leanne's words, Lilisette met her gaze, giving a wave. "It's... nice to meet you too. Anyway, um, you see..." Averting her gaze, she closed her eyes. Arrrgh, no you can't... just give up! The dinner's important, you have to say something! Biting her lip, she did what she could to regain her composure, "So... Glyph's Guild is hosting a big... feast for Troupe Relm tonight, and it's a pretty big deal... I was just... wondering, if..."

Lilisette froze, unable to finish her sentence. Her eyes widened, fearful of rejection.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Light Lord
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Light Lord Nothing can take my lightning!

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Devon the Totodile
[Folio Town - Selena's House]

@Ninian@Shiny Keldeo
Lilisette's struggles were quite obvious to the bandage wrapped Totodile next to her. Devon's maw parted slightly, then closed again to form an uncomfortable frown as his slit brown eyes inspected the Kirlia. A clawed hand grasped her shoulder a few moments later as the Water-type flashed her a reassuring smile. "It's ok, I'll ask."

Taking his hand away from the Fairy's shoulder, the tiny croc gripped the strap of his bag and craned his head up to shoot a toothy grin at the Meganium before him. "We just wanted to ask if Selena could come to dinner with us. It's been alot of fun so far, and Ember said she'd tag along too. We'll even walk her home after, if she's ok with it."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Selena the Bayleef and Leanne the Meganium
[Folio Town - Far Eastern Residential District]

The stuttering by the blue Kirlia caught both grass type's attention. "Lilisette seems really nervous tonight, I wonder what happened..." Thought Selena as she stayed mostly silent. "Hmm..." Said Leanne as the Totodile finally seemed to take over the conversation from the nervous Kirlia. "Troupe Relm, hmm? They are a famous group around these parts. But this late... to be honest by now I would usually have Selena in bed. But I was worried about Selena being part of a Guild Team, so I was coaching her on her defensive moves a little." She said.

"Ember... said she would only go... if I went?" Asked Selena softly, more to herself than to the others around her. Leanne decided to kind of prod a bit more about their life at the Guild before she made her decision. "So... who will be training you at the guild, by the way. I'm curious, maybe it's one of Brute's old friends." She said.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ninian
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Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lilisette the Kirlia
[Folio Town - Eastern Residential District]

@Light Lord@Shiny Keldeo
Leanne's words were less than encouraging, but at least she wasn't immediately running them off. Hanging her head, the Kirlia let out a soft sigh. Welp, so much for the dinner...

However, the Meganium's prodding pulled the girl from her thoughts. "Oh, uh.. Br...Brick? I think was his name? He's a Poliwrath, and I believe he's usually the trainer for new recruits? He seemed nice when we met him."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Light Lord
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Light Lord Nothing can take my lightning!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Devon the Totodile
[Folio Town - Selena's House]

@Ninian@Shiny Keldeo
The unsure stance of the Meganium didn't do much to reassure the former human, but he refused to give up. Devon kept up the friendly smile on his face as he addressed Leanne after she explained why Selena was still awake. "That's a good idea. It helps to have a good balance of both offensive and defensive moves. I'm sure it will help out alot." Looking past the fully evolved Grass-type, the brown finned Totodile looked to Selena. "She did pretty good today, stopping those thieves with us."

The Water-type then stayed quiet for Lilisette as she answered the mother's question, but the Kirlia's continued depressed disposition only caused Devon to grow worried. His continued smile hiding his true feelings as he looked her over. Lilisette...Come on, you can't give up yet...Not when we've made it this far.

After the Emotion Pokémon said her piece, the tiny gator spoke up again. "He was really cool! He even took care of the thieves for us after we knocked them on their butts." He stated, a small fist raising up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Selena the Bayleef and Leanne the Meganium
[Folio Town - Selena's House]

"Thieves? You didn't mention taking on thieves, Selena..." She said, shaking her head back into focus. "Brick, huh? He's come a long way. He was nothing like old Pepper was, though. It's a shame he went missing all those years ago, left his mate and little girl all alone..." She said.

The thundering footsteps returned, and soon Brute finally came to the door. "I know you're stalling. Let her go, Leanne. What's the hurt in it? Selena's gotta live her life." He said. "She's still just a kid though..." She replied.

"Mom, I want to go." Selena responded, causing Leanne to look at her daughter. "You... you do? Do you really?" She asked. "Mhm! If I'm going to be part of the Guild... wouldn't it be better if I take part in their traditions for it?"

The Meganium went silent, turning for a moment. Then a sigh, and then the words. "Alright. If that's the way you want it, I won't stop you. You've grown up so fast in the matter of a day, I'm so proud." She said. Then she turned to the blue kirlia and Totodile. "I still want her back by midnight, she'll need plenty of rest for tomorrow, if the Guild's training schedule is what it used to be." She said.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Light Lord
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Light Lord Nothing can take my lightning!

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Devon the Totodile
[Folio Town - Selena's House]

@Ninian@Shiny Keldeo
The confirmation that their friend was allowed to leave with them made Devon smile toothily, nodding quickly. "You got it Mrs.Leanne!" Spinning around on a three toed foot, the Totodile marched past the blue Kirlia to lightly punch her in the shoulder and whisper. "See? Nothing to worry about." Brown eyes flicking over his shoulder, he gestured with a claw in the Bayleef's direction. "It's not a party until we have the whole team on board right? Let's go meet back up with Ember!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ninian
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Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lilisette the Kirlia
[Folio Town - Eastern Residential District]

@Light Lord@Shiny Keldeo
Selena's mother spoke of guildmates from long past, causing worry to furrow her brows. Pepper? I don't remember anything about him... but I mean, I guess I didn't really look into Folio's entire history. I probably missed something. Man... being in an exploration team is... it sounds so hard...

Finally, Brute intervened. Relief washed over the Kirlia, letting out an audible sigh. Phew... I thought this was a waste of our time. Selena's words also caused the formerly downtrodden Psychic-type to cheer up somewhat, "W-Wait, you do!?" Pausing for a moment, stunned, she nodded, "Midnight! Got it!"

At Devon's punch, Lilisette let out a nervous laugh, "Ehehe... y-yeah, I mean, I guess. Still though, we don't have that long. We should probably take them back before midnight anyway."

The group made their way over towards Ember's house, Lilisette reluctantly leading the charge since they had at least been there before. "So Selena... I guess Ember's scared of crowds. She said she'd only go if you went too, but... I mean, I guess we can ask? I don't want to force her to go, if she doesn't want to..." Her mood soured once more, and she stared at the ground. "You know, my mom always told me to be careful of peer pressure, and I feel like... you know. That's what we're doing. I think it'll be fun, but... maybe she wouldn't... think that..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Selena the Bayleef
[Folio Town - Eastern Residential District]

The normally shy Bayleef walked with a certain air of confidence as she left her home, taking only a quick glance back as she headed off into the night. Lilisette's words reached her ears. "Ember? Scared of crowds? I wouldn't have believed it the way she acts, so confident and friendly... goes to show to never judge a Fire Type by it's flames." She said, letting off a little giggle.

When she started talking about Peer Pressure, her look saddened. "Well... I... I don't know... would it be like that..." Selena couldn't think of anything to say to make the situation sound right. No matter how they could think about it, technically they were forcing Ember to come with them because of this. She remained rather quiet for the rest of the journey.

Ember the Quilava
[Folio Town - Ember's House]

The Quilava sat on the steps of her house, her usual calm and confident demeanor now one that just shouted nervous. She knew what she had said, and she would keep her word, but they had been away a while now. Maybe Selena said no, maybe they weren't going to go together. Emotion battled fear in the Fire Type's head.

Then she heard the footsteps, turning and seeing them walking down the street with Selena. She was half happy to see them, and half nervous as could be that she would have to go to such a big party. "H-hey guys. I've been waiting for you... S-so, we going? He..." She said, her legs already like jelly before they had even gotten to the Guild.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Light Lord
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Light Lord Nothing can take my lightning!

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Devon the Totodile
[Folio Town - Eastern Residential District → Ember's House]

@Ninian@Shiny Keldeo
The accomplished and happy young blue crocodile marched down the wood street with a smile on his face next to his two friends. However, his eyes flicked over to Lilisette and Selena as they conversed, and brought up a fact that Devon had unfortunately forgotten about during the excitement. His blue lips dipped in an uncomfortable frown as the guilt of what they all assumed was a kind act began to dampen everyone's mood. Oh....That's right.....I can't believe I forgot that.....But I won't pressure her. I don't want it to be like that...

Shaking his head, the Totodile put up a reassuring smile and leaned towards the Bayleef and Kirlia. "We're not gonna pressure her. Even though she said she'd go if Selena came with, we won't hold her to that. It'll be her decision on whether she wants to come with or not. So don't worry about it." As he finished his sentence, he refaced the road ahead and gripped his shoulder strap.

A few minutes later, the moment of truth was upon them. Devon's slit reptilian eyes focused on the blue and cream colored Fire-type sitting on the porch step beyond him, her nervous stutter and quiet voice causing him to sigh. The guilt creeping back into his brain. She really is that bad.....As bad as me even.....I gotta try and make her feel better about this. Maybe I can relate....

Keeping up his kind smile, the Water-type strolled up to the Quilava and stood before her met her gaze. His tone, while still raspy, softened when he spoke. "I know what you're feeling Ember."

He put a clawed hand on his bandaged stomach. "That quezy feeling in your stomach? The tension? It's not a good feeling huh?" The blue reptile then crossed his arms over his scaley chest, and looked off to the starry sky on his right. "I remember feeling the same....One of my friends....He really wanted to enter this competition..."

The Totodile's face scrunched up a bit, as if he was struggling to retell the story. The words came out slow. "But the only way he could enter it, would be if I joined it with him. You had to have a partner to get in. I knew there would be a big crowd and a bunch of others participants. Everyone in it would be looking right at us..Talking to us....Waiting to see if we could impress them or not. It scared me. I couldn't bare having that sort of attention. It made me so nervous I felt like I was gonna be sick. He knew that, and he didn't pressure me to enter because he felt guilty."

Turning his head back to Ember, Devon winked at her. "But I still entered it. It was my own choice to go up there on that stage, even though it literally made me sick. You have that same choice Ember. We won't force you to do something that makes you unhappy, because we're your friends. If you don't want to go to the party, that's totally ok. We can just catch up with you in the morning. Or maybe just the four of us can have our own little party somewhere."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Selena the Bayleef and Ember the Quilava
[Folio Town - Ember's House]

The Quilava listened as Devon recounted a story that turned rather disgusting in the end. "Sick? You actually got sick? Wow... I'm glad I'm not that bad... n-no offense!" She said, quickly apologizing after her somewhat rude words. When Devon suggested she didn't have to come, or the group could do something else, she shook her head. "No, it wouldn't feel right. I gave you my word." She said, closing her eyes and looking up into the sky.

"The one thing my dad taught me when he was around is to keep your word. If you don't others could see you as untrustworthy, something that wasn't an option for a Guild Member. If you can't trust the guy watching your back, how can you expect to get a mission done? I'll go with you, and that's that." She said boldly, almost angrily, the flames on her back lighting up for a moment.

"If you're sure... I'm sure it won't be that bad. How many Pokemon could be there, anyways? Five? Ten?" Asked Selena, looking to the Totodile and Kirlia.

[A Few Miles from Folio Town]

"We'll rest here for the night. If we time it right we should reach Folio by daybreak. I just hope we're in time..."

"Are you sure it's on the scale you think it is? Maybe it's not that bad..."

"I've only felt something like this once before. You know..."

"Oh lighten up. You need to relax..."

"I'll relax once the fate of the world is ensured. Until then, wake me up in the morning."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ninian
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Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lilisette the Kirlia
[Folio Town - Eastern Residential District]

@Light Lord@Shiny Keldeo
Still feeling downtrodden, Lilisette listened to Devon regale a tale regarding a friend, and a competition. Devon...? That must have been when you were human... you had a friend you cared so much about that you were willing to put yourself in such a situation...?

Ember made her choice, and Lilisette's eyes widened. Blurting out, she spoke, "A-Are you sure, Ember!? I mean... it's... it's not like we wouldn't trust you..."

Tapping her hands together, the Kirlia looked off to the side when Selena spoke, "It's... a lot more than that. All of Troupe Relm is there, and most if not all of the Guild members... it's not a small group... at all..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Light Lord
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Light Lord Nothing can take my lightning!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Devon the Totodile
[Folio Town - Ember's House]

@Ninian@Shiny Keldeo
Ember's reaction to the fact that the competition made Devon physically ill didn't offend him, instead making him laugh a bit. "Haha, none taken. It really sucked though, from what little I can remember about it." The Totodile then refocused his brown eyes on the Quilava as she turned down his offer, and explained her reasoning to keeping her word. The explanation made a subtle, proud smile cross his maw. Wow....She really takes her promises seriously....That's awesome.

After the flames on Ember's back flared up a bit, Devon walked up to lightly sock her in the side and grin widely. "That's really brave of you Ember. Right on. You'll have a good time." Selena then asked a question that put a bit of tension in the air, the resident blue Kirlia's answer not really doing much to help disperse it. Looking to Ember, then to Selena, he put on a brave face. "We can handle this. It's just a party, we can slip in, eat and chat a bit, then we're gone by midnight." Pounding his fist into his open palm, he went on. "If we're gonna be a team, we gotta be able to take whatever life throws at us. Now let's head to that party, and face our fears!"

The party in the Guild's dining hall was in full swing. Dozens of Pokémon, Guild member and dancer alike singing, eating, and laughing together around the long wood table lined with dishes. The large crystal chandelier above the table brightening up the already cheery room with a flood of candle light. With everyone distracted by their friends and food, the members of Team Horizon were easily able to slip into the room unnoticed by all....Except one.

The scarred Feraligatr currently chatting with the Gardevoir next to him wore a calm smile on his face, drink glass in hand as his slit eyes glanced over to the doorway. For a moment, the smile on Raiden's face seemed to fade, before he went back to his conversation as if nothing had happened.

I'm sorry.

Later that night, after escorting Ember and Selena to their homes....

[Glyph's Guild - Guild Member's Quarters]

"Man...I'm actually alot more tired than I thought I was. Maybe the electricity is...Huh?"

The young Water-type stopped mid-sentence as he poked his head through the doorway into the small 'bed'room. The sight of two patches of hay seemed to mesmerize Devon as he walked into the candle lit room and dropped his bag near the wall. A confused frown spreading over his face as he bent down and pressed a clawed hand to the soft yellow bedding. "Uh...These are our beds?" The Totodile questioned quietly as he turned to stare at Lilisette through the low light. His dilated pupils making it seem like his eyes were pure black. "I can deal with this, but it just sort of feels...I dunno, off, to me. Like there should be more to it."

Stepping onto the hay cushion, the tiny crocodile lowered himself onto his knees, and rolled onto his side. A contented sigh escaped his lips, tail curling up between his feet as he smiled. "Wow...This is actually way nicer than I thought it would be."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ninian
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Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lilisette the Kirlia
[Glyph's Guild - Guild Member's Quarters]

@Light Lord
"Uh... what do you mean there's supposed to be something more to it? Everyone sleeps on hay. Oh, you know what? I mean... you were a person, right? Maybe they slept on something else. Like rocks or something! Actually, scratch that, that sounds awful. Unless you used to be a rock-type... then maybe not..." Trailing off, she made her way over towards the other pile, and flopped down on it. "Oh, you like it? Good! Glad to hear it."

Laying on her back, she stared upward, letting out a sigh. "You know, I still feel really bad about making Ember go. Maybe we shouldn't go to any more dinners, not that they'd have any that big. Probably. I mean they probably will tomorrow... and the next day... but those don't count. I guess."

Sitting up, she furrowed her brows, "Did you notice that Feraligatr? He kinda gave us a strange look when we entered. I know it's not possible for him to be your dad or something, but he's really sketch. I mean like, he's nice enough? But he's totally flirting with my mom, and that's not cool. Ugh, I'm just talking in circles now, I don't even know what point I'm trying to make. Don't mind me. We should probably just sleep, I think we have training in the morning... oh and..."

Wilting slightly, she let out a sigh, "You know, something bad's going to happen soon. I don't know when, because I don't actually know when today is... I probably should've asked someone... but since you just arrived, I know it's gonna be soon. The bird lady who lives at the bottom of the tree is going to come here... Since you're not used to being you, you really need to try extra hard, okay?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Light Lord
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Light Lord Nothing can take my lightning!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Devon the Totodile
[Glyph's Guild - Guild Member's Quarters]

Nodding at Lilisette's observation, the former human nestled himself a bit deeper into the hay as he closed his eyes gently. "Yeah....It's really soft."

Keeping an...earhole out for his Psychic room mate's ramblings, Devon opened his eyes again and attempted to shake his head. Though, it was a bit awkward due to his position. "Don't beat yourself up about it. It was Ember's choice to go, and I think she's really brave for doing it. Once we get some money from guild work, we could find places to eat out with just the four of us. But we're probably gonna be stuck with the guild dinners for awhile. It'll be good for both me and Ember if we all at least went to a few of them."

When the blue Kirlia began to speak about the odd Feraligatr, the Totodile opened his maw to speak, but slowly closed it as she went on. He also, pushed himself up into a sitting position to stare over at her. Raiden...I still don't know what to think about him....He seems to show up around us alot.....I'll keep an eye on him. At least didn't try to kill me on the first meeting...

Lilisette's form seemed to flatten, her words causing Devon to look off at the small glowing flame atop of the large red candle in the corner. "I know. It's not gonna be easy. Saving the world isn't exactly something I've done before, but..." Looking back to his friend, the croc's face hardened with a determined frown. Brown eyes drilling into Lilisette's red ones. "I'm going to give it my all. I'll learn how to use my new body to save as many as I can, and I'll always have your guy's backs. I promise."

Looking back to the candle again, the Water-type's wide eyes narrowed. Drawing his head back a bit, he flung it forwards to spit a small burst of water across the room and onto the tiny flame. The liquid extinguishing the light source with a low fizzle, leaving the room almost completely dark save for the bit of moonlight escaping through the northern windows curtain. A sharp toothed grin spread over Devon's maw as he flopped back into the hay on his belly, Tail wagging a bit. "See? I'm already getting better with shooting water. I can be a Totodile, no problem."

A cute little yawn forced the young Big Jaw Pokémon's mouth wide open, his eye lids and mouth closing shortly after as he nestled into the hay and began to drift into the unconscious void. "Anyways, you're right. Sleep sounds good to me. Good night Lilisette."

Huh?....Am I still asleep?

Blinking, the only thing that greeted Devon's eyes was an odd, inky blackness. The confused and sleep dazed Totodile pushed himself up into a sitting position, craning his head through the empty area, before looking down at himself. His clawed blue hand touching against his bare, scaled chest. My bandages are gone....But I don't remember taking them off?

"There you are... I've finally found you."

A wispy vision of the winged Gardevoir appeared before Devon's ethereal interpretation of himself. Cackling escaped her lips, "I'm sure you still have not the slightest idea of why you were sent here. No matter, let me show you your failure."

The sight of the Gardevoir stunned the Totodile, simply staring at the phantom before him with wide eyes filled with fear. Many actions went through his mind. Running, attacking, speaking up, but all these commands seemed to fall deaf to his mind. The Gardevoir...! Lilith! What does she even mean?....Why can't I move or talk!?

In an instant, a vision of a horrific future flooded the forefront of Devon's mind. Death, destruction. Ruined, empty villages, all across the four continents. A large, dark fortress towered above all, remaining shrouded in the northern most part of the Mist Continent. Hoards of feral Pokémon stood guard, each one fully evolved.

That's the army Lilisette was talking about!? They....They did all this destruction....But why? It's insane...

Inside of the Keep, a dark, sleek figure stood before him, as well as three other Pokémon. The shattered bodies of Selena and Ember laid at Devon's feet, their bodies being consumed by a dark aura. Kneeling before the towering creature was a nearly dead Totodile, bloody wounds and dark bruises decorated it's body. Tears streamed down it's face as the menacing being began to lift it's limp body with an invisible force.

The shocked blue crocodile stared down at the near lifeless corpses before him, with an expression that can only be described as pure terror. The sight was awful, but no matter how much he seemed to struggle, he couldn't seem to take his pin pricked eyes off of his defeated friends, or his own bloodied clone.

No! NO! That's not gonna happen! I won't let it! I won't! Stop showing me this!

"Why bother, Devon...? You'll fail everyone. Everyone you have ever cared for will have died, all because of you."

A silent snarl came from the tortured Totodile as his hands flew to his head. A painful headache cracking down on his skull as his eyes slammed tightly shut.

LEAVE ME ALONE! I DON'T BELIEVE ANY OF THIS! I HAVE TO TRY! I....have to....because....t-they're....

The small blue reptile's eyes fluttered back open. However, instead of being met with the castle and corpses, all he seen was a rough wooden ceiling. Devon laid on his back in silence as he stared blankly into space. A cold wet feeling trailing from his eyes, a pain in the base of his tail, and some sort of odd dribble of yellow falling down the side of his snout. "C-Counting on me..." He whispered.

A low snort came from the depressed Totodile as he sat up in the hay. The moon light pouring in from the cracks in the curtains shining a dull pale light on his form. His stubby blue arm reaching up to wipe away some of the snot from his nose as he snivelled quietly, and tilted his head to the floor. Am I really gonna be able to do this? I've never had so many Pokémon depend on me before....I already almost died twice today....I know I have my friends but....Do I really want to lead them into this? If I screw this up they....

More tears rolled down his scaled face and fell to the dampened hay below. Devon sniffled a bit more as he glanced to his right; Lilisette still sleeping soundly in her own little bed.....But something caught the Water-type's gaze. A small, flat yellow rectangle laid out on the floor between him and Lilisette. Curiosity got the best of the human-turned-Pokémon as he stifled a cry, and reached out to pick up the sheet of paper. He turned it over in his claws a bit, and then squinted at the pages scribbled contents.


I know what you're going through. It's tough to have the weight of the world on your shoulders. I wrote
this letter to tell you that you can't let it get to you. No matter what, you need to stay strong.
Not only for the world....But your friends too. That's the key to staying confident. Your friends are,
without a doubt, your greatest treasure. I know, that even though you just met, you care greatly for them.
They care for you too. In moment's like this, you need to be brave, and they will return the favor.

You will not lead them to ruin if you simply remind yourself that you have the power to do this.


Devon's wide eyes went even wider as he finished reading the note. His arms lowering as he looked out into the darkened hall of the Guild, and spotted nothing. Looking back down at Lilisette, his eyes drifted back to the note.

They're right...If I doubt myself, they'll notice.....And they'll start giving up too....I won't let it get to me. I'll just focus on training with Lilisette, Ember, and Selena, there's nothing that can keep us down as long as we give it our best....But, I wonder who wrote this?

Gently laying down the note next to the hay pile, Devon wiped away his remaining tears and rolled back onto his side to curl into a tight ball. His eye lids locking him away into a peaceful, dreamless slumber.

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