Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The Expendable looked at what Ichiru spat up and almost choked on nothing. A hoshi no tama... the very embodiment of a kitsune's powers. Clearly, this fox wasn't joking about taking down Anjou, and since he just purged his source of power straight out of his gullet, that was just enough to trust him with taking down the fox. He picked up the ball with his arm and held it.

"I'm gonna hold this, that's all I want to do."

Ichiru then spoke again, this time looking at the pumpkin. "Anjou has acquired quite a lot of power, but he is no god. I do believe that you stand a chance, but only if you first break his network of servants. Much of his power comes from others, and even if an individual somehow became stronger than him, they would not be stronger than the combined might of his armies. I can help you break this network, and make him vulnerable to your attack when the time comes. Now, would you like my guidance, or would you like to vandalize my shrine further?"

The Expendable was offended by the last sentence. Even though he was pretty sure it was directed as the raggedy man. However, no time to focus was had, as the pumpkin child knew EXACTLY who he wanted dead first.

"...we need to take down his generals? If my input means anything to this group, I would very much like to take my hand and shove it in the ribcage of the one who's in charge of... of... that mountain city. I forgot it's name I haven't been there in so long, but all I know is that he deserves to have a mighty fist of justice spearheaded directly into his chest." If it wasn't obvious to the group, the Expendable had a major grudge against this general.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Blight Bug
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Blight Bug

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Idly Pan Chao watched and listened as the beast-women performed their displays and removed his vandal paint-job from the statue. It seemed that both the cheeky one and the arrogant one both wanted it gone. He kept a fairly sturdy position as he listened to the dialogue that was transpired and explanations that were given.

"Tch." Pan's lips pulled towards the left as he wagged his index finger towards Tsubame. Quickly he cocked his head towards Tsubame. "I don't worship foxes." Pan Chao firmly stated before continuing on "You seem to think I cared or should or that I even worship that Goddess or whatever you want to call it." Pan Chao sneered before he snorted loudly and hocked a loogie towards the statue. "What I worship isn't your business."

With a Yawn, Pan Chao stretched his arms upwards and began stretching. He peered towards Luo, "You all might've been aimlessly wandering, but I'm a businessman." Chao kept his arms up for a little longer before lowering them down. "And I don't take kindly to work getting interrupted because someone can't deliver a simple missive for me, so I can get plans on the up and up."

And that's when the fox vomited up a trinket. Well that alongside asking him a very obvious question.

"Obviously vandalizing." Pan Chao answered with a smirk. Interlacing his fingers together Pan Chao squatted down. Chao glanced from side to side before his lips pulled towards the left again. His eyes narrowed and he unfurled his fingers and hung them next to his side. "Tch."

"So besides vomiting up that bauble, you're gonna what, just name a couple of henchmen that..." Pan Chao pointed towards the Pumpkin, "Other people probably have a clue about." He shook his head and waggled his right index finger. "Gotta have to do better than that. How about starting off with an apology."

With that Pan Chao arose from his squat.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Before answering to anyone or doing anything else, the now standing Fujioka swiftly and firmly snatched the hoshi no tama away from the walking, talking pumpkin boy with a handspeed that may or may not have surprised the others. It was certainly not normal for one calling himself a simple masseuse, but then his body hadn't exactly looked too normal either. He, did, however pat the spirit's "head" with his other hand in a very patternal manner. "Now, I do believe this was entrusted to me. Snatching up valuables like that is hardly polite". He, of course, knew of the importance of such an item. This was progress in the right direction.

Going back to his knees, he bowed deeply in gratitude to the fox before rising once more. "A man's mind should be his temple", he said by way of apology, taking a moment to admire the soul sphere he now held. "And suspicion is to be expected when one is taken against their will and grouped with strangers in discussing what amounts to high treason". He watched Dafei walk away and spared nary a thought for the creature, severely doubting it might provide any manner of necessary support for such a quest. In fact, the only ones he might place any trust on for this task from the outset were the monk, the ruffian and the girl with the axe.

The girl had done little and the monk seemed docile, as was usually the case with their type. That left the foreign ruffian to deal with. Thankfully, he had some understanding of the man's language. "Sir, as a man of business you must know, information is very important", he said with a fairly thick accent, speaking a bit slowly to allow the tongue to return to his mind. "Certainly, Anjou is bad for business. Information on how to hurt him would be good, no?". He lifted the hoshi no tama to eye level, letting the light shine through it. "This is most important for foxes, a proof of good will, an apology like cutting off the sword hand".

His father, his family really, had dealt with the type before. Brutish men, remorseless criminals often best dealt with by sword, but also fairly simple and easy to influence with the right means. Many had lofty aspirations and their own sense of honor, liked to think of themselves as more than just lowlives, and in the proper situations their resourcefulness and talent for violence could make them as useful as any retainer. "Surely there is benefit to be had here, and slaying Anjou is a worthy cause".
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sodium
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Sodium nanananananananananananananananananananananaSODIUM

Member Seen 8 days ago

It took every ounce of self control Lieu had in her to prevent herself from screaming the instant the fox's words invaded her mind. Without any warning or a request for permission, the act was akin to rape, and Lieu had enough experience in that area to make up for the others' inexperience. So she stood, frozen in place with her hand on her axe, unable to move for fear of breaking down completely and unable to process the fox's words due to her intense concentration.

The others around her seemed to take it much better than she did, though. None panicked, though one showed his displeasure by defacing the fox statue and instantly earned Lieu's respect. Events seemed to move in double-time around her as she stood, fighting the urge to run away screaming. There was talk of slaying Anjou, minor squabbling, some sort of gem given to the almost naked guy and snatched by the pumpkin, then snatched back deftly. Lieu felt her body relaxing, her mind recovering, and finally lowered her hand from her axe.

In an attempt to cover her shakiness, she took a strong breath before asking the first thing that came to her mind: "So, uh, why is a fox trying to help us kill a fox? I've never met one I could trust." Her heart fluttered a bit, but she managed to somehow keep her voice from wavering.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blight Bug
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Blight Bug

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Pan Chao's firm scowl loosened up as his eyes focused upon the masseuse. It appeared there was another one who could speak in his native tongue. The bestial bird-monster fled before Chao could carry on a conversation in his own tongue, rather than a foreign one. Intently Pan Chao listened to this masseuse as he spoke of the ordeal. When that man mentioned that the fox disposing the orb held a intent akin to cutting off the sword hand, Pan Chao's scowl immediately changed into an genuine smile.

"Ah yes, repentance through self-mutilation." Placing his palms together, he took in a small breath in while glancing at the orb. Separating his palms he then glanced towards Ichiru. "You've made an acceptable penance for your misdeeds little one. I do hope you learn from this mistake and will take better care when inviting others."

He returned his attention towards Hongo. "You speak well. And you took your time to make sure you are understood while speaking to a man in his tongue, rather than wanting or expecting the man to speak in your tongue." Pan nodded at the ronin. "Simple and expected gesture, still I appreciate it."

Pan Chao looked towards the fox before peering back at Hongo. "Yes, as a businessman I do understand the importance of information. And yes, Anjou has not been productive for the growth of business. However the information that the fox seems to have, could be delivered by other sources. I've listened and seems that the other individuals here happen to already have a clue to this." Chao shook his head, "This 'guidance' information could be a cheap and worthless commodity that provides no use to me." Pan Chao swirled his tongue around his mouth for a few seconds before returning to speaking. "While that's most likely the case, the creature has apologized. And there are benefits to be had from this situation."

Looking over his shoulder, he peered towards the girl with the axe decided to speak up. "The little one probably wants to be in Anjou's position. Trustworthy or not, at least it apologized for its improper behavior. As of now it looks like the little one has learned his lesson, and hopefully it shall not stray away from it. Course an eye should be kept on it, just in case the will to follow the lesson falters. Ask that one if you have anything else to ask about foxes as they apparently care about the subject." Pan Chao rolled his shoulders as he gestured towards the beast-earred woman Matsuoka.

With that done, he returned his attention back to the masseuse.

"Hango was it? Or was it Hungo? And you said you're a masseuse? Is that so?" Pan Chao smirked as he began chortling. "Not often does one find a man in your position; but I'm sure your particular clients would be happier seeing you than one of the more common women anyhow." After laughing for a bit longer he glanced around before speaking again, "It seems as if everyone, including yourself, has spouted off their name so casually, without any regards for the business of proper introductions. Hmph."

"I expect a proper introduction from you later; then I shall do the same for you. But until that time, referring to me as Sir shall suffice. Now then, what is your marital status? Do you have any children? What's your financial situation?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The Expendable went over to the woman with the axe and calmly raised his hand up to her, showing no violence to her at all, rather sympathy.

"I feel like you and me have been through similar things."

The Expendable points to a large crack on his head, with a child-like bandage put on it. Visible signs of abuse and such are also on the pumpkin head, and his clothes are very ratty and patchy. A smile of sorts is exchanged to the girl from the pumpkin. The pumpkin began hoping that this becomes a good friendship between the two.

Then the moment was ruined by the man who wanted to be called 'Sir', probably trying to hit on the masseuse in the current area. This was no time for romance, dammit, this was a time for planning and teamwork. The pumpkin poked the mans shoulder a bit harshly.

"I don't think now is the time to be asking these questions. Now's the time to act. You may or may not trust anyone here but there is obvious evidence that something happened with THAT fox-" The Expendable pointed at Ichiru. "- that had to bring us all together. Trust or no trust, I've lived in these woods for... well it must be 19 years now I think, and I've NEVER seen anyone else that is here in this forest. This is something that MUST be done, and even if we're going to be backstabbed by this fox, we are all together, and we may stand a better chance fighting back at this fox than we would as each one of us. I doubt he's lying, since he did bring most of you here with some kind of magic, and if he knows that we are capable of killing the all powerful Anjou as a cohesive unit, then why would he try to kill us? If we can't do it, it wouldn't mean anything helpful to Anjou."

The Expendable stopped speaking to just the man, and rather to the whole group.

"Agree or disagree. Love or hate. Yokai or yurei. We can do this as a team. Now are you all going to continue not trusting this fox and being sulky and emotional, or are you going to stand up alongside each-other and help slay this fox?!"

The flowers around the shrine started waving in the wind as the Expendable shouted that last word.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 1 hr ago

’’I do not worship them either Oji-san, I only worship death. But respect is to be expected when you enter a shrine. You won’t see me vandalizing a statue or avatar of your deity. That is called mutual respect’’ Tsubame spoke before she turned to Ichiru. If he had truely seen their fate’s than he must know why it had felt so personal to her. Not being bale to move, to rely on the kindness of humans who offered you food whils you are unable to leave the place in search of food when you are hungry. ’’Ichiru-sama, do tell me what your plan exactly is. I have no personal grudge agaisnt Anjou, but if it can lead me to the one I do wish dead I will gladly offer you my wings’’

For a bit she glared at Pan Chau, and sighed. She realized that if thing remained the way they were between the two of them, no between him and the rest of the group, working together would be next to impossible. Tsubame also realized that he probably would not be the first one to reach out so one of them had to do so.

With a small gust of wind Tsubame unfolded her wings whils in her human form. From a westerners perspective she would look like an angel. Only fallen to the ground, her feathers pitch black like that of a raven. A purpe blue hue shone from the feathers, like those of a sparrow.

Her hand reached out and plucked one of her featers out of her wing. For today she had lost her abilety to fly, but maybe the sacrifece was worth the cause. Tucking her wings back to wherever she hid them in human form, Tsubame once again turned to the tattood sailor.

’’Here, as a sign of my good will. I have no need to fight you and would rather see us fight together than against one another. As I mentioned before my feather can blind a person for one day. I do not give my feathers out very much so they are pretty rare. You can sell it, or keep it, whatever you wish’’ She said, hoping this would suss the situation for a bit. Tsubame walked to the pumpkin spirit and kneeled down beseds him, sitting on the ground.

’’You are right, but uniting this team will be hard. Even I have my doubts on what to do right now. Should I join or should I leave’’ She spoke as her Hitodama danced around the pumkin spirit. They probably sensed the ghost within him, and seeing as they where ghost themselfs they must have taken a linkign to him.
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