Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tlstiffl
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Tlstiffl Ginger Geek

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Marta kept her eyes fully on Ezra. She didn’t want to miss a single thing. Normally, when Marta was in a new place, she liked to observe her surroundings. She loved getting a glimpse into someone else’s life. The pictures in frames, the pieces of art that hold significant value, the setup of the furniture. It was all just a snapshot of a person’s life and it fascinated her.

However, right now, her focus had to stay on Ezra. She felt her clothes starting to dry, but they were still damp and because of that were starting to stick to her skin awkwardly. Since Ezra’s head was in her lap, there wasn’t much she could do about adjusting and trying to make herself more comfortable. And besides, her comfort wasn’t important. Ezra’s is.

She hadn’t stopped stroking the boy’s hair, when she suddenly heard voices. Her head snapped up and she turned and look in the direction of the stairway. The voice called out Ezra name, so Marta knew it wasn’t a stranger (at least not a stranger to Ezra) and they weren’t breaking in. A couple seconds later, two figures appeared at the top of the steps and the look on their faces said it all. Shock and fear.

Marta didn’t need to even be told. These people were Ezra’s parents. The lady, dressed in a plain brown frock dress, looked identical to Ezra. And the gentleman, who towered over his wife, had the same straight mouth that Ezra had. And both of them had looks of pure worry in their eyes.

Marta watched as his mother came over and started to fuss over Ezra. Marta, at this point, had stopped stroking his hair, but kept a hand on his shoulder. Despite knowing these people were his parents, Marta still felt very protective of Ezra. So when his mother and father, whose name she has now learned are Edith and Abe, got Ezra to get off the couch, Marta felt empty. She didn’t like it. She felt she had to keep touching Ezra, or he would go crazy, or better yet, she would. But she had to shake her head. Of course Ezra didn’t care about where she was. He had his parents now; the people who raised him and did their best to protect him his entire life. Of course he would want to be with them.

Before Marta could do anything else, which she figured would be to leave, she was ushered into the tiny bathroom by Edith. They walked into the tiny room, where there was barely enough space for the toilet, sink and bathtub that was about half the size of Marta’s personal tub in her private bathroom. She turned and looked at Edith, who was already reaching up and getting a towel down from the shelf.

“Ok dear, take that soaking thing off before you catch a cold.”

Marta stared at her. She was just like her son. She didn’t even know Marta’s name or who she was, yet she didn’t hesitate to help her. It warmed her heart to know Ezra had such a loving mother, and that he clearly inherited many of her traits.

Because of all the love that was existing in this house, Marta suddenly felt like she shouldn’t be allowed here. She was tainting it. She would only bring evil into this house. She didn’t want to leave Ezra, but maybe it was the best.

“Ma’am. Really I am ok. I should probably go….”

“Nonsense dear. It is still raining cats and dogs out there. You cannot leave until it stops. In the meantime, you must take a warm bath and I will get you something dry to wear.”

Before Marta could protest anymore, Edith turned and left the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Marta was trapped. Not actually, but she couldn’t be rude. They were showing her hospitality and she couldn’t deny it. She knew once Ezra told them exactly what happened, they would be kicking her out of their house in a heartbeat.

Marta turned to the tub and turned the water on. She let it fill about halfway, before taking her dress off, hanging if temporarily over the sink. She stepped into the tub, and for a moment, just let the warmth of the water engulf her. She sat there and zoned out, letting the events of the past couple hours play in her mind.

About ten minutes later, once the water was no longer warm, Marta stood and wrapped the towel around herself. She looked around and noticed a grey dress, similar to the one Edith was wearing, hanging on the back of the door. Edith must have put it in here when Marta wasn’t paying attention. She reached over, the itchy fabric touching her fingertips. Marta’s attire consisted of dresses and tops made from the finest material. But this dress, and its simpleness, was still beautiful in Marta’s eyes.

She dried off and did the best to run her fingers through her damp hair and put it up into a french twist. She put the dress on and turned to face the door. She walked back out into the living room and noticed it was empty. She heard voices coming from the other room, where the door was closed.

Marta wasn’t sure what to do. She should probably just leave, but something told her stay put. So she walked over and sat down on the couch, crossing her legs and just waiting. Waiting to see how much more damage she could do.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ezra came out of the room in a pair of soft pants and a shirt that was too big for his frame. He peeked inside the bathroom a moment and then walked to the living room, bare feet slapping against the wooden floor. His parents had decided to stay in their room for a bit to discuss what he'd told them. She was a girl in the bakery, he'd been rude so he went to apologize and tried to walk her home. They strayed a little too far and he had a panic attack. His mother protested a little knowing that girl was more than meets the eye, but not wanting to upset him even more she let the issue drop.

He spotted her on the sofa in his mothers old dress and smiled a moment before walking over to the sofa and sitting on the floor in front of her. He let his chin rest on her knee and looked up at her. "I guess I should thank you for bringing me back home. I'm sorry, miss," he said as he felt the ghost of her hands running through his hair still. The curls on his head were matted to his face from the little bath. "My parents said you could use the phone in the kitchen if you need to call somebody. The only thing is you have to stand close to the counter, the cord isn't very long. I'm sorry for pushing this onto you. I didn't mean for that to happen. I thought I could get over it, but I guess I can't."

He let out a small breath and and pushed himself away from her so that he was leaning back slightly. He studied her a moment trying to figure out if she was okay. The rain hit against the windows giving them a little bit of a background noise as he waited for her response. The minutes seemed to drag, but he couldn't sense any disgust from her features. This was probably the first time he'd ever brought a girl home and of course it would be because he panicked. He'd made sure to leave out the part of their kiss when he recalled the events to his mom and dad, if they knew they'd be even more scared for his life. Such a display in public in front of their neighbors would have brought some shame to his character. He'd be the black sheep on the block and working in the bakery would prove difficult if his face was there. The girl his parents had hoped he'd marry would probably be taken off the table and he'd be a disappointment, but he didn't really care too much.

He wasn't sure what it was about this girl, but he hoped she'd ignore his previous words and go to their bakery again. Maybe he'd see her in passing if he went out of his comfort zone. He wondered if maybe she could be the thing that kept him from losing faith in the people of his country. Maybe they all weren't like Hitler. Maybe she could turn into more. She'd seen him at his worst and even though he was still vulnerable he wanted her touch. He lifted her hand and held it firmly lacing their fingers together a moment. He wanted to show her that he was grateful she came into that bakery today.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tlstiffl
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Tlstiffl Ginger Geek

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Marta still sitting on the couch was getting more anxious by the minute. She started to shake her foot back and forth as a way to keep her nerves from exploding within her. The unknown can be terrifying or exhilarating. In this moment, it felt more terrifying. She didn’t think Ezra and his parents would harm her, but maybe they would call the police? Then again, maybe not, since the police were under Hitler’s control, so the Jewish community probably has a very strained relationship with authority. But maybe they had like a vigilante? A group of people in their community that worked together to protect one another. Maybe they would come force her out of the house. That didn’t seem like a plausible explanation either. These people weren’t that cruel.

Hearing the door open behind her, Marta assumed it would Edith or Abe coming to tell her she should leave. She put their son in a dangerous situation and her being there would obviously only make things worse. But when Marta looked over her shoulder, she saw Ezra come out of the room. She noticed right away that he seemed to have calm down and was over his panic attack. That made Marta feel better. She would never forgive herself if what happened today somehow caused permanent mental damage. She watched as he came over, expecting him to join her on the couch, or yell at her. But then he sat on the ground, and she watched as his head rested on her legs. She let a tiny smile graced her lips. Well he doesn’t seem to totally hate her guts...yet.

Why is he apologizing? He did nothing wrong. She should be begging for forgiveness right now. But she let him speak, listening as he went on about the phone. Marta knew she needed to call her parents soon. But for now, it could wait a little longer. What she was waiting for though she wasn’t exactly sure. Maybe just to be sure Ezra was ok? But she could see now that he was. Were they going to talk about what happened? Was Ezra going to tell her again that after today, she should never return? She didn’t want that to happen. Marta didn’t like to think that she wouldn’t see Ezra after today.

Feeling him take her hand, she gave it a gentle squeeze, just her way of letting him know she wasn’t going anywhere and she was here for him. She looked him in the eyes once more and smiled and said, “Marta.”

She heard him once again call her miss, and she figured it was time to turn herself from stranger to at least an acquaintance. But she realized he didn’t actually ask for her name, so her statement probably seemed odd and confusing.

“My name is Marta.” she said, just to clarify things.

Not liking that Ezra was on the floor, Marta shifted and scooted herself onto the floor, sitting with her legs tucked under, facing Ezra, her hand still laced in his. Suddenly, Marta felt very shy. She fiddled with a button on the dress with her free hand and nibbled on her lip a little. Her pushy behavior from before seemed to melt away, and she wanted Ezra to tell her what to do next, whatever it may, but she prayed it wasn’t to exit his life completely.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"I've had time to think...Marta," saying her name felt odd, "maybe you don't need to avoid the bakery completely." Ezra pulled himself onto the couch next to her and began to play with her fingers. He felt more relaxed inside the comfort of his own home. Nobody to see them or judge him for his actions. He could sit as close or as far away as he wanted to and he could hold her hand for comfort. He hadn't felt safe for a couple days now. Every small sound made him jump, and he felt like he was always being followed by something or someone. Every corner scared him. He wasn't sure if they people who hurt him before would come back finish the job. But with her, he felt calm. During his breakdown it was her that she wanted to hold him and even when his parents came home it was her he wanted to stay by his side.

"Marta. A pretty name, but I wouldn't expect anything less. At least I have name for the face...I didn't get to introduce myself though. My parents are Abe and Edith, I can't remember if they told you. My mom won't let you walk home. It's already so late you're better calling a car or my dad will walk with you. I can't...I can't go out after it gets dark," Ezra said to her eyes focused on their hands instead of her face.

He found it difficult to look at her for long periods of time. She had watched him cry and that was a weakness. She would never see him as anything more now. He took his hand from hers and frowned a moment debating whether or not he wanted to take it back. He scooted a little closer to her so that he could feel the heat from her body. He could be close without being pushy, and if she didn't want him there she would let him know. He thought back to earlier and the guilt of having her made her cry washed over him. He was so quick to judge, and yet she was so fast to protect him when he needed someone. He didn't blame her for what happened. It wasn't her fault that his home was turning into dangerous territory without anybody batting an eye. She was just a girl and he was just a boy. Changing the world wasn't their problem.

Then it hit him. She wasn't just a girl. She was Marta, and she had risked coming back down his street. He had risked himself to lead her to safety. She was more than just a girl.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Tlstiffl
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Tlstiffl Ginger Geek

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Marta felt a smile tug on her lips as Ezra said her name for the first time. It sounded pretty when he said. She never minded her name, but she didn’t really consider it pretty either. It was just her name. But I guess her first name was better than her middle name… Francis. It was her grandmother’s name. She loved her grandma, but everyone always called her Franny, and that made Marta think of the word fanny. It always made her giggle as a child.

When he said that maybe she didn’t need to avoid the bakery as much, she felt a tug on her heart. Not a bad one, but a good one. He wanted her to come around again. That meant he wanted to see her, and she assumed that meant talk to her. She wanted to talk to him more. She wanted to get to know him better, better than she knows anyone. She needs to find out the little things. Like when his birthday is, or his favorite color, or what his favorite book is. But she also wanted to know the deeper things. She wanted to learn more about his religion and the traditions that came with it. She wanted to know his family. She just wanted to know him.

“I don’t think I could avoid it even if I wanted to…” she stated, meaning that on many levels, but to lighten the mood she added, “Besides, I never got to try your babka.”

She enjoyed his hands in hers, letting him twiddled with her fingers. She had soft hands; rich people’s hands that have never done a hard day's work in their life. Ezra, were more rough, but not hard to the touch. His hands told a story about his life. Marta let her fingers run over the lines of his palms, which were deeper than her own.

Hearing him say she wasn’t allowed to walk home alone, Marta nodded. It would be dark soon, and regardless of what part of the city she was in, Marta never enjoyed walking alone at night. It wasn’t so much the fear of being attacked, though after today those thoughts would be lingering in her mind, but rather she was worried about getting lost. Even on the rich side of town, the lamp posts didn’t do much in terms of creating brightness on the streets.

“I can call someone,” but Marta made no signs of doing that at the moment. She wanted to enjoy being near Ezra for as long as possible.

She felt him drop her hands and Marta couldn’t help but frown a bit, but then he scooted closer, their knees and shoulders pushed against each other. Any closer and Marta would be on his lap, which is something she would not mind.

She looked up at Ezra and noticed for the first time a gold chain around his neck with a small pendant of the Star of David hanging on it. He must normally keep it tucked away under his shirt. Marta had a similar necklace, but hers had a gold cross. She wasn’t wearing hers though. Even though Marta was Christian, and was forced to go to church every Sunday, she had a hard time accepting some aspects of her religion. She believed in God and that he was looking over us, but some of the stuff said in the bible were too extreme for her. She created her own beliefs. The belief that love is most important and everyone deserves love unless they do something to lose it. Like Hitler. He didn’t deserve anything.

Marta reached up, grasping his necklace between her fingers. This tiny symbol labeled him as the enemy. It caused him and so many others to feel more hatred than Marta thought possible to exist.

“It’s beautiful” she whispered, still looking at the charm, before glancing up into his eyes. “Ezra, you have been apologizing to me all night. But it is time for me to apologize to you. I am so sorry I put you through what I did. I was being selfish… I just...I am not sure why, but I want to be near you. I don’t think I can imagine my life without you in it now… silly, I know.”

She looked away, flushed with embarrassment. She just made an awfully bold statement and she wasn’t sure how Ezra was going to take it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ezra let out a small chuckle and forced his eyes up. He reached his hand towards her face and forced her to look at him. He leaned in toward her and kissed her softly on the lips. His hand gently cupped her chin tilting it up towards him. Her lips were soft compared his, chapped to the core. He pulled away and let his hand drop to her lap while he regained his composure.

"You know Romeo and Juliet only takes place in the span of a week. They loved with a love brighter than the stars and in the span of 6 days because of their love many people died, and their families suffered," he mentioned as he turned himself so he his body was now facing her, "They were young and their families despised each other, the way people of your religion do mine and vice versa. People tried to keep them apart and lives were lost, but they still loved one another. I guess we're one step in that direction. I don't think you'll ever love me, Marta, but if I get to love you before I die then my life wouldn't be wasted."

His voice was relaxed and he spoke slowly like he was trying to figure his own thoughts out before speaking them to her. With the way things were going in Germany he didn't expect to live long. He gave himself a couple more years before he either took his own life or someone took it or him, but he wasn't going to stop living just because he'd already decided that he would die. He would experience everything at once so when the time came he could know he lived it fully.

Marta was naive enough to keep herself in his path, and after the events of today he could see himself falling in love with her the way his parents eventually learned to, but it would be different than their love. This was one he would want, but could never have. She was probably already set to marry some rich guy related her fathers closest friend. Everything was about image for the rich and to have a daughter stray from their path would never happen. So he would love her from afar. He would steal a kiss if she gave him permission and he would hold her hand when they were in private. He would keep her close to him when she was around and he would know what it meant to love someone that you could never have. He would understand Romeo better.

He smiled at her taking in everything he could so in case she never returned he could have her in his mind. If there was ever a rainy day all he would need to do is close his eyes and she would appear like a ghost in the night. It was the only thing he had to hold onto, but he wouldn't say any of that. He would keep it to himself until his dying breath.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tlstiffl
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Tlstiffl Ginger Geek

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

She heard the chuckle, unsure which part of what she said he was chuckling at, but the sound regardless was music to her ears. She wanted to hear his full laughter. She wanted to see him smile from ear to ear. And she wanted to be the reason he did. Marta felt him raise her head and before anything else could happen, she felt his lips against hers. Their second kiss. This one lasted a few seconds longer, and Marta’s hands found their way to his chest again, where under the thin fabric of his clean shirt, she could feel the scars on his chest. She knew she couldn’t make that scar disappear, but she hoped she could help him forget about it.

Marta listened intently as Ezra compared them to Romeo and Juliet. It was definitely an accurate representation of their relationship thus far. Forbidden lovers faced with obstacles from every person, place and thing around them. Yet they fought hard and did whatever they could to be together, even if that meant being together in the afterlife. Marta didn’t know what laid ahead of her after she left this life; it could be a wonderful thing, it could be hell or it could be blank. Everything about her erased from the world. And that thought made Marta live this life to the fullest.

When Ezra said that he thinks she’ll never love her, Marta couldn’t help it. She blurted out, “But I am already starting to fall in love with you...”

After those words left her lips, her eyes widened to the size of tennis balls. The statement was one the most true things she has ever said, but she just couldn’t believe she actually said it. It is one thing to feel these emotions to herself, but it had to be too soon to let others, including the man she was falling for, know. If Marta’s social standings and religion didn’t scare Ezra, she was sure what she just said must have.

But she wouldn’t deny and she wouldn’t take it back. Marta doesn’t like to lie, so it is rare thing for her to do it. People will call her crazy, say you can’t love someone after knowing them for only a few hours. Everyone would think she lost her mind, except her father. His father knew the minute he met her mother, he would marry her. Henry had just gotten his first job in the big city. He was a mail boy in a big law attorney office. On his first day, he was delivering the mail and he saw her mother sitting at a desk. She was a receptionist in the office. He knew right away he would love her. And he started courting her the next day and they were married two months later. They were both only 18 years old. They waited for about another five years before they had Marta because her father moved up the job ladder very quickly.

Was she going to marry Ezra? Better question, would she even be allowed to? She wasn’t Jewish and she was sure Ezra already has an arranged marriage planned. But Marta wanted something real, and Ezra was the most real thing in her life.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ezra's eyes went wide a moment and he found himself blushing. She'd said the words he'd been thinking. He nodded slightly feeling a little satisfied. He looked around the room a moment. He could hear a faint snoring and assumed his parents had managed to fall asleep. He turned his attention back to her and nodded once more. He wasn't sure what to say to follow that up. She wanted something from him in the way he wanted it from her. Both clinging onto the idea that maybe if they cared for the other more then all the pain...all his pain would somehow vanish.

That wouldn't happen though. He reached up and gripped the pendant on his necklace. As long as he was Jewish she would never be able to love a man like him, and he could never love a girl of her religion. If they were destined for more then it was to be friends until their true partners came along, if that ever happened. You could love many people, but you could never love them in the same way.

"Perhaps you are my Juliet, my downfall. Or maybe you're destined to be my first love, my true love, but not my only love. Either way I would die a happy man to know I held your heart even if just for a moment," Ezra said after a moment of silence.

He had no doubt that his way with words would captivate the girl. He'd always wanted to be a poet or some kind of writer when he finished high school, but with everything going on he'd never get the chance. If his words had to fall on the ears of anyone else he was glad it was her. She seemed to hold onto everything he said like it might be his final breath. Her hands found his wounds so easily and he rested his chest against them. His heart would no longer be protected by hate, but instead it'd be more at a risk for pain. If they exterminated his people like roaches his mind would go to her, but she would have no way of knowing he was dead. That thought alone hurt him the most. She'd think he abandoned her, but what if she decided she'd gotten herself in too deep and loving him was nothing more than waste of time. He'd probably fall victim to his own blade like Shakespears Romeo.

"Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer’s lease hath all too short a date. Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimmed; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance, or nature’s changing course, untrimmed; But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st, Nor shall death brag thou wand’rest in his shade, When in eternal lines to Time thou grow’st. So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee. Shall I compare thee to a summers day?" He began to quote Shakespear himself.

It was the poem he memorized when he was just a child. The one that he'd never said aloud to anybody unless he was joking with his mates or trying to impress a girl in church. He'd never understand the true meaning of them until today, and he never really understand how one person, Romeo, could love a girl he'd just met after being in love with another, Rosaline. While Ezra hand't loved anybody before, he had quickly come to realize that maybe love at first sight...or first breakdown could be true after all. What would he know though? This was the first time he'd ever dropped his guard.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tlstiffl
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Tlstiffl Ginger Geek

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Marta never imagined this is how she would fall in love. Growing up, her father would always read her a bedtime story, and those stories always included a prince charming rescuing a damsel in distress. Marta, until very recently, was sure that was how she would meet her prince charming. As a child, she loved to play pretend and climb up into her tree house and pretend she was being held captive.

Marta also believed she would only find love once. She didn’t imagine it happening twice. So for her to admit these feelings to Ezra, was like signing her name in blood. Yes, he was her first love, but Marta was sure he would be her last. But it seemed Ezra had different thoughts.

Ezra’s mind seemed set on the fact that whatever was happening between them was fleeting. It would disappear with just a blink of the eye. And who knows, that may be what happens, but Marta didn’t want to believe it. Her optimism once again, convincing her that her and Ezra would fight through this. They would defeat every obstacle they faced, and they would someone gain acceptance from their families, and they would be together. And live happily ever after. At least, that is what Marta wanted to believe.

Hearing Ezra start to quote Shakespeare, Marta listened. Marta was very familiar with this sonnet. She knew all of Shakespeare’s sonnets. And this one was dear to her, not because she could relate to it (up to this point), but just the flow of the words. They created music without a single note being played. But suddenly, this sonnet took on new meaning to her. Ezra was reciting this sonnet to establish her as some untouchable, immortal thing he can’t obtain. It was his way of showing his love for her, but from a distance. He believed that this is all it ever will be. Marta was never to be his.

But that isn’t what Marta wanted. She wanted to be the person that Ezra enjoyed a summer’s day with, not compare her to it. As cheesy as it sounded.

“Ezra…” she whispered, suddenly feeling tears forming in her eyes, “Please… I just...I don’t want…”

She was lost for words. How could she convey to him that this will be lasting? How can she make him realize he wasn’t in some magical bubble that would pop soon? It was like he was the sheltered one now.

She blinked, a few tears falling into her lap, which she was now staring at. She felt lost. Ezra was so close, physically, yet she almost felt emotionally he was miles away. It was like Marta was on a movie screen, being displayed and he was loving her from the audience. But Marta was right, her arms wide open, emotionally and physically, ready to give her all to him.

Looking up again, she asked, “Why are you putting me on a pedestal? Why can’t you accept that you are good enough for me? Will I ever be yours?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"You're missing everything I've said. Romeo and Juliet don't live to the end Marta. One of us will die and with the way the country is shifting that someone is going to be me. You don't understand the fear I've lived with since Hitler started coming into power. You saw those flyers. The way those peopled saluted him. The words the called my people and then laughed about it. If I set foot outside with you hanging onto my arm I'll be the one beaten. I'll be the one lying on the pavement while you stand there horrified at what a man is capable of. You find these good things in life and you run with it. You've never had to look over your shoulder every couple of seconds because some guy wants to be tough in front of his friends. We are nothing more than parasites. I'm not placing you on a pedestal, Marta. You were born on one. I am to grovel at your feet and beg for you to let me live. You and everyone that believes in what you do hold all the cards," Ezra was talking so fast he wasn't sure if she even understood a word he was saying, but when the words began to flow he couldn't stop them.

"You think we'll grow old together and that what we feel will keep us alive. You don't know what it's like to lay on the pavement and feel life slipping away from. There's no bright light Marta. There's just pain and blood and darkness. You hear the people but you can't respond. Your heart begins to slow down to a point where they're positive you won't make it to the hospital. Your mother is screaming your name, but you can't even be bothered to open your eyes. Breathing gets harder and the more you try to suck in air the worse you feel. The puddle of blood soaks your clothes and you can still hear those laughs. People rip your shirt open to see where the damage is all at. The swastika carved into your chest like you'd carve your lovers initials into a tree. You don't ever have to feel like that. Like in the blink of an eye everything you are and will ever be slipping away."

He was starting to become angry. He stood up and walked to the counter the phone was sitting and held it up to her. She needed to leave. It was time for her to go back to reality. They would never share more than a kiss and maybe he'd get to hold her hand, but he'd never tell her again that he loved her or could love her. He would keep it a secret and make her hate him. She would come to see him and he would be stuck with the desire to take her to his bed, but the urge for her to live and to love another would keep him from doing it. He would yearn for her, but he wouldn't allow her to do the same.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tlstiffl
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Tlstiffl Ginger Geek

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

There it was. The bomb dropped from the sky, ripping Marta from the world she created in her mind. The reality. She knew everything Ezra was saying was the truth, she is just on the other side of the mirror. Her point of view is skewed and backwards, and even though she caught a glimpse of what it was like on this side today, she was still completely clueless. The things she refused to think about being said right to her face. The things she hears on the radio, or whispered in the halls of her school. The fact that people like Ezra aren’t safe. And how people like her, did nothing to change that or made it worse.

As Ezra continued, going on about his attack, Marta felt angry tears falling from her eyes. The anger was not directed towards Ezra, but the men who did that to him. How could one man create so much hate in this world? How could he justify his actions, and so many people using his actions as excuses to act upon their own? If they were truly Christians, how is attacking an innocent man not a sin? Marta is not a vindictive person, but at this moment, she wished terrible things on the men who shattered Ezra’s life.

She watched as he stood up, instantly feeling empty not having him near. She saw him go over and hold up the phone. Ezra was done. He was closing his book, this chapter of his life complete. And what was worse, he believed his story would have a very quick ending. But Marta couldn’t accept it, but what could she do? She couldn’t protect him from those men who would undoubtedly attack him, especially if they see him out in public with her. Marta was helpless in this moment, and she hated it. Truly hated it. Even her stubbornness couldn’t help her now.

She slowly stood up, walking over to the counter next to Ezra. She was too ashamed to look him in the eyes anymore. Marta was a pathetic person, letting her naivety blind her from so much. She let herself believe, until this very moment, that love would conquer all. But this wasn’t the fairy tale books her father read her. This was life.

With a shaky hand, she picked up the receiver of the phone. She put her finger into the hole of the dial wheel, but couldn’t get herself to call the operator. There was still a tiny glimmer of hope left in her, buried deep in her heart, that was saying don’t call yet.

She put the receiver back down, and looked at Ezra. A fierce look was in her eyes, a look so serious that the next words that came out of her mouth could not be doubted as anything but the truth.

“Who is your rabbi? Can he help me learn more about how to convert to Judaism?”

Marta didn’t falter on her words, her tone serious and straightforward. She wanted to learn more about Ezra’s religion. She wanted it to not be a barrier between them anymore. Faith is strong weapon, but Marta has her own faith. Faith in love. And besides, maybe she will agree with the ways of Judaism more than Christianity. Marta wasn’t given the choice of her religion, she was just raised as a Christian and did not know any better. If she was to learn more about this world, why not start with faith?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ezra slammed a fist on the counter top. He saw her flinch and he closed her eyes. Why was she doing this? Why couldn't she just leave him suffer the rest of the night alone? He shook his head wondering if he'd have to be more blunt with the girl before she understood his words. He'd spent a majority of their time together trying to push her away; to keep her from wanting anything to do with him. He had faltered a bit just now, but his goal was back inside his mind and he was furious at what she had just said.

"I don't know what kind of death wish you have, but don't bring me or my religion into. It's bad enough that we have to hide it and now you want to come here and tell me you're looking to convert? Did you not hear what I just said? Are you an idiot?" He asked flicking her on the forehead, "You don't get to come here with your pretty words and talks of love and then over look everything I've told you. You're delusional if you think anyone in this country is going to help you dig a grave. We spend our lives trying to teach our younger ones the ways of your religion so that they may have a chance to survive and you're going to tell me you want to speak with my rabbi?"

He wasn't sure if she was crazy or just stupid at this point. Everything went over her head and she was stuck in this fantasy world where everything seemed to be sunshine and rainbows. He couldn't even imagine what her parents would say if they knew she had said what she did. Convert to Judaism. She had to have lost her mind somewhere between his couch and the kitchen. There was no way on earth he had heard this girl correctly. Was she really this shallow or maybe she was just that ignorant to the dangers that she found it to be some sort of joke.

"Did you miss the part where I told you I was stabbed? You're ready to throw your whole life into the trash because of what? Some fantasy that you'll never love again if you choose to love me? I don't want your love if it's built up on that ideology. I should have never kissed you. It messed with your head and now you think the whole world will be changed if you just show people our way of life. I won't help you kill yourself. Call whoever it is and tell them to pick you up. All you have to do is say you're in a Jewish part of town and you'll hear the gasp in their voice. They'll assume you're in a bad neighborhood. They'll want to stay on the line with you until your ride arrives and then they'll ask if you're in danger. Who's phone are you using and where are we holding you. They'll ask if I hurt you. If I touched you in ways no girl wants to be touched unless it's with her husband," his voice was trembling, but he refused to let up. She would cry and he would blame himself.

But he had no doubt that tomorrow she would wind up outside his families bakery again and he would go to her and he would want to kiss her like earlier. He could try and scare her but his voice would give him away. He was more scared than he allowed others to know. He had to be brave and he had to be tough and if it came down to him giving up his life for one of his neighbors he would do it in a heartbeat. He wished it was simple enough for her to convert, but nothing was every that easy. He had learned the hard way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tlstiffl
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Tlstiffl Ginger Geek

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Marta flinched a little when Ezra slammed his fist onto the counter. The flinch wasn't out of fear of him hurting her, it just startled her. She listened, her face and body like a statue. She tried to keep all emotions from her face. And Marta did not cry.

It was like her stubbornness turned into pure ambition. She was determined now. It suddenly felt like this was how it was suppose to be. Ezra wasn’t just going to be the person that she wanted by her side, but he was going to help her understand the world around her better. This is what she wanted and she hoped Ezra would at least understand that, even better though would be him wanting the same thing.

After he finished his rant, Marta didn’t say a word. She turned and picked up the phone once more, this time dialing zero to be connected to the operator.

”Hello how may I direct your call?” said the operator over the phone.

“Yes, Max VanMarten residence please.”

”One moment while I connect you.

The phone rang twice, before being answered by Victor, her uncle’s butler.

”VanMarten residence, how may I help you?”

“Victor, it is Marta, could you please put my mother on the line?”

”Of course.

Marta heard him place his receiver end down on the counter and heard loud voices in the background. Sounded like the party was a success. A moment later, she heard the phone being picked up and then her mother’s frantic voice.

”Marta, darling, where are you? Are you ok? Why haven’t you arrived, you are nearly three hours late!

“I am fine mother. I apologize, I will not be able to make it to Uncle Max’s party. I was late leaving school, and while I was walking there, the storm hit and I was drenched. Thankfully, a fellow classmate of mine, Sarah, lived on the street I was on and was kind enough to let me come into her house and dry off.”

”Oh poor thing. But are you sure we can’t send you the car and you can join us? We will be here all night! Your father’s partner’s son, Frederick, is here. He has been dying to meet you.”

Marta held her tongue, making sure not to lash out on her mother. Marta had no desire whatsoever to meet this Frederick boy, who undoubtedly owned his own car and fifty gold watches.

“No mother, my hair's a disaster and I am awfully tired. Sarah’s father has offered to drive me home, so I will be leaving here shortly.”

”Ok dear. Call us when you arrive home. Goodbye darling.”

“Goodbye mother.”

Marta hung up the receiver on her end and stared at it for a moment. She could only imagine what Ezra was thinking at the moment. She had a hunch that he was upset even more, assumed she made up that story about Sarah because she was too ashamed to admit where she was. And that was partly true, Marta didn’t want to let her mother know where she was, not because she was ashamed, but because Greta would send out every cop to her location to make sure she was safe, even more so if she knew she was on this side of town.

Finally turning and facing Ezra again, Marta keeping her face impassive, not letting any emotions show at the moment. Though, there was something fierce behind her eyes. Something that had never been there before.

Stepping forward, she wrapped her arms around Ezra, pulling him into a hug, not saying a word. She buried her head in his neck, taking in the smell of his body. It smelled of flour and sugar; that made a small smile tug on her lips. She then pulled back slightly, but stayed near him, reaching up she placed both her hands on his cheeks, forcing him to make eye contact with her.

“Ezra, this is going to happen one way or another. I am going to learn about your religion, and maybe even accept it as my own. I did not have the choice to be a Christian, I was raised to be one and forced to call it my faith. But with everything going on in this world, how can I live with myself when my religion, and people who believe the same things, are creating a hateful world. A world I don’t want to live in.”

She stepped back, giving them some room again.

“I am not proud of being a Christian, and I am old enough now to make my own choices. And I choose to, and have the right, to expand my horizon. To learn about things I never knew before and to allow myself to put my faith into myself and love who I want. And if Judaism allows me to do that then I will not stop until I am Jewish. And it does not matter the risks, I understand what I could be sacrificing by doing this. My belongings, my parents, even my life. I will do this, no matter what, but it would be much easier with you helping me and by my side.”

Taking a deep breathe, she continued on, “If you don’t want to help me, and you want me out of your life forever, then just say the words. And I will leave and never return again. You will never have to see or hear from me again. But if that isn’t what you want, then be here with me. Let me into your world.”

She laid it all out on the table. And Marta didn’t stutter or tremble. She stood there, as tall as she could be, with such determination in her eyes. She would be completely heart-broken if Ezra made her leave, but she would continue her battle of being part of a world that she wanted to be, a world without hate.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ezra stared into her eyes a moment, not saying a word. He studied her face while his thoughts swirled inside his mind. There was no convincing her to change her mind. There was no point in spewing any more logic or concerns at her. She had made up her mind. He took a deep breath and considered his options. Let her explore and get hurt on her own, or help and get hurt by her or for her. After a couple minutes in silence he nodded his head and reluctantly began to speak.

"If you do this, it won't be easy. You'll be giving up on so many things that you've grown accustomed to. Sitting down for a meal with your family will be forbidden. You won't be able to attend any occasions or enter places of worship that aren't Jewish. If there's a church gathering you won't be able to attend. Your best friend could be getting married in a church and you will have to miss it because you are Jewish. There will be no more Christmas or Halloween. You will only be able to celebrate Jewish holidays. You will not be able to wear clothes like the ones I saw you in today. Those are too revealing. Even in the summer you will need to cover up. You will have to be careful what you consume and what you can buy. You can't carry things in your pockets outside of your home on the Sabbath. You will need multiple dish sets. Two sets of pots and pans (and at least one more set for Passover), and you will have to keep different types of food separate. You will have to wait six hours after eating meat foods before eating dairy foods," Ezra paused a moment to see if she was catching any of his words, "Judaism will guide your steps and your thoughts every moment of your waking life."

He was holding her close now. He'd taken a step toward her without realizing it and he was holding her face in his hands forcing the words into her mind. He would teach her his ways if only to spend nights like this with her. He brought her hand up to the pendant hanging off his necklace and closed her small fingers around it. His parents would worry about him no doubt and he would probably never be allowed to show his face outside if he openly tried to change this girls views. He would be playing the bad guy.

"You will make me no better than Hitler if I help you. I will be forcing these beliefs on you and you will hang onto my words without question and I will be just as bad, but you don't care. It is your ignorance that will get you in trouble, and that will be the death of me. But I won't stand in your way. I will teach you all I know, but you can't tell anybody. Do not openly practice this in your home unless you are ready to lose everyone you hold close to your heart," Ezra told her as he brought his hands back to his sides. The muscles in his body were tense and the look on her face terrified him to the core. Perhaps she would be the one to die first.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tlstiffl
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Tlstiffl Ginger Geek

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Marta could hear her heart pounding in her ears as she stood there, not moving a muscle, not even a twitch. She waited, and would keep waiting, until Ezra gave her his decision. When she finally saw him nod his head, it felt like she was able to breath for the first time. He was on her side, he was going to help her. But Marta kept her composure, as glad as she was he was helping her, she knew it was going to be a bumpy road ahead.

And her assumptions were confirmed as Ezra began to lecture her on just a few of the small details of what it meant to be Jewish. Marta absorbed every word, taking in as much information that she could get. At this rate, she was going to need pencil and paper so as to not forget anything. Some of what Ezra said, she knew already. She understood she would be sacrificing Christmas, and the other lavish perks of her life. But all the information on food was new, and she was intrigued. She would love to understand why they do the things they do. She had much to learn.

Feeling him take her hands and putting them around his pendant, Marta felt the value of it sinking in so much more. This symbol would become something very important to her soon. This symbol could also be the death of her. But Marta wasn’t having any doubts. This is truly what she wanted.

When Ezra compared himself to Hitler, Marta’s head snapped up. She could slap the boy silly for making that comment. She let him finish speaking, feeling him pull away from her. Marta understood the dangers that lie ahead, and she would do everything she could to make sure Ezra wasn’t hurt because of her. If it meant leaving behind everything she knew, cutting all of her hair off, and wearing potato sacks as her clothes, she would. If it meant she could learn about this new world she was already beginning to accept as her own, she would. And more importantly, if it meant that Ezra stayed safe while she was in his life, she would do it.

The intensity of the moment was getting to Marta. Her skin felt prickly, like the air was filled with electricity. Marta was ready and her energy was amped up and she needed an outlet before it bottled up too much and she imploded. Looking at Ezra, she stepped forward and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and pulled him into another kiss. But this kiss was different, it was not like their first two. This one wasn’t soft and sweet. This one was filled with heat and passion. Marta parted her lips, wanted the chance to taste Ezra. She wanted to be connected to him, even if for a moment. She pulled away a minute later, breathing deeply from the lack of oxygen in her lungs.

She stayed close to his body, her front flush up against his. Her eyes darkened, pupils dilated from the power of the kiss.

In a low voice she said, “You are nothing like Hitler. You are more of a man than he ever will be. And you are not forcing anything on me, I choose this. I choose this faith. I choose this life. I choose you.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ezra gently pushed her away and shook his head. She wasn't sensing his frustration. She wasn't understanding how hard this would be for him to do. He took a few steps back and kept his eyes glued to the floor. He didn't want to look at her, not now. His parents would be disappointed in him if they knew what he was doing. He pulled at the curls around his eyes and closed his eyes. This wasn't going to be easy and she would struggle, but she could always leave the situation. He was stuck inside of it.

"Don't. Don't touch me like that and don't kiss me that way. I will do this, but I will not enjoy it. I will not be happy and I will not be thankful for your words. I will despise the time together because you're making me drag you to an early grave. You...you are selfish," he whispered walking pass her to where the sofa was.

She'd been too ashamed to even tell her mother where she really was. How would she ever be proud of his faith if she couldn't even be honest. "You should leave now. Call yourself a cab and say goodbye to who you were. If your lucky I'll be here tomorrow when you come around, but with how the world turns who knows," he wouldn't look at her when he spoke.

He knew he was being rude and that he was hurting her with his words, but she was making him feel ashamed. He suddenly wasn't proud of his religion. It seemed to become like a project now or a game. How long can you survive before the whole world decides your fate. He'd heard talks about them putting gates up and forcing his people into small cramped housing. They could barley survive as is and they wanted to push them even farther down the ladder. She wouldn't suffer though. She would continue her life and he would slowly fade away. He couldn't help but think that she was stuck in a fairy tale. He was supposed to be her knight in shinning armor and she was the damsel in distress.

"I don't know what you want from me, but right now it seems like you want my life. If I die..." he didn't finish his sentence. His scars began to ache and he wished for something to take away his pain, both physical and mental. He had hoped it could be her, but now he wasn't so sure.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tlstiffl
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Tlstiffl Ginger Geek

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

He pushed her away. Why did he keep pushing her away and pulling her back in? Not just physically, but emotionally too. The boy was playing with her emotions in the same way she played Beethoven on the piano. One moment, the music was fast and intense, and the next it was slow and deep. What did he want from her? She thought she couldn’t make it any more clear how she felt and what she wanted. And then he blurted it all out. He said what was truly on his mind, and how he really felt about her. He tiptoed around the subject before, but the stress of the situation overcoming him. She was a burden. She was an omen of terror. She was selfish.

She felt her throat closing up, air being cut off from her lungs. She couldn’t breath, her heart pounding in her chest, her vision going blurry. What had she done? How did she let it get this far? And why did it all feel so right to her still, even though Ezra was doing everything to convince her otherwise? She still deeply wanted the things she said. She didn’t care anymore what that meant for her, but god forbid, anything happened to Ezra. She was selfish.

Marta didn’t hear Ezra say to call a cab. She didn’t see him go over the couch. All she could see was a white light. Her mind buzzing, it sounded like a hornet’s nest in her head. What was she suppose to do now? Her strength was dwindling, she couldn’t keep fighting Ezra, convincing him this was what she wanted and how much she cared for him. It was like banging her head against the wall, one could only do it for so long before passing out. He didn’t want her in his life. She told him to tell her to leave, but he didn’t. But everything else he said and did proved otherwise. Yet, she let herself believe when he didn’t push her away, it would be ok. She was selfish.

Marta wasn’t even aware of what her body did next. Her feet moving on their own. Without a word, she turned and walked down the stairs, stumbling at the bottom a little and landing awkwardly on one knee. She stood and opened the door. The rain had subsided, but it was dark out and with the state Marta was in, it would be a miracle if she managed to go one block without running into something. She left, unaware of the danger she may have just put herself in, and Ezra, if he was stupidly followed her. But Marta didn’t expect him to come after her, why would he? He said it himself, she was selfish.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ezra felt the pull of the blanket as his mom removed it from his body. He'd somehow managed to over sleep, probably from staying up so late thinking about Marta and how he wished she was sleeping next to him. He cursed himself for the words he spoke last night, but it didn't stop him from hating the words that had left her mouth before he called her selfish. He couldn't believe he'd allowed her to walk back home all by herself in the middle of the night. His parents would yell at him if they knew, but they would yell at him even more if they knew the two had shared more than just one kiss.

"Ezra, I need you to run the shop this morning. School will have to wait till next week. We need you here. Johanna called and said you never delivered her bread. She missed a meal because of it. You will bake her fresh loaves and your father will take them to her. I don't know what all happened yesterday, but if that girl is going to distract you then I suggest you don't see her again. I believe she's a Christian girl, one of those Hitler advocates. She seemed lovely enough, but you can't get mixed up in that if you're still having those terrors," Edith said to him as she folded up the blankets and set them inside of a makeshift basket.

Ezra stood up and went to the bedroom to change his clothes. His father was already at the bakery downstairs, he could smell the oven and the morning pastries. They didn't have any orders today so it would be all walk in unless somebody called. He slipped on his shoes and walked back out to the living room. "Mom...she's not distracting me. If it becomes too much I'll stop seeing her. I promise. I'll be down in the bakery helping Pa," he said as he took the steps two at a time.

He closed the door quietly behind him and began his day. The loaves for Johanna fresh out of the oven and packed neatly. He placed the sealing label on them and his father titled his hat and went out for the delivery. His mother was out buying fabric for new clothes, and once his father returned from his little venture he would be released of his duties. Today would be his day off, but since school wasn't priority today he was fine with the distraction of work. A few regulars stumbled in and he found himself glancing at his watch wondering if Marta would show up or not. He wasn't sure if he wanted to see her or not. The thought of her traveling back here...to him made his heart beat erratically.

"You're a stupid and foolish girl, Marta. But you're burned into my brain and now I can't move on from you," he whispered to himself as he loaded the glass cases with fresh items. It was just pass lunch time. His father would be back soon and Marta would appear before him. "Convert. If she'd said that to anyone else they would have smacked her, but she was so genuine in her words. She has no idea what this life means. She has no idea the struggles we face today. It was easier before him."

Everyone was nice and they were friends with strangers, but now things were tense and the radio had mentioned the word ghettos again. It was becoming more of a possibility. He'd been trying to figure out a way to get his mother out of the country, but she would never leave without his father. He begged and pleaded with her, but she was so stubborn. Then he heard the bell above the door go off and he smiled. Father was finally back and he'd get to go. But the faces that greeted him were angry ones. Crosses around their necks. Ezra's smile dropped as he recognized them.

"We've come to see how you've healed up," the leader said.

Two of his friend went around the counter and grabbed Ezra's arms. They were stronger than him and no matter how he tried to struggle their grips held him tight. The leader pulled out a knife...the same knife that had once entered Ezra's soft flesh and his heart began to pound in his chest as he was shoved around the counter and placed in front of the man.

"Word on the street is you've got yourself a rich girlfriend. People around here talk when their lives are threatened. I think your girl goes to school with my lil sister. Your soiled hands touched a girl like that," the man spoke and then spit in Ezra's face.

The knife was brought closer to his body. It cut down his shirt to show the bumpy marks across his body. Ezra looked away, but the men forced his head back. His legs buckled and he was on his knees biting his lip to keep from crying.

"I should have had them draw a cross straight down your chest, but we were nice," he spoke again.

The knife found his chain and Ezra began to trash around trying to keep him from taking it. It had belonged to his great grandfather, and was passed down from son to son. It was all he had when it came to personal items and he would be damned if he lost it. He could hear them laughing around him as the chain ripped from his neck and fell into the open palm of the man before him.

He let out a snarl, "Touch a Christian girl again and I'll take your life...Ezra."

Ezra flinched at the sound of his name and boys let his arms drop. They walked out of the store and his hands reached for his neck. Empty. His pendant gone. His safety gone. When his father finally came back Ezra was still on the floor, sitting in the fetal position. His body was shaking, but he wasn't sure if it was from anger or fear. His only good shirt ruined. He was ferociously apologizing to his father for losing the necklace, but his dad just grunted. Abe was just glad the necklace was all they took from his son.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tlstiffl
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Tlstiffl Ginger Geek

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Marta didn’t make it home, at least not right away. Infact, she couldn’t fully remember how she got home. When she had left Ezra’s house, it was about nine o’clock in the evening, so it wasn’t insanely late, but definitely too late for her to be walking around alone. Although she managed to get one foot in front of the other, she had no sense of direction. She wasn’t even sure where she was, but her mind was in too much of a fog, she was delirious. Everything that has happened to her the past few hours have consumed her soul and she felt numb. She didn’t know her up from her down, what day it was, or why she even existed.

Marta’s feet somehow managed to get her back into her side of town, but she was still at least fifteen blocks from her house. As she was walking, there was a suddenly a blinding light. Marta was sure she just died. But in reality, it was the bright headlights of a car driving towards her on the road. Marta didn’t pay any attention to it, until the car stopped next to her and heard someone call out her name.


Marta looked over to her right and saw a girl get out of the car. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust, but once the girl was in focus, Marta realize who it was. Sarah. The same Sarah who Marta used just a bit ago as her alibi to why she missed her uncle’s party. What a small world.

“Hi Sarah” Marta said, her voice said, and her face distraught.

Marta looked like a mess. She was still wearing Edith’s dress, which for people who know her, knows she would never wear. And her hair was frizzy and fall out of its up-do. And her make-up was runny. Marta looked like she had to hell and back, and honestly, she felt like she had.

“Marta what happened to you?” Sarah asked in a concerned voice.

“I… uh… I um, got lost.” It was the best thing Marta could come up with in her current state.

“But you look like a disaster.”

Marta shrugged, “Rain.”

“Come on. Let us drive you home. My brother and I are just one our way back from the opera. Here take my coat, you look like you are freezing to death.”

Sarah slipped her thick wool jacket, with the fur lining, around Marta’s shoulders before leading her to the car. The two girls climbed into the back seat together. Marta was quiet as a mouse and kept her eyes downcasted. Sarah’s brother, Oscar, turned around from the driver’s seat and looked at the two of them.

“Everything alright?” he asked.

Sarah looked up at her brother, “She’s fine. Just got a little lost. I told her we can take her home.”

“Well of course. Besides this is not a good part of town. We are too close to the vermon a couple blocks away.” he stated, a slight tone of disgust in his voice.

Marta’s head snapped up and she looked at Oscar between squinted eyes. Rage suddenly boiling up within her. It was people like Oscar that fueled the hate in this world. It was people like him who hurt Ezra. It was people like him that Marta hated.

“They are not vermon!” she snapped. “They are kind and decent people. A wonderful family took me into their home tonight after I was caught in the rain. Closed their bakery and everything just to make sure I was ok.”

Marta thought she was being wise enough not to mention names, but the minute she mentioned the bakery, it was too late. Oscar’s face tensed and he looked Marta straight in the eyes.

“You best not say those kinds of things.” He then turned forward and began to drive the car again.

Marta just made the biggest mistake of her life. What Marta didn’t know was Oscar was the man who stabbed Ezra just a few weeks prior. And when Marta mentioned the bakery, Oscar knew exactly who she was speaking about. There was only one Jewish bakery for miles, and it just so happened to be the one owned by Ezra’s parents.

Nothing else was said in the car ride, and once Marta was at her front door, she unlocked it and walked in. She climbed the stairs to her bedroom, not even bothering to check to see if her parents were home yet. Probably not, they could easily party all night long. Marta slipped into her bed, not bothering to change or anything and just laid there. She could not get her mind off Ezra. She wanted to be in his arms again. And without fail, the tears started pouring from her eyes before she finally fell asleep.

Marta woke, it was late morning, she could tell by the sunshine beaming in her room. She was usually good about closing her blinds, but with everything that happened the night before, she didn’t bother. And just like a flash flood, images of everything that happened yesterday came streaming back into her mind. All of it brought a batch of fresh tears to her eyes.

After about an hour of crying, Marta crawled out of bed and looked down and noticed she was still wearing Edith’s dress. She had to return it. But Marta wasn’t sure what to do. She didn’t think Ezra would ever want to see her again, it made that pretty obvious. But Marta couldn’t stay away.

Deciding nothing could be done at the moment, Marta went into the bathroom and showered and dressed for the day. She got dressed in one of her more tone-down dresses. It was a simple dark blue cotton dress that covered her chest completely and had sleeves that went down to the middle of her forearms. She went downstairs and did her best to act normal from her parents, asking them how the party went. She ate her breakfast and told them she was going back over to Sarah’s. She said the two had fun hanging out last night and decided to do it again. This time, Marta accepted the car to drive her.

She climbed into the car and smiled softly at the driver. She gave him an address, which she was pretending was Sarah’s, but really, it was just a street and house number a few blocks from the bakery. It was still close enough to her side of town to be plausible that it was Sarah’s house, but it was also close enough to the bakery that she could walk to it. She held onto her purse, where Ezra’s mother dress was stowed away. At the very least, she was going to leave it by the door, even if she didn’t actually go in.

Once the car stopped, Marta got out, right after telling the driver he didn’t want to wait and she would just call when she wanted to leave. She acted like she was going to go over to a door and knock and watched the car drive off. Once she was sure he was gone, she turned and headed towards the bakery.

It was about a ten minute walk. She turned the corner and was finally on Nederman Street. She could see the bakery in the distance. She felt her feet begin to slow down. What was she going to say? She came to a complete stop, in the middle of the sidewalk, and just stared at the bakery about one hundred yards away.

Before she could make up her mind, she saw three men walking out of the bakery. Marta perked up to see if any were Ezra, but she could tell right away they were not. These men all had nice, three-piece suits on. In fact, they didn’t look like they belonged. Much like Marta yesterday. And then one of the men turned and was facing her direction and Marta let out a gasp.

It was Oscar, Sarah’s brother. Why was he here?

And in an instant, it all snapped in her mind and Marta felt sick. Oscar was Ezra’s attacker. He was the one who hurt Ezra, and last night in the car, Marta mentioned a bakery. He came back to finish the job. Marta’s heart dropped to the floor, her blood ran cold. All of Ezra’s fears may have just come true. He could be lying dead in that bakery.

By the time Marta came to this conclusion, Oscar and his friends were walking towards her. She looked up and made eye contact with Oscar and her eyes widened. What was he going to think about her being here? Without a second thought, Marta turned and started to walk away, but she heard footsteps behind her getting louder. She started to run, too scared to look back. She didn’t get far when someone grabbed her arms and dragged her into an alleyway. She let out a scream, but it was quickly muffled by a hand over her mouth.

She was slammed into a brick wall, letting out a grunt, she looked up and Oscar was towering over her.

“I knew you were a fucking sympathizer. You stupid bitch. Jewish whore.” He spat in her face and Marta turned away, tears streaming from her eyes and her heart pounding in her chest.

“We took care of your little boyfriend, but if you ever show your face around here again, you will regret it… and as a warning..” before Marta could do anything else, she felt a fist come into full contact with her stomach.

Marta doubled over in pain, the air in her lungs gone, and she let out a moan. She has never been physically attacked in her life and she didn’t like it. She slid down on the ground, doing her best to catch her breath. She heard footsteps again and looked up and saw the three men walking away. Marta stayed on the ground in that alley for what felt like hours, her body shaking from fear and pain. Everything Ezra said came true. And it hadn’t even been 24 hours. He was right. Marta was a complete idiot to think that things could work out.

Suddenly Marta sat up, ignoring the pain in her stomach. Ezra. He could be hurt… or worse, dead. Marta didn’t want to think that but she had to make sure he was ok. That he wasn’t lying in his own pool of blood again. Using the wall as support, Marta got up and then started running. She didn’t care at that moment who saw her and what they thought. She just had to make sure Ezra was ok.

She opened the door to the bakery, practically falling in from the force and speed she came in at. She was panting and looked around for Ezra. Her eyes landed on him, and his father, both standing behind the counter. Aside from looking scared and shaken, Ezra appeared to be fine.

Marta stared at them with wide eyes. What now? He was ok, so what was she suppose to do now.

With shaky hands, she reached into her purse and pulled out Edith’s dress, and said “I came to return this.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Abe went over and grabbed the dress from the girls hands and smiled. He gave her a nod and then turned to head to the kitchen. He couldn't worry about his son when there were things to be taken care of here.

Ezra looked at her a bit confused. He watched his father leave them alone up front and his hand went back to his neck. She had seen something she wasn't supposed to, but he couldn't figure out what it was. He walked over and rested his hand on her head. He couldn't see her again, but that didn't mean he'd go back on his words from last night. He looked down at himself, he was quiet the mess and he was a little embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, Marta. I honestly wasn't expecting you. I would have been more careful," he said, "We can stay in here for the remainder of the day. My father decided closing early would be best after I hurt myself. He'll be leaving soon and we can study in the back." He was a terrible liar.

He did his best to act normal, like he hadn't just been attacked again. Like his life wasn't flashing before his eyes and like he wasn't ready to sit down and cry from anger. He had to let her know he was okay, even if he wasn't. Her own body was shaking and he pulled her into a hug thinking it was from the wind. It had started to get a little colder and the winds picked up quiet a bit.

"Hey...it' okay. Don't look so worried. You act like you were expecting me dead in here," he said with a small laugh to mask his own fears of that almost being true.

He tilted her chin up and gave her his best smile before kissing her forehead to show her that he was okay. He would pretend nothing was wrong and that he was just clumsy, if she asked he would deny as best he could, but with her it was hard to hold in the truth. She was in danger also, he thought, but telling her would cause a panic and she would probably do something dangerous.
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