Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago
Zeroth Post


Main - Clear Kanto of Abyssal Energy by destroying the Chroma in the area

Side - Talk to Locals about information, Help Locals who might need assistance
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TheRedWatcher
Avatar of TheRedWatcher

TheRedWatcher Stabby Shadow

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Pokemon Sunrise

Capture 1: Kanto

Another violent storm hit last night, corrupting a bit more of the region. What was once green was either dead or blackened by shadows. There was never any rain that came with these storms, it was just purple lighting that struck across violent midnight blue clouds that carried a horrible, sickening feeling. Clouds in the horizon threatened for another storm tonight and blue crystal with glowing violet veins that had a reminiscent shape to actual lighting were cropping up everywhere.

People did two things in this situation. Parts of the cities ran like nothing was happening at all. It was part of their denial of what was happening to their world. While other people hid and did nothing, waiting for the end time to come.

Who had the power to stop this? Who could stop it? No one knew the answers to these questions, so they either went on their daily lives. Went to work, ran their shops, pretending the storms and all of this was a freak accident and that everything would get better. But once peaceful wild pokemon were reported to be turning black and feral.

Some even had claimed that humans were being affected by this dark energy. Allying themselves with dark pokemon, with glowing dark auras. There hearts were not just filled with rage, but sorrow and despair as well.

So, who could the world turn to in their time of need? They were uncertain. In the past they would have had heroes like Red to stop this. But Red was nowhere to be found and this was even too much for Red and Red alone.

The strongest trainers with all their experience fought aimlessly, tirelessly to push back the shadow. Either succumbing to it themselves or becoming so exhausted from the battle it broke them. All seemed hopeless at this moment in time.


A pale hand was placed on Salamence’s blue scales. The creature was panting in pain and was slowly losing its ability to or its will to live. Bruised and battered it was beyond the ability to stand and fight. Suicine, Entei, and Raikou had all, but given up trying to tame the wild nature that had began to corrupt beyond their powers. Where was the god of all Pokemon? Was this the end of their time? Was this their end?

Entei looked back.

“There must be another way,”

Entei nodded his head.

“What do you suppose?”

The three beings looked at each other. They were uncertain themselves. They hadn’t the answers as much as anyone else had the answers. They needed strong trainers. Not just strong physically. But strong of mind and strong of heart. Surely that would overpower this, this darkness. As Salamence passed on, he sighed with grief.

“I’m sorry I asked this much of you,” he whispered to Salamence, “Rest peacefully now.”


He certainly was unnaturally powerful for a being of this plane. How had he not been consumed by his own power was beyond anyone’s knowledge? But he had not only strong will, but a strong heart. A sense of duty that was extremely powerful and convincing.

He was already working away at trying to solve the problem at hand, but it probably would become too much for him as well. His psychic energy should have told this already, as the Abyssal Energies own forceful nature pricked at him with just as much overwhelming force as his own pressure.

He had seem to have made an ally out of a strong Legendary Pokemon as well. So Mewtwo hadn’t been taken by the shadows then surely the strong willed Pokemon and Strong willed Trainer had something to offer the world.

Out on the fields doing what he could to quell the nature of this beast, he was taken by force into a dark room. It pulsated with unusual energy at times the walls seemed to glow purple, but for the most part there was nothing to entertain him with clear sight. Beside the figures of Entei, Suicine, Raikou, and a Mysterious Man standing in between them.


What a bright and lovely image of a girl. She was certainly a vision to behold. Not only was her heart full of pure love and joy, but it showed in her Pokemon as well. All though she had not taken on the duty and responsibility of quelling the shadows herself, her song inspired others, and gave them hope. Watching her Pokemon lifted their hearts.

She seemed unphased by the whole ordeal. She has strong will, a strong heart, and great strength. That was evident. The fact she could choose to laugh and be happy in such a relentless time showed someone who was fearless and quite powerful for her age.

She would be a perfect for this adventure, her heart could certainly lift the darkness from the land or that is what they had hoped when they saw her vision. It gave them hope. Surely it would give others and carry great strength that raw power did not have.

Laughing and practicing for her next performance on the stage she was taken to the same room Kamon had been taken in. It was black, with pulsating walls of purple, and only when the purple radiated through the room with light did she see the silhouettes of a Mysterious Man with white hair and a billowing cloak. But the visage of Entei, Suicine, and Raikou.


Such calm. The man was unphased by the shadows. Which could prove both an asset and also though a downfall. If he didn’t see the shadows as a concern, then would he be willing to save this world. But he was strong of mind. They needed such peace in a time like this, someone who was relaxed and calm, certainly would ease the pain of others.

Someone they could model after. Someone they could look up to. His knowledge about the world would certainly be useful in many things. Perhaps they could find sources of shadow in places unknown to others because he traversed this land.

It was painted with his steps. His footsteps burned the very earth he walked on. Such modest, humility, and humble nature would be helpful in saving this world from the abyss that had plagued the land. Though, was it right to chose him in such a vulnerable state of actions?

Roger sleeping on a rock was plucked gently from his sleep and landed safely in the black room with everyone else. When he waked, if he would wake, he would wake to the view of a blank room, that had a pulsating purple light, and a man with red eyes who stood between Entei, Raikou, and Suicine. The man uncertain looked at the three Pokemon and they just nodded.


Him? Him. Surely he was a strong trainer he had earned a prestigious title in his region and was well respected for his choices. There was kindness and compassion, love from his heart that could not be expressed. But he was ill. Certainly they could find another like him, with such compassion and generosity to others?

No. Him. It had to be him. Then it should be. He could provide the word with modesty, generosity, and compassion. He could heal the wounds of others merely with his kind, sympathetic nature. His strength would help battle this abyss. Or at least help heal it.

Should they wait for his battle? No the world real needed them now. Plucked in the middle of action, he was sent to a room of darkness with a pulsating purple light. There he saw an individual standing between three Pokemon that were recognized as Entei, Raikou, and Suicine.


Her? But she was. Certainly not her? There was no love in her heart. There was no compassion that desired her. Why? Certainly she had nothing to offer the world. But perhaps that was far too judgmental. There was still an opening in heart to learn about friendship. Her cold nature could help the others harbor all the hatred in her body and not be consumed by it.

She would help purify the world because she understood its pain the most at this point. She was the one who could not only sympathize with a scarred land, but also empathize with it. It took one to harbor the same darkness as this land to be able to help purify it .

Everyone should be given the chance of redemption. And by healing the world it would in turn heal her, perhaps. It would make her whole and complete, she would learn the compassion that others had, and she too would be purified eventually.

So she was taken from her prison cell into a dark room, with a pulsating purple light. A man with white hair, and red eyes stood between three Pokemon Entei, Suicine, and Raikou. There were others here as well.


If the other had a readiness for friendship and compassion this one is certainly simply a crooked individual. He has made no chance of changing himself. Ah, but you must be right I might be being too judgmental. He is very strong of mind. He knows who he is and makes no apologies for such a thing.

He may not be able to purify this land with compassion or kindness. But much like the other he could certainly harbor the world's darkness into him and internalize it. He could help set the world straight by being able to figure things out we could not.

He is good with machines, a real knack for them, perhaps he could figure out what those consoles were about. Perhaps he could offer a strong sense of person to the others and to the world without having to necessarily be good after the end. I just wish we hadn’t to choose such crooked, corrupt company to travel to save this world. Not one, but two criminals.

One may be able to redeem themselves, the other seems to be enjoying their lifestyle too much to give it up. Very well though, that is your decision.

So he was taken from the warehouse, with a cup of soup in his hand into a dark room with a purple light that pulsated every few seconds. It illuminated a man wearing purple, with red eyes and white hair. He stood between Entei, Suicine, and Raikou.


“I apologize for the unusual circumstances,” the Mystery Man pauses, “But we had no other choice. We have been looking for strong individuals who can cure the symptoms of these shadows. We have decided to put our trust in you six individuals.”

The Mystery Man’s eyes fell on the sleeping man. He looked back at the ones who were awake.

“You have been chosen to purifying the seven regions and figure out the origins of this strange energy,” the Mystery man told them, “We have chosen you for very specific reasons that make you unique. Every single one of you.”

Again his eyes fell to the sleeping man.

“This is the time, if any to, to introduce yourselves,” the Mystery Man said, “And ask me any questions you may have.”

The Mystery Man pauses, “The transferring is still a bit glitchy. So I have only been able to select a few of your Pokemon to journey with. I apologize if this will cause you some difficulties in your journey.” He bows his head and the three Legendaries do as well.

The Mystery Man looks at all of them. Hoping for their reaction. He was certain some of it would not be good. Startled. Shocked perhaps.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Nerdy Reference
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Nerdy Reference So Subtle and Clever

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The first thing Roger noticed was that the back of his head hurt, followed by that it was on a floor. This was certainly interesting, but it wouldn't be the first time he'd camped out on someone's property without knowing it. Nor would this be the first time he had been found and stuck in a locked room until the local Officer Jenny arrived to stick him in another cell for a while.
"They haven't come get me yet," he thought without opening his eyes, so I might as well get what I can in." he tried to go back to sleep, but then Darwin started hooting quietly, but insistently in his ear, and he noticed a frustrated scratching.
"You sound kind of muffled, there, Darwin. I told you about making a scene in front of landlords." Roger mumbled, "and Maria, stop damaging the bedspread. The lady with the antique tiles was not nice about it." he drifted back off into darkness.
......... "Slow...po...ke" yawned Earl. Roger's eyes shot open. "We're dead..."
"Alright. Sure," he thought indignantly at whoever was out there, "I'm up. Let's see what's what." As he stood, he adjusted his glasses and roughly jerked on the edges of his shirt sleeves to straighten them. As he absently patted down his bedhead, he looked around and saw a lot of purplish nothing. Now officially very concerned, he briefly checked out his friends. "Okay yeah," he said to the team quietly, "Darwin, Maria, how're you holdin' up?" A nod from Darwin and a smile from Maria. He didn't even ask Earl, he just glared accusingly at the Slowpoke staring into more nothing than usual. Then he saw the Legendary Dogs and a shadowy figure.
Roger blinked, "Oh. I'm dreaming. That explains Earl better than him being some kinda harbinger of bad things." he said to no one in particular.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

This energy had a tendency to mess with his head sometimes, it gave him an aggravating migraine as he was trying to deal with a shadowy Tauros. It had been completely consumed by the shadow and all he could sense from the creature was pain, and other negative emotions. He could barely sense the Pokemon’s heart through it all.

“RAAAH” it screamed in his head because that’s how he heard them in his mind.

“Just stop yelling,” Kamon told it, “I can help Tauros, but you have to be stronger than what’s taking over. Let me help you.”

Blaze was readying up just in case the situation got worse, as the Tauros reared its head ready to charge. Kamon looked at Blaze, “Just hold on, I can fix this.”

Blaze’s back flames were beginning to flare though and Kamon didn’t think he could stop Blaze from trying to protect him if things went south. Tauros wasn’t listening to him. And this energy kept getting in his way. Black clouds swarming in his mind, and an ominous future was fastly approaching. God this was exhausting. He couldn’t keep bringing Pokemon from the shadows only for them to return corrupted.

Tauros began to kick up its back legs.

“Tauros you can…”


In an instance he was somewhere else. This place felt weird the energy was all different than the one where he was. The room pulsed with a light, eyesight full of purple for a second before his eyes adjusted. The three Legendary dogs, Suicine, Entei, and Raikou. He had met them before when he was on his journey a long time ago. With some man, he could barely make out the silhouette of an individual.

Than more people showed up. A brightly painted girl with pigtails, a frilly skirt, and a sunny disposition. What had been forcefully dragged into? Before he could even commit to an answer the next individual to show up was a sleeping man, who looked scruffy, perhaps older than him.

Before he had time to process that the Elite Four member Sinis appeared, he recognized him from billboards and that damn Pokemon food line Trixie’s Treats for Pokemon. Chestnut brown hair, in a black cloak, leaning some wait on a crutch. Had to be kidding him. There were other Elite Four members that could have been chosen.

The misfits continued to come too. A woman in a red outfit and eyes that said murderer or at least someone who had done unspeakable things, handcuffed mind you, appeared in the room. And then a homeless person. At least it was Kamon was going for because the last individual looked worse than the sleeping man in rugged clothing.

Then before he could address all of that, the mysterious individual began to speak.

“I apologize for the unusual circumstances,” the Mystery Man pauses, “But we had no other choice. We have been looking for strong individuals who can cure the symptoms of these shadows. We have decided to put our trust in you six individuals.”

“You have been chosen to purifying the seven regions and figure out the origins of this strange energy,” the Mystery man told them, “We have chosen you for very specific reasons that make you unique. Every single one of you.”

“This is the time, if any to, to introduce yourselves,” the Mystery Man said, “And ask me any questions you may have.”

The Mystery Man pauses, “The transferring is still a bit glitchy. So I have only been able to select a few of your Pokemon to journey with. I apologize if this will cause you some difficulties in your journey.” He bows his head and the three Legendaries do as well.

Save the world, with these misfits? Sure he could give Sinis the benefit of the doubt. But the others. No there was no way he could feasibly trust that any of them were capable of that. THEN before he had time to respond the sleeping man woke up, mumbling to himself. Till something coherent came out, "Oh. I'm dreaming. That explains Earl better than him being some kinda harbinger of bad things."

When was he going to be able to get a word in edgewise? Did anyone feel like talking? He could feel Blaze beside him.

“Who does this guy think he is?” Blaze asked stepping forward.

“I intend to find out,” Kamon said telepathically.

“I don’t know about any of these guys,” Kamon said, “But that’s exactly what I was doing until you magically brought us here. So I’d like to request you put me back down so I can continue doing what I was doing.”

He owed no one here an explanation of who he was. He owed no one here his loyalty to partner with them. Why interrupt the one person trying to do anything?


End of the world, huh? Well it was nice knowing the world for as long as he knew it then. Suppose he could still profit off it. People who were scared were willing to sell and give up about just anything if they felt their life was at risk.

And certainly right now it was. The outside looked like a mess, with all that weird black crystals, and storms that messed with his computers sometimes. Gizmo had been using himself to keep feeding the modem when the electricity went out. His little red tail was glowing. While Zap was zipping around in cyberspace.

Ah timer went off, noodles should be done by now. Perfect noodles every time. He’d just keep telling these guys that if they sold all their personal information to him he’d store in a night safe place. Reality was he was going to clear all their banks out.

If this wasn’t the end of the world, and somehow this gets resolved, he be rich. Because these scared fools all threw it at him. It was the perfect plan, something he didn’t really plan to happen. Yet, it fell right into his lap.

About to take a bite when……


He was plummeted into total darkness at first, Gizmo instinctual began providing light with his tail. The hell was he looking at. The worse collection of individuals to make a rock band ever. There was well him, about to take a bit of his noodles. If he put them down now they would get soggy. Should he eat them quickly?

There was a girl with pink hair, is that even natural? Wearing a frilly skirt, and a massive bow. Holy shit that thing was huge, it was bigger than her own head, at least he thought so as a skull sat in the center of it. He continued to hurriedly eating his noodles while looking at the rest.

Some pretty chestnut brunette with turquoise colored eyes and a cloak, like he was some freakin superhero. He looked familiar though, perhaps rich too. Damn he was working on a big project back at the warehouse.

A sleeping guy in a wrinkled suit. Which one of them looked more homeless, him or that sleeping guy, he wondered with a laugh to himself. He continued to slurp down noodles.

Then there was a blond who had the eyes of a murder, and she was in handcuffs. They must be desperate if they chose her and him.

It’s then he noticed the Legendary Beast Dogs and some Mysterious Individual. But he could barely get a good look because it was so damn dark in here. He began to speak. Yaddah yaddah mysterious speech, yaddah yaddah save the world speel. Okay easy to digest enough.

Then he looked up to the hot shot of the group. Dirty brown hair, these eyes that said unnatural freak, pale skin. And already talking hot shot stuff.

He drained his broth and just looked around. Sleeping man was speaking incoherent ramblings about dreams and stuff.

“Well sleeping beauty I am perfectly awake, pretty sure this ain’t a dream,” Noah said, throwing his cup onto the ground, oh right Garbador wasn’t here, eh he’d pick it up later, “Because I don’t want to make this long and stuff. So we’re not stuck wherever we are. My name is Z2.”

If he maybe gave out his name and sped past the introductions then this could go a lot quicker. And he’d have enough time to salvage all his final sales.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Neo Is Delight
Avatar of Neo Is Delight

Neo Is Delight *noms on tail*

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


She had heard of the storms and their effects, but she had also heard there were people trying to fix whatever the phenomenon was. Surely they can handle it, so it wasn't anything to worry about. No, there were far more important things at hand. There was an upcoming performance, and it was to be Riley's debut performance. Her very first one as part of Pastel's team. Though she hadn't quite gotten over the stage fright caused by her previous trainer. That is why Pastel had a stage very much like the ones used for performance events built into her Alolan home.

She was on this stage alongside two of her pokemon. Riley and Bubbles, for they were to be her partners for the next performance. A spectacle of electricity and water, and they were getting really good at the practice sessions. Pastel could only hope that Riley would continue to do as well when it was time for the actual performance, but now wasn't the time to be thinking of such things, she had to focus on the task at hand, the finale.

"Just like we've been practicing! Bubbles, use whirl pool. Riley, use volt tackle and then psychic!" They both gave a nod of acknowledgement before going about their respective tasks. The Manaphy creating a whirlpool of water above it, while Riley built up an electrical charge around it's body, though the finale was not fated to finish, as Pastel and Riley vanished, leaving behind a rather confused Manaphy.

-moments later, in an unknown location-
Pastel blinked in confusion, she was standing in a dark room with purple lighting. From what she could see, there were others around her,
the only one who really seemed to know what was going on was, from what she could decipher using the little light in the room, a man with white hair standing next to the legendary dogs...wait, what? Surely she must be seeing things, that was it. This was a kidnapping, and they had drugged her, so they must be illusions. She began to panic, completely ignoring what was being said, something about introducing and questions. One question popped into her mind, and she could help but blurt it out. "How much ransom are you demanding?" by this time,
she had started hugging Riley, not even noticing two of her other partners had been brought with her, until she felt a tug on her skirt,
looking over to see Sylla and Sharps, the latter of which pointed to the where the mystery man and legendary pokemon were, it's own way of telling her it wasn't a hallucination and that she was safe. Upon the realization, her face went from one of worry to one of embarrassment.


Olivia was starting to get bored with this whole 'prison' thing. The food was awful, and she didn't even get a cellmate. Something about having creeped out the last five so much. Honestly if they just let her have some fun once in a while she'd be less apt to 'creep',
okay well probably not, but what would be the harm in a little fun. She sighed, at least she would have some time out of the cell today,
having a court date meant she got to be around people, but more importantly that she might be able to have some fun with them. Lawyers always were the most fun, as she learned that most of them are easily scared and squirm quite a bit.
When a guard came to her cell, she already knew the drill, turning around and placing her hands behind her back so the guard would feel 'safer'. Honestly she didn't understand it, as it wasn't like she couldn't just turn around, the thought had crossed her mind multiple times, but she couldn't think of an actual plan for after that. Luckily, fate was on her side, this was not meant to be a court date,
but rather an escape date. Moments after feeling the cuffs locking into place, the world faded, leaving behind the cell that had been her home for a good month or two.

This new location had awful lighting, but enough that she could make out a man standing between three legendary pokemon, certainly interesting. What really caught her attention was a smell, from one of the others gathered, they had brought food, more specifically noodles, and compared to prison food they smelled absolutely divine. Had she not been bound, she might have snatched them. Her attention brought back to the mystery man once he started to speak, at which point he mentioned bringing their partners, and looking behind her, napping contently in a pile of sorts were her three partners. Such a wondrous development.

She tapped the Absol lightly with her foot, gentle enough to not injure it, but with enough force she would be guaranteed it would wake. "If you would be so kind as to use night slash on these cuffs, I'll give you a nice treat once we're finished with-" she paused and looked at the male who seemed to be in charge "you said we're supposed to be saving the world or something? Is there anything in it for us? Can't really speak for the others, but I'm not much of a people person, so why should I care? I'd probably get more enjoyment from watching it than trying to stop it." While she was speaking, the Absol did as she asked, and used night slash her bindings, freeing her hands for movement.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheRedWatcher
Avatar of TheRedWatcher

TheRedWatcher Stabby Shadow

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


“No snap out of it Vulpix,” the young trainer yelled towards the arena, as a Vulpix look around dazed and confused.

“I am afraid the night draws nears,” Sinis tells the young trainer, “Grim, do the honors.” The Gengar, Grim, gave a pleasant grin as a black aura surrounded him and wispy ghost fire engulfed the Vulpix which screamed out in pain.

Was it okay to keep going on like this, he wondered. Outside of this arena the world was turning black. An abyssal shadow was beginning to engulf all of the regions. And yet he was told by the Champion to keep going. They were all informed that. Perform like normal. While the world out there crumbled, it was heartbreaking.

“Vulpix, no,” the kid cried out, “Well….you’re in for a surprise now. Go Pidgeotto.”

Sinis stared at the kid and nodded.

“I admit you have the talent to go far,” Sinis told him slowly, “But you won’t beat me today.” He saw many talented trainers, but many of them were not talented enough. Grim was rearing to go, he hadn’t been hurt near as much and was simply waiting for the next to come.

Mimikyu held onto his pant leg, it didn’t like being in its ball, fair though he wouldn’t like to be there all the time either with no friends to talk to.

“Don’t underestimate me!” the kid shouted at him.

“Then show me what you have,” Sinis told him.

“Pidgeotto, use gust, then triangle fly formation,” the kid said.

Such fancy wording. Yet, Sinis held strong. Standing firm. He was ready for anything this kid threw at him. It would be the same story. They all came. They didn’t all conquer the mountain they so desperately sought to conquer. But they would, one day. Hard loss was one of the ways to learn that. He had faith that this would teach them something even if they lost.


They were brought somewhere else. A room that was only bathed in a purple light. The three Legendary dogs were staring them down. And there was a strange individual who stood among them. A calling then? There were others who had come, Kamon, the Unofficial Champion of Kanto who said to have beaten the Champion of Kanto and refused the title. He did the same with Johto as well he heard.

Next would be another recognizable face, Pastel Rivas. The current Kalos Queen in one of her colorful, joyful costumes. So far he understood the choices, bother very capable trainers in their own right.

Then there was a man who looked rough, wrinkly clothes, glasses, and messy hair. Sleeping. If the three of them had been chosen, then there was a reason this man was here.

The next was a young girl, that he would admit terrified him with the expression that she carried. And she were in handcuffs. But he would always try to give someone the benefit of the doubt. There was always a reason for something, wasn’t there?

The last was a poor young man who probably needed some good love and attention. He was so skinny and looked so tired. He looked worse for wear. Sinis heart went out to him.

The Mysterious Individual began to spoke. Which began to stir different reactions into different people. He knew Kamon was capable of reason, but he wasn’t showing it right now with that statement. But Sinis could imagine the stress and burden he must have placed on himself to fight the shadow alone. He had heard rumors that Kanto Elite Four members had become Shadow Trainers influenced by the shadows. So it must be very taxing to be the only one fighting.

The sleeping man had awoken believing this a sort of dream. And Sinis wish this were a dream. While the one who was handcuffed used their Absol to cut them off. And the other guy dumped a cup of ramen on the floor of what must be some sort of sacred temple.

Pastel began to freak out and ask about ransom, so he quickly or as quickly as he could came to her aid. Placing a hand on her shoulder in a comforting manner.

“Pastel,” Sinis told her, “You remember me. We did a commercial together. I do not think this is what is quite going on. We’ve been asked, to save the world.” He looks up to the Mysterious Individual, “That’s correct to say.”

The Individual nodded.

Still trying to comfort Pastel he said, “I am Sinis Trixie, I work for the Elite Four of the Kalos region,” he said, “I would like to help save the world with all of you.”

He looked at the one with a look that scared him. It wasn’t very good logic, but maybe it get her to see the importance of this.

“There won’t be much of a world left if you don’t help,” Sinis told her, “You’ll die. Your Pokemon will die. I might not have powers.” He glances his gaze to Kamon, “But I know the signs and symptoms are just getting worse. You won’t have much of a world left if we don’t do something.”

He looks to Kamon.

“You know this as well, it’s commendable you want to fight, but maybe not best alone,” Sinis told him, “We all have one world. And we all know what is happening. Let’s not pretend that this is going to get any better.”

Sinis hoped Kamon would listen. And he hoped his brand of reasoning was enough for the girl.


The Mystery Man just nods his head towards Sinis. He might be the glue that sticks them together. Looking at the scared girl, who began to panic.

“It was not my intention to frighten you,” he told her, “Just to recruit you. All of you. In saving this world. Because it is dying. We have nothing left.”

He turned to Kamon.

“It is as Sinis says, this is not a battle that can be fought alone,” he tells him. And turns to Roger who is awake.

“I apologize for the confusion,” he says, “I was collecting individuals. Each with their own capabilities and skills to save this world.”

“I don’t have much time,” he says, “I’m sorry there was a lot more I had to say. But we’re running out of time.”

He pauses, “Please save the world trainers. Please part these shadows.”

Suddenly the room shattered, exposing a cloudy sky the group hung in the air for awhile before they were transported down to a grassy field. The one Kamon had been standing in before he had been transported to the room.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Neo Is Delight
Avatar of Neo Is Delight

Neo Is Delight *noms on tail*

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Even with her Bisharp pointing out her unnecessary panic, Pastel still hadn't completely calmed, partially because she was embarrassed of her reaction. Though, one of the others in the room had tried to help comfort her, by placing a hand on her shoulder which made her jump. Though the voice that followed was familiar, belonging to Sinnis. They came from the same region, and both had high standings, so they had met each other on multiple occasions. He specifically mentioned a commercial they did together, which in all honesty Pastel couldn't remember, having done so many commercials. Still, it was helpful to know someone amongst the strangers. "Oh...well, I'll do my best to be of as much help as I can!"
Being tasked with saving the world was a bit much, but really how much harder could it be than performing on a stage in front of so many people? She wanted to ask how they were supposed to go about the task, after all you can't have a good performance without a plan, but before she could do so, the room seemed to shatter. It didn't take but a second for panic to return to her face, as she returned Sylla and sharps to their pokeballs, before clinging to Riley. Having a psychic pokemon sure was useful in situations like this, though she probably looked rather stupid clinging to the raichu for dear life once they had returned to the ground. To be honest, she didn't fully trust that they were actually on the ground this time, considering the last one shattered and this one too looked unfamiliar to her.


Well, this certainly sounded entertaining. A group of strangers traveling together to save the world, sounded so much like a fairy tail. One that she had no interest in, well until one of the others brought up a good point: If the world were to perish, she wouldn't be able to have any fun, and she certainly couldn't trust these people to the task. Well, that was that then. "Well, I suppose since you were nice enough to help me out of a precarious situation, it's only fair I return the favor."
When the room broke away, her expression was one of enjoyment. The man had asked them to save the world, and then seemed like he was going to drop them? Clearly this mysterious fellow was more appealing than she had first thought. The looks on the others, especially the pink haired girl who desperately clung to her raichu were precious. Moments later, safely teleported to a field. Of course, it was to be expected, they wouldn't be expected to survive a free fall when they were supposedly the last hope of the world.
"Well, this is certainly a beautiful view, but what exactly are we supposed to be doing?" It would have been helpful if they had been giving some form of direction, and she would have to make a mental note to return the thoughtfulness to their mysterious benefactor when next they met.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

What a complete and total waste of his time. Here he was doing something for the world and he was sent asked to do the very thing he was doing, only to be sent back down without actually being told what to do. Kamon had to find Tauros, help him, remove the shadows from him. Kamon turned to the group and simply scoffed.

“If you want to tag along, I am not stopping you, but don’t slow me down,” Kamon told them. As he began to step forward, a big mass stopped in front of him. Kamon looked to see Mewtwo landing slowly down in front of him.

“The human presence has increased,” Mewtwo told him plainly observing the group, “I followed Tauros located near the forest. It ran off. And you disappeared. There was a strange energy when you left. It is good at least to know you are safe.”

Kamon looked behind him back at the group.

“Yeah, extra baggage,” Kamon told him, “Edge of the forest. I am going.”

Mewtwo only nodded as he continued hovering over the ground. He gave the group another bow of his head in silent greeting as Kamon began to walk past him. He still could feel Tauros presence it was a painful existence as something took over its heart. Blinded in darkness and rage. It gave Kamon a headache though.

Soon out of the bush a white Espeon came out to greet him and an Alakazam with some colorful spoons came out.

“You’re back,” Alpha said, “And you have other humans.”

“Yeah, more like pains in the rear,” Kamon replied.

“You’re not hurt?” Wish asked him.

“No I’ll be fine,” Kamon replied, “Let’s just go Tauros could be in a lot of trouble.”


Looks like the hotshot was already trying to take lead. He smirked. Really thought he was something else didn’t he? Noah shrugged.

“What do you think?” Noah asked Gizmo.

“Ba,” Gizmo said shrugging it’s shoulders.

Bruiser just punched its chest, nostrils flaring. Ready for anything he guessed. Meanwhile Zap was, where was Zap? Noah looked at his watch probably in there.

“All right, let’s not diddle daddle, sure hotshot’s head over there would explode if we don’t start moving,” Noah mocks with a half shrug.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheRedWatcher
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TheRedWatcher Stabby Shadow

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sinis sighed, Kamon hadn’t listened to a thing he said did he? He was already storming off on his own. Kamon had a habit of being abrasive to others. He knew about him because he heard the Elite Four talk about his reputation. As being an abrasive and do it my way or the highway attitude.

“Kamon,” Sinis said, “I know you want to get this resolved, but as of right now we need to stick together as a team. You know how to do that. You’ve worked in teams before.” He didn’t like confrontation, but if this was the way he had to settle it with Kamon then he supposed that would be the way it was done.

His eyes turned to the Mewtwo who was a part of Kamon’s journey. At least they had exceptional help. Grim looked at Mewtwo, shuddered and faded nowhere to be seen. Pixy was inspecting the Alolan Raichu at current.

“Sha, sha sha,” Pixy said to him and the Raichu.

Sinis nodded.

“I know the Alolan region has such vast variety,” Sinis told her, waiting for Kamon’s response. When the group heard the powerful sound of winged beats.

“Rawr!” a gray colored Charizard said as it landed right in front of Kamon blocking his path holding a case. It snubbed Kamon with a cheeky, “Hurr.” before looking around at the group. Shaking a case with an envelope with the letter, I on it addressed to Saviors.

Sinis went to inspect, the Charizard didn’t seem dangerous. More annoyed that he was taking so long. Sorry Mr. Charizard just give me a moment please. He thought to himself as he made his way to the case and the envelope. He bowed.

“Thank you Mister. Charizard,” Sinis told him.

“Rawr,” Charizard flexing its wings and flying up once he had a tight grasp on the case. Flying off Sinis took the letter, taped on the case off first. Opening the envelope he looked at the group and cleared his throat.

“Dear Saviors,” Sinis read, “If you have received this letter it is because my magic fades and I could not sustain the room we were. Inside the case is the weapon you will find that will help you use the power to defeat Chroma and use their power. Chroma are the guardians of this abyssal energy and I do believe the key to solving its mysterious origins. You must defeat the Chroma. Furthermore, you each have been chosen for your unique capabilities. Each of you has a unique magic inside of you that will help push back this shadow. I am sorry I could not explain all of this in person. Please do what you can.”

Sinis looked at Kamon, hopefully with this information he would listen to reason and stop trying to do it alone. He then opened the case, to show five bracelets sitting in molds in the case. Only five? He eyed the man who had been asleep, he had been slowly following the group, but had said nothing.

“Guess we should decided who gets the bracelets,” Sinis said, “Reasonably. Let’s not argue over them.”

As he was about to take out the bracelets he noticed attached in the inside of them was a name. Sinis paused.

“There’s names carved in the bracelets,” Sinis said, “This one reads Kamon. And this one Pastel. There’s Oliviah, there’s my name, and…” he took a second, “A Noah?”

Sinis looked at Roger, "I'm sorry there isn't one in here for you." Roger simply waved him off like it didn't matter. He mouthed a silent; "it's fine" his way. Sinis nodded.
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