Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fat Boy Kyle
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Fat Boy Kyle

Member Seen 7 days ago

Vates sat slumped against the door as he recovered from his long run to the stockpile. His breathing was still heavy and his pulse still raced; the fact that the child stood on the other side of the door slashing at it and screaming did not help. “So Edward, are we just going to sit here in fear of a little child?” mocked Janus in an unusually sarcastic tone. Vates response came in the form of a snarl. “You claim to have gone against entire criminal organisations, and since my arrival we have been in more than a couple of scraps. Why are you so afraid of a child?”

“What was I supposed to do?! Kill the child?! Would that make you happy?! Would that work for the ’greater good’?!” Vates yelled at his kage. He could feel Janus’ anxiety at this. It was rare the two disagreed, but when they did Vates always came out on top, being both more confident that his kage as well as controlling it’s vessel. “Besides,” continued Vates “Fighting grown men from the shadows with my equipment fully functional was a lot less scary than running through an apocalyptic city away from a demon thing with nothing but a glorified torch. I’ll take the gangsters and thugs over this shit any day…”

A long silence endured before Janus spoke up, “The child has an Omikage Edward. If there is anything left of the child inside it is suffering. Killing it would be the kindest thing to do. There are weapons here.”

Another long silence endured whilst Vates contemplated his options. He knew that Janus was right, but he wasn’t a killer let alone a child killer. One or two tears rolled down his cheeks, causing him to shake his head and rise to his feet in defiance. “No. I’m not killing the child. There’s food here, enough to last one person weeks. I’ll take what I need and then trap the child in. It’ll be safer locked in here anyway.” said Vates as he began scrabbling through the various crates and lockers for cores, food, water and rope. He filled his pockets and a military duffle bag, and replaced his gauntlet cores before approaching the door.

Vates took a few moments to think about what to do before opening the door. He kept his right gauntlet forward at chest height as he used his left hand to quickly unlock and pull open the door. As it swung open he jumped back and used his gauntlet to emit a series of short blinding flashes. The child ran in screaming and wildly slashing, with one swipe managing to catch Vate’s tattered suit jacket. He circled around the child slightly before using his left gauntlet to push it back, sending it flying a foot back and landing on its behind. Vates quickly made it to the other side of the door and pulled it shut, causing the automatic lock to trap the child inside. To only people likely to know the code were Vates and the Military. “You think this is better? To confine anyone in a small room - to take away their liberty - it is a cruel thing to do in any case. But a child? It will suffer endlessly at the will of her Onikage.”

“I won't be killer. I will not walk that path.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AnriuSB
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AnriuSB The Wanderer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Samuel awoke to the sound of pleasant music, and the feeling of a not so pleasant migraine. He massaged his sore head with an open palm and began to right himself. It took him a moment, but upon fully awaking he found that he was once again completely fresh, not only that but those strings that had appeared earlier filled the room. He noticed a new string that had not been there previously. He could not begin to guess how he knew the difference between each string, or what that difference was, but he was able to confidently tell each individual one apart. Not only that but he was able to immediately determine which one belonged to him, and which one belonged to the man who had greeted him earlier.

That thought reminded him, he was in a mansion of sorts, surrounded by lavish furnishings and top of the line decorations. True, the flowers on his bedside were a tad withered but nevertheless it was rather impressive, to think that such luxury living still existed in a post apocalyptic world..

His mind trailed whilst studying his surrounding and his eye found their way to a closet door, he got up and opened it. Within was his clothing. He dressed with relevant ease, even though he had no real idea how he was able to properly do so. He then grabbed a nearby walking cane that he believed suited his current attire and strolled out of his room with relevant grace.

For awhile he wandered the grand halls, patch worked with expensive paintings from artists he did not know, and decorated with the most stunning detail, for some odd reason he felt at home. For a long while he walked, no real direction or state of urgency, simply taking in this lush lifestyle. That was until he ran into the very man that had greeted him at the gate, and been so kind as too grant him rest.

He did however notice that the man was in the middle of a conversation, so Samuel waited. Slowly he had been regaining his sense of thought, and, with the help of the little voice inside his head, he was beginning to be capable of speaking in a linear fashion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheGodfather


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mathias lent on his cane cane for a moment as he pondered his next move; as he turned he was surprised to see Samuel facing him, dressed and looking much more relaxed than he had done previously. "Well, its good to see you back on track Sam. Just in time for dinner too."
The entirety of the Estates residents ate at in the same dinning room, at the same time. All except the guards ofcourse who ate after their shift change (they didnt mind, they were served extra helpings). This struck Matthias as the best opportunity to introduce Samuel as a new guest and he was welcomed with the usual Winters greetings.
Later on Mathias walked around the manor with Sam and they talked for some time, his way of trying to re-jog a friends memory, yet no memories surfaced. "Samuel, i have known you for some time, i think you realise that." They continued to walk, Mathias braced himself, the information he was about to reveal could cause Sam to faint again. "You worked for a while in the intel business, you were what we would call an information broker. You often told me that even friends were not exempt from trading what they know. Samuel, i know who the girl is, the one you THINK you saw before you collapsed. I know a great deal about your life before the incident. I know your real name. I will tell you all this, If you can tell me two things. Have you ever come across the settlers that reside at the factory on the east side? and...Where do i find Edward Vates?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 15 days ago

Zachary slumped down on the most functional chair in his hidden lair and put his heads in his hands. He left the bag full of food on the ground, which was unlike him as he was normally very tidy. Still moping about the man we killed? teased Kaa'is. Zachary responded with a glare, an act which was very difficult considering that he was communicating to a disembodied presence in his head, but he managed it all the same. Giving me the silent treatment, huh? That's fine. It's not as if I'm going anywhere.

Zachary wished Kaa'is would go somewhere. He hated the demon who spoke inside his head, moved his hands and tried to make him do terrible things. Zachary glowered for a couple minutes longer, allowing himself to collect his thoughts. "You killed someone for just your own amusement," Zachary said, anger edging his words like a blade.

Oh, I killed him for more than just to mess with you, Kaa'is said, callously off-hand. This perked Zachary's curiosity. What was this other reason? Oh, you're interested now? Well, I suppose I could tell you. I wanted his spirit. When he died you felt some energy or strength or something like that enter you. That was his spirit, which I absorbed. Kages grow in power by consuming the spirits of those they kill. That's why many Conduits go on rampages and murder everything in sight, because they just go mad over power. Me, I'm not so mad for power, I just like messing you up, but even I need a power boost now and again. Then was as good a time as any.

Zachary, although he still hated Kaa'is for murdering him, was slightly more at ease for having a logical reason behind the action. Which made Zachary think 'Damn, this Onikage knows me too well.' A drink of water helped calm his nerves before he tried finding some activity that would take his mind off what had taken place that morning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"She's late...."

Hilda was never late. In fact, her being late was simply unimaginable, as outlandish as the thought of the earth being flat for those who knew her.

"Maybe dead. Too weak survive out." Raijin stated simply, nonchalantly examining its foot.

Without a word, she gathered up supplies for a day out, as fast as she could without straining herself. There was a time when she would only care for herself, and just leave Hilda out there, but this one year spent in this stinking wasteland... Without her maid, Hayami would have never survived the shuttle crash, nor have lived this long. Funny what a year spent with one's own maid can do. It was the first time she ever saw her maid as anything more than an object.

Now she was a treasured pet.

"Lets go Raijin." She buttoned up her blouse, the final touches to her school uniform, about the only clothes Hilda had found besides her tattered dress they tore up to make bandages. "Lets get Hilda back, and punish her for being tardy."

"Oh? Punish?" Raijin looks positively excited now, his mane bristling up with energy. "I good at punish! WE PUNISH EVERYONE!"

Too energetic for her liking. She still felt a little weak after so many months being stuck with a broken leg, unable to move or do anything. Still, if anything happened, she was confident she can outrun most anyone, and if the situation really calls for it... why she could just shoot off a bolt of lightning. Even if it didn't hit, it would give her time to make her escape.

There was one slight problem however, one she had not thought about until she stepped out into the rubble filled road where her father's hotel once stood tall and proud. She had no idea where to go, or what she should look for to find Hilda. With a brief glance at her surrounding, she decided she should go to one of the still intact buildings and climb up as high as she can.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AnriuSB
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AnriuSB The Wanderer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Collab Between Lost, Anriu, and Skai

Having returned to her initial post, Hali was greeted by the sight of a woman she had not seen in over a year. Brushing against the headset, she switched its setting, accessing the frequency of Ik's when it is considered 'off'. "Sir, I have spotted another individual approaching our perimeter . It is Arianna; it appears that she managed to find her way here after all. What are your orders?"

A weary sigh parted Iktomi's lips, as he dropped his head into his open palm. 'She would decide to show up right now. The blood hasn't even finished drying and I have another intruder to deal with. I suppose it was bound to happen one day.' Rising out of his throne, he tapped on his ear piece. "I want you to bring her here as soon as possible. She is a friend, so no hostile actions. I have another problem to deal with." Lifting his arms slowly, threads began rising up from the floor and taking the form of small darts aimed at the creature off to the left of the doors. "I have a very important guest arriving shortly. If you do not state your reason for being here within the next ten seconds I will be forced to remove you from this world."

Ariela could taste the hostility in the air. She strengthened her resolve. She had been ready for this; now was her time to act. "Now is that any way to greet an honored guest?" The imp's voice was broken, as if two beings were speaking at once. One of such voices was high pitched and squeaky, whilst the other was low and menacing. "I am here to discuss a possible treaty. Consider me a messenger. Have you perhaps heard tell of the one called Banshee?"
Arianna and Hali - Elsewhere

Arianna looked around at her surroundings. She could tell by the change in destruction and damaged street that she was entering the lower class section of Sovereign. Her mind raced as she thought of the day the Void Gate opened. It had really been her first time in the section when she had a real purpose to be there. Unfortunately the wretched Void Gate ruined her day.

"Arianna... You're drifting again. You need to focus in this area of Sovereign," Castiel's gentle and gruff voice lilted in her mind.
Arianna let out a knowing sigh and brushed her hair back from her face. Of all the objects she found in the rubble, she couldn't find one blessed hair tie.
I'll focus. Just keep me posted if you hear anything. You know your hearing is much better than mine.[/] Arianna replied. By "hearing", Arianna meant his telepathy. It had come in handy with keeping unwanted guests from unexpectedly dropping in on the two.

Castiel suddenly commanded, causing Arianna to freeze in her steps. She instinctively reached for the rapier she had crudely stuck through her belt loop. Surprisingly, the belt loop hadn't been cut after a year of using it as a makeshift sheath. "I heard something on your right. It's approaching."
Arianna turned to face her right side, drawing the rapier and gripping it with both hands. Her eyes scanned every inch of the scene before her. The only disadvantage to the telepathy was that she could never tell if the thoughts came from a human, conduit, or guardian. All she knew was that it was a person, and after her long, hard year, she'd grown to trust no one fully but Castiel.

Hali reached behind her slowly as Arianna turned toward her, rapier drawn already. Removing her own blade, Hali released it. As the sharp clang of steel hitting rubble faded away she lifted her open hands. "I am not an enemy. I work for Iktomi Ascher. As I understand, you are, or were, a close friend of his. He asked me to come and bring you to his home."
Iktomi and Ariela - Iktomi's Lair
"When you are forced to sneak into my home you are not allowed to consider yourself an honored guest. Furthermore, you should be greatful that I did not kill you the moment I noticed your presence." Iktomi's voice was void of emotion, his face reflected this tone as he finally turned his gaze upon the diminutive creature. "Treaties are meaningless to me. There are only three positions avaliable to anyone that deals with me. Even someone who has managed to gain a lofty title such as the Banshee. A rare few get to stand at my side as equals; many kneel down before me as servants. The rest get the honor of dying at my hand. You can choose between the last two or get out of my sight."

A strong distaste for this man had already filled Ariela's mouth and mind. He was foolish to think so highly of himself; yet Ariela smiled at this man's blindness. It would prove of great use to her in the near future...

During this time of thought, a great silence filled the place known as Iktomi's lair. Ariela purposely extended this silence in order to increase Iktomi's annoyance. She had chosen where she stood in regards to this man, but for now she simply stated, "I agree.. One such of your caliber deserves worthy servants, one of which I may be destined to become." The imp performed a small bow before floating ever closer to the man named Iktomi, "But what will the spider king do, if the empire he has so painstakingly constructed collapses under its very foundations? You are not the strongest man to dwell within this cage we call Sovereign, and you would be wise to remember that."
With those final words the imp disappeared with a cloud of black smoke. Ariela had reached her limit for the time being. She wondered what the effect her words would have on this surprisingly blinded king.

Dropping his hand to his side, Iktomi released the threads from his control causing them to collapse to the ground in a heap. Falling back into his seat, his head slumped down against his chest. He remained in this position for well over a minute before his neck snapped back and a wild cackle burst through his lips. As the sound died down, his mouth reformed into his trademark smirk. 'I never get tired of that Archania. The ones that crawl to me thinking that they will serve any purpose. If I wanted them at my side I would have searched them out.

'This Banshee could prove to be useful though, you shouldn't depose of her. Not yet at the very least. Let her live out her usefullness, and then devour her when that time passes. Archania's mandibles clicked at the end, looking forward to yet another insect to feed on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skai
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Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Collab Between Lost, Skai, and Anriu Part Dos

Arianna and Hali - Not At Iktomi's... Yet.

Arianna felt her heart flutter and constrict as Hali mentioned Iktomi's name. He had survived, and now she had a chance of finding him. Deep down within her, she felt her hope flicker to life. She momentarily forgot that Hali was a stranger, becoming consumed with the thought of seeing Iktomi again.

"Arianna," Castiel's voice warned in her mind, "How do you know that this girl isn't lying and this is a trap? I know of kage's with the ability to see someone's past." Arianna took a deep breath, eyeing the woman in front of her. I want to take this risk. We have enough spirit to fight off a few men or women. Castiel only replied with a soft sigh, knowing there was no use in arguing. She had a good enough reason to at least see if it was real.

"Iktomi survived the gate opening, then," Arianna murmured, slightly lowering her weapon. She took a deep breath. "Lead the way."

Bending down Hali quickly retrieved her weapon, sliding it back into its sheath. She always felt uncomfortable without her blade. She was not like Leo and Iktomi. While they had become hosts she remained human. Steadying herself, she turned her back to Arianna, lifting a hand to indicate she should follow her. "He did not only survive it, he has become stronger. He is a beacon of light in these unholy times. I know seeing you will only strengthen him further. He was...distraught when we could not find you after the Gate opened."

Arianna slowly followed her, but kept her rapier in her hands. Her brows furrowed as she mentioned how strong Iktomi had become, then slight shock passed over her features as she mentioned Iktomi being distraught. "How did he know I was here?" She asked, a little suspicious of the inquiry. "And what do you mean by 'stronger'?"

Glancing over her shoulder, Hali's eyes connected with Arianna's. "Which time? I guess that doesn't matter. The first time I had been tailing you to your meeting with Mr. Vates. This time I was patrolling the perimeter when I saw you. My memory is excellent so I easily remembered your face. As for your second question, he is like you."

Arianna looked around at their surroundings, mulling over her words. Mr. Vates? Of course. A man as great as him wouldn't use real names when dealing with clients. She looked back at Hali and took a deep breath. "So, he's a host, and he had you tail me while I was in Sovereign," she said, repeating what Hali had mentioned. "What is he, some godfather-like mafia man?" She mused. Castiel had kept her humor alive during the past year. Although he barely understood human humor, she heard a lot of amusing things about kages.

Hali nodded her head as her strides grew longer. Arianna's reaction to seeing Iktomi could not be predicted, and it made Hali uneasy. "Yes, he is a host, and he has become quite close to his Kage during the past few months." At Arianna's second question Hali simply shook her head believing it to be an actual inquiry. "No I wouldn't say that. If I had to describe what he was, I would say he is an Emperor."

Arianna blinked, quickening her pace to keep up with Hali. "An emperor?" She asked incredulously. Iktomi was always one to dominate, but this woman couldn't possibly be serious about this. She hadn't expected the woman to think of her question as a real one. What had Iktomi become in the past few years? Arianna felt Castiel shifting uncomfortably, and the two worried if his kage was an onikage or a kamikage. She didn't ask, though. She would find out soon enough. Honestly, she would still visit him even if he had an onikage. Iktomi had a strong will. She was certain that he still managed to control himself.

"There is no other way I can think to explain his position. He has our loyalty no matter what. Many have died to protect him or to further his cause. When he speaks it is as if a fog has been removed from my eyes. What else would you call him?" Glancing at Arianna out of the corner of her eye, Hali slowed her steps slightly not wanting to push the woman too far. Iktomi wouldn't be pleased if Arianna didn't arrive in perfect condition.

"A megalomaniac," Arianna muttered under her breath. She looked into the woman's eyes and shrugged. "The last time I saw Iktomi, he was a fifteen year old finishing his last day of high school. He hasn't been in any contact with me since. The only name I have for him is 'old friend.'" She turned her gaze on the rubble around them. A fallen and rusted sign caught her attention. It was the sign for the cafe she had visited Mr. Smith - or Mr. Vates - in. They were close.

"Fifteen? That means the last time you saw him, was shortly before the time I first met him. It was a couple of months after he arrived in Sovereign." Hali shut her mouth quickly, head shaking a bit to clear her mind of the memories that threatened to surge back to her. "Never mind, that doesn't matter. I am sure that he is quite eager to see you again. He often spoke of you over the years." She stopped in front of a mostly intact building, hand pointed towards the doorway. "This is as far as I accompany you. He will be waiting inside. It was nice to meet you, Arianna." Turning away Hali quickly raced off, heading back towards her position on the perimeter.

Arianna was about to utter a goodbye, but Hali ran off before she could. Nervously, she turned to look at the building. The spider webs covering the sides made Castiel shift. "I don't like this. Do not let your guard down." Arianna only nodded in response. She slipped her rapier back into her belt loop and took a deep breath. Before she did anything else, she ran her hand through her hair and hoped that she didn't look like something that just crawled out of the gutter. With a small nod to encourage herself, she reached forward and turned the door knob. She gingerly stepped into the building.

With the door opened, Iktomi rose out of his seat with a radiant smile pulling at the corner of his lips. Gliding down the steps, he approached Arianna slowly, not wanting to alarm her. He stopped a few feet in front of her, arms thrown out at his sides. "It is about time you arrived Ari! You are a year late, and you didn't even send a letter apologizing. I must say your manners have taken a turn for the worse." Chuckling a bit he dropped one arm, the other gesturing toward one of two chairs, each on a side of a circular table. "We have a lot of catching up to do, would you care to take a seat?"

As Arianna entered, she couldn't help but notice the looks of the room. The dried blood on the floor accented the spiderwebs that covered the walls. It unnerved her and Castiel. Her gaze instantly focused on Iktomi as he approached her, looking him over. His general appearance hadn't changed much, but there were little things about him that were drastically different. As he spoke, the anger she had felt when he left those many years ago suddenly flared. Her manners had taken a turn for the worst? She hadn't sent a letter apologizing to him? She refrained from reaching out and slapping him. "So it's all my fault?" She asked, jumping right to their "catching up." "I was the one who didn't say goodbye?" Her eyes bored into his and her brows furrowed slightly in anger, demanding answers from him.

Iktomi brushed his hand through the air, dismissing her anger in a casual manner as he took a seat, since she currently refused to do so. "I am not speaking of the distant past Arianna. Would you like me to apologize for an action that I had no control over? If so then I am sorry that my parents decided that I was to move out when I graduated. I am sorry that I decided that rather than have you try to get me to stay in a place I was no longer wanted, I left with the intent of causing the least amount of damage." His tone remained calm, though not the void it usually was. Once more he gestured towards the seat opposite him, his lips still in a soft smile. "Now please sit Ari, I rather our first meeting in years be pleasant."

Arianna felt all anger slip out of her grasp as he apologized. It was replaced by a twinge of hurt feelings. Her eyes and features softened. "I would have let you go," she said. "It hurts much more that you didn't say anything to me before you disappeared." She shook her head slightly and dropped her gaze to the floor, exhaling softly. She sat down in the chair, removing her satchel and setting it down next to her. Sitting had been a mistake, because now she felt her exhaustion plague her. She hadn't sat down since she had left her last makeshift shelter.

Iktomi nodded a bit, a frown creasing his face. "I realized that it probably had that effect a couple of years ago. Despite my vast intelligence, there are somethings that manage to escape even me. I didn't mean to cause you pain." Taking note of her appearance, he tapped on his earpiece sparking it back to life. "Alex I want you to send down a couple of men with food and drink, the finest we have for both. And some water, as soon as possible." With his orders delivered Iktomi flashed Arianna a smile once again. "I am sorry for the mess by the way. I didn't know you were coming until a few minutes before your arrival."

Arianna let out a small chuckle when he talked about his vast intelligence. He managed to stay cocky even after all these years. She watched him as he ordered around someone through his earpiece. His finest drink and some water? How could he have an alcohol. After her year in Sovereign, she hadn't seen a trace of alcohol except for empty glass bottles. She almost smiled as he did so, but as he mentioned the mess, her gaze darted over to the dried blood on the ground. Cautiously, she looked back up at him. "What would you consider yourself, Iktomi? The woman that led me here called you an emperor, and spoke of you as if you were some hero with many servants to fulfill his wishes."

Iktomi sighed softly as he watched her eyes glance over at the blood. He had known she would see it eventually, he just wished she could have given him a little more time to find an artful way to avoid the truth without lying. "I see myself the same way I have since I was a child Arianna. I am just a man. These people needed someone strong enough to protect them, at least that is how it started. After a while they took it upon themselves to protect me. They came to me for guidance, and eventually they began following orders. Without trying I became a leader. I have had to...make some very tough choices during my time here, even more so after the Gate opened." Closing his eyes briefly, he took a deep breath before he continued. "I have done what I have needed to in order to keep my people safe."

Arianna watched him as he explained himself, noticing the way he reacted to his words. She could tell he regretted some of the decisions he had made, but she also could tell that if he was put in another situation like it, he'd make the same decisions over again. She nodded once, letting him know that she understood for the most part. "Whose blood is that?" She asked quietly.

Opening his eyes, Iktomi slowly turned his gaze to the stain upon his otherwise glorious home. That damned Conduit managed to make his life difficult even after his demise. Bringing a hand to his face Iktomi pinched the bridge of his nose. "It belonged to a Conduit who came here with the intent of harming me. I am sorry that you had to see it. I would have preferred if you got to see my home for its true beauty." Upon hearing the footsteps of his men he waved his hand at the table, without a word they placed several dishes upon it along with two bottles of wine, and a large container of water.

Arianna bit her lips, nodding. She was just thankful he had a reason to kill this Conduit. When the food came, she felt a little uneasy. After a year of scrounging around for food, it felt odd to suddenly have several dishes placed in front of her. She also wondered how Iktomi had gotten so much. "Thank you," she murmured, smiling gratefully at Iktomi. She had not eaten yet today, so her stomach was constricting in hunger as she smelled the food.

Iktomi noticed the look of apprehension on her face as the food arrived, and he couldn't help but frown slightly. "I often forget that many are not as fortunate as my group and I. Thanks to the Kage I host, and the aid of my people, I was able to rebuild most of my former home. My storage room and kitchen are located in the same area, and they both survived the earthquakes that ravaged the city that day." Opening one bottle of wine, he poured himself a glass of the red liquid, bringing it to his lips. After taking a sip he shook his head. "There is no need to thank me Ari, you are my guest."

Arianna only nodded, still feeling oddly out of place. She filled her glass with water, needing to be rehydrated badly. She sat up in the chair and took a long, but controlled, drink of the water. "How did you know I was in Sovereign? Your chauffer explained how she had been trailing me the day the Void Gate opened." She picked up a fork and began to eat, savouring every bite.

Iktomi flashed a bright grin at her question, taking another small sip from his glass before answering. "By the time you arrived in Sovereign I had already established myself in the 'Underground' of the city so to speak. I spoke of you often to Hali, back when it was just the two of us, and she came to me when she saw someone fitting the description I had given her, although a bit altered due to the years apart. That is when I had her start tailing you. At the time I couldn't come out myself. Too many people would have tried taking advantage of that."

Arianna turned her gaze to her food as he mentioned speaking of her a lot. She couldn't help but feel a bit bashful because he had spoken of her. She glanced up at him when he was finished. "So you've made enemies? What business are you into, exactly?" She took another long drink of the water.

Setting his glass down, Iktomi slid a simple salad in front of him. Taking a couple of bites, he thought carefully on how to answer her question. "It isn't so much the business, it was the expansion. As more people looked towards me as their leader, I needed more room to house them. Like I said earlier, I have had to make very difficult choices. I relocated some families, in order to house my people. How could I do anything else?"

Arianna frowned lightly, looking up at him. "Well, it's no wonder you made enemies. People aren't exactly understanding when you wish to kick them out of their homes just so your "people" can come in and take over." She sipped the water again, then moved to refill it.

Iktomi lifted his shoulders in a shrug as he continued to eat for a moment. "It was my family or theirs. I made sure that most of them got a new home, but there were a couple that I could not help however."

Arianna nodded slowly and drank more of the water. She then set the glass down and began to eat again. "Iktomi, may I ask you a, erm, personal question?" She asked as she finished chewing her latest bite.

"Ask away Arianna. If it is something I can answer I will." Smiling at her, Iktomi pushed away his now empty dish.

Arianna set her fork down, lifting her glass to her lips to take another drink of water. When she set the glass down, she turned her gaze to his eyes. She wished she didn't need to ask this question. The answer led to two possibilites of how her meeting with him would end. Taking a deep breath, she gathered her courage, and prepared herself. "Are you a Guardian, or a Conduit?"

"I suppose that is a valid question. I am in fact a Conduit. However not only am I still in control of my body, Archania is more than satisfied with the hosts that attempt to kill me. I have not once killed a host that did not have the intent to kill me." Iktomi remained in a relaxed position, casually taking a sip of his wine as he awaited her response.

Arianna felt her stomach twist, her emotions conflicting within her. She and Castiel were uncomfortable with the situation they were in, but while Castiel wished to leave the building immediately, Arianna felt different. She looked away from Iktomi and looked at the table full of food, and then the water. If Iktomi had wanted her dead, he would have done so already. She was much weaker than he was thanks to his lavish living and well-stocked supplies. "I suppose you understand what I am," she murmured, looking up at him. She trusted Iktomi, but she didn't trust the onikage inside him.

Iktomi nodded at her words, draining the rest of his glass before speaking. "You are a Guardian. You have no reason to fear me Ari, nor Archania. Even if she won't admit it she knows that she will never overpower my will." Iktomi shifted his eyes, his gaze dancing along the webs that clung to every surface. "If I had any ill intentions towards you, I would have killed you the moment you entered my home. In here it is very difficult to get the upper hand on me. I spent the past year turning this place into my palace." Lifting a hand, several threads rose from the ground and walls. His fingers twitched and the webs spun together forming a snowflake like structure. He jerked his hand upward, attaching the new ornament to the ceiling.

Arianna watched his little show, tense at first, but relaxing as she realized what he was doing. She looked up at the new ornament, then turned her gaze on him. She couldn't help but smile softly. "After all these years, you're still a show off," she mused.

Iktomi's lips formed into a smirk, before a slight chuckle escaped him. "I suppose that I am. Anyways you must be exhausted Ari. I would like you to stay here for the time being. After you have rested we can talk more. I'll have some men escort you to the master bedroom."

Arianna watched Iktomi as he spoke, noticing familiar qualities about him. It was still the same Iktomi she grew up with, but he had changed in a different way. He spoke with power and influence, rather then the cocky arrogance he once had. A warm smile appeared on her features. "There isn't anything pulling me away, Ik. I'd be glad to have a bed. I don't think I've had one since the night before the Void Gate opened."

Iktomi tapped on his earpiece once more, his smile expanding as Arianna agreed to stay. "Alex send someone down to escort Arianna to the master bedroom. If she needs anything you are to make sure she gets it." With that bit finished, Iktomi rose out of his chair. "It really is wonderful to see you again Ari."

Arianna's gaze never left him as he stood, and she followed suit. "I imagined our first meeting a little different, but I'm just glad that we even had a first meeting." She smiled and picked up her satchel, clutching it in both hands. "Will you wake me around dinner time? I wouldn't want to miss out on an other meal." She chuckled, remembering how just a day ago she'd been searching every nook and cranny for food.

"If I do not personally wake you, I will make sure that Alex does. I swear nothing would get done without him and the other two." Shaking his head, Iktomi let out a small laugh. Turning his gaze he saw one of his men enter the room. "Ah, and here is your escort Ari. I will see you later. Sleep well."

Arianna smiled at the sound of his laugh; it was something she hadn't heard in years. She looked at the man and bit her lip, still cautious, but nodded in acknowledgement. Her long year of solitude made it hard to trust people so easily. She turned to Iktomi and smiled softly. "Thank you, again, Ik." She moved over to the man, glancing back at Iktomi once more before turning and walking away with the escort.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sage
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Sage the Natural

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Golden Mercenary Outpost

"A rebellion?" Kisheto's face lit up as he spoke the words, "Yo that sounds dope as hell!"

Hector shook his head and laughed. "Y'see, lad, it won't be much of anything if we can't keep our cool and focus. Feds'll gun us down the second we step into their crosshairs." Ishigo gently pushed off the wall he was leaning on and did a quick survey around the elevator to see if anyone was preparing to speak. It was a dimly lit miner's lift that was slowl descending into the makeshift Golden Mercenary outpost. He, Hector, Kisheto, Julian, and 3 other mercenaries waited as the lift slowly and steadily lowered itself into the depths below.

"We only know one thing for sure, and that's the fact that we'll get ONE shot at this." His face grew serious and his tone became more firm, "We'll have to initiate a strike that balances brute strength and utter agility into one nasty jab at their local patrols. After that, we'll reclaim the Golden Mercenary base, hell, we'll zone them out. If we succeed, they won't be as compelled to make a move on us, as it would be too risky. Especially if we attract enough positive attention towards our cause." Julian raised a brow and shook his as well, "Yah askin t'fight the strongest authority in all the lands, brothah. We are but newly met men, yet yah propose buttin' heads with the long acquainted military that has access to much more than we could fathom." Julian's face showed not a trace of fear, but rather, a very worrisome expression, which was extremely rare to see upon Julian's otherwise jubilant demeanor. One of the other mercenaries sighed and looked down, "A bullet to the head beats rotting in this tomb of a city." The statement received a few stern looks, including that of Hector's, "Damnit, Mikey. Calm your nerves. No one will have to die."

The lift suddenly vibrated as the internal brakes began grinding on the railings. It stuttered to a stop, and shortly after, the doors to the large, cubical elevator opened, revealing a well-lit, white-walled hallway. The hallway was tall and wide, and it led into a visible clearing in the structure, which resembled a giant cafeteria, only it held hundreds of tents and families spread out across the shelter. Across the walls of this large underground, man-made courtyard were passages leading to other important rooms, such as priority dorms, meeting halls, community bathrooms, leisure facilities, barracks, and last but not least, the Golden Mercenary emergency arsenal. The little group stepped out of the lift and the two newcomers gasped in awe at the magnificent sight.

"Ho-lee-shiiiiit.... Who made this?!" Kisheto said as his face lit up once more in excitement. Hector laughed, "Been here since before we were born, hermano, hell if I know. We call it Sector Zero 3, or Sector Z for short. It's one of many similar underground bunkers, but apparently, this is the only known bunker that wasn't destroyed by the wall that ravaged the grounds that surround such shelters." Julian simply smiled and took it all in.

I'm surrounded by hope... was his first thought. Children ran along the large courtyard, laughing and playing, and families sat together, singing songs or enjoying meals. It was as if the lift had carried them to a new world altogether. Ishigo looked to Kisheto and spoke, "We've been bringing them here. All of them. One by one, family by family. Most of them were lost and starving, but others simply would not have made it much longer were they to stick it out alone. Every single person in this shelter knows, now, that we have the strongest weapon at our disposal. Something the military lacks due to the conflicting moralities of its subordinates."

Kisheto turned to Ishigo and raised a brow, "Huh?" Ishigo smiled and gestured towards the large mass of civillians, "Unity."

Hector chuckled as Kisheto smiled as well, nodding his head and soaking in the sight before him. He then tilted his head to the side and crossed his arms, facing the two newcomers. "You won't find any hosts among these people. They are guarded 24/7 and all hosts are kept separately for the most part, primarily for safety's sake." Julian looked at Hector and asked, "You don't trust the hosts?" Hector smiled, "No, hermano, it was actually one of our conduits that suggested the idea. But even then, it helps as we are trying to keep the hosts together. To train them and hone their skills and help them create teams." Hector looked back to the mass, knowing that his words would hint at what he was attempting to get at.

Kisheto simply raised a brow but Julian chuckled and nodded, "Ahhh, I see, now brothah. That's why you chose to find us." Kisheto looked back to Julian, "Whatd'ya mean, Locks?" Even though he had only known Julian for a few hours, he had already picked out a nickname for the fellow, deriving it from the unique dreadlocks that Julian stood out with. "They're raising an army of hosts, brothah." Kisheto's eyes widened, "Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa. A freakshow circus?! That's your plan?" Hector shrugged, "It'd help if you heard us out. I don't know if you guys know this, but..." Hector looked to Ishigo before turning back and continuing.

"...the military just recently issued Order: Wildhunt. They're exterminating all hosts trapped in Sovereign."

The group fell silent at the words, as their vibe instantly dropped to a solemn aura, highly contrasting the hopeful emotions emitting from the civilians around them. Ishigo added onto Hector's statement, "Rumors have it that they're selecting a few others to brainwash as well. They're trying to use those hosts against us, as well." Kisheto shook his head, "Aw fuck... mutant showdown, huh?" Julian looked back to Hector, "So, you want me to join you then? To fight for you?"

Hector nodded at his inquiry, confident as he spoke: "I want you to fight for freedom, yes. There are a few other hosts here who know that they've been given a power, regardless of whether they deem it a gift or a curse. This power gives them a great advantage on the battlefield, and if the rumors are true - about the brainwashed hosts, then it will simply even the odds. You could also just live here and seek sanction, if you wish. We're here for the people, my friend, and just because you have such power doesn't make you any less of a person than any of us."

Kisheto raised a brow at his words and looked to Julian, "Damn, Locks. You gonna join there mutant gang?"

Julian scratched his chin and looked around again. "I've never fought before..."
Hector chuckled, "The hosts are all training right now. They're creating squads of 3 or 4 and learning one another's abilities. No combat experience required."
Julian smiled and continued, "Y'know what, brothah? I'm in. Damnit, I am surely in. These people can't be trapped here foreva', so if you're letting me help them get free, then of course. Of course I'll fight for freedom."

Hector laughed and reassuringly pat Julian on the back, "Nice choice, hermano." He then ushered to his mercenaries and they came rushing to his side, "Take my friends here to some dorms, if they are available. I believe Hall 4 has some free ones reserved for hosts."

Ishigo smiled and turned to Hector, "Well damn, Hector. I guess we do have a rebellion at our hands..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skai
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Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Arianna quietly thanked the escort as they reached two doors. One could tell it was the master bedroom just by the doors, and it made Arianna a little uncomfortable. She understood why she needed the escort, but was the master bedroom really necessary? She would have been grateful just for a cot with a warm blanket and fluffy pillow. After the escort walked off, Arianna turned the knob on one of the doors and slipped inside. A window adorned with old curtains on the far right wall cast shadows upon the too big room, but made the room feel less open as she looked it over. She could tell it had taken a little damage from the Void Gate opening, but it had been patched up as best as it could. Arianna wondered if this building had been a hotel before the Void Gate had opened, because of the style of the room and the carpet beneath her muddy boots. She removed them, feeling guilty for dragging her dirt into the room. From the looks of it, this was probably the best room in the building. It probably should have been made into a room for a group of people, but guessed that they hadn’t needed it. As she walked throughout the room, Arianna wondered where Iktomi stayed at night. Did he sleep on that mocking throne of spider’s silk? A soft sigh escaped her lips. As tired as she was, her mind was racing far too fast to sleep.

Arianna set her satchel down next to the queen sized bed, then pulled her rapier from her belt loop and leant it up against the nightstand next to it too. She took to pacing slowly across the floor, looking over the room as she thought. She felt relieved and happy that she had finally found Iktomi. She had missed his smile and arrogance. Iktomi was living successfully in Sovereign, which was a big change from his oppressed home in Argos. His happiness in Sovereign was bittersweet to Arianna. On one hand, he had finally found something he thought was worth living for, but on the other hand, he had never thought once to share it with her. He had just disappeared, laying in wait for her to find him herself. She hoped he regretted never sending a letter or trying to invite her to Sovereign. Perhaps their meeting after all these years could have been more pleasant than this had.

Deep down, Arianna felt doubt and worry beginning to take hold. Yes, Iktomi could control himself and his Kage didn’t mind being oppressed like that, but she worried about his business here. What if she had only scratched the surface when he explained how he had to force people out of their homes? This group of his was something to be concerned about, too. The woman that had escorted her here seemed nice, and the escort to her room was pleasant as well, but what about the others? She was staying in this building, surrounded by strangers. A year ago she wouldn’t have minded it, but now she did. It was crazy how fast she went from being comfortable with things as small as that. It was a feeling she took for granted. Arianna took a deep breath and brushed her fingers through her hair. Iktomi would never hurt her. She was worrying for no reason. Like he said, if he had any ill intentions towards her he would have killed her as soon as she stepped through the door. She had nothing to worry about while she was in this building. She was safe, for once.

”Arianna,” Castiel chimed in, ”I wouldn’t consider yourself safe, just protected. From what I’ve been able to hear, no one here would disobey Iktomi. There are more onikages than kamikages, but there is no need to worry. We’re only in real danger if my name is mentioned.”

Arianna sighed in response, plopping down on the bed and staring at the ceiling. Her exhaustion was starting to take its toll on her, and the bed felt so warm… ”I will not release your full name, cas. I promise. If Iktomi grows curious, though, I will have to oblige. I know I may be considered a guest, but I understand that if I anger him I could be thrown out into the streets again... or worse. It isn’t my fault you were a big name in the battle between Kamikage and Onikage.” Arianna only heard a small chuckle from Castiel. ”I wouldn’t say I was a big name. I just was well known for fighting alongside the big names.” Arianna rolled her eyes and yawned, curling up on her side and playing with a loose string in the blankets.

There was one other option about how she could live a better life than being on the streets, and Arianna had thought about it for quite some time. There had been rumors of a Golden Mercenary uprising spreading throughout Sovereign. She’d heard it from small groups of humans slipping through town, and even from some of the military men while she had been stealing their supplies. Sure, joining the Golden Mercenaries meant that she would be among the top enemies of the military, but the rumors she heard were that they were trying to break through the wall. Arianna wanted to see her family desperately. She’d wanted them since the day the Void Gate had opened. The only way she saw herself reuniting with them was signing up to help the Golden Mercenaries. It was a risky move, but in the end it would definitely pay off if they managed to take the wall down. Her thoughts wandered back to Iktomi. Would he join with her? Had he made an enemy of the Golden Mercenaries? He was bound to have a few powerful groups as enemies, which made her worry as well. Staying here with Iktomi meant that she was on his side for now. Would leaving mean that she was against him? Arianna bit her lip nervously, closing her eyes. She didn’t want to be on Iktomi’s bad side, and she certainly didn’t want to lose him when she had just gotten him back.

”If you’ll let me say something personal, I’d like to point out that while Iktomi was void of emotion with his men around, he was fully empathetic around you. I believe that he doesn’t want to lose you again, just like you don’t want to lose him.” Castiel remarked, needing rest just as much as Arianna did. Arianna smiled softly. “You always know what to say, Cas. I’ll sleep now. I don’t think there’s much I can do to stop myself from it.” She murmured as she yawned. She sat up and crawled under the covers, pulling them up to her shoulders. After a year of sleeping on hard surfaces, Arianna felt like she was floating in a cloud. “Goodnight,” she whispered to Castiel.

Castiel smiled softly, ”Goodnight, Arianna.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 15 days ago

Zachary sat at his workbench and tried to get into making something. That normally consumed his thoughts, but now that his mind was troubled he just couldn't get into it. When he saw his hands he still saw the blood of the man, even though he had washed them clean. And he realised that any project he worked on would be purposeless. All devices which would be of use to him he had already made.

He looked through his gadgets and machines. Using a lightning core he had made an arc welder. To create a plasma cutter he had used a fire core in conjunction with a wind core to stoke it. More for fun than function he had used polarity cores harvested from the skyways to create a coil-gun. He had created flares which could be launched by said coil-gun (or by any other suitable means) which used light cores, although it could be adapted to use lightning cores. He had assembled many tools which were mechanical in nature, not based on cores, to help him make more complex machines. And of course he had his wind cannon and kinetic shield.

In the making of these machines he had taught himself new skills, and salvaged books from the ruins of the university library. One of those skills was core cutting. To change the function (not the element) of a core, one generally has to change its shape. Cutting a larger core into smaller cores is also a useful application. Of course, it is tricky, but with a bit of research he had been able to get it right most of the time. Another skill, one which he had been interested in since his conversation with Thanar Zey just before the cataclysm, was identifying resonance. He knew there was very little literature on the subject, otherwise he would have come across it earlier, and he had lost all he had had on hand when the Void gate opened including the plans for the resonance detector Thanar had given him, so he had to figure it out by trial and error. This was where Kaa'is' machine reading ability proved invaluable. Zachary had made random arrangements of cores, applied a very low voltage so they would be running minimally so they would resonate, and then adjusted them until he found a peak in output. Eventually he learned enough about resonance that he could tell how well cores are resonating by reading the machine. He had been very happy about that.

But now Zachary was unhappy and confused, and Kaa'is was getting restless because of it. His joke had passed, and now he just felt that they were wasting time. He needed to get Zachary out and about before he got stuck in a depressive rut. He thought about what he could make Zachary do that would be mutually beneficial. Eventually an idea struck him. OK, Zachary, you've spent long enough moping. Time to get out and about, Kaa'is said.

Zachary, however, was reluctant. "What, so you can... murder another person?"

Nothing of the sort, Kaa'is quickly responded, Actually, I had come up with another project. We're going to take a look at the Wall. This perked Zachary's interest. The Wall was an incredible feat of engineering, and its functioning was a mystery. Not only that, but it was the Wall that was keeping everyone in and giving the military suppressive control. Zachary didn't need more convincing, for now he wanted to see it himself. Equipping himself with food, water, his kinetic shield and his wind cannon, Zachary exited his shelter and set off towards the Wall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fat Boy Kyle
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Fat Boy Kyle

Member Seen 7 days ago

Vates’ journey back home was not as exciting as his journey outward. He managed to stay concealed for the majority of the journey, having only spotted a couple of scavengers whom he easily avoided. By the time he made it back to Turborg Heights Vates was absolutely exhausted. The earlier run alone had taken a lot out of him, but the journey back carrying the massively long and heavy rope and the bag full of supplies had nearly finished him off. Still, the biggest hurdle lay before him… the ladder.

“fuh- in- urgh- art- urgh-” gasped Vates incoherently as he slumped into his apartment. He could hardly breathe from the effort, he had a dry metallic taste in his mouth, and his whole body was tired to the point that trying to move a limb resulted in it weakly shaking. “I foresee us getting a decent night’s sleep tonight.” mused Janus, but the humour was lost on Vates.

Vates laid there for a while until he mustered the energy to drag himself to his feet. It was far too early to call it a day, and he was determined to spite the ladder (despite it being an inanimate object) by sorting out an easier means of exiting. Taking the rope, Vates made an anchor out of a metal column in his apartment by doubling up the rope. Now he had a rappelling rope. Having done this he sorted out any ties that needed to be done and continued on to sorting out a makeshift harness. The harness in the end was an extension of Vates’ belt; it was perhaps the only practical thing he wore, having long lost or traded his more stealthy attire. It was useful this way as it meant he could always wear it and be ready to rappel down the rope in the elevator shaft, or any other rope of zip line should a situation permit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sage
Avatar of Sage

Sage the Natural

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sector Zero

Julian was quietly strumming a few soft notes on his Lutar as he sat alone in the middle of one of the cafeteria's tables. He was sitting with his back to the wall, in a position in which he could observe everyone around him as he finished eating his meal. He was given time to unwind and get familiar with his dorm, which was pretty roomy and comfortable relative to his previous shelter. He was even shown to the far ends of the Sector Zero, where the Golden Mercenaries were either training, learning, planning, or deploying.

"So whatcha' think, Locks?" Julian stirred to attention as the energetic voice broke his concentration. He looked to his side to see Kisheto taking a seat by him in a similar position, looking out to the civilians before them. "Think 'bout what, brothah? Life? Love? Our situation?" he chuckled softly as he continued to pluck out smooth notes on his Lutar. As he waited for Kisheto answer, he reached into his pouch and pulled out another joint, placing it in his mouth before lifting a lighter to the tip and setting it ablaze. Kisheto scoffed, "About joinin' their mutant squad, yo. They want you 'cuz you got one of them in yah, y'know?" Julian inhaled and smiled as he nodded gently. He exhaled slowly and smoothly, turning to Kisheto before speaking. "They want because they need me, brothah. They are fighting for the freedom ah' these people," he said as he gestured towards the civilians with a quick chin nod. "In all honesty, that's enough for me to join the battle, yuh get me, brothah?" Kisheto chuckled, "Yeah, yeah, that's cool."

Julian then raised his brow, "Wait up now, brothah, you aren't a host, then?" He had forgotten to ask the question, rather, he had assumed that Kisheto simply was one. Kisheto shook his head, "Nah, nah, I'm normal, thankfully. Oh, uh, no offense, heheh." He scratched the back of his head as he chuckled, and Julian simply smiled and took another drag of his joint.

Kisheto smiled, "Y'know, I'm gonna join em anyway. I heard they're gonna be going on a scouting mission in a bit and if I can learn to wield a rifle and take the risk, then I'm allowed to tag along. Would be a good experience, plus, I'd be like a hero, heh." Julian laughed as the boy spoke and reached over to pat his back, "Aye, brothah. A hero, indeed."
A dimly lit shuttle en route to Sovereign

"...she'll be an easy one."

The hum of the shuttle was one of the very few sounds that filled the ominous air as the gathered individuals stared at the man standing in the middle. The shuttle was a miniature transport, and the left and right sides of the interior held 8 individuals fastened to their seats while the man in the center was merely a hologram - a projection of data via long distance 3D video communication. Next to his projected body was the profile and snapshot of a young woman - "Arianna Chyrstein".

"She's at priority stage 2, simply because we want her gone. Her abilities, if honed, could let a lot of intel slip, but reports indicate she has minimal control relative to you gang of fuckers."

The group remained silent save for the snarls of a very heavy-built man at corner of the 4-seated left side. right next to him, a rather contrasting, shrewd and scrawny figure responded to his bout of irritation, "Somethin' the matter, Karth? Can't hit girls?" He snickered at his own remark, angering the larger man, who was dressed pure black, wearing a tank top with heavy military grade pants and boots. His second growl was muffled by a mask that covered the lower half of his face, revealing only two icy blue eyes and a bald head. The smaller man was also dressed in black, like the rest of the group, except his outfit resembled a longer wetsuit, consisting of a thick, fibrous material that covered every inch of his body excluding his head, which simply donned a pair of green goggles.

The man in the center sighed and looked to the smaller man, "We use codenames here, Lizard," he commanded in a firm tone. He then turned to a man sitting across from Karth, "Ah, yes, before we proceed, let me introduce the newcomer. Codename: Ghost." The man sat grasping the handles of the bars that secured him to his seat. He was large as well, not nearly as big or built as Karth, but appeared to be capable of putting up a fight as he seemed rather lean. He wore a black trenchcoat with the same military grade cargo pants underneath a black shirt and black mesh skirt that held multiple pouches. His hair was also black, slicked back, and was healthy enough to have the rest of the group assume he was young, as his eyes were not reliable sources behind the black sunglasses he wore.

"Ghost has very.... unique powers. Selective tangibility. You'll find him to be a very strong asset to our cause. Ghost, here we have Orc," he said pointing to Karth, "whom we consider to be the brawn. He's our tank. Next to him we have Lizard, eh, a very unique ability... Able to secrete and project poison and... crawl walls.... and.. creepy lizard shit." He shuddered as Lizard snickered at his description. "Next to Lizard we have Zerox," as he stated this, he gestured towards a rather average-built man who wore a medium-weight black armor upon his torso with the same black cargo pants that Orc and Ghost wore. He also accented his outfit with a black bandanna that covered his medium length, wavy brown hair. "Zerox can clone himself, and, well, pretty simply really. Works well with diverting attention. And next to Zerox, we have Pyrus. He lights things on fire." Pyrus nodded to Ghost. He wore a black tanktop like Orc did, except his arms were covered in combat bandaging, as well as his calves which were exposed as he wore low, baggy black cargo shorts. He was a rather skinny individual, with a very thin frame that contrasted his long, shoulder length, black hair. His eyes were a bright red, which only further accented his face along with multiple piercings. "Across from Pyrus, we got Flash, she's a tough one, she is," he said with a chuckle as he pointed to the woman. She looked rather young, still in her 20's, and she wore a jet black leather jacket over a dark purple tanktop, still donning the familiar black cargos underneath. Her hair was a distinct off-shade black, with unnatural tints of purple in it. "The lass can teleport, enough said. To her right is Nekros... um... he's uh...we don't speak of him much." Mention of the man's name instantly silenced the room, as he was a hooded figure, only his pale lips and chin being visible underneath the black hood that covered it. The hood itself was a part of long black robe that he wore over a black tanktop and cargos. He sat motionless, holding a long scythe vertically in between his legs. The scythe was black, including the blade, and nearly touched the top of the shuttle. "Finally, we have Fang, our devilish, young vampire," he said pointing to a younger looking female. She seemed to be in her late teens, and wore a black, leather suit that seemed to reveal more than it should. She smiled mischievously and nodded to the man on her right.

The man in the center then cleared his throat, "Well, now that that's settled, let's move on with it. Here's a stage 1 that we might as well get out of the way."

The screen flickered and then stabilized, replacing Arianna's picture with that of and Edward Vates. "Little defenseless chap. Well, not really, but just get him the fuck to Sin already. He could easily be a thorn in our side if not dealt with early." Once more, the screen flickered and was replaced with a picture of an 'Iktomi Ascher'. "Ah, a stage 2. Mr. Ascher, well, I believe that's his name. Intel on this fucker is sloppy as all hell. We believe he may be runnin some sort of underground operation. We suspect a possible insurrection or maybe a supply chain, but either way. He needs to be gone." After another flicker, a picture of a female known as the 'Banshee' appeared. "Oh, this little bitch. Stage 2, also, but really, as long as you don't get scared away by her psychotic, satanic little ways, you shouldn't have much a problem snapping the little tormented girl's neck. Tails suspect possible affiliation with the Ascher fucker." The screen began flickering once more only to reveal another image. "Oh. A stage 3. Pay attention."

The man cleared his throat and began, "Ishigo, the damn slippery motherfucker. He's one of the four priority stage 3 targets that we have. Well, 3, now, since we just killed Mrs.- oh, um... nevermind, that's confidential. But yes, the bastard can mold with the shadows and move 'round the field like a fucking streak of lightning. He packs a punch, so don't take the fucker lightly or you'll be bagged, tagged, and dragged to the pits of Sovereign's hell holes. Kill him quick, the SECOND you see him or anyone that looks like anything like him."

The screen flickered once more to reveal the image of Hector Esteves, "And finally, one of the other stage 3's. Little beaner Hector, god damn I hate this runt. No host, simply a very influential fucker that needs his throat slit faster than I can bust a nut to the thought of decapitated, Gaian whores. You know what to do."

The image faded, and he looked to the group around him. Fang raised her hand and giggled, "Well, Commander Lide, what 'bout the other stage 3? Don't be hiding away possible bites for me, yah hear?" Lide smiled, "Of course, dear, you know I woudn't but... we don't have any names or images of the last stage 3. Our... um, well, a good name to our cause simply tells us that this individual holds a kage that possesses a very great amount of power. Power that should be snatched the second we have the chance, else we risk losing everything. Now. Get ready, we're gonna hit Sovereign soon. You know what you gotta do, Hunters. Enjoy the kills."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheGodfather


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mathias stood in the hallway awaiting a response. He wondered if Sam had any useful information, if he did know something, it would surely change the game that was starting to be played in Soverign.

Samuel pondered his words carefully. he pondered at how he had found himself in this mansion. How he had come to meet this supposed friend. Question him Sam.. There was that voice again, so prominent, always ready to guide him to the correct path, but was it the correct path? Do not question, simply follow.. It will be better..

Samuel began to study Mathias. "You proffess to be my friend, yet you have not revealed much to me about my past, nor have you given me reason to trust you." He pasued for a moment, shifting his weight on his cane. "How can I trust you when all you do is demand? First I need answers, I have not a clue as too where I am, who I am, or what in god's green earth these bloody chords are doing all over your mansion!" Samuel raised his voice, he was frustrated, and needed to convey that to this man.

Mirroring Samuel, leaning on his own cane, Mathias spoke in a deep, calm tone. "Thats the Samuel I remember, never one to be so easily trusting. But you did trust me, a long time ago. You want proof that I know you?" Mathias began to limp down the corridor "Follow me."


Light burst into the dark study. Mathias had several studies within the manner, this was the least used as it was on the second floor and he prefered the lower levels, where stairs were not a requirement for his weak form. "Heres your proof." He leant on the nearest desk and with his cane jabbed at a dust covered photograph of three content faces; Mathias, Samuel and a young woman. "Your sister was always a looker."

Samuel approached the dusty photo slowly, picking it up with his free hand. He rubbed his thumb against its face. He rested his cane on the desk, lifting his now free hand to his cheek he felt wetness. Am I... crying? Samuel did not understand why he had such a strong reaction to the photo, but he suddenly had the urge to mention something. "Vates... I know a man by that name.. Yes.. Have you checked..." Samuel was not even sure how he new this, or if it was even relevant, but he continued never the less. "... his home?" His eyes moved from the picture, and locked with Mathias's own.

Mathias laughed faintly to himself, "His home? Now why didnt i think of that...Ah yes, nobody knows where that is Samuel...Unless, do you...do you know where he lives?"

Samuel was sure that he had known this once. He jogged his brain. Iktomi... The name suddenly entered his mind. Why did he know that? How did he? Suddenly he knew what had to be done, it all came to him. His voice became serious and certain. His eyes narrowed, and a small sile pricked his lips. "Iktomi Ascher. He is your man, find him and you find Vates. They were very close, and he would know exactly where your target is located." Samuel was beginning to get a hold on how all this worked, whenever he needed to remember something, he seemed to have the knowledge there and ready for him. This voice was recovering relevant memories seconds before he needed them. Thankyou he thought to her as he awaited Mathias's response.

"...Ascher, the one people are calling an Emperor, the web-master? Well Samuel, of all the names...That's the one I really didn't want to hear." Mathias paced the room "I have to find Vates, i need to find out what happened to me, he might know who set me up! But to walking into Aschers lair? That's suicide!"

"Suicide eh?" Samuel snickered. During the entire time Mathias had been responding, his Kage had been relaying to him exactly what had happened to him in the past year. He now knew how his power worked, and how he could use it to get his way. "My dear Mathias, wether or not I knew you in the past is now irrelevent. I have given you information, and whther or not you are pleased with it does not concern me. You my dear boy, owe me a debt. Now, if you wish for my services I ask for two things." He paused as he prepared himself. "One, I need a group of men, prefferable armed, and hopefully skilled. Second I need your promise that you will tell no one of my existance, erase it from your mind and never speak of me again. I am a ghost now, I have been dead for a year and will remain so. Do these two things and I will be glad to approach this Iktomi myself, and find this Vates for you." Samuel nodded his head as he said this, his old business smile had returned. Even after the world had fallen, it would be in need of an information broker.

Mathias smiled. "Listen to me my DEAR BOY. Over the years i have allowed you to grow, hell i even funded your progress a few times. I owe you nothing, i kept you and your sister safe as long as i could!" He looked him in the eye for several long seconds before turning away. "I will meet Iktomi, join me if you wish, youd be welcome. Let me make one thing clear Samuel, I have only ever wanted the best for you, dont take advantage of my kindness. You may be smart, but lets see how smart you are on those streets alone." Turning back to his comrade, he stretches out a hand, ready to shake to a deal "We need to stick together you and I."

Samuel pondered this, perhaps he had been too brash. He seemed as though he was a little rusty after all. Even if he did understand his own powers, he still had no memory of his past before the apocalypse, he was acting on instinct. He did not like that. Samuel outstretched his hand. "It looks like we have got ourselves a deal." He smiled a dark smile, he would build an empire around this man, and it would be glorious indeed...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AnriuSB
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AnriuSB The Wanderer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


A soft breeze cuddled her arms, Ariela's eyes fluttered open. She was greeted by a vortex of black, white, and red. The swirling and distorted world that surrounded her temporarily sent her into a state of shock. She shot up and stumbled blindly into the abandoned street. Let me lead you . Artemus's soft voice greeted her Ariela felt at ease, she was reminded of him in that moment, of how he watched over her, and slowly her vision began to return.

Part blind, and completely disoriented, Ariela followed the soft tug of Artemus as he led her through the maze of the abandoned city. Ever so slowly she mad her way closer to the safe house. She crept through the alley ways, undetected, and protected.

Unbeknownst to Ariela, small vortex stretched out 3 centimeters from her body, she blended in, looking to be naught but a shadow in the alleyways. Ariela eventually arrived at the entrance, her body weaker than it had ever been. She crept through the hidden entrance and entered the abandoned hospital. There was only one way in, and only she knew of it. Hidden behind rubble the hole in the back wall served as the entrance and exit to the Hospital, all other ways of access had become impassable, Ariela had led many poor souls into this building, none of which had been heard of again.

She stumbled into one of the rooms, inside was a young boy. She fell towards him and took out her machete. His body fell limp and Ariela felt power being restored to her. As her vision returned she took a seat on a chair next to the boys corpse, next was the part she despised most. She prepared herself for the gruesome ritual that awaited her.
Slowly she began carving the meat off of the boy's bones.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 15 days ago

Zachary picked his way through the rubble-strewn streets, taking extra care to watch for anyone waiting to ambush him. He remembered that in the first few days it hadn't been so dangerous, as most people were yet to get into the mindset of anarchy. After that, once people realised that they were stuck there and supplies were short, and Conduits got to grips with their powers, the streets became much more dangerous. However, over time as people died off the chance of encountering someone who wants to kill you dropped too. However, that doesn't mean it has vanished, and the Conduits who remain are more powerful, so it always paid to be cautious.

On this trip the caution was fortunately not needed, and Zachary made it to the Wall without event. He stared up at the massive structure. From where he stood he could tell that it was made from Warshiran steel. Although nowadays (or at the very least a year ago) enough is known about metallurgy to make steel of the same quality anywhere, it was still only done in Warshire because they had the best foundries and it wasn't worth building them elsewhere. It was also MASSIVE. No, really, it dwarfed literally everything. It was built higher than Sovereign's highest skyscrapers. And it had risen from under the ground? What could have possibly done that? He was so awestruck that the murder performed earlier that day was pushed out of his mind.

Zachary checked both ways to ensure that he was alone, as bandits were known to roam the Wall and there was also the occasional military patrol. But this time the coast was clear, so he approached the Wall, took a deep breath, and tentatively laid a hand on it. Suddenly his senses went dull, although not entirely, as his mind was filled with an image of the Wall. Slowly it rendered itself, piece by piece, and after a few seconds Zachary could see the inner workings of the Wall in all its glory, and what a glorious sight it was. The first thing he noticed was cores the size of buildings. Zachary was staggered at the sheer scale of them. The Wall was merely coated in steel, the inside held massive kinetic cores that stood multiple stories tall, and Zachary could feel that they resonated well with each other. He had never seen any cores of that size! The military must have been stockpiling them from mines for decades. Zachary reasoned that anything powerful enough to get through a kinetic shield that big would first tear apart all that was left of Sovereign. He tried moving some of the power distribution piping using his powers, but the kinetic shield prevented anything from moving, even inside the wall.

But Zachary was an engineer, he cared for more than just the sheer scale of it. He noticed that triggering the kinetic cores were large lightning cores, which appeared accessible from the outside. Of course, the kinetic cores themselves would have technically finite power, but as they were so huge they would last for a very long time, especially if it wasn't under constant barrage. Zachary would do the maths later to calculate their expected lifespan, which would be helped by the fact that he could identify their current capacity, which was still near full.

He also noticed another system in place, a long row of smaller cores under the base of the Wall. At first glance he couldn't quite recognise them, until- Oh my, are those steel fibre cores? There are so many of them! And they're meant to be rare! How could they get so many? They must really want to keep everyone inside. Zachary continued looking, but he noticed no other systems and no faults in the Wall, and his view was too restricted in distance to see the aerial shield, or deep underground where the Wall had risen from, although he could see that the Wall went pretty deep. He was amazed at the engineering and expense that must have gone into creating such a structure. He also noticed no mechanism which could allow military to pass through the Wall in that area. Zachary concluded that the way out must be at a single location, and was probably a physical gate. As such, it would also be insanely heavily guarded, but to idea of heavy military guard was not enough to fully suppress his curiosity.

Zachary released his connection to the Wall, stood back, and looked up again. For an engineer, it was a marvellous sight. However, the marvel was tainted by the fact that the Wall turned this ruined city into a prison. You've got to find a way out of here some how, to get home, Kaa'is said. What Kaa'is said was true, he did want to go home. He just wanted to return to a normal life, tell his family he was okay, write a thesis, do engineering and not be stuck living in ruins for the rest of his life stealing to survive. We'll have to find the gate. What Wall doesn't have a Gate? They were in agreement, and Zachary turned to leave with a new spark in his eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheGodfather


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mathias kissed his family goodbye "I`ll be back really soon, I promise, now you two behave for your mother okay?" He hated having to leave them but they were extremely safe at the estate and he couldn't let this opportunity go to waste. As he reached the entrance hall he was met by ten of his best men, all suited up, cored and ready for action. These same men regularly went on scavenge runs throughout the city, it was their playground, they were the best guides. "Okay gentlemen, by now you should no the drill; this is not a collection mission, nor is it a hit. We simply get into the city, secure the parameter and rendezvous with Aschers squad. This is a peace mission and were going to get valuable information, but be warned, Iktomi Ascher is very powerful, so be on your guard."
Looking around the room, Mathias knew that this mission would be successful, he trusted these men and they him. As he turned he saw Samuel "Are you coming with us Sam?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

A long blue bolt flashed for but a moment, hitting the building just above the soldier, showering him in a cloud of sharp debris and dust.

Taking her chance, she dashed out of her hiding place, and into a door, running for all she was worth, not knowing where she was going, but knowing it was somewhere far far away from these men. The sound of several military grade rifles ripped through the air, a few bullets hitting near her feet, and one coming dangerously near her head. Her heart was pounding furiously, as she exerted herself more than she ever had in all her life.

"Stop. We fight them. We CRUSH them!"

"Are you crazy!?" She turned around suddenly, shooting off another bolt of lightning with a loud crackle. This time, the blue bolt arched towards an unfortunate soldier, sending him to the ground in a spasm.

It was a group of five soldiers, one of which she had just knocked out. Hayami first encountered them when she was on the water tower looking for Hilda. The old building, which used to be a general store filled with some amusing trinkets and toys, was still more or less intact. Which made Hayami feel a bit insulted, considering her father's grand building was razed almost to the ground while this shack remained standing. And it was there the soldiers and her met each other, almost literally bumping into each other in a bend in one of the corridors. She had only managed to escape their capture and the subsequent abuse which would definitely follow by her emitting a burst of electricity in her shock. She called them soldiers because they all wore matching suits. Only soldiers and police people wear matching suits. Unless they were all partners in bed, and crazy about each other that was....

Her foot caught on a piece of rubble, sending her sprawling on to the floor of the building she just ran into.

As though she was in slow motion, she could see vividly all the details of the floor, the walls, and the soldiers as she twisted around to look at them. One of them swerved in, hand raised in a fist, and then lowered it into a chopping motion, pointing at her with two fingers, while the rest followed behind.

I'm going to die, she thought her eyes on the barrels of the guns pointing straight at her.


Her body started to feel warmer and warmer.


She stood up, her eyes wide as she realized she wasn't in control of her body, jerking about as if she was a marionette.

We fight.

We kill.

We survive.

The air around her crackled, as she released a huge burst of electricity.


She came to herself much later, though she did not know how much time has passed. Minutes? Hours? It must not have been more than one hour, for the shadows outside haven't changed that much. But her hands... her hands were covered with blood. Grimacing she opened her hand, letting go of the rock she was gripping. How hard did she grip the rock to make it imprint it's shape into her hand?

Her eyes widened as she saw the corpses in front of her, their heads crushed and their bodies scorched here and there.

Hayami would have retched there and then, but there was a noise she remembered from a year ago.

Emergency sirens, fire alarms, and other noises. It seemed she had electrified and woken up a lot of things for at least 5 blocks around her. Already the cacophony of noises was giving her the headache. And she was sure if she stayed here those soldiers would have buddies that comes investigating.

And Hilda as well.

"...Hilda... where are you..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sage
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Sage the Natural

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sector Zero - Arsenal

Julian kept alternating between levels of tension in his hand as he gripped the sword, aiming to find the perfect amount of force to grasp the sword with so to deliver a strong below, but allow for fluid strikes. He never used a sword in his life, or any other weapon really, so the feeling of a steel killing device resting upon his soft skin was anything but familiar. Julian had changed into light clothing, wearing a light brown vest, and baggy, black pants with a bandanna tying his dreadlocks back.

"I would suggest stowing that away for now. If you don't how to use a weapon, you'll only hurt yourself. The weapon should give you an advantage in combat, not your enemy." Ishigo spoke to Julian calmly, and Julian responded with a smile, replying in a softer tone, "Aye, well said, brothah." He handed the sword back to Ishigo, who proceeded to sheathe upon the wall from where it was retrieved from. It was then that Kisheto walked in, having secured a broadsword for himself. He wore some basic, makeshift Golden Mercenary armor ((very leftmost one)) and looked ready for combat, as well. "How bout it huh? I get an assault rifle and a sword." He said, chuckling as he lowered his hood and set his helmet down. "Wasn't feelin' the helmet though. Too hard to breathe, y'know?"

Ishigo raised a brow, "It's meant to keep you alive," he said, but decided to not argue further, as he didn't think that Kisheto would be placed in any front line position anyway. "How proficient are you with blade and rifle?" he asked pointing to each weapon that Kisheto bore. "Well, swords are easy to use. Got a basic idea, y'know. Always use to play with fake ones at home, and my dad taught me a few tricks, too. Old man also taught me how to use a basic rifle, but I never really used an automatic one. Whatever, though, we'll see, heh."

At that moment, Hector entered the room. "Well, I'm pretty sure you won't be needing to use either. Just a safety precaution. I trust you can handle yourself, right Mr. Drake, was it?" Julian smiled, "Aye, my kage's got mah back, brothah." Hector smiled and nodded, "Well, then. We form up at the lift in five. Pack and scat, amigos, we're goin' on a field trip."
Sovereign Sector A - Market District

The squad of 11 men, including Kisheto, Ishigo, and Julian, walked slowly and quietly through the streets of the desolate district. The team clung to the walls - with 5 men, with Hector and Kisheto, on one side of the street and 6, with Ishigo and Julian, on the other. They would walk slowly for the most part, constantly looking about with their rifles drawn. Their weapons hugged their chests in the normal standby grip, ready to be thrust into action and fired off if needed. Julian simply walked with a slight crouch, and Ishigo would usually slip into the shadows of the walls to merge inside of the buildings they were walking along for a quick peek. Kisheto would constantly watch Hector to mimic his movements. His half of the squad surrounded him, with the men guarding the rear of Kisheto facing the outside of the circle. At moments, the squad would hear the Chief's whistle, which either Hector or Ishigo sounded (a quick, 3 note whistle) to inform of an important order, usually a fist in the air signaling to stop all movement. Other times, the whistle would sound as either chief would begin sprinting to rush past a large intersection in order to keep the time outside of maximum cover as short as possible. In this form, the squad traversed through the section, picking up any supplies they could gather and keeping and eye for any hosts they may confront.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheGodfather


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

They had made it through the suburbs with little to no difficulty. Mathias and his men were making good time, he estimated they would reach Aschers hideout by 2pm, they might even make it back to the estate before the sun goes down. Taking refuge in an abandoned office several stories up, Mathias was surveying the landscape with his binoculars. A mile to the west he caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a group of mercs, Mathias had a great deal of respect for mercenaries and was sure they wouldnt pose a threat. Slightly to the North he spotted a trail of smoke "A fire maybe?" It didnt matter either way, the group was set to tail off to the East in half a mile anyway.
"Right men, the coast seems clear, lets be off." With his group fed and watered they made their way out of the offices and into the street. The rest of the journey was fairly straightforward, they had an encounter with a small group of bandits, whom, on seeing the large group decided it was smarter to run.
An hour had passed when they finally reached their destination, a flattened landscape of rubble, a cluster if building just beyond. "Stay vigilant men, we wont go any further...Now we wait for them to come to us."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Zephyr
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The Red Zephyr The Fractured Mind of a Broken Soul

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

One Year Ago
"Men and women of the Leginian Continental Army," an aged, disciplined voice spoke out across the expansive courtyard of Fort Readon, "Thank you for your patience and cooperation despite these strange circumstances. You and all of your officers were summoned en masse here to the Jewel of Gaia with little-to-no preparation or information." Brigadier General Masshu, the commander of the entire Gaian military division, spoke less like a soldier and more like a politician than any officer Weston had heard. He was an older portly man, sporting only a half of a balding head of hair and wearing a highly-decorated officer's uniform that looked as though it had never been worn before. Despite his stature, the man still had a voice that commanded respect and attention, even if the words themselves didn't. Weston couldn't help but feel like the general's words were forced and apologetic.

"Here at Fort Readon," the short man continued, "we have a myriad of the greatest soldiers in this realm gathered in the interest of their country: In the interest of protecting Leginia and her crown gem." Masshu cleared his throat before continuing. "Now, a massive deployment such as this may seem strange, and may have some of you worried." Once again, the pig of a man paused in preparation, appearing to finally get to the point. "Many of you may have heard of the chain of core mine accidents in recent weeks that have sparked numerous rumors about the Cores of Legend. Similarly, many of you may have heard rumors about the ongoing construction projects on the perimeter of Sovereign. These rumors are why all of you are here today."

With this statement a massive chatter began amongst the legions of soldiers lining the courtyard. Most of it was incomprehensible, but it was quite obvious that nearly everyone was speaking about the End of Times; the prominent myth surrounding the recurrence of ancient cores of great power. Rumors and stories of apocalypse had always been popular on the net, but the recent mining incidents had sparked interest in even the biggest skeptics. Suddenly, the local conversation was halted by a stern, "Atten-TION!" roared by an officer in front of Masshu's podium.

Obviously worried by the implications of the speech he was giving, the general tugged at his collar and cleared his throat; a gesture rarely seen in such a political officer's speech. "Rumors of a massive project underneath Sovereign are true: A massive protective wall has just finished development around the city. The seventh, twelve, and fourteenth battalions of the Army's Central Military Branch have been gathered here in preparation for the worst case scenario of a large scale attack or natural disaster in response to a massive burst of core energy detected beneath the capital. In case of such a scenario, all military units stationed inside and out of the city will begin Operation: Spartan, where this massive wall will protect the capital from both the inside and out. To maintain order, we will introduce martial law and set up several communities of refugees in designated areas to distribute rations to."

Immediately the chatter began again. Everyone in the courtyard either thought this man was completely crazy or was scared for their life. It was easy to guess at this point that the general had been order to tell of these men that the apocalypse was on its way as softly as possible. Unfortunately for Masshu, the best soldiers on the continent weren't stupid. The organized military formation began to deteriorate into a mob as the legions roared in discontent. Fear outweighed discipline.

By now the general was visibly sweating, even from farther away, near the back where Weston and his company were. In the midst of the rising panic, it seemed as though a slight rumble had shook the ground ever-so-slightly. Dismissing the tremor and instead focusing on the uproar rising among his own men, he immediately flipped around to face them. "Hey!" Weston growled above the gaggle of worried voices. "All of you shut your cockholsters and fall back in li--!"

As if on cue, another tremor, much more real and noticeable shook the ground beneath everyone's feet. All at once, the uproar silenced in complete shock as most of the men populating the courtyard completely lost their balance. For a good thirty seconds, everything was completely quiet; only the sound of fear populating the air. Then the world changed.

The final tremor seemed to shake Aeros itself, sending every soldier in Fort Readon to the ground. The seemingly invincible steel walls around the base bent and broke as the ground shattered beneath it. Within seconds, the sky roared with thunder and wept tears of hail. Before anyone could react to the situation, the flooding had begun. Legions of men and women were thrashed against the twisting walls and cracking earth as water from higher ground threatened to bury Fort Readon.

Weston suddenly found himself thrown to the ground, then thrashed with what felt like a tsunami moments later. Unprepared for the spontaneous chaos, Weston was forced to fight for air, taking more than a few gulps of dirty water. Cries of terror filled his ears every time he pulled himself above the water, and not just from his soldiers: The entirety of Sovereign had become a dissonance of screams and crashes.

After several minutes of barely keeping afloat, the flood slowed, spreading its wrath into other parts of sovereign. The water was only knee-high, allowing Weston to gain some footing. Propping his hand against the contorted and cracked wall of Readon, he used this moment to survey his surroundings. Hundreds of men and women remained still in the water, while others clung to life, coughing up liters of water. Those that were alive and conscious were screaming in a panic. Weston himself tried to keep a clear mind, but the entire situation was overwhelming: The End of Times.

Suddenly, above the cries of agony and confusion, Weston could hear the distinct sound of tearing, twisting, and contorting metal growing louder and louder. At first, he assumed the fort’s wall was further warping from the unstable ground, but this noise was more massive—more threatening. A sense of dismay filled the captain’s heart as he rose his gaze to a tilted tower hovering above the military base. The frightfully tall skyscraper buckled under its own weight and began toppling over Fort Readon. Weston had no time to react; only enough to release a terror-filled, “Ruuun!” before turning toward the gate and wading as fast as his body would allow him through the flooded courtyard.

The rest was a blur: A massive clap of thunder shattering the world; a meteor shower of light…

An ocean of blood.
“If only you had the slightest clue of what real pain was then,” a familiar feminine voice mused on the other side of a tunnel of light. “Sovereign is still oblivious to true tragedy. You humans fall apart as your precious city falls to ash, but at least you still have a world to mourn.”

Weston, fading back into consciousness, chuckled against his better judgment. “You speak as though I know anything about you kage and your ‘world’. For an entity that claims to know true suffering, you sure do complain about ours a lot. Shouldn’t you be above complaints?”

“I care not about your species or its problems. I simply find your idea of an ‘apocalypse’ ironic. Here you sit, a man reaching his end, and all you think of is the bad in your short life, as if life itself somehow betrayed you. But yo-“

“I have no idea what true betrayal is, right?”

The onikage fell silent, put off by Weston’s mockery.

After a moment—and a small fit of coughing blood, the wounded former captain chimed in again: “Awe, did I hurt your feelings?”
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