Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Riza came forward as Batman typed away and brought up the maps of the portals. The Suit made its images disappear only to come up with Riza as they examined the map and listening to Batman and Strange. Riza had her arms crossed, her mind thinking upon these new theories only to bring her left hand, her fingers to her lips as she was thinking. Hearing Robin's theory made her think more before her hazel eyes widened. Her fingers moved slowly from her lips like she had come to a realization. Without a word spoken, Riza turned on her heels and left the room as fast as her legs could take her. Superboy and Meg'ann stood as she left. "Riza...?!" Meg'ann called out but looked to everyone else, wondering what was going on. She dare try to enter Riza's mind, but Superboy looked to Batman, then Robin. "Where is she going?"

Riza ran to where Wolf was resting, opening the door and panting a storm, exhausted from her sprint through the base. "...Wolf?..." Having no idea if she was awake or not.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Strange followed Riza out with Robin then batman took over the meeting. Wolf stirred as the door opened and looked at Riza as she ran into the room. Wolf sat up and said "Riza? What's going on? Everything alright?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Riza took one giant breath before looking to Wolf. "I need your help. A huge ass favor." She sat down on the chair near the bed. "We need to somehow go through your hidden memories and figure out where the key is. Theory. That this key, may have been hidden by your mother. Who we figured out, is a woman called Lady Shade. She controlled shadows like you did. However we have a theory that when you disappeared from my dimension, so did the key. But you may hold the memories that may give us that time gap." Riza explained. Sounding far-fetched, but sounded completely convincing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Wolf looked at her, then after a few minutes said "when I had the nightmare...I saw flashes of things...my mother on the ground, bleeding...a man pulling me away, telling me it was okay, that the Shadows would protect me now..." She held her head and said "your right..we need to find the truth"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Riza widened her eyes alittle at her decision, just not knowing what she was to expect. "Well." She looked to the wall to her right, only to look back at her with a small grin on her face. "Alright!" She gently scooted Wolf's legs out of the way and she sat on the covers before sitting on the bed herself cross legged. "Let's try by meditating then. Clear and focused. I can even help you. Be a support. Now sit cross legged, and lets have ours knees touch." Riza instructed. If Wolf did so, Riza rested her arms on on her legs and her hands resting on Wolf's knees. "Now hands in mine, relax, close your eyes and clear your mind. Once clear, think of a starting point. Where you want to start that you remembered." Riza instructed next, calmly. She wasn't like Strange but she had a basic understanding what needed to be done. Riza just hoped it worked. She even had her eyes closed, her mind clear.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Wolf followed Riza and copied her movements. She took a deep breath and cleared her mind, closing her eyes. She thought back and then said "I remember Batman finding me...taking me home...but before that...only pieces...I can't pull them together..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Riza listened, her eyes closed still she then began to try and think how they could do this. Maybe Wolf needed help from Strange. Opening her eyes she looked around. "Well Strange is better at this than I am. Not unless we have some things around from when you came and as you grew up. I know the most basic of things." Riza then hummed. Though I do faintly remember Dr. Strange following me. I wonder if he got tired or lost me while I was sprinting here." She then giggled. "Jarvis? Could you let Dr. Strange where I am?" She asked. Then looked to Wolf. "I'll just stay here and wait. If we want to continue this exercise till he arrives its all fine. He's the professional."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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The door opened and Strange was there, holding a chain in his hand. "I was waiting for you to call for me...and you are right, you need a anchor to that time. Maybe these will help" He walked over and held out Wolf's father's dog tags to Riza. "The one thing that survived that night, her journey from our world to here...the only thing with her that night"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Riza looked to the door as Strange opened it spoke. She had a sly grin on her face until she looked at the dogtags and what he said. She facepalmed for she remembered those in next to the door on the inside of Wolf's room, the one thing that started the search. "Holy crap! How did I not think of that? Man, I am such a ditz." She proclaimed, taking the dogtags and then looked at them with a smile. She took hold of Wolf's right hand and placed them gently in her hand. "There. Get a good picture in your mind of the tags. Close your eyes and think upon that object. Nothing else but that." Riza had her hand under Wolf's before then using her other hand to closed Wolf's and closing her eyes too. Hopefully this one object that started this whole search for the truth of Wolf's Heritage would end it and help her remember.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Wolf nodded closed her eyes, focusing on the dog tags in her hand. She took a deep breath and then said "I remember...the tags on my neck...big hands putting them around my neck..." She tilted her head and said "Wait...voices...a heat...someone yelling...telling to get out...to...no..." She lowered her head and Strange said "Take deep breathes...focus...don't relive the moment, just observe it..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Riza kept her hands under and over Wolf's hand, though maybe not seeing it, could somewhat imagine it. Riza took a deep breath when Wolf started to tell her to calm down and observe the memory. She did this every now and then anyway, just helping out with the process, give support.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Wolf then said "Wait...I think...I remember a face...and someone saying to get her out of here...and the...Key?" she opened her eyes and held her head. "Its still all really fuzzy...like it doesn't want to come out" Strange rubbed his chin and said "She must have blocked her memory as a child...not surprising after the stress she has under gone..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Riza opened her eyes after a moment of Wolf opening hers after saying what else she found out. Looking to Wolf, she didnt feel bad for her and the sudden answers that they needed. "So what do we do now? We are a bit closer but not being able to find the key." She looked from Wolf to Dr. Strange both to see what they should do. She wondered if both leagues were still having the meeting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Strange looked at both of them, then said "I think we should let this rest for now. I have a feeling things will come to past when its ready. We don't want to rush things..." He stood and then said "I think we should get back to training and the case, I think the Key will show up when its ready" Wolf got up, pulling out the needles in her arms. "I'm going to rest in my room...its driving me crazy being in here" She left the room and Steven said "She's close...but I feel that her mind will only show them to her. Her mother was a lot like her if our theory is right"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Riza figured Dr. Strange would say something like that. Though understood this required patience now. Watching Wolf take out the needles in her arms thought giggled a little at her comment. "I probably would too." She said before Wolf left for her room. She then looked to Dr. Strange who spoke then. She though looked confused. "Our? I never knew her mother. I was actually surprised you mentioned her back there." She said as she stood up. "I'm going to go continue the armor. Though I guess since we might be here a while, could try and go back into making those robotic limbs I always worked on back home. Help those who need physical therapy. Help them heal."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Strange leaned against the wall and said "We just need to wait...and her mother is exactly like her...but not in total control...which is much more like her father...and her father is more like the type to find answers in more stressful events...I hate to do it...but I fear we must wait for her to hit that stressful limit..."

Wolf laid down on her bed, not bothering to shut her door. She closed her eyes and sighed. Then she flinched, feeling the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She heard steps and her eyes shot open. She tensed up and was ready to attack the person about to grab her. Her eyes glowed yellow as she released her left hand claws.

Robin heard muttering and crying and he looked into Wolf's room to see Wolf tossing and turning in her bunk. Robin walked over and said "wolf? you alright?" He reached out to wake her, her back to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Riza shrugged. "Well I saw Logan in her at least. Though, for some reason it tears me up inside to see her so hurt, lost, and sad. I can't really understand why." She said, walking to the door. She then shrugged once more. "I'll be in the makeshift workshop." She then started her trek down the hall and back to the makeshift shop to go work on her armor.

Opening the door, Riza looked over to her armor and sighed. She went to the table where it was slowly coming together. She though smiled before getting into the wiring and piecing things together. With some pieces together she started of the energy source, a modded version of the Arc Reactor. "Alright Jarvis, lets see how we can make this work. Show me the specs of the Reactor, alter it without exploding." So Jarvis pulled up the specs. Looking at them, she then thought about running a simulation. See if some changes with the metals she had before he would work and not backfire. She looked around before she saw the computer. Thinking about it, she then got on. "Ma'am? What folder shall we put this one?" He asked. "My folder." "Of course." So Riza and Jarvis started going through the specs, what materials they had and what they didn't and what they could substitute.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Robin touched Wolf's shoulder and was thrown hard against the floor, Wolf's claws against his neck. Wolf was breathing hard, her whole body shaking. Robin looked at her, concern and fear on his face. "Wolf...its me..." Wolf blinked, her vision clearing and she pushed herself back, staring at Robin with terror on her face. He had a cut on his face where her claws first caught him, blood running down his cheek. She pushed herself away from Robin, shaking her head.

"Robin...I'm...I'm so sorry...I didn't....I didn't..." Robin got up, not even noting the blood running down his cheek. "Wolf its alright...are you okay?" Wolf held her head, her whole body shaking now. "No...I'm far from okay...I thought you were....I'm going mad...I can't..." She jumped up and took off running, Robin jumping up to try and catch her. "Wolf wait!"

Wolf burst into the commons room where the others were gathering after the meeting. They looked up to see Wolf, blood on her bone claws. Artemis looked up and said "Wolf are you alright?" Wolf shook her head, her mind going a mile a minute. She looked at the blood on her claws and a rush went thru her. She started to see red and she wrapped her arms around her, her eyes wide. She wanted blood. She wanted to rip something apart, her claws covered in blood. She took off out of the room, tears running down her face. She found herself by one of the holding cells the team used to hold people for short time periods. She ran inside and hit the alarm, the base going into lock down. All the doors locked and sealed themselves, red lights turning on and flashing.

Wolf curled up in the corner of the cell, curling into a ball and becoming as small as she could. She had to fight the blood lust going through her, no matter what it took. She wouldn't risk anyone getting hurt.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Riza was still within the workshop but as she was still going through simulation after simulation of a modified Arc Reactor but was unsuccessful thus far. There was something missing and just couldn't figure it out. A component maybe? It had to be, but she couldn't figure it out. "Damn...what is missing?" Riza asked out loud to herself and growing a little frustrated. Maybe she could talk to Batman, see if he could help her figure this out. But she didn't know if he knew how to make energy sources. Later, Riza was working on her armor some more. Though working on the armor, Riza had suddenly stopped as the she heard the doors shut and lock. The light going just after as the lights turned off to only come back red and flashing. She looked around, her body tensed, slightly panicking. "Jarvis?! What's going on?" Riza asked, unsure to what was going on. "It seems there is some sort of Lock down ma'am. I do not any level of override to unlock any doors. I am stuck in this room as well it seems." Jarvis said calmly as ever. Riza cursed and swore as she went to the door. "Great! The one time I dont have my suit here in here!" Clear frustration in her. Riza then sat on one of the chairs. "Guess I'm waiting..."

Super boy, Meg'aan and Wally were too in the Commons where they had seen Wolf, as Artemis did. Superboy noticed the claws, the blood on the tips of which he looked to Wolf with surprise. Seeing her run off, Superboy noticed something else. Something he knew all too well. "Wolf!" Meg'aan called out only for her to try and go after her. Only for Superboy to stop her. "Don't follow her. It's way to dangerous right now. She's seeing red." Meg'aan looked to him with confusion. "Seeing red?" Conner nodded. "Its when all you want to do is see blood. Beat someone or even kill them just for fun. I know the feeling and what it looks like." Though after saying this, the three looked up and around as they lights went out, Doors shut and lock, and red lights turn on and flashing. "Someone set off the Lockdown alarm!" Wally concluded though seemed obvious.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Riza would hear a rattling above her then one of the vents fell to the floor and robin jumped out, landing by her. He got up and looked around. "Riza, I'm glad I found you. I think Wolf hit the lock down alarm. Something is wrong with her..." The doors suddenly opened and Batman walked in. He smirked at the pair and said "don't look surprised, I did build this place. Come on, the alarm was triggered in the holding cells..."

Artemis was working on opening the doors to the hallway, worried. "Connor, how do you know she was seeing red?"
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