Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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“No, at least the sentries didn’t notice. He were worried that maybe he was, you know... Dead this morning, but Pylia over there just happened to be in town! A lot of surprises recently. Anyways she assured us he’s alive, but needed some healing so he’d wake up soon. I imagine he’ll be up at any moment now.”

And not too much longer, the thief suddenly jerked awake, shouting and panicking. Pylia simply held him steady so he would t hurt himself, stepping out to let the younger men unhook the thief from the walls but kept a strong grip o to him. “Well now, seems like he’s awake now.” Chief Arduo said as he approached. “Young man, you’ve been caught stealing from my people. We an honest and peaceful folk, but even we don’t tolerate thieves. Who are you and why have you harmed our community?”

The thief however didn’t seem to want to comply. He was t really struggling to escape, but he wasn’t really willing to talk either. Iola, who had a particularly rotten looking fish, shouted as Yerro tried to hold her back. “If he ain’t talking, I say we flog em till midday! See if he don’t talk then!” Ricks just sighed and turned to you. “Perhaps you could convince him to speak?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 16 min ago

Sylvia let out a sigh of relief, clearly glad to hear that he was still alive. She honestly didn't think she could stand the thought of killing another person. Killing an undead skeleton was one thing, but to actually take a life...

She looked towards the thief when he woke up with a start, shouting and panicking. She felt pity for the thief. Of course, anyone would be scared if they found themselves like that.
She watched as Arduo spoke to him, trying to get an answer out of the thief. However, the thief remained silent.

Sylvia let out a small, quiet sigh at Iola's suggestion. She knew that wasn't going to work. When Ricks asked her, Sylvia nodded and answered him, "I can most certainly try," She wasn't sure if she could. She knew that she wasn't the most charismatic person back home, but hopefully what she has heard, and some sincerity might go a long way.

She stepped forwards, closer to the thief, and she knelt (or stood) so that they were at the same level, so that she could make eye contact with him. She then started talking to him, her voice calm and even,

"My name is Sylvia. Please ignore Iola. She's just angry that you took her father's sword. We don't actually want to hurt you. We just want to know who you are and why you would steal from this place. I thought thieves would like larger cities better than small communities like Cassari. More targets, more places to hide, and more stuff in general. So why here?"

She then added, "If you still don't feel like answering, I can always try and guess..."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The thief looked at you, a bit started yet at the same time oddly... Embarrassed. Compared to the geezers, she was more conventionally attractive. Even Pylia seemed far too haughty, though she only stood by watching. “I uh well... I was planning to go to the city... Figured you know, start new there. But the closest city, Gransys, the roads rife with dangers. Goblins and such. So I... I figured I needed some money you know, maybe to buy some new stuff to start my new life, pay for a ride to the city...”

The others seem to understand, but Iola was still ornery. “Oh is that right? Then what about that amulet them, the Iron Hammer? Ain’t you one if their boys?” The thief recoiled at her words and got nervous again. “I-I-I dont know what you’re talking about! I-I was just stopping by here for quick money, honest!” However you can easily tell he isn’t being honest. Perhaps you could convince him otherwise. (Another Persuasion or relevant skill check please.)
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 16 min ago

Sylvia was glad to see that the thief was answering her question. So he just wanted to start anew...but needed the money and means to do it. Everything seemed to go alright...that is, until Iola spoke up, and scared the thief.

Everything's going south now with this discussion. She could see that he wasn't being honest in regards to the Iron Hammer Bandits. Sylvia tries to keep the line of questioning going...

She asks "Then what of the amulet around your neck? Isn't that the symbol of the Iron Hammers?"

She could feel that she's getting flustered. This might not turn out well and they'll be stuck with nothing! What else could she do? It's not like luck is going to help her out...

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
Avatar of Lucius Cypher

Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The thief just continued to stammer. “I-It was just something I picked up f-f-from a body! Like the bow too I... I ain’t got the stomach to be a bandit, b-b-but I figured you know... Not like the dead needs em, right?” The thief confessed a little, but you could tell there was more to the story than he was willing to admit.

“I mean... I get it. I got caught.” The young man’s said defeatedly. “I won’t resist. I knew I could’ve... Could've tried to work honestly. I just thought maybe, if I could take enough coin, I could leave sooner than later. I was real close too. I know it ain’t right to ask you to forgive me, so I’ll... Ill take whatever punishment you got.” With this, the Chief, Ricks, and a few of the other adults gathered around to discuss what to do. Yerro waved you over to join them.

“Chief, I honestly don’t think the lad is a bad man. Obviously just someone who’s down on their luck and needs a good person to lead them right. My own son used to be a trouble maker like him, but now he runs his own inn at the city. Why don’t you let me take him as an apprentice?” Said Ricks, who seemed the most sympathetic.

“Ricks you’re a good man, but honestly that boy has caused us quite a bit of trouble already. We know that the tax collectors are coming in a few days, we should just hand him off to them and let them sort it out at the capital. The last thing we need is for him to take advantage of your kindness.” Yerro said in a hushed tone. He seemed to just want to do things normally.

“Won’t do us any good. Those cityfolk won’t give us a rat’s ass as long as we keep paying their taxes! Besides he’s already stolen quite a bit of goods and coin for us, so you expect us to keep taking care of him in the hopes those yellow-bellied taxmen take me away? I say we give em a good flogging, and then kick em out of town! If he shows up here again we’ll... We’ll make chum outta him “ Iola was the most blood-thirsty, however her hesitation near the end betrayed her aggressive image. She seemed more interested in looking tough than filing out punishment.

The Chief took these words into consideration but didn’t make a call. He looked towards you with a nod. “It’s only thanks to you that we’ve managed to even catch this thief. I think you should have some say. What do you think we should do, Sylvia?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 16 min ago

As the thief spoke more, the more it became clear to Sylvia that her suspicion about him not being a bad person was correct, despite the fact that he wasn't being honest about the Iron Hammers. The fact that the thief was willing to take what punishment was coming spoke volumes.

She joined the others when Yerro waved her over. She listened to the conversation, and found herself agreeing with Ricks. She could see that Yerro just wanted things to be normal. But was normal really a good outcome for everyone involved? The thief hadn't committed murders, and doesn't seem to be the type who would want to do so. Iola...now she seemed more interested in looking tough than actually following through on those words.

She blinked in surprise when the Chief asked for her opinion. After silently organizing her thoughts, she answered the chief, "I agree with Ricks. The thief is not a bad person. Just someone who's down on his luck and needs a little help. Of course, it doesn't excuse his actions. I think the simplest punishment is best, throw him out of the town"

She then continued to explain,

"However, I do have an additional suggestion in addition to that. You see, I have...questions of my own that need to be answered and I don't think I'll find the answers here. That means, I'll be leaving Cassari, and I'll be preparing to head out. And as I have learned from Pylia last night, going alone is a death sentence. If it wasn't for her help, I never would have made it to Cassari in the first place.

I'll leave Cassari before the tax collectors come, and I can take the thief with me. In the meantime, during my preparations though, he can do some community service around town. As a way to repay for the stuff he has stolen and was able to keep,"

She then asked the group, "What do you think?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The group took a moment to talk. Ricks and Yerro were a bit hesitant but seem to think this arrangement is fine. Iola however doesn’t think a girl like you should travel alone with a thief, repentant or not. Whether he’s good or bad he’s most certainly a coward and if something were to happen during your travels, Iola doubts the young man would be willing to help you. To this Ricks also agreed. His talents are surely wasted as a thief, and even if he managed to get to Gransys what did he plan to do there? Continue thievery?

Before the conversation could fall into bickering the chief spoke up. “I believe our friend here makes the best point. For now, we will keep the young man under careful watch, and have him repay the town via community service. And once Sylvia decides to leave town, we shall then figure out his final fate. If he proves to be unworthy of forgiveness, than we shall simply imprison him in the stocks once more, but if he’s truly repentant, than he can start a new life good and proper.”

Though there was still some dissenting opinions the group decided this would be for the best. So everyone returned to the thief and gave him his judgement: he was to provide community service to the people of Cassari until you decide to finally leave town. When or if that happens, he would be judged then if he should await proper justice from the city of Gransys or be allowed to travel alongside Pylia to wherever she chooses to go. Additionally, as Ricks adds, he will be allowed to stay in one of his rooms during the course of his punishment. However he’s expected to always be in the inn by the time the afternoon bell rings. If he isn’t, he would be considered dishonest and they’ll throw him back into the stocks.

The young thief agreed to these terms simply, showing no outward feelings if they were too harsh or kind. The two men holding him let go, causing him to stumble a bit as he stood up to rub his arms. Iola was quick to start barking orders and first demanded him to go to her shop and clean up the mess he made while stealing from it. He nods and leaves, but before he does he stops and looks at you. “Thank you.” He says, with genuine gratitude, before he heads over to Iola’s general store.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 16 min ago

Sylvia listened as the others spoke over her thoughts. She had to admit, they did make some good points. In the end, the chief had decided to go with the community service idea until Sylvia decided to leave. She felt okay with the decision and she went over to the thief with the others to watch Arduo inform the thief of his decision.

She watched as the thief seemed to accept the punishment, and accept the orders from Iola. She was somewhat surprised when the thief turned to face her and thanked her, with genuine gratitude as clear as day. She gave him a nod in response and watched him leave for Iola's general store.

She then thought to herself "I'll need to get started on preparing as well,"

She thought about what she needed before she could leave.

There were not only supplies that she didn't have, but she also needed to know where to go, who she could talk to about her situation, and a new set of clothes with shoes couldn't hurt. After all, her current attire was looted from a skeleton...

Deciding to go with the clothes first, she turned to face Ricks and Arduo, "I better start my preparations. I don't suppose there's a place where I can get a new set of clothes?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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“Ah, of course. Aestella's the town weaver, makes all of course clothes and such. She can set you up right. And by the way, here is your reward.” Ricks walked over to you and handed you a somewhat hefty coin pouch. “One hundred gold, as promised. I’m sure Iola has something for you too.” Yerro nods and started walking back towards his shop. “Meet me at my grocery, I have your reward there as well.”

Soon everyone went their separate ways, with Chief Arduo saying if you ever need anything, he would be around town. The only person left after the area cleared was Pylia, who approached and put her hand on your shoulder. “Working hard, haven’t you? You make it a habit of helping out every person you just come across?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 16 min ago

Sylvia noted the weaver’s name and accepted the pouch of gold coins with a thank you to Ricks. She noted to visit Iola and Yerro when she can. After acknowledging Arduo’s statement, and watching almost everyone leave, she turned her attention to Pylia.

Sylvia rubbed the back of her head at Pylia’s questions and answered smiling, “Yeah...It doesn’t feel right just standing around doing nothing when people need help,”

She then asked Pylia, “So, you’re leaving today? I was hoping I could ask you a couple more questions before you go,”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Pylia shrugs. “I’m in no rush. Things are more peaceful here than I first thought. Anyways what’s your questions?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 16 min ago

Sylvia was glad to hear that she wasn’t in a hurry to leave. Once Pylia asked, Sylvia started with her first question,

“Well, considering my current situation, I was thinking of finding someone who may have a better idea as to why I’m here and how I can get back home. Do you have any ideas as to who I can talk to, or where I should go first?”

Sylvia figured Pylia would be the best person to ask, considering she knew that Sylvia told her where she was from.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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Pylia scratched her chin thinking. “Well, honestly, with what little information I know about you I wouldn’t know where to start either. Someone mysteriously showing up in the woods with no idea how they got there... I mean, I’ve heard of fey who’d pull pranks like that with villagers, but you? Someone who... Doesn’t even come from this world? That’s something else.” Pylia shook her head. “I mean I guess you could try talking to the people at the temple up there.”

On the highest hill, one of the tallest buildings appeared to be some sort of church with a sim ol that was either a pair of wings or two hands holding something between them. It’s possible it’s meant to be both. “I don’t like the temple, but they tend to know more about strange going ins like this. Just... Don’t accept any deals with them. Unlike the townsfolk they don’t need your help, but I’m sure they’d gladly make you do their dirty work for them. And...” Pylia shook her head and started walking away. “Nevermind. Just come find me if you have any more questions or you’re about to leave town. You’re not a bad fighter but you need my knowledge if you want to make your way around here.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 16 min ago

Sylvia was a little disappointed at the answer, but she wasn't too disappointed. If she didn't know, then it may have been a bit much to ask Pylia.

She looked to the temple that was pointed out, and she raised an eyebrow at the design of the symbol. What god did the people of this world worship? Or did they worship multiple gods...?

She turned her attention back to Pylia when she gave her warning, and once again, Pylia left some information out again, leaving Sylvia perplexed. But she was pleasantly surprised to hear that Pylia was willing to help her out with her knowledge. She nodded and answered her as she walked off, "OK. Thank you,"

She can ask some more questions later. She looked to the temple once more, to take note of where it was, before deciding to go and take care of some business. She decided to go to the village weaver first. If the churches were anything like the churches back home, then she's gonna want to be a little more presentable than she is now at the very least.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

It wasn’t long before the townspeople were out and going about their businesses. Shops were opening, or people getting to work processing grains and fish. Even the children were out doing minor chores like sweeping or taking out their pets. Wouldn’t be long before you find Aestella’s Weavers. There was wall-to-wall rolls of cloth and textiles, with outfits and decorative bags all around. Near the center were sets of looms with a few girls setting them up to use.

A rather young woman, perhaps slightly older than you, spots you. She smiles and walks over. “Hello, welcome to Aestella’s Weavers. I am Aestella, is there something I can help you with?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 16 min ago

Sylvia looked around as she made her way to the weavers. Even mundane life here was fascinating. Everything seemed so normal and peaceful, and yet, it was also very different from normal life back home in New York. It was quieter, and while people were busy, it wasn't as busy as the streets back home. Nobody was in too much of a rush, and there was no sense of urgency to get anything done immediately. It seemed quite peaceful.

Soon she reached the weaver's. Sylvia smiled at Aestella and she greeted, "Hi! I was hoping to purchase a new outfit here,"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

“Of course, I’ll be more than happy to help. Would you like to purchase something we already have, or have something custom ordered?” Aestella guides you to a different part of the shop, one that was far less cluttered, where she had various outfits on display. Many were rustic and simple, designed for labor, just she also had formal dresses and outfits fit for nobility. One outfit that stood out in particular was something that might appeal to your Japanese sensibilities.

The most eye catching thing was the yellow jacket of sorts, with elongated sleeves big enough to carry a sword in. It also came with what appeared to be an almost kimono-like top and a long black skirt. Nearby was something seen nowhere else on the shop: brown, laced, knee-high leather boots. Both sturdy and fashionable. The entire set was 10 GP. Compared to the other attire this was obvious one that Aestella put the most work into.

“Are you interested in something simple and sturdy, or perhaps more eye-catching? I have many to choose from!”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 16 min ago

Sylvia answered Aestelle "I would like to check what you already have first," She then follows Aestelle to the less cluttered part of the store, and she looked around. The simple ones didn't really catch her eyes, and the ones for nobles seem to be unsuitable for travel. Then...she saw it.

The attire that appealed to her Japanese sensibilities, the kimono top with black skirt, a long yellow jacket, and the sturdy boots. This was it! This was the outfit for her, she could tell. Plus, ten gp? She smiled widely at the outfit. Immediately the thought of telling Aestelle to shut up and take Sylvia's money ran through her mind.

Sylvia looked to Aestelle, and she took out the ten gold. She held the gold to Aestelle and she answered Aestelle with a smile, "I would like to purchase that outfit please,"

Now she had 95 gold left.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Aestella seemed actually surprised that you choose to buy the outfit. However she quickly accepted your money with a bow, clapping her hands together. “Of course! Here, allow me to help you put it on. I made this outfit just a few months ago, using the finest silks and linens I had. Functional yet beautiful.” It took a bit of time, but soon Aestella was able to help you into your new outfit. She almost seem tearful.

“Oh my... How wonderful! You are breathtaking.” Holding your bloodied outfit from before, Aestella Bowes her head. “For buying my masterpiece, would you like me to launder your clothes here? I can clean, men’s, and refit them for you, whenever you need a spare outfit and don’t wish to tatter this new one.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 16 min ago

Sylvia nodded and let Aestella help her put on the new outfit. She put on the outfit, and she couldn't help but look at herself in the new outfit. She smiled at Aestella's compliment and she answered "Thank you! I can tell you put a lot of work and heart into making this! It's amazing!"

When Aestella offered to launder and mend her clothes, Sylvia nodded and answered "That would be great! I really would appreciate that," It would never hurt to have a spare outfit in case something happened to the one she was wearing now.

After moving around a bit, Sylvia felt like she could still use martial arts and her fighting skills in this outfit.
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