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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Pharaoh Amenhotep

Height: 5'07" (170 cm)
Personal Information

Name: Amenhotep
Alias: Pharaoh Amenhotep of Thebes, Amen (to his close associates/friends)
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Date of Birth: August 14
Personality: Once a pampered child who knows no world beyond the confines of the royal court, Amenhotep, or simply Amen as he prefers to be called by those who know him, has grown into a self-reliant young man who yearns for freedom and the thrill of adventure above anything else. His brashness and confidence are his most distinguishing personality traits; admittedly to a fault even. His brashness can translate into bluntness and rudeness which are frown upon characteristics unfit of a Pharaoh who is required to exemplify diplomacy. But perhaps his most glaring vice is his overconfidence which can easily transform into downright arrogance, most specifically in terms of his combat prowess.

He approaches battles with the mindset that he has already won and tends to taunt his opponents no matter the situation. In all fairness, he has seen his fair share and then some of battles, having spent a large part of his life as an enslaved gladiator. Still, his arrogance, if not kept in check, may prove to be his downfall one day. Another defining aspect of Amen's is his honor. He holds himself to a strict moral code and typically punishes himself for breaking a code by spending days at a time fasting and praying for forgiveness from the gods. At times, he can be quite stubborn but that plays into his generosity and kindness. He won't stand for any policy that he finds morally corrupt such as slavery, and he treats everyone, even those of lower birth, with the same respect and kindness.

Amen detests just about every aspect of court life, having grown accustomed to the life of a vagabond. He tends to sneak away from the royal palace to explore the city alone which is where he feels most comfortable. Amen has conflicting feelings regarding his late father, Pharaoh Thutmose. He was the one who exiled Amen and his mother in the first place which has been a grudge he held for so long, but to now find that his father, himself, lifted the exile and welcomes Amen back as a Pharaoh causes inner turmoil within him. But, perhaps he should use this gift given to him to become a just and respectable ruler for the sake of his people.

Biography: Amenhotep was born on the 14th of August to Pharaoh Thutmose and his minor wife, Mutemwiya. His mother was a servant to Queen Nefertari and shared a secret love with Thutmose. Nefertari, herself, could bear no children for Thutmose but Mutemwiya became pregnant shortly after their affair began. Learning of her pregnancy, Thutmose was overjoyed and immediately married her, designating her as a minor royal wife. She and the Pharaoh doted on Amen, grooming him to be the heir to the throne. That is until Queen Nefertari was murdered and the investigation pointed towards Mutemwiya who they accused of lusting after the Queen's position. They even convince the Pharaoh that she may attempt to wrest control of the throne to herself.

Blinded by anger from the death of his still-beloved queen, Thutmose exiled Amen and Mutemwiya, being unable to sentence her and the child to death. Amen and his mother made a new home in a far off city but his mother soon contracted a plague and passed, leaving Amen on his own. It seemed the end for the once-royal child. But Amen learned to live by his own hands. He had to. He wanted to survive. He wanted revenge on Thutmose. So as a street urchin, he stole to survive. Until he was promptly captured at the age of ten and sold as a slave. A gladiator troupe bought him. The troupe itself was infamous for conducting battles using slave children, making them kill one another for entertainment. Amen spent the next three years of his life as a gladiator. Again, he had to survive, so he killed to do so; children just like himself, even younger... their blood is stained on his hands.

His gladiator days ended when he and the other children were rescued by a band of thieves who wanted to steal from the troupe but ended up rescuing the children as well. With nowhere else to go, Amen joined up with them. One day, he stole several scriptures from a traveling merchant: magic scriptures of the god, Amun. He's heard tales of Magicians doing great things with their powers so he decided this was fate calling out to him to become a Magician. And so he did. He studied and trained vigorously, day in and day out. He had to. He wanted revenge on Thutmose. Amen learned fast. Perhaps all of his diligent training and learning paid off, perhaps it was natural talent. Whatever the case may be, he now had powers he never imagined he would come to acquire. So, he planned his revenge.

But then, one day, a group of messengers and warriors found him and stated that his exile has been lifted and he is to return to Thebes to assume the mantle of Pharaoh. He was in utter shock. He would come to find out that Thutmose has died and his last wish was to bring Amen back home to become Pharaoh. The nights leading to his return to Thebes was fraught with unrest as he struggles to come to terms with everything. And now, he's back to the place he once called home...

Combat Information

Magician: Yes
Deity: Amun
Equipment: The Mystic's Ankh Scepter (as pictured above) is the only notable piece of equipment Amen carries. When not in use, he typically fastens it horizontally behind his waist. Bequeathed to him along with the throne and title of Pharaoh, the scepter is a part of Pharaoh Thutmose's royal arms. It is unique in that it is reactive to essence. When imbued with essence, it can grow, shrink, and change shape. Essence also reinforces the scepter, making it highly durable and unlikely to break or sustain major damage. Casting magic through the scepter as a medium also enhances the potency of the spells used. Due to its versatility and overall usefulness, Amen has come to rely solely on the scepter as his weapon of choice.

  • Wind Magic: With his patron deity, Amun, being a Wind God, Amen has acquired the ability to use Wind Magic. Not only can he manipulate wind that is already present, he can create new wind by increasing the speed of the flow of life essence ever present in the air. Furthermore, he can mold wind into varying shapes with his magic.
  • Hunting: Life on the move often forces Amen to spend weeks at a time out in the open desert where the only way to get food is to hunt or fish for it, aside from gathering what little edible vegetation is available in the harsh desert environment. Thus Amen has honed his hunting and fishing skills which consists of tracking and trap making as well.
  • Thievery: Having spent a part of his life with a band of thieves, Amen has picked up some useful skills such as pickpocketing, lockpicking, and stealth. Although he can't claim to have mastered these skills, he is quite proficient in their use. He just isn't going to rob the royal treasury any time soon.

  • Soul Shield: A basic spell. It places a barrier of one's Life Essence around oneself to absorb and deflect attacks.
  • Amun's Breath: Amen slashes horizontally with his scepter, causing a powerful gust of wind to release in a forward arc, blowing back his enemies. The spell rarely causes serious damage and is more of a crowd control method.
  • Amun's Sword: Slashing vertically or diagonally this time with a more condense concentration of essence creates white wind blades that have been known to carve deeply into thick boulders. Against flesh unprotected by essence, it could sever limbs or even prove fatal.
  • Wind God's Fist: First, Amen takes a sideways stance with his feet together and one hand is held behind his back. He then twirls his scepter in the air and gathers/creates a large amount of essence-infused wind and thrusts his scepter forward, unleashing an enormous drill-shaped projectile of wind that is easily able to completely destroy large boulders.
  • Wind God's Familiar: Amen can create up to three falcons composed of wind to attack his enemies. These falcons can move on their own accord and also follow Amen's commands. Alternatively, he can create one giant falcon instead of three. Although this takes a much larger amount of essence to pull off.
  • Wind God's Hammer: Pointing his scepter into the air, essence-infused wind gathers into an elongated tornado. Amen then slams the tornado into the ground, damaging anyone in its path.
  • Wind Orbs: Amen can create up to twelve wind orbs around him that he can individually launch at his target.
  • Amun's Chariot: Essence-infused wind gathers at his feet and allows Amen to move much faster in battle. Unfortunately, this consumes a lot of essence and can't be used for extended periods of time as it's difficult to sustain.


Essence: 4 / 5
Attunement: 4 / 5
Magic: 4 / 5
Strength: 3 / 5
Speed: 3 / 5
Body: 3 / 5
Wisdom: 2 / 5

Misc. Information
  • Amen is based on Pharaoh Amenhotep III whose reign was a period of unprecedented prosperity, earning him the name of Amenhotep the Magnificent.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Attendant Satiah

Height: 5'10" (178cm)
Personal Information

Name: Satiah
Alias: The General's Favored Servant; Saty
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Date of Birth: September 12
Appearance: As a tall young lady with a well-built form and an imposing silhouette, one could be forgiven for believing Satiah to be some kind of stoic brute at the service of her liege - an impression which usually fades immediately after she opens her mouth. Her hair and eyes aren't as notable as her form, being black and brown, respectively. She keeps her hair in an untidy bob that terminates just below chin-length. As far as fashion goes, she shows a preference for conservative layers of dark, simply-designed and loose-fitting robes. Underneath, she wears simple sheathe skirt and banded sandals.
Personality: There is a saying that servants and children should be seen, not heard. In a way, this applies to Satiah equivocally. With social graces that have long since atrophied from disuse, maintaining silence is not an unusual command for her to hear, and one she understands the rationale behind very well. However at the same time, she is her father's daughter, and can be quite vocal when the occasion presents itself - a scenario which, given her new station, has a good chance of becoming "most of the time". Clearly this is a combination of traits that spells disaster, but there is a reason she's been called "a misguided fool who stands a good chance at dying futilely in an effort to prove herself" by her mentor more than once.

Fortunately, there's also a saying that the gods take care of fools; not that this would cause Satiah any great relief, for such a possibility runs completely contrary to the convictions carved into her being. And more than gods, more than gold and more than glory, there is nothing that Satiah believes in more than her convictions, almost to a martyresque extent. In that sense, she could be considered a sort of magician in her own right - a devotee who creates mysteries through force of industry rather than divine petition. Although at the same time, there is something about her bearing and dogged adherence to beliefs that suggests a cornered rat.

But why wouldn't they? Her enemy is none other than the system of the world itself, and her beliefs have long since crossed into heresy. The gods who play their games with the fate of humanity, and the kings who wield their supposed birthrights like a sword, amassing power while their people burn. Such are the truths that Satiah holds in highest disdain, but they are also the realities by which the world she lives is run. If life is to be improved for all, then the scales of the past law must be cast aside. Indeed, while her dedication is her greatest virtue, it is also her greatest hubris. Regardless, only time will tell if things truly can change, or if she is simply deluding herself.

As far as her conduct goes, Satiah is overall someone that is earnest but provincial, with an aura of underlying intensity that pervades her deeds. Well-intentioned but not necessarily kind, and chronically incapable of half-assing anything, hers is a pure but misguided sense of justice. She respects honesty, audacity, and individuals of great dedication (even if what they are dedicated to opposes her own beliefs), and cannot stand the roundabout nature of politics or bush-beating. A fool to the very end.
Biography: Where there is a king, there will always be those who oppose his rule. Satiah's father Hakor, a prominent and charismatic military leader, was one of these people, as were her brothers Siamun, Ahmose, and Muthis. They paid for their treason with their lives, disgraced and executed after leading a revolt against Pharaoh Thutmose. A similar fate was to fall upon the young Satiah and her mother Ipu, but they were spared due to the efforts of one of her father's former subordinates, a rising star in the navy named Khay, and consigned to a life of slavery under him instead.

She would not understand why until she was far older, but it was still life and for that Satiah and her mother were grateful. However the ideals of her father had already stuck into her young mind, and the life of a slave only served to ingrain them deeper into her traumatized psyche and create a deeper awareness of what her family considered symptomatic of the world's evils. It was around this point that she determined that something had to be done, and that if nobody was willing to do it, she would have to. But of course, being a slave, the young girl had no means to achieve such a goal; so she decided to make herself indispensable in the service of her master as means of acquiring some vague notion of an opportunity that she assumed she'd gain.

Which she did.

At the twilight of her adolescence, Khay, hearing of his slave's deviant philosophies, had revealed himself to Satiah and her mother one of Hakor's proponents, but one too afraid (or perhaps wise enough not) to follow him into revolution. Allowing them to live safely was to be his way of paying the man back, but it was clear by Satiah's vocality on the issue of populism that such a thing was not to happen. So instead, he decided he would train Satiah, make her strong, and in doing so, perhaps enable her to incite change - though not as violently as her father had attempted. But when it became clear that she'd possessed no natural talent and was inherently incapable of dedicating herself to a god through the years of petition required, Khay decided to cut his losses and abandon the project; for without powerful magic at her beck and call, what hope did a slave have of rising in status?

Despite this conclusion, Satiah remained unfazed. Rather than resign herself to mere mortality, she was determined to demonstrate that although she was doomed to mortality, she was no lesser than any magician. She was not granted power, so the fact that she had been turned away from for not performing well was simply natural to her. Instead, through excruciating perseverance, she was determined to earn it.

And slowly but surely, the officer's eye turned back on the revolutionary's daughter, and after the umpteenth request, was only barely disposed enough to continue instructing her. But instead of wasting time behind closed doors in the wee hours of the night, Satiah would be forced to prove herself on the battlefield when Khay - now a general - brought her along with him on his campaign in western Asia.

Taking a laissez-faire approach to his protege, Khay had Satiah unofficially take responsibility for a small, disreputable section of his army by acting as a messenger issuing "his" commands. Success and failure were to be her teachers now, and by the end of the campaign, she knew them both well. That said, it did not take too long for people to catch on, as the chance in tactics was quite glaring, but at the end of the day, Satiah had succeeded in her goal: she managed to successfully acquire a reputation among those in power - if only out of novelty's sake, and oft to make jokes at her expense. And by that point, it had become an open secret that she was the strategist behind her regiment's upward trend.

When Pharaoh Thutmose died and the military was to issue a representative to the young princeling, the upper echelons of the military were confident that their general would choose someone suitable for the task. In hindsight, what did happen should have been immediately obvious, but nobody really expected the savvy general to put the daughter of a prominent revolutionary in such a precarious position. But he did. He chose Satiah, fulfilling the promise he'd made for her all those years ago.

And now making her ideals a reality falls upon herself, and herself alone.
Combat Information

Magician: No
Deity: N/A
  • Bow and Quiver - The principle weapon of the Egyptian military, historically speaking. As far as appearances go, it's a rather nondescript armament, clear of decor and simply strung - the kind you could pick up at any garrison. The leather quiver worn across her back is likewise lacking in decoration. A very standard weapon through and through. That said, the way Satiah wields her bow can hardly be called standard style. Fortunately, archery is not her most potent means of conducting combat, just a secondary methodology that she bears a sufficient degree of proficiency with.

  • Combat Analysis - Heightened analytical and observational capacity refined by a hellish combination of training, experience, and singleminded dedication to the art and science of battle, at the cost of proper etiquette and decent general education. The product of countless hours sparring against mortal and mage alike, and leading missions across western Asia. Although translatable to small unit tactical functions, due to the biases of her personality clashing with the reality of large scale conflicts, it loses efficacy as the amount of people she needs to look after grows. At the same time, because of those biases, it bears special effectiveness against enemies of a magical bend.
  • Hand to Hand Combat - Satiah's true weapon of choice none other than her body. As refining the state of the body was oft the priority of her training, this struck her as the next logical step. After all, more potent than any mundane blade is a body reinforced by essence, and there is no little surprise in an archer who cuts the distance to level a powerful fist into a complacent opponent's core vitals. Besides, anything that conserves time is a blessing to someone who has a very tight schedule.
  • Servantry - As someone who'd lived as a slave for the vast majority of her life, Satiah is capable of undertaking all sorts of household chores and fieldwork. This also includes utilities of a military persuasion, such as chariot driving, camp setting, and so on.
  • Faux Pas - Denotes Satiah's... unique competence in politically important situations. A dangerous ability.


Essence: 3 / 5
Attunement: - / 5
Magic: - / 5
Strength: 4 / 5
Speed: 4 / 5
Body: 5 / 5
Wisdom: 1 / 5
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

(Royal) Physician Qar

Height: 5' 9"
Personal Information

Name: Qar
Alias: Only his title, Royal Physician. Some may simply refer to him as 'Scholar'.
Sex: Male
Age: 24
Date of Birth: 17th October
Appearance: Tall, especially for one born amongst the poorest of farmers, with a strong and athletic build, Qar might easily be mistaken for a warrior or a guard. Perhaps an adventurer. That would be if not for the robes he wears with no armour above or underneath and the elaborately carved staff he carries everywhere. His attire certainly ascribes the title of 'scholar' to his person although he will never be found without his cloth sack containing all the tools of his healing craft. If it were not for his height and build he might be one thieves would choose to target, especially as he often looks lost in thought and has the soft expression of one who has never suffered terrible personal trauma.

Personality: Usually mild-mannered with a calm and balanced approach to all things, Qar is someone who many might find frustrating. He has a strong belief in morality and justice, especially when it is underpinned by the rule of law, courtesy of his patron deity's position in support of the latter. He will offer advice where he feels he can but will often stay quiet when someone he feels has superior knowledge or experience is putting forth their view.

As far as Qar is concerned his main mission is to keep people alive, whether through repairing broken bodies or by curing them off illness. Much of his time is devoted to this but he is also aware of his official duty and position and so spends less time than he might formerly have doing the rounds for the local populace. He attempts to impart his knowledge but finds that myth and tradition often gets in the way of understanding the reality of his craft. While he is a strong believer in the Gods himself and acknowledges the importance of faith, especially in maintaining one's strength and purpose in times of turmoil and pain; Qar will become frustrated when a patient will refuse his methods in favour of unproven but nevertheless traditional cures.

Always keen to gain more knowledge, Qar loves to discuss academic matters of all disciplines: whether it be of technological innovations in agriculture to astrological readings to the lore of the Gods. He tends to get on better with those who have such interest, or great knowledge, themselves but does not look down on those who do not; perhaps due to his own very humble and ignorant beginnings.

His studies in medicine and healing have drifted into the realm of physical well being and its importance in maintaining general health. As a result of his observations, Qar maintains a vigorous exercise routine and tries to engage in sparring sessions with guards when possible; although he is not a skilled fighter his natural height, build and fitness give him a slight edge. As a physician he encourages those for whom is responsible to exercise regularly and take all things in moderation, particularly food and alcohol. While he may not understand the actual sciences behind such things his observations alone have given him evidence enough to see the benefits of good practice in the matter.

Biography: Qar was born into a large family of farmers. As far as the little remembered history of his poor family went, they had always been farmers in the same village. It was one of many villages scattered in the area too small to be worthy of a name, often moving in time with the seasons to survive the hottest periods or to return to the Nile to begin ploughing the fields.

They had a poor diet, as was common for many in their position. They never starved, their father having a knack to place them early and well whenever the planting season began. Still, there were too many of them to be properly sustained on mere farming. By the time Qar reached the age of eight he had twelve surviving siblings, seven older and five younger than himself. It soon became clear that he had an inquiring mind, he was the first to be seen talking to any nomads or visitors to their small community and listened keenly to anything he was told and rarely forgot any of it.

Seeing the promise in their child, his parents eventually agreed that he and they would be better served by sending Qar to a temple in the hope that he would be taken in. By the age of twelve he was already taller than his father and so they were loathe to let go someone who promised to be a good worker but the priests too recognised his potential and took him in.

For the next four years Qar learned about the Gods and worshipped them, especially Thoth to whom the temple was mainly dedicated to. Noticing his favour with Thoth the priests began to educate him in matters relating to magic. While he had no talent for being a magician, Qar's hard work in those years gave him an appreciable skill. Reflecting his own nature, and his adherence to Thoth's teaching, his magic was one that affected others' magic more than brought about effects in and of itself. Whether by reflecting other magic or refining it on some way, he was clearly meant to be one to support other Magicians and not to use his magic by itself.

Shortly after seventeenth birthday word came of banditry escalating in the region. During that time many injured came to the temple seeking sanctuary and aid and Qar began to build up a rudimentary skill in the art of healing. He disliked seeing others' injuries going untended and worked hard to improve his methods, diverting much of his time for private studies into the craft and away from that of magic.

The breaking point came when members of his former community arrived with his family, far fewer in number, also present. Bandits had raided their village, taken their food and either killed or enslaved much of the populace before disappearing into the sands. Qar did what he could for the injured but nevertheless, many more passed away. Finally, bearing his inability no more, the young man now aged eighteen sought permission to leave the temple and learn the art of healing wherever he could. Properly sanctioned, he journeyed all over the various kingdoms of Egypt and learned what he could.

After four years he returned to the temple to distil everything he could, spurning methods he found ineffective and designing his own. For a few months after he carried on his studies of Magic but found it hard to pick up where he had left off, his passion now poured into healing others. When news came that the Pharaoh had died and his young son had taken the throne, the priests chose Qar to represent them. His knowledge of medicine, healing and many other matters surpassed that of his fellows and his relative youth would allow him to serve better than his seniors.

With the decision made, Qar headed to Thebes with the few gifts the temple could spare him: an intricately carved staff to replace the battered one he had returned from his travels with, a well made cloth satchel and numerous wooden boxes and leather containers as well as several scrolls carefully chosen from the temple's archives.

Combat Information

Magician: Yes
Deity: Thoth

  • Elaborate Staff - originally Qar carried a staff for support during his young years, spent travelling to learn from different tutors their craft. Since then he has elected to wield a more decorated staff, a slight vanity to denote his advancement and status, which has also been crafted with strength in mind as it is the only weapon the young physician carries. The decorations on the staff are not terribly ornate for its frequent use would soon render such detail invisible but is nevertheless well carved with symbols and scenes representing his patron deity.
  • Herb Pouch - more of a large canvas sack, this pouch contains numerous small wooden chests and smaller canvas or leather pouches. In each are carefully selected herbs to deal with the most common, but still dangerous, ailments and also those to create dressings and salves to speed on the healing of wounds.

Ability: Qar is not a warrior, having spent much of his still brief life in the pursuit of knowledge. That is not to say that he is incapable of handling himself in a fight, merely that his true talents lie elsewhere.
  • Medicine - while still a crude and unreliable art, Qar has learnt many different techniques and distilled this knowledge to form his own theory. Although he is still making discoveries, he has found the fruits of his labour effective enough to stand out from the efforts of local healers.
  • A good scholar - although the focus of his studies has been on curing maladies and healing the injured, Qar has not entirely neglected studies on other matters. While his knowledge would be distinctly inferior to that of a priest or priestess, he is well enough equipped to at least engage in intelligent conversation. More usefully his mind has been sharpened so that puzzles, both intellectual and more mundane, become easier to solve when Qar is properly applied.
  • Balance and Reflection - Qar's patron deity is Thoth who is heavily associated with the Moon and in arbitrating disputes making Qar's magic one that affects others' more than bring about results by itself.

  • Moon Shield - Places a shield of Life Essence around the user or the designated target and reflects incoming magic out, usually back at the caster. This does not discern between offensive magic or supporting magic.
  • Arbiter - Qar follows Thoth's role as arbiter and judges other magic, refining it in some way. This can be narrowing its field but enhancing its potency or the reverse, for example. The power does not change, merely its properties.
  • Thoth's Blessing - Thoth once oversaw battles between gods, maintaining balance between the two by healing the wounded but never altering the balance. Qar need not follow such rules and can heal those, but only when in the midst of battle. Once the fight is over this magic will no longer work.
  • Thoth's Wisdom - Allows Qar to understand magic he sees. This goes beyond simply working out its mechanics but understanding its limitations, strengths and nature upon seeing it for the first time. Using this ability is incredibly draining for Qar and will only ever be useful when he is acting in a support role.
  • Star Fall - With Thoth's unique knowledge of the Heavens and the stars within it, Qar replicates the falling of a meteor to Earth on a smaller scale. A fiery sphere will fall on his intended target although once the trajectory is set he cannot alter it, and the sphere will crash down with explosive force. The sphere is small and the effective radius is only a few metres but the force it expels would maim or kill any within it. If Qar were more skilled in the use of Life Essence the ability might be far more dangerous.
  • Burden of Knowledge - Thoth's learning on the application of force gives birth to this simple ability which lends additional weight to Qar's blows. In conjunction with his staff it allows him to shatter bones, wooden shields or even crack armour relatively easily without over tiring himself.
  • Blinded Ignorance - Qar hides everything within a certain field from prying eyes. Anything that enters the field is invisible to everything from outside and can either be a fixed area or centred upon himself as he moves - it cannot be attached onto a different moving target. The field is only a few metres in diameter and so could hide half a dozen people at most when moving, perhaps a dozen uncomfortably when stationary. The other use of this ability blinds one or two people completely, or severely limits the vision of several, for a short period of time.


Essence: 2 / 5
Attunement: 4 / 5
Magic: 3 / 5
Strength: 3 / 5
Speed: 3 / 5
Body: 3 / 5
Wisdom: 4 / 5
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