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okie dokie, meet Verena Luscinia.

If you're still accepting CSs, me and another would be interested. I could have a sheet put together over this weekend.
The rented room of the tavern did not leave for want, as far as Rhona was concerned. The room held a simple arrangement, to the left of the doorway sat a single bed, end table, and a silver candle holder, a fresh candle waiting to be lit. And to the right sat a wooden wash basin, stool, mirror, and a partition to afford privacy for the wash basin. While there was no fireplace in the room, as it was on the second floor of the inn, the far wall did have a simple wooden paned window to allow in sunlight and fresh air. On the floor stretched a large woven rug, it was clear that it was once dyed red, but had long since faded over time. Beneath the window stood a table with two chairs, a pitcher full of water, and a set of tin mugs.

Rhona investigated the room, moving from the bed where she admired the sheets, meticulously rubbing the fabric between her fingers, to the table and chairs, inspecting the quality. Eventually she ended up at the wash basin, inspecting it, and the large bucket of water that sat next to it. There was even a bar of soap and a washcloth. How long had it been since she had the chance to wash herself? She lifted her arm, and sniffed her armpit, pulling a face at the stench.

With that, Rhona finally turned her attention to the rug, she decided that that was where she would sleep. Then, her eyes landed on Beren, and a subtle blush spread over her cheeks then.

“Ah…” she didn’t know what to say, or even do now.

Beren leaned casually against the doorframe, muscled arms crossed when she turned to look at him. He looked amused. She had come in and had not even deigned to look back at him, her long ears, keen as any elf’s, did not flicker when he stepped in. He realized there it was not him she did not trust, but any unfamiliar environment. As far as she was concerned, she trusted him completely.

He wondered where she had come from, and what had caused someone like her to be here, now, like a skittish doe. He knew she needed a hug, but he didn’t know her well enough for that. All he could do was get to know her. “Seems clean, thank you for checking.” He said to her, warmly. She flashed him a sheepish smile. Pushing off the door, he closed it behind him and grabbed a wooden chair, turning it so he sat on it backwards, placing his big arms atop the chair’s back. There were two oil lamps in the room that were already blazing brightly.

“If we’re going to be roommates, would you mind telling me how you got to Greybridge? And maybe where you’re heading next?” He asked gently, before adding. “If you wouldn’t mind, that is.”

“Oh? Is that… ah… the name of this town?” Rhona asked, tipping her head to the side.

“I uh… was lost… and I was wandering through the woods… and um, ended up here.” She said, trying to explain her situation without saying too much.

Beren did not want to press too hard, but it was frustrating how every word out of her mouth made him want to protect this lost, gorgeous dark elf. A part of him still believed this was some sort of ploy, but his rational mind knew that wasn’t the case. Somehow he had bumped into a truly good person who was just lost.

“Yeah, that’s where we are,” He said, helpfully. “Ok so, were you going anywhere in particular?”


Rhona shifted from one foot to the other, “Well, ah, I was going… north. If I had a map I could point it out specifically.” Her left hand rubbed against the back of her neck.

There’s no way he has a map…’ Rhona thought.

Beren blinked, and then gave a lopsided smile. Oh, all she needs is a map? Perfect!

“I just came from the north, actually. Luckily, I got a map right here!” He told her happily, reaching into his pack and producing a map of the wider region, unrolling it and placing it on the table. He seemed much like a helpful hound, smiling and glad to be of service.

Her grey skin paled as he procured a map, Gods… he…

She approached the table, and studied the map. She recognized that the map he had was one of the surface, not from below, where she had come from. Rhona swallowed hard, her dark green eyes sweeping over the map, the black ink scrawled with names of locations were unreadable to her illiterate gaze.

Just pick a spot, he won’t know. She thought, her hand reaching out to tap a random spot on the map, “Ah… right here.” she said, pointing to what was essentially a frozen wasteland.

Beren raised an eyebrow, and then both brows in soft surprise. Wow, she really wanted to go to the Grey Marches? He had gone north, but not that far. It was a good thing he had brought his jacket, he thought. Then he wondered why, as if he was going with her. He brushed the thought away.

“You’re going that way, past the Dragonback mountains? You sure?”

He did not sound too skeptical, as if she was untrustworthy. He was merely trying to ascertain if she read the map correctly.

Rhona glanced at him, and then leaned in closer to the map, “Ah… yes… past there. To… the Grey Marshes. No, Marches.” She said, correcting herself, trying to hide her inability to read with a confident nod.

Beren looked down at the map, and then back up at her. “Well… why?”

Rhona scratched her head, why was Beren so nosy? Well… she couldn’t necessarily be upset with him, he had helped her so much already.

“I’m… going to see family.” She said, flashing a bright smile at him.

“Oh, gotcha.” Beren replied, thinking that makes sense. He scratched his chin, the feel of sand paper from his stubble rubbing against his fingers. He pondered for a moment, and realized he was probably her best chance at getting to where she was going. A dark elf on the surface, particularly one who hasn’t been to where she was supposedly going, would need help. And he had just come from that way. The idea solidified in his head, and he realized he had made up his mind to ask.

“Would you like me to go with you?” He asked, letting the words linger in the air. “I have no real schedule to be somewhere, and I know the north road well enough. I could help out…?”

Briefly, he wondered if he was asking beyond his nice nature. It was true he thought she was incredibly attractive, but he liked to think that wasn’t his motivation. Still, if she said no he would take it as set in stone and not bring it up again.

Her face flushed a rosy hue at his words, “Ah… I… well… I couldn’t do that. You’ve already done so much for me!” She said, giving him a dismissive wave.

Gods, he wants to come with me?!, Rhona thought with a degree of apprehension.

“Sure, I just came from there.” He said, and pulled himself up off the chair to stand, placing his hands on his hips, as if he was ready to go right then. “I don’t imagine a lot of people have been nice, and if you’re really going there, you might need some help.”

I hope I’m not being pushy, he thought.

“If you don’t wish for me to, no hard feelings. But it would be no trouble, I promise. Might actually be fun!” He held his hand out to her to take, to shake on it. If she didn’t take it, he would just slide it back to himself and laugh it off, telling her it was ok. But he hoped she did. Gods, he actually hoped she did.

Rhona could do nothing but gaze back at him and his extended hand with a degree of suspicion. At first, her eyes had widened at the simple gesture, though it was passed within a microsecond. She swallowed hard, finding that her mouth felt as if it were full of sand. Her eyes narrowed, the light glinting in them, reflecting back pools of mossy green. Rhona could hear the blood pounding in her ears, almost crushingly from how strong her pulse was as her heart raced. She lifted her hand slowly, her eyes darting between his hand, and his face, watching for any signs of betrayal.

And then, her hand curled around in his in an awkward fashion. Her fingers were slender, yet the skin was cracked on the tops of her knuckles, her hands calloused.

“Ah… alright… only if you want to,” Rhona said, still regarding him with a look of hesitation.

His hands were strong and warm, but he shook her hand gently. There was a pause when he noticed her hesitation, but he held her hand a moment longer, opening his mouth to speak but finding no words. He withdrew his hand away, feeling as if the shake had become a bit too familiar. He had thought they were to give a quick once over, but her hand had clung to his, as if she did not know how to shake, and his hand clung back, and they had held there for moments longer than was proper. He did not know what to make of it, but he had to admit it felt nice.

“I do,” He said, his face flushing slightly. “I mean, happy to help, of course.” He gave a small, breathy chuckle to collect his dignity. “It’s not every day I meet a genuinely nice person, particularly in a big city.”

Rhona glanced between his hand, and his gaze once more, realizing that she ought to reclaim her hand, pulling away, and gazing down at the floor, “Ah. Yes… I… I’m still surprised that you helped me. I…” Her slender brows furrowed, her words dying on her lips then.

“What do we do now?” She asked, changing the subject as she glanced around the room, her eyes moving to linger upon the wash basin in the corner.

Beren caught her glance, and he gave an easy smile, “How about you wash up, and then I will, then we can plan our day? Or just talk? We still got an hour or two before I usually go to sleep.” He said, and then tilted his head, “Uh, when do you usually sleep? Do you tend to sleep in the day?” He assumed not since he met her in daylight, but it could have been strange circumstances. He just did not know dark elf sleep cycles well.

Rhona swallowed hard, her eyes widening softly at the sudden barrage of questions from Beren, “Um… we can… I… it would be nice to wash up,” she said, shifting from one foot to the other.

“I’ll do that,” she added, an uncertain smile on her lips.
The Origin - Greybridge

When concerning discussions of freedom, whether personal freedom, religious, or political, a singular question always presented itself, no matter the origins of the conversation. What price must one pay to obtain their desired freedom? For no matter what one desires, when it comes to freedom, true and liberated freedom, a price must always be paid, a sacrifice to be made. This much was especially true for Rhona. Long had she suffered under the heavy hands of her former master. Five nights had passed since her escape from the realm of the Abyssal Empire, the world beneath the surface, an escape embroidered with traversing the dangerous caverns until she emerged to the world above. As the single stroke of luck would have it, Rhona had exited via an old mining system. There, she was greeted by the brilliant sight of starlight, and the moon, a heavenly sight compared to the damp darkness of the Underempire. Tears of joy had streamed down her face, so moved that she fell to her knees, and wept, openly without fear of consequence for the first time in decades.

Over the course of the next three days, Rhona stumbled through the wilderness, scavenging for food and drinking from puddles. Her stomach ached viciously for sustenance, and kept her in a near state of delirium. Again her luck would change as she came upon a well traveled road alongside a mighty flowing river, here the trees were in bloom. She followed the road north, until a bustling city came into view. She stepped off the main road, not wanting to be seen. From the cover of bushes and shrubs, her dark green eyes surveyed the city, there was a great wooden sign that boasted the words, Greybridge, though to her illiterate eyes it was only fanciful markings. She had vaguely recalled what the dwellings of the surface looked like, so long had she spent her time underground. Here, she could see the hustle and bustle of the denizens, curiously, she noticed an influx of people arriving in the city in oxcarts, piled high with their valuables. There were far too many people arriving for it to be a mere marketday. She decided to brave the road, and slipped into the city, so great were the masses of people, that no one paid her any attention.

As Rhona navigated through the city, her tattered cloak concealed her features in shadows, she was careful to conceal her hands, the folds of the cloak falling around her in a woolen embrace. Greybridge sat perched alongside the same flowing river she had seen earlier. Near the riverfront were squalid homes made of daub, wattle and wicker. Farther into the city was a row of townhomes and manors, the homes of the merchants and upper class. For a few hours, Rhona navigated the streets, the soles of her boots slapped quietly against the cobblestone path. She was growing hungry, and knew she needed to eat soon, she had gone far too long without food. Circling back to the market square, Rhona lingered in the alleyways, watching, surveying, taking special interest in the food vendors, her eyes lingering on the butcher, fruit, and baker stalls alike. Her mouth watered, salivating heavily as she watched people flock to them, freshly baked bread, salted meat, shiny red apples, all of it looked inviting.

Desperation, the causation for foolish mistakes. Desperation, the price of her freedom. She stepped forward from the shadows of the alleyway, and wove in and out of the throngs of people. With quick, practiced ease, Rhona plucked an apple from the fruit vendor who was far too preoccupied with filling a basket of grapes, plums, and pears for one patron. One, red shiny apple acquired. Slinking by the butcher’s table, she watched as the rotund man cut down a cow carcass, showing a potential patron the quality of the meat with the marbling of fat. He was distracted. She moved deftly, her hand snaking out to steal a string of cooked sausages. However, just as she pivoted on the heel of her boot, Rhona stumbled, dropping both the sausages and the apple.


She had been discovered.

At the cry echoing within the market square, the clanking of metal armor filled the air. Guards. Panic filled her, and in the blink of an eye, Rhona bolted, shoving aside anyone who dared get in her way.

“Stop! Someone, stop that thief!”

The cries of the guardsmen echoed through the air, drawing attention of those whom she sprinted past. Adrenaline was a long-term companion of Rhona’s, the notion of being caught pushed her on ahead, where she sprang over crates, vaulted over towering oxcarts piled high with wares and valuables alike. Without knowing the layout of the city, Rhona was running blind, following the curve of the cobblestone road. She spared one glance backwards, and was surprised to see that she had put a considerable distance between her and the guards.


“Ah!” Rhona cried out as she slammed into a wall. No… not a wall, a person. She glanced up at the person, her dark green eyes filling with fear and trepidation. This would be her undoing, this was the price she had to pay for her fleeting freedom, freedom that was short lived. She was certain of it.
@Poohead189 Should we do a collab for this next scene, or would you like for us to do individual posts?
I'm okay with keeping things OOC here for now, but I feel like if the RP keeps going for a good while, it would be useful to start a Discord up.
Two days ago

This had been unlike anything Rhona had ever experienced before in her life. She was…alone. Truly alone for the first time in her life. Alone, in the sense that there was no one else to speak with, no one else to turn to, absolutely no one. And for the most part, that idea did not overwhelm her. She thought mostly of Mercius, and of what her troubled dreams meant. When she closed her eyes, she saw nothing but hellfire, daedra, the wails of the dying. There would be times when Mercius would shake her from her sleep, calling her name in a worried tone. And she would wake, gasping for air, soaked in sweat, as if she stood next to a very hot fire, and every breath she tried to take, was wrenched from her very being.

She found the steel armor awkward, and it chaffed her in uncomfortable ways. Rhona felt out of place, and by the second day in, she thought that she was touched with disease. Perhaps these dreams weren’t some prophetic vision, and that the voice that called to her each night, “You have been chosen…”, like a priest repeating a mantra, hinted to something far more sinister.

What happens when I arrive in Kvatch, and I do not find the meaning to this dream? What if I am sick with some disease that is eating my mind? I should have stayed at the chapel with Mercius. He is old now, and there is no one else to tend to the dead., she thought at times.

Being alone at night, sleeping under the stars, was a new experience for her, one that left her stiff, and cold, when waking up in the morning. Mercius had given her what provisions he could spare, and showed her how to make a camp. Travelling by foot wasn’t ideal, but they had no horse to spare. There were two mares well past their youth, and they were to pull the wagon. Without them, the wagon could simply not be pulled. She wouldn’t hear of Mercius’ suggestion to take one of the spares.

Oh you foolish man, Mercius…, Rhona thought.

By the second day, she had reached the Silver Road, leading south towards the Imperial City. She kept in mind Mercius’ words, “Stay off the roads if you can afford, do not stray far, but stick to the trees. It’ll give you cover lest there be folk out there who seek to rob you, or worse.”.

She did as he said, and stuck to the off-beaten path, walking between the cool canopy of the trees. Rhona took this time to reflect on her life. Whatever may lay before her, she did not regret what she had to endure to bring her to this moment, whether it was a foolish endeavor or not. Of course, she wished to have better siblings, and better parents. She wished to have someone to call her own, someone to love her endlessly… her being ached for that. But, as she had come to accept with her time at the chapel, some wishes will simply not be granted. And Rhona had come to terms with that, love, familial love, romantic love, that was not to be a part of her life. She felt more of a caretaker, than a potential wife.

Not all prayers could, or would be answered.

And, it wasn’t as if she devotedly served Arkay, it was a… mutual understanding. A respect. Someone had to see the dead off, to prepare them, to help them cross over. And it was something that she found herself enjoying immensely. After all, the dead do not speak. They did not want, they did not pester you with meaningless questions. The dead… were simply dead. She was their caretaker. A shepherd for the dead. Rhona smiled at that thought.

As she carried on through the shadows of the trees, Rhona heard the wheels of several wagons approaching. Curious, she neared the treeline, ducking behind a bush to see who approached. It was a gaggle of cheery-faced travellers, all adorned in extravagant clothes. Although, extravagant might not be the correct word… flamboyant? Yes… yes that suited them better. She could blue and purple silks, beaded brassieres, and maidens with flowers in their hair. Rhona counted quickly. There had to be close to a dozen in their company. Perhaps she could hitch a ride with them?

Cautiously, she stepped from the underbrush, and waved at them, trying to appear as friendly as possible.

“Hullo!”, she called out.

“Aye! Who goes there?” A man with a bright red beard with beads adorning his ears returned, reigning in the horses that drove his wagon.

“Where abouts are you headed?” Rhona asked.

“Why, to Kvatch! Haven’t you heard of the Summer Games?”

“Ah… yes! I have…” She had not. “I wouldn’t suppose you have an extra seat to spare in your wagon? I’m headed to Kvatch myself.”

The man with the red beard looked to his counterpart, a Redguard woman adorned in red silk, and golden jewelry. “What do you think, Zakyra?”

“Well, I certainly say we do. Can’t let a poor young thing like that wander about the countryside on her own.” The woman named Zakyra waved her aboard, pointing to the rear of the wagon.

“Climb in back, and we’ll be off!”

And so, Rhona came to know that this group were actually a band of troubadours, they were seeking to perform as entertainment for the Summer Games. She could hardly recall any of their names after the first day, there were so many different faces, so many different colors.

1st Last Seed, 3E 433

The wagon full of troubadours came to a halt outside of the city, they were going to set up a camp. Rhona marveled at the sight of the city, it was unlike anything she had experienced in her small village life. This was the farthest she had been away from home. She bade her thanks, and said her goodbyes, and promptly set off into the city.

The dreams had continued, last night in particular left her feeling on edge. It was as if she could smell sulphur, and when she inhaled, it singed her nose hairs. What in Arkay was happening? Now that she was here, Rhona had no idea on where to even start. Was she expecting the city to be in flames upon arriving? Because it certainly did not look the part. There was much life… jovial voices, singing, children running afoot, music playing, the people here were in high spirits. She decided to explore the city, to at least see what it had to offer, and then, to see if she could find the meaning behind her dreams.


I made some updates to Rhona’s sheet!

Let me know if there’s anything else I can expand on!
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