Hidden 2 yrs ago 1 yr ago Post by Master EffeX
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Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 1 day ago

Idea #1

Idea #2

See below for intro posts pertaining to each concept!
See below for a teaser post for Idea #2!

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 1 yr ago Post by Master EffeX
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Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 1 day ago

Teaser post for Idea #1

Moved - roleplayerguild.com/topics/190021-pro…

Hidden 2 yrs ago 1 yr ago Post by Master EffeX
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Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 1 day ago

Teaser for Idea #2

The poster read:
'See the UNMATCHABLE magician!
The INDELIBLE illusionist!
And don't miss the spectacular
LIGHT SHOW finish you have to

He wasn't world renowned, he wasn't even a household name city-wide, but if you ever caught a "Master EffeX" show, you talked about it.
Tourists to the city wouldn't read about them in brochures, but ask around for something cool to do and likely somebody off the street will speak of a "Master EffeX" show.

Inside the downtown club, the gentleman himself was just walking onto the stage.

He raises his hands high above his head in a showman's greeting to his already cheering audience.

Master EffeX was a young man, not even mid-twenties. His hair was dark brown, long enough in the back to cover his hair's natural neckline, but still short. Short on the sides. His bangs were kept a bit longer and loose. Not enough to get messily in his face, but enough for some dynamic of movement and wind-swept whimsy. His eyes were a strikingly clear blue.

The show was going on - Master EffeX had just made the very stage he was standing on disappear! It was as though now he was standing on air! He heard someone in the crowd remark to their friend: "How does he do that?"

"Oh! You want to know how I accomplish this task?" Master EffeX asked charismatically, "it's really quite simple. You could do it yourselves!" And with a snap of his fingers and flourishing direction of his hands towards the audience, inviting them to look at themselves, every chair had disappeared! The audience still felt like they were sitting on them, they could feel the chairs with their hands, but they were completely invisible!

"See? What magicians you all are!"

Preferring to sprinkle his shows with large and small tricks instead of building up, Master EffeX continued with a couple on the more basic side, then: "Hmmmm....now why is my audience looking a little blue?" Naturally they looked at each other. They didn't seem blue; some seemed disappointed at that!

"I think 'magenta' would liven things up. Who ever first coined that colour had liveliness to spare, I'm sure!" With a snap of his fingers and spread of his hands, he directed the audience to look around again. Everything in the room that had been blue, such as coats, purses, socks, décor accents, was now a lovely magenta!

A few more basic tricks followed before Master EffeX "remembered" to put back the stage and the chairs: "Wouldn't want anyone to trip, or get in trouble come inventory time!" He flashed a grin, did the finger snapping and flourishing gesture again, and the stage and chairs were back in the visual realm -- but he wasn't!

To the audience's impressed and wondering murmurs, he responded: "What? Are you saying I've vanished?" There was a pause as though he looked down at himself. "Oh my! I'd forget my body if I didn't have you here to remind me!" He "snapped" himself back into view.

"Wondering about your clothing and items? Don't worry. I assure you they'll return to their regular, appealing blueness once the show is through. It's just there's so much magic lingering in the air. In fact-"

The audience quieted or gasped with anticipation, knowing exactly what was about to come next!

"-the air is so imbued with magic, it's practically popping! Let's see that, shall we?!" He donned a pair of glasses. They looked similar to the old 3D glasses that used to have one blue lens and one red. Similar in the design, but these were made not out of paper but regular frame material. The arms were thick, completely blocking the side of his eyes. The lenses themselves were not one blue and one red, but each a rainbow mosaic, and gem-like more than plastic or glass.

The glasses on, the lights were dimmed without Master EffeX even having to request, and then the light show began:
light seemed to shoot out from the glasses themselves, taking the colour of whatever portion of lens they shot through.

They'd extend the length of a glow stick and then be arrested in mid air, more colours joining in this fashion.

Once enough were gathered, Master EffeX directed them about himself with his arms, occasionally shooting out more or making the existing ones fizzle away. They spiraled and criss crossed through the air above and a little in front of him, seemed to bounce off the roof and amount of wall that spanned the stage, but never actually touched.

Someone in the audience always reached out, beckoning the lights their way, but Master EffeX would always keep them in his personal space or at least far out of reach ~ occasionally tempting the jazzed crowd by arresting the lights nearly close enough in front of or above them to touch ~~ but if anyone shifted to try, the lights would veer out of the way or fizzle out completely before so much as a finger nail made contact.

He always ended by shooting an arch of "rods" up and out, like excitement streaks in a cartoon and these lights would pop like fireworks ~ marking the show as complete as the last fizzled away.

Well, Master EffeX didn't really count the show complete until that final applause, when he would give a showman's bow before genially waving his crowd goodbye and exiting back stage.

Or, if a backstage or door wasn't to be had, the fireworks would distract the audience from his second bodily vanishing act of the night, and he'd slip away, no bow no wave ~ if anyone wanted his autograph, well....Par for the course at a Master EffeX show; an air of mystery and wanting more.

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Master EffeX
Avatar of Master EffeX

Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 1 day ago

If you like thematic storylines, Idea #1 -if not also Idea #2- contains that (beyond the regular X-Men theme of minority group discrimination, I mean).
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 4 days ago

@Master EffeX Bro, I'd suggest posting this in the 1x1 interest section at least for the 1x1 stuff. Since people looking for 1x1 stuff will see it there.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Master EffeX
Avatar of Master EffeX

Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Dark Cloud

Oh - Thanks for that suggestion.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 4 days ago

@Master EffeX No problemo. Glad to help.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 1 yr ago Post by Master EffeX
Avatar of Master EffeX

Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 1 day ago

ignore this box.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Master EffeX
Avatar of Master EffeX

Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 1 day ago

UPDATED - See new Teaser post for Idea #1 (2nd post in thread).
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