Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Coming back with just a cup of some fresh water, Archibald looked around at his pirate crew and smiled. Things were going well so far, and he was happy about that, but he wondered if they could use the trade route ship to attack any other merchant ships that were out on the seas. If they could do that, then they wouldn't need to dock nearly as much, and they would always have good and fresh supplies to use. The merchant ships could also spread word about them, and they helped as well.

After a light meal, Archibald downed his water and looked at the celebrating men, who were all happy to be out on the seas and finally be doing something with their lives. They felt so alive and free, and Archie wasn't going to blame them at all. It was about time they did something, and being a pirate still sounded like a good idea.

The young man looked over at Molly and smiled lightly. Without her, the whole plan might not have worked out as well as it did, and even if it did, he was still glad that he made the decision for her to come along with them. "I'm going to check out the captains quarters." He told her, walking up the stairs to the deck. He had spent most of the day steering, so he hadn't had any time to see where he'd be sleeping. Walking through the door on the main deck, Archibald looked inside the captains quarters and smiled. It was a merchant ship, so they did have a fair amount of money to spend, and it seemed that most of it went towards the making of this room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 3 days ago

Molly looked up at Archibald when he spoke to find him looking at her. She nodded her head, she'd have to looking for her own room pretty soon, she was getting quite tired. She saluted to him, "Aye, aye, Captain."

She grinned at him and turned back to her rum when he left. Once her glass was empty, she stood and thanked the men who had made the meal and left the room, grabbing Archie's cup of rum. She walked up onto the deck and found the man who was at the wheel, she smiled at him and placed the cup on the table, "Don't hit anything."

He laughed a little, "There isn't much to hit," He grabbed the cup and nodded taking a grateful swig from it. Molly smiled and let. heading to the opposite side of the ship to find the crew quarters. Most the rooms had multiple beds in them, which was a bit inconvenient for Molly. However, she finally managed to find a room that only held a couple beds and walked in. Deciding on this room, she grabbed a knife she found and carved a M into the door before closing it.

She walked over to one of the two beds and kicked off her shoes before climbing in and let the ship's rocking carry her off to sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Looking around the room, it was of a fair size, with a somewhat large desk in the center and the bed all the way in the back. The desk had a multitude of maps, with various lands and areas that the ship probably goes to on it's trade route. They might come in handy one day, when they decided to head off the normal course and head to other lands. The rest of the room had a few decorations, as well as a fully stocked closet, but they weren't as important to Archibald as the bed was. The young man stripping himself of all of his clothes other than his pants, and laid down on the bed. The bed was a fair amount softer than his old one, and he quite enjoyed the feeling of being rocked back and fourth by the sea as he fell asleep. In no time, the sleep claimed him and he had a wonderful dream of his future as a pirate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 3 days ago

Molly woke the next morning to the sunlight coming through her window. She yawned and rubbed her eyes. Sitting up, she pulled on her shoes and looked around. She had almost forget where she was. She grinned and stood, walking out onto the deck. The ocean seemed to have an early morning fog, which gave the empty deck an eerie feeling. Molly just smiled though, she found it all rather peaceful as the sun broke through the fog. Standing in the light's rays, she leaned against the railing and turned her face up and toward it, feeling the warmth of the sun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The morning light from the sun encased Archibald's room in light, forcing him to wake up as soon as the light invaded his eyes. He had to take a moment to remember what was going on and why everything was rocking back and fourth. A pleasant smile was brought to his face as he remembered everything and the young man quickly got out of bed. He was the captain of a pirate crew now, and they were heading off to the mainland.

Archibald quickly got out of his bed and looked through the closet, finding that there were a decent amount of clothes that the previous owner had and they were about his size, if not a big bigger due to how skinny he was. Being skinny wasn't a problem, though, as he simply put on his old clothes under them to make it appear as it he was built better than he actually was. Once satisfied with what he was wearing, Archibald stepped out onto the deck and looked around, seeing the layer of morning fog that sat above the deck.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 3 days ago

Molly looked toward Archibald when he stepped out onto the deck. She smiled at him, "Well, don't you look like a right captain."

She grinned then looked at her own clothes, they were the same from the day before. Sadly, it was very unlikely that there was a woman on ship, unless she happened to be the merchant's daughter. Which meant that other than the possible fine dress, there wasn't anything really for Molly to wear. She decided that she would go and look through all the rooms once everyone was a wake, maybe there was a particularly small man and a large breasted man on the ship. She laughed a little at the thought and looked back over the ocean. She loved the scent of the salt water, "Starting to regret anything yet?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Archibald shook his head and looked at Molly. He was happy to hear that she liked his choice of clothing, but also noted that she was wearing the same thing as before. They might have something laying around, as it was a merchant ship after all, but he highly doubted it. He would see if they could pick any up for her from some of the other merchant ships, or maybe something in one of the dock towns once they reached the mainland. "I don't regret anything." He told her, smiling back at her. "Give it a few days and ask again."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 3 days ago

Molly laughed and nodded, "I'll try to remember to ask."

She leaned on the railing and watched as the fog started to dissipate. She stepped back from the railing and stretched, "I wonder if your charisma has worn off any of your men now that they've had a good night sleep," She grinned and gave him a wink, sure that he would probably would insist that he wasn't charismatic.

She walked up to the wheel, her barrel still sitting next to it, and looked at the map. She pursed her lips, Archie had said it would be about a week before they hit mainland. She hoped they didn't come across any ships, she wasn't sure they'd be able to put up a proper fight. Not yet, at least.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I'm not charismatic!" He told her, his eyes following her as she walked to the wheel. He honestly believed that he was the laziest and most uncaring sack of potatoes to ever grace the planet, but it seemed that he was the only one who thought of himself like that. The young man walked up to the wheel and leaned on it, looking over at Molly who was looking at the map. They still had quite a while until they reached the mainland, and he had no idea what they were going to do until then. With a light sigh, he began to think of ideas. "Maybe we should have them men fight while we're on the seas. We wouldn't last in a drunken bar fight, mush less a war between ships. I think we'll need all the practice that we can get."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 3 days ago

Molly giggled when Archie yelled off after her, doing as she assumed her would. She looked at him when he came up onto the upper deck and leaned on the wheel. She nodded when he suggested they get the men to practice fighting, "Wise.... You could get around to teaching me a few things while they do too," She glanced out onto the lower ship, "I just hope they know enough about fighting that they won't learn any bad habits... Last thing we need is practicing being our downfall."

She leaned back against her barrel and fell deep into thought. She wasn't there too long before she looked at Archie, "Well, Archibald, care to teach me to fight like a man?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Archibald shrugged at Molly as he pushed himself off of the wheel and looked at her. "How about you show me what you know first? If I see anything wrong with how you fight, then I'll tell you. Ready?" He asked her as he dropped down into a simply stance, both arms in front of his body and his hands blocking a large portion of his face. He really wished that they had swords and weapons, but wasn't arguing since they they had been lucky enough to get a ship.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 3 days ago

Molly looked at him when he asked her what she knew about fighting. She made a face, she had never actually been in fight. The ladies on the island tended to do battle with words, not fists. Although, she had worked for a short period as a bar maid and got pretty good at dodging the odd fist. A couple times, she had gotten hit, sometimes, she'd throw herself at them. Something about hitting a girl they didn't intend to fight, always made the men forget about what they were doing. She made a fist with her hands and widened her stance slightly... Beyond that, she didn't know much. She laughed and shook her head, "I don't know how fight..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I see." He said to her, looking at her stance and trying to see anything wrong with it. She looked alright to him, and her widened stance told him she she was more focused on moving around rather than staying around in one place. Maybe that worked well for her, but he wouldn't know until they had a little spar. "Well, everything looks good so far, Try to dodge, block, or counter any hits I throw at you. I want to see how you move in a fight." He her as a warning, allowing that information to sink in a moment before starting with a few basic punches.Despite his stance, he moved quickly and fully extended out his arm while punching, his body turning to allow him more motion. He pulled back with the same speed and continued that, throwing a few punches her way and studying how she moved to the best of his abilities.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 3 days ago

Molly nodded when he told her that there didn't seem to be anything too wrong with he stance. He then continued on to give her instruction. She gave another nod before he started his 'attack'. She felt like she did well for the most part. She managed to dodge most the hits that he threw at her but her own hits, even she even managed to land them, were weak and a little awkward. Not to mention, this was a lot different that avoiding brawls at the bar. She wasn't used to all the punches being thrown at her. It wasn't long after that he managed to get her in the jaw. She stumbled back a little, not having expected it, her hand raising to her cheek. She looked at him and instantly held up her free hand, "Don't say what you are about to say. I'm fine."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

With the hit to the jaw, Archibald was actually hoping to throw her off a little, and it seemed that it worked for the most part. He didn't expect for her to jump back though, as well as put her hand to her cheek. The young captain dropped out of his stance slightly and was about to say something before he was cut off by her. His mouth was just opening as she spoke to him, and he closed it after hearing what she had to say. He simply nodded to her and got back into his stance, looked at her calmly. "If you're fine, then let's get back to it." He told her, looking at her seriously, as he changed his stance. He didn't prefer being a brick wall, and enjoyed moving around the best he could to distract whoever was facing him, but he had only gotten in a few fights before, so his stance was rough and unpolished.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 3 days ago

Molly laughed a little and nodded. She thought, if this were any other man they'd probably called it quits. She grinned and got back into position. She remembered her dad attempting to teach her to fight once. Although, they were mainly self defense and didn't really stick with her. She hadn't really needed them. She dodged around Archie's fists and managed to hook her foot around his and pull it out from under him. He didn't seem entirely grounded in his stance, the way he was bouncing around. Molly smirked as he hit the deck. She quickly climbed on top of him, pinning him to the ground. She leaned over him, still smiling, "Sorry. My dad always taught me to fight dirty."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Archibald looked up at Molly with a blank face as he attempted to find out what just happened. One second he was perfectly upright, and the next he was pinned to the ground by Molly. When being told that she was taught to fight dirty, he smiled at her and nodded. "That's good, because I don't think that pirates will be fair in a fight. You use everything you can to get the advantage and if that means fighting dirty, then by all means go ahead." He told her, panting lightly and waiting for the pain in the back of his head to go away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 3 days ago

Molly laughed a little and sat back on her heels, releasing his arms, but remaining on top of him. She pushed her hair out of her face a little and smiled, "I suppose you are right. I feel as though pirates rarely are fair. Trading tends to be, I take everything, you keep your head."

She smirked a bit at her own joke and looked down at him. After a moment, she realized that when he hit the ground, he probably hit his head. She leaned forward again, "Are you okay?"

Gingerly, she lifted his head off the deck and inspected it, while still sitting on him. She pursed her lips, "No blood. I'm going to assume that that means you'll recover," She lowered his head back down and grinned, "I think you need to fight a little dirtier, Archibald."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I'm fine, a little pain but I'll push past it." Archibald spoke,feeling his head being slowly and carefully lifted up off the ground. It hurt only slightly to move, but he would be alright in an hour or so.

"And it was only a light spar, and I didn't know what you were capable of. I was only being cautious." he told her, keeping his eyes up at her and not noticing that she was still on top of him. He didn't want to tell her that he wasn't hitting her as hard as he could because she was a girl, because he knew that she wouldn't be happy if he had said that. The young man propped himself up on his elbows only slightly. If he wanted to fight dirty, he could have used this to get closer to her, then bash her head with his own. That would be a bit much, though, so he quickly decided against it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 3 days ago

Molly found it slightly amusing that not too long ago, she told him not to ask if she was okay after he hit her. Now here she was, checking his head for any booboos. She laughed at herself silently before she returned her attention to the man she was sitting. He was sitting up on his elbows now, looking at her. She realized that she was still sitting on top of him. She blushed slightly and murmured an apology. She rolled off of him and lay on the deck next to him. She didn't want him getting up, not with them fully sure if there was anything wrong. She felt like if she stood, he would follow. So instead, she lay down next to him. She shook her head, "Well, if being cautious wound you up on your back, you should do it less," she teased, "After all, any fights we get into from her on out, well... I'm sure hitting the ground will wind up a lot worse then getting pinned."
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