Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The rest of the night passed uneventfully. Whoever had instigated the attack on Marie was nowhere to be found, likely not having thought that someone could so easily best even a Wyrm. Sorcha returned a few hours later, after the others had all gone to sleep, having completed a cursory patrol of the immediate surrounding forests. She trusted Katherine's little...network of dolls, but it made her feel more at ease. Not for Marie, but rather in case whoever here caused trouble elsewhere.

Avaline ended up sleeping with Sol, having decided that angering the storm drake would probably be a bad idea for her longevity, even if Master Luna calmed her down. Marie spent the night by herself, though she didn't seem to get much sleep, spending most of the night restless or otherwise unable to rest well. In the end, when morning came the young demon was one of the first awake. Khira and Katherine returned from the forest not long after having their 'fun', and Miren ended up cuddling with Eith, which Khira soon joined in after.

The trip back to Sappho was uneventful. Avaline was quite eager to help, and ended up pulling quite a bit more of her weight. Marie as usual, kept to herself. Miren studied the book they had found on the way back, with Khira getting to know both her and Eith a bit better. Sorcha kept herself busy with Maoin and Sol, switching between giving the kitten a few lessons on the fly and playing with Sol.

Honestly, all parties were likely rather glad to be home once they had arrived back.

Sorcha & Avaline

"Aaaah, that was a nice little outing but there's no place like coming home and plopping down on a bed~" The dragon proceeded to do just that, plopping face first down into the bed, causing the it to creak lightly from the weight. Avaline practically barreled in next, slithering her way across the floor and to the far corner of the room. The land dragon held her claws to the sides of her face, eyes practically sparkling with excitement.




Ooh, she had never had a proper 'home' before. Or anything at all really. Ooh, this was all so exciting she could barely contain herself. In fact, she couldn't. The end of Avaline's tail was wagging back and forth wildly, unintentionally knocking over a few things on a nearby counter top. "Master Luna! Master Luna!" As soon as Luna would enter the room, Avaline would slither over and excitedly stare at Luna like a child seeing snow for the first time. "I want to go see the funny human town! I need to erm, let everyone know of the presence of myself!" She held her claws hopefully in front of her, giving Luna the biggest eyes she could manage.

It'd probably be a bad idea to let her outside unsupervised, even if she wasn't planning on causing trouble. Maybe get her some proper clothes aside from the scales covering her, ahem, body, too.

Sorcha rolled over on the bed, pulling the covers over herself and wrapping herself in the blankets, doing her best to ignore Avaline.

Miren & Khira.

"So this is, uhm, where we live." Miren hopped into the upstairs of her bookstore with Eith and Khira right behind. The Chimaera walked into the building, frowning a bit. One of her ears twitched in displeasure, the snake looking a tad bit annoyed as well. She walked the length of the room slowly, adjusting herself to the interior.

"...this will take some getting used too." She replied. "I am not used to living indoors. The city is loud and I can't hear the forest." It was at least, clear, the Chimaera would need some time to adjust. She seemed tense and a little on edge simply from being around so many people and being indoors. "Hmph...I suppose I should have expected this." She didn't seem like she was complaining, just rather stating facts. "Miren...is there a room with a view of the outdoors?"

"Uhm, well, there's a balcony in my bedroom. It doens't get used much but it's not exactly big, either."

"Hmm...I suppose that is fine." Khira scratched the side of her head, just behind her ears idly. "Perhaps I will go out and attempt socializing with these humans."

"A-ah? y-you sure?"

"I have trouble sitting still...especially around so many others. So many unfamiliar sounds and smells. Will just take time to get used too. For now, I will rest and perhaps speak with Alpha." Khira looked towards Eith.

"Ah, well, if anyone needs me, I'll be downstairs. I have to make sure everything is ready for opening again tomorrow." She also needed to speak with Livia about fixing Eith's condition. The book was quite...enlightening on the subject.


"Hmm, I see...you are quite old, then. Much older than your appearance suggests."

"Aha, well, being in service to a God that governs the dead and Afterlife does have its Perks." The white robed woman across from her chuckled lightly. Despite being a modest looking person, the airy robe wasn't exactly all that covering. It was made light and made to allow as much air inside the garments as possible. Perhaps made because of a hot climate. Livia took a sip of her tea, Ayumi standing just behind her and to the side. This was an...interesting development. Someone working for the 'Gods' actually seeking her out. Aside from being incredibly suspicious, this just had bad written all over it.

"Mhm...so, what is it you wish to do here, Chione?" Livia asked quietly. "I don't mean to be rude, but people such as yourself aren't entirely welcome around here all that well."

"...so I am aware." The woman sighed. "And that is unfortunate, but I can assure you I will cause no problems and I will keep my head down. I am simply here to learn how much the world has changed since my many long years in solitude."

"Well, I like to think of this place as welcome to all so long as they have a desire to learn." Livia continued, standing from her seat. "But I also can't show favor to people." The woman, apparently by the name of Chione nodded. "And since I am not quite certain I like the idea of you sitting in classes with others, I am unsure if I can help."

"That is fine...'headmistress', was it? I intend to entirely self study. Perhaps seek aid of others and you have my word I will keep myself out of trouble as much as possible."

"Well, if there's nothing else then." Livia walked over to Chione, giving her a friendly handshake. "It was a pleasure to meet you. Perhaps sometime we could chat over the old days of Egypt? I am quite curious to know the inner workings of the ancient people."

"And I would be more than happy to share, Headmistress." She accepted the handshake. "Ah...one moment, do you know of any place that might could make some specialized tools? I seem to have misplaced something rather important."

"Well, I'm certain there's a blacksmith who could make something for a reasonable price...though, I assume you're not exactly the wealthiest person on campus?"

"...aha, I suppose I'm not. Well, either way, thank you for your time, Headmistress. I shall take you up on that offer soon, I think." With that, the white-robed woman respectfully bowed, turning and leaving the Headmistress' office. Once she was gone, Ayumi plopped down in the chair across Livia's desk, one of her tanto balancing on the end of her finger.

"Boy, she smelled more suspicious than I do and that's saying something." She chuckled. "So what'cha gonna do?"

"Wait for now. She probably knows I'll be watching...if she does anything then I will know." Livia took a seat back in her chair. "But of course, do keep an eye on her."

"Roger roger, boss lady." With that, the Ninja vanished in a puff of smoke, leaving just Fia and Livia in her office once again.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 4 days ago

During the trip home, Maoin wondered briefly why Lady Sorcha wasn't talking with her mistresses new familiar. Her confusion was immediately dispelled however after about an hour of observing the crass, uncivilized, degenerate lizard. Why did Lady Lightsword even pick up this thing?

And as things fell to the ground due to the careless tail waving around the kitten felt her frustration boil, her skin reddened, and she began to prepare screaming at the incompetent thing for breaking her owner's things ... but that wasn't her job, and the creature was far too innocent to notice she was doing harm. And she'd probably cry, like after the first time Maoin got frustrated with her on the trip home.

Kill Me.

A couple seconds and calm breaths passed as the cat gave a stare over in Lady Lightsword's direction before looking over at the dumb thing. "That sounds like a great idea Avaline - Lady Lightsword, that would give me time to clean things up and get lunch ready! Stay out for a treat on the town? Maybe tell her how wonderful her tail is?" The cat's smile was obviously fake as her eyebrow twitched, hoping the more competent woman would get her meaning.

In a slightly but not incredibly subtle manner, the cat began to pick things up - first the breakable things to safer locations, then the things that fell on the ground - before retreating into the bathroom and pulling on her hair a little in hopes it would keep her frustration at a manageable level. Calm yourself, kitten. After a brief moment of reflection Maoin turned the bath water on, took a few deep breaths, and returned out to the main room and shuffled over to Lady Sorcha, rubbing her shoulders a bit. "Mistress, I've prepared the tub for us- you to relax in at your leisure. Your wings need a little polishing anyways." As she mentioned that, she moved her hands to massage at their base in a way she knew her owner liked.

Fia listened to most of the conversation, looking at the newcomer as she did so and frowning slightly as she introduced herself. As the ninja dissipated, the Headmistress would feel a slight tug on her sleeve as her familiar voiced those complaints. "Livia ... something ... familiar ... not good?" It was rather apparent the Phoenix wasn't exactly sure why, and while the feeling wasn't nearly as strong as it had been with Sorcha - who she still needed to visit - it was still there.

She expected the woman not to expand much on the subject, and the Phoenix was fairly confident she already had the situation under control. For a couple of moments the girl waited before looking at the clock - ... is she off ...? Another tug on Livia's dress. "Is Cynthia free today?"

By now the headmistress would know that meant Fia wanted to be pampered a bit, and she'd also know this was the third day she'd asked in a row as the girl looked up at her with wide, hopeful eyes. It'd likely surprised Livia, given the girl's initial aversion to physical contact with anyone else - though outside of Livia, Cynthia, and Ritsa that remained unchanged.

That wasn't the only change in her though. She'd learned to read and study completely on her own by this point and had spent some time learning about her past in the library. She was also becoming more independent in other ways, willing to go out on her own more often - usually with a guardian spirit in tow. Her 'magic' still needed to be developed, but the girl seemed content with simply lighting the house's candles and snuffing them out at a distance and felt incredibly cool doing so, though she'd never admit it.

Her panic attacks while still frequent (for a normal person) would only be noticed by Livia - between her patience, the calm environment, and a little magical therapy, the familiar had learned to simply step out of the room a bit, find a quiet corner, and take deep breaths while focusing on the ring she had found in an effort to clear her mind. Chairs were still evil though and not to be sat in.

She wasn't following through on her end of the familiar bargain however, as paperwork had largely been neglected and left to the wayside. Even when she hung out with the headmistress in the office, she spent more time observing the conversations. Ritsa had made her more slightly more talkative, but since she'd left it was obvious the phoenix felt a little down as her friend had left. And she'd been getting that attention elsewhere, such as from the maid who she hoped was free at this very moment. "... if she is, could I borrow her?"

Peasant Girl

From the outskirts of town a small wagon pulled by a cow slowly approached, with a peasant girl guiding the livestock using a lead - though it was hardly necessary as Cocoa was generally obedient and simply followed her around anyways like a lost puppy, cowbell ringing from her collar as she walked forward. Keeping her out of the house was a difficult enough task, and she always seemed to crave attention.

The peasant girl brushed some of her brown hair out of the way, adjusting her cap into a more suitable position as she smiled at her hardworking companion, rubbing her back a bit. "I know it's been a while Cocoa, but they'd only let me bring you. I know the cart is heavy, but we are almost there! You wouldn't let me take anyone else for this anyways, so don't complain you silly thing."

The cow let out a loud moo in response as she continued to pull the cart forward.

She spoke german, and was somewhat surprised she'd managed to travel this far without being mugged - though the gold in the cart was well hidden and wrapped with blankets to muffle any noise the loot would normally make and among more mundane goods - high quality wheat and ale for the student's consumption that some neighbors had traded to her.

This was the largest city she'd ever seen, and as she pulled into town Cocoa would feel her excitement. She'd been a little surprised when her parents had let her leave, but with the recent fortune her village had come across everyone was in a cheerful mood. For a few moments she panicked as she looked around at the tall buildings, but it wasn't hard to find an inn at the end of town that'd keep her and Cocoa for a while.

A slight frown crossed the peasant's face, though, as she ran her hand along Cocoa's back in the stables. The girl knew that she'd be enrolled in the academy for the next semester, and would need to start studying now to learn the basics of the french language and get an education she never had. That meant being busy, and she didn't have time to take care of her favorite animal companion - or afford keeping her in a stable. It had upset her initially, but the tears were long over - after the first few days of the journey she'd come to terms that she'd begin a new life once she arrived. Cocoa was a good cow, produced lots of milk, and would be easy to find a good home for at the market.

"You've been a good girl, you know that." A rub behind the ears. "Now stay here - I mean it - and I'll be out in a bit, alr- Cocoa! Don't follow me into the tavern!"

With a bit of difficulty, more attention, and some treats, Cocoa seemed satisfied to remain in the stable as the peasant went to the counter and ordered a drink in hopes of calming her nerves and relaxing before going to the Headmistress' office.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Lunalel Lightsword and Sol

As they returned to their home, Luna watched as Avaline knocked a couple of things over. She obviously wasn't use to a tight space such as this, so she'd probably have to just teach the girl to be care. She was fairly obedient about things once she was told. Her child-like innocence was definitely endearing in it's own way, though not to everyone it seemed. Maoin didn't seem especially happy and Luna replied with a light glare.

Sol all the while found her way to the bed as well and snuggled up to Sorcha. She had a lot of fun with Avaline on the way back and felt especially tired after that. She didn't even really pay attention to what Avaline said.... Or Maoin. She kind of just glanced up at the corner of the room and noticed a spider web before closing her eyes.

Luna took her glare off Maoin and looked to Avaline, "Yes, shall we? It'll be nice to eat." The Knightess said, noting neither Sorcha nor Sol seemed to want to leave. "Let's teach you the common sense of civilized society so in the future I can trust you not to cause trouble. First is being nice to family, though you seem to have understood this lesson, Avaline." Luna said as she left, taking a nice glance over to Maoin, meeting her eyes.

Luna grabbed Avaline by the claw to lead her out and they stopped outside the dorm first. "Lesson two, be careful of your tail. It has a bit of destructive power... I know first hand." Luna giggled a bit before continuing. "And no hurting anyone. Now then, where did you want to go first? Just looking around? Or did you want something to eat?"

Eith the Shellagh

Eith was happy enough to be "home" at this point. Even camping outside the castle was biting at her deep down. So she was ready to sit down and eat. Her rations have been meager compared to what she really needed. Still, she couldn't quite deny her new subordinate a chat when she requested it. Not that she was any good at conversation as it were. Hopefully, soon enough that would change. Mmm, what did you wish to speak about? It is easier than before, but I will talk of what I can." Eith said, eager to try her prowess at "conversation."

Katherine Lindall

Katherine had told Meowka to do what she wished for a bit and gave her a bit of coin for some food or perhaps a bit of entertainment if she wanted. There were some important matters to attend to... "That was an interesting 'field trip' we had." The teacher said as she walked towards Livia's office. Then she noticed a priestess or nun or something walking out of Livia's office. Oh yes, there was a woman in Livia's office talking about something. To be honest, Katherine wasn't paying all too much attention to Sappho until just now. "Greetings miss." Katherine said, taking a minute to watch the woman leave. She was odd.

Shaking the thought off for the moment, Katherine entered Livia's office. Noticing that the Headmistress was talking to her familiar. "My apologies if you two were talking. I've a bit of serious news..." Katherine said, looking between Livia and Fia. "There's a lot of information." She'd start with the important part that someone sent a Wyrm to kill Marie... Then that the same Wyrm said that the one that put her up to it was heading this way. Realistically they should have arrived around the same time. After that, their mission was successful as they found the tome for Eith. "I already have a patrol keeping an eye out for Marie. That ninja girl gave me an idea for some dolls."

Kozue Komichi

This had been her every day routine for a while now. Early morning training, meditating at the cove with the Undine, eating, and returning to her temporary home in the medical facility. Now, she was meditating with Celine. Of course, she was quite thankful for the help. This was the way to restore the White Fox to it's original form. As they finished their session, Kozue stopped and bowed to the Undine. "As always, I am quite grateful for your help." She felt stronger than before. In fact, her spirit felt stronger. It was... Nice. "I feel as if the Fox is close to awakening. As if we are at the finale of one of those stage shows." She gave one of her rare smiles. "I am glad."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Avaline was completely oblivious to Maoin's glaring. She was too busy trying to once again, contain her excitement. The Landwyrm looked like she was about to explode from it, letting Luna lead her out of the dorm and being at least careful of her claws so she wouldn't hurt Luna. Ooh, the human city was so fascinating! So many wonderful new things she had never seen before!

"Ah!..." Yes, well, her magnificent tail did have the tendency to get in the way of things at times. "I will...be mindful of my tail, master Luna." Her eyes lit up again as she slithered some distance away from Luna, looking in every direction and trying to decide what she wanted to do first. This place was absolutely amazing. Why so much so in fact, she couldn't even process everything nor decide what she wanted to do first.

So obviously, the correct choice was...

"Everything!" She gave Luna a hopeful look.


"Phew, good riddance that wyrms incessant chattering was getting annoying." Sorcha grumbled from under the blankets. Meanwhile, she had a kitten to attend to. Well, actually, no, she didn't want too. The dragon sighed, rolling over in bed a few times in a somewhat childish manner. "Maybe later, Maoin." She replied, wrapping a wing around Sol. "I'm tired and I think I'm going to take a nap." The dragon didn't seem too interested in bathing at the moment, but Maoin could probably get her out of the bed if she really wanted too.


"R-right then. I'll leave you two too it." Miren said, heading for the door that lead to downstairs. "I'll be back in a bit!" With that, Miren hopped out of the room and left the two of them alone.

"Heh," Khira stood across the room, leaning on the wall as she gave Eith a dangerously playful smirk. "So...what does my Alpha plan for in the future?" She asked, holding her arms across her chest. "A pack of three is hardly a pack at all. Or have you not planned that far ahead?" The snake looked at Eith questioningly, but it didn't seem there was any hostile intent in her words. Only mild curiosity. The Chimaera was probably used to much larger pack, when she wasn't by herself.


"Ah-Pardon me." The woman said, giving a slight respectful nod of her head as she left but for the most part said nothing else to Katherine.

"Fia, dear," Livia looked down at Fia with a slight frown. "Cynthia is hardly ever 'free'. Between you and her playing with the snowballs of a certain ice-woman she's been a bit behind on duties lately." She sighed, patting the girl on the head. Well this was starting to get troubling. She wanted the girl to adjust to others, but she didn't want her getting a little uppity like this. Well, she'd address the issue in a moment.

"Ah, hello Katherine. How's my favorite little student fairing? Did the trip go well?" She went on to listening to Katherines recount of the events that happened at the castle. Someone talked a dragon into attacking Marie? Now that was troubling. It would have been a good time as well, since Viatrix had made sure to prevent Marie from being able to use most of her abilities at the time. Coincidence? Likely not. Livia pursed her lips, leaning back in her chair in her usual displeased fashion as Katherine finished.

"I have some idea who it could have been. You saw her on the way out." Livia replied. "Chione Kebechet...a priestess of a certain jackal-god from the deserts, though I have a slight inkling that she's not exactly as she seems if her surname is any indication. I have Ayumi watching her for me." She glanced down to Fia before sighing. "Ahh, why can't everything be easy. I'm getting far too old for dealing with the shenanigans of demons and gods." She looked back to Katherine. "Is that all, then? I shall look into Eith's condition soon. Miren is likely already on her way here with her findings."

Celine & Marie

"Hm..." Celine, having now absorbed enough water to return to her original appearance after her...encounter with Katherine, gave Kozue a pursed smile. "Well. I am not doing it for you human, I am doing it for the divine spirit of that fox of yours. Helping you is just an unfortunate side effect." She sighed, brushing a loose strand of hair out of her vision. "...though I suppose if you care so much about that fox you at least know your place." She stood, walking out onto the water of the lake, the pure water rippling under her feet as she walked. "Will that be all for today, human? I am need to check on one of my followers...filthy woman needs to learn her place." She grumbled.

The only current annoyance though, was a large group of people at the lakes edge.

"Aha, hello my friends!" The voice was familiar. A certain little demon being as much of an attention whore as she could be. "Thank you all so much for coming here!" Celine grumbled. Every evening for the past few days she had been coming out here with her gaggle of blind 'fans' and just been incredibly annoying. She was currently in the middle of her usual routine. Seemed at least like it was causing Celine some annoyance.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 4 days ago

For a couple of moments Maoin considered waking up her mistress. After all, they ALL needed a bath, and she'd get the bedsheets dirty. On the other hand, even she was tired after that long journey, and undoubtedly given her injuries her owner was probably more so.

And the sheets were already dirty anyways.

After letting out a small sigh, the cat headed to the kitchen and prepared a salad along with a side of meat that was easily reheatable for the others before sticking a note on the ice-box.

Mistress Sorcha and Household,

Going out shopping. Meal is in here, indicated by a black bow. Don't heat the salad container, heat the beef soup for 10 minutes at setting three.
Lady Sorcha, there won't be enough for you to gouge on if you share with the others. Which you should do or otherwise I'll cry.

Apologies for Any Inconvenience,

For a second the cat let out a sigh. She hoped Lady Sorcha wouldn't be upset, but outside of giving her a bath there wasn't a lot. The cat returned to the bathroom, threw all her clothes in the dirty laundry hamper, and slid into the tub and let out a long, relaxed breath. It had been a while since she'd bathed on her own - or really had the house to herself in any form of the word, and she figured she'd try and enjoy it while her mistress would be sleeping for the next few hours. She'd nearly forgotten what it was like to pamper herself given how much busier she was than with Lady Gwen.

Soon enough, the kitten had done her share of scrubbing and relaxed for half an hour in the warm water in a nice bubble bath. It might not be comfortable for Lady Sorcha, but it was the perfect size for her. Though she couldn't stay inside forever - she had two weeks of allowance to spend, and a couple ideas of how to do so.

When she left the house, she wore the simple dress Miss Lindall had made for her - she wasn't sure she'd have time to work further on her appearance and get back at any reasonable time, so she kept everything else about her appearance simple, but clean, as well.

Now where to start?

Fia frowned slightly as Livia patted her on the head and Katherine entered the room. She'd learned though that the headmistress was a busy woman and having a continuous conversation would be a difficult task. Still though, she was a little saddened that Cynthia would be busy today and wondered what she should do while she waited for the conversation to go by.

After her ears noted someone new was outside the door waiting, the phoenix went over to the bookshelf and lifted up the first tome she found - reading the cover revealed it to be titled 'A Thousand And One Ways to Defend Yourself'. The girl started flipping through the pages, a little curious about what the contents were. The book itself showed signs of wear - a blunted corner showed it might have been dropped at some point, which surprised the girl since the older woman rarely dropped things.

Heading to the couch, the fourteen year old began to flip through the pages with a little boredom behind her. As she heard another sound of footsteps echo outside, Fia frowned and put the book down on the table. As she scanned the shelves for something more interesting. Dragon Dance. After blinking a couple of times, the girl made a decision. She could finish the conversation with Livia later.

"... I'm going out for a bit ..." She looked towards her guardian spirit - it was becoming a lot easier for her to see now - and after a cursory check to make sure it was following walked outside. Soon afterwards, Lady Sorcha would hear a knock on her door.


Meowka simply looked at the pouch of coin as it was placed into her hand and waved her mistress goodbye. Apparently she had something important to do, which meant the familiar would have a day to herself.

For a while, the cat wasn't sure. She still wasn't used to in some ways scrounging to survive. "Hey, doll, what should I- nevermind." The damn things couldn't speak, and last time they interacted they led her to the worst massage in the world. Meowka soon left onto the streets, looking around and wondering what she'd do.

This wasn't the hour to get pointlessly drunk at a bar, but wherever she decided to go the dolls would have a hard time following, as she hopped onto the roof of a nearby building and looked over the town. A nice perch, if she had to say so herself.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Lunalel Lightsword

Avaline looked greatly excited. Luna just smiled when gave a bit of an optimistic yet almost impossible request for one day. "Well, we have won't be able to see absolutely everything, but we can do a bit. Let's get a snack first." Luna added, guiding Avaline by the hand. She trusted Avaline, but she was afraid the Wyrm may run off. Regardless, she lead Avaline to a candy shop she remembered seeing in town. "Now watch your tail in here or no candy." Luna made sure the Wyrm understood. It tastes sweet, I think you'll like it." Regardless of what Avaline looked like, she felt like a child. "Is there anything in here you want?" There were a bunch of different candies. Mostly honeyed things and some sugar based ones. They weren't colored or anything.

Eith the Shellagh

"For now, I have nothing." Eith said, thinking about what to say next. Plans? She hadn't thought that far... Rather, perhaps it was better to say that she didn't have the ability to plan. [color=red]"Miren mentioned that I should be better soon. So I suppose that's something to save for a bit later. She looked Khira in the eyes for a minute, trying to figure out what to add... There really was nothing... Wasn't it good to add something in? Ask a question in return... Her eyes dropped to the side looking for an answer until her ears poked straight up and her tail wagged a bit. "What food do you like?"

Katherine Lindall

"Chione Kebechet?" Katherine asked thinking a bit. That wasn't anything she recognized... It was related to Egypt... It was a good thing she kept a couple of dolls in the library. "Hmm... Goddess of Embalming..." Her eyes opened slightly as she made a connection between the embalming tools she found in the ruins and this information. "Yes, I agree with this thought of her doing it. It seems likely..." With that, she had little extra to add. "I'll leave you too it... If you need a bit of... 'stress relief' let me know. I know a certain water someone that could possibly help you out. Until later, 'Dear Teacher'" Katherine added, leaving unless Livia needed something else from her. She needed to go gather some supplies from town.

Kozue Komichi

This woman was always aggressive wasn't she? "I suppose I am done for the day then." Her attention now taken by the same girl that distracted Celine. "Who's that?" Kozue asked, her attention now caught by a couple of... "Miniature Ayumi?" Well, it was sort of dressed like Ayumi... Just... Blonde hair like a certain set of dolls she'd seen around the place a lot. "Did someone make dolls that look like Ayumi sort of? They're looking at that girl aren't they?"

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
Avatar of Rune_Alchemist

Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


A-ah...she was holding hands with Master Luna. T-this was the first time she held hands with anyone! She'd never wash her claws again, nope. So she let Luna lead her along, without a word and doing her best to avoid injuring her with her claws. Soon, she was led to a shop of some sort. A food shop it looked like? But there were no rabbits or dear or similar things here.

"Y-yes! My tail shall stay by my side!" She pulled her hand from Luna's, gathering up her tail and holding it close to her body. "It shall not do any nefarious deeds, no!" She followed Luna inside, taking a long look around the establishment, still holding her tail and taking a long, good smell of the place. Ooh, so many new things! She was asking what she wanted? "Uhm, uhm..." Avaline quickly looked in all directions. She couldn't just say 'everything' again, could she? No no, that'd be far too obvious she didn't know what she was doing.

Ah...wait, yes!

"...I shall have whatever the other dragon has!" Hah! Yes, score one for her in the victory column. Genius. Of course, assuming Sorcha even visited here in the first place...or even had such tastes to begin with. She was smirking far to confidently as usual.


Sorcha rolled over in the bed grumpily, ignoring the knock at the door. She made sure to be careful of Sol, of course, letting the human child rest on her stomach if she so desired. For now though, the dragon was tired. Aside from the fact she was a naturally lazy creature, her ailment made it difficult to do anything for long extended periods of time without rest. The trip hadn't been difficult, but she was glad to have some much needed rest.

So Fia's knocking went either unheard, or simply ignored.


"I see..." Khira was mildly disappointed. She was perhaps, hoping for something a bit more grand than that. She would dislike her talents being used simply for being a body-guard or for 'cuddles' as one might say. Of course, it just seemed her Alpha was slightly slow-witted. Hum, unfortunate. She liked strong things, after all. Whether it was the mind or body. The Shellagh certainly had the latter, though the former definitely was lacking a bit at the moment.

"Food?..." Khira frowned. "Food is for sustenance, nothing more. I much more enjoy the hunt." Khira grinned, chuckling lightly to herself. "Food is only the reward for a well performed hunt...though, I am fond of the taste of roasted boar." She flashed Eith a playful smirk. "...is food and sleep the only thing this Alpha of mine does? Heh, it is a wonder you do not grow lazy and fat." It was mostly just harmless teasing, really. Khira understood at least, that until Eith had this curse of hers removed she wasn't going to be doing any major critical thinking.


"Oh?" Livia smirked. "Stress relief? Is my dear student feeling a bit pent up herself?" Livia traced a hand along the edge of her teacup. "Celine? Heh, she doesn't quite like it when I make a visit for such purposes. Poor dear gets quite flustered around me. I think I may have been a bit too dominant when we first met, heh." Livia chuckled, leaning back in her chair. "But do be careful, Katherine. Things may get...difficult if things continue the way they are."

She would let Katherine leave, content to leave her with those words as she leaned back in her chair. Oof, her body ached a bit.

Hm, she might not have much longer.

Oh, where did Fia run off too? She had something she should speak with her about...ah well.


"Oh? Miren? Seeing me so soon?" Miren opened the door shortly after Katherine left. "Pleasant trip, I hope?"

"Aha, w-well, it was certainly something." Miren replied with a smile. "A-about Eith, though..."

Celine & Marie

"Lucia-Marie." Celine stated as dryly as a water spirit could manage. "Granddaughter of one fallen angel Lucifer and current heir to the throne of hell. Don't let her cute looks fool you - she's a terrible person and has a terrible personality." Celine replied with a humph. "If I had it my way, she'd never set foot on the lake shore again, but Livia doesn't like me causing trouble." Celine sighed, walking back over to one of the dolls.

"...and I have a fairly good idea who made those dolls." Celine picked one up with a tendril of water, tossing it about for a few seconds in an irritated manner. "Why would she need more of those silly things?" Not to mention...why would they be watching mMrie? To make sure she didn't cause trouble? Unlikely. Marie didn't get uppity and most of the people on the campus liked that fake personality of hers.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 4 days ago

Fia frowned slightly - she could clearly hear the shifting of people inside, but perhaps they didn't feel like answering for whatever reason. For a couple seconds she thought before remembering what Livia had taught her - if you knock and they don't answer, you might as well go home. They could be doing things - naughty things - inside. As she dispelled memories of the maid and the headmistress, the girl headed over to the girl's dormitory.

A few knocks on the Pink-haired girls' door. Hopefully she'd be there - Fia was in the dress today that she had loved, and called pretty. Maybe it'd make her happy to see it? And besides, it wasn't as if there was anyone else to visit at the moment. Livia would be busy for some time, and she could probably afford to have an extended conversation.

Meowka sat on the roof, feeling a bit lonely. She spotted a strange looking woman leave the Headmistress' manor, but then again there were many strange people in St. Sappho academy. A few minutes later her own mistress left and the cat raised an eyebrow. She was heading off into town. The cat raised an eyebrow, a bit curious. If she had only needed to talk for a couple minutes, why had she bothered to get rid of her for the day?


The cat hopped down from the roof, and a few seconds later the Puppeteer would feel a familiar presence by her side. "Have fun talking?" Meowka spun a little, letting her dress flutter. After a couple seconds of thought the girl had an epiphany. "Hey - I was thinking about going to smoke some nip at the bar for a few hours, but if I found something cute on the way would you make it for me later? I know how much fun you have adorning these curves." Really, it'd mean she was fancy if she had more than a single high quality outfit. But either way, her Mistress would have a little show as the girl demonstrated the curves she spoke of by using her hands to outline her figure.

"Unless of course, you couldn't stand to have this girl gone, which I'd completely understand." The cat put a hand over her heart and let out a gasp as if miming Katherine's woe at her supposed absence.

Peasant Girl

Her time at the bar came to a quick end. After rubbing Cocoa's ears again, the girl lifted something out of the cart and carried a large bag to the headmistress' office that was clearly filled with metallic objects as it jingled down the road. It was heavy, but she'd lived a life on the farm and didn't lose all her muscle after a couple weeks of travelling.

Asking for directions, she soon found her way to the appropriate room where she began to step inside - only to realize there was a girl with ... bunny ears ... talking to the woman behind the desk. On her way here she'd seen a variety of strange creatures, but these were the first ears of this sort that she had noticed-

-she should probably stop staring. And get out of the doorway. "S-sorry!" Her accent was a thick German, revealing that she had come some way to get there. The girl took a couple apologetic steps back, so while she was still in view of the office she would likely be outside of earshot. Her eyes drifted along the walls curiously - she hadn't seen so many books in her life!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Lunalel Lightsword

Luna looked at Avaline with a small smile. "Sorcha has never been here before so she's not bought anything." She shook her head a bit, looking her new familiar in the eyes. "I brought you here because I wanted to get to know you. So really, take a look over here. Luna said, taking the Wyrm's open claw and dragging her over to a sheet of honied apple slices. Freshly done by the looks of it.

She took off her glove so she wouldn't get it all sticky and grabbed a slice, taking a bite of it and enjoying it's sweet flavor. It was even baked so the apple itself was actually pretty soft too. "This is pretty good." Luna commented as she grabbed another one and held it up for Avaline. She actually held it so Avaline could grab it, but it was at just the right level for the dragon to reach out with her head and grab it.

Eith the Shellagh

"Yes, for now." Eith said nodding. There was very little else she could do. She tried building a relationship with a certain mage that ended up ruining it in some fashion. Not that he... Well, she mattered much now. Either way, she had two new pack members now and that was two more than before. "I burn food really quickly. It's like a... Fireplace? Well, yes... No... More like a furnace. I think. I heal through that. Well, you saw that." Eith wasn't really sure what else to add... "I like beef. Beef is good. But so is pig. Meat?"

Katherine Lindall

"Meowka? Didn't I tell you to run around and enjoy yourself? I thought you might be happy to get away from me for a few hours." Katherine joked. "I would be sad if you just disappeared, though I know that won't happen. Katherine said as she patted the cat on the head. "You'll just end up at home at night anyway. I'd probably worry if you didn't." She added. She was walking towards town since there were more than a few things she needed to pick up. "Now, I'd suggest you go enjoy yourself. I have a bit of a shopping list. If I happen to pick up supplies for it I suppose I could add it to the queue." She said, finally mentioning Meowka's request. "Luckily, I don't need to account for too many curves for you." She teased again.

Kozue Komichi

As Celine picked up the doll, it appeared to freak out a bit. It had been caught! It's comrades in the tree hid as well as the could. The doll she had wiggled about trying to get down... To no avail. Kozue looked on for a couple seconds but her attention was brought to Marie. "A demon, huh? Those things bring nothing but trouble to those around them. I'd rather just be rid of them. I'd agree with you on that, Water Spirit." She didn't really do much then see what the demon was up to. She was a maverick as far as she knew, even if the Undine had said she was pretty harmless.

Solana Lightsword

Sol just cuddled up into Sorcha. She was quite the warm being and it was the most comfortable going into this kind of thing. Somehow, her head found it's way up, under Sorcha's chin and resting between there and the soft mounds on her chest. The girl found that the best spot to relax and rested her head against them like a pillow of some sort. "Shhoft." The little girl meeped as she went further into her sleep.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Aha...whoopsie, seemed like she did a bad.

"O-oh, is that so?" Avaline chuckled nervously, following Luna over to the apple slices. She had never had an apple before, after all, she was mostly carnivorous by nature. Deer, sheep, and fish mostly. Right, focus Avaline. "W-well, obviously that dragon just needs to learn how grand this place is, haha!" Yes yes, so she would be the first dragon to grace this place with their presence. Still, though, what to exactly order...

She stared at the apple slice in front of her, contemplating its existence. She wanted to just take it in one bite, but Luna probably wouldn't like that.

Ah, hm...oh right.

She gently picked up the apple slice with her claws, holding it between two of them before bringing it to her mouth and shoving the whole thing in it without much care. The reaction was almost instant.

"Ah..." It was an explosion of flavor she had never tasted before. Was this the 'Sweet' Luna had described? It was absolutely delicious. She held her claws against the side of her face, posture visibly relaxing as if she was experiencing the most pleasurable thing in the world as she forgot to actually eat the food in her mouth.


"Heh...simple minded, Alpha." he said teasingly. "It will be amusing to see you regain your senses as the Bunny wants." Khira said, walking over to the couch in the middle of the room, laying her entire body over it and stretching lazily over it, her somewhat larger body not causing her legs to rest on the arms of it and her head firmly in the pillows. "Meat is good, yes it is the only thing I've eaten in awhile." She stretched again, yawning in a somewhat lazy manner.

"Does my Alpha have anything she requires?"


"Aha, don't worry." Livia replied to Miren. "If that is all it is, that should not be too difficult for either myself or Aetheria to handle."

"Oh good." Miren sighed in relief. Of course, in theory it shouldn't be difficult but in actual practice things were always more difficult than that. "W-when do you think you could do it, then?" She gave Livia a hopeful look.

"Hmm." The headmistress placed a hand on her chin, thinking for a few seconds. "Since you've just returned, a day or so of rest should be fine. Bring her to the medical wing of the campus tomorrow or the next day if she feels like it. I'll make sure everything is arranged-oh?" Livia looked towards the door to the office, where someone she didn't recognize had just walked into the room. A foreigner from the looks of it, and not exactly a wealthy one or one who was from around here. Curious.

"Don't be shy dear, come in." Livia said, giving a nod to Miren. "Thank you for the information, Miren. Go rest with Eith for the day. You've both earned it, I think." She chuckled.

"R-right. Thank you, Livia. Have a pleasant evening." With a wave and a turn, Miren hopped out of the room, giving the new girl a friendly smile before continuing on out of the building and back to her store.


Hm. So far she hadn't made much progress. Well, it was good to get visual confirmation on the phoenix, but there wasn't much she could do to be alone with her. Tsk, how troublesome. That Livia woman was quite watchful. It was easy enough for one such as her to see the little network of spirits she had watching over most of the campus and even some of this pleasant little town. Hm, oh well. She'd bide her time for a bit. Perhaps ask advice from her father. Meanwhile, it would be a good idea to learn more of this world she found herself in. She was sorely out of place.

And perhaps she could start with someone who was supposedly close to the headmistress.

"Hello!" Chione approached Katherine calmly, her long white dress not doing much to keep one warm in the colder months. After all, it wasn't exactly built for cold weather being original from the deserts. "I believe we passed by each other on the way out of the headmistress office a few moments ago." She gave Katherine a friendly smile. "Chione Kebechet...and well, if you couldn't tell, I'm a little out of place." She chuckled lightly. "Erm, perhaps you could show me around a bit? I find myself a bit out of currency and not much in the way of lodging, either."

Celine & Marie

Celine played with the doll a bit, giving it a few firm shakes before bringing it to her face and poking it a few times. They always freaked her out. Ugh, they smelled foul even. Still...she was irritated by Marie's presence. Maybe she could have a little fun with this? She turned to Kozue, thinking for a moment. Well, perhaps it could be a good test as to how strong this divine spirit was becoming? Hmm. Yes, that might be good.

"...Hm. Kozue. How about we crash Marie's little party?" Celine asked. "Her voice is ruining my lake and I think perhaps it would be a good idea to see how far along the spirits recovery is."


"Wah!" At the knock at her door, there was the sound of something crashing and falling that sounded heavy enough to be human-sized. "Hooold ooon!~" There was the sound of something being moved before footsteps came over to the door, finally opening it and revealing the modestly dressed, pink-haired demon inside.

"...ah!" Lyssa greeted Fia with a bright grin. "Fia! Helllooo. What can I do for ya? I was just making a trap for Ayumi. She got me good last time with those ropes but I shall not be outdone!~" She giggled brightly, holding her hands behind her back confidently. "You wanna help with the trap or just here for talking?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 4 days ago

Fia jumped back at the sound of the crash as she heard something collapsing in the room. The phoenix hoped she hadn't startled her too badly, but as a recovered Lyssa appeared at the door without any injury with a strange and cheerful greeting the fourteen year old was sure everything was fine.

"Hi Lyssa - um ... trap?" Sounded a little scary, but she was pretty sure the pink haired woman wasn't evil. "I mean, I could do either?" She hadn't really thought of anything to talk about aside from casual visiting small talk - which really involved her being quiet and letting the other person feel awkward as they tried to fill the air's silence.

Meowka smiled as she was patted. Yeah, she was going to enjoy herself, but she'd say hi if she happened to see the woman. "I'll be home by then ..." Though as the puppeteer confirmed her request the cat smiled even more. Yes! This is what she wanted! She'd- "H-hey! What do you mean by that!?" Meowka's cheeks flushed.

Before she could get upset about it, the strange looking woman approached out of the blue asking for help. Her mistress had errands, and she was promised a day off. No way she was sticking around for this. She gave a quick curtsy - however you were supposed to do it - so she could claim she excused herself, and hoped Mistress Katherine wasn't looking as she did it or watching as she began to make her escape.

Unless Kat quickly grabbed her familiar, the cat would soon be out of reach and would mysteriously be overcome with deafness.

Peasant Girl

"Y-yes Mad- Ma'am." It was clear the peasant girl was a little nervous and overwhelmed as the bunny girl passed her - who she waved a soft hello to in reply to the smile. As she arrived at the desk, she lowered the bag to the ground and gave a small polite curtsy that she hoped was sufficiently proper for the lady in front of her. Then some excitement began to fill her veins. She was here, her trip was done, and she'd finally begin the next stage of her life! A few giddy words escaped her lips. "I'd like to enro-" Then she shut her mouth.

She should probably introduce herself first. Y'know, say hello, like a normal person. "H-hello. I'm Otille Kolher." She waved slightly again. "I'm from a small village in the northern part of the empire, family is cowh-" She probably didn't want to listen to her life story.

"I-I'm sorry. I've just been on the roads for a while." The girl tried to suppress both her nervousness and her excitement, and was partially successful at both. She'd thought about this moment for months - on the trip she'd even talked to a tree as practice. What did she say to the tree again?

"I'm Otille Kolher, and I would like to enroll in St. Sappho Academy ..." The girl paused for a moment, trying to remember her script. "... at the start of next ... semester." That was the right word for a half-year, right? "I ... I'm not sure what the rate is, but I think I can afford it." Her eyes drifted down to the bag.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Lunalel Lightsword

Avaline seemed to enjoy the Honeyed Apple. Luna was happy. "It goes well with the apple inside so don't forget to chew it." The Knightess told her. Luna just watched on as Avaline ate and when she finally gulped it down asked, "Did you like it? Anything else in here look good? Or did you want to get those? If you want, I can pay to let you try one of everything." She had enough coin on her. Her father left some money when he was here a while back when he brought Sol.

Eith the Shellagh

"Anything I require?" That was like, "Something I need" right? Eith thought for a minute. The only thing that popped into her head was the same thing as always. "Food?" She answered bluntly, though questioningly. She wasn't quite sure if that's what Khira meant at all. "Unless you mean something else, that's the only thing that comes to my head."

Katherine Lindall

Katherine was somewhat glad Meowka just disappeared. This woman was possibly, probably quite dangerous. "Chione Kebechet?" She asked, as if never hearing of her before. Normal she would slyly try to get into her pants or something of the sort, but this woman needed a bit more discretion. She was a potentially dangerous person after all and while she didn't care for that personality of Marie's, she'd hopefully change into something like her mother in the future, That's all Katherine could hope for, so the Puppeteer would play guardian angel for now. "I'm unsure of how you plan on lodgings, but if you don't mind accompanying me on my shopping I wouldn't mind showing you around. I'm going all over the place after all."

Kozue Komichi

Kozue raised an eyebrow at the Undine. "What do you mean, 'Crash her party?' Well, I know what that means, but I'm curious as to why that would involve the spirit's strength." Did she intend for this to happen just in case the White Fox might wake up? That seemed fairly unnecessary.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"Aha-itsh delishous!" She spoke, mouth full of food not realizing that was probably a little rude, though it didn't take her long to down it. Finally remembering to chew her food, or rather swallow it practically whole, Avaline gave Luna a bright grin. O-one of everything? Oh could she have one of everything? Realistically, she had no idea what any of these things were, so there was only one obvious answer to this question.

"Indeed, Master Luna! I will have one of everything! Tribute for the mighty dragon and all that, yes!" She was still holding her tail next to her body to prevent any unwanted accidents, but the end of it still flailed madly, obviously she was quite happy with this arrangement.

Khira & Miren

"Hm...nothing, Alpha. It means whatever you think it means, heh." She replied lazily. That was her job after all, to take care of Eith now and to help her with whatever it was she wanted help with. Simple as that. Whether that be physical, emotional, or other such needs. Still, though...Khira rolled over on the couch, frowning a bit. Blegh, she just couldn't get comfortable in this place. To loud. To many smells. To many...weak people. She was a predator by nature, and had difficulties speaking with such people.

Ha...if only goat was still here. He would easily be able get comfortable here.

"Hmm...the rabbit's back." Khira said, just as Miren opened the door to the upper part of the store.

"Whew," Miren Hopped in, immediately walking over to Eith. "That didn't take as long as I thought...so, Eith. Livia wants you to come by the medical facilities of the campus either tomorrow or the day after, whenever you feel like it." She walked over, giving Eith a pat on the head. "Just a little longer, alright?" Khira watched, humming lightly at the somewhat endearing scene.


She got up off the couch, walking over to the two of them quietly before suddenly wrapping the two of them in a big, firm hug.

"E-eh!? K-khira?!"


Oh...well, this was curious. Aside from being adorably nervous, this girl obviously wasn't too used to how to properly go about things. She could of course, handle enrollment personally but there was a proper channel to things so she didn't have to approve everything herself. She didn't mind the break from the usual work, though. Livia leaned back in her chair and thoughtfully hummed.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Otille. Let me be the first to welcome you to my humble academy." Livia offer her a friendly smile. "Come in, please, take a seat." She motioned to one of the empty seats in front of her desk. "I'm not sure what exactly you've heard, but you must know that the tuition fee here isn't exorbitantly high like some other academies. I want education for people, not money, so as long as you show some talent or desire to learn, I think we could work something out in the end."


"Aha...thank you. I am grateful." She offered Katherine a friendly smile. "And don't worry, I can handle myself when it comes to a place to rest ones head. Wouldn't be my first time roughing it, haha." Chione for now, would follow Katherine then. She wouldn't ask anything pertaining to what she was doing here, no. To suspicious and she was fairly certain this woman would be difficult to deal with if she did. So for now, she'd just follow her and let her show her around campus and town a little.

Celine & Marie

"I think it fairly obvious what that would entail." Celine gave Kozue a mildly disappointed look. "That is a demon who's specialty lies in charisma and a small bit of mind control. No doubt she's using her charm abilities on them to make them think she's greater than she is." The undine continued with a displeased huff as she tossed the doll off to the side, now uninterested in it. "I'm simply suggesting we ruing that illusion of hers and put her in her place."

Of course, that was mostly a selfish whim on her part. The way that filth carried herself was irritating and made her own pride boil. Demons shouldn't be so uppity, no. Especially not in the presence of a divine being as her self.

"And I thought you disliked demons, hm? Livia won't mind if she starts something anyways."


"Hehe," Lyssa giggled brightly. "Don't worry about it...Ayumi and I have constant prank wars going on." Lyssa replied, showing Fia into her room. It was as messy and disorganized as it always was. The only things that seemed out of place was a crashed pile of books and a empty dresser sitting in the middle of the floor. She closed the door behind Fia, standing quietly in front of the door and giving Fia a friendly smile. "So, what do you wanna talk about?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 4 days ago

Well, it seemed she could afford to have someone look after her place as well, but she'd come here to talk to Lyssa, not the furniture. Or the various piles of laundry lying around.

As the other girl asked her question though, the phoenix found herself somewhat at a loss. What ... what to talk about? She wasn't exactly sure. "Um uh ... I'm not sure." For a couple seconds the fourteen year old looked like she'd remain unsure until an idea popped into her mind.

"Oh!" The fire-haired girl pointed a finger at a 45 degree angle, concentrated for a moment, and pulled just a tiny bit on the power within her. A spark flew through the sky at an arc, landing with surprising accuracy on the wick of a candle on the other end of the room. The candle was bright, burning with it's small flame.

The girl then snapped her fingers, and the fire died. With more than a little pride she looked towards Lyssa, hoping for some sort of approval or amazement.

Ottile Kohler

Otille quickly lowered herself into the chair when she was told to, though as the headmistress finished she shook her head. "I-I mean, it's not that. I'm quite frankly not sure how much I have, ma'am." The girl put the bag onto the table, and opened it up so the contents within would be seen.

"I-I can pay. I know that. It's - it's just not currency in the normal sense." Within the bag were gems, jewels, crowns, a ceremonial dagger. Although Otille couldn't tell, some of the pieces were very old despite the silver lacking tarnish. Gold bracelets and jewelry laid within. The bag itself was a small fortune, far more than an ordinary peasant should ever have in their lifetime.

Some of the pieces were recognizable, as well. "My village was going through a small famine - fields weren't producing right. My little brother stumbled along a cave - we waited for a week, wondering if anyone would collect. But no one came! After a bit of discussion, we decided it was a sign from above and decided to fend for ourselves." A smile crossed her face, completely genuine. "I wanted to use my portion to get an education and get a good start in life, maybe have a bit of extravagance for once ..."

The girl paused for a couple of seconds. "I-I'm sorry. But I should be able to pay the fee, I'm just not sure how much of this that would take."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Lunalel Lightsword

Luna was just glad that Avaline was overjoyed. This girl was easy to make happy, but it felt good... Like pampering a child or something of the like. Well, soon (or maybe not really) Avaline was done with her rampage and Luna paid after meticulously counting all the sweets her dragon ate. Once outside, Luna looked to the Wyrm and smiled. Is there anything else you want to look at around here? She asked. She rather hoped Avaline would be a little more specific this time around.

Eith the Shellagh

"I'll go tomorrow then." Eith said, nodding a couple of times. She was glad that this would be over with soon and hopefully, become the person she use to be, rather than this shell of a creature she was. Maybe then, she could live up to Khira's expectations. Speaking of, the girl wrapped both her and Miren in a hug. Then her head went to something Khira said earlier... "Requiring" right? "Khira. I know something I require now." She said, nodding again. "A nap. With the family." She sounded insistant on that.

Katherine Lindall

Katherine's first stop was a fabric shop in the general goods part of town. She got... All sorts of fabric, sent home by doll express. One might think she did this sort of thing for a living, but no. Not quite. She pointed out a lot of the more commonly visited stores around and some of the not so commonly visited ones. After that, they passed by a couple of restaurants and Katherine felt hungry just looking at the signs that had fish or a nice juicy piece of beef.

Curious, she turned to Clione. [color=green]"Are you hungry?"[/green] She asked, thinking to use this as a chance to skim some information.

Kozue Komichi

Ruin the illusion they have of her and put her in her place? That didn't sound horrible. Kozue stood and considered the option for a minute. Meanwhile, the doll Celine was messing with shook a fist at her and ran off quickly into some nearby bushes. Kozue then sighed. [color=tan]"Fine, what do you have plan? I'd rather not walk into this unknowing what you have planned.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


The food was so delicious! She had never tasted anything quite so sweet in all her years of being alive! Yes, this was perfect tribute to a dragon! The humans certainly know who to give their proper dues to. Now all she had to do was build herself a pile of treasure as high as a mountain and she'd finally be taken seriously by all the other dragons! Even sparkles! After practically gorging herself on sweets from the shop, Avaline was feeling quite content, slithering happily alongside Luna.

"Ah!" She gave a quiet cry as if she had come up with the best idea on the planet when asked what she wanted next. "Hm, uhm...those things some people wear on their faces. What they're called...the people that look really smart wear!" She had seen quite a few of the wear the articles of clothing here. She had no idea what they were called, but the people who wore them looked incredibly smart, so, she of course, needed a pair for herself!


At the sight of the gold, Livia had to stifle laughter. Oh this was...this was great. She'd recognize one of those crowns anywhere. One of those were very, very, dear to the old dragon. It's a wonder she didn't do something about security in this day and age, but such was the way of things. She'd also tell the girl she may want to put that back before a lazy, very angry and possessive dragon came knocking on her door...but where would the fun in that be?

"I see..." Livia said with a small smile. "Well, I happen to have a friend that could very easily appraise these relics of yours." Livia took a piece of paper, writing a few directions to Luna's dorm on it. "Here we are...she might be asleep at the moment, poor dear's been feeling exhausted lately, but just tell her I sent you and that you have a pile of treasure and that'll improve her day greatly."


Hm, so this woman used the souls of the dead in her magic as well. Chione inwardly sighed at the thought. Had such sacred things become so easily manipulated in this time? Well, nothing she could do about that. Still, the woman was incredibly helpful, giving her a nice tour of the campus and pointing out some of the more commonly visited shops. Perhaps she wasn't so bad as her magic suggested, then. Well, she'd reserve judgement for her father. Judgement was not something she could pass here.

"Food?" Chione shifted her weight. When was the last time she actually ate something? "Hmm...Well, I certainly wouldn't turn down your hospitality."

Celine & Marie

"Plan?" Celine frowned. "I just told you. We crash her party." Before Kozue could stop her, Celine started walking over to Marie's little gathering of her friends. Chances were, she hadn't thought about this too deeply, it seemed like it was a spur of a moment thing anyways. There was still a chance for Kozue to stop the undine if she wanted too, but Celine might not be too happy with that.

Regardless, as either of them approached, the small gathering of people had started to disperse slightly. Whatever Marie had been doing was more or less done it seemed. She was standing on a small raised platform with a bright grin, and was waving a cheerful goodbye to her 'fans'. At least, until she noticed Celine.

"Ooh! Seems we have a special guest!" Marie looked towards Celine. "The undine of the lake, nonetheless! Aha, maybe she's come to profess her undying love for me?" She giggled. "If so, I would have to gladly accept! Sorry, friends it seems I have been taken."

"Love? Please, no one could love a hollow shallow person like yourself." Celine harrumphed.


Lyssa's eyes widened in amazement as Fia showed off her pyromancy. The friendly demon giggled, giving the redhead a bright grin. Wow, Fia was...doing so much better than the last time Lyssa saw her. The demon was glad to see her doing well. She was still a little sad about what happened when she had watched her last.

"Oooh, neato! Been learning pyromancy, have you?" Lyssa replied with a smile. "Ehe, and I'm still stuck where I was last time..." She shook her head. She was tempted to ask about possibly hanging out and doing something outside, but...honestly she was scared she'd screw up again so the demon decided against it. Hmm...now what could she talk about though? Hm, she wasn't one not to not have ideas for friendly chatter, but she just didn't really know how to handle someone like Fia well. "...sooo, uhm, still working for the headmistress's lazy butt?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 4 days ago

Fia smiled back at the girl that loved sweets. It was a bit sad she wasn't progressing, but honestly the phoenix wasn't exactly sure how to respond to that. After the short awkward silence though, Lyssa said something she could respond to. "... yeah ..." Fia looked over at the spirit guarding her with daggers saying you better be quiet before continuing. "... loads of paperwork, though I try not to do it ... if I alphabetize one more document I'll ..." She wasn't sure how to finish that statement, but the implication of her feelings would likely be obvious.

"... she's nice though ..." A mostly true statement. Livia did take care of her. "... any you ... do you work ...?" It was hard for Fia to imagine her doing so, but she'd probably make a decent waitress or something that required being incessantly cheerful.

Otille Kohler

Otille looked at the sheet of paper, taking several seconds to read the small amount of writing - she obviously wasn't a scholar. "T-Thank you! I'll be sure to visit her tomorrow!" The peasant let out an honest smile, being sure to place all the treasure back to where it belonged and closing the bag.

There was one more matter that needed to be brought up though. Otille's expression fell considerably as she remembered her companion for the journey. "J-just one more thing." After a couple seconds of apprehension, the peasant completed her thoughts. "I ... I have a cow. Cocoa. She's been with me my entire life ... can hardly leave me alone." She paused for a second, forcing herself to drop the emotional details. "B-but I won't have time nor land to farm while I'm here, and I'll likely end up too busy in my studies to take care of her properly." A single tear dropped from her eye, which she wiped away. It was a new life - this shouldn't concern her too much. "A-anyways, I'd be willing to sell her cheap, if you knew anyone who'd promise to treat her well and give her the attention she deserves. I-I don't think I need the money, and she's been the kindest creature since she was a calf - I'd hate to see her mistreated. And if they were close by, I'd be able to check on her as well. She'd like that."

Otille forced a smile onto her face, but it was obvious this dilemma was bothering her.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Lunalel Lightsword

"What? You mean glasses?" Luna asked. Those were the things that doctors wore. A specialized glass that was suppose to make one see better though Luna had to disagree on a first-hand experience. It was fairly recent as far as Luna knew. "Your eyes are probably pretty good... We might be able to get the frame for you if you wanted. You should have fine eyesight as it is." Luna led Avaline around a bit until they found a metalworker that had made them before... In fact, there were frames on sale. "That's what you wanted?"

Katherine Lindall

"Yes, yes! Come with me. Let us find something delicious." Katherine said as she looked around for a good restaurant. Soon, she found one she liked. It had a nice atmosphere around it and she had ate there a couple times by herself. "Yes, here we are! There should be something you like here." She led Chione in and sat at a table. It wasn't a fancy place by any means, but she was quite sure the quality of the food was good.

Soon enough, a waitress came over. She was a familiar it seemed, as she had a pair of wolf ears or something of the sort. The big fluffy paw feet she had didn't help hide that fact. "Hello there!" She said, setting a couple of glasses with water on the table. "You two are pretty. Oh! Uhh, what can I get for ya? We can get most anything you want."

Katherine just tilted her head. "Do you have a stew. Deer or beef?" The waitress familiar nodded happily and looked to Chione, awaiting her order.

Kozue Komichi

"No plan? Sounds..." Well, Celine had already left so her words were in vain anyway. She followed soon after the Undine and heard what the girl said about Celine wanting to profess love to her or something. She didn't think the Undine could love anything other than herself at this point. Then she replied to what the Undine said about Marie being a 'Hallow Person.' "Yes, well, hallow shells like to mask a person's true personality doesn't it?" Kozue said, crossing her arms.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"Ah...!" At the sight of the frames, Avaline snatched them again in her usual overly excited fashion. Careful of her claws, she placed them on her face, completely unaware that they weren't even complete. Finding a mirror or something she could admire herself in, Avaline made a few 'intelligent people' poses before turning back to Luna with a huge grin. "Master Luna! How do I look?" Hopefully Luna wouldn't crush the poor girls dreams.


"I would say she's a busy woman, dear." Livia continued. "Finding her when she's not busy would be best. She has a tendency to...shall we say, ignore people she doesn't entirely see as an equal. Of course, do what you will...now about your 'cow'." Livia smirked, doing her best to hold back another chuckle. "You do know what a 'familiar' is, I hope? To put simply, you could turn Cocoa into a servant of sorts, if you'd prefer instead of giving her away." Livia suggested, leaning back in her chair. "I'd go over the specifics, but it's something someone does for themselves."


"Ah...I will be fine with some fish, a few slices of bread and some rice, perhaps?" It was a simple meal by all accounts, but she wasn't one to have extravagant tastes. The waitress nodded happily and then made her way back to the kitchens. Meanwhile, Chione and Katherine were left alone. The old Egyptian woman gave Katherine a friendly smile. "Thank you for the hospitality. I would offer the blessings of the old lands to you but I wouldn't want to over step my bounds." She shook her head, smiling somberly. "So many things have changed...All of this will take some getting used too...ah, but I doubt you'd want to hear an old woman complain." She leaned on the table, placing her elbows on it.

"Katherine, was it? I have to ask about those dolls of yours. They are certainly...unique." She did have her misgivings about them, but it wasn't good to judge them. That wasn't her job, after all. She was no judge.

Celine & Marie

For a moment, Marie's smile seemed to waver slightly before she sighed, taking a look at the remaining small crowd of people. This wouldn't do at all. They dare talk down to her? Tsk, tsk, tsk, no no, that wouldn't do at all. She wouldn't let them take this success from her. She was one of the most popular people in school. Right alongside the Sathanus kid, as annoying as she was.

"Well, well," Marie pouted a bit, as if she was feigning being hurt before her usual confident smirk returned. "Did all that water go to your tits and not your brain?" She looked over to Kozue. "And what about you? This undine fill your head full of water or something?"

"Silence, insolent cretin!" Celine replied harshly. "I refuse to let one such as yourself continue to do as they please here. Kozue, put her in her place."

"...challenging me to a duel? Wouldn't Livia be quite upset with you? Or has that smelly old woamn finally rubbed off on you too much when she was using you as her personal plaything." Celine's eyes widened a bit at this, a small bit of blue-colored blush spreading on her face.

"T-that is none of your business, demon!"


"Me? Work? Naaah." Lyssa replied. "I mostly just study for now...a-and well, occasionally my mom drops by and says hi. But until I'm older and w-well, she decides it's time I'm not going to be doing much work." She didn't give much more information than that, she wasn't sure how much Fia knew about her so she couldn't really say much without risking getting in trouble. Silence followed, unsure what else she could really talk about. Ah! Wait a minute....

"...hey hey, what are you doing here anyways? Livia kick you out or something?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 4 days ago

Otille Kohler

Otille nodded as the headmistress explained more about Sorcha. Though the monetary thoughts were quickly disregarded as Cocoa was brought up. A 'familiar'? The farmer tilted their head. The peasant had heard that word in passing, but she'd hardly ever seen a mage in her life. Was it some sort of complex spell? Those were the strange looking animal people walking around sometimes, right? Or were they tamed myths?

She could make Cocoa into one? A large smile crossed Otille's face as she practically shook with excitement. SHE COULD KEEP COCOA! The girl let out a sigh of happy relief as she picked up her bag. "Really? Oh my, thank you so much!" Aside from instinctively picking up her belongings, it seemed any thought about money was quickly discarded. She practically sprinted out of the door before forcing herself to stop in the doorway, waving politely at Livia. "Thank you so much madam! Lady!"

And she was gone as soon as she had arrived.

Luckily, her excitement had died down enough on the way back that despite being told to figure out for herself, she approached someone that had a bat winged girl following them around. Otille asked them about the ritual, and a lot of the confusion was quickly cleared up - as much as it could be for a peasant. Luckily she was also told to at least bring a large blanket or robe or some spare clothes - if it was placed on or near the familiar, they would appear wrapped in them already when they were summoned, even being resized to a degree if it was necessary.

The farm girl returned to the tavern and approached Cocoa in the stables. For a few moments, Otille hesitated as she began to reach out towards Cocoa ... Would she want to be summoned? As a servant? The girl seemed happy enough as she was as she let out a content moo, pressing herself against the farmer who petted her softly, cowbell ringing. A small smile crossed the cowherd's face. Probably.

What would she be like? Clingy was obvious enough - Cocoa had more than one time slipped into the house from the fields to watch over her as she slept, fence be damned. But would she be serious? Funny? A few more minutes of speculating the cowherd realized she had no idea if the cow currently in fact had any sort of internal monologue or-

Otille laughed as Cocoa rammed softly into her, upset that the rubbings had come to an end and likely sensing her own natural worry. "Fine fine, I'll get to it." The peasant dropped some of her spare clothes on top of the cattle before standing a couple feet away, looking over the stable. The cowherd coughed twice, clearing her throat as if she was preparing to give some grand speech. She hadn't ever used magic before, so would this count as her first spell ever cast? She hoped she didn't mess up. "Cocoa! I um," Ottile winced as she said um in the middle of her spell. ", would like you to become my servant as I summon you to be my familiar ...?" That's what she was supposed to say? Either way, she winced slightly as she felt something change inside herself as if she was offering some portion of herself to Cocoa.

Fia nodded as Lyssa explained ... she wondered what it was like to have a mom. Did Livia count? Still though, Fia tilted her head. "Study? The erotica?" A quick eye glance over at the shelf revealed several other volumes that likely had similar content. Was she studying anatomy?

No matter the answer, the next question needed to be responded to.

"She was busy ... thought I'd go visit some people?" The crimson haired girl paused for a few moments. She'd been over here for a bit, and given the time she had spent walking around it was entirely possible that Livia's lunch break was coming up. "Oh? I-I should head back ..." Something from the books she had said that was rude. "Tomorrow save me from paperwork ... 'friends' stuff?" Fia headed towards the door, waved goodbye, and scampered off awkwardly.

A few minutes after Otille left, Fia reappeared as she entered the office, walking towards Livia. "Sorry ... was bored."

She swore to god if she was told to do paperwork again she'd light the damn stack on fire.
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