Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
Avatar of Arthanus

Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 25 days ago

Employer: Sol System Alliance
Planet Paylia IV - A heavily populated city planet that serves as a major hub of SSA trade and control located near the outer rim of SSA controlled space (Think Coruscant)
Terrain: Urban
Description: Local crime has started to move unchecked as Crime lords have recently obtained weapons that allow them to overpower the planetary law enforcement. A number of Influential Crime lords are meeting to propose a merger and possibly move to take over the local government. The SSA Military is unable to send in an extermination team at this time so we ask the Crimson Legion to step in and wipe this scum off the face of the galaxy.
Objective: Infiltrate Crime Lord meeting and eliminate any and all key personal. This should disrupt the actions of the Criminal Organizations and allow the local law enforcement to regain control
Secondary Objective: Destroy and Cripple anything that could be used against local law enforcement and disrupt criminal organizations by destroying illegal merchandise

Operation Details

Location: "Lucky Devil" Casino
-Building owned by Conquest
-Meeting taking place on top floor Penthouse Suite
-Under heavy guard and high security alert

Game Plan: Split into three separate teams, each team will have its own objective to complete the mission

Team 1 Infiltration Unit
Objective: Infiltrate Casino and locate the Security Control Room. Once located secure a direct connection to Casino Security System or Operator, Conceal hacking device and regroup with Team 3 and assist.
Extra: Secret agent stuff, Max 2 Members, Only allowed small concealable arms. Rest of gear will be left with Team 3
Members: Jason "Crimson", Malcolm "Sandman"

Team 2 Assault Unit
Objective: Once the signal is given by Operator Assault the Suite and eliminate the Crime Lords. Do not let them leave the Casino alive
Extra: Breach and Clear tactics while coming through the windows!
Members: Jesus "Loco", Zachery "Bruiser"

Team 3 Interception Unit
Objective: Sabotage crime lords vehicles and cut off their escape route in case Assault Unit is unable to eliminate all crime lords
Extra: Parking garage shootout and clean up crew
Members: Gardosii "Wanderer"

Targets: There will be four Crime Lords attending the meeting each representing a different aspect of crime and calling themselves the four horsemen

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
Avatar of Arthanus

Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 25 days ago

"So that's the details, any questions?" Jason said after he finished the briefing. The group sat in the Fang a few miles from the target building. Although the orders were for everyone to be suited up before hand, Jason stood there wearing a black t-shirt, a leather jacket an jeans. But Malcolm was also casually dressed. "Sandman and myself will be the infiltration team, We will connect Guardian into the casino's security system, then Sandman will move to join the clean up crew, and I will move to clear the Casino's roof allowing the assault team to land." He started giving out roles and a basic description of the work each group will have. "Wanderer, you and Doc will be the next team in Fatman will take you to the back entrance, it will be your job to disable the target's vehicles and prohibit their escape When that is complete hold position and wait, if any of the targets get away from the assault squad then Guardian will lead you to them. You are then free to eliminate them. Finally Loco and Bruiser you are on the Assault team. When the word is given we will repel into the targets office and unleash hell. If any escape us we will pursue, but i doubt the guards will make that easy for us hence the need for a clean up crew." He said giving out the assignments, "Everyone remember, even though this building is owned and operated by these Crime Lords, most of the people inside will be civilians, watch your fire and don't put the civilians at risk. I don't care if we have to knife every one of these bastards to ensure the safety of the civilians we will if we have to." Jason reminded the team, as he got ready to go. "Also remember, we are also supposed to try and disrupt their operations in any way possible, If you find anything let us know and we will see if we can get to it. Got that Guardian?" He asked as he hopped off of the Fang and got into the hovercar that he and Malcolm would take to the Casino. "Good luck everyone and I'll see you on the other side" He said into his comlink ready to start the mission.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDrunkTank


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Malcolm grabbed his railgun and stowed it away in the hidden compartment custom made in the trunk of the hovercar. He then took the wheel of the vehicle, and after Jason said his final words Malcolm started the vehicle and drove away from the small spaceport. While the team was on a timely schedule, Malcolm drove casually to avoid attracting any attention. The guards are going to be swarming the place, considering each Lord has his own battalion to protect himself; but the amounts they were bringing to this meeting were nowhere near in size. Their meeting was being kept rather secretive, and if it weren't for the SSA's spook inside their ring, the Crimson Legion wouldn't have had a clue this was going on. As much as Malcolm despised the SSA, he had to admire their operatives training and skill. After pondering on these thoughts, about halfway through the drive Malcolm asked Jason,"We're prepared for the large bulk of these men to have the equivalent of military training and weapons, right? I mean these lords have virtually unlimited resources, they're bound to be putting their best men on the job. I know we're better than any of these scum, but there's still the whole numbers factor that I'm a little worried about."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Mage

The Mage

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

As Jason stepped off Fang, he closed the cargo bay doors

"I gotcha. Everything's live up here, ready when needed!" He replied as it took off into the skies of the planet. He looked at the Holographic map he set up, keeping a visual on the building and the surrounding areas of the Operation

"the insides of the building are blurry, they may have ECMs hidden inside. of course if team 1 can get me inside, there'll be no problem!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
Avatar of Master Crim

Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 3 days ago

Bruiser listened to the plan if attack and was kinda bummed that he would have to wait for them to clear the roof before him and Loco could go at it. Once the two left and the Fang took to the air Bruiser started to think about the approach they should take when attacking the office. He was armed with his shotgun and grenade launcher along with many other explosives. He looked at the map of the city focusing on the casino. "So we get dropped of on the rooftop and then enter via the windo about here." He pointed at the hologram thinking aloud. "Once we get the blueprints up I may, with the commanders permission, make a detour to outside the office and put down some proximity mines. That way their escape will be a bit more difficult." He turned to Loco. "What do you think?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
Avatar of Arthanus

Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 25 days ago

Jason sat in the car in thought on the way, walking through the plan again trying to imagine any possibility that could slow them down or tamper with the mission in any way. But he was still paying attention and listened as Malcolm asked about the defenses. "Well lucky for us, the deal between these guys isn't set in stone. So we will mainly have to deal with the Casino guard units, which although there will be quite a bit of them they won't be much more than a bunch of thugs with military grade weapons. And those guys won't even be on the main floor until the party starts. Even criminals know it would be bad for business to have men walking the floors fully armed. But that being said War will have a personal bodyguard unit who will be well trained, but I think they should be focused on the meeting and maybe his car so we shouldn't have trouble with them for the moment. All we can hope for is that things go smoothly and they aren't alerted to our presence before we are ready to strike. If they are alerted this will become much harder..." He replied calmly. As they got closer to the Casino Jason did a final check of what he was able to bring and hide. He checked the silenced .22 that was hidden in his jacket, making sure the clip was full and a bullet chambered before checking that his knife was not visible in his boot. "Before we open the doors make sure you are ready, can't have the guards seeing us prepare weapons before we go in." He reminded Malcolm, although he didn't think he had to Jason didn't want a simple mistake to throw them off this early.
Nate stood near the cockpit door looking at the projected image before walking forward. "Alright ladies, the clean up guys are going to be dropped off next. I am going to drop you off here and you'll have to hoof it the rest of the way, A military grade drop ship can only get so close without drawing suspicion as I hope you know so you'll have to walk a bit." He said while pointing at the map about a block from the Casino's back entrance and VIP parking area. "And when its time I'll drop off the knuckle-heads on the roof. I'll get close enough so you don't hurt yourself, but I am not landing alright so you will have to make a little jump. Ohh and don't forget Crimson's bag, I don't think he would much like to jump in with nothing but a pistol and a knife." He added before walking back to the cockpit, "As for your pick-up, your Guardian Angel over here will let me know where you are, I'll get to you one way or another." He added before going into the cockpit and closing the door. The speaker crackled "Now everyone place your butt in a seat and buckle up its time we move out" He warned a few moments before the Fang took to the air and moved to its drop off point.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thegreenleafe

thegreenleafe Flatbush Zombie

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Orale Bruiser," Said Loco as he began to point out at the hologram "We could also set some remote detonated breaching charges on the office door. When we detonate them they'll be distracted, then we could swing into the penthouse and blap blap blap till the mission is over. As a side note we need to keep Death alive and find out where his distribution factory is, otherwise, the drug will still roam the streets."

As Loco finished up he slowly put on his Mark V Hybrid armor, thinking about how it'll save his life another time. As he shouldered his weapons Loco prayed mentally and finished quietly with "'En nombre de Dios Padre, de Hijo y de espiritu santo." To Bruiser Loco said,

"Now when the hell will infiltration be finished?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
Avatar of Master Crim

Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 3 days ago

Bruiser let out a deep chuckle. "I can just see it now: Boom, the charge goes off, then bang bang bang theyball start shooting into the smoke, and once they are high and dry..." he slammed his hand on the table. "Smash, you guys come in and blast them all away. HA HA!" Then he heard the phrase Loco always said after his prayers and nodded. He wasn't a believer when he started but as he worked with Loco more they had gone through some pretty craze situations, and probably should have died. Yet here they are.

"I dont know, but if we need Death alive he is a pretty big guy. I might have to do some boxing."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thegreenleafe

thegreenleafe Flatbush Zombie

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Never thought I hear anybody wanting to box with Death, but maybe when this isn't a pile of bones with a scythe it'd be less scary. Anyhow you could take him on from the front and I'll flank him." Sure it wasn't honorable, but there isn't such thing as a fair fight, well that's what dad said. Loco heated up his plasma blade and stared at the blade "Bruise I'll give you half of my cut from this mission IF you can shave with the Plasma knife. If you do, hopefully you won't end up like that guy I heard about who sheared the skin from his bones." James set the knife on the table waiting for demolitions expert to make his decision.

"Remember HALF of my pay."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kyelin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Gardosii remained standing, holding onto an overhead hand rail to help stabilize him. The seats, after all, were too small for him to sit safely in them. His heavy plate exo-suit armor also helped root him to the floor, and combined with his normal weight, he was half a ton heavier than all the other mercs. Besides, in Hissho culture, taking a seat or resting in general before a combat foray was considered weakness, though he hardly thought of his team mates as 'weak'. Each one of them were hardened killers, and men Gardosii could respect, after numerous sparring sessions with the majority of them. While he never held back his blows, they moved a lot faster than him, and were worthy opponents, especially Jackson. After Gardosii had challenged him for leadership through combat and was nearly killed by Jackson, he held him in high regards, following his orders without question. A powerful and honorable leader indeed, plus, amusingly, there were a lot of disappointed betters that day when Gardosii lost..

He checked his ammo count and vitals, plus powered up his shield gauntlet to see if it was still a peak efficiency. 4000+ rounds sat in a round box on Gardosii's back, fed into the loading slot of his chain gun by a belt feed. This gun would make mincemeat of most soldiers, and even light vehicles. Combined with the massive and cruelly hooked blade that Gardosii wielded, design to rip entire chunks of flesh from the enemy and bleed them to death humiliatingly, he was a feared adversary. Often, weakling gangsters like the ones they were hunting today would scream in fear, or even burst into tears at the sight of Gardosii running at them. However, he never showed his enemies mercy, as a favor to them. At least they died honorably by his hands.

Closing in on the drop zone, Gardosii turned to the seated mercenaries. He heard the human named Loco grow impatient,, and his spines opened up in a frill at them in excitement, smiling. "Looks like good hunting today, brothers. Try to keep up, for I will definitely be counting. In fact, let us make a wager - whichever soldier gets the least amount of kills today, has to buy a round for the others. Agreed?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDrunkTank


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"If you look out your window to the right, you will see the magnificent "Lucky Devil" Casino, the highlight of our night." Malcolm jokingly said as the casino came into sight. In a few moments Malcolm pulled up to the valet front parking. As he and Jason got out of the car, Malcolm gave the key to the valet, along with 100 credits and muttered into his ear, "Level 1, this should cover your trouble." Level 1, being the ground level of the parking structure, was where any remaining Lords or goons would be making their escape, and where the interception crew would stop them.

Malcolm and Jason continued through the front door of the casino. The pair mucked about in the casino for several minutes, acting like the regular people that come to the place to get robbed blindly. After establishing their cover, and Malcolm losing 700 credits, the pair made their way inconspicuously towards the security room. After escaping from the crowded casino floor, they hastened up the pace to avoid being seen. As the pair followed the instructions the blueprints told them, they turned the corner into the hallway the security room was attached to. The door being accompanied by two brutish looking men. Malcolm being the first to round the turn quickly took a step back and put his arm out to keep Jason from continuing. After taking a few steps back, Malcolm whispered to Jason,"There's two pretty unfriendly looking fellows down that hallway inconveniently right in front of the room we're trying to get into, what do 'ya suppose we do? I would say it's a little early to start shooting, but you're the boss."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
Avatar of Arthanus

Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 25 days ago

Jason gave a small smirk at Malcolm's joke "That it is, and boy won't it be fun." he answered as the hovercar came down to land. It was simple enough to walk into the casino, even with the added security they weren't going through the trouble of pat down searches and metal detectors so they had at least dodged that bullet. As they walked the Casino floor Jason tried to note security personal but still made it look like he was just a normal patron. "You know, Nate is going to kill us, he got stuck taking that load downtown and we get to have a night out on the Casino. He really wanted to come here." he said to Malcolm wile playing the games. But once they were sure that they individually weren't being watched the two made their way to the security room. Malcolm stopped Jason and asked for the plan and Jason just smirked. "Follow my lead, I'll take the one on the right you take the one on the left. We will have a ten second window to get in that room so make it quick alright." He said to Malcolm under his voice so no one would overhear. He then placed a finger to his ear activating the hidden comlink. "I think its time we called in that favor. give us a few seconds to get in place and then let it rip." He said to Guardian Angel before getting on the move down the hall. As they walked down the hall Jason stopped a few paces after the door. "Hold up a minute these damn shoes came undone again." He said to Malcolm as he knelt down and started to ready his knife out of the view of the two guards. Hoping that the SSA were still going to come through on their end of the deal here.
It didn't take Fatman long to get the Fang into position it landed smoothly and it wasn't long before he was coming out of the cabin. "Alright big boy, your up. you know your job so lets get a move on, and take the Doc with you. You might not need the help, but that he was your partner here." He said before hitting the button that opened the loading ramp "Good luck in there don't get yourself killed" He said to the two before they left the ship. When they left Nate closed the loading ramp then looked down at the table catching the whole bet to shave with a Plasma Knife. "Now I just sent Doc off the ship, there will be no stupid stunts preformed on my ship until he gets back. Alright." He warned both Jesus and Zac before moving back to the cockpit. "Just calm down for a bit and leave the crazy shit for those four horsemen." He added before the cockpit door closed again and the Fang quickly took off getting into position so he could quickly drop off the other two when Jason gave the signal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kyelin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

With a gentle shift of motion to standstill that caused an ever so slight feel of vertigo, Gardosii had realized they had touched down. Nate entered the holding bay, and notified them that this was where he and Doc got off. Gardosii preferred to work alone, but voiced no objection, instead nodding at his words. "Fair enough. Fly safely, and good hunting to the rest of you. Be sure to have some good stories for when we return, brothers." Doc exited first, dropping a fair distance to the ground, before Gardosii leaped out, landing with a powerful thud on the empty street. He let his body recover from the shock for a fraction of a second, before standing to his full height, and turned his head to see the ship fly off towards the roof of the casino, waving as they left.

He turned to Doc, and walked up to him, looking down at him and turning his head to one side, as Hissho eyes are situated more to the side of the head. "Come, Doc, let us get into position. If I know Jason well, he will have something planned to distract the guards at the entrance to the maintenance and loading bays. We may get one shot at this. Besides, we had better get a head start if we want to get our body counts higher than the others..." Gardosii chuckled, and patted Doc on the shoulder, before walking past him and leading the way.

As they walked, Gardosii kept scanning for snipers on the adjacent rooftops, and waited in an alley, just outside the main loading entrance. From the map displayed during the briefing, the private valet garages were not far from their, and would be an easy run. Gardosii pressed a button on the side of his helmet, and opened the face plate, and leaned against a wall, lighting a Fuy'pshia, a rare Hissho tobacco cigarette, and offered one to Doc. Gardosii took one drag, and inspected the guards across the street at the booths near the entrance. breathing a slightly earthy smelling smoke out his nostrils into the warm night. "Now, we wait, brother. It is far easier to catch wounded and scared prey after all, yes?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
Avatar of Master Crim

Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 3 days ago

Bruiser rubbed his jowls feeling his cousre whiskers and pondering the how he might shave wit such a tool. "Of all the things I have had to shave with..." he reached out his hand, grabbing the knife. "Never have I ever thought about using one of these." He turned the knife back and forth in is hand. "I dont think so. I heard abput marines trying this." He set the knife on the table. "It never ended well." (Sorry I wasn't able to get to your bet Kyelin)

Bruiser watched as the intersection team left then turned to Fatman as he tolhim that he would have to wait to attempt shaving until the doc got back, and to calm down. He took a seat and checked over his weapons again making sure they were all loaded and ready to go. After that he began to think 'death is so small I wonder if pestilence will get in the way?' He asked Loco "Do you think the four will help each other, or just save their own skin?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Mage

The Mage

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

(sorry ,been busy).

"Copy, Jason, I'll get in contact with the SSA." He stated looking towards a monitor and entering a codeword. A small message under it read: Favor Sent

"OK. you guys are professionals. you know what to do!" He stated, looking back at the map.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
Avatar of Arthanus

Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 25 days ago

With the Crimson Fang in position waiting for the signal to move in and make its final drop Nate made it hover in position patiently waiting for its moment to strike. "When are the damned SSA going to come through" He said just before a massive blackout. An entire sector of the city had its power cut and everything went dark. Nate grinned knowing he could use this to his advantage and quickly started to move the Fang. "Change of plans boys, combat drop, your new objective is to clear the rooftop quietly and wait for Jason to come meet you." Nate said over the intercom as he opened the loading door filling the cabin with cool air. "Don't forget Jason's stuff either. Now get moving now!" He said as he positioned the Fang for Loco and Bruiser to get off the ship. And by the time they were able to get out Nate was able to maneuver the fang back away from the building just before the back up generators of the casino kicked in. The roof was dimly lit and the pair could make out about 5 guards on the roof all moved together wondering what was going on. But soon enough the five would disperse back to their normal positions to watch the black sky as most of the sector was still experiencing a black out.
Jason knelled there waiting for what seemed an eternity, his mind raced at the possibility that the SSA wouldn't come through with its part of the deal and what he would have to do. One of the door guards started to walk over suspicious of Jason's activity, but then the lights in the building went out and Jason jumped into action. driving his knife strait into the guards chest puncturing one of the man's lungs. He covered the man's mouth to mask any grunt he would make and pushed the guard into the door just as it opened the guard inside wondering what was going on. "Move now and make sure you bring him inside." Jason said to Malcolm forcing his way into the security room. By the time the lights turned back on Jason, Malcolm, two dead guards and one dazed guard were in the security room. And Jason quickly corrected that drawing his silenced pistol from his jacket and placing a bullet into the security officer's head. "Good Job Sandman, now give our Guardian Angel a direct link into the system, we will only have so long before they figure out what is going on.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kyelin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

It was while they were waiting when the power went out. Garodsii quickly flicked the cigarette away, and readied his blade, as both the mercs activated nightvision through their helmets. "Now, brother, we strike..." They quickly dashed across the road in pitch darkness, as the guards went inside the garage to investigate. Despite moving quietly as possible, the faint clanging of Garodsii's armor was still audible, but no guards were around to investigate the sound. And as they rounded the corner into a small corridor that lead to maintenance, the generators kicked back up, and light was restored. Their infiltration had been successful, and they continued to the garages.
"Any light on what caused the blackout, Chip?"
"Heh, I see what you did there, Polk. No clue man. Bet it spooked the Horsemen though, eh?"
"Haha, yeah, they would've been terrified. They been real jumpy late-

Without warning, Doc sprung up from behind a ledge, in the VIP garage, grabbing one guard on the mouth and plunging a knife into his neck. The guard kicked and struggled, gurgling as blood poured out of his mouth and looking horrified at his partner. Speaking of which, he was stunned for a split second, snapping out of it and reaching for his ear piece to sound the alarm. But he never got a chance to, as a massive clawed hand darted out, grabbing him by the back of the neck. He let out a strangled sound, as Gardosii lifted him of the ground, his victim punching at his fists uselessly. With a smirk on his face, Gardosii pushed his thumb into his throat, and flicked his wirst and squeezed hard, snapping the guard's neck like a twig. He went limp, and Gardosii dropped the body to the ground with a thud. Doc too lowered his kill to the ground, and chuckled "Alright, so the final count for this garage is 5 for me, and 3 for you. Getting old, big guy."

Gardosii huffed respectfully but slightly annoyed, and tapped the side of the chain gun on his shoulder, stowed in it's idle position. "Wait until we need this, then we'll see who has the larger kill count..." Surveying the area, he saw the target vehicles parked and with bodies strewn on the floor from their little stealth attack. It made sense that Doc had more kills, as Gardosii was simply too large and loud to move stealthily. No matter, it was time to call it in. Gardosii pressed on an ear piece of his helmet, and contacted Angel. "Guardian Angel, this is Wanderer and Doc, over. Hostiles eliminated in the VIP garage, about to sabotage the getaway vehicles. By the way, could you do an old Battle Master a favor and remotely lock the garage entrances and exits for the time being? We need some privacy for this, could get loud, as the only way I know to sabotage a vehicle is to rip out the engine. Over."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDrunkTank


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As the dim red emergency lights came on, Malcolm charged past Jason and into the other guard. While he left hand went over the man's mouth, his right plunged the knife up behind his ribcage. After a few seconds of struggling the man's body went limp and Malcolm dragged it in the security room behind Jason and closed the door. Malcolm propped the body up against the wall and continued to walk over to the security monitors. He popped open the maintenance panel and began to precisely follow the instructions Guardian Angel had given him prior to the briefing. While the systems were still rebooting from the outage, Malcolm had established the hardline connection to the terminal and then plugged it into the transmitter. "Guardian Angel, you should be in the system now." Malcolm said over his comm link. Malcolm looked over at Jason next and said,"We're good to go here, I believe you're needed upstairs. Have fun." With them both giving approving nods, Jason left the room and Malcolm stayed to clean up the mess he made at the terminal.

As Malcolm replaced and sealed the panel, someone was trying to check in on the security officer's radio, asking if everything was alright. Malcolm scrambled over to the body and replied on the radio,"Uh, everything's under control. Situation normal." The man on the other end, unsatisfied with the response, continued his questioning. Malcolm, stumbling for a response said,"Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction, but uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?" After a few moments of silence and a feeling of 'job well done' for Malcolm, the man came back on the radio,"We're sending a technician down to make sure none of the systems got fried. We have no idea what the hell just happened and don't feel like paying the price if something goes wrong. Have him report in when he gets down there." Malcolm immediately said over the comm link what the man had just said and while waiting for orders began dragging the bodies over to the supply closet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
Avatar of Master Crim

Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 3 days ago

Bruiser sat with his head leaned back waiting for the order to drop. His mind was clear and his body ready. Out of the quiet came a voice, the commander, telling them that they were accelerating the plan. Bruiser stood and grabbed the case containing Jason's gear and looked to Loco. "Lets do this." He said as he waited for the door to open and the foor to come into view. As they got to the drop zone Bruiser jumped off trying to get a count on hiw many people were there before landing. He had counted six guards and waited for Loco before proceeding.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Mage

The Mage

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"OK...Feed secure...camera feed secure....OK, I'm in and everything's under control. I've got a ID on weapon cache's and Drugs. Located in the crew quarters and Meeting area...." He zoomed in on the feeds, trying to get a closer look "If any of you can handle it, I'd like to get a closer look on them. I want to know if they're SA or RRW weaponry" His head shifted from the closets and meetings to the garage. He started to hack the doors and locks.

"I'm locking them now. don't make too much noise, though. the garage is somewhat close to the main floor."

He moved over to Malcolms feed, setting something right next to him

"Capture him and make him report in. test him the first time, if you'd like. As for Bruiser and Loco,I've marked the enemies on your HUDs. wait for the rest of the operation to get done before moving up"
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