Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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So he's about as good as most people end their first year. That's not too outrageous, but he'd certainly be among the top of his grade. I'd imagine most people would want their characters at the top of their class anyways, so he who throws the first stone and all that.

I might as well have a C rank as well (a second year, maybe? Or maybe not. I have no clue right now). Seems like that rank can get the most action.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Wunderbar. Then perhaps my character could be the cocky 1st Year OR your 2nd Year guy could be bullying new people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I tend to like playing nicer characters, but I could play an cocky person as one of my characters.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sloth
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Sloth The Potato Salad of People

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I'm apparently in this now.

Blame Beta.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

When in doubt, blame Beta
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sloth
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Sloth The Potato Salad of People

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Pretty much.

After conversating with the le Beta, I'm considering a Taekwondo practicioner and either a Tang Soo Do, Muay Boran, or Capoeira practicioner.

Though Capoeira would be a lovable Jamaican with weed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I'm not saying I am/I am not joining but I'm not saying I'm following Beta and Sloth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kal-El said
I'm not saying I am/I am not joining but I'm not saying I'm following Beta and Sloth.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I think I'll use a first year person who practices kendo but didn't know they can't use shinai in normal matches so has to develop a new fighting style on the fly. Should be fun and have a lot of mistakes for me and her to learn from. She won't be completely helpless because all of her kendo training does translate to good physical abilities and she's very determined, which helps a lot. Maybe she'll be D because she'll have a good magic to make up for her lack of finesse, and that magic doesn't just help her out in kendo. Or the magic could just be better physical abilities like a shield.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

That seems legit. Like maybe manipulating an intangible energy to deflect attacks, kinda like a buckler/targe shield?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yeah. She'll have to project it into reality around her skin rather then it always being there, the longer she has it up the more strenuous it is, and right now she can only cover a small portion of her body with it. However, it is strong enough to deflect an attack or two no problem from even C ranked characters. She has the potential to get to rank S by the fourth year once she learns a proper fighting style, perhaps in a training montage by an instructor at some point and a whole lot of hard work.

Then maybe for the final boss she gets a sword and unleashes her kendo skills on him single handedly while using her other hand as a much larger and more powerful shield then she was capable of before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

ImportantNobody said She has the potential to get to rank S by the fourth year

Pretty sure this holds true for most of the students...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sloth
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Sloth The Potato Salad of People

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Beta said
Pretty sure this holds true for most of the students...

Unless you're like the student council president and aim for that double S rank.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Beta said
Pretty sure this holds true for most of the students...

Most of our playable students. Most students end up A or B.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

So... forgive me if I am wrong, but I see the following

"I'm GM, so >I< can have an S-Rank student at the end. But not you guys."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sloth
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Sloth The Potato Salad of People

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Dude he's saying player characters > NPCs, which holds true in almost every RPG.

He's not saying he's theonly one with a character with the potential to get to S, he's saying it's highly unlikely that not PCs will do it, which doesn't really need to be said, but whatever.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Beta said
So... forgive me if I am wrong


Also, had a long day of disputes and arguments, so forgive me if I'm a bit testy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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My character is all planned out at last! Time to get typing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Vincento Sarconni de Palermo (Vincent for short)
I.D. Number: 63984623
Rank: C6
Year: 1
Nationality: Italian
Age: 15
Gender: Male

Fighting Style: Hapkido, 2nd Degree Black Belt

Powers: Focused Eidetic Memory*

( * Vincent's memory does not apply to the usual applications of a being with the ability to remember an incredible range of things that they witness, such as one who witnesses a car crash remembering the angle of the impact, speed, etc. Rather, Vincent's memory applies to motions of the human body. As such, he is able to memorize a person's movements and replicate them in only a few attempts. However, replicating a fighting style is much more complex than a couple kicks or strikes, as such he cannot simply copy a foe's combat style.

Thanks to this, he is not only an accomplished fighter... but an incredible dancer as well. He is as much a fan of fighting as he is of ballroom dancing. He can also play a violin or piano with moderate skill, though remembering and imitating the fine movements of a person's fingers is much harder than a kick or punch or spin... so his musical skill is mostly learned from his mother's teachings. )

Additional Information: Vincent speaks both Italian and English fluently

Personality: Vincent is an intelligent kid, but not what most would call a genius by any means. His true gift isn't in the field of education, but of human bodies in motion. His skill in combat martial arts and dancing leads him to be highly confident in himself. He is polite of course, wanting to live up to the expectations of his family. But being away from them, he is also prone to an occasional fit of selfishness or immaturity.

His pranks and self-indulgence rarely harm anyone, but he tends to forget that what comes around goes around. One day, someone might catch HIM in a prank or inconvenience him with their own selfishness. Still, he's generally a fun person to be around. He likes to sing, dance, play video games, and of course... flirt with girls.

Background: Born to a wealthy family of vintners in Palermo, Vincent grew up having everything he could ever want. What he wanted was to be like the heroes he read about in comics and watched on cartoons. So, at the young age of eight, his parents enrolled him in martial arts classes. Choosing was the hardest part, but when the family went to the various dojos in the area... Vincento saw a man leaping over a bunch of other people and instantly thought of the cartoon heroes he wanted to emulate.

That was the first time he witnessed the athleticism of a Hapkido practitioner. Even at this young age, it quickly became apparent that Vincento had a gift for learning the art. He progressed quickly through the belts in a time that many thought impossible for a child so young. New techniques were a snap to learn, as well. He watched diligently when the sensei showed a new technique to the students a few times... and generally had the move learned to the point of using it in combat by the end of class.

So quickly did he advance through the belts, that he was a 2nd Dan Black Belt at the age of fourteen, a feat that was almost unheard of. His parents knew at that point that their son shouldn't be held back in something he was so skilled at... so much like a child entering a vocational program for something like an engineering trade, Vincent was enrolled in New Peaks Academy for his Freshman year of High-School.

He was elated. He was intimidated. He was scared. He was excited. So many emotions surged through the teen as he sat at the port and awaited his ferry to the island. But this was an incredible opportunity for him. He could learn so much at New Peaks. Not just academically, but also in regard to his martial arts... and his unusual gift to learn new fighting techniques. As such, he finally calmed himself and was ready for what lay in store.

… or so he thought, as he stepped off the boat at New Peaks Academy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Name- Hikaru Tsukuda
I.D. Number- 00405823
Rank- D3
Year- 1
Nationality- Half Japanese/Half American
Age- 16
Gender- Female

She wears a hakama (pants) and keikogi (top), traditional for kendo practitioners, over a plain grey t-shirt and form fitting grey shorts.

Fighting Style- Kendo and aikido. If this was a kendo competition she'd be around A rank, but with this not being allowed in normal fighting she has had to make due without her shinai, resulting in a hastily put together fighting style more akin to what you'd see in a street fight with the influence of kendo thrown in by way of some of her jabs and swings looking as if she's using her arm/fist as a sword. Luckily all of her kendo training did benefit her by way of physical abilities, allowing her to be very much in shape; balanced between power and speed and can take quite a beating before being put down. Her style of fighting defensively until seeing openings in her opponent's defenses and capitalizing on it remains the same. Still, with her lack of refinement and knowledge of how to fight properly without her shinai, she's bound to make costly mistakes and lose to opponents that she might be physically more capable then. She's particularly unsuited against grapple attacks.

Powers- In 3 seconds she can form a defensive layer of solid air directly on top of her skin at the strength of iron armor. Although saying it's defensive, it would still hurt people more to be hit as if she was wearing an iron glove. You can see when her power is active by it's quivering, distorted white area of space that shines through the fabric. She's personally incapable of sending the solid air out any further then this thin layer or form it into any other shape, even if it would be theoretically possible. She can only form it over enough of a surface area to cover one hand and about halfway up the forearm. Any more surface area at once and it weakens considerably, becoming too unstable for practical use. She cannot split where she generates the layer, such as both fists or one fist for offense and over her torso for protection. Keeping it up requires continual energy use, so at the maximum surface area it would exhaust her within around 40 seconds.

Personality- She's feisty and tomboyish, first and foremost. However, most of her feistiness is directed towards perceived wrongdoers which most definitely includes bullies, who she will not tolerate and who she will speak her mind. That being said her sense of justice is strong. She learned her lesson long ago when she was on the other side of the law and she never wants to return or see other people squander their abilities. If she decides to do something then she often wishes to carry it through to the point of stubbornness, making her hard to work with on a team if they are not so eager or have conflicting ideas. She tries to keep these more negative traits of hers in check so she's not too hard on people, but she just wants people to succeed so gets rather irritated if she has to bottle things up. It's simply not her style.

Background- Her father was an American businessman who traveled over to Japan as part of a work related opportunity, which is where he met the love of his life and married two years later. Unfortunately, he died in a plane crash while on one of his business trips, leaving a single mother to try and support 8-year-old Hikaru. Times were tough and Hikaru could see how difficult it was on her mom even at that young age. As such she tried to get by on her own so her mom wouldn't have to work so hard, which ended up involving her stealing food and other basic necessities, claiming that her friends at school gave it to her and it would have been rude to decline their presents.

One day her crime spree came to and end when she stole from kendo instructor Makoto Ueno, who whacked her upside the head and caused her to spill all of her stolen merchandize. He promised not to get her in trouble if she returned the items to everyone, which she did after a bit of pouting and another failed escape attempt. Although she was angry at him for catching her, she couldn't help but be intrigued by him when she spotted him around on occasion and heading into the kendo dojo to give lessons. Makoto noticed her peaking and offered her into the building as much as she wanted. From there he was able to keep a close eye on her so she wouldn't go back to her old ways and also teach her how to behave honorably. It took a while to warm up to him, but she eventually did and officially joined his kendo class, which he offered to her for free and she could just pay him back whenever she was able. He became like a dad to her. It was unknown how her mother truly felt about that sentiment, but it helped Hikaru get over her real father's death so she was happy for her daughter. Hikaru was no longer on her dark road and was back into a full recovery.

Due to staying at the dojo so often, having not much to do otherwise after school and growing attached to the place like a home away from home, she become very skilled at kendo for her age, although never skilled enough to take on the masters like Makoto. Still, she was considerable and confident that she could do well in New Peaks High, which offered a better education then what she could afford otherwise, especially with her scholarship she had earned for it. She was so eager that she overlooked a very important part that had been mentioned on the school website; shinai are not allowed in standard fights. She only learned that after flying out to the school and the first day began, the information given to her in the briefing. She nearly had a heart attack at the news, but there was no way she would turn back now. She had to somehow make due. Her physical qualities and magic earned her a D rank but that didn't take into account practical fighting ability, so she'd be stuck with opponents who mostly did have that experience she lacked, the inexperienced people being in E rank where she thought she belonged.

She somehow managed to pep herself up, saying that she was indeed a powerful fighter, so using her hands rather then a blade shouldn't be much more difficult. She was a D rank, after all...right? She could win her matches...right?
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