Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
Avatar of Jinxer

Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 8 mos ago



Avatar's Personality: the same as Julius', perhaps a little more regal in bearing but just as grand in speech, although without Julius' habit of waffling. He is a commander who fights on the front lines or just behind them, spearheading his tactics although he specialises in taking hits rather than defeating enemies through brute force.

Artorigios appears mostly in medieval settings, specialising in the use of a bastard sword in conjunction with heavy armour, all modelled on the male Arthur from the Fate/Stay anime series. Somewhere, Artorigios acquired a weapon actually named Excalibur which seems to have almost game-breaking properties at times. Rumour has it that the avatar complete a quest chain which was only ever available for a single use. In any case, this avatar has built up a reputation as a tactician in any setting but especially in pre-1900 warfare although remains staunchly freelance.

Julius Ragnarson

Male, 21

Of average height at 5' 10" with an athletic frame suffering from malnutrition. Julius takes care in his physical appearance in as much as having his hair cut regularly and maintaning good personal hygeine levels, two things that not all 'Adventurers' will waste their time on. He tends to wear jeans with a short-sleeved chequered shirt, ironed carefully but showing signs of wear and tear and perhaps needing replacement. Usually he can be found wearing glasses, his eyesight being appalling bad although when in the Virtual Reality there is no need for such items as the image is directly focused onto the user's retina.

Personality: Mild, calm and amiable. Julius takes everything in at his own pace, methodical and careful in all his dealings. Even when worked up he forces himself to move and react at the same pace, taking the time to treat every issue or scenario with proper diligence. This can come across as frustrating to others when he is not reflecting the heightening emotions they are exhibiting but when it comes to problem solving or bringing someone down from a bout of rage there are few better than this softly spoken young man. He does not have the fiery passion of some leaders but his charisma lies in a sense of constant progression; when someone is with Julius they feel that they will always be moving forwards and that no matter what lies in the way, he will resolve the issue with his usual calm demeanour.

Underneath this calm exterior, the young man is passionate about many things. He has a strong sense of 'rightness' (he sees 'justice' as a loaded concept, since it usually relies upon at least one person being 'judged') and even, in an old-fashioned way, honour. This is what drives him as an Adventurer and he will never use dishonest tactics to get ahead of others who are competing fairly.

He may also be mildly addicted to tea, taking frequent breaks from the Virtual Reality to make a quick cuppa. He is British, after all.

History: Julius was born and bred in Britain, southern England in the county of Wiltshire to be precise. His parents had relatively well paid jobs, his father a lecturer at a relatively prestigious university and his mother a campaign manager for a local political party. With the advent of VR their jobs changed in different ways, his father moving from lecturing in rooms in great need of repair into lecturing in grandiose virtual campuses from home. It was much easier, with limitless resources at his fingertips and could be much more interactive than lecturing in reality could ever be. His mother, on the other hand, struggled to keep up with the changes. The days of knocking on doors and canvassing were coming to an end and campaigning tactics were falling behind the times rapidly. Eventually it was all out sourced to bots which could call out slogans in VR and did not need paying and so she lost her job.

For a time they carried on securely, the house bought and paid off and his father's salary sufficient to sustain them. The world decayed slowly around them, the previous decade of stagnation deteriorating as everyone hiding inside the virtual world from the real one. Contrary to what one might believe, Julius' mother was a great believer in the advantages VR could bring but struggled to beat the flood of people trying to get a job in its production and became frustrated at being unable to effect the change she wanted. When Julius' father became ill and eventually died from cancer, their struggle began. Ultimate his mother passed away from the stress of trying to maintaining their previous lifestyle while simultaneously being unable to do so leaving Julius with a house filled with ageing books on everything from theology to advanced mathematics.

Being an intelligent child, home-schooled by a lecturer and a well-educated mother (by this time the state school system was a creaking wreck and the VR schools had yet to be set up), Julius easily obtained an honours degree in history and subsequently passed his Masters in the same subject but found nowhere to utilise the skills he had earned. It was the Quest that gave him direction again and now he 'works' full time on it, having given up on searching for a normal job (few of which exist) and living off the small pension payments owed to him through his parents' deaths alongside whatever earnings he can convert from his VR endeavours.

Expertise: Julius is a scholar who can excel in any area of study he chooses. For better of for worse he chose history and this is the area in which he excels. All being said, he has a wide pool of knowledge and has a nearly photographic mind, learning anything and everything rapidly and committing it to memory with ease. As such, he is perhaps well placed to succeed in the Quest, even if his gaming skills are only just above average.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Temporary
Avatar of Temporary

Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 3 days ago


The Avatar of Alekhine stands at 5 foot 6 inches, with deep blue hair, highlighted with purple streaks, and orange eyes; resembling that of the colour of an early dawn. Her frame is rather small, reflective of her lax lifestyle, and her assets are quite... petite, to say the least. On her left cheek a small tattoo sits in the form of three hexagons of varying sizes. Apparently it's some kind of rare item she got after winning an off the record game.

Oft, Alekhine is seen wearing quite a variety of clothes. During her public matches, she wears rather simplistic clothing; shirts with little to no designs, plain skirts or similar, and simple jackets (a kind of trademark of hers). When visiting other worlds or partaking in PvP events, however, her attire is that of her favourite class in games - a ranger. A mixture of tribal, fur amour and a futuristic jumpsuit. Surprisingly, they blend quite well, and have given her a rather iconic look during her PvP matches.

Summer Hart

Female, 22

Summer Hart

Summer is a quite shy, but very intelligent young woman, who for the longest time has found herself unable to progress in the real world. After her abusive past, her paranoia and anxiety have kept her stagnant; never seeking jobs in the real or virtual world for fear of rejection, and never putting her skills to use outside of the virtual world because of a worry she isn't good enough; reflected by the way she hides her intelligence from people in the real world.

In Virtual Reality, however, she is the person she always wanted to be; taking the best parts of herself and making them better in the form of her alter ego Alekhine. Her intelligence is much more prominent in the virtual world, and her anxiety is overshadowed by a cool and confident aura that persists in everything she does; every shot she takes, every move she makes and ever word she speaks. Despite her intelligence, though, she never flaunts it. Not when she wins games, or arguments - instead preferring to impart constructive critism and praise when due in hopes that they'll improve. As well, she is much more outgoing; attending every social event and challenge she is invited to, and actively seeking out people to play against to test both her and their skills.

Summer didn't grow up in a good home. Even before the collapse of the world, her life consisted of very few commodities, such as a loving family. Her mother was an alcoholic who spent her days making money in whatever job she could whore herself into. Her father wasn't much more; existing as another source of money for her mother, before being murdered over debts. Virtual Reality provided an escape much better in her opinion than the drugs her mother took, though the woman was always skeptical, and helped her develop the intelligence she displays today.

However, the woman hated it; hated that her daughter was smarter than her in every single way possible besides worldly experience. She would beat her every time Summer disproved something she said, or responded in ways that were... inappropriate, or argumentative; like objecting the same way one might in court. Soon, the girl started to hide the fact that she was growing smarter every day. Pretending to forget certain things, becoming easily distracted as well as more withdrawn. Not that her mother seemed to care, since the beatings kept happening. Every couple of days.

On her eighteenth birthday, Summer revealed she would be moving out. Her mother had suspected something was going on, but hadn't realised due to her disregard of virtual reality that her daughter had been secretly saving up through winnings from online games to buy her own place, and sustain herself. Finally, she would be free.

From there, she started making her name. Her intelligence applied to board games began to make her known as one of the best and most prominent chess players in the virtual world, and her minor part in PvP matches gained her a small amount of extra notoriety; however the money earned from these events has never been able to sustain her for long. Between bills and the costs of living, plus how much she spends visiting other worlds, has kept her living in the same conditions for years; a rundown apartment with minimalistic utilities and a barely functioning internet connection which Summer managed to tap into and improve.

The moment the Quest was announced, she jumped at the chance. Like most others, she bought the book used as inspiration and meticulously absorbed every last detail she could. With the minimal details the hunters were given, she doubted the 1980's would be the inspiration for each riddle, but even with that in mind she learnt what she could. Between her matches and exploration, she didn't get down as much as she would have liked or others might of done, but at least she thought it was a good basis. Just imagining winning the competition gave her goose bumps...

Summer has spent her time delving deep into gaming, both board and video, and learnt all that she could. Her large intelligence also opens the gateways for more practical subjects that could be brought up, such as sciences or mathematics. One of her main specialties has always been Chess, the game that made her name.

Preferred worlds:
Her favourite worlds by far are fantasy and fandoms of similar genres. Normally, she would say because she finds that kind of setting more interesting than sci-fi, but the real reason is because her bow works much better in those settings. Though, she does have a more futuristic version, but finds it harder to use.

Other (Will be added to as time goes on):
  • Her bow is a legendary weapon called the "Sharanga", named after the weapon of the Hindu God Vishnu. It is incredibly accurate, and can enchant arrows to cause a stunning effect. Flicking it in a certain way causes two blades to protrude from the two ends; a modification added by a black market dealer.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
Avatar of SheriffLlama

SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 11 mos ago


(Called “Slayer” by players)

Avatar's Appearance:
Kingslayer stands at a balanced 6’2 (not too tall, not too short), and has a lean but muscled frame. He is essentially modeled to be Roman’s ideal image. Kingslayer compensates for his physical shortcomings in the VR World.

Avatar's Gender: Male

Avatar's Personality: While playing as Kingslayer, Roman is much more confident in himself, and less introverted. He’s not as outgoing as Sarah, but still he is a little more open. He’s very much level-headed in tense situations. In VR Sports, he’ll take the lead position; in VR MMO’s, he’ll never back down from a Quest.

Preferred worlds: “Champions Football”, Fantasy Worlds, Some Fandoms

Roman Lee

Roman is a shorter guy, standing about 5’8 and has a thin frame. He has a very high muscle percentage but he is still lean. He has long brown hair and a smooth face with brown eyes.


19, born February 17th.

Roman is introverted and quiet. He isn’t shy or nervous, he just prefers to be quiet. He’s very thoughtful, but the only person that really knows that is his sister. He has a bit of a quick temper, especially when someone is messing with his family. When he gets angry, he vents himself through exercise and works off his emotions. He

Roman’s mother fled a small Italian village to the United States to hopefully find refuge from the harsh conditions of society. Hearing that it was better than Europe’s situation, she wanted to find shelter for her unborn child. When she found that she was no better off in America, she decided it would be better for her baby to give it up for adoption in hopes that a family with more resources could raise him. Unbeknownst to the young woman, the Lee’s were more than capable of providing for her boy. The Lee’s were very wealthy scientists who were part of a team that was researching methods of combating climate change.

Though he wasn’t adopted until the age of 8, he was still ecstatic to have a family. The Lee’s having adopted another child, a young girl named Sarah, Roman also now had a sister. His reserved personality only breaks around Sarah, who is his best friend in the world.

Expertise: Roman is a very skilled footballer, and has considered going to Professional Combine Camps.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ProxyInc
Avatar of ProxyInc

ProxyInc Browncoat

Member Seen 2 mos ago



Avatar's Appearance
Proxy stands at a mere four feet; her body lithe and almost childlike. Two horns curl up at her hair line, a deep charcoal that fades to a soft grey. Her ruddy chocolate colored tresses are pinned back by a giant bow. Proxy's eyes are a vivid amber with a soft glow modded to them. She primarily sports a short lilac kimono and dark thigh high boots.

Avatar's Gender

Avatar's Personality
Proxy is very expressive, much like a child who has yet to learn how to mask their emotions. Her face is an open book when it comes to how she's feeling. She's also known to be quite easily distracted with a penchant for the arts; music to be precise. Her world is very much alive with color and emotion. Everything has its own unique glow.

Preferred worlds

Quinn Prater


Willowly, with a dancers frame Quinn stands at a impressive five foot seven. Her snow colored hair is kept short and neat in effort to keep the time down on maintaining proper hygiene. The less time spent logged off- the better. Her wardrobe is bland. Basic long sleeve shirts and soft stretchy yoga pants. Comfort over fashion was her motto; not like she saw many people anyway.

Can someone be withdrawn in this day and age? If so- then that would be Quinn. She didn't often talk out loud though the chatter in her head was often overwhelming. To be frank; it was a mad house in there. In person it was a struggle to get words to actually leave her mental abode though put her behind a screen and the worlds inside her came pouring out. Quinn was a dreamer. She loves the fluidity of the world around her; even the decay that crept outside her front door. She was passionate behind her stoic behavior often swayed by her flippant emotions.

Her entire life was bathed in the arts. Her mother was a highly respected dancer and at the height of her career- a prima ballerina. That was until she fell pregnant with her only child. There was no room for the spot light and parenthood and while she often assured her daughter that it was an easy decision it was easy to tell she somewhat resented giving up her life's passion.

Her mother had opened her own dance academy when Quinn was still small. It was lucrative as it only accepted the most skilled, or those with deep pockets, in. Even Quinn was forced to compete for class space and if she failed then she was forced to wait and retake the competition exam the following year. Though as the world kept crumbling even the flawless lights of New York began to dim and the world began to plug in more and more. Of course, business dropped. Not much need for a dance instructor in the virtual world where everyone could be at the peak of discipline and fitness with a few key codes. They lucked out though. Her mother had connections and ended up with a job of modeling the sequences for dance in VR. That's right, those smooth moves you just preformed? They came from Linda Prater first and the royalties allowed her and her daughter to live comfortably.

But of course as the VR became more integrated the less the users called for preprogrammed moves and the royalties began to dwindle.

Not that her mother noticed. Like Quinn, she found herself enthralled with the possibilities that virtual reality offered. She was able to thrust herself back into her golden days as an entertainer of sorts and while her body aged and began to sink in reality. Here, here she was eternal in youth and beauty.

Taking care of the real world expenses had fallen to Quinn. She made the payments. Managed their funds in the virtual bank and even managed to squirrel away a rainy day fund for when her mother's new life choice came to a halt. She was even tasked with placing their grocery order which shipped to their front door. What a wonderful life technology had given the world. Everything at convenience. Though she didn't allow herself to get soft. Dance was her core and every day she dedicated at least three hours to her basic routines. It was in VR that she was given a place to relax, to be free and she ran wild with the fantasy realms created for her. But even there she found limits. The same ol' repeats left her feeling empty. Quinn wanted more. There was a million ideas swimming in her head that were just sitting there; collecting dust. That was until 'The Quest' was announced. Now not only was she faced with a new exciting adventure but the chance to shape VR to the ideas in her head.

Creativity. As uninspired as it sounds,it allows Quinn to take a look at challenges from different angles and offer solutions to tricky situations.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
Avatar of wolverbells


Member Seen 6 mos ago


Avatar’s Appearance: Having taken a shorter approach, Sarah made herself stand at 5’3”, always having thought that she was “too tall” for certain things in real life. Her body is a bit more full but still keeps the “petite” aspect of the real life body. Everything else is pretty much the same with the exception that her hair is down to the middle of her back, straight, and a silvery-rose color. Just because she's extra and likes to stand out.

Avatar's Gender: Female

Avatar's Personality: While Sarah is labeled as outgoing in real life, when it comes to gaming, Sarah is the definition of outgoing personified. She can be timid at first when put up against something challenging, or an obstacle that may seem to big, but nothing will stop her from tackling it. Regarding VR, Sarah tends to take everything with a grain of salt and usually has a plan b and plan c just in case.

Preferred worlds: Fantasy; some fandoms

Sarah Lee


A bit above average height, Sarah stands at 5’7” and has a natural slender frame with minimal curves. She has curly hair that would most likely break brushes if someone attempted to calm it down. Her eyes are a light brown that match her hair, and her skin is a shade darker than caramel.

Gender: Female
Age: 19, birthday is on December 5th.
Personality: Sarah has always had a bubbly personality that has been considered as contagious by those around her. She loves to be around people, and loves the atmosphere of a party. A downside to her friendliness and bubbly attitude is that it makes her come off as naive. Sarah would rather believe that everyone has good inside of them which has led her to some trouble that her brother has had to get her out of. Rather than show any negative feelings, Sarah tends to smile or laugh to hide her true emotions.

History: Sarah’s parents were both in their late teens, not even in college yet. The parents decided that due to their youth, and the fact that they had bad lives themselves, they chose to give the baby up for adoption immediately after birth. For seven years, Sarah moved from foster parent to foster parent, luckily always having some sort of company. It wasn't until she was adopted by Dr. Lee and his wife that Sarah experienced what it was like to be the only child. At first, she loved the fact that she had real parents, and all the unconditional love was for her. Unfortunately that happiness wouldn't last for too long because she soon found herself falling into a depression that was caused by the feeling of loneliness. It was this that made the parents decide to adopt another child, Roman. Ever since, the two have had a loving relationship with an unbreakable bond.

Expertise: Sarah has always been more artistic and creative. She has had several years of dance and gymnastics that could apply to certain situations because flexibility is always needs in physical activities. She also loves the outdoors no matter what she's doing, and she's not afraid to get her hands dirty.
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