Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Robin took her hand again and said “she’s going to be alright...she has to be...don’t worry...” but his hands were shaking badly now as were his legs. Even with his mask on, she could tell he was barely standing at this point.

Strange cursed and said “she needs darkness...okay then we pray it will kick in once we are done. I’m finished with the repair work so now we just wrap and patch back up...” he blinked hard, sweat getting into his eyes as well as being over tired. He looked at the pair and said “final stretch gentlemen...” Wolf flinched a little and her hand found Barry’s, her fingers shaking.

Batman nodded then turned to start pacing, his mask hiding his emotions well.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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When Robin took Riza's hand, Riza looked to Robin but didn't seem to argue as she took in Robin's company. She could tell how scared and worried he was, tired even. She sat down on the floor and gently guided him to do the same while they waited for any news, hoping more for good news. In the meantime, she rested her head on his shoulder, tired herself while watching the Batman pace with Artemis and Aqualad. Conner was leaning against the wall while waiting for more news. M'gann sat near Conner, looking worried while Kid Flash was sitting so he wouldn't go on a pacing spree like Artemis and Aqualad.

When Strange was done, Berry went to pack the rest of the wounds with the laser device that Batman lent him to patch and close the wounds at a decent setting that wouldn't be too hot but enough to close the wounds. This did take a little but for when he was done, he took a step back. "We're done, right? Now we just turn off the lights?" He asked.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Robin blushed a little when she rested on his shoulder but smiled weakly and put his arm around her. Artemis stopped pacing and moved and sat by Kid, her leg bouncing from nerves. She cursed and muttered “I hate waiting...”

After a Time Strange moved back, nodding to Flash and pulling his mask off. “Hit the lights...and pray” when the lights went off at first nothing happened. Then they saw the glow of stone shadows as they moved and wrapped around Wolf. Strange sighed and and said “she has a long way to go...but I think we gave her a fighting chance...” he left the room and into the small hallway between waiting room and operating room. He closed his eyes and stumbled, hitting the wall and fighting to stay on his feet, sweat dripping off his face.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Wally looked to Artemis when she stopped her pacing and sat down next to him. Yes, it was a surprise but he knew she didn't like waiting. "Tell me about it. I'm worried. Hope she'll be okay."

J'onn caught the Sorcerer Supreme, taking note of how he looked. You need to rest my friend. You did very well in helping Wolf. Let Berry and tell the good news." Telling the man with an encouraging smile, knowing that this man worked nonstop to make sure Wolf would make it. With that, Berry came back to the Waiting Room and looked to the group with a smile. "Good news everyone. Wolf looks like she will pull through. She's been pulled by her shadows to heal. Now we wait and check up on her now and again." He then walked over to the Bats and handed over the device back to him. "It still works. I promise I didn't break it. Thanks."

The team looked relieved and a huge weight came off their chests. By now Riza was getting sleepy no matter where she was at the moment now knowing that Wolf was going to be fine. Sadly how she was sitting was not good for her right now considering the braces on her legs and back. Everyone pretty much looked to Green Arrow, Flash and Batman for what to do now other than go about the rest of the day of which sleep would be a good thing.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Robin sighed and lowered his head, a weak smile on his face. “Thank goodness...here let me help you to your room...it’s been a long day and I’m next door...” he got up and pulled her up. Batman took the tube and then moved so only Flash could hear him “thank you Barry...” then he turned and walked out, needing to be alone for a few minutes. Robin watched him leave and sighed. “He will be in her room by morning...”

Strange shook his head weakly and muttered “need to stay with her...monitor her stats...can’t take any chances...” he tried to stand up straight, looking terrible. The shadows moved back from Wolf slightly, Wolf turning her head slightly.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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The Flash looked to the kids after Batman left. "Get some sleep, You all deserved it after today. We'll keep you all posted in the morning about Wolf's condition. Everyone started going their separate ways after that. Riza had felt Robin had moved and moved so he could, she helped him with pulling herself up. "Hmmm...? Waaaiiit...I have my own room now? I thought I was sharing with Wolf? So Bats is gonna watching Wolf? Good. Knowing Stephen. He must be tired." One could tell she was tired of how she drew out a word or two when speaking. Riza walked with Robin when he was ready to go.

J'onn looked to Strange frowned. You need to rest, my friend. You have worked very hard to help Wolf. Let us help by watching over her till you are well-rested." Trying to persuade the man so he would not overtax himself than he already has. Flash had come back to look at the two. "Like he said. we can watch over her from now on, get some rest. It would be hard to watch over her when you are still as tired and exhausted as you are."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Robin chuckled and said “wolfs room is right by mine...come on sleepyhead” he walked her to her and wolfs room and opened the door, walking her to her bed and sat her down. “Do you need help with the braces? Need any else?”

Strange shook his head weakly and said “she’s under my watch now...I operated and I need to see it thru...” the doors opened and Batman walked in. “I can take watch. You two get him to rest. His as stubborn as me so it make take more then words...” he slipped by them and into the room. He saw Wolf covered in bandages and machines. He walked over and took her hand and muttered “I’m right here...everything is going to be alright...”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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"Oh." She giggled before making her way to her room. Going into her room and making her bed and sat down. "Yes, please. Buttons on the bottom of each leg." She pressed the ones on the top after Robin got the bottom. They opened up and she then moved the braces as the lower back half slid from under her. "Give me a month at least I won't need them anymore. Got to get my strength back." She smiled, though it pained her to back like this. "I don't think I need anything else right now," she slid into bed and under the covers, looking to Robin and smiled. "Thank you. Maybe we can come to each other when something bothers us. It felt nice. Strange wanted me to talk to you about what happened. I guess I can see why..." She told him before stifling a yawn. "Never liked talking to others about things that bother me. I thought I needed to figure it all out on my own. Come up with all the solutions...." She snuggled in her covers as she explained further.

Watching Batman go into the room Wolf was in, Flash and Martian looked to Strange then. "You heard him. Time to get you to bed." Barry grabbed the other side of him and helped Martian get Strange to his room. "Bats is watching over her. He'll make sure she's going to be alright. That I can promise you."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Robin moved and sat by her, listening to her. “I get it...I lost my parents when I was young...I didn’t trust anyone till Batman got me out of my shell...and even now Wolf is the only other person I know better then others...but you can always come to me Riza...whenever you need me I’ll be there” he smiled and pulled the blankets over her. “Get some sleep...” he paused then leaned over and kissed her head the left the room, hitting the lights. Then he skipped his room and went to the lab, sitting down and pulling up the reports and files they had taken. He was going to find something to make Wolfs pain worth it.

Strange started to argue but his mind spun and he stumbled, holding onto the other heros. He sighed and said “guess I have been over doing it...I can’t remember when I slept last...Batman will watch over her... it if anything goes bad please get me...” he looked like crap, but a deathbed surgery with a young hero would be very taxing. Especially not having all his powers in this world.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Riza smiled and nodded a little before cuddling further in the blankets when Robin covers her up. "...thank you..." Sleep was starting to take over then. When she closed her eyes and drift, all she noticed before falling asleep was Robin having kissed her head.

While working within the lab, Robin would later see a small pop-up of the name JARVIS in the top right corner of the screen. "May I be of assistance by chance Robin? Maybe I can be of some help. I have compiled all of the reports from what Riza and your team has gathered, and also what the Justice League has also gathered."

"Got it, boss." They reached the room Strange was staying in, J'onn having opened the door. They went and set Dr. Strange on his bed. "We'll let you know if any changes happen. Get some rest." J'onn told him before both heroes left Strange to get some rest.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Robin looked up, looking tired. “I need all the video feeds that were saved. We need to find the feed for the day of the explosion...the call Wolf got came from that fight club...” he rubbed his eyes.

Strange smiled weakly and said “thank you my friends...” he moved and laid down on top of the blanket, still in his scrubs. He was out cold in moment, breathing heavily.

Wolf was moved to the ICU and Batman was sitting by her side when the other leaguers came back. He looked up at Arrow and Superman. “Report?” Wolf was still out cold, her body aching and covered in tubes and wires. Her face was covered by bandages for her eyes and a breathing mask.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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JARVIS pulled all that he could on the video feeds and the one on the day of the explosion. It was going a few seconds before the call had been made and Wolf noticing it.

Video Playing:
Riza had lowered her head a little. Looking down though at the black leather jacket, dark blue Gothic 'BOLERO' Stretch Corset Style Top, the corset and string a black color. The loose blue cloth came out from the sleeve, hanging loosely. Black tight jean that stretched and easy to move in to go with combat boots she wore for the day. Hearing about the expo, Riza grinned. "You are now speaking my language." Looking at them feeling a gitty inside. "I think I'll wear this for the rest of the day. What do you think?"

Wolf smirked and said "I like it, let's get going" Suddenly Wolf's cell went off and she pulled it out, reading the caller ID. "Odd, its Robin. Guess he wants to find us. I'll catch up with you girls in a sec, go ahead." Artemis nodded and they left, Wolf putting the cell to her ear and listening.

Wolf put the cell to her ear and said: "Hey Robin what's up?" But the voice on the line wasn't Robin. "Wolf? I don't have a lot of time. You have to get out of there right now. They are coming for you now. You have to get somewhere safe Wolf...please, just get out of there" Wolf blinked and said "Who is this? Where is Robin?" The voice cursed and said "I hacked this number, so the young man is fine. Wolf, just get out of there. Go back to your base, they can't track you there. They know you have it now, just get out of there..." She heard a yell and a struggle, then the line went dead. She stood there, stunned.

JARVIS had been pulled up the call as an audio display for both Wolf and the mysterious male voice. "Sadly we were not able to go to trace the origins of the call for it went back your cell." He explained.

Superman looked at Batman when he asked for a report. "All the underground fighters were all taken in for questioning and Bane was put back in Belle Reve Penitentiary where they had a cell ready for him. The base was swept clean of any clues we could find but so far, we havent found much that would give us an idea of what's been going on with the deaths that happened to the underground fighters or the explosion. Anything we might find is all that was the data collected during the mission." He explained. "Have you managed to gather anything Oliver?" Clarke asked.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Robin cracked his neck and said “I can...” he started typing and searching then found a video file. He hit it and the screen popped up. Up of the fight club. To the left was a pay phone. At the same time of the call, a man shoved others away and grabbed the phone looking panicked. He made the call and was the voice on the other side. But robin paused the video and said “Jarvis...tell me what I’m seeing is right...does that guy have two shadows?”

Arrow nodded and said “my guy at the lab finally had a break thru. That blast was no accident, it was a set up. Last minute but it worked...whoever called Wolf saved lives. No one who have noticed that thing was bugged if Riza and Wolf weren’t on guard as it was” Batman nodded slowly, still holding Wolfs hand. “Okay...Jon? What’s Wolfs condition?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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JARVIS was silent for the most part as Robin pulled up a video of what happened of the fight club and letting it play. When stopped JARVIS enhanced it where it was clear as day. "It looks to be sir. I would assume that this boy would have the same shadow powers as Wolf."

J'onn had been right at the bedside on the other side of Wolf, keeping himself linked to her mind. "In pain but it seems she is stable for now despite the severe concussion. It Will be unclear till we start seeing signs of physical recovery." Superman looked to be in thought. "So we still have no clue yet as to who sabotaged the Expo and why. We also need to find who it was that called Wolf and find out what is going on." Wonder Woman then spoke up. "I say for now we keep a look out for now till we can get more information. Till then we need to continue with other missions." She looked to Batman then. "Join us when you are ready Batman. We won't pull you from Wolf till you are ready. We know what she means to you."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Robin frowned and zoomed in on the guy and muttered “they aren’t the same shadow...what if the reason we can’t find who made the call is because he doesn’t know he made the call...what if...he was body jumped? Like Dead Man, his a friend of Batman’s...he can possess people...” he leaned back and rubbed his eyes. He was tired and stressed out. “Jarvis...how is wolf...” he was barely staying awake.

Batman nodded and said “check with Robin for me will you? I’m worried he will take this badly...” he rubbed his eyes and for the first time in a long time the others could see how tired he was and stressed. “Call me if you need me...I’ll switch with the others...” Arrow looked at Jon and asked “Jon how bad is she really? Without the medical stuff just Batman would understand”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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"It is well thought out theory. Might I suggest then seeing if this Dead Man might who body jumps as he does?" Suggesting the idea didn't seem like a bad idea and well worth a shot. JARVIS seemed quiet for a moment as he then pulled up Wolf's vitals. "It would appear that she is stable as of the moment but still in pain from the slow healing rate. She is still going to be recovering from a severe concussion as well for the time being. Wolf was pulled into the ICU area where some of the League are there watching over her." The A.I told him. He was quiet for a few minutes after telling Robin about Wolf's status. "Robin, Might I suggest some rest. It would appear that you do not have much time left before you fall asleep in the chair. Your bed would be most recommended."

Diana nodded. "I will." Then Flash spoke up. "Last I saw, he was helping Riza to her room. He may have gone to get some rest after. Or he could have been like you and have your nose stuck to a large computer screen." Trying to lighten the mood a bit. "But Riza seriously. Riza did seem quite shaken up about it too."

Martian looked to Arrow when he asked about the seriousness of Wolf's condition. "Bad I am afraid. She had many broken bones and fractures and even a punctured lung with blood flood her head. It is tough to say when she will show signs of recovering but if she is as stubborn as Batman, she will recover. These are the most crucial moments for her as of right now." J'onn explained.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Robin laughed weakly and said “I can’t go to my room...there’s a picture of Wolf in there that will send me over the deep end...and I really want to be with Riza right know but she needs sleep too...” he rubbed his eyes again then sat up weakly and said “I need to send what we found to Batman...and find Dead man and see if he can help us...keep me updated...on Wolfs stats...” he held his head and tried to type, his eyes having a hard time focusing

Arrow nodded and said “then we do a rotation. Someone with her at all times. We don’t take any chances. Just like with Riza. Wolf is a team member who took a big hit tonight for the cause...” the others nodded and Batman said “she’s scared...she most likely blames herself for how it went...she cares a great deal. I’ll talk to her or have Strange when he can...” he leaned forward in the chair, holding his head and rubbing his eyes. Arrow frowned and said “Bats...when did you sleep last...” Batman didn’t answer but they all knew it had been a while. Batman muttered “Diana...if his not in his room he will be in the computer lab...”
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JARVIS seemed to understand to a degree, and it seemed this left Robin in a 'pickle' as the human saying went. As much as things needed to be done, that was why he was created. To make the impossible, possible and time-sensitive objectives, quicker. But he was also was built by Tony Stark and could convince others to help themselves and get what needs to be done, done. So with Robin barely able to focus, JARVIS saw it a good time to turn off the large monitor. "Mister Robin, then might I highly suggest going to see Miss Stark, though she is asleep. Maybe it might help you sleep."

Superman looked at Wolf before walking over and putting a hand on Batman's shoulder. "Batman. Get some rest. I will take the first watch. Then it will be J'onn, Arrow, Flash, Diana, and then you. That way you will have the rest needed to help in this rotation. Take on of the beds here if that will help you. But you need to work with us so we can help each other." He explained. "Do not let your stubbornness take over. Also, as a friend, I would suggest YOU talk to Riza. It would be better if it came from you since you are still Wolf's guardian." He looked to the others. "We will continue this rotation throughout the day or until she has made it through these crucial moments of recovery just to be sure." The team nodded before Diana also nodded before taking her leave to find Robin at either of the two locations.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Batman glared at Superman and said “I’m fine, Clark. Sitting will do. I can’t leave her right now and you all have your own kids to check on as well as your own jobs to do...I’m taking the first watch...” he looked back at Wolf, still holding her hand in his. Arrow rolled his eyes and muttered “his super power is stubbornness...anyone got sleepy time tea?” Batman muttered “I’ll talk to Maiden in the morning...”

Robin sighed and muttered “maybe I’ll poke my head in and make sure she’s doing okay...” he got up and stumbled to the door and opened it, seeing Wonder Woman heading his way. He smiled weakly and said “evening Wonder Woman...how are the others? And is Batman okay? I think I found something on the data we got. I think the guy who made the call has the same skill as Dead man...not sure why he used it to make....the call but...I got screen shots and we can start with the guy who made the call unknowingly then talk to....dead man and see...what...” he stopped and leaned against the wall, the hallway spinning for a moment.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Wonder Woman stopped when Robin was coming her way only to raise an eyebrow when he started going a mile a minute. He was practically as tired as Batman. She smiled a little before putting a hand on the young boy's shoulder before he leaned against the wall. "Careful. Slow down and breathe. It's okay. Everyone is okay. Batman is being stubborn and not wanting to leave her side anytime soon when we are trying to help him get sleep." She then frowned. "I would ask how you are but from the looks of it, you are as tired as Batman."

Flash shook his head. "Could check the kitchen. I wouldn't be surprised if there was any in there." Superman sighed. "We may have kids but we also know what it means to help a friend, including you. You are not fine if you are on the verge of collapsing."
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