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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Chessia. A world of magic and wonder. But also a world ruled by pure evil. Ages ago, Chessia was ruled by a council of 2 kings, 2 queens, 2 bishops, 2 rooks, and 2 knights. The council was known as the Chessboard. The Chessboard ruled over the citizens of Chessia, known as pawns, and peace was held for years. That is, until the Era of Crucin. Crucin and his army struck Chessia from nowhere, eliminating the Chessboard and seizing control for himself. Many brave souls wanted to fight back, and they formed the Chessboard Rebellion. One of the members of the rebellion, a wizard by the name of Vitria, discovered a prophecy. The prophecy told of the return of the Chessboard in the form of 10 youths, each with the control of one element. And it seems Vitria's prophecy was correct. Because today 10 children were discovered in the forests of Algeran and were brought to the headquarters of the Chessboard rebellion. Today the Era of Crucin sees the beginning of the end.

CS Form
Age(Between 14 and 19):
Weapon(The weapon you will get in Chessia.):
History(At least 3 sentences):
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I would like to reserve two females and the elements light and flora please ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlitheCrescent


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Liarra
Age(Between 14 and 19): 16
Element: Darkness
Weapon(The weapon you will get in Chessia.): Great sword (The same as the one shown, if acceptable)
Personality: Liarra is a very secluded person. She interacts as little as possible with ours, says as little as possible. She thinks that she doesn't need anyone else in her life, even though she knows she's wrong.
History(At least 3 sentences): Liarra was an orphan. She grew up defending herself on the streets. This has given her a certain level of survival skills and a way of thinking that others might not have.
Crush: She typically stays away from romance.
Family: Liarra has no family. (see History)
Other: Chessboard
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

XxLyraxX said
I would like to reserve two females and the elements light and flora please ^^

K that's fine
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Blithe you are accepted
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlitheCrescent


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Thanks :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Norina- Nori for short



A staff that she uses to control her powers:

Nori is a very sweet and kind individual. She puts everyone else's needs before her own and she will go out of her way to help people. She generally is very passive and keeps out of arguments though she will, at times, leap into one to try and calm everyone down; without any regards to her own safety. She is very shy to people she doesn't know but once she gets to know someone she is very bubbly and gentle. She hardly ever yells or raises her voice and in the midst of violence she tends to flee to somewhere quiet. She enjoys reading or drawing and does so to calm down, though she hardly ever shows her drawings to anyone. Nori is very insecure and is full of doubts about herself. She gets flustered very easily and tends to stutter and blush before she finally just gives up and hides her face. She hates making people upset and tends to become upset herself, and in most cases crying and apologizing.

Nori never knew her parents well. When she was just two years old they died in a car crash, leaving her in the care of her 19 year-old brother. He raised her the best he could although his girlfriend of five years stepped in and helped when Nori got older. One day she had been shopping with her brother when she lost him in a crowd. She got lost very quickly and wandered for what seemed like hours, eventually and surprisingly finding her way into Chessia.

(Open crush)

She has an older brother.





A bow:

To others Zaara appears cold and unfeeling but those are her walls, her defenses to keep everyone out. She's been hurt so much her entire life that she stopped trusting people, stopped letting anyone into her heart. She is really a sweet and shy girl but she is so insecure about herself she hides behind a wall of ice. She doesn't want to be hurt again so she acts cold to keep people away. But she gets really lonely and depressed though she doesn't let anybody see.

Even before Zaara was born her mother expressed extreme dislike for her child. She never wanted to have one and she would have had an abortion if not for her husband forcing her not too. Her mothers dislike grew into hate when Zaara was born and she didn't resemble either of her parents. Her mother from then on said that Zaara was not her child and she didn't want to have anything to do with her. Zaara's father raised her, considering her mother couldn't stand to be in the same room with her daughter. Zaara put on a brave front, acting like her mothers actions didn't hurt her but she cried herself to sleep every night wondering what she did to make her mother hate her so much. Zaara's life turned for the worst when her father died in a car crash. The family had been driving to the beach for Zaara's birthday when Zaara remembered she had forgotten her bear. She never went anywhere without it so she begged her father to turn around. He did and was across an intersection when a man ran the red light and slammed right into them. Her father was killed instantly, since it had been on his side and Zaara and her mother were only bruised with some cuts.

Her mothers dislike turned into hate and she took out her anger on her daughter, abusing her with words and, when she turned nine, with fists. No one ever suspected a thing because Zaara hide the bruises. On Zaara's tenth birthday her mother disappeared all day, leaving the ten-year old at home by herself. That night her mother came home smelling of alcohol. She saw Zaara and immediately flew into a rage, hitting and kicking at her daughter, not even stopping with the little girl was on the floor curled into a ball. Someone heard and came in, stopping her mother from beating her daughter anymore. Zaara was taken from her mother and was forced to live with people she didn't know. When she turned 15 she ran away and some how ended up in Chessia.

(Open crush)

She has no family alive.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'll do mine now before i forget it later

CS Form

Name: Marta Hikari
Age(Between 14 and 19): 16
Element: Fire

Weapon(The weapon you will get in Chessia.): Double Edge Spear (A Spear that has one blades on each end.)
Personality: She's the hot headed and serious person of the Hikari Bros. She snaks a lot and Masaki has to keep her in check.
History(At least 3 sentences): She and Masaki travel around the world after their parents died from illness, they had to learn how to fight if they wanted better lives.
Crush: She doesn't want any crush for now.
Family: Her Brother Masaki
Other: Has to help her brother get back on track, since he have a bad sense of direction.

CS Form

Name: Masaki Hikari
Age(Between 14 and 19): 17
Element: Wind

Weapon(The weapon you will get in Chessia.): Discutter (A light sword for quick attacks)
Personality: Masaki is a Cool Guy, Determined and Courageous, always ready to fight for his sister and anyone who is his ally. He tends to joke sometimes
History(At least 3 sentences): He and her sister live by defending themselfes from any harm, since their parents died from illness, they search a place in this world
Crush: None at the moment
Family: His sister Marta Hikari
Other: Has a crappy sense of direction

EDIT: I'll update the Sheet whith their appearences
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


My CS:CS Form

Age(Between 14 and 19):16
Weapon(The weapon you will get in Chessia.):A staff
Personality:John is smart loyal, and charismatic. He's always been one to step up when it's needed and doesn't mind the lime light. He's always been outgoing, even stupidly so at times.
History(At least 3 sentences):John was born to a rich family in a rich neighborhood. He's always been privileged and was the most popular kid in school. He has always had an easy life, filled with luxuries that some people can't begin to imagine. One day however, he found a newspaper clipping that had pictures of his parents. In jail. And then he ended up in Chessia.
Family:His parents, Scott and Lucy
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Mal'gu, Mal'gu the Besserker
Age(Between 14 and 19): 19
Element: Earth
Weapon(The weapon you will get in Chessia.): big Sword with a half moon edge ( The one thats showing on the picture is that okey for me to have ?)
Personality:Under the thick armor is a person that is cheerfull, loyal, brave, and kind hearted that in these times is something that is realy seen

History(At least 3 sentences):

Mal'gu have been left at the door steps of a local Blacksmith so as he was growing up he had helped his father run the blacksmith and thanks to that he had a way to do some muscle training which he also was quite found of as he knew that big musckles would mean harder strikes and that would mean lesser work at the age of six-teen he and his father had been to the nearst city market to get more matrials for the blacksmith as the father had allowed the son to make his own armor. Malgu had already begon the work on the helmet, and at the age of 19 he had finished the whole armor though not to his fathers likeing as it looked to scary but non the less the father respected the sons work and it was indeed a fine piece of armor. smiling he walked over to the son that was testing the armor " Son follow me " And he did as the two of them walked inside the private house of them both the father opened a big long case " This sword i made back then when i was at your age take it my son" Mal'gu picked it up and was quite fantastic he liked it very much " Thanks father i don't know what to say now but i thank you. " He huged his father but founded out that it was quite diffical to do that with the armror on. though

something random happend out of nowhere an arrow comes through the window and hts the chest of his father, the father slowly sliced down on his armor. He later found out thats when he started to travel leaving everything behind even if it did breaks his heart to leave home and his father but not because he had buryed him under the tree he and him had spend a lot of time together a little lad and not a two weeks since he started traveling he heard about Chessia. and decited to join them

Crush: Open
Family: Adoptet father: Johan Von Dufensmerts (Dead)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlitheCrescent


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Edited my post to have the appearance of Liarra and her weapon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alexjits


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Alezz
Age(Between 14 and 19): 17
Element: Sound
Weapon(The weapon you will get in Chessia.): A Pair of bladed Nunchaku
Personality: Very wise and brave, Will try to pick the safest option nearly all the time
History(At least 3 sentences): Alezz was born into a family in the far east, He was trained in the ancient arts of warfare practicing with wooden staves and sai, Until he was ready to handle his family weapon; The bladed Nunchaku, Alezz was a born master with the Nunchaku as he travel's around the world to stop evil by using the element of Sound to his advantage
Crush: None (Open)
Cho'le - Mother
Fraza - Father
Other: Chessboard...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Updated my sheet
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ben


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Sam
Appearance: Sam is tall and slim, he has very bright blonde hair, he has blue eyes scruffy hair. (Can change if picture is required)
Age: 16
Element: Ice (unless this is taken already)

Weapon: A Crossbow
Personality: He believes in things like honour and good sportsmanship above all else, no matter the stakes he refuses to use underhanded methods in negotiation or combat, he has issues with authority and likes to consider himself lawful good but his inability to good things unless their done his way often sets him along a more chaotic neutral path. He is sociable, charismatic and although he is typically emotional he always stays calm in a crisis.

History(At least 3 sentences): Sam was raised alongside his older brother by their single father who was a hunter, he taught both of his sons to hunt from a young age and raised both of his sons to believe in honour.
Because the family lived out of town Sam had to commute to school every morning, when there he often got in trouble for not doing what the teachers said but his main issue at school age was his falling out with his brother because of their differing ideas on order vs chaos.
Sam left school at 15 to hunt with his father while his brother went to a university in a different town, the government placed a ban on hunting in the forests where Sam and his father lived so Sam moved closer to Chessia and started hunting in the forests of Algeran.

Crush: None (Open)
Family: Adam - Father
Chris - Brother
Other: Chessboard
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 17 days ago

(I know I didn't post interest in the interest cheque but I thought I'd make a character application anyway.)
CS Form

Name: Kai
Age(Between 14 and 19):18
Weapon(The weapon you will get in Chessia.):

Personality:A sly talker, he will most often tell people what he thinks they would like to hear. He is very patient and casual about his business and because of this he goes out of his way to have things happen the way he would like them to happen.
History(At least 3 sentences): He grew up in a city that was very chaotic, but in a good way. The market place would be flooded with people haggling for the best deals from produce to hunting equipment. That was where his parents took him weekly as a kid. Eventually years passed and on a sunny day, there was talk of a circus that would be performing in the city square. Being intrigued as he was, on performance day-he was standing at the front of the crowd. They did all sorts of things from juggling fire to walking along tight ropes and other dangerous feats... Towards the end of the performance the fellow announcing everything asked for a volunteer and then pulled him from the crowd. He was shocked of course and admittedly a little excited.. The guy had him toss bowling pins to him to juggle and at one time he managed eight, without dropping a single one. After the performance was over the same man asked him to join the circus... He was a little bored with the city and so he agreed. Years later he left the circus, learning quite a few skills along the way.
Crush:None yet.
Family:Maria and Ted
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Everyone is accepted. Laggia and Blithe your weapons are fine except just in the IC I'd like them to be described as just slightly smaller.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

smarty0114 said
Everyone is accepted. Laggia and Blithe your weapons are fine except just in the IC I'd like them to be described as just slightly smaller.

of couse who would be running with a big ass mother fucking sword that is two or three times their size
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

My thoughts exactly :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

We have enough people to start. I'll have the IC up soon :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

well our minds thinks alike eh though i like to make it sound coolerfull hehe
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