Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 13 days ago

"She who has the knowledge has the power."

"What does an adorable super genius need to do to get a little recognition around here?"

Student Name;
Emily Douglas.

Miss Know-it-all (Derogatory nickname given to her by her twin brother, Thierry).




Room Number;

"I'm surrounded by idiots..."

Lawful Good

Relationship Status;
Single - Not Interested

Reading, Solitude and Engineering

Socialising, Delinquents and Loud people.

Emily Douglas is considered by many to be an egotistical brat who lives her life by the book. She constantly looks down on those she deems less intelligent than her and is extremely condescending and smug whenever she decides to grace another with her time. She doesn't have much of a social life, but that's fine by her. She prefers to spend her time reading and researching the extent of her powers.

Emily is extremely argumentative and will constantly hold up classes just to debate a point with the teacher. Hell would freeze over before Emily Douglas dared back down from anything. As such, she has a mean competitive streak and is kind of a sore loser. She can be extremely spiteful and petty when dealing with anyone who dares impede on her territory of being the smartest student on campus.

Despite her book smarts, Emily is rather naive for such a bright young mind. She's easily coerced by others and can be quite susceptible to peer pressure. Her foul attitude makes her quite a large target for school bullies, forcing her twin brother Thierry to constantly be on the look out for her. Emily treats Thierry pretty much the exact same way she treats everyone else, though she evidently has a soft spot for him seeing as he's the only person she'll ever talk to in her free time.

"Time for an upgrade!"

Technological Possession;
Emily possesses the ability to merge with technology, allowing her to take full control of any piece of machinery. This includes computers, cars, weapons and tools. She can even take control of broken machinery, reanimating it to be functional once more. Any technology she merges with becomes enhanced, and she is able to manipulate the function of the tech to suit her needs. For example, she can merge with a camera and grant the camera the ability to fire lasers from it's lenses or give a car the ability to fly.

While merged, Emily is weak to electricity and electromagnetic pulses, which disrupt her connection with the machinery.

Superhuman Intelligence;
Emily has the ability to receive and retain information at an inhuman level. This has granted her a perfectly photographic memory in addition to her superior learning abilities. Emily is able to think using incredible amounts of logic, picking up on details that a slower mind might have missed.

Emily wields no weapons.

"This would go a lot quicker if you just let me handle it."

Family Members;
Thierry Douglas, Brother 16
Helena Descoteux, Mother 32 (Deceased)
Jean-Luc Douglas, Father 44
Katie Pearson, Step-Mother 40

Prodigal genius, Emily Douglas, and her brother Thierry Douglas were born with unique gifts. Their fairly normal upbringing was brought to an end once they were enlisted into the Mystical Academy. Emily, an infamous online hacker who liked to mess with government information for fun, possessed the ability to take control over technology and merge her body with it.

Since attending the academy, Emily has set herself apart as a genius as well as an uptight snob. She hasn't really made any friends, though Thierry keeps an eye on her from time to time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The One
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The One
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Meruin Hazy



Human (Mage)

Room Number:
233 (with Zyxon)

Neutral Good

Appearance: (Will upload a picture later)

Short, extremely so give her age, standing at 4'9'' (122.67 cm); light as a feather as well. She's a waif of a girl.

Taciturn, succinct and introverted. Meruin is as far from social as possible. Her focus is driven almost entirely towards her research, and has made her somewhat oblivious to societal norms and ethics, which would make her seem strange to most. She is straightforward and to the point, and dislikes dancing around an issue, preferring to state out what she sees as fact, without regard for the feelings of any particular person.
However, she is despite this, a genuinely nice person -- she just does not know how to "be" nice, per the rules of normal society. She will help if she sees it's necessary and is quick to condone acts of senseless evil. That does not mean that she's going to look for trouble however; in general, she prefers to stick to her own business if matters are not thrust in front of her.

Power 1:
Seals & Barriers - Meruin is capable of sealing different aspects of her choice; depending on how complex the aspect is, the less she is able to seal it. She has three methods of sealing: seals drawn on any surface, her paper tags, and forced sealing, which requires direct contact and a lot more power. Her barriers are much like her seals, just inversed, so that they only keep things out, rather than locking them in.

Power 2:
Illusions - Meruin is skilled in creating intense or believable illusions, using a variety of methods.

Likes: Full moons, good food, and comfortable silences. Discovering new things. Magic.

Dislikes: Her studies/research being disrupted, getting into pointless fights*which practically means all of them, noise in general, zealots. "Boring" people.

  • Unnamed parents and six siblings.
  • Reina Wisdom - Master, mother figure
  • Chyse Asu Du Evello - Aunt figure, token bad influence.

None so far.

Sentimental Attachment:
A golden necklace with a locket at the end, containing a picture of her, Reina, and Chyse. Sealed and enchanted several times to prevent it from breaking or getting lost.

  • Sealing Tags
  • Ritual Knife
  • A pair of magic rings that she casts spells with.

Other: Her bio is TBD in the RP; she's good at cooking, sewing, and singing, though she does none of them very often.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Oni_
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Oni_ Moment In Flux

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sera Kennithson
Room Number:
True Neutral
Aside from the picture above, Sera stands at an extremely short - although perhaps not for a fey - 4'5" and has a slender frame attributed to her. Her hair, when not held in a loose ponytail most often falls to around halfway down her back.

Like most Feyfolk, Sera has a mischievous nature about her, although perhaps not one to go about performing pranks. She could instead be described as mischievous in the way that a Genie might; she likes to slightly misinterpret what someone is asking of her which can often lead to some... Less than desirable outcomes.

Oh, now don't get me wrong, Sera certainly isn't malevolent in these actions. In fact, she always technically gets the job done. It's just that her interpretation of requests isn't always exactly helpful.

Now, if you're searching for the part of her personality that links into the aspect of nature her kind of fey represents, then you are invited to look towards to her almost always icy shell, she doesn't get along that well with people who she doesn't know, and she has a real damned hard time getting to know them better because of this.

Past this icy exterior, Sera is just like most Fey. She loves to have fun and help people - well for the most part. She does her best to be a good person, and most of the time she thinks she succeeds.
he succeeds.

The Feyfolk, protectors of nature. They're everywhere that has so much as a tree growing there. Sera, is of a certain group of the Feyfolk. The Frosted Fey - not particularly creative, but very accurate. They live in the coldest areas imaginable, protecting them from whatever may upset their icy balance.

Sera was born just over 238 years ago, on the icy slopes of the highest mountain, along with her twin sister, the youngest two of 11 children in total. Also with a gift, a tie to nature that only one other sibling of hers had - Theodyn - although her cryomancy was somewhat different to his own power.

Theodyn helped Sera learn, showed her the ways her power would help her protect nature - to become a guardian of nature and fulfil her peoples purpose in this world. This started when Sera turned perhaps fifty? Sixty? It was so long ago that she forgets how old she was, and then, after a mere year or two of informal training, on and off. He disappeared, or rather, went on to protect his own strip of nature. It took nearly two hundred years for her to become "old enough" to leave on her own to study these powers further. And by old enough, I of course mean a completely arbitrary number set by her parents.

Power 1:
Cryomancy - Ice is Sera's best friend, if it's there then she can shape it to her will, and well, if not then she'll god damned make some if need be. Another advantage is the natural resistance that cryomancy gives Sera when it comes to ice. With the slight side affect that her skin became cold to the touch.

Power 2:
Flight - Like, moving without touching the ground you know? Sera can do that, it's fun. Also super great for stairs since it uses way less energy than just walking, really unstable at her current level though.
The cold
Breaking the occasional rule
Making people laugh
People who find their own jokes so funny that they can't stop laughing while telling them

Hot days
Unofficial fights (AKA, street fights)
People who can't take a joke
People who have just a little too much enthusiasm.

Mother - Talia Kennithson
Father - Farrow Kennithson
Brother - Theodyn Halidmar Farengar Garenfar Kennithon
Twin sister - Laeri Kennithson
8 further unnamed siblings.
So far, none. What a life.
Sentimental Attachment:
A necklace made of livingwood, inherited from her mother.
Ice. Like seriously. So much ice it isn't even funny anymore.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 13 days ago

"Watch me do that better!"

"Originality is highly overrated."

Student Name;
Thierry Douglass

Obnoxious Meathead (Emily's charming nickname for her dear brother).




Room Number;

"Let's get to the fun part!"

Chaotic Good

Relationship Status;
Single - Interested

Socialising, Martial Arts, Comic Books and Bruce Lee Movies.

Sitting still, Homework, Solitude and Sweets.

The limitless ball of energy that is Thierry Douglas stands in stark contrast to his introverted sister, Emily. A socialite by nature and a bit of a reckless attention seeker, Thierry makes a point to have the spotlight shining on him at all times with all manners of hilarious antics. He is an active kid who just can't sit still for five second, with a constant need to always be doing something. He has an insatiable curiosity, which often leads him to risky situations. He has no issue with this, being a bit of a thrill seeker in many ways.

Thierry shares a competitive streak with his sister, though he is much more sportsmanlike than she is. He's very rough and tends to be in people's faces a lot, in a non-threatening, obnoxious manner. He tends to act out in frustration whenever he is struggling to understand something. He is much better with working with physical problems, rather than hypothetical ones.

Thierry has a complicated relationship with his sister. The two of them get on each other's nerves constantly, though they still love each other. Thierry seems to be the only person capable of breaking Emily's shell at times. He's incredibly protective over her, as well as anyone else he deems to be a friend.

"I don't really understand what this power does, but let's just wing it!"

Power Mimicry;
Thierry himself possesses no original abilities of his own. Instead, Thierry is able to absorb the powers of the last person he has touched. He can only mimic their primary ability and does not gain an understanding of how to use said powers. Once he absorbs a different power, he is unable to use the last power; though he still remembers how to use it in the event he absorbs the same power once more.

Adaptive Muscle Memory;
Thierry is able to perform any action that he has seen someone else do perfectly, without having to practice it. This ability is quite useful, especially when used to help him learn how to use powers he absorbs.

Thierry mostly fights bare handed, but his Adaptive Muscle Memory offers him the potential to be proficient with various weapons provided he witnesses someone else using it first. He mostly fights using a combination of Pro-Wrestling moves and Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do Kung Fu style, which he learnt from watching way too many of his movies.

"I don't have time to think; that's Emily's job."

Family Members;
Emily Douglas, Sister 16
Helena Descoteux, Mother 32 (Deceased)
Jean-Luc Douglas, Father 44
Katie Pearson, Step-Mother 40

Thierry Douglas, the more active and social of the Douglas Twins, was much more reluctant to leave behind his old, normal life than Emily was. He had to abandon many of his good friends, but with his powers on the rise he is quite eager to join the Academy and make all sorts of interesting friends while growing stronger. Of coarse, he'll always find room for his dorky sister.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Raizin
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Raizin Dick Grayson is best Robin

Member Seen 4 yrs ago





Room number:222

Rooming with:Sera

Alignment:True Nuetral

Appearance:white hair,6"1, tan skin, wears white and black cloth.

Personality: Devonis has always had a lack of interest in adventuring, mainly from all his time spent in the temple. His upbringing also caused him to not understand some social norms, since they separate themselves from society. Because of this he is very shy. Though with his friends at the temple he was very social. He has spent the past two years out side of the temple mastering his aeromancy and studying the history of as many civilizations as he could to pass the time.

Bio: Zecheriah was adopted by nomads when they sensed his natural affinity for aeromancy. The master of his temple master Motrin had such a strong affinity to aeromancy that he could tell that Zecheriah would need to be trained in weapon combat years before he ever needed to fight, he also changed his name to Devonis as a sign of graduation from the temple.

Power 1:Aeromancy-gain insight into a question or situation from wind currents.

Power 2:Bone manipulation(but he hasn't realized that yet)- change the shape and density of bones.

Likes: meditation, training, and studying

Dislikes:loud noises, fighting, awkward situations


Friends:Currently none

Sentimental attachments:Sword given to him as a parting gift from his master, his motorcycle

Weapon: Dragon bone sword that his master gave to him

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Raizin
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Raizin Dick Grayson is best Robin

Member Seen 4 yrs ago





Room number:233

Rooming with:Meruin

Alignment:Chaotic Nuetral

Appearance:6"4 light skin with black hair always
wears cargo shorts with his grimoire tied to his belt. He tends to wear black shirts of all styles.

Personality: Zyxon is a manipulator and prankster one moment, and a great friend the next. It all depends on how he thinks he can use you in a situation. Hes not exactly trying to use everyone its just a habit he picked up in the last few years. He doesn't care about rules, but he also doesn't like getting caught so he obeys when it's convenient for his plans but absolutely hates missing big events. When he doesn't know a secret that everyone else seems to know he gets frustrated and goes to extremes to find out. When things are calm he usually is calm and sticks to small pranks.

Bio:when Zyxon was a teen he went the library in new York often, but he didn't really enjoy reading. His parents constant arguing made him decide that the library down the street was better than being there. One day he was in very back of the library where no one goes. He found a book that had a mysterious design on it and fascinated by the outside decided to look inside the book. Upon opening it a fear spirit latched on to him. Which also gave him the power to use the grimoire.

Power one: Spirit magic- use the energy of the spirit to cast spells written in his grimoire. But can't cast high power spells unless he can fully control the spirit.

Power two:fear manipulation-by controlling the spirit he can project fear into people by just looking at them, or if he masters his channeling he can create a aura of fear.

Likes: being involved, fighting, toying with people, rumors

Dislikes: boredom, boring people, people knowing his secrets

Family: mother and father but he doesn't talk about them much

Friends: currently none

Sentimental attachment: his grimoire since he's put so much time into making spells, and The fear spirit called grim, who he is literally always with

Weapon: Grimoire

Other: Spirits tend to avoid him since they can see grim.Grim haunts Zyxons dreams to feed off of him, cant be mentally manipulated because he shares his brain with Grim
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

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