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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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I think I'm going to add a list of all the legions and their current status to the NS. Along with more specifics about troop types and numbers within each legion.

What exactly is the current relationship between High Rock and Cyrodiil? I've been reading those links that Hyperdrive posted, but haven't yet found anything that gives a good indication of that. Mostly it's just about pirates and Prince Narcisse, who doesn't seem to like Imperials very much. Or maybe it's just the Triarius family he doesn't like.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

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Schradinger said
I think I'm going to add a list of all the legions and their current status to the NS. Along with more specifics about troop types and numbers within each legion.What exactly is the current relationship between High Rock and Cyrodiil? I've been reading those links that Hyperdrive posted, but haven't yet found anything that gives a good indication of that. Mostly it's just about pirates and Prince Narcisse, who doesn't seem to like Imperials very much. Or maybe it's just the Triarius family he doesn't like.

Well relations are as good as you could hope for, with the Emperor able to convince High Rock to unit under a High King. But you might have to ask the Breton player himself, in the rare moments he deans to grace us with their presence. :P

Btw, feel free to jump on the chat if you want, your questions can get answered even quicker.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I probably will once I get these primary edits completed and the NS reposted. If I got on the chat now, I'd never get it done. lol.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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Schradinger said
I probably will once I get these primary edits completed and the NS reposted. If I got on the chat now, I'd never get it done. lol.

Smart man. :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by POOPHEAD189
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Schradinger said
I think I'm going to add a list of all the legions and their current status to the NS. Along with more specifics about troop types and numbers within each legion.What exactly is the current relationship between High Rock and Cyrodiil? I've been reading those links that Hyperdrive posted, but haven't yet found anything that gives a good indication of that. Mostly it's just about pirates and Prince Narcisse, who doesn't seem to like Imperials very much. Or maybe it's just the Triarius family he doesn't like.

Basically, High Rock is the last loyal province to Cyrodiil. Even then, their loyalties are questionable. The rulers from all five realms swore fealty to the Emperor, now this is just symbolic. They don't really attend Elder Council meetings (which I assume is only between Cyrodiilic politicians). In return, the Emperor rarely visits High Rock, his last visit was to host a summit and facilitate the election of a common High Rock monarch, after that, things just went back to normal (both sides not minding each others' businesses).

My assumption is that Bretons and Imperials still trade freely with each other, with Bretons rarely paying Imperial tax unless using specific Imperial services. Military wise, both sides are independent from each other, but as I said before, it is plausible for the legions to have recruiting centres in High Rock.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Nation name: The Imperial Province of Cyrodiil

-History: [Excerpt from The Empire in Recent Times] After the Assassination of Emperor Titus Mede II, the Elder Council, lead by High Chancellor Motierre, took over leadership of the Empire. During this time, the Empire managed to regain some of its former economic prosperity. This was, however, formed through even closer ties to the Aldmeri Dominion. This caused some to claim that the Elder Council was selling out to the elves, even more so than Titus Mede had done. In the heat of this internal crisis, a string of murders in Skyrim left the legion vying for blood. The growing fears of a second civil war in Skyrim collided with the crisis in Cyrodiil and the Empire seemed ready to implode
The loudest of voices calling for the replacement of the current Elder Council was that of the Triarius Family. A proud, patriotic family descended from a long line of military men, especially proud of their nordic ancestry, believing that their ancestors had been among Tiber Septims most loyal soldiers. As calls for the replacement of the elder council grew louder and louder, Cyrodiil looked on the brink of slipping into a civil war. This was diffused only by the disappearance of High Chancellor Motierre, along with a significant portion of the Imperial Treasury at the White Gold Tower. Rumours began to circulate, had Motierre fled? Had he been secretly disposed of? No one is, to this day, entirely certain, although the Palace Guard and the Imperial Watch investigations concluded that Motierre had taken the money and fled. The position of the Elder Council was discredited by this incident, collapsing further when Motierres Journal was uncovered, several entries recording shady and unknown dealings in a Nordic Ruin, Vorskygge in Skyrim, and a through Interrogation of his Man Servant Rexus it was uncovered that it had been Motierre who set in motion the contract on the emprerors life. Their credibility damaged, many of the Elder Council quietly resigned in the night, some realligned themselves and the Empire was saved from the brink of a civil war. A reward of 30,000 Septims was placed, and remains, on Motierre alive and 20,000 dead. Despite this compelling reward, no one has yet found and brought Motierre to justice.
It was at this moment that the patron of the Triarius family declared himself Emperor and was quickly coronated. In a quick movement legion forces were withdrawn from Skyrim, offering the loyalists a home in the other provinces of the Empire. Some, particularly those in the legion, did take this offer up, buy the vast majority refused to leave their home, seeing no reason that they should. Some of these loyalists feel abandoned, others feel the Empire is planning a counter attack.
The Triarius family has ruled in the two years since, and while little in the way of life has changed as of yet, the Empires foreign policy has changed dramatically. Some believe the Triarius family too brash, daring to stand up to the Thalmor on several issues, including the key issue of the worship of Talos. Emperor Triarius has declared his intention to negotiate with the Aldmeri Dominion and attempt to revise some sections of the White Gold Concordat. Some are positive, believing this signals a return to prosperity, others are more negative, some fearing an attack from the Elves.
[End Excerpt]
But the Empires highest leaders, know the real reason for the attempts to call the Elves to negotiation.
The Empire secretly supplied the Khajiit with equipment and their limited information on Thalmor movements (mostly the traffic of the Thalmor by boat), and only openly becoming involved after Elsweyr declared it's independence and requested to join the Empire. The Two's relationship was hastily forged, and the treaty is a rushed one. Indeed, the major changes are the presence of the Imperial Legion, markings on a map and that Elsweyr is officially subordinate to the Emperor. While Imperial law has been introduced, it has a special concession for the possession and usage of Skooma and Moonsugar, as well as other otherwise illegal substances that are part of the Khajiit culture.
(focus on the years 4E 201 to 205, anything before that is pr-established canon)

Head of State: The Emperor Gaius Triarius the First
Government system: Monarchy. Each major city has its own Count(ess) who rules over the city (the county seat), and the surrounding county, which has the same name as the city. These counts are all loyal to the Empire of Tamriel and are part of The Elder Council. The Imperial City doesn't have a Count as it is ruled by the Emperor. The Imperial City has no accompanying county, but the Imperial Reserve is located to the west and the Nibenay Basin to the east.
The Elder Council is the central government of the Empire, The Council convenes at its chambers in the center of the Imperial Palace complex, within the Imperial City. The Council chamber comprises a large circular table encircled by tall chairs. The government is a unicameral and unelected body. Though the nature of its composition is not detailed specifically, it comprises the Counts of Cyrodiil, the aristocracy and rulers from the other Imperial provinces, the highest-ranking members of military and police forces, as well as appointments made by the head of state, the Emperor. It is however specified that the body can legislate. This government is in charge of the province as well the whole of the Empire
Political agenda: To reunite the peoples of Tamriel under the Banner of the Empire or, failing that, to ensure the safety and security of the continent of Tamriel
(type of government, leader, political agenda)

-Allegiance: The Empire, Elsweyr, Valenwood

-Military: The Military of the Empire of Tamriel is highly diverse. Composed primarily of Imperial and Orc soldiers, Nordic Soldiers termed 'Loyalists', Orsimer Mercenaries, Breton Auxiliaries and Dark Elven mages who have fled from their now destroyed home in Morrowind and the racist Skyrim, there are none the less soldiers of other races, though recruitment struggles for them due to the barriers of the Aldmeri, Hammerfells distrust of the Empire and the problem of traversing its dissected empire across now independent regions that were once avid supporters of the Empire. None the less, the Empires highly discipline forces, excellent training, good leadership and all round versatility due to the presence of so many races, it remains as one of the strongest fighting forces in Tamriel. Forts dot the Empires provinces, Soldiers patrol the borders and the Imperial Navy watches vigilantly for any sign of invasion from sea.

City Watch/Imperial Watch: Each major City in Cyrodiil has its own city watch. City watch guards are stationed throughout their respective city, watching over city or castle gates, or patrolling the city streets. The guards are led by a captain, who reports to the local Count and/or Countess. Their duty is to uphold peace and order throughout the city and county, as well as ensuring justice is had in the event of a crime. Additionally, they are the last line of defense of their city in the event of assault or invasion. Each city guard is equipped with a chain mail hauberk and tabard, bearing the city's color and insignia. In addition they are clad in chain mail leggings, boots and gauntlets, and a guard's helmet. Skingrad however, is an exception, where the guards wear steel rather than chain-mail.

As the Imperial Province, the region has unrivaled access to the Imperial Legion. The Legion works for the Imperial government, with support from the Emperor. In peacetime, the legionnaires serve as guards; in war, they have also been used as an invasion and defense force. In war, the Imperial Legion is a feared force. Their huge numbers and strict discipline cause even the most battle-hardened army to question their tactics. Though it is only a shadow of it's former glory, the Imperial Legion is not a force to be trifled with.
Under the Triarius family, with their militaristic heritage, the Legion has swollen and grown stronger than it was under Motierre or Titus at the time of the Civil War. Peace has certainly not cost it it's strength. Widely considered the most disciplined army in Tamriel, while their individual soldiers are generally not on par with the Redguards (With notable exceptions), and their mages are not as powerful as the Aldmeri or the Dark Elves, they make up for this is their discipline, tactics and cohesion. It is boasted that if the Legion are retreating, their opponents are being led into an ambush.

- Religion: Although Talos worship is still banned under the White Gold Concordat, the Triarius family and the Emperor himself secretly reveres Talos as a result of his families supposed connection to Tiber Septim. This term is not heavily enforced in Cyrodiil or throughout the Empire, though is officially still enforced. While worship of Talos in public no longer occurs lest face the reluctant intervention of the Imperial Watch, it is still practiced in secret and semi-openly by the many of the Nords in the Nordic Loyalist forces of the Imperial Legion. They merely hide their amulets and shrines during inspection and take them back out when it is over. Many officers do indeed know this, but very few make any attempts to curb it.

- Notable Organizations: The Penitus Oculatus still exists, reformed into an organisation dedicated to many purposes. It has assassination services, intelligence gathering, espionage and internal security on its agenda. The Emperors bodyguards, named the Blades after the legendary Bodyguards of the Septim dynasty (Though a different entity to the original Blades) also fall under the umbrella of the Penitus Oculatus, their members handpicked from both the finest of the Imperial Legion and the finest of the Penitus Oculatus. The Triarius family themselves are known to serve on the field of battle, and it is a rite of passage into adult hood for them. They are skilled combatants, strategists and are raised from birth to be officers and statesmen.

-Culture/society: Natives of the civilized, cosmopolitan province of Cyrodiil, the Imperials are well-educated and well-spoken. Imperials are also known for the discipline and training of their citizen armies. With this they were able to fight off the Redguard and control most of Tamriel. Imperials have proven to be shrewd diplomats and traders, and these traits, along with their remarkable skill and training as light infantry, enabled them to subdue all the other nations and races. But that was in the past. With the Empire Crumbling around them, the Imperials are fighting tough and nail to regain their pride and keep what is left together. The phrase "Imperial Race" is a bit of a misnomer. The people of Cyrodiil are divided into two ethno-cultural groups: Nibeneans and Colovians. Both descend from the native Nedic and Cyro-Nordic peoples that were enslaved by the Ayleids. Colovian Imperials in Western Cyrodiil are more Nordic, sharing similar beliefs such as a heavy martial and seafaring tradition. Nibeneans have an Akaviri and, to a lesser degree, elven heritage. They have a greater appreciation for magic, art, commerce, and spirituality, in spite of being staunchly loyal to Alessian traditions. Both groups reflect the Empire's culture: a hybrid of Nordic, Aldmeri, and Akaviri culture along with other pieces of culture from former and current provinces
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leidenschaft
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Leidenschaft Relax, only half-dead

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Schradinger said
I probably will once I get these primary edits completed and the NS reposted. If I got on the chat now, I'd never get it done. lol.

High Rock and Cyrodiil's political relationship are pretty much the same as they've always been: Keep the backstabbing to a minimum and we won't intervene. That's how it's been for years and that's how it is now. I expect that Imperial authority will only be called upon in times of war or civil war in High Rock(but, I mean, who the hell can tell the difference between a civil war and an average day in High Rock?). I also expect that the Empire wouldn't like it if their only remaining province was stirring up trouble for the ones around it.

About Prince Narcisse Septim-Vincens: He knows that he a tenuous claim on the Ruby Throne and is sore about not inheriting it. After all, his father fought for his line's place on the throne in the Interregnum, but ultimately losing to the Medes and killed on the field of battle. It with a heavy heart and not a small amount of scorn that he looks on the Mede's and Triarius's place as Emperor. The reason Narcisse is so damned hateful of the Empire is because his father not only was killed fighting for what should have been his throne in the first place through a very diluted bloodline, but that his father ultimately failed, his mother was killed during the ensuing regency, one of his best friends's families was killed by pirates and his throne taken- all while the Empire did jack shit.

Through all of this, the different rulers of High Rock's five kingdoms have kept their place as an Imperial Province to the Empire if only to say they have the biggest friend on the playground.

High Rock still trades with and follows the laws of trading set forth by the Empire.

Under the rule of High King Ferrand Bellemont of Daggerfall, High Rock remains an Imperial Province. Bellemont holds no quarrels with the Emperor and they are on good terms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Alright, I've gotten a fair portion of the first post written (though I'm having to do most of it one my phone so it's slow going), and I have a question about named items, specifically Goldbrand. Would that be a weapon I could have one of the emperor's sons or the emperor himself use? According to Lore, it was last suspected to be in the Empire's possession.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hyperdrive
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Goldbrand falls under the superweapon category, you'll have to submit an application for owning it to Gcold or Leiden. :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Alright. Do I just PM that to them or would my post here be sufficient?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hyperdrive
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Hyperdrive Not Possible

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I'm sure they'll see the post here, but its best you send them the details about your superweapons via PM.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by POOPHEAD189
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POOPHEAD189 Worrier

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Schradinger said
Alright, I've gotten a fair portion of the first post written (though I'm having to do most of it one my phone so it's slow going), and I have a question about named items, specifically Goldbrand. Would that be a weapon I could have one of the emperor's sons or the emperor himself use? According to Lore, it was last suspected to be in the Empire's possession.

I would have to say no to this. Goldbrand's last legitimate appearance was in Oblivion, more than 200 years ago. In addition, Titus Mede's possession of this weapon was merely a rumor, with no proper backing. Even if the rumor was true, the weapon could have changed hands by now and it is very unlikely that it simply got passed down (artifacts tend to disappear after a while). Lastly, your Emperor and nobles are busy devoting themselves to politics, economics and defense, most Cyrodiilic citizens have poor views of daedra (especially after the Oblivion Crisis), making them distrustful to something like the Goldbrand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

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Hmm, not much I can post atm, I wonder where sandman is?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by POOPHEAD189
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GreivousKhan said
Hmm, not much I can post atm, I wonder where sandman is?

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

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See, why LimeyPanda never sprung for an underwater cave for a camp is beyond me. :K
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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First post is up. I apologize in advance for the corny dialogue and thin-as-paper plot. I wanted to have an actual reason for such a drastic shift in policy on the part of the emperor, and that was the best option that came to mind.

My future posts should be more cohesive plot-wise. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leidenschaft
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Leidenschaft Relax, only half-dead

Member Seen 26 days ago

A good post, nonetheless.

There is one thing, every post needs to be dated with the in-game day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by POOPHEAD189
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POOPHEAD189 Worrier

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Leidenschaft said
A good post, nonetheless.There is one thing, every post needs to be dated with the in-game day.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Whoops. It would be the same day in Khan's imperial city post, so I'll edit that in in a moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by POOPHEAD189
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POOPHEAD189 Worrier

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Another problem Schradinger, the invasion did not even start during the 25th. You're allowed multiple dates for different actions, try to be specific with each one.
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