Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Faen had faded into the crowd long before Tony Stark arrived at his daughters side, aware that he still needed to keep his profile at the party low, something an angry Mr Stark wouldn't help with. Still, it was a damnable shame that his meeting with Pheobe Stark had been cut short, as it was such a rarity for the Lokison to meet someone who just accepted him. Too often he was dismissed out of hand, or damned for the sins of his father. And that is an incredibly tiring set of affairs. After all, its not like I don't have an impressive set of sins of my own to my name.

Still, he hoped he would get the chance to speak with Pheobe again, though with his luck he doubted it.

In attempt to regain some of his good humour he entered the Baxter building, heading straight for the scrumptious looking spread that Franklin had put out for the guests. No sooner had he piled a plate high with sweetmeats, tiny sandwiches and small cakes than Franklin himself began his speech. Faen, displaying the height of decorum, waited patiently for the Richards' boy to finish speaking before he tucked in. Still, the prince couldn't help but smirk when, after the moment of silence, Franklin asked them to show their love to Mr Stark in thanks for his effort on the museums behalf. Ah, but if only I could Frankie-baby, but I fear if I got close to Stark senior he would turn his repulsers on me. As thankful as I am for this wondrous museum I'd still rather stay as far as possible from high powered lasers!

The Lokison dug into his assorted goodies, stuffing them down his throat like they were his last meal, wondering to himself when was the last time he had eaten something so tasty. Probably before mother had passed. Even while he was eating his eyes darted around the room, consuming information as much as hid mouth consumed nibbles. He noticed one security officer giving him a hard eye, obviously suspicious of Faen's intentions. Ah well, thats what you get for introducing yourself as Loki's son I suppose. Faen finished his plate leisurely, but then faded back into the crowd. He exchanged some small talk with people he had never even met before, all the while darting from group to group. Just like the ball in a cup game my friend, try to keep your eye on the bastard son of a mischevious God. Harder than it seems though, especially when the bastard in question is a master of illusion. A few minutes of that, and a few low powered illusions, and the security guard had lost sight of him, nervously radioing his captain to inform him that Loki's son had disappeared once more.

Faen had now spotted another interesting sight, a young lady wearing the outfit of the X-men smashing into the pavement, looking like she was taking the fast way down from the top of a building. To the Lokison's knowledge the X-men were largely disbanded, but this one looked like she was still very much in the heroing business. Come to think of it she had just dropped from the building that spooky had been occupying earlier. The X-girl entered the Baxter building, grabbed a plate then took up residence in a dark corner to eat her meal. Looks like someone who doesn't like company. Too bad. Faen was interested as too why she and spooky were up on the building now. Maybe they were super villains, eager to ruin Franklin's shindig in the name of world domination. Faen wasn't sure how disrupting the opening of a museum would lead to the conquest of the planet, but he had heard of villains with stupider plans.

If that were the case they had picked a ridiculously bad party to crash.

Faen sauntered up to the X-girl, peered curiously at her plate, spotted a small quiche that looked quite tasty, plucked it from her pile and popped into his mouth. He chewed and swallowed quickly before giving one of his dazzling smiles.

"Mhmm, Franklin sure does know how to feed his guests. Wouldn't you agree?" Faen asked, a mischievous gleam in his eye. "So what were you and spooky doing on the roof? Planning the downfall of western civilisation?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 1 day ago

Stupid, stupid, stupid, Zac thought to himself. Now he was going to be bored again with sitting on on the roof. He got the impression he had come off wrong or at least the symbiote had. He meant himself as being the monster, the freak. No one liked him and now he bit the dust again with trying to make friends in the hero society. No will ever like us, he thought to himself.
Better to not have attachments that would be used against us, Legion replied in his head though there was a distinct sigh in its voice. To face fact, one reason he hated Spiderman was that he had friends, people he could trust while Legion had nothing besides his host.
"Maybe we should just move to San Fransisco, maybe there we could at least get some good attention," Zac said to the symbiote. The symbiote had come with at least some knowledge of his lineage. He knew at least the symbiote called Venom had gone to San Fransisco and had been a vigilante there and even considered the patron hero there before he had come to New York again.

"Better then always living in Spider-freaks shadow," he mumbled. The thought of now watching the party seemed depressing so he sat down on top of the building bored and just looking at the sky. Legion's masked pulled back from around Zac's face, revealing his true identity, there was no point hiding it right now with no one around and he was in the shadows still so he would have time to cover it up again if the person came back at all which he somewhat doubted. He looked down at the clawed form of what was his hand and concetrated, the symbiote pulsated and began to move forming a shapeless object in his hand. Thanks to the one called Carnage, he was gifted with being able to shape items from his symbiote that could be seperate from his body. He formed the shape of a flower, an odd sight for something made out of the symbiote. A blue stem that had red and white petals. He looked at it for a second and dropped it. He had tried to use that trick to show he wasn't evil but still it hardly worked on the masses, what people saw was a monster and despite all he tried he couldn't fix his tarnished lineage. The flower eventually fell a part, the only downside to being able to separate the symbiote from itself was that the objects had a limited time before they fell a part and became weak, disintegrating basically into near nothing.

"Well I guess we should just look at the positives," he sighed and then laughed ",She thinks you are some illusionary suit. Ah that's a first, guess wherever the mutants come from, they haven't heard of symbiotes."
It would seem so, the symbiote said in his head slightly annoyed , an illusion, ha, then I must be some damn good illusion.
Zac nodded. Despite seeming crazy, talking to himself came to be kind of his norm now. He had few friends at least not in New York, he had his normal job, working at a restaurant/cafe, nothing big or major but it payed the rent on his apartment and he worked on the side as a IT programmer though it was on the side usually, when someone wanted something done cheaper then a normal provider handle things. He never had been all that social before the symbiote had found him and even now he wasn't always all that open so the symbiote came to be the only friend he had at the time and even with the short time span they had been bonded they knew most about each other.

"Eh who needs friends, you and me against the world right?" Zac chuckled with a slight sigh at the end. To the end it would be him and the symbiote, who cares if they weren't accepted here, they could always move right. Let Richards have his party, no point in moping about and acting like we are now, just because we weren't invited or the fact we screwed up again. Just have to get back on our feet and keep trying. Someone has to be the eyes in this town while the others party, he was the guy for the job, with no distractions he was the only one for it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Larfleeze đź’ŽGolden Diamondđź’Ž

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The pain in Lucas' back was unbearable. The blast from the K'un-Lunian weapon had scorched and charred it, tearing a large hole through the back of his costume and leaving an angry red circle of blackened and melted flesh. Beginning to walk out of the building, leaving behind the unconscious smugglers and the corpse of their leader, every step felt like the flesh on his back was going to split apart. He could heal himself but he didn't know if he had any chi left within him, if he had none and still went through with it, he could possibly slip into a coma...or worse. He decided to risk it, hoping he could heal the grievous wound even a little so the pain could be more bearable.

Mustering the miniscule amount of chi he had in his body, he began the healing process. Soon, the less damaged part of the burn started to knit together, shrinking the size of the horrific injury. It felt strange, it hurt but gave him relieve from the pain at the same time. By the time he chose to stop before he was completely drained, all that was left was a bright pink patch of scalded skin, it was tender and still stung excruciatingly, though he could manage it for now.

Taking his time as he slowly walked out of the building, Luke needed more chi to mend the rest of his wound. He could either wait until it came back to him naturally, though this would take some time, or he could find some food he could eat to convert into chi. With nothing better to do except wait, he decided that he would go on a search for food. He had heard about an opening party at a nearby museum and memorial dedicated to the Superheroes his father had told him about, perhaps he could somehow sneak in and find food there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mira was off in space, attempting to recall anything that she had seen of the man on the roof. So far, nothing was popping out at her from her memory. Maybe she was looking at the wrong section for what she needed. Maybe it would be better to try and recall any of her history books and see if anything similar cropped up. She absentmindedly chewed on a quiche until someone stepped up to her and stole some of her food. As she looked at the stranger, he flashed her a smile and asked if she had been plotting world domination. Mira arched her eyebrow.

"You're awful curious for a party crasher." Mira popped another small bit of food in her mouth and chewed to let him stew over her words. "I mean, Stark didn't look to happy about seeing you. As for me, I was seeing if 'spooky' was actually out to hurt the museum. Like a decent human being. You might be glad to know that he isn't. Name's Mira DiAngelo, in case you wanted to know."

Mira checked her watch again. She noted the time and looked back up to the man who had introduced himself to her. She couldn't see any visible weapons or anything that would set off alarm bells. Geez, it had been like she was walking on eggshells since she'd arrived. She wasn't really doing anything suspicious, just eating and staring at things. Yet here she was accused of being a monster and a supervillian.

"You know, this hasn't been the first time someone called me a supervillian," the truth, "however, I'll give you the same answer I give to everyone. No. I am not, nor have I ever been a supervillian. And besides, crashing a party full of VIP Supers with their offspring would be literally the dumbest idea anyone ever had." Mira finished eating, and silently debated wether or not to get seconds. If she had to be in a fight with the guy, then she might as well grab some more.

Then again it would still be rude to just walk away again. Man… I just wanted a quiet night without complications. Ah, this is what you get for signing up for field duty, Mira. So she leaned against the wall and waited to hear what he had to say. Probably something about not being a party crasher -lie- or maybe he'd try to be suave about the whole situation. At least he couldn't try blowing her up right away, not in this crowd of people. Even though she was certain that she was safe, Mira still activated the teleportation skill she'd seen alongside the enhanced durability in case of an emergency. She chose the ideal spot for turning the attack back on the man, if it came to that, and waited. Why does it always have to be a real mission instead of just a night out? All I wanted was to look at statues and hear lame small talk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Chris took one last swig of his whiskey before he was prepared to go back in and mingle with the people he would rather shoot than talk to. Just then, something caught his eye. A van parking around a block away. He watched it closely until he was sure this wasn't a threat. A few men exited the van, dressed formally yet one had something under his arm. Chris couldn't get a good look at it before the man hid it away. The leader seemed to say something to the group and the group looked to repeat something back. Chris couldn't make out their words, too many people getting in his line of sight to lip read. They made their way over to the party and went inside. Chris was suspicious of this lot, everything about them yelled dangerous. The big give away was the fact that they came in a van to such a formal event. He began to follow them through the crowds of people, never letting himself be seen for more than a few seconds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

When Franklin was pulled away by a girl, Caiden decided to drop his business endeavours for the night. He'd have plenty of time to talk to the guy afterwards, anyway. He'd drop by another night, maybe make an appointment or something. But for now, he'd just stand back and enjoy what the evening had to offer. Shooting a single thread of web at the ceiling, he hung upside down, slowly drifting into deep thought.

After a while, his thoughts strayed towards a frequent cause of concern, worry, and over-thinking: his best friend and occasional sort-of significant other, Claire Walsh. Ever since his parents died and the whole Spiderman business began, Caiden found it increasingly difficult to keep their relationship balanced; if you could even call it a relationship. They were great friends, getting along brilliantly most times, arguing in the best possible way when not. They both had feelings for each other, but neither of them knew where to go with it; one of them would make a move, the other would go with it, but it never went anywhere. But finally, a couple of months before now, something seemed to be happening for them... And then Caiden's parents were murdered, and he became Spiderman. Now they were back to their usual ways of an on/off kind of relationship.

Snapping himself out of his thoughts, a man in a suit caught Caiden's eye. He seemed to be some sort of security guard, but the way he carried himself, he looked a lot more proffessional. He was more than trained to do this kind of stuff. As Caiden followed the man's movements, he saw that he was tailing a group of formally dressed men. Needless to say, they all looked suspicious, and Caiden mentally applauded the security guard for tailing them. Then-
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Faen was taken aback by the X-girls observation. Seems like everyone knows I've crashed this party. How embarrassing. He quickly recovered his composure though. Maybe she knew, but it wasn't like he was trying incredibly hard to hide the fact, he'd been making a bit of a scene all night. Next time he would just have to try harder not to make a spectacle of himself.

"Party crashers are always curious, after all its their curiosity that leads them to crashing the party, just to see how the other half live." he answered smoothly. If she had thought to leave him speechless then she was speaking to the wrong person. It was a well established fact back home that he could speak a mile a minute. In fact it was his smart-mouth that was always getting him in trouble.

"That said I didn't really think spooky is the villainous type, he looked so. . . pathetic up there, all alone in the dark." he said with a mild shrug. If anything he thought this cold harridan was more likely to be a super fiend. She certainly had the detached personality he would have expected from a Dr Doom type, not that he thought she was anything like that despot. No, she seemed more of an angry teenager than supervillain, sulking in the corner of the party. Gods I hate people my own age. So damned moody.

He picked another quiche from her plate and chewed it thoughtfully as she told him how she was most adamantly not a villain. It sounded like a scripted answer, something she repeated so often that it had become robotic and monotonous. Perhaps Mira was someone else that society had branded a 'person of concern' like himself. He began to regret judging her so quickly when he noticed the shield agent in the cheap suit, who he had christened in his mind Fury Jr, stalking a group of gentlemen through the throng of party goers. Shield agents acting clandestine wasn't the most startling of happenings, but the men he was following set Faen's hackles up. Perhaps it was because all the men were pale faced, eyes fixed on their destination, or maybe because one man had a suspicious looking package under his arm. Whatever it was, these men screamed trouble.

"Stupidest idea you've ever heard huh?" repeated Faen sceptically "Those gentlemen don't look like they agree. I'll bet you twenty dollars that they are going to ruin the night." he pointed at the group, but careful to make sure that only she could see him do it. He didn't want the men to know that they had been discovered, as then they might become even more nervous and end up hurting someone. Hopefully not me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As she listened to the guy, she decided to let him be, he probably was harmless. At the very least he was very smooth. He didn't even hesitate after she said he was a party crasher. Well, given how he had been acting, it wasn't surprising if almost everyone else had figured it out as well. He probably wasn't phased by it, since it was likely that security had already tagged him and lost him. The guy seemed slippery and slimy anyway. At least, until he pointed out the group with the strange package.

As she rolled her neck too look as though she were stretching it, she caught a glimpse of the group before they caught her looking. "And I'd bet that you're right. If I had to guess that they aren't on the the list. You'd think that all of the dumb supervillians would be dead by now." Mira swapped her extra power slot to telepathy, and asked the guy next to her, "I have an idea on how we can talk without them overhearing us, but I'd like your permission first."

She guessed from the awkward way that the guy had pointed was to avoid drawing suspicion. If they panicked then it would go badly. She had to be careful too, she was at her power limit. If she had to add another offensive power, she had to swap one out first. However, there was something suspicious about those guys and the guy trailing them.

Not to mention the package was something that you didn't wander around with out in the open. Mira quickly moved to put her plate down on the nearest table in case of trouble. This was bad, and if things were about to go from bad to worse, then she didn't want to be the first responding super that threw a plate at those guys. Not exactly the way she wanted to written about in the news.

Mira hoped that there no telepathy in the strange group as well, or the idea would go up in smoke long before she even enacted her plan. This guys had a way of slipping in and out of crowds, and might be able to get close. However, there was also the question that nagged at her, but she blew it off, thinking that she would have to ask it later. Things were heating up now. At last, this party's finally picked up. Something exciting and amusing is about to happen. Maybe I'll even collect a few more powers in the process.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 1 day ago

"My, my what do we have here?" Zac said, the symbiote reforming around his head as he looked down to the ground below. It just seeemed like any old van, nothing special about it really but the people that got out of it drew suspicion. Why would you arrive to a party in a crappy van unless you were there to start trouble?
Finally an excuse for us to join the part, Legion said as they leaped across to another building, getting closer to the ground and finding a reasonable place for the symbiote to shift and leave Zac in normal attire that would let him at least fit in to the crowd.
He slowly blended into the crowds to not draw attention to himself and kept an eye for the men. It didn't take long to find them once more in the crowd of other party people, what made them stick out so easily was the one carrying something under his arm.
We should kill them, kill them all, a voice whispered, not Legion's normal voice in Zac's head. It was the part of the symbiote made from the one called Carnage. The darker side of the symbiote, the one side that only wanted blood and chaos. Of course most of the time the other symbiote portions would shove that personality down but whenever action came about, it seemed to pop up. Zac tuned it out focusing himself on staying in the crowds and acting as if he was some normal guest while maintaining distance from the group yet also keeping an eye and following.
He didn't pay much attention to what was inside the building now like he had been wondering outside, not when anything could happen at any moment and didn't notice even the woman from earlier on the rooftop when he passed by her, he was to focused on the task at hand, if something happened he would need to call on Legion swiftly so he had to be ready for that moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

It took a bit of effort on Franklin's part but finally he freed himself from the clutches of Lily's determinism. He loved being around her but sometimes he had to wonder if it was out of her being one of the few truly constant friends in his life. Regardless Franklin still had an opening to run and after having security let in Lucas Rand. Since after all he did make sure to send an invitation to the event to Lucas, even if the guy had other plans for the night which may or may not had included getting a nasty looking scar on his back.

It took a little bit more time though, Franklin started to look around and realize that the party seemed much more... full... than he remembered it being. It was weird since the event had been going on, and those late to the party types had shown up by now right? Franklin grimaced as he felt nerves rising up in his stomach. “Franklin! Franklin!” As Franklin turned he watched the crowd spread out to a small robot hovering right towards the young Richards. HERBIE waved its little flappy arms frantic and in its hurry bumped right into Franklin's leg making it bend back and HERBIE bounce off it. “HERBIE what's going on? Whats with the commotion?” Franklin asked kneeling down.

Truth was for Franklin that outside of Lily, and maybe a few other people, HERBIE was Franklin's best friend. Strange thing to say sure, having a robot as your best friend. On the flip side of course though Franklin's childhood was so whack jobbed and irregular that he never got to see people nearly as often as the little bot his dad made for him all those years ago. Heck, when his dad wanted to build a new design Franklin sternly turned it down. HERBIE had been such a part of his life Franklin couldn't bear the idea of even seeing him different.

“Franklin, the roof pod door was breached, there were a bunch of men coming in through the house! I think they're here in the party!” The bot panicked as its sensors were making its little head sway in all directions. Franklin eyes shot open as he quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out his iStark phone. Sure enough the security system for the house on it had the roof having been opened not long ago, although closed now. Franklin frantically flipped through the security protocols and checked on his car. The Audi was still there. Who was going through his place and not even stealing his stuff? He looked around again in growing concern. Were they here now?

Suddenly the lights in the entire building all snapped shut, and movement was hasty around everyone. Suddenly Steve Rogers felt some kind of seriously strong handcuffs get thrown on him, Tony Stark's briefcase yanked from him as an EMP device was aimed at his glowing chest. All four of the Fantastic Four were subdued in their own ways, very quickly any of the heroes of old were subdued.

It was then all of the monitors in the museum flickered on again. A very familiar gentleman in a green hooded robe came on all of them. “Evening to each and everyone.” The man started, his face hidden away behind a metal mask that made Franklin immediately start having a panic attack. “I don't feel a need to have to introduce myself, as I'm sure even the dimmest of you in attendance should know who I am. I am a man who once ruled with an iron fist I tuned to the very idea of perfection. Though my reign may have been hampered by... unsavory people no longer worthy of my mere mention. I intend to let those who believe in me speak louder than anything I should wish to say. The voice I rule with was silenced years ago, and while I'll deal with those who have taken what shall always be mine in due time. Those of you in attendance have the wonderful opportunity to see, more importantly feel the resistance in action. Good night, and farewell.”

When the lights suddenly turned back on a sudden good chunk of those attending were now adorning the same hooded robe and mask. Chaos reigned as people were shoved down, being subdued with force of any kind. When Franklin looked around him, a small group of them were circled around him. Franklin's heart rushed as tears swelled in his eyes, slowly he cowered to the ground, clinching his fingers though his hair as he gritted his teeth. HERBIE trying to console him but Franklin's fear took complete control of him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Larfleeze đź’ŽGolden Diamondđź’Ž

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Accidental post, will edit my next post in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

A blackout. Then Doctor Doom, who was thought to be dead, speaking about taking back what was rightfully his, or something like that. 'So cliche,' thought Caiden, letting Doom's words in through one ear and out the other. Then the lights turned back on, and a bunch of people were suddenly cosplaying as the former ruler of Latveria, trying their best to imitate his Ruthlessness.

Springing into action, Spidey sprung at a group of Doom-Fans, bellowing his battle-cry, "NEEEEEEEEEEEERDS!"

He landed a kick on one of the sympathisers' face, knocking him out cold. He then proceeded to kick some nerd-butt, until one of them managed to hit him directly in the goolies. Not missing a beat, Spiderman yelped, "Ow, my Arachnads!" before shooting a web at the attacker's pants, pulling them down, then proceeding to push him over. After webbing him to the floor, Spiderman dodged an enraged punch from the last nerd standing, who was screaming.


"Yes, well, sir, I don't know about that, but I do know one thing. Now, this is very important, so please, calm down and listen," said Caiden, sternly, and surprisingly the nerd stopped in his tracks, listening. "Thank you. Now, here's the thing... I'm afraid that... Man, there's no nice way of saying this, but... Your mother's so stupid, that she thinks cheerios are donut seeds..." The nerd just stood there and stared, as if saying, "Really, dude?". Spidey ignored this and continued in his immature bout of jokes. "She is so fat and dumb, that the only reason she opened her email, was because she heard it might contain spam. She is so fa-"

The nerd bellowed in rage, arms outstretched and hands in fists, sprinting towards Spidey, who leaped over him and landed inches away, back to back.

"How rude. You didn't let me finish the joke."

Before the nerd knew what hit him, which, for knowledge's sake, was a fist, he was joining the rest of his posse, knocked out on the cold, hard ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 9 mos ago

"And what would that method be. . ." Faen began to ask, but before he finished the group of rogues made what he supposed was their move. The lights to the building all cut out with an ominous crack.

"Oh terrific." sighed Faen flatly, a little let down with the predictability of it. How many times had he seen this very move in the movies. Switch the lights out and let the people panic, who was the genius that has come up with this one. It didn't take long to figure out who the perpetrator was though, as the museum monitors blinked into life, bathing the crowds in a soft, warm light. The face on the monitor was anything but soft and warm though.

“Evening to each and everyone.” began Dr Doom, one of the most brilliant yet fiendish minds to ever grace, or curse, the human race. But he was dead, wasn't he? Lost long ago after taking a plunge from his castle walls after a final battle with his long time foes, The Fantastic Four. The Lokison was dimly aware that he was all out of glib comments, and that his mouth had gone dry. Fear, he realised, he was afraid. Not the most ridiculous of reactions though, not when dealing with a man who seriously called himself Dr Doom.

Even as fixated as he was on the monitors Faen couldn't help but notice several people in the crowd causing a commotion. He quickly deduced that it was the older, tried heroes being taken down by villains wearing replica Doom masks. At first the Lokison was worried by the apparent ease the scoundrels took down the old Avengers, but then came the realisation that none of them were attempting to bring him or the other young breed to their knees. What, am I not worth it you dogs! This insult will prove to be your undoing Doom! He thought angrily. Dr Doom was coming to the end of his monologue now.

"Heads up. All the older heroes have been taken down. Do what you have to do to keep us in touch." Faen whispered to Mira before magically melding away into the darkness. Seconds later the main lights blinked back into life, but he was long gone, leaving Mira to deal with three Doom-lites who were converging onto her position.

The Prince materialised back into place next to Franklin, right in the middle of the Doom group surrounding Richards, wearing his Asgardian battle armour now instead of the formal suit he had been wearing earlier.

"Ah, Crap!" cursed Faen as he realised the position he had put himself into. Thinking fast he threw up a magical bubble shield around him, Franklin and HERBIE. The Doom-lites realised that they had been defied. The leader roared his fury, running forward and smashing the bubble with his fists. His followers did what they were paid for, throwing their weight in behind. Faen's magic was rough and unrefined, and he would be hard pressed to keep the henchmen out for long, but there was little he could do while trying to maintain the bubble. His only course of action was to try and rouse the scion of the Fantastic Four.

"Franklin," he said through gritted teeth "I seen you drop when Doom came on. Trust me, I wanted to do the same. But these chucklemongers, they're not Doom. Not even close. Now stand up, you've got to teach them a lesson for ruining your party!" The Lokison was beginning to sweat, the strain from keeping the force field in place starting to show.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 1 day ago

After Caiden finished off the first group of sympathizers, he quickly zipped towards another group of eight, who were giving what looked to be a wealthy elderly couple a hard time.
"Now, haven't you been told to respect your elders?" he wisecracked, this time landing in front of the thugs, but not engaging in a fistfight. The shock he initiated in the sympathizers gave the elderly couple enough time to get away, and he watched them scamper off. He wanted the nerds to initiate the fight this time. He wasn't disappointed, and it was soon before he found himself ducking underneath a sympathizer's fist and sweeping the guy off his feet. Webbing him to the ground, Spiderman began to toy with his opponents, jumping and dodging and shooting his webs, all while not landing a single significant hit. He didn't know why, but he wanted to get the thugs as fired up as possible- maybe so they could prove a challenge? Maybe it was just the competitive athlete inside Caiden taking over. Either way, his plan was working. As he leaped over the sympathizers, he could here increasing amounts of bellows of rage. But they weren't angry enough. Not just yet.
All the while two yellow eyes watched as Spiderman took on the thugs. Zac had managed to sneak off into the shadows during Dr. Doom's monologue, and hid his transformation from normal guy to Legion. Now he was biding his time to jump into the fight. However it appeared the web-headed freak was just toying with the enemy, leaping around them and throwing quick blows to agitate them but nothing to take them down. Eventually this drove Legion mad enough to come out of hiding and land down on one of the enemies looking at Spiderman annoyed.
"Has no one taught you not to play with your prey?" he said in a hissing voice.
"You! What are you doing he-" Spiderman was interrupted mid sentence by a sympathizer, whom he greeted with a fist a to his nose. "Oh, never mind!"
"Someone has to be the responsible one," Legion answered anyways leaping off the man he had landed on and shooting his own synthetic webbing substance that the symbiote created. "So that only leaves me to take that job. Besides I wasn't invited, so I decided to drop in, at a good time too."
He formed his right arm into a large hammer and bashed another one of the Doom followers, close-lining them and having them flop on the floor.
"Quite the party indeed," he laughed.
"Woah, now, please, no killing. I don't think Frankie over there," Caiden motioned to Franklin, who he saw was now being protected by someone who looked a lot like a certain god of mischief, "Would want blood and brain all over his beautiful, expensive floor. Actually, can you just not kill? I think it might improve your image a lot if you cut back on the whole 'you're a criminal so you die' business."
"I don't kill, I merely beat them until they are an inch from death," Legion said, "Where's the fine in fighting crime if you don't show them what they deserve to get. Pain and a long time in prison. So I can't make promises on the blood but no brains I can do."
Another goon tried to sneak behind Legion but Legion spun around quickly and jumped on him slashing at him with claws, missing the man's chest by a few centimeters purposefully and laughed at the scared face before webbing him to the ground.
"You see their faces of terror are quite a laugh," he said jumping back.
"And that makes it soo much better than killing, doesn't it?" remarked Caiden sarcastically jumping backwards to dodge an attack before spinning hook kicking the attacker in the face. "Hey, look at me, I don't kill, I just beat the criminals inch by bloody inch until they can barely walk and breathe, and then I just leave them there, knowing full well that they might die. Oh, yeah, so much better than killing. I can see that you have extremely high morals, Legion. Sheesh."
"Oh they always live, and they never forget what happens when they go against the law," Legion said, "Better then you at least, or the old Spiderman who barely kept his main villains off the street for more then a few years at a time." He dodged an attack a swooped low with a kick tripping them and throwing webbing on them to keep them on the ground.
"My morals are my own concern, I have my own reasons for what I do, when you want to talk to a caring person please leave a message to the person underneath this skin, maybe he will care," Legion said, "When I'm in control, it's my way or the highway. So butt out web-head with your high and might morals."
"And so begins a wonderful friendship," mused Spiderman, knocking out the last of the sympathisers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Franklin's teeth were clattering, his head gently rocking back and forth while he laid sitting with his legs up, forth as his fingers clinched at any follicle of hair on the top of his head they could get. All of the fear and anxiety that came with seeing the mask rushed through him. The very thing that to this day he still sees a therapist for once a month. It surrounded him, and seemingly stayed there, playing with his emotions like it was a musical instrument. Franklin was on the verge of tears...

But then something he wasn't expecting happened, he was saved from a villain, by the son of another villain...

"Franklin, I saw you drop when Doom came on. Trust me, I wanted to do the same. But these chucklemongers, they're not Doom. Not even close. Now stand up, you've got to teach them a lesson for ruining your party!”

For all it was worth, Franklin tried to find that center of courage his parents distilled in him. However with the masked men furiously banging away on Faen's protection shield, Franklin looked up before his head sunk right back “I...I can't I...” Franklin felt his words choking his own throat and gave up, only suddenly HERBIE rushed over. Using one of its robotic limbs it brought up Franklin's face.

Then repeatedly slapped the shape out of it, back and forth like a paintbrush.

“FRANKLIN! DO SOMETHING!” HERBIE called out, clearly afraid for its little robot life. Franklin quickly shook his face back to normal and took some breaths. “Thanks HERBIE, I needed that...” Franklin sighed giving his robot friend a high five. Quickly Franklin got back to his feet. Rolling up the sleeves on his suit. “Drop the shield, and duck.” Franklin gave the command, now he wasn't quite so afraid anymore. Now,he was just plain pissed...

As soon as the bubble shield was gone Franklin made both of his hands expand out, tripling in size before with a grunt Franklin spun his upper body like a top, the fists flying out and almost instantly connecting with any man who was surrounding them. They each got knocked away by a good foot, leaving Faen, HERBIE, and himself all cleared. “Thanks to you too... by the way.” Franklin calmly said to Faen before he took a moment to counter rotate his upper body back to normal, afterward straightening up his clothes. Sure he was a little dizzy, but he had practiced with his dad on a lot of these kind of things...

A LOT of these kinds of things. Reed wanted Franklin prepared for anything.

“You know I'm not going to lie, before all this I totally had you pegged as the party ruin-er... no offense.” Franklin told Faen being honest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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Lily clench her fist as she saw the introduces come in and take down her mom. Although Lily loved a good fight and would enjoy nothing more then beating up villains but attacking her family and ruining Franklin's party, that cross the line. She wanted nothing more then just to start attacking all the villains and beating them up to the point were they would be hospitalized. Yet instead of giving into her pure rage she channelled it. Two thoughts entered her head, either she attempts to free the other heroes or she can turn small and attempt a sneak attack on the leader. As she debated her choices, suddenly Spider-man began battling the villains.

With everyone distracted, Lily shrank down to half an inch and flew up to the ceiling. As she reach the ceiling she saw a few other heroes had leapt into action, including Franklin which surprised Lily, as she had never seen him fight before yet she focus back on the battle. Lily quickly formulated a simple plan, she would fly above the leader of this group and then suddenly become slightly bigger then hulk and fall on top of him. If she could, she would also do in fashion, placing her feet on top of his mask. Either was she would make sure to hit him with her stingers just to make sure he was out of the picture. What was that they use to say back in the day, cut off the head?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mira connected with Faen -she skimmed his mind for his name- and she was off, dispatching the nearest goon with a roundhouse kick. She took down the next with an elbow strike. Mira then noticed out of the corner of her eye someone stretching out and smacking down goons. She figured she should have swapped out her light beams by now, but she was too focused on trying to take down the group that had cornered her. Out of the lot of them only one stood out to her, but before she could put it together the guy spoke.

"Well, if it isn't the x-kid. I'm surprised you even made it through this far without using a power. Ya seem like that show-off type, all sulking and quiet like that." he was smiling, "I suppose that 'x' is all for show then?"

Mira looked at him for a long time, and the grunts didn't really do anything to attack her either. Mira took the opportunity to swap her light beam power for ice and then blasted the man to freeze him from the neck down. "No. I was just told that I was the strongest person left to take care of business." She followed up by freezing the rest of the goons into place. "Man... you guys talk tough, but that was the quickest fight I've ever been in." she walked away, moving towards the crowd again.

"Hey," Mira said telepathically. "If you need help just send a message to me with your thoughts. This should keep us in touch until the action dies down."

She tried to keep track of the action, watching who was doing what and where to go to take down any straggling goons. It looked like Spiderman was teamed up with Spooky, Faen was near Richards, and she saw some speck flying towards the main speaker. Whatever that was, she made a note of it and started to fight the next group of goons. She started to throw a punch, but one simply intercepted it. It looked like she had run out of law grade flunkies. Mira smiled and froze her opponent's hand, pulling away from him and she waited to engage him yet again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

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Faen picked himself up off the ground, marvelling at Franklin's impressive physical display. And here I was about to peg you as a lost cause. The Prince dusted down the front of his jacket, glancing at the senseless thugs decked out around them. They'd be waking up sore in the morning no doubt, and full of regret for ever messing with Richards Jr.

“You know I'm not going to lie, before all this I totally had you pegged as the party ruin-er... no offense.”

Faen spun, affecting a look of injured indignation.

"You wound me Frankie! Really, think what might of happened had I not been gate crashing, you could be dead by now!" Faen was aware that he was laying it on a bit thick, but he had always had a gift for personal outrage. While they were talking one of the Doom-lites began to rouse, shaking his head groggily and pushing himself to his knees. The Lokison strolled over and casually booted the rogue in the teeth. The man fell soundlessly into a pool of his own blood, a tooth skittering across the floor. Mighta overdone that one, Faen old boy

"Hey," A voice said in his head, giving him a start until he realised it was Mira. This must be what she meant by keeping them in contact. If he had known that she was talking about telepathy then he wouldn't have been so quick to allow her in his head. "If you need help just send a message to me with your thoughts. This should keep us in touch until the action dies down."

I've rescued Franklin. . . or maybe more accurately he saved me he answered the mutant telepathically, try and connect us with the rest of the heroes still fighting. Having a telepathic link could be a valuable tactical advantage.

Faen cast an eye over the battleground. Alot of the Doom-lites were down, but there was still plenty left standing to cause trouble, and there was many bystanders being caught in the fire. Most of the other heroes were concentrating on the thugs, Spider-man and Spooky working together and handling more than their fair share together. The Prince grabbed Franklin by the shoulder and pointed at a screaming middle aged couple who were being herded into a corner by two criminals.

"Someone needs to get the guests out, and frankly I'd rather you fight those guys than me having to do it." he grinned his encouragement. Faen preferred to keep his enemies at as polite a distance as possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mira managed to dodge a blow to the face, but ended up taking one to the stomach. She was doing poorly, as she had dealt with most of the lower ranking Doom-ites apparently. She grit her teeth and stood again, wheezing to try and get her breath back. Super durable or not, she was going to be bruised tomorrow morning.

"What's the matter? Running out of steam already?" the thug said, popping his knuckles for dramatic effect. "Would have thought a real x-man would have already stopped the fighting."

"Shut up," Mira said she searched for a better power than ice. Fire was too dangerous, light beams meant collateral damage every time, and telekinesis was too tiring. She'd have to use teleportation, which wasn't her favorite power, but it would work. She quickly swapped out ice and teleported behind the man, landing three blows to his kidneys before teleporting in front of him to land a punch to his face. He was down for the count and Mira could move further into the crowd.

"I've rescued Franklin. . . or maybe more accurately he saved me," Faen replied telepathically, "try and connect us with the rest of the heroes still fighting. Having a telepathic link could be a valuable tactical advantage."

Mira stopped to lean against the wall for a moment. How many were still fighting? Six? Ten? How many were still fighting affected how well she would be able to relay mental messages back and forth. She wasn't an expert at this power yet -she didn't really think she could ever be- yet here he was asking her to sift through hundreds of panicking minds to connect them together so they could all talk? She'd have to wade through more grunts in order to see and connect the rest of them.

"Connecting people telepathically is tricky. I haven't even done that before today. I'll try to, however. Just don't expect miracles." Mira finally answered. First off, she'd connect Spidey and spooky once she was closer to them. Then Franklin… and whoever else she saw still fighting. This was going to be a horrible experience, she knew it.

Yet, she'd signed on to help people and here she was fighting to stop whatever these Doom-guys were planning on doing. At least things weren't dull anymore, she just needed to keep on moving through the crowd, which would probably be helped by her teleportation skill. If she could just not vomit when she arrived at the separate groups, that would be fantastic. With her breath back! she started running forward again! taking down a few Doom-ites in her wake as she tried to get to Spider-Man and spooky. Just a few more feet and she'd have to filter out more thoughts that weren't hers. She really hated using telepathy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago


James had been keeping to himself during the party. A few people had come up to greet the son of the two mutant profiles, James had responded as polite as he could, per usual. James saw Franklin, and just as he was about the greet Franklin, the host was interrupted by some others, and James quickly withdrew, going deeper into the building. He walked for a few minutes, looking at the showcases of the heroes he passed, a smirk finding it's way to his face. He was proud of the ones that had come before him and his generation. They had done a good job, a great job, even.

Then he noticed the lights all black out, and Dr.Doom's metal face popping up on every monitor. He was frozen for a moment, the adrenaline began pumping in his veins as he heard commotion happening in the main hall, and people running his way. Two people ran past him, a boy and a girl, James saw a very angry man chasing them, James stepped into the corner of the hall, and waited for the man to come chasing through. As he was about to pass the corner James was hiding behind, he felt a crippling pain in his neck, as he fell to the floor being knocked out cold by the axe-kick of the young man.

James hurried out into the corridor, finding his way to the X-men wing, where he found the original blue and yellow costumes his mother and father had worn James gave a light scuff, as he took off his tie, and tied it around his palm, punching through the glass that was encasing his father's outfit. James took out the blue cowl, and put it on. He also found a full-face mask, not unlike the titanium lined hockey-mask he had back home. He strapped the mask to the outside of the cowl, protecting his face from recognition. Tying his tie back around his neck before walking towards the main-hall, now seeing that the fighting had escalated.

Two thugs came charging at him, one of them wielding a iron pipe of some sort, swining it at James, James knew that he could always trust his training, Scott had made sure of that, and his powers were meant to enhance his training, not the other way around. James rose his arm to the pipe, the pipe hitting his arm, but James didn't flinch, the felt the surge of kinetic force travel from his left arm into his right, clenching his fist for a moment, James scoffed, as he with a open-palm struck the thug, sending him off his feet, into his partner, whom James took out with a knee to the forehead.

“So... My invitation was lost in the mail... Name's Repulsor.. But I don't think I missed anything important.” James said, his posture now straight and confident, his voice also sounded more confident, all of his insecurities were gone when he was under the mask.
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