Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Foundation X, the Merchants of Death, have set their sights on something within Tokyo. A group of the Foundation's operatives have set themselves up somewhere in the city, in search of a hidden entrance to the headquarters of a group allegedly based in the area codenamed "Organisation Y". The Foundation has taken a strong interest in this organisation's work, believing that the technology being created there could greatly assist with their goals. However, while finding an entrance and infiltrating "Organisation Y"'s headquarters is their final goal, there is something else the Foundation's operatives are to do...

Wreak havoc in the name of SCIENCE! Equipped with assorted powers and gear the Foundation has acquired through their studies into Core Medals, Cosmic Energy, Gaia Memories and who knows what else, they are causing chaos and destruction throughout the area. This is in part to try to coax out a reaction from their target, but also to field test improvements made to some old acquisitions. Of course, this is something the leader of this expedition has charged them with, rather than an order from the Foundation itself.

While Tokyo is not without its own Riders, the Foundation expedition seems to have little respect for the way most villains do battle. Routinely sending out multiple monsters to multiple locations. As a result, the city's defenders have found themselves stretched to breaking point and the city is suffering heavily from it.

Throughout Japan, Kamen Riders have received letters requesting their assistance in dealing with these attacks. The messages have no details about who the sender is, simply requesting the Riders' presence in Tokyo, accompanied by photographs of monsters that specific Rider had defeated, once again alive and well in Tokyo.

While some declined the invitation for a number of different reasons, others headed to Tokyo, ready to do battle with the Foundation operatives. Some of the Riders answering the call to arms are happy to simply protect the citizens, defeat the villains and return to their homes, others intend on tracking down the mysterious source of the letters or at the very least, learning why these monsters were back and what exactly they were after in Tokyo.

So, long story short, monsters are wrecking Tokyo, Riders (both experienced and rookies) are called in to help, awesomeness, hilarity and/or cheesiness ensues. Anyone interested?

As far as character creation goes, canon characters and original characters (with either canon or original power sets) are allowed. However, for the sake of balance, Kabuto Riders won't be able to use Clock Up and canon Riders won't have access to their super modes from the start.

Villain characters are allowed and in fact, encouraged, just try to keep the power levels reasonable for what they are. Also, while I'm fine with evil Rider characters, they should not make up the majority of the villainous forces.

Character Sheets:


Appearance: Pictures or written descriptions are both fine.
Abilities: Abilities related to the character, rather than their Rider gear. Generally mundane things, although some (Nadeshiko and Philip for example) may have more unusual abilities.
Rider Powers: This covers different forms your character might have, as well as things like Core Medals, Astroswitches and Wizard Rings.
Rider Machine: The obligatory motorbike...assuming they have one.
Personality: This should be at least a couple of sentences long.
Backstory: I'm not expecting an essay or anything, but at least a few lines would be nice.


Combat Forms:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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I'll have my bio up shortly!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Still have this from last time, but made a few modifications. ^^;

• Name: Reiko Ogawa
• Age: 19
• Appearance: "Oh, right, uh, passing through Kamen Rider. Remember that. Totally important, um, yeah." (fixed up, coloured and now awaiting shading). As Kamen Rider Decade NEO, she looks like a cheap, shoddy recolour.

• Abilities: She's a pretty good photographer, and is currently studying to be a photojournalist. Other than that... She makes a mean bowl of ramen, I guess?

• Rider Powers: Reiko is equipped with the Bootleg Decadriver, an imitation of the real thing made by Foundation X which allows her to transform into Kamen Rider Decade NEO. Decade NEO's powers are almost functionally identical to the original Decades, only it allows her to transforms into the five primary Neo-Heisei Riders rather than the Heisei Riders. To begin with, the only Kamen Ride Cards Reiko has are Decade NEO, Double (CycloneJoker) and OOO (TaToBa Combo). Naturally, she also comes with a set of Attack Ride, Final Attack Ride and Final Form Ride cards, and a Ride Booker to both keep her cards in and use as a weapon.

• Rider Machine: Decade NEO does not have a bike of her own just yet. In civilian form, Reiko travels about on a beat-up old Vespa.

• Personality: Despite being a transforming superhero, something that most people would think is pretty cool, Reiko is eternally, perpetually bored. She is seemingly non-plussed by anything. the most reaction you can really hope to get from her being dull surprise. She still fights for justice and to save the innocent and all that good stuff, but it's a little concerning that her belt seems far more enthusiastic than she is. She's rather fond of photography, even if like most other things she seems incredibly unenthusiastic about it.

• Backstory: Rather... Uneventful for a Rider, honestly. Before she got the Bootleg Decadriver, she was just your average college student, nothing special about her at all. Somehow, through a trick of fate, her mail was mixed up with that of an employee of Foundation X one day, leading her to receive the Bootleg Decadriver in place of them. Ever since then... Well, she's been a little exasperated by the amount of monsters she has to fight on a weekly basis. It's annoying, really, all she wants to do is not fail her assignments, and they keep showing up to bother her. At least it leads to some good photo opportunites...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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@Rin: Accepted.

Name: Manami Mikado
Age: 18
Appearance: Here.
Abilities: Nothing too impressive. She's capable of passing classes with decent grades despite not studying at all, but other than that...she's fairly normal.
Rider Powers: Manami has an experimental Lost Driver and several Gaia Memories, allowing her to transform into Kamen Rider Wild. Due to her Driver and Memories' nature, each of Manami's Rider forms share an appearance with Kamen Rider Cyclone, though their colour schemes differ.
  • Shrimp: A red form with blue lines, Shrimp form has average speed, fragile defences (though still tougher than a normal human) and not much in the way of physical strength. However, in this form, Manami wields the Shrimpistol, a gun which looks similar to Kamen Rider Skull's Skull Magnum, although predominately blue instead of black, which fires powerful blasts of energy which she claims are hotter than the sun. Of course, these claims are somewhat exaggerated...for her normal shots at least. This form's Maximum Drive (which she has yet to name) is activated by inserting the Shrimp Memory into the Shrimpistol, after this, it charges energy for a few seconds before unleashing a larger than normal shot which can reach temperatures approaching those of the Sun's surface.
  • Bear: A white and brown form with below average agility, but impressive strength and defensive capabilities. In this form, Manami fights unarmed, instead relying on her bare hands. This form's Maximum Drive, Grizzly End, has Manami slash at her enemy twice with her hands, leaving a trail of energy that resembles claw marks where her fingertips passed, which is followed up with a punch strong enough to send most enemies flying.
  • Bee: A yellow and black form that emphasises speed over strength or defence. In this form, she wields a sword called the Stinger. This form's Maximum Drive is activated by placing the Bee Memory into a slot in the base of the Stinger's hilt. After a brief charging period, Manami puts on a sudden burst of speed, delivering a large number of slashes and thrusts to her opponent in a short period of time.
  • Zoo: A living Memory that resembles a wolf. It appears when Manami is in danger and contains power greater than any of her other forms. Wild's Zoo form bears a resemblance to Double's Fang half, with some parts of her armour becoming more jagged, unlike Fang, it is predominately dark grey. While using this form, she is reduced to an animalistic mindset and has trouble differentiating between friends and foes, as such she refuses to use it unless absolutely necessary. Due to Zoo's power being a combination of animals, she is able to summon the Shrimpistol or Stinger by pressing down on the Memory's tail. She believes there may be more weapons available through this method, but is never in a good position to test this out. The Zoo Memory's Maximum Drive, Final Stampede, conjures energy projections of an assortment of animals (the exact make up of the group seems to change each time) which rush the opponent, once the stampede is finished, Manami delivers a flying kick, generally causing the target to explode.
Rider Machine: None.
Personality: Manami is something of a Rider fangirl, due mostly to an event in her childhood where she found herself in a group of people at risk of being sacrificed to a monster, only to be rescued by a strange creature calling himself Hibiki. She doesn't take her role as a Rider very seriously, often cracking jokes in the middle of fights or gushing over awesome moves her allies may pull off. When it comes to school or work, she tends to be rather lazy, using any excuse to procrastinate on study or finding a job. She has a tendency to make bad puns, seemingly getting the same amount of enjoyment whether people laugh or groan at the attempts at humour. Her favourite food is Pocky, and she has on at least one occasion forgone having proper food for dinner in favour of a box of the chocolate-coated biscuit sticks.
Backstory: Manami's life has been mostly uneventful, with two main exceptions. The first being the previously mentioned situation with Hibiki when she was nine years old and the second being a rather odd encounter several years ago. On her way home from school, Manami found a strange device lying on the ground, accompanied by several USB drives. Unknown to her, the device was a Lost Driver, created and left there by Foundation X as part of an experiment to determine why exactly the hypothetically superior monsters they had invested time and money into kept losing to Riders. Shortly after, she began to come under attack from an assortment of monsters; Dopants, Yummies, Zodiarts and even the odd Phantom. After a while, she became suspicious of this and, following some investigation and a bit of tinkering from an engineering student she was friends with, a chip that had been transmitting data about her fights back to the Foundation was removed from the Driver. Shortly after, the attacks stopped...leaving her free to go to Tokyo when an odd letter arrived for her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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Name: Tachibana Snow, Kamen Rider Vortex
Age: 16
Appearance: "... This hat suits me."
Abilities: Snow's abilities are everything that comes with being a small, quiet girl. At least apparently.
Rider Powers: Snow uses the Winter Driver to become Kamen Rider Vortex. The Winter Driver is a icy-looking belt with a dial and a blue themometer one it. When the dial is turned to either a picture of a snowflake or a picture of a hailstone, this initiates Snow's transformation.
Snow Front(the base color is blue, the ice designs are white) is equipped with a bladed shovel-like weapon, which produces a trail of razor-sharp ice crystals as it is moved. Snow Front also has an extremely cold temperature, Winter Driver being the coldest part of the suit in this form. While it's not cold enough to freeze anything quickly unless it's water, it is cold enough to cause an burning sensation to the things that touch it without protection. Snow Front's finisher is Snow Break, which fires a burst of snow from the shovel-like weapon at the enemy, before Vortex uses her weapon to knock them into the air and deliver a flying kick.
Hail Front is a similar to Snow Front, but the snowflake designs are replaced with white boulders of icy material. In this form, Vortex is equipped with a short-barreled gun that fires razor-sharp balls of ice that can even punch through concrete. It finisher is suspending the enemy up into the air with these shots, then leaping into the sky to kick through them.
Personality: Snow is a very quiet girl. She speaks very little, usually only when directly spoken to by another person. She is really rather shy, sometimes not even willing to talk if someone is too loud or forceful and she doesn't know them well. For this reason she carries a notepad with her that she can write responses on. Snow also usually appears rather emotionless, but it's more that she just doesn't display her emotions very clearly. Instead, she always seems to talk in a monotone with a very neutral expression. There are some things that can scare or surprise her, but it takes a lot for her to show it properly. Snow also adores gothic lolita fashion. Her entire wardrobe, outside of school uniforms, is composed of such clothing. She is also very protective of her necklace.
Backstory: Snow is, aside from her demeanor and her unusual name, clearly an ordinary high school girl. Well, aside from getting wrapped up in this whole Squallors and Kamen Rider Revol thing. Well, and how she was dragged into the Meteorology Club in order to use her to gain more members. When Hanako took over, she did... much the same thing. But she thinks Snow is adorable too. And then, as things progressed... she found the Winter Driver, and was able to fight off Squallors alongside Hanako. However, hearing about what's happening in Tokyo, Hanako asked Snow to go there and help out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

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Here we go.

  • Name: Luke "Crash", aka Armored Rider Crit

  • Age: 17

  • Appearance: Human Appearance, His Rider Form always has a cowboy motif to it, so you'll see that the front of his helmet that's molded into the shape of a cowboy hat, as well as several white tassels on his arms. As per Gaim Riders, he doesn't have much features, leaving all that for the Arms. Aside from the aforementioned tassels, his suit is also white.

  • Abilities: Not really any special abilities.

  • Rider Powers: Luke has a Sengoku Driver. He also has about nine Lockseeds, each of them having the potential to be utilized in the Sengoku Driver. They could also be used to summon Inves. In his civilian form, he can only bring them into a holographic wrestling ring, as he hasn't figured out how to jail-break them (yet). In his Armored Rider form, though, he can summon them in physical form, but he has to be careful in holding the Lock Seeds. If he was to drop or otherwise let go of his Lock Seed in the midst of battle, the Invess would lose control and break out of the ring. The nine Lockseeds are split into three sets.

    • Himawari Arms: Luke's main Lock Seed. It grants him the Himawari Bullet, a revolver-like gun that he can use to shoot sunflower seed like bullets at people. His finisher is the Himawari Smash, in which he shoots a sunflower seed at someone, it grows into a drill, and thus prompts him to preform a Rider Kick.

    • Matsubokkuri Arms: Using this Lock Seed grants him the Kagematsu, a spear style weapon for him to slash. His finisher is the Ichigeki Break, where he jumps and charges with his Kagematsu, forming a giant energy pinecone on the tip to stab the opponent with.

    • Kurumi Arms: Using this Lock Seed grants him the Kurumi Gauntlets, powerful gauntlets for him to punch with. His finisher is the Breakurumi Punch, a powerful Rider Punch.

  • Rider Machine: He has a Rose Attacker.

  • Personality: Luke enjoys battles, provided they're not to the death. Often he'll sit by and watch other people fight, not being a fan of joining in the battle and siding with one person. He doesn't appreciate cheating, but it's far from his Berserk Button. Unlike the other people in the Critical Dancers, Luke wasn't upbeat or energetic. He was quite the opposite. He was silent, always calculating some strategy for his next Invess/Rider battle and he doesn't really have that youthful spirit that the others had.

  • Backstory: Contrary to the other Armored Riders, Luke was not in Zawame City, but rather a neighboring city that was absorbed in the Beat Rider craze. As such, he was part of the Beat Rider team known as the Critical Dancers. However, Luke never liked dancing. He always had two left feet. No, his interest was in the Invess battles, in which one utilizes Lock Seeds to summon monsters from another world and have them fight. He liked this enough to buy three Lock Seeds from his local Lock Dealer. However, there wasn't enough focus on the Invess games than in Zawame City (though that could be because of Yggdrasil wanting to contain them inside Zawame City), and thus Luke was not able to find a decent challenge. That's when he moved to Zawame City. By that time, the Armored Rider craze began, so he only managed to pick fights with the lesser Beat Riders while the higher ranked ones fought each other. Even when he would lose, Luke would have fun partaking in the games. As soon as the Invess began to attack people and the blame on placed on the Beat Riders, he was approached by a girl who proposed him to stop with the Games. Distraught with the loss of his favorite hobby, he departed back to his hometown. He wanted to see his Lock Dealer again, but he mysteriously disappeared and in his place was a strange driver with a knife on it and a new Lockseed that eventually became the Rose Attacker. A note on the belt said "To my most favorite customer. You always did have an interest for intense battles... This shall make them even more intense. Take it, it's free." And taken it he did. He placed the driver on his waist and with that, it bonded with him and created someone that the DJ in his town would call Armored Rider Crit. However, conflicts with the Beat Riders spread to his town, though since Luke was one of the few who managed to use Lockseeds in that town, he was kicked out of both the Critical Dancers and his home town. Realizing that he became an Armored Rider like the ones in Zawame City, he sets off and searches for battles to be had.

    • Name: Tsubasa Takanashi/Kamen Rider Tempest

    • Age: 21

    • Appearance: Human Form, Rider Form, though the brown cloth is replaced with a dark green cloth and he lacks the claw.

    • Abilities: Like all Wizard Riders, Tsubasa has a Phantom inside him that he uses as a magic source. This Phantom in question is the Garuda Phantom. If he is to fall into despair, the Phantom will begin ripping him apart until he is killed and the Phantom will take over his body. If, for any reason, the Phantom is destroyed, Tsubasa's magic goes with it.

    • Rider Powers: Tsubasa possesses several magical rings that he uses in battle. Most of these Rings are accessible due to his Phantom being wind-based.
      [*]Tempest Ring: He was originally going to get a Change Ring like most Mages, but his affinity was able to utilize Haruto's Hurricane Ring, and so a similar ring was made for him. When using it to transform, he is engulfed in a magical tornado that creates his Magician armor.

    • Driver On Ring: Summons his Mage's Belt

    • Connect Ring: Creates a small portal for Tempest to bring out his WizardSwordGun, which is able to be both a sword and a gun.

    • Barrier Ring: This ring is able to create a gust of wind that blocks attacks and pushes enemies back.

    • Tornado Ring: This Ring is able to create a small tornado that Tempest can send towards his enemies.

    • Special Ring: This Ring allows Tempest to sprout Garuda's Wings and have him be able to fly.

    • Thunder Ring: This Ring allows Tempest to use thunder and attack his foes.

  • Rider Machine: He doesn't have one.

  • Personality: Tsubasa has a burning hatred towards Phantoms after Sayoko's death to them. Tsubasa is also vengeful, swearing revenge on anyone who would bring harm to his friends. Because of this, Tsubasa often rushes head first into battle without actually considering any battle strategies. He is also confrontational, rarely making allies unless they help him in some way. The only person he's not angry towards is Haruto, though he doesn't believe in his "last hope" moniker.

  • Backstory: Tsubasa was a college student who in high school made friends with a girl named Sayoko. He and Sayoko went their separate ways after graduation, as she went on a yacht trip. Years later, Tsubasa found himself targeted by a mermaid-like monster. He was saved by what the monster referred to as "The Ringed Magician" and the monster, referred to the Magician as a Phantom, ran off. The Magician introduced himself as Haruto and explained to him about why the Phantom targeted him. He was what is called a Gate, a human with magical potential. When a Gate hits their lowest point, their despair, their magical potential corrupts into an inner Phantom which destroy them on the inside out. Although he was explicitly told to stay in an antique shop until the Phantom is dealt with, Tsubasa manages to sneak out of the shop from time to time, inevitably seeing that the Phantom was really Sayoko. It was at this time that Haruto began to fight the phantom. He tried to stop Haruto, but he was too late as he landed the final blow onto the Mermaid Phantom and killed her. Haruto tried to explain to Tsubasa, but his words fail to reach him as he believed he killed Sayoko and not a cruel intimation of her. He hit his emotional nadir and cause his Phantom to develop and rip him apart. However, he had enough with Haruto and when offered a chance to be cured, he rejected it and told Haruto that his death by his hands will bring him hope. With that, he was able to restrain the Phantom in him. Haruto offered Tsubasa the choice of either having him enter his Underworld and destroy his Phantom or having him train Tsubasa, with the promise that they'll fight afterwards. Tsubasa agreed to the latter and vowed to avenge Sayoko. After a while of training, Tsubasa was ready and the two duked it out. Although Tsubasa was victorious, he couldn't bring himself to finish off Haruto. All that training caused him to see Haruto more as a father-figure than an enemy. Tsubasa spared Haruto, and he told him the truth about what happened to Sayoko. Tsubasa vowed to hunt down the Phantoms as Haruto showed him a letter requesting for all the Riders to head off to Tokyo. Haruto told Tsubasa to go in his place, as he had unfinished business to attend to. As he left, Tsubasa went off to Tokyo to fight the monsters.

  • [/list]

    And his Phantom:

    • Name: Garuda

    • Age: Half a year old (it was formed the moment Tsubasa hit his nadir)

    • Appearance: A large golden bird with four wings, eight tail-feathers, and an orange beak.

    • Abilities:Garuda's wings can cause massive gusts with each flap of his wing, and considering that it has four wings, is a lot of windpower. It is also capable of flight, being able to fly to great heights.

    • Combat Forms: The only combat form is his Inner Phantom form. If he was able to burst from Tsubasa, then he could assume his Phantom Form and Tsubasa's form.

    • Personality: Garuda is amused with Tsubasa's anger, and often goads him into killing everyone that stands in his path if Tsubasa manages to talk to him like how Haruto or Nitoh talk to their Phantoms. Garuda also attempts to make other people angry, as that is his favored emotion. Much like Dragon, if Tsubasa's life is in mortal danger, like getting knocked unconscious into a river, he will take temporary control, if only to ensure his own survival.

    • Backstory: Nothing really to say outside that he was born the moment Tsubasa hit his nadir and he is patiently waiting for the day Tsubasa falls to despair again.

    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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    Accepted, accepted aaaaand accepted.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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    OOC's up.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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    Lost Cause

    Member Seen 2 yrs ago

    • Name: Nadeshiko Misaki / Kamen Rider Nadeshiko

    • Age: 17

    • Appearance: Suit, Regular

    • Abilities: Has the ability to duplicate technology that she sees into a more "advanced" form. This allowed her to create her Driver after watching Gentaro transform into Fourze and to replicate the Burgermeal Foodroid in a larger, more capable form.

    • Rider Powers: In theory, Nadeshiko can use any of the Circle or Square Astroswitches, although at the start of the RP she only has access to the Rocket, Radar, Parachute, and Elek switches.

    • Rider Machine: I know it’s non canon, but… Machine Cosmic Chaser

    • Personality: Nadeshiko is curious and just a little bit bubbly, although this is only a recent development. At one point, she was a complete blank slate, limited simply to staring at things and repeating what was said to her.

    • Backstory: This is where things get complex. You see, this isn’t the “original” Nadeshiko Misaki. Instead, she’s a lump of an alien slime referred to as “Seeds Of Life from the Universe”, or SOLU for short. She came to Earth inside of a meteorite, took on the form of a real person, and the rest? Well, that’s history…

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    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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    Draconilian Call me Kali

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    Name: Rei Kariya

    Age: 19


    Abilities: Black belt in Karate. High degree of knowledge of Kamen Riders.

    Rider Powers: Kamen Rider Zangetsu. Combining the Melon Lockseed and his Sengoku Driver, he assumes the green armor and is armed with the Musou Saber and Melon Defender. He also has the Mango lockseed in his possession.

    Melon Arms: His jack of all stats form. Well rounded offensively and defensively. Since Rei possesses one of the rare Sengoku Drivers with the Musou Saber, the Melon Arms are his default form, giving him a shield and sword, along with long range blaster shots in a pinch. The Melon Defender shield can fold up into a bracer on his right arm, allowing him to simply use the Musou Saber or his hand to hand combat skills. The shield is bladed on the edges and can be magnetically drawn back to the armor from any distance if thrown or discarded.

    Mango Arms: Emphasizing raw power, the Mango Arms bring the Mango Punisher mace to battle. The mace is incredibly damaging and heavy, but due to Rei's own intense physical training, he can use the full potential of the Mango Lockseed and wield the Mango Punisher with just one hand, though this is clumsier and physically draining. Similar to the Melon Defender, the mace can be magnetically drawn back from any distance, but makes a far worse throwing weapon.

    Rider Machine: Dandeliner Lockvehicle

    Personality: Rei is rather carefree, often with a smile on his face and confident that those on the side of good will always come out in the end. Nevertheless, he is a martial artist, and knows how to be disciplined when it is necessary. He is very talkative and eager to meet the other Kamen Riders, having studied them for years dreaming to be one. However, when sufficiently motivated, he ceases talking and focuses entirely on the task at hand, with brutal efficiency, if necessary.

    His rider powers are a source of great joy and pride for him, and he has a tendency to have fun in battle, but knows to take them seriously and never abuses them.
    Backstory: Rei grew up during a time when Rider powers were springing up all over Japan, he caught what news he could of them over the years and compiled a large knowledge of the Heisei riders, in his research, he also discovered the Showa riders, and they inspired him to take up martial arts. Though he often tried to follow the events surrounding the riders in person, he had never actually seen one or even been relatively close to ones location.

    As Foundation X returned, Rei knew the Riders would be gathering in Tokyo, he set out for the Capital. Upon arriving, he witnessed several Riders engaged in an all out brawl with dozens of monsters, with a strange man in khaki off to the side, clearly watching them. Rei assaulted the man, assuming him to be with the Foundation, but he simply disappeared.

    Rei wandered through the city, observing the occasional wreckage, wondering what he had witnessed. Not long after, the man reappeared, introducing himself as Narutaki. He informed Rei that he knew that his motivations were noble, and the city was in need of riders, out of his jacket, he produced a Driver and two Lockseeds, coded to Rei already. And vanished as soon as he appeared.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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    I mean, uh... Yay, Zangetsu!
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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    To the OOC thread!
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Revans Exile
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    Revans Exile

    Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

    Working on my character with multiple personalities.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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    Draconilian Call me Kali

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    Just wondering can I bring in another Toku hero or should I rework that into a set of Rider powers?
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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    Member Seen 5 hrs ago

    Hmmm, so, updated Reiko's picture so that it's no longer just a crappy rough sketch!

    Also working on a villain I guess. Just need to figure out just what I'm doing for it. ^^;
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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    Member Seen 2 yrs ago

    I'd prefer if we could keep it to just Riders, ehe.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Revans Exile
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    Revans Exile

    Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

    Never mind
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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    Draconilian Call me Kali

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    So IC when?
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