Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silverwind Blade
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Silverwind Blade Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 6 mos ago

I'll be getting something up shortly
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silverwind Blade
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Silverwind Blade Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 6 mos ago

New post is up, defend the ship!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rafale
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Rafale Eurocanard

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Not feeling especially great tonight, so I'll be writing a post tomorrow night. Very sorry for the delay, hope it's not too much of a problem!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silverwind Blade
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Silverwind Blade Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 6 mos ago

That's okay, it's not exactly galloping along, so you'll have plenty of time
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

At work ATM and my God this super bowl has me busy. I'll try to post when I get home
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sorry for not providing a post! I like to take more time on this RP than post and go because of my lack of knowledge on this topic. I will give you my word I will get something up tomorrow
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silverwind Blade
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Silverwind Blade Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Don't worry about it. I'm kind of feeling my interest slipping, if I'm honest. Not through lack of activity, but more just because I don't feel that invested in the game as a whole at the moment. I feel a bit detached and disinterested in it, really.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ramzam

Ramzam Squeaky Boi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hm. Maybe we could all discuss the plot? I know we have the basic jist of it, but, details. Like, which planet are we headed to first? I think Selachia should be last. Maybe we could all team up into pairs/trios and support each other's posts? I know for a fact that I was slow out of the gate with the start of the battle, because I wasn't quite sure what to do, even though I knew the objective and everything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silverwind Blade
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Silverwind Blade Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 6 mos ago

I think for me, I don't feel as invested in the setting as much as I would if it had been something I'd created myself. Plus, it feels a bit unstructured and lacking something, though I'm not sure what. I'm just not as excited about it as I want to be, and it feels like a bit of a chore trying to keep things moving, as opposed to feeling enthusiastic about things such as my writing and other stuff I do as hobbies.

I was quite excited when I initially constructed the OOC, but now it's actually running, I feel a bit 'bleh' about it by comparison to other stuff I've done. I like the mecha, and I like that we have human characters alongside anthro ones, and that there's conventional (i.e. modern day) gear and equipment alongside the mecha. I also like the fact that there's some space-related content as well. But overall, I'm not so enthused by the general aspects of the setting so much. I don't know if it's because I'm 'playing with someone else's toys', or as you say, I haven't really constructed the plot as much.
A bit of discussion and input would certainly help a lot, and I'd like to see what other people think. I have other ideas I'm floating about that I could always use instead, but I'll see what other people feel about the game as it is.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Minder
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So far I've been enjoying all of the things Silver mentioned. I'm not as engrossed in the game as some others I've been in, and I'm not"feeling" Tash as much as I have other characters, but that's probably because I haven't had chance to get into either properly yet, and that's not the setting's fault. Speaking of setting, I'm only somewhat familiar with the source material, but I feel like you've put enough of your own spin on it, Silver.

I'd be happy with continuing, maybe brainstorming some plot points. I'd also be up for hearing some of your other ideas, Silver.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HopelessIncubus


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

im in the same boat as minder, its not a bad RP, and it is interesting and i dont want to drop it, but i guess im not so into the shifting combat thing. id like to see it continue further a bit, and see how characters develop.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silverwind Blade
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Silverwind Blade Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 6 mos ago

im not so into the shifting combat thing.

I'm not criticizing, but I am curious about what you'd be more interested in, as I'm considering other ideas, and as Minder asked what other stuff I have in mind, I was wondering if your interests might be better served by something else I can think of?

So far I've been enjoying all of the things Silver mentioned. I'm not as engrossed in the game as some others I've been in,

I'm not really eager about my own characters or feeling particularly engrossed in the game myself. It kind of feels a bit like a chore rather than something enjoyable or something I'm eager to come back to at the moment. I love playing with all of you boys and girls, but the game itself just isn't hitting the spot for me.
I like that I'm piloting a transforming flying mecha, as I love planes and I love mecha - but the story isn't really massaging my sweet spot right now, and the action just seems a little pedestrian to me.

I'm not sure if I should have given us a smaller focus, rather than backing us up with a whole military force. In GEARs, it seemed better when the focus was on our little ship with just our characters as the main group that the ship could call on for firepower, and we all seemed a bit more closely connected (especially once things got moving a bit). Even from the start, it was a lot more tied together.

In terms of the plot, it's pretty straight-forward as I've got it set in my mind: we liberate the various planets. Not through open firepower, as there's a challenge to overcome on each one, in terms of the Invid having set something up to ensure the planet stays under their control.
I think at the moment, I'm not so bothered about it too, as it's a lot of separate planets to try and establish, and I've basically just lifted it part-and-parcel from the Robotech: Sentinels storyline. I would rather have created something of my own, I guess, which is why I'm not as enthused of it as I might be.

Maybe rather than dropping it, we keep the threads open and just rework the OOC and IC into something new? I have an idea I'm batting about that would allow many of the things I like about this setting to continue, but would change the setting to be more tightly focused, and reign things into our player characters.
I can also re-work the mecha a bit too, so that those of us who want to keep transforming craft can, and those who'd rather have single-form mecha could have them too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Perhaps it's because of life things the attention of ze rp is not so high. If we are starting something else will we need to edit/create new characters?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silverwind Blade
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Silverwind Blade Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 6 mos ago

That's possible, but I'm okay with the pace - it's the interest I have in it that's the problem for me. If I'm not interested in the game I'm running, then that's a problem xD

If we did go onto a new idea, I would angle it so everyone could keep their characters, but make minor changes to them (such as not being from different planets, and losing Macross references).

I'll wait and see what people say. I have been working on a setting and a plot, but I'll keep thinking it over.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Well you know I am standing by boss. If something says we are staying and moving on in the IC than I will post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rafale
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Rafale Eurocanard

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Go ahead and do what you wish, pal. I'm open to anything. I was having a bit of trouble figuring out what to do so a reorganization of the RP would be a wonderful thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silverwind Blade
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Silverwind Blade Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Well, everyone's pretty much commented in some way. I'll go ahead and lay out my other ideas for an RP tomorrow, when I have more time to write it all down sensibly.

It'll probably be fairly different from this setting, but still have enough similarities that characters won't have to be altered too much (beyond some background info on their homes and previous fighting, etc). However, it should also be close to our own world to be relatable, and a bit more like GEARs too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silverwind Blade
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Silverwind Blade Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Okay, so here's what I had in mind... Bear with me here...

An Earth similar to our own, one of many parallel and alternate Earths. A twin of two, split apart long ago in time and space, by an unknown force. Neither truly knowing of the others existence, except for handed-down knowledge among a handful of curious and driven individuals who believe that the secrets of the past are the key to a better future for everyone else - no matter of what the truth may actually be.

The members of these groups, on both Earths, manage to make contact based on the technology and information culled from the ancient remnants of the Precursor race. They also discover that they have left their genes seeded throughout the populations of both worlds, in the form of those who possess 'above average' talents and skills, and especially those who are supernaturally gifted in mental abilities. These individuals, they call 'Composers', for their ability to enhance their skills and abilities through the use of music, often specific verses and tunes left by the Precursors.

The organizations recede into the shadows of history, but are always there pulling the strings, and manipulating events to their own goals. Some groups have some idea of their existence, but never anything concrete. They name themselves 'Elysium', for the belief that the united world will be an idyllic paradise.

On both worlds, history continues. On one Earth, history mostly followed the same course, although the Cold War went hot in the late 1980's-early 90's after the Coup in the Soviet Union succeeded. This lead to an increased level of scientific development, and greater colonization of space and accelerated development of technology. Advanced computer technology, weaponry and robotics lead to the development of walking robotic vehicles in the latter half of the 20th century, with full deployment in the early 21st, after the end of the war and the following peace and numerous civil and brush-fire wars that broke out.

Throughout the later years of the war, and the early 21st century, an increase in strange and paranormal events was recorded, by soldiers as well as by civilians. People observing unexplainable events on the battlefield; strange or unearthly creatures, or seeing unfamiliar surroundings. And often accompanied by music in their heads or elsewhere. Initially, it was confined to one or two persons, but then whole groups and units began experiencing such events, meaning there must be some substance to these claims. These were part of efforts by Elysium to use their Composers to break through the walls of reality, and establish permanent crossing points with their counterparts.

At the same time, side-stepped from our reality on a parallel world, similar events occurred. Many events were similar, and the geography much the same: only the names were different.
On this world, instead of humanity a multitude of humanoid, animal-like beings evolved, or perhaps were engineered by the Precursors.
As they developed on their separate world, they arrayed into loose power 'blocs'. A number of similar wars broke out, through the manipulations of Elysium on the various governments. Using Composers in battle, and also harnessing the use of the GEAR - the same walking fighting machines as used in Earth's wars - the Elysium-lead forces come to dominate the majority of the battlefield, and in so doing become known to the remaining governments, who have banded together.
The main reason the United Forces are able to hold back Elysium, is due to their gutsy GEAR pilots and associated forces. Originally members of the armed forces or other paramilitary or Law Enforcement groups, they have become an assortment of freedom fighters in their array of customized and tuned-up bipedal walking fighting machines.

On the other side of the barrier between worlds, Elysium is looking for the same thing: Composers from the human world.
A small array of individuals, head-hunted from both exhausted superpowers, East and West, are recruited into a covert unit to hunt down Elysiums operations and find out what they are up to. Made up of soldiers, pilots, investigators and more from all areas of military and paramilitary backgrounds, they are also selected for their personality and aptitude, as well as open-mindedness and willingness to work with potentially former enemies.

As they get deeper into the mystery of Elysium and their activities, the truth becomes apparent: there is more than one world, and Elysium is blurring the boundaries of both.The revelation comes too late though, as Elysium on both sides have assembled Composers, at strategic points of convergence around the globe. As they launch into action, focusing their powers through the use of ancient music and words along with technology, the worlds blur together.
With their being reunited, the two worlds are also reunited. Elysium's manipulations come to a head, and with the ancient technologies and sites reunited, they come into their power, and begin an all-out assault against the remaining governments, who are reeling from the impact of numerous wars and attacks in their recent pasts, as well as the environmental disasters caused by the merging of two planes of existence.

All around the world, people are reeling in shock, coming face-to-face with aliens (on both sides) and legions of unknown enemies equipped with powerful technology.
The Elysium forces have a final goal - locate all the remaining Composers, and gather the remaining Precursor devices and knowledge. For what goal, the remaining free forces do not know, but Elysium are more than willing to dominate, destroy and otherwise roll over anyone they don't consider worthy of being part of their elite - which is, essentially, everyone else.
Furthermore, the two worlds are not harmoniously bonded, numerous areas are ridden with dangerous geological or spacial faults. Areas overlap incorrectly, and there are things at large. If the two worlds are not separated, then both may be destroyed.
With so much to take care of, and both races threatened by the plans of Elysium and the alliances they have made, the leading anti-Elysium governments of both worlds form a shaky and hasty alliance to put their people together to find out what Elysium is up to, and to try and stop them. Their operational team are equipped with their own custom GEARs and mecha as needed, and the best equipment available to fight back. The group is a rag-tag bunch, but they're the best, and chosen for the quality of their character, as much as their skills.

The story will be one of mystery, adventure, and will involve big epic (in the true plot-related and classical sense of the world not 'lol teh epic' sense) moments and concepts, relating to the destiny of two worlds and their eventual fate, and their origins to boot. And how a lot of that ties into the origins of both species, and the wider universe and life itself too. Basically, all the great stuff that comes with a proper epic 'real robot' show.

It would have recurring villains and a nemesis for our group, who would be a mix of human and anthropomorphic characters, and they would have a variety of mecha; though they would be closer to those of GEARs than Macross - but transformable ones would be part of that group as a possibility too.

Characters would need minimal edits, just background changes (in my opinion, anyway) and if people wanted to change them that's possible too. And if you want your old mecha from GEARs back, then go ahead too.
If people are interested in this idea, I'll post up world details and the like. Leave me opinions, and let me know what you think. Ask as many questions as you want - really, I'd be glad to just see some activity, since things have been quiet.

Likewise on the alternate Earth,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ramzam

Ramzam Squeaky Boi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'll be honest when I say the singing stuff has always made it difficult for me to take Macross seriously. Maybe it's because I never got too deep into the series. It first hit me when I was watching Macross Zero and everything seemed like all hard, sciencey stuff, then the island lady starts singing and I can't decide if this is magical fantasy or sci-fi...and I ignore the possibility of it being both, because I didn't have it rubbed all over my eyeballs at the very beginning. I suppose I have a bit more wiki trawling to do, but it seems like the guy who made Macross couldn't decide between having a world that ran on mana juice or supertech and stuck 'em together (because sufficiently advanced tech is indistinguishable from magic) without a thorough explanation. I suppose my suspension of disbelief holds up during the heat of the moment, but after the fact, I start to look back and wonder...

I can deal with magic and sci-fi being one and the same, but I think I just have some deep seated beef with singing being the way that magic is worked (words of power!? What is this travesty!).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silverwind Blade
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Silverwind Blade Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 6 mos ago

It's not an essential part, and I just thought it was a neat idea. But really, the better part of two days amd only one reply of any kind says all it needs to.
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