Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

XD you were there two weeks ago?! Oh man! That must be something! See, there's a lake here in the states that I want to go to, it's called Flathead Lake, it's in Montana, but apparently the water is so clear, even at the deepest part of the lake you can see straight to the bottom! So I can only imagine what that must look like (:

See I felt that Banff was short for something, so Banffshire makes plenty of sense. Ah, well, don't worry about the pictures ^.^ I hope to go one day!

Have you seen The Martian? Cuz it sounds like you watched it x) but seriously you're right about that. We may be able to change the environment on Mars, make it more hospitable, but without an atmosphere, it'll be extremely hard.

I'm going to go look up ammolites! I'll let you know what I think! They're beautiful! And they come from a creepy squid demon beast D: but beautiful nonetheless!

Yes, Arizona is awfully humid because it's below sea level, where as here in New Mexico, most towns are at 6,000ft, you notice the difference driving from New Mexico to Arizona, if you go through Flagstaff, you're driving through the mountains, but you're going down, so the mountains look bigger over there, but the tallest mountain they have, I believe is about... 8,000 ft? The one here in town where I live is 13,000ft.

And I hate cacti >.> I fell on one once during a hike and I had my boyfriend pick needles out of my backside. So don't hug one! Cuz they aren't friendly, those bastards.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Yeah man! It's only an hour drive. I'd go every weekend I have off if I were feeling well. I've heard of Flathead Lake! Isn't it that clear because it's so acidic? I may be thinking of another one. I want to visit Montana sometime, it's only a few hours South. :)

I hope you get a chance to go, too! I see people from around the world there all the time, and it's super close to Calgary so it's not far after a plane flight. :D

I have seen the Martian, but I've loooong held those views about Mars. Lots of respect to anyone willing to go knowing they'll never come back to Earth and what they'll have to endure, but I literally couldn't imagine moving there. Apparently they think that the first few missions are very likely to have pretty much 100% fatality rates because of how lethal the environment is and the fact that there's no real proper medical facilities. The problem with terraforming is it would take literally tens of thousands of years to make the air breathable. Mars does have an atmosphere, just its composition isn't sustainable to life as we know it. Apparently it used to be a lot like Earth... as was Venus until it had an environmental catastrophe that gave it runaway greenhouse gas effects and turned it into a giant pressure cooker.

Creepy squid demon beasts are my biffles, ruuuuuuuuude! Haha, but yeah, I absolutely love ammolite. I have a raw chunk of it on my mantle place.

o.o And I thought I was at a high elevation. I'm at 3800 feet and I'm in the Rocky Mountain foothills.

I used to have a cactus (I should elaborate, never saw one in the wild), and it had like soft fuzzy bristles that were like a brush. I gave it pats all the time. >_>

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

There ya go! I would go every weekend if I could too (: you know, I checked Wiki, and all it said was that the reason why it's so clear, is because of the lakes formation. It was once filled with a glacier in this last ice age, and that because of the environmental laws what with it being a state park, it's remained in a pristine state. I wonder what it tastes like...

Hmm! That's good to know it's just a hop skip and a jump away! I bet I would feel right at home up there, anywhere in Canada really. I've especially wanted to explore the Yukon River, but I know that that area of Canada isn't anywhere near as populated in comparison to the eastern coast.

Yes, I wouldn't be one of the first to go out there, as I'm sure that some crazy bogus accident would happen, and I would die out there >.>

I always figured that Venus, in retrospect being similar to Earth in size, albeit slightly smaller, could have held life at one point, but the expansion of the sun caused the planet to overheat. As for Mars, I know that they've found traces of ancient river beds on the planet. It makes me wonder, if our ancestors (I'm a huge ancient alien believer) possibly migrated from Mars, the only problem is, I don't know the life conditions on Mars at that point in time. I definitely believe that we humans were dropped off here on Earth as a way to continue our species.

Do you see how big some of those fossils are?! There are some the size of a kitchen table >.> those babies would've eaten us up in a heart beat. But it's curious to think that our modern day squid/octopus come from the ammonites. Is it all shiny and multi-color? Your piece of ammolite that is?

Oh yes, elevation plays a huge key factor in all of that. That's probably why you get more rain, you're at a lower elevation, and farther away from the sun, whereas I'm close to the equator. But as my boyfriend tells me, New Mexico used to be a series of active volcanoes and an ocean at one point in time. In fact, if I look west, there are three extinct volcanoes here in the area.

Yeah you keep patting that cactus, one day it's gonna bite >.>' that's the kind I fell in too! Tiny ass spikey things!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 11 mos ago

I wouldn't recommend tasting lake water. XD That's a great way to get sick.

I've also wanted to go up to the Yukon at some point! I really want to see the arctic in the summer. About 90% of our total population lives within 200 kilometers of the US border. Sounds like you'd even given the thought of moving up here some consideration!

I don't think it was the sun that fucked Venus over, I think it was (from what I remember hearing, I could be totally wrong) a super volcanic event that trapped all the heat and utterly changed the climate. I also think Mars used to have oceans. I'm firmly in the camp that life on Earth started here and evolved here. There'd be traces of civilization on Mars if there were anything like that, and our solar system is only 4 billion years old, and humans as a species have only been around for I think around 100-200 thousand years. We've only been able to go into space for around half a century now. I can't imagine other life evolving elsewhere in that time frame faster. The main issue with the ancient astronaut theory is it discounts the paleontological evidence of the evolution of our species and how utterly long it takes to travel from solar system to solar system; so far, they've pinpointed about 11 billion planets that are in Earth-like orbits and have similar chemical compositions, but the closest one is 12 light years away. Without actually visiting the planet, you have no idea if it can support human life or not, and for the amount of technology that would be required to make that journey (be able to provide food and recycle water for 12 years minimum, assuming a one way trip, as well as a sizable colony population which would have to be in the thousands to have a sustainable population, with enough genetic diversity to minimize the health concerns, and so on), as well as being able to know how to work the new land, decide what's safe to eat, establishing infrastructure, and so on. Assuming all of that lined up, why did we start off in the stone age instead of advancing from whatever we came to Earth with? If we go off of other aliens dumping us off to save our species and letting us evolve, you're still dealing with the same logistical problems and the insane costs in both time, resources, and maybe even crew member's lives to seed a planet that likely is hundreds, if not thousands of years away at light speed where the resource drain and maintenance requirements are prohibitive and likely to the point of impossibility? You also have to make sure that humans would survive and not just go extinct in a couple generations because they didn't know how to cope with this strange new planet. o_o

Sorry, I'm not ranting or lecturing, I'm just thinking aloud. >_> I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade. I just think about this stuff a lot. I'm a very skeptical person who is utterly fascinated by scientific stuff.


Oh yeah, Earth had a stage where pretty much everything was supersized, the megafauna stage. Even Dragonflies were the size of dogs! If you want more evolution hilarity, the T-Rex's closest direct descendant is the fucking chicken. I am not even making that up. And absolutely! It's got the blues, greens, reds, and yellows! I have it under some bright overhead lights so it catches it nicely. I'm a friggin' magpie; I love shiny things.

Ocean currents and wind patterns play a big role in it, too. British Columbia is a very rainy and temperate province in the South, and that gets carried over the Rockies. However, Alberta's also the province that gets the most annual sunshine of all of them. Sometimes it gets so dry wildfires break out semi-frequently. It's kinda bad.

It's too late for that cactus, that was when I lived with my parents. It was really soft, though...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Oh absolutely! I love Canada's beautiful landscapes, and how nice the people are, ok well I don't know that for a fact, as I read all these crazy memes about Canada, but really, it seems much safer compared to America, plus Canada has more socialistic views, which I favor. I often find myself thinking as of late, "Gerdamnit America, why can't you be more like Canada, or <<insert socialist country's name here>>, I do like how Finland runs their country. So to me, Canada is like my Finalnd, just over the border, and still close to home.

Dont apologize for this ^.^ I find it highly enlightening when two people can debate without arguing. What I would like to also point out, is that while space travel, the means of transportation, fuel, food, keeping humans alive, etc. could easily be shortened via another dimension. Who's to say that a highly super intelligent being, watching over earth, clucked their tongue and said, "These Homo sapiens are going to take forever to evolve. Let's show them fire, let's help them with language." I feel that someone/something gave us a helping hand in those early stages of life. Because, I don't disregard the fact that, yes, as humans, we did evolve. As did other species. I suppose you could say I'm a skeptical scientist, I like my facts, and I readily accept them, but I always wonder how our first humans broke through certain things in their minds, when did they understand that they had thoughts? I think that traveling dimensions is something that we've lost. Aliens aren't out here orbiting our solar system, no siree! To me the simple explanation, is that they're traveling through dimensions. But hey, as I always tell me. Until there's facts, I'll keep my own opinions (;

As for giant fauna, have you heard of the Rafflesia? The giant flower that smells like death, and blooms every once in a blue moon? I wonder if that flower has a genetic makeup of some dinosaur-era flower. As for the T-Rex being a descendant to chickens, I find that hilarious and believable! My question I've always had is... How did we domesticate chickens? >.> I mean, were they running around in the early B.Cs terrorizing villages. before the villagers said, "alright look! We've had enough of these here chickens! It's time we put them in pens, and took their eggs!" Kidding. Speaking of how everything was so massive back then, have you heard of the Megalodon? The ancestor to the great white shark? It was 72feet long, with jaws 6 feet wide!

I never would have assumed that Alberta, of all places, would have forest fires at all. I assumed that it was like the Midwest here, 4 seasons, plenty of rain, sunshine, snow and beautiful fall weather.

Good! Never invest in another cactus! They're the Devils flower, bloody little things. Really, they're so vicious. If you get one of those needles stuck in you, it really hurts. Anymore and it's utter agony >.> feels like a porcupine attacked you!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Most people in Canada are really nice! Like everywhere, however, there's assholes and I've run into a lot of horrible and intolerant people who I really hope don't represent what Canada's turning into. >_>; the internet's ruined a lot of things. But overall, I love it here and consider myself super fortunate I live here! I wouldn't trade it for the world. I really like the US, but I'm so glad I don't live there.. between the insanity that is health insurance, your incomprehensible political system that thrives off of bipartisan showboating, and a lot more extremist groups, it's definitely somewhere I know I'd feel very vulnerable living in.

I guess interdimentional beings would be akin to a god, for all intents and purposes. There's no way to say one way or another if parallel universes exist, although I am a fan of multiverse theory. I'm always up for being surprised or discovering something new, so if we start to see proof of this, it wouldn't take much to get me on board. There's biological reasons why humans are as intelligent and inventive as we are, and it's part of the reason that compared to other species we're smaller, have worse senses, are weaker and more frail, and aren't as fast, and our children take three years before they start really forming all their bones, their skulls fusing together, and so on. We have huge brains for our size, and we kind of put all of our chips on that table, speaking through evolution. It's the reason we're the only kind of human that exists; we outsmarted and destroyed all the others. I think as humans we're naturally curious and inventive, so for something like fire, all it would take is someone to see fire in nature to know it exists, and to put the ingredients together (you see that trees burn, especially when it's been dry, so you gather bark and twigs and shit. You know that rubbing your hands together keeps them warm through friction, so maybe it's friction that starts fires, and so on). Every single thing you see in our society and for us as a species was at one point just some idea somebody had, and they brought it to life. That to me is the coolest thing ever. I guess for me a big thing is I fully believe in the power of the human spirit, and our potential. Attributing our greatest characteristics and ideas to a higher power just leaves a sour taste in my mouth. It's like when someone wins a major sporting event and they thank God for their success, and to me that's completely undermining their own contributions, all the pain, dedication, and skill they put into their craft to have won. It's also why I hate the idea of fate and karma and shit, it implies that everything's predetermined and meaningless. We're so much more than somebody's plaything, and we got here where we are because we didn't look at the world and accept it as it is, we looked at it and saw what it could be.

Nope! First I heard of it, but it's certainly possible it's a holdover from millions of years ago. o.o Hell, alligators and sharks have remained virtually unchanged since the Cretaceous period, and things like trilobites are among the earliest complex organisms in Earth's history and they're still around today! It would make sense that some plants reached an evolutionary apex and didn't need to adapt any further.

As for domestication, animals need to have certain traits they need to be domesticated. They need to have a quick birthing rate, they need to be largely docile, they need to require few resources, you need to be able to contain them, and so on. It's why in all of human history we've only found a few species that can be domesticated. You can tame a lot of other ones, but that's an individual more so than a species in general. Chickens are pretty easy to round up and contain, they can't jump or fly that high or far, so I imagine it was simply a matter of chasing them into an enclosure, and then feeding them, killing troublesome individuals while giving docile and high egg producing individuals more reproductive chances. Do that long enough and you're left with a pretty tame population that does exactly what you want. You promote the genes you want, and extinguish the ones you don't.

It's like how we turned wolves into dogs, we fed wolves scraps, they began to associate us with a source of easy food and it was more beneficial to let the humans feed you than to attack them, and if you protect them, they give you more food. We encourage behaviour in dogs the same way; do what we want, we give you a treat. Before long, the wolves are having cubs who grow up around humans as companions, and humans keep the wolves that are friendliest and have features they prefer around while driving away the bad ones, and fast forward tens of thousands of years and you have fucking pugs.

And of course! I think everyone and their dog knows what megalodon was! That was a big ass shark, I still find it kind of funny how some people think it's still out there. Granted, the ocean is an impossible huge and mysterious place we know little about, but when your main source of food is whales and there's no signs of whale populations being preyed upon by enormous sharks, I think it's safe to say it was too big for this world. Something that big requires a lot of food to keep going, and evolution crashed from making everything super huge to favouring smaller animals that needed less resources to survive when mammals started coming into play (fun fact; early mammals lived on the Earth alongside the dinosaurs!). Personally, I like the megathereum, a gigantic 12 foot tall ground sloth that was known to fight off sabertooth tigers and steal there food. I wish those things were still around lol.

And yup! I basically live in a provincial bonfire waiting to happen. :D It's a place where you really hope it rains once in a while because you know a fire's going to happen otherwise. We get like 5 months of snow, a month or two of fall, like 3 months of summer, and another couple months of spring.

Honestly, I was entertaining the idea of getting another cactus... >_> I like things that require zero upkeep.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 11 mos ago

My mind is mush right now, I'll have to come back and try to write in a while. >_>
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Just out of curiosity, Dervs. What are you studying for?

Don't worry about it ^.^ take your time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 11 mos ago

What timing!

I was working on my small water systems operations exam. 370 so odd open book questions. El horror!
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Oh I see, are you studying Environmental Science, or something along those lines?

The Fox is great at her timing (;

Just forewarning you, on the music I'm going to be throwing into these next posts... I hope you like smooth jazz.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

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I work in municipal water and wastewater treatment. We need to do exams and courses in a three year period to maintain our certification. However! In college I took environmental technology as my major.

And I'm cool with most music! Your last two links didn't work though! D:
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

I work in municipal water and wastewater treatment. We need to do exams and courses in a three year period to maintain our certification. However! In college I took environmental technology as my major.

And I'm cool with most music! Your last two links didn't work though! D:

Let me know if they work now!

Ohhhh. That makes sense then x) At least you're making sure the water is clean, and treated.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 11 mos ago

I'll check when I go to write!

And yeah! It's kind of a cool feeling doing something that people depend on. :D Makes me feel like I'm actually being a good part of society.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Ok ^.^!

Oh I understand, the self-worth associated with a task such as that would surely bring a sense of relief, and meaningfulness. I hope I can find a career that I feel that way about. I'd love to publish a book, as I've always wanted to be a writer, but in the meantime I feel like I should have something else going for me in case that doesn't pan out. I've thought about being a masseuse, the idea of giving people massages with oils, candles and incense burning, creating a relaxed and tranquil atmosphere sounds highly enlightening to me (: all by bringing them peace of mind.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 11 mos ago

And the videos are unavailable, apparently.

YubTub hates Canada
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

>.> see that's what I was thinking. I've run across that when listening to music based out of another country. I'll try and find something as that works. Curse ye foul beast!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Alright, let's try this approach. Let me know which ones work. I gues process of elimination >.>'

Post #1
Warren Ellis - The Real Thing

Bill Withers - Ain't no Sunshine
Post #2
John Coltrane - In A Sentimental Mood

John Coltrane - While My Lady Sleeps
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Everything except for the first link!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Hmmmmm. That makes a lot of sense then. Ok! I'll get these links swappe out then!

Is Shay's suit going to be done in a day, or will they have to come back, say tomorrow morning to pick it up?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Tomorrow morning, me thinks! Takes a while to do sewing and tailoring.
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