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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Riza had gone on Patrol for about a few hours since she had left Wolf to her team, Later coming up with as far as nothing out of the ordinary for her, she had report, logged her report and got to work on her suit. She thought about giving the suit some changes. Since Strange was no longer in danger, she didn't know what the suit could be used for now. Though she thought about adding some defense to the suit, her primary suit alone could use an extra buddy to deal with these sorts of weaknesses with some assault of it's own so it was not all defense and hold its own. As the two worked on the suit, Riza was about to talk to Robin about it since he was helping this suit with her when she heard Jarvis. She quickly rose from her seat as she looked to Robin who said he would go get Batman and nodded before they split up, Riza went to her room and she looked through the window. "What can I do Doc?" She asked, looking to Wolf and the state of the room, on an obvious note that she was losing it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Strange shook her head and said "I can't risk you going in there while she's like this...I fear that my worst fear has happened. With all that is going on, the memories she had locked away are fighting to come out. The things you saw in her memory when you touched her mind before are starting to come out. Which isn't all bad, but if she can't get her powers under control, they will control her."

Robin came back with Batman and Batman said "I don't think its just her. Flash and Kid Flash just reported in. There was a huge portal that opened in the country side of States, but now its not holding. Its already starting to close...right when this started. Riza, do you still think Wolf and the portals are linked?"

Wolf cried out again, her shadows smashing against everything. Tears ran down her face as she cried out "Papa! Papa please save us! Please!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Riza was biting on her bottom lip a little as she listened to Strange and watched Wolf. It was making her impatient though tried to hide it too. Though she was going to say something until Batman came in and added to the situation with what he got. She was toying with a necklace she wore and was biting more of her bottom lip before she spoke. "As for Wolf and her powers, I am sure she won't be able to cause she is over going all this memory restoration. Its pretty obvious alone that she will need help. But not suppressing or blocking anything. Helping her calm down seems to be the best action. At least thats what I believe. As for Wolf and Portals being connected. After what you've told me Batman? They seem to be linked. Im seeing no coincidence in this. With how many portal's have opened and something happening at the same time? It's only making the proof of this once theory solid. But, wait. It's not holding?" She asked with a confused look like something wasn't right. "Do you have live footage of this happening? Has anything come through it or only open and then start to go wonky and start closing?" This was something new and wanted to see, she needed an image. However now she was having problems wanting to be within two places at once. Wanting to help Wolf, and now wanting to see this portal so she could find out what's going on? "Are Flash and Kid still there?" Yes she was asking so many questions but was just wanting to find this out to figure out what to do. She wished she had Bruce to help her figure this out better. She only knew so much that he would be able to figure out more than her in these days that she has been here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Batman nodded and the screens on the wall turned on and Flash and Wally were standing a few yards away from the portal that was already starting to close. "Hey Bats! Wally has the video feed going. So as you can see, this thing is not stable at all. It was starting to fail as soon as we got here" Batman looked at Riza then out at Wolf in the bed. "Its Wolf...she's tied to it somehow..." Strange nodded then said "Look at the portal, it looks darker then before..." Batman looked at it and said "It is...Maiden..." Robin got closer and said "Riza, look right there. Are those shadows?"

When Riza got closer, she saw that the portal's own shadows were ripping the portal apart. Strange nodded then looked at Wolf again. "Her powers...her trip to the shadow plains has given her a lot more control. Riza, you should go in there and help her focus. Its the stress of her fight with the portal that's causing so much stress"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Riza watched the screen as she stood forward immediately, she couldnt believe her eyes, It was tied to her. Though the obvious, though Riza wasn't saying anything when all started talking, noticed how dark it was. It was odd for sure until she took a closer look when Robin noticed something she didnt at the time. "Holy Cybertron!" Her eyes widened as her lightbulb lit up brightly from the realization. "How did I not see that! This changes everything within the means of magic!" Without another word, she turned on her heels and jumped through the broken window with a vaulting motion and in fluid motion, not caring if she got cut or jabbed by any glass. She ran over, taking Wolfs hand and held it firmly. Making her presence known within her essence of magic. 'You got backup my friend. Let me help you close that portal!' Her thoughts flowed with enthusiasm and encouragement. It was going to be odd with the mix of her shadows and Asgardian Magic (though pure magic she could access when training with Dr. Strange), but she was going to help lower the stress and rise the focus by helping. She needed energy no doubt, and Riza was willing to provide.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Wolf started to calm as soon as Riza took her hand. She opened her eyes slightly, her eyes glowing brightly. "Riza...what..." Strange jumped after Riza and rested a hands on both girls shoulders, his pendent glowing. "I'll help focus the two energies, Riza, you bring it home. Keep pushing it. If this works, we are a step closer to ending all of this"

Wolf nodded weakly, her nightmare fading as her shadows grew stronger. She flinched and muttered "I won't let them use my power anymore...or my world..." Strange looked at Wolf, raising an eyebrow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Riza smiled with the noticeable signs of Wolf being calm. Seeing her eyes open and her eyes glowing, Riza's smiled stayed. Looking to Strange then with his offer of help to stabilize their magic energies. She didnt need to be told twice, closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, made her magic more known, the color of of a golden like red highlighted Wolf's shadow a little, giving it a shine. She heard Wolf's words, having a feeling she meant the ones that were using her energy to make these portals. "We've got this."

Wally noticed the difference in the color of the shadows and was stunned and at a loss for words until he managed to muster them. "Look! The inside of the portal changed color a little. What's going on?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Flash shook his head and said "You know me kid...I'm not in the magic know how...but if I were to guess, the team at home is doing something...as well as our Wolf...her shadows are taking the fight to whoever we are dealing with" He looked at the camera and said "Bats? What's going on back there?"

Batman shook his head and siad "Flash...I don't think I could put it into words..." Robin looked at Batman and said "Batman?" Batman shook his head and said "I had a feeling...this only afirms it...Wolf is from their world...she might choose to go back with them when this is over..." Robin looked at him, then back into the room where the three magic users were working. "But...she's family...our family..."

Wolf flinched and muttered "Its starting to give...I can feel it...how much farther do we need to go?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Kid looked to the Flash before looking back to the Portal. He noticed its fight with wanting to stay open. He wondered what this Portal would have lead to. But then again he kinda didnt want to know. As for Magic, Wally stuck to just his science and all he knew, not trying to grasp it besides that it seems to exist and thats all.

Riza could feel the same thing Wolf was feeling with the Portal. Though she even had no clue how much longer. "Till it gives completely and lets us close it without a fight. Its the only way." She said. Giving a little more juice to her assistance. "We got this." However, for those who might be paying attention, noticed slivers of glowing light around Riza. The glow of red as armor from what Dr. Strange would notice was of Asgard making and forming over the jacket she wore yet seemed to suit the way it hugged her jacket and jeans. Chest plate with shoulder guards of some red designs along it, What seemed to be scale mail hugged her bicep. Gaunlets covering her lower arm and top of her hand with gloves on her hand. Her a scale mail shirt attached to the armored belt, metal of that were of some Norse designs on the knee guard and shin guards. She looked almost like a soldier ready for anything that came her way. Some might say she overly cautious. One would never know. The Armor was mainly of his metallic silver color and simple, soon enough the glow faded and the armor showed fully.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Flash pulled Wally back a little as the portal started to spark and break apart, then suddenly flashed brightly and was gone. Flash hit his mic and said "its gone Bats...whatever those girls did back at base worked. Want us to head back?" Batman was thinking then said "Call everyone back...both teams...we need to get everyone on this." Flash nodded and him and Wally took off.

Wolf suddenly sighed and panted, sweat running down her face. "its closed...thank heavens...I can breath again..." Strange moved back and said "Riza...where did that come from?" Batman and robin turned to see Riza's armor, Wolf opening her eyes and seeing the armor. "Dang girl...how many different armors do you have?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Riza exhaled a huge sigh as she felt some relief. She looked to Wolf as she then to Strange and then herself, seeing the Asgardian armor she had on and smiled slyly as she laughed nervously. "I'm a little over cautious. It's Asgardian armor that I cloaked with magic. It's one way to keep my training up." She said as she looked to Dr. Strange. "I can't help it okay?" Riza continued as she stuck her tongue out. She then looked to Wolf with thought as the armor started to slowly disappear like it was never there again. "Well, there's my maiden suit, this one, and the one that Robin, Batman, and I are working on that I and hopefully anyone can use if need be to handle the mystical planes. How far is unknown." Her sly smile grew. "Now if we want to get technical...I believe I have six in total, the other three back home, offense, defense, and space."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Wolf laughed weakly and said "Why am I not surprised..." Strange nodded and said "Riza? Can I see you outside a moment?" When the pair were outside he looked at her and said "We need to look into Wolf's memories...I have a theory that the reason Wolf is tied to the portals is because the artifact they are using is tied to her power...I'm not sure how yet but we have to figure out how"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Riza smiled, seeing Wolf smiling and laughing. She though looked to Strange and nodded. Looking to Wolf with a comforting smile before walking outside with Strange. Hearing his Theory, she thought upon this, though had a skeptical look. "You really want to try that. I can tell you right now that it will take sometime before we can even think about it. Wolf is recovering more now than before. Plus I am sure you have a thing about asking first. On top of that I have NO idea how that can be done, I am not that good at magic if that is what is involved. Im more for transferring magic, illusions and playing tricks and playing tricks as Loki does. As for figuring out how an artifact is tied to Wolf, I think I can find out how. But we also need to let Batman and the others know. We can't leave them out. We maybe trying to help but not only are we only in their world, but they are he family Also needing to know what they think on this." Riza suggested. She felt it was the right thing to do.She couldn't leave them out of something this important.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Strange nodded and said "I agree fully. I wasn't planning on using magic. From what you said, her powers are protecting her. I am thinking my other hat...my doctor side. There are ways to talk someone thru memory blocks. That we can do, safer and easier. But we need to head to that meeting Batman called, there we can fill everyone in. How does that sound?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Nodding, Riza agreed. "Yeah. Hoping we can answer the questions they ask. Not fun when I can't explain. Yaaay....meetings, gotta love'em." She said with a disappointed, optimistic tone in her voice. She then head back in with Stephen Strange and to the meeting that Batman announced. She defiantly like her father. Not a fan of meeting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Strange chuckled as they walked into the meeting room where not only the other young justice members but also the justice league members. they were all sitting around a huge table and Batman was standing by the door. He nodded to the pair and said "We are all ready. Dr. Strange, Riza, you both have the floor. You both know the most about this case. We need all the information we have together in one room. Let's get started"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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On their way to the meeting room, Riza required Jarvis to come along since he had all the data they had gathered and help her point out anything that she may have forgotten. Upon going into the meeting room where all Young Justice AND Justice League, Riza felt so tiny compared to all these heroes. She was still basically a recruit, a scout. Now saving a world that she was brought to without reason that she could possibly imagine, ontop of that, helping someone with a past they did not know about and seems to be from her dimension and saved the sorcerer supreme. Not without help from those she stood before her today. None the less. Basically nervous about it all. So, without further ado, she looked to Dr. Strange, and then to the members of both Leagues.

"Well. Let me start this off with getting this off my chest and ask you to bare with me. I have basically never started any meeting such as this and therefore nervous. So again bare with me." She then exhaled and felt a bit relieved now that was off her chest. "Okay," she with small clap off her hands as she kept them together. The Ironmaiden suit came forth and held out its hand, palm up as an image enlarged. It was the portals that appeared. "So with all imformation with the help of everyone hear, have come to find out that these portals, as shows from JARVIS, is a mix of magic and technology. How these are triggered is radiating energy from Wolf's powers. How it happens is further study that im working on. However with help of my teacher, and friend, Dr. Stephen Strange, Sorcerer Supreme of my demension of Earth has come to figure out that how, whoever is going this, is able to combine magic and techology is from an Arifact known as the Key of Worlds." Riza explained as JARVIS switched the image to the parchment image of the Artifact. "It seems that these people who made the portal of the mastermind behind it, somehow found it about it being stolen years ago." Riza took a breath so she could continue though looked to Batman, asking for silent permission to talk about Wolf further and what he found out about her before she could continue the kicker to their information. "Before I continue, Anyone got questions about the information I have given you thus far?" She asked, as if a somewhat stall so she had his permission. He was basically family to her and thus her guardian.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Black Canary raised a hand and said "Who was holding onto this Key in your world? Seems like a big thing to lose" Strange stepped up and said "That is where Ms. Wolf comes in..." Batman nodded to them and Strange said "We have a theory that Wolf is in fact from our world. Her mother could be a woman known as Lady Shade, the leader at the time for the Shadow Clan. They were mutants that thru their blood line could control the shadows around them, but the stronger members could gain entry to a mental plain known as the Shadow Plain. Its a world between all worlds, the connecting threads you could say. Using this plain they could travel quickly and call upon creatures from that world. But Lady Shade was attacked and the Key we think was stolen then, and Wolf along with it. How all this happened we are still unclear, which the only way of finding out is to help Wolf remember her past...which she has put up mental blocks." He looked at Riza to go on but Flash put up a hand and said "You said Wolf's powers are tied to the portals. How can that be when if you guys are right the guys behind this have the Key? How would that link to Wolf"

Batman moved back, a thought hitting him. He turned and muttered to a point only Riza could hear him "Because they don't have it...that's why the portals won't hold...they can tap into its power but they don't have it...they never did..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Riza had taken some time to regain her thoughts as Strange took his turn to explain. However quickly brought out of her thoughts when Strange talked about her supposed mother that not even Riza knew about for she had not heard much about this Shadow Clan. Though now knowing this, gone back to her thoughts, trying to piece things together that Riza did not piece together before. This continued till she felt eyes on her and came back to reality to look to who's eyes were on her. Seeing it was Dr. Strange, Riza nodded and was about to speak when Flash asked his question. "Seee. That is that I fully dont know myself. I have tried going about it so many ways that it hasn't made sense. At least to me." She explained as she looked to Dr. Strange, only to hear Batman and turned her head to hear what he said. "What? But how could they tap into powers they dont have. It doesnt make much sense. Though not having the Key itself and the portals being unstable does make sense. Wait...maybe they have found traces of it somewhere?" She asked, thinking of some random theory that came to her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Batman moved forward and typed on the computer and brought up the map of the portals. "They are linked to Wolf not just because of her powers...they didn't steal the key that night...they lost it that night. What if...Wolf's mother gave Wolf the Key and told her to hide it...somewhere..." Strange looked at Riza and said "That makes sense....Lady Shade's body wasn't found...Wolf was taken...we need to know what happened that night"

Out of no where Robin said "What if the Key of Worlds isn't really a Key? What if its...something normal looking...hidden in plan sight"
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