Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


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Tony held up his hands as the cloaked Doom servant held some kind of EMP device to his chest. Despite the situation however, he kept his usual calm confidence. "You know, I wouldn't do that if I were you..." he said casually, the Doom servant responding by pressing it harder against his chest. "Silence!" he hissed, "I press this button and your life is over Stark" he replied. Tony nodded his head, looking to be thinking it over, "Well sure, when you put it like that. But you see it's not me you should be worried about" he said as an iron blue hand gripped the Doom servant's shoulder. "FYI, she has her mothers temper..." he said before the cloaked man was literally thrown across the room, his body hitting the wall on the far side. Phoebe turned to her father, "You need to find your suit" she said, turning before blasting away one of the cloaked villains with the repulsor beam located in her suit's palms. "You don't like this one? it's a classic" he joked half seriously as he looked around for where it might have been taken. Phoebe's armored head turned to look at him, "Dad..." she said in a serious tone, a moment's pause before Tony nodded, "Right" he said before he moved off to get his suit. Phoebe turned to get herself stuck into the fight, seeing the other hero's had already started engaging the party crashers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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While fighting with the web-freak and having their moral debate, on of the Doom henchmen had what might of been a homemade flame weapon of some kind, he aimed it at Legion and got a result that very few knew about Legion. A kind of defense mechanism that only happened when the symbiote was angered or agitated. The symbiote let out a blood curdling screech and hissed at the man, actually becoming larger and the teeth and claws of it becoming sharper and more prominent. This reaction caused the man to falter which allowed Legion to swat him away as if he was a fly and the man crash landed on a table, breaking it in two. The symbiote returned to its normal size afterwards when it calmed down and kept fighting, barely missing a beat.
Spiderman is right, we can't kill or hurt these men to much, Zac said in thoughts to the symbiote ,We need allies and doing to much damage to them will only make us enemies more to them.
These men don't deserve life, they deserve death, Legion hissed back in thoughts ,but you are right, we need allies. Fine I'll only incapacitate them, for now unless another comes up and tries to use flames on me, that man will be a dead man.
Thus hopefully there would be some form of odd friendship between the webhead and the symbiote, at least for these brief few minutes of this fight, teaming up would be the best advantage, along with the other heroes, if they could get to them at some point in this fray but with all the chaos it seemed unlikely they may come across anyone else until it was all said and done.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

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Mira was thoroughly done with this fight. She'd been punched, kicked, almost burned, and was almost stabbed with a fork. She quickly and forcefully linked in Spiderman and spooky. It wasn't pretty, or the usual way she'd do things, but it worked and right now that was good enough. "Congratulations. You're linked in, Spider and Spooky. Send thoughts and the rest of us," whoever else that was going to be, "will be able to hear you. Try not to mentally shout, or the link will be unstable."

With that she tried to locate another group, or just another hero trying to fight the Doom-ites. There were... well, maybe Iron Maiden was still fighting. She wasn't sure if she could remember anyone else of note. There was the Summers kid, but he wasn't easily seen in the crowd. She stopped to check her surroundings and knocked out another enemy with a quick elbow strike. She tried to search for anyone else, but it appeared that the only person who stood out was apparently another Doom-ite appeared, bragging and calling himself Repulsor. He looked like trouble, so Mira headed for him next, leading with an ice beam at his legs.

If she could immobilize him first, then she could take him out quickly and go back to her previous task of linking up the rest of the heroes. He might be tougher than she'd thought though, so she needed to strike quickly and strong. So that way she could also risk minimal injuries as well as not draw out the fight and possibly injure any civilians or knocked out heroes that were around. She couldn't open up her mind enough to see how many civilians and heroes were around, or the thoughts of the doom-ites alone would overwhelm her. However, as she linked in more people to the telepathic comm system, she'd find herself trying to just stand still and not fall over from the sheer amount of noise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

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James had an elbow come in his direction, he quickly dodged it, and grabbed the doom-ite by the arm, just as he saw the girl from the institute. Mira, come towards him, at first, he was delighted, till he saw the beam of ice coming towards him. He threw the man he held over his body, making the doom-ite take the most of the ice, but it splashed onto James's right leg, freezing it solid.

Then a crowbar came into his face, making him stumble backwards with the leg that wasn't frozen. The thug came back for seconds with the crowbar, but this time James's arm was in the way, redirecting the kinetic energy into his leg, he stomped with his thigh, freeing himself from the ice, and rubbing the assailants balance, enough for him to get in a open-palm strike in on his chest, sending him to the floor.

James turned back to Mira, and shook his head. “Can you try to not freeze me next time, please?” He asked, still behind the mask, not aware that the mutant thought he was allied with the enemy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

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Franklin watched on as Faen booted one of the men hard enough to send his teeth clattering out of the mask and onto the marbled floor. On the one hand Franklin grimaced looking on, and seriously wanted to question if that was seriously necessary. On the other the fact that these people were willing to go to these lengths for Dr. Doom... Franklin shivered at the thought. “Well it is the truth.” Franklin shrugged at Faen who came off looking a little bent over what Franklin had told him. “I hear the son of Loki's in town what am I suppose to think?”

Franklin was going to continue diligently debating Faen on the idea until he mentioned the others who were in their need of help. Well Franklin's help since apparently Loki's kid did seem to share his daddy's urges to keep the hands clean. Franklin just quietly gave Faen a look that said 'dude, really?' before shaking his head. Going into action as he quickly formed himself into a tightly made ball. That bounced off the wall between the couple and coming back at the two Doom sympathizers promptly reformed, giving both men a clothesline hard to the ground. A little something he learned from his Uncle Ben. Franklin got right back up, waving to the couple before adjusting his suit. Silently thanking all that his dad made the suit out of unstable molecules. That dad of his, always thinking ahead.

By this time it felt like the majority of the sympathizers were all laying on the ground unconscious, or were rather on their way to being so. Franklin couldn't help but smile at seeing all the young heroes getting the job done, however the celebration was very short lived. As suddenly Franklin's attention got changed with a “FRANKLIN RICHARDS...”

When he turned One of the last men held in his arm a tangled up Reed Richards. Franklin felt his heart sink quickly as his father was gripped tightly by the little bit of his neck that stuck out of the knotted mess of his body. “If you do not make these others stop this instant your father's life is forfeited in Doom's name.” Franklin started to panic, as the man brought a blade up out of his robe's hidden compartment Reed's son was trying to think of a way out for him. Mentally running through the quickly made list Franklin's attention suddenly caught something above the man holding his father hostage. Something very, very small. Franklin put on his poker face as he leaned upright, holding his hands up. “Okay, lets not do anything irrational.” Franklin calmly asked aloud to the man. “I believe we can come to a fair and peaceful conclusion... after you say hello to my friend Lily.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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Before Lily could make her attack on one of the doom guy that she was going for, another hero had defeated her opponent. “Damn kill stealer.” said Lily in quiet voice as she continued to hover around the roof. As she made her way to another villain but once again it seemed another hero took that villain out before she could. “Dammit, I'm surrounded by kill stealers.” whispered Lily as she once again started to search but before she knew it almost all the other villains had been defeated. Lily was furious and almost let out a yell in frustration but manage to keep her temper in check.

Then suddenly Lily heard a villain call out Franklin full name and made a threat to him. It seemed all the other heroes couldn't make a move. Lily flew over the villain as Franklin then gave Lily an intro. She then fired her stringers at villain hand, knocking the blade out of the man hands before punching the man in the face as she grew to normal size. The man took a step back and held his face before Lily punch him again, this time powering it up with her stinger causing it to knock the man out cold. “Done already? I was hoping for a challenge.” said Lily as then strike a pose in front of the defeated villain.

Then she realized that she was still wearing her red dress and that people were taking picture. “NO, stop taking pictures! You can't take pictures of me in this dress!” yelled Lily as her face turned red as she then turned small again and buzzed away, only to hide behind Franklin. “Franklin, do something, I can't have those pictures of me in that dress reach the public.” said Lily in a worried voice as she tried to figure out a way to stop people from release the picture into the public. Maybe she could use her stringers and destroy all the cameras.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

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Franklin leapt out quickly, catching his dad like a fumbled football as Lily finished the job on the sympathizer in painful fashion. Franklin got back up as his dad breathed a sigh. "Good catch son, though I hardly would've been hurt hitting the ground." Reed noted in typical over analyzing fashion. "Yeah I uh... well I forgot." Franklin meekly told his tangled up father as he got started trying to loosen him back to normal. "Well I'm still glad you stepped in, you and your friend." Upon hearing that though Franklin watched her shrink and fly behind him trying to cover up her dress. Especially considering when she landed on the guy, there was a clear view of her panties. Franklin didn't try to look... seriously... maybe a little.

"Yeah yeah you heard the tiny lady, come on you guys clear out Show's over." Franklin said, putting his dad aside as he got to herding the press out of the room.

When SHIELD came in to clean up the mess, especially considering there was shattered glass, messed up flooring in a few spots, and not to mention Franklin feeling like he's going to need to contact lawyers very soon. The guests were all led out as Franklin stayed behind with the other young heroes. There was a certain feeling of something different in the air. Franklin thought about it watching the rest of the heroes working. Sure his nerves were still frayed seeing Doom pop up, supposedly back in action. Still he couldn't help but feel like something was special. "Alright so police reports done... SHIELD reports done..." Franklin quietly counting what needed to be done to one of the executives of the museum. "Go ahead and hold back the public opening a week. Double the security just in case some other freak cult wants to try something." Franklin noted off as someone else came up to him. "Sir by the way, someone broke into and stole one of the costumes in the X-Men exhibit." Franklin sighed annoyed. "Crap. Alright get Scott Summers on the line, maybe we can have him send in a replacement."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mira wanted to keep fighting the guy who had asked her not to freeze him again, but she turned to see the older Reed being held hostage. Just as soon as she had seen the scene on the stage, it was over. The one speck she'd seen earlier turned out to be someone who could grow and shrink on command. She quickly took note of the power and stored it in her memory. She'd have to practice with it later, if she had the time. She walked towards the stage to try and help, but was soon swarmed by crowds of SHIELD agents. They asked her what happened, if anyone else was there to help, and other annoying questions.

Mira teleported upstairs, away from the crowd. She sat down and breathed a sigh of relief. If she started to answer questions down there, then she'd have to tell them the whole story. Which would lead to them knowing that she had hyperthymesia and promptly the questions everyone asked would come up, "do you remember your own birth?" the answer was always no. She could remember from the point she turned ten and then on. Besides, who would want to remember something like that? Just the description of it sounded disgusting and potentially mentally scarring. She quickly swapped telepathy for invisibility, which meant that occasionally she'd flicker in and out of visibility, but it would be worth it to shut up the voices.

People think too loudly. Mira thought, quietly moving downstairs again. She kept her invisibility on, but she might as well see what was going on, if there was still the Doom-ite from earlier. Thankfully, he wasn't anywhere to be seen at the moment, which meant he had probably cleared out. The party crasher was also probably staying away from the SHIELD agents, mostly because he was Loki's son -probably. Mira didn't like assumptions, but she felt like she was right on that one, after the way Stark had reacted to him talking to his daughter. Mira put her hands in her pockets and remained in the corner she had started the night in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

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Franklin gave him a hard look, obviously trying to shame Faen for refusing to get his hands dirty. Faen grinned again and shrugged. Still, Franklin did move off to help the guests, so he couldn't have been too bent outta shape about it. There are thinkers in this world, and there are those that do the stuff that thinkers don't want to do. I'm afraid it's pretty obvious which category we each fall into Frankie baby.

A high pitched scream rang through Faen's head as soon as Franklin moved off though. Gods, how inconsiderate. A man can hardly hear his own brilliant thoughts here. Spinning, the Lokison spotted an incredibly good looking blonde woman in an obscenely short red dress and six inch heels being harassed by another Doom-lite. Faen scanned the area, looking for any other heroes who might be able to intervene, but everyone seemed to be busy. Typical, never a hero when you need one. Guess this looks like a job for Prince Faen Lokison, however much I don't want it.

"Help me! help me!" screamed the woman, but the Doom-lite had a tight grip on her now, and wasn't letting go anytime soon. Faen sauntered over at a steady pace, but his heart was beating a tattoo in his chest. Gods, he hated getting involved. Despite the fact that with his mixed human-Jotun heritage he was more than likely one of the physically strongest beings at the party, he still hated being involved I any kind of fight. Still, when fair maidens are in trouble it falls to the brave knights to save them. How unfortunate for this maiden then that she has to make due with a roguish scoundrel for a rescuer then.

"Firrre!" she began to scream, obviously thinking the NYFD where her only hope now. Faen was directly behind the two now, both still too preoccupied in making a scene too have noticed him.

"Fire?" opened the Lokison quizzically, "I don't see any fire. Don't smell any either." The Doom-lite had released his grip on his would-be victim now, and took one menacing step towards Faen, holding a fist up in what must have been supposed to be a threatening gesture but came across as looking vaguely moronic.

"Look kid, I ain't in the moo. . ." began the badguy. Hackneyed threat incoming. Deploy witty rejoinder and countermeasures.

"Oh wait, now I see the fire." smirked Faen, clicking his fingers. There was a satisfying crack, but what was more satisfying was when the Doom-lites trousers burst into mystic flames. The villain took a few seconds to realise why it had just gotten so hot in the room, but when he did he gave off one of the girliest screams Faen had ever heard. The Prince began to laugh uncontrollably as the Doom-lite sprinted through the party, heading straight for the bathrooms. Finally Faen managed to calm himself enough to look for the woman he had saved, who was now huddled in the corner. She still looked terrified.

"You're safe now. The party's clear enough for you to escape." Said Faen, striking what he thought was a heroic pose. The woman clambered to her feet and rushed up to him, grabbing his hand and shaking it furiously.

"You're Kid Loki aren't you, thank you, thank you." gushed the woman, but Faen's face had fallen. Gods, how he hated that name! You get caught in one viral video and you can never live it down.

"My name is Faen, ok, just Faen. . . Or the Prince, I suppose. . . or Prince Faen, and I suppose the Lokiso . . . Look I've got a lot of names, but Kid Loki is most definitely not one of them!" he said, the exasperation evident in his voice. She looked like she hardly noticed, and Faen waved her towards the exit. The woman tottered away, swaying drunkenly on her high heels. The Prince sighed heavily as she turned to wave to him.

"Try taking the heels off." he offered half heartedly. She pulled one off mid step, then did an awkward stotter out the door.

"Thanks Kid Loki." he heard her shout.


"Well I'm afraid you look an awful lot like Loki sir, so I've got to ask these questions to make sure you don't pose a future risk. It's nothing personal, we just wanted to get a few things straightened out. Now lets take it from the top, why were you at the Baxter building tonight" stated the S.H.I.E.L.D agent who had been boring Faen to tears with the same questions for almost twenty minutes now. S.H.I.E.L.D had arrived on the scene after the fight, no use at all as per norm, and instead of giving Faen a medal for his fearless contributions to the fight had the audacity to question his intentions for being there. I can see it in your beady little eyes, thought the Prince as he glared at the agent, You're just begging for a reason to throw me in shackles and ship me off to the raft.

"Well I'm afraid you look awful lot like a monkey, but I'm not demanding to know if you 'agents' sit around the office flinging poop at each other while you should be doing your jobs." snarked Faen, who's temper was starting to get the best of him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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What? who's in our head? Legion asked as a voice entered Zac's mind. The voice was strangely familiar, then it clicked it was the woman from earlier, the one who had come onto the rooftop to see if he was some villain.
He didn't get much chance to respond though, having to concentrate on fighting and holding the symbiote back from doing to much damage to the thugs. When everything was said and done though was when things only got worse. With S.H.I.E.L.D. now on the scene and asking all of them questions he was now thrown into the light, and not entirely in the best of ways that he would of wanted. He pulled the symbiote back, most of it anyways until only it covered his face to keep his identity a secret still. He was bombarded with questions, all the personalities of Legion wanting to answer them at once but only Zac replied, at least to the questions he was willing to answer. Questions ranging from why he was at the Baxter Building to what he was, and after they figured out that he was bonded with a symbiote, how he was using it and what he knew about Legion. It was all to much to handle at once somewhat. To many questions to answer, with little means of tiptoeing around them easily. Legion only grew more agitated with each question and Zac had to restrain the symbiote once more so it wouldn't lash out.
At least it seemed he wasn't the only one getting the treatment, all of the young heroes were being questioned about the night it appeared. When a break did appear in the questioning he reached out through thought to see if that person was still poking around through thoughts or if he was alone again with his demons and the symbiote.
Hello? Anyone still here in my head or am I crazy on my own again? he thought outward and waited for a response.
Why must you look for more company in your head, it's all ready cramped here with you, me, and the others, Legion responded barging into Zac's head ,We don't need another person in this insanity of ours.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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Lily saw shield agent approach her. He probably wanted to talk her about everything that just happened. This was her chance to get rid of all the photos that everyone took of her. “Miss Lily, I'm her to talk to you to the situation related to these villains.” said the Shield agent with a serious look on his face. “You better make sure none of those pictures that everyone took of me doesn't go on the internet. I want them all deleted, I don't care what you have to do.” shouted Lily in a serious voice which surprised the Shield agent. “Unless someone life is in danger, I don't think we are allowed.” said the shield agent in a bit of annoyed and confused voice. “My life is at risk, if those pictures get out I will die from embarrassment.” bark Lily in response to the shield agent comment. “As I said, I'm only here to investigate these Doom look likes.” said the shield agent who was now annoyed. “That's not what you said, you said that you where here to deal with the situation related to these doom look alike and this is related. Your nothing but a liar. You just wait till I get into SWORD, I will have you demoted.” said Lily in an angry voice as she then stormed off. The Shield agent let out a sigh before moving on.
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