Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Tristan looked like he was about to laugh as she "got angry". He shook his head and shrugged as he sat down beside her. "I was always persistent. It was just easier before yesterday." He managed a small laugh. He looked at her. He wasn't gonna leave. "You know... It wasn't your fault. I got captured. You couldn't have done anything. It was after we both went our separate ways." He smirked and poked her cheek. "Unless you were planning on following me home. I mean what? Did ya fall in love with the pesky spider?" He asked joking of course.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Abi glared slightly before her guilt rose back up and she brought her knees to her chest wrapping her arms around her legs. "They were HYDRA. I should have destroyed them all when I had the chance. Made sure they were all dead. I could have left in the middle of school looking for you when I noticed you were gone, I mean you never miss school. I should have been there for my partner but I wasn't there for you and now you lost your powers because of HYDRA. What if you were purposely targeted because you were partners with an ex-member of HYDRA. I won't be able to live with myself until you have your powers back Tristan." Abi said with a sigh and continued staring at the wall.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Tristan sighed and flicked her forward. "Quit being so stupid already. Do you even know the name Doctor Octopus? Might be somebody new wit the name, but Doc Oc has been a spidey villain since forever. We met her over the summer. She came when you were gone. She didn't like the last meeting so she made one she did like." He actually sounded annoyed. A very rare occurrence. "It had absolutely NOTHING to do with you." He panted a bit. "But if you wanna blame yourself... Avoid me... I understand... I mean... I get that you don't wanna be partners with a powerless guy like me. Probably would rather spend your time with Vance anyway."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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"No I already told Fury I refuse to take on any partners and groups. I only want one partner Tristan. It's weird to think about working with anyone else. Although you make a good argument Tristan, I still should have destroyed HYDRA it could have changed how this all played out, Doc Oc could have had a set back had there been no HYDRA. I won't avoid you but you have to understand something and let me do my self assigned mission. Okay tristan?" Abi asked looking at her partner. She'd always hold guilt but she didn't hold as much as she used to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Tristan shook his head. "Nah. I don't wanna let you do that." He said simply as he hugged her. "Besides... Do you know how many times HYDRA has been 'destroyed'? He asked with a small chuckle as he held her tightly. Tristan sighed. "Doc Oc had an agenda. Even if you destroyed HYDRA she'd have done this. Other henchmen, drones, anything. I will help you take down Hydra somehow. But before we head into battle I want you to stop blaming yourself. Seriously. You're worse than my dad."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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"Never happening. You stay safe whole I find a way to return your powers. Also my personal mission is to track down all personnel of HYDRA." Abi said a determined look coming onto her face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Tristan let go of her. "Fine." He said simply as he stood up. "But make sure you eat." He ordered JARVIS to drop the containment field and then glanced back with a grin. "Oh, but remember. While you're out tracking down HYDRA and leaving me to be safe, there won't really be anyone watching out for me while I continue to do stupid things to try and help people. I might even get killed." He chuckled before walking out of her room. "Anyway. See ya. Gonna go now." He called out already about halfway down the hall.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Abi growled under her breath glaring at Tristan. She'd have people keep an eye on him and contact her if he does anything stupid. She didn't tell him when she'd be going hunting for HYDRA and Dr. Octopus though so he wouldn't be able to go out when she was out. Abi smirked at this thought and headed through the halls not bothering to eat before she went and talked to Nick Fury to see if he found leads for her yet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

A few moments later the intercom went off. "Good day everybody. This is the now powerless Spider-man. I will get my powers back. Until then. Anybody who helps Rad girl keep an eye on me or look for HYDRA will be added to my list of people to beat the crap out of when I get back to 100%." He laughed a bit. Was he joking? Was he serious? None of the soldiers who weren't Nick Fury could really tell. "Anyway. I'm gonna be jumping off the helicarrier in approximately 15 seconds. So anyone who wants to help, stay away. That's Rad Girl's job." He snickered a bit before the comm shut down and he was on his way to the deck. It was literally 15 seconds later that he was running towards the edge and about to jump.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Abi's anger was on edge and she growled as she literally ran through a few walls straight towards Tristan with her enhanced speed. As he neared the edge she jumped and tackled him midair. Knowing he was powerless she flipped them so he landed on top of her, as weird as that seemed. She landed on the hellicarrier on her back glaring up at Tristan. "You are lucky you don't have powers you idiot." She growled waiting for him to get off her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"Oh why thank you." Tristan grin as he clung to Abi in a playful manner. "I definitely wouldn't have survived a fall from this height." He joked before letting her go and rolling onto the floor. "But this shouldn't matter to you. You don't wanna spend ALL your time saving me." He added making it clear this would be a regular thing for a while.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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"I swear to god Tristan. How am I supposed to fill in for you if you pull shit like this. I'm a superhero and I need to be able to help out when I'm needed." Abi said standing up and pulling him up by his collar. She pulled his face in front of hers as she glared at him her green eyes glowing. "If you pull something like this again. I will put you in the glass case, that took Thors hammer to break it, everyday after school. Then when we return your powers I will not hesitate to beat you to a barely living pulp." She said her voice a whisper and low but scary to everyone around them. The workers near by that heard her cowered away but knowing Tristan it wouldn't have the same affect on him. With that she let go of his collar and turned around stalking towards the hole she had made in the metal wall when coming to catch Tristan.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Tristan chuckled. Yes he chuckled. "I don't necessarily dislike this attitude of your's." He admitted after he let go of her. "But i guess i really can't stop you from doing what you want. But hey. Alls fair and all that crap right?" He asked before turning on his heel. After a bit he took a somewhat safer form of travel to get off the ship. And just like that he was back in the streets of New York. "Right." He sighed to himself. Now that he was alone he looked considerably more depressed. He looked at his hand closing his fist. He truly hated the turn of events. His sadness and anger were much greater than any anger or guilt Abi or anyone else could feel over this. Though they she and the rest were a bit too dense to realize. Which made keeping the act of not caring and knowing he could get the powers back that much easier.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Abi left the ship and went to the now destroyed building that HYDRA had been in. She simply moved through the ruble and destruction looking around. She was in contact with SHIELD in case anything in the city came up but for now she needed to think of what her next move would be. HYDRA had already ruined her life, she wasn't going to let Tristan's get ruined too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Tristan was going about normal life. It was boring as hell walking the streets of New York. He wasn't planning to do anything stupid. Really. But then he heard something. A voice. A woman's voice. She screamed. She was in an alley with two guys surrounding her. He knew he shouldn't have done anything. He should have kept walking. But she screamed again. This time it was for help. People walked by like nothing and one of the guys laughed. "nobody's gonna help you. They know we're part of Kingpin's crew. This was the new Kingpin. He'd been getting more power lately. She sounded like she was crying as the man tore her blouse open. "Fuck." Tristan mumbled before running in and tackling one of the guys. "What?!" The other shouted in surprise. "Get out of here!" Tristan shouted. The girl was frozen for a moment. "You little!" Tristan was punching the one of the floor. It wasn't doing much. Man he really was powerless. The other guy moved to help. "GO!" Tristan shouted and the girl quickly ran. Now it was just him. Which was especially bad when the two ganged up on him. They cursed, punches, kicked, and cursed some more. He was kind of just left there half awake as they left. Luckily enough the girl hadn't gone far. She came back once they were gone. Right about now he was on his way to the hospital.Nobody knew yet. Not yet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Abi roamed some more cleaning some of the big debris for the clean up crews SHIELD was sending tomorrow by punching the big debris to break it. She was doing this for awhile when she got a call that Tristan was in the hospital. Abi transformed into Rad Girl and jumped/ ran to an alley way near the hospital. She changed back to her normal self and ran human speed to the hospital. She went to the front desk and was told that for now only immediate family was allowed to see him so she had to stay in the waiting room for the time being. Abi sat down angrily and impatiently as she waited for the chance to get to go see him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Tristan was a awake and in bed, but he was in pain, but he was awake. MJ had just gotten done chewing him out for being so reckless and Peter though worried and upset understood. So he was a bit more lenient. A nurse came in and informed them about the new visitor. Peter nodded giving permission for her to come. Tristan meanwhile tried to argue. Abi would be pissed. Peter and MJ left the room. Tristan meanwhile pretended to sleep. Though obviously nobody would believe that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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When Abi was allowed in she slammed the door open than shut. She looked, no glared at Tristan knowing fully well he was still awake. Abi walked over to him and stood next to his bed her hands on her hips as her green eyes were narrowed in a glare. "Open your eyes and look at me idiot. You were stupid to risk your life but I'm still happy you helped save someone. But I still am extremely pissd you were so stupid. You shouldn't even be wandering around so carelessly. Next time call me for help. I could have been there quick enough to help your ass." Abi said before turning around and sitting on a chair opposite of his bed. "Do something stupid again and I will lock your ass up until we get you back your powers."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Tristan was quiet for a bit. He groaned and forced himself into a sitting position and looked at Abi. "Abi..." He said slowly. "You know... I'm probably never gonna get my powers back..." He finally said the one things he didn't want to say. It had only been a day or so and already he was admitting it. Already he'd tried to do something and got completely shut down. He didn't even know what to do anymore.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Abi simply looked down clenching her fists. "You will get your powers back Tristan." Her voice angry, she was getting angry that he'd even say something like that. "I will find every last member of HYDRA and force information out of them. So stop talking like that. I am making a promise to you that I will get your powers back even if it is the last thing I do." Abi said looking at Tristan, her eyes hard as she was extremely determined. She may never show that she cares about people or things but she does and this was one of the things she did care about.
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