Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Tristan chuckled and shook his head as he walked by. At least heast was feeling better. And like that he left having to go back to the hotel.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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(Time skip to the end of the day?) Abi took her earphones out as the bell for passing period rang and she headed to her next class.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Soon the end of the day came. Tristan had been called to return to the school. The doctor was alone in her room and the rest of the school was mostly empty. She explained to him that the transformation must have been a reaction to the sudden change in his DNA and it was unlikely to happen again. And then they began to check his powers. Each one seemed to be just as powerful as before and he even had a few new ones. "Awesome." Was all he could say at that point. He flexed and checked himself. He could probably go out tonight as Spider-man. Maybe meet the chick that had beaten him and helped him the night before.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Abi had gone to the gym right after school, they had practice until the sun went down tonight so she'd be going straight from here to her night job if you get what I mean. For now she trained and worked out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Tristan was home. He had packed his uniform just in case, but he wasn't too sure. He had new powers he couldn't really control. And he still hadn't told Peter or MJ. "Man. This is pretty bad." He laughed a little as he got himself suited up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Abi walked out of the gym and walked to an alley near by. She quickly changed and hid her stuff in a recycling bin. Now as Luna she jumped up to a roof and began running, jumping from roof to roof gradually getting higher until she was in the main area of Miami. She landed on the roof she had some extra supplies at. A bag was hidden with some first aid stuff, a police radio, and some little weapons incase she needed them. Luna turned on the radio and listened for her first target. She heard of a bank robbery... yet again... and made her way towards it. Luna arrived at the back of the building and broke the door handle off allowing her to open the door. She silently crept in unsheathing her sword. She made it to a main room and crouched behind the counter near the vault. A hostage looked at her and she made the gesture to be quiet as she peaked over the top of the counter. Their backs were turned towards her so she took this as a chance to strike. She hoped over the counter kicking one of the guys in the head at the same time. He collapsed unconscious as the others turned towards her. "Hello boys." She taunted as she smirked under her mask. Luna lunged slicing open two of the bags with money causing money to rain out. One of the robbers focused his attention on collecting the money again. "Wrong move." She said as she kneed him in the gut then hit him with the hilt of the sword. One of the others charged towards her swinging his fists. Luna dodged then put up her sword as a block causing him to punch the sharp side and create a cut in his hand. She threw a roundhouse kick knocking him out. Luna turned her attention towards the last robber who was pointing a pistol at her. "Wow so scary." Luna said walking over to him and slicing the pistol in two with her sword. The big shot, who was obviously the smartest and the ring leader, pulled out a shotgun. Luna stopped moving and stared at him with cold yellow eyes. "Bring it." Was all she said before he began shooting. Just before he pulled the trigger she hit the side of the gun making it miss her giving her enough time to get back over the counter. He began to shoot randomly as she ran which would have been fine had there not been a little girl with her mother in the line of fire. Just as he was about to shoot them she grabbed them and got them out of the way. This ended with the bullet going through her side. It was a clean shot so it didn't do much damage but a bullet wound was a bullet wound. Luna growled and threw her sword. The sword pierced through his shoulder of the arm holding the gun. She ran forward and knocked him out. With that she had beat them. She pulled out her sword and ran while she sheathed it. She ignored the pain as she fled the scene going back to her regular roof top. She sat down as she pulled out her first aid kit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

After getting ready Tristan had gone out. He was swinging around for a bit. He'd almost forgotten how good this felt. "Oh man..." He smiled under his mask as he landed on a building ledge. Across was a bank. It was being robbed. "Might as well lend a..." Before he could do anything the situation was handled. "Nice moves. A little sloppy... But nice." He said before he saw her leave. She was hurt. That was pretty obvious. Maybe he should have jumped in. But there was no time to do that. So instead he followed her. Swinging and landing on the ledge of the roof she'd stopped at. "Need a hand?" He asked calmly as he watched from the edge of the building in the typical crouched Spider-Man position.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Luna looked up at spiderman. "So the mysterious spider of new York has finally shown up. And he decides to show up in Miami." Luna said as she lifted her shirt enough so she could begin cleaning her side. As she cleaned her wound she began to speak again. "Why are you on my turf pest. Wolves are very territorial." She said before standing up and wrapping her wound. She had stitched it up but was struggling to wrap it. "Make yourself useful and wrap the bandage around my abdomen and wound." She added tossing the bandage wrap at him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"Well I was out of commission for a while." Spidey admitted as he caught the bandages and got up. He walked over to her and began to wrap the wound. "Some things happened. And I let down a good friend of mine. I said some stupid things and well... I'm probably never gonna see her again." He sighed and looked down truly sad over the loss of Abi as it crossed his mind again. "So I figured I owed her enough to get off my ass and fix the problems I was having." He finished the wrapping and then looked back up at her. "You know she used to calm me pest..." He shook his head. Nah. Couldn't be. "But I've wasted enough of your time. Just wanted to lend a hand. And try to be a little more careful and a little less reckless. The less hurt you get, the better right?" He chuckled a bit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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"The girl must have meant alot to you if she could get a superhero like you down." Luna said pulling her shirt over the bandage. 'It's better this way Tristan. It's better for you without me. I'm proud of you for getting tour powers back.' She thought as she put her first aid kit back into the bag. "You van return to wherever you came from I can handle the bad things in this city." Luna said as she turned her police radio on again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"She did. I might have even started to love her." Tristan said as he turned to leave. "But I don't think I can go back to New York just yet. I ended up with a few new abilities. Might need to stick around here for a while until I learn to control them. Besides, my current doctor is here." He said quickly changing the subject. "Anyway. I'll leave ya to it. But give signal or something if ya need help." He said before jumping off the building and swinging off. Of course, he wasn't going back yet. He figured he could find a crime or two to stop. Little crimes that might not show up on a police scanner.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Abi blushed under her mask. When he left she took her mask off and put her face in her hands. "Dammit Tristan your making this harder for me. How much longer are you going to be here. I don't know how much longer I can keep the secret from you. Stupid pest." She said. Abi decided that tonight she just walk through the alley ways looking for small crimes instead of the big crimes. Abi got up returning her mask to her face and hiding her bag. She jumped off to the ground and started walking around aimlessly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Not long after leaving Spider-man heard a scream. "Yup. Just like a thought." He said as he came to the alley the scream came from. This situation was deja vu. Two guys. One girl. She was terrified. They were cocky. Like they would never be stopped or caught. Too bad he was here. "Yo guys. Why not leave the girl alone?" He asked as he landed behind them. The girl looked relieved. "Get out of here punk!" One shouted as he threw a punch back. Spidey easily caught it. "Nah." He said as he before the guy screamed. He hadn't done anything tho... Wait... There was blood. He lifted his hand. Talons? Fuck. He'd been careless. "Sorry about that. Kind of getting a handle on my new..." He immediately needed to flip backwards avoiding a kick. "Got a little skill there huh?" He chuckled before landing and throwing a punch. "Bad thug." He joked as he hit him and subsequently kicked the other as he got up and attempted an attack. He easily knocked each out. "You alright?" He asked the girl. "You should get out of here." He said. She nodded after answering and soon left. "Wonder what else I can stop." He said with a smile under his mask.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Luna had watched him from the shadows. She decided to follow him for the time being because too much crime fighting could be bad for her side.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

As he left Tristan knew he was being followed. Still, he didn't say anything. The pursuer wasn't particularly dangerous. Spider Sense would have alerted him. That night he must have stopped twenty-three crimes in progress. Little things. It was a good night. He was getting a better grip on what he was good at and what needed work. So he could talk to the doctor, S.H.I.E.L.D. and Peter and MJ tomorrow. "Better call it a night." He said before heading back to his hotel room.
------------------------The Next Day------------------------
Tristan woke up. After he'd gotten back he waved to his pursuer and then closed his balcony window. Seeing as how nobody came in after, he assumed it was fine to go to sleep. Which he did, after taking off the suit. He was in his underwear now. "Right..." He yawned before he heard a knock. He opened it. It was a maid. She blushed seeing him. He apologized and asked her to give him a moment, which of course, she did. He quickly got dressed and hid his Spider-Man uniform away in his book bag. After that he let her in so she could clean and went to see Peter and MJ. It took a little while of convincing but he got them to a point where revealing his powers and the fact that he'd need to stay in Miama for a while was okay. They went to see the doctor after that. Peter offered to come, but Tristan didn't want him to have to leave MJ. And asking them to uproot their lives would be dumb since he would be returning to New York after he got settled. They spent the rest of their vacation together with him going on each night to patrol and get a feel for his abilities and Miami as a whole. And that was the end of it.
------------------------Two Months Later------------------------
Tristan had gotten a small apartment and was going to school. He had been approached for a few clubs and extracurriculars, but he never joined. He did however, often help various groups with whatever he could. Whether they were girls teams or boys teams, if it was a request he could handle he did it. Then he had his after school job. He couldn't have Peter and MJ pay for everything. Things were rather casual. He couldn't really complain especially when he'd gotten so much better at using his powers, the new ones especially. Often he'd run into Luna. She was so familiar. Most nights he had to stop himself from calling her Abi. But she was dead. There was no way. So he usually ended up sulking for a good amount of the night. In this time though he'd gotten himself into the small habit of having a drink here and that. Never when he was going out of course. Besides, even if he got drunk, he would get over it much quicker than the average person due to his healing ability. It wasn't like he was an alcoholic. Today marked his second month in Miami. He had woken up, made himself some breakfast, and had gotten himself to school. He was currently walking down the hall heading to his classroom. He said hi to people, and waved to others, a smile on his face. And soon he'd be at class. It was kind of easier here. Nobody really knew him so the whole nerd act wasn't needed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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(I'm going to call Abi Lydia for the time being while I post) Lydia opened her eyes as the morning sun streamed in through her window. Last night had been hell. The police are giving her more hell now that Spiderman is in their city. Originally they just tolerated her vigilante acts because it did help the city while causing destruction and unwanted help. Now with Spiderman, being more of a well known liked superhero, around they despised her even more wanting to just have her in chains. The police were chasing her more and even have been shooting at her, in harmless locations of course, in order to slow her down. Why not just tranqualizer guns you may ask. Who the hell knows?! By Lydia was exhausted now and it showed. Lydia forced herself out of bed and she took a quick shower before putting on makeup to make herself look less tired and to cover up the bruise on her cheek from a fist fight with a perp. That's another problem she was having now. The stupid spider sticking around was becoming a distraction. I mean it was the guy she cared for majorly that she had run away from. He was just making himself known in her territory. Lydia shook her head breaking her thoughts from Tristan.. again. She got dressed in an over-sized green sweater and black jeans with black cargo boots. Her dyed jet black hair still pretty wet as she left for school. She walked into school and then straight to her class sitting at her assigned spot at the middle of the room next to the window. She stared out the window waiting for the class to begin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Tristan had gotten to class. He'd been placed in the Doctor's class by S.H.I.E.L.D. and always sat in the back. He wasn't tired in particular, but he wasn't particularly active either. He answered questions when called on otherwise he laid low and took notes. Neat notes. Anyone cool learn about this stuff with his notes. Math, English, Science, all of his notes for the various classes were immaculate. He let out a small yawn not paying particular attention to anyone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Lydia listened throughout the class trying hardest not to fall asleep, it was not easy. Not one bit. She heard the bell ring and she quickly rushed to the library for her free period.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Tristan had packed up a bit early having finished his notes himself. He only listened to confirm he was right, which he was. And without anything else he left for his next class Passing Lydia. "Oh hey." He said with a smile before going in the opposite direction to head to where he needed to be.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Lydia sat in her classroom, the time just a bit after one. All was peaceful for the students until a loud bang was heard followed by a crashing sound as if the roof just collapsed in the middle of the hallway. Shortly following that a high pitch scream sounded. Everyone shot up and ran towards the door, Lydia near the front. In the middle of the hallway was a man who was burnt and had metal in him. He looked like a monstrosity, he was basically a monster now. He looked at all the students and opened his mouth, "WHERE IS THE ONE WHO HAS RADIATION COURSING THROUGH THEM?! WHERE IS THE ONE CALLED RAD GIRL!" He roared out trying to pinpoint what he needed. He needed to fuel his new body with radiation and he had tracked radiation to the school. He had found Abi. Lydia kept a blank face as she ran with the crowds from him. She turned a corner and went to her locker. She grabbed what she needed and went into the Janitors closet throwing on her wig, putting in her contacts and putting her costume on. She hid her backpack with her clothing under a bucket. She grabbed her sword and ran through the crowds towards the monster. He was trying to grab students to see if they had radiation in them and he needed to be stopped. Luna watched as a girl tripped over rubble and twisted her ankle. The man/monster looked at her and roared in anger knowing she didn't have any radiation in her. He was going to slam his fist down on the innocent girl when he felt his hand clash with Luna's sword. Luna pushed his hand off of her sword and stood in front of the girl protectively as he tried to slam his fist down again. "Come on spidey. I know you are here, I need you to get this girl out of here so I can fight him." She muttered to herself as she withstood the weight and pressure from his metal arm pushing down on her sword.
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