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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wormgod


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

((Mmm....Pidgey and scrambled egg omelet...Am I the only one who looks at pictures of Pokemon and asks, "What would that taste like?"))

Phoebe was not a morning person. The life of a trainer was dictated by the life of pokemon, both wild and trained. In Phoebe's case, her Girafarig, Twin, would not let her sleep past 9am. If she tried, the guy would force his way into her hotel bed and nudge her cheek with his face until she woke up. This terrified her the first time it happened, which sent poor Twin into tears, but now she was used to it. She frequently slept in and used her starter as an alarm clock.

Today was one of those days. The sound of heavy breathing woke her. She instinctively rolled in the other direction, as the giant yellow-and-brown pokemon blocked one whole side of the bed. She stumbled to the bathroom, and as usual, the Girafarig followed her. One bathroom trip later, Phoebe was now presentable for breakfast. The group had slept in a Pokemon Center for the night, as usual. They had arrived in Cerulean City last night, after two weeks of wandering around that Zubat-infested hellhole known as Mt. Moon. They had come out, dirty, slightly pastier, and with new phobias. Phoebe's was the dark--Mt. Moon's dark patches were always swarming with sleeping Zubat, and the second someone shines a light, they'd fly straight at it in an angry frenzy. Twin somehow made it out without any mental scarring, thank Arceus. The poor Girafarig was special needs--some form of pokemon birth defect or Down's Syndrome or something similar. He was inbred most likely, and had been abandoned because of it. He didn't need any more problems.

Phoebe stumbled down to the first floor. The scent of waffles and scrambled eggs rushed at her. Twin ran down the stairs so fast it was a miracle he didn't trip and break his neck, "Slow down!" The fearful trainer called. But no, he ran straight to the Pokechow buffet, a group of cheap vending machines that served breakfast portions of Pokefood, a kibble for all sorts of pokemon. Phoebe had bags of the herbivorous blend up in her room, but she preferred to buy the cheaper meals when they stopped in a Pokecenter. It was convenient, and Twin seemed to think the food was a treat.

"Jeez, calm down. I'll get your food." Phoebe teased and rubbed her starter's head. He let out a half-neigh, half-cheering noise that reminded her of a Ponyta. Phoebe inserted four coins into the machine and placed a paper bowl down. A serving of generic herbivore Pokechow flowed out. Twin dug in with glee. She released her second pokemon, Ratter the Rattata, and let him eat a smaller portion of the same Pokechow. He stuffed most of it in his cheeks, then carefully ate one piece at a time. Phoebe finally moved to serve herself a Pidgey meat and egg omelet, something that all Pokecenters seemed to serve exactly the same: crappy meat, great eggs, very filling.

Phoebe looked around the dining room. No one else was here, which was odd. Sure, some of the kids in the group hating mornings too, but they agreed to train early today. Phoebe wanted to fight some of the other kids in preparation for her upcoming gym battle against the Cerulean Gym. Ratter needed some more leveling, and Twin could aim better with his Confusion attack. Phoebe had been on the receiving end of that attack, and she did not want that to happen anytime soon.

Johnny was not a morning person. He woke at around 10am each morning, and he would have slept more if he didn't sleep with his mouth open and dehydrate severely. That was normal for him, however. Gulping down a glass of water he left on his bedside table for this reason, he pulled on some pants and sluggishly marched downstairs.

Johnny liked routine. He had a system for everything, including mornings. Get up, put pants on, go downstairs. Now was time to release Ekans and let him warm up for todays training session, and on every fourth day, feed him. Today was that day, so Johnny walked to the dining area to find the small refrigerator for just this occasion. Phoebe was already up, sipping coffee and eating an omelet. They shared a silent greeting, and her weird Girafarig's tail-head barked at him. That pokemon barked at everybody. Johnny did not like that pokemon. Girafarig's were creepy already, with the grinning tail-head, but Phoebe somehow found a creepier one.

Ignoring the barking, John reached into the fridge and grabbed a frozen Rattata package. He paid the fee--four marks, the same price as one bag of the regular kibble--and gave it to Ekans. He released his Nidoran, and she ate the more common omnivorous Pokechow. Then Johnny finally sat down with his own breakfast and stared at the muted TV that played the news. Nothing interesting.

((I just realized this post is the most boring thing I have ever written.))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lori sat quietly on a counter in the room Cerise, Seph, and her shared. The Espurr was quiet for the most part. One could easily mistake the pokemon for a plushie, was it not for the sound of its breathing being heard quietly through the quietness of the room. She had been sitting there all night, aside from when she sneaked downstairs and raided the kitchen for a midnight snack. Lori wasn't known to sleep much...or blink...or do any moving at all unless Cerise moved her. Most would find this behavior odd, or at least unsettling, since she would stare at everyone with its unblinking gaze. It delighted to pokemon to unnerve people, however, though from the neutral face it wore one wouldn't be able to tell.

Seph, who was currently snuggled up to Cerise, sleeping soundly next to her, was a different story. The Natu wasn't mischievous by nature, quite the opposite. It had always tried to be friendly to the humans and pokemon around it. The pokemon had always been rather weak, it was the runt between its brother and sister, and was always being picked on by other wild pokemon. It had thought it would remain so for the rest of its life. Until he had the fortune of being saved by the red head he was sleeping next to. Sure, she had tried to shoo him away the first few times he had followed her home, but for whatever reason he felt...safer, around her. Eventually, she allowed him to join her little party, which made the Natu extremely happy. As far as it was concerned, Cerise could do no wrong.

Eventually, Cerise woke, causing the round psychic bird pokemon to roll off the bed and awaken with a surprised chirp. Cerise just smiled at the bird pokemon as she sat on the edge of her bed and stretched. She gave the pokemon a pat on the head and spoke.

"Good morning, Seph, you silly little birdy" She said in a much too friendly tone for someone of her rather, twisted moral compass. Seph chirped happily in response, flying up and lighting itself on Cerise's shoulder. "Morning Lori!" She said to the Espurr, who merely stared at her as she scratched the pokemon's head. "Quiet as always, aren't you, you mischievous little pokemon." She giggled as Seph flew from her shoulder and landed next to Espurr. "You two play nice now, I have to make myself fabulous for the peasants." She said, donning a smile and a somewhat smug grin.

Cerise was from Kalos after all, and unlike the uncultured barbarians from Kanto, she had to set an example. Perhaps that was just the effect her mother had on her, however. Either way, she had a specific routine she went through every morning that she was in a city. First, a warm bubble bath with imported soap she carried with her at all times. She was sure to run out eventually, but she had money and wasn't afraid to throw it around. Second, lightly apply makeup. Thirdly, get dressed in her fabulous clothes she made herself. Fourthly, exit the room...in style!

Picking up Lori, she carried the Espurr in her arms while Seph took a relaxed seat on her shoulder as she strutted out of her room and made her way to the dining room with an air of confidence and poise. It was unsurprising to see a few of the others here before her. She had taken the time to make herself fabulous, she it was alright if she was fashionably late to the party. She walked over to the food vending and gave a rather disappointed sigh. Poke centers here...was this stuff really edible? Seph seemed to like it, but Lori and her...well, they were used to high-quality food and were not impressed with the selection here. At least Lori liked anything with meat in it usually. She decided to go for the scrambled eggs with toast, with tea to drink. She was certain it was going to be the foulest thing to ever pass her lips, but she had to eat something.

After receiving her food, she turned back to the others. "Bonjour, les amis!" She loudly, but pleasantly greeted no on in particular. "Magnifique morning, isn't it?" Seph chirped loudly in greeting as well. She took a seat at one of the tables, sitting Seph's meal on it, which he happily began eating. Lori continued to sit her Cerise's lap and slowly eat her meal piece...by piece. Cerise then began to eat her own food. She gave Phoebe a friendly wave though, and motioned for her to come take a seat. She had a psychic type, that was reason enough for Cerise to like her somewhat.
Gray, had been up for hours. He had always been an early riser. The same couldn't be said for Kali, his recently Acquired Zubat. She liked being up at night, and didn't fancy the day time much. Magikarp had always woken up with him though. Every morning like clockwork, the two would wake up at almost the same time. Gray wasn't one much for routines, as he preferred to do something different every day. Variety is the spice of life, as they say, and as far as he could remember he never once did the same thing twice in one morning.

Gray walked into the bathroom of his room with a smile on his face as he entered. "Morning Calder!" he said seemingly to the air. There was a splash from the direction of the tub, though, and a red blur flew through the air as it hit Gray hard enough to leave a bruise on his face. "Hahah! Nice to see you too buddy!" The red fish pokemon didn't reply, but it didn't need to for gray to know he was happy to see him too. Last night, he had run a tub full of water for is fish friend to sleep in. Calder liked to spend time in water wherever he could. "Hope your hungry, because I have your favorite food!" Calder flailed itself free from Gray's hug and splashed back into the tub of water, flailing happily at the mention of it. "Haha! That's the spirit!" With that, Gray pulled from his pajama pockets a bag of sealed food, before sprinkling it into the water.

After a few moments, the food had been consumed entirely. "Alright Calder, gotta go back in your pokeball now. I gotta take a shower." Calder seemed to splash in protest, but soon quieted down. "Don't worry buddy, I'll be sure to let ya fight some pokemon soon. You just gotta be patient." With that, the pokemon disappeared back into its pokeball, and Gray drew a cold shower.

Later, Gray walked into the dining room and took a deep breath, taking in all the smells. If there was one thing he liked doing, it was eating. He picked himself up an omelet, scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, potatoes with gravy, a dish with various berries, and lastly something for Kali to eat. Speaking of the little Zubat. "Wakey wakey Kali! Time for breakfast!" The zubat appeared in a flash of red, and immediately seemed displeased with being released so early. It gave Gray a somewhat disapproving look before it spotted the food he had for it. "Now now, don't be like that. I got ya some food so I think you can tolerate my presence a little." He chuckled as the Zubat began to devour the food in front of it. He had to admit, the little bat could eat food faster than a Sharpedo could swim.

Placing the various plates of food he had on a table, he himself began to eat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Danny had been outside for a while, looking for some fertile soil Oddish could plant herself in for breakfast. It was kinda annoying having to do this every day, but at least it was free. After about ten minutes he found a decent spot still near the Pokecenter. After she was released for her Pokeball, Oddish immediately buried her up to her leaves."When you're done come back the Center, okay." After saying that Danny whistled his to Spearow who had been flying around to stretch his wings to come down. The small bird landed on his shoulder.

After entering the Pokecenter Danny head straight for the vending machines. Despite the fact that he had been traveling with this group for a while now, Danny still wasn't that close to them. He had been trying to make friends with the rich Johnny and Cerise though. Looking over the options of the Pokechow buffet Danny decided to treat Spearow to his favorite and grabbed one of the Caterpie packages. It was a bit more expensive then the usual freeze dried bugs but after getting poisoned by a Zubat yesterday the bird deserved to be spoiled a little. Afterwards he went over the options for human food. "Hmm Pidgey meat omelet, nah not a fan of egg. Tauros steak, too expensive." Eventually he settled on pancakes with Surskit syrup and a glass of of Miltank milk. After paying for both his and Spearow's breakfast --a total of twelve coins he joined the others at the table.

While the rest of the groups was still sleeping, Eddy was taking his morning walk exploring Cerulean City building up an appetite and just spending some time with his three pokemon. When they eventually returned to the Pokecenter they were just in time to see Danny head back inside.
"Hey guys." He greeted the others walking in through the door. Preferring to wait until Danny was doen picking out breakfast he joined the group at the table."Wasn't Mt Moon great? So many caves to explore. I only wish I could have caught an Onix." He said sitting down, blissfully unaware of the fact that at least Phoebe hated it.. As soon as Danny came to the table with his food, Eddy got up and headed to the Pokechow buffet himself. Luckily for Voltorb and other electricity draining Pokemon a generator was included which Eddy hooked the ball shaped up too. For Rocky he selected the standard herbivorous, Pokefood while Pinsir got a smaller portion the same but with some freeze dried bugs added in to the mix. Now that his Pokemon were fed Eddy headed for the human food section already knowing what to order for himself: a big slice of Cherubi pie, and a Tropius smoothie. After paying the seventeen coins all of it cost, he headed back to the table ready to dig in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
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Ostarion The Skeleton King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Alright, begin!" Kael shouted.

He had woken up exceptionally early today, he was more of a night person, as the cover of darkness allowed him to engage in less savoury acts, which weren't appreciated by the police force, or anyone for that matter. But today was different, he was training his Pokémon by allowing them to duel...except it took place in his room. He wasn't going to give the Pawniard duo any commands for this fight, and would rather them figure out what to do for themselves.
Pawniard were avid hunters, after all.
The two Pawniard mimicked each others movements as they tried to strike eacho ther, the blades on their hands constantly connecting with their adversaries, they began to use the entirety of Kael's room as a battleground, and eventually, one of them cut the leg of a table in half, and it dropped.
"Hm. Pokémon Center won't be happy with that." Kael muttered. The two Pawniard looked at Kael, and the Warped shrugged.

Kael had thought to continue the duel somewhere else, but his thoughts were interrupted by a grumbling sound. Arced was hungry. Which meant that Warped was probably hungry too. Kael decided that it was time to go to the dining hall, where he would likely continue the duel, dangerous as it may be.

As he walked into the dining hall, Kael could plainly see that almost everyone was there. He sighed, and went directly for the canteen, where he served himself two pieces of Pidgey meat, and around six pieces of toast. He sat down at one of the far tables while his Pawniard followed. Since Pawniard tended to hunt, Kael threw them the two pieces of Pidgey meat. He assumed it would be better for the Arced and Warped to eat that, rather than buying 'special' Pokémon when his Pokémon didn't need it. The large amount of toast he had was simply to compensate for the fact that he likely wouldn't be eating anything else. Kael hadn't tasted a lot of what was on the menu, and wanted to stick with what he knew.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wormgod


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

((So sorry for the wait. I've been without a computer for a while.))

After a moment Phoebe could feel the coffee kicking in. She was extremely addicted to caffeine and needed at least one cup to wake in the morning. Luckily the more talkative members of the group came downstairs just as she was waking. Cerise, for example: the immigrant and her interesting cat-like Psychic type, gave a warm greeting in Kalosian. She was dressed like a celebrity, as usual. Phoebe looked up in the middle of sipping and gave a wave right back. Twin's tail-head predictably barked at her.

Phoebe took this time to mentally plan out her day. She wanted to spar with some of the other trainers as a warm-up for the gym. Only Gray had a Water-type, and his was...well, kinda pitiful. She'd feel terrible beating up his Magikarp. So, Phoebe would have to settle with fighting some non-Water types. Everyone had pokemon around the same level, between 10-20. Phoebe did not want to try beating Kael. She tried once and both her pokemon went down in two turns. It was a slaughter. No, she'd have to wait and teach some anti-Steel moves to Ratter and anti-Dark moves to Twin. Maybe Ratter can learn Brick Break. Can Rattata learn that? Maybe Raticate can. Higher evolutions tend to learn more moves, both naturally and with their trainer's help.

Phoebe looked over at Cerise. Maybe she could fight her. She hadn't fought Cerise yet, just Johnny (an easy win), Kael (horrible slaughter), and Danny (a draw). It made sense to spar with as many people as you can.

"Hey Cerise." Phoebe called, briefly glancing at the gray-blue pokemon next to her, "Wanna spar after breakfast?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Cerise sipped the tea she had bought. She was right, it was pretty foul tasting to her. These Kanto people wouldn't know a good tea if it was shoved down their throats. Ah well, at least she had bought the required things to make her own in her bag for later. She would just have to make do for now. Besides, Pheobe just asked to have a battle. She thought briefly about it. She had a Rattata and a Girafarig, both were rather...useless pokemon, as far as she was concerned. At least the Girafarig was a psychic type, which was the only really redeeming quality it had.

"Oui! I think it would be a wonderful idea." She was sure this was going to be an easy win. Lori could easily take out Girafarig, hopefully. Seph should be able to easily take out that Rattata. "Lori and Seph could use some practice against someone who knows what they're doing." She finished the sentence with a friendly smile, as she took a bite of the toast. It wasn't half bad, actually. Perhaps that tea had just ruined her sense of taste though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
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Ostarion The Skeleton King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Pawniard duo both used their bladed hands to stab and cut at the Pidgey meat that Kael had given to them. The Arced lifted up the pieces and ate them, and the Warped did the same. Kael wanted them to finish their duel in the dining hall, and the duo knew it. They exchanged glances, their eyes filled with the determination and desire to please their leader. Meanwhile, Kael was eating his pile of toast, he had already eaten two pieces and was continuing, until he realised that he had nothing to drink.

He sighed again, and walked back over to the canteen.

As he walked over to the canteen, he overheard talk of a battle. Cerise and Phoebe were discussing battling? 'She wants to battle everyone, heh.' Kael said to himself. He thought back to his previous battle with Phoebe, from what he remembered, it was a double battle. Kael often used both of his Pokémon when he battled, as the Arced and the Warped worked better when they fought together, they were co-ordinated, and it was to be expected of them. Finished with his reminiscing, Kael looked at the canteen counter to see a full bottle of water, someone must have left it there, it wasn't open, and nobody was around. Kael smirked, picked it up and took it without a single word.

They probably wouldn't miss it anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Danny didn't really care about the battle about the two girls, but decided to use the opportunity and attempt to gain Cerise's trust. "Better be careful of her Girafarig. Despite his ...issues, Twin is no pushover, Spearow learned that the hard way." He warned the red haired girl thinking back to when he fought Phoebe. Back then he really underestimated the retarded Pokemon, but the battle still turned into a draw so it could have been worse.

Of course now all the talk about the battling reminded him of how his battles with the group went. He had only fought three other members of the group so far namely Phoebe, Eddy and Gray. When fighting Gray he easily won due the advantages Oddish and Spearow had against Magikarp which didn't stand a change, and Zubat which did better then expected, respectively. As said before when fighting Phoebe, Twin did a lot better then he expected. And the fight against Eddy was just a stupid idea in retrospect seeing as he had both more Pokemon, and used their types to his advantage.

In an attempt to get his mind of so far poor battle performance Danny tried to change the subject for now. "Have I ever told you guys that I grew up here in Cerulean City?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scrub Mage
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Scrub Mage Ascended Sleeper

Member Seen 3 days ago

Caesar had been to the dining hall. He had looked at the menu, and none of it suited him. He had scoffed at the thought of eating meat already caught. And so, he had taken it upon himself to go and find some wild Pokémon. It took awhile, but he managed to navigate from the Pokémon Center into the wilds and had both his Arons out hunting for him. Often, he would watch them find their mark and kill it. He took some sick, twisted pleasure in it, but right now, he was too hungry to chase after them. His stomach grumbled at him and he eagerly awaited what PAIN TRAIN and MAN O' STEEL would bring him. He sat in the grass, waiting.

An hour, or maybe it was two, or even three, had passed. Caesar had taken a nap, and when he awoke, he still had no indication of his Arons, and he frowned. He got up, dusted himself off, and began to walk towards the area he had sent him. He stopped upon hearing the grass rustle, and so he smiled, knowing they had caught something. Only, it wasn't an Aron that greeted him, but a Rattata. Well, a group of three. He stopped in his tracks, and frowned. He'd have to eat later, and he was sure the Arons would find him. As he turned to run, he heard the tell tale charging of his trusty Pokémon. First up was PAIN TRAIN, who came in from the left, plowing into one of the Rattata on the side. Then, MAN O' STEEL came from the other side, sending another Rattata flying into a tree, where it landed with a loud crunch.

With two of three Rattata ready for eating, the two Arons circled the last of them. It looked scared, but there was no running from this. "I can practically taste its fear from here." He thought to himself. The twin Arons charged from each side, crushing the Rattata between them, and even crashing their heads into one another. With a smug smile, Caesar let them eat the Rattata, and he gathered the other two. He bit into each of them, to look at their meat and make sure it was fine. He had to spit chunks of fur out, but it still tasted good. He liked the raw meat, and the fact he had to spit out the fur when eating them without skinning them. “Rattatas never taste as good as I hope, still better than the stuff at the Pokémon Center.” Caesar thought to himself. “Let’s see what Kael’s up guys.” He said to his twin Arons as they walked back to the Pokémon Center, Rattatas slung over his shoulder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TBKrunk
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TBKrunk Poke

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yara awoke from her sweet slumber by beginning with a long yawn, followed by a few stretches and finally she got dressed. A sudden giddy string was plucked inside her, emotion bloomed out from all over her body as she began to grin and jump around and wave her arms. Today was the day, where she would begin her path to ultimate evil. Fortune was already up, it was sat on her lap whilst she combed her hair in front of the mirror, both were disgusted that there was no chair for her to sit on. "It's just a chair, I don't see why they can't just put one here. I can't even see the mirror from my bed!" Her arguments were supported by Fortune constantly nodding in approval. She wouldn't bother Nurse Joy about it, though, there was a tense air whenever they spoke. Perhaps the women knew who she was going to be.

Once out of the room, she began to tell the future to Fortune. "My name is going to be plastered everywhere, and the word on everyone's lips will be Yara!" The big smile was failing to leave. Eventually her skipping lead her to the mess hall, where many were seated with various meals that would otherwise seem delicious - most were meat based. This wouldn't do. She was a vegetarian, obviously Moomoo milk would have her in its clutch, but otherwise she did not eat meat. It seemed to be odd. After quickly collecting a vegetarian option, she scampered to a table and rushed the food down her throat; she needed to be quick if her Fortune was ever going to beat her stupid brothers, which she resents calling siblings.

Since Yara seldom lazed around, no one would expect her to stay inside the Pokecenter, yet a kind of fear grew over her before she walked out the door. Five feet from the exit she froze; her grin cracked into a frown and she slowly walked towards the seats, where she would wait until she was internally ready.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

While some of the others were talking about battling, Eddy simply listened and ate quickly ate his breakfast. He understood that they wanted their Pokemon to get stronger, but he set out to travel the world and viewed battling as a secondary concern. In fact the only member of the group he fought against so far was Danny.

After finishing his pie Eddy decided to get involved with the conversation anyway. "You know, instead of battling each other we can simply head back to Mt. Moon and fight wild Pokemon." Of course his main reason for making the suggestion was to keep exploring the caves, something he was sure that everyone would enjoy. The only reason he didn't head out already was because not everyone was done eating and he didn't want to be impolite.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wormgod


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Phoebe smiled at the other girl. Cerise accepted her challenge in a rather...odd, Cerise-ish way. The Kalosian girl had her own way of saying things that could easily be mistaken for an insult or simply a badly-worded response. Phoebe had yet to fully "map out" this girl. Was she really insulting the other members of the group by saying they didn't know what they were doing? Was she simply complimenting Phoebe's training style? Did she [i[really[/i[ think that Kalos was better than Kanto? It was hard to tell, and Phoebe did not want to think ill of her. She chalked it up as a poor choice of words.

"Better be careful of her Girafarig. Despite his ...issues, Twin is no pushover, Spearow learned that the hard way." Danny said from nearby. Phoebe turned. She hadn't seen him come in. She remembered their battle, a simple training spar from a while back. It was a draw, as both trainers lost one and won one. Danny's Spearow nearly took out Twin, but a well-placed Confusion got him. His Oddish took out her Ratters pretty quick with Sleep Powder. It was a fun battle, and a great experience for dealing with status effects. Ratters' battling style was a simple "move quick, hit hard" strategy that relies on maneuverability and physical attacks. Phoebe learned not to use him in the Celadon, Saffron, and Fuchsia gyms in the future.

"Hey, your team was pretty great too." Phoebe replied warmly, then with a joke, "Hey...Can I like, borrow, your Spearow for the rest of my life? Cause it's awesome, and all the wild Spearows seem to hate me." That was true. On no less than three occasions Phoebe weakened a Spearow to catch, and all three flew away.

She felt a bump on her arm. Looking down, Phoebe saw Twin peering up at her with a grin. He must have heard his name and "spar", since he looked insanely excited. Pokemon were naturally competitive, and it had been a while since Phoebe fought with another trainer. She didn't realize Twin missed it so much.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Oh you grew up here? Well...uhm, the city has it's charm." She replied in response to Danny, obviously not thinking that highly of his origins."Non non, Lori and Seph can handle themselves." She continued, while giving Lori a pat on the head. Realistically speaking though, she knew it was a rather bad match up. Her psychic type moves would have little effect on Twin, and Lori and Seph didn't know any moves that would have a real good effect on it. Rattata knew bite, she had learned that from watching it battle earlier. In all, it would be a rather difficult battle she believed. Of course, half the battle was having confidence and putting on a good poker face. That was something she was rather good at doing. "Shall we get started then?" she said with a small glance to Twin. "Twin looks rather eager."

Lori simply stared at the other pokemon in the same way it stared at everything, but it was easy to tell she was excited to finally get into a fight. One of Lori's ears always twitched slightly whenever it was excited. It was easy to miss, and she didn't even think Lori knew she did it. Seph chirped, sounding slightly hesitant to fight. Seph didn't like fighting much, most likely due to the small pokemons past with getting bullied. She gave it a smile and ruffled his feathers though. "Lori and Seph look like they want to get started too."
Gray, had just finished off his numerous plates of food. How a man as skinny as him eat so much and not gain any weight had always been a mystery to everyone, especially the other trainers. At least he had nearly boundless energy to show for it. Kali had finished eating as well, and had woken up by now and was in a much better mood. The Zubat Was now hanging upside down on his jacket. She wasn't asleep, she was merely observing the other trainers. She would like to try and battle again herself, she wasn't the type to like loosing.

"Yeah, that seems like a good idea!" Gray said to Eddy. "I didn't get to fully explore yesterday with everyone. Calder could use a bit of training and i know Kali is itching to fight something."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mad Scarlet
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Mad Scarlet Friend of Griffins

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A short distance away stood a girl with red hair pulled back into a single ponytail, hanging from one side. Her amber eyes glowed with something that could be thought to be similar to jealousy as she watched the other two trainers battle, but it really wasn't her style unless she was provoked. At her side stood her Absol, who wasn't terribly interested in the battle, either. The young woman smirked a little, suddenly making her seem stranger still, before she pet her Pokemon's head. She didn't need to say anything as the Absol leaned into her gentle touch. Despite her trainer having an expressionless face and a cold heart, the Pokemon was the only thing that she had ever dared show emotions towards. That's an awfully nice Spearow... She thought to herself before shaking the thought away, as if the motion would cleanse her mind. What is going on with me lately? Papa didn't rub off onto me, I hope...

She continued to watch the battle before she decided that it would be best for her to move into the light, as to not startle the other trainers who were gathering to watch. Perhaps I should try getting into one of these traveling groups to get to Papa faster. She frowned at the thought of having to actually communicate with other people, but then again, it couldn't hurt to speak up every now and again. She hadn't heard her own voice for the past week or so, and that had been when she'd told her mother that she would go find Papa and bring him home to her in one piece. Even her mother had seemed surprised that she had vocally spoken to her. Serves her right, pretending that I don't exist until Papa worries about me. And with that thought, she startled walking over as nonchalantly as she possibly could.

She nodded to the other trainers before continuing to watch, memorizing their moves and their Pokemon alike. Scarlet and Amya watched in stone cold silence, even their aura gave off a chill.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
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Ostarion The Skeleton King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kael had finished his pile of toast. Despite 'obtaining' a bottle of water, he hadn't even drank from it yet. 'Save it for later' he thought to himself. Although, Kael was curious of who it belonged to. Not curious enough to go out of his way asking, but still curious. It didn't really matter at this point though.

He turned his attention to his Pawniard. They had both finished their Pidgey meat, and were waiting for the order. Kael did previously have intentions on continuing the duo's fight in the dining hall, and he would act on it right now. He motioned for the two to face each other, and stand a few steps back. The Arced was on the right side, and hit the ground multiple times with it's bladed hands. The Warped was on the left side, and prepared to rush at his counterpart. They both awaited the order to begin. Kael could plainly see that they were both ready.

"Go." Kael said rather quietly, not wanting to interrupt the rest of the group's conversations.

No sooner than that, the Warped had made a crazed charge toward the Arced. The Arced himself had yet to move, and was likely waiting for the Warped to come to him. The Warped had reached the Arced, and did a frontal stab. Before it even made contact, the Arced used it's own blade to redirect the stab upward. He had just parried. The Warped hopped backwards, surprised that something such as that would happen in a duel. Kael smirked, also surprised at his Pokémon's strategy in such a short space of time. "Very good." He said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Danny had just finished his breakfast when Eddy said they should go back to Mt. Moon in a tune that suggested he actually believed that everyone would enjoy doing so.Just as Danny was about to inform that that wasn't the case, Cerise responded to his comment about his home town in a clearly negative way. "Damn this might make "befriending her a lot harder." He thought to himself, careful not to reveal his emotions.

Not knowing what else to do until Oddish was done feeding Danny decided to pass the time by watching the battle. When the group got to the battle site, he spotted a girl in the distance that seemed unusually interested in Spearow whom he hadn't returned to his Pokeball yet. While he didn't really care about her at first, the Absol next to her grabbed his attention.Thinking that the girl must be rich to have such a rare Pokemon, he planned on finding out where she lived so that Spearow might bring her house a visit and take back a souvenir for his trainer. Using the fact that the others now knew he lived here he walked in her direction.

"I'm going to talk that girl over there for a bit, okay?" He said acting as if he knew her.
At the same time Eddy was calling his Pokemon back in to their balls to avoid them getting hurt in the fight between Kael's Pawniard. Normally he would say something to their trainer who must have had trouble controlling them about it, but the though about exploring out him in too good a mood for that. "Great to hear it, Gray. But don't you think we should help Kael calm down his Pokemon first?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wormgod


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

After breakfast, Phoebe and Cerise quietly excused themselves from the Pokemon Center. Located behind every Center were makeshift battle fields provided for any and all trainers who wanted a place to fight. Phoebe remembered the Viridian Center's small patch of hardened dirt with rocks hastily covered and holes filled with dusty soil. The Cerulean Center was larger, and as such had three fields ready for use. The girls chose the cleanest looking one. Not that it really mattered, as neither of their pokemon knew some field-destroying move, like Earthquake or Surf. Low-level pokemon rarely hurt their environment in a battle.

Challengers went first, so Phoebe motioned to Twin, who looked to be conversing with Ratter on the side of the field. His tail-head looked at her first, then the main head, and he scampered over to the starting position in front of his trainer. Cerise would probably start with the Kantonian cat-pokemon-thing, Lori, whatever its species was called. It was pure Psychic, as that was her type, so Phoebe would have to avoid Confusion. She tended to spam the Psychic move, because it was a ranged attack, and honestly it looked wicked. A wave of transparent pink energy that hit the target...It was awesome.

Meanwhile, Johnny finished cleaning off his plate. Placing it on the dirty dishes pile, he called his pokemon over to him. Ekans had just finished his weekly meal and now had an amusing bulge. Nidoran lazily obeyed her trainer, but clearly she wanted to continue eating. He'd have to whip her into shape soon. She was a catch from right before Mt. Moon and he neglected to use her in the cave. She was the laziest member of his group right now. Even Beedrill, the "I'll just suck nectar out of flowers all day" pokemon obeyed him.

Speaking of obeying...Kael's two freakazoids slashed at eachother in the middle of the dining room. Johnny quickly backed up against a wall to avoid getting hit. Nearby, Gray and Eddie was talking about going somewhere. Quick to get out of here, Johnny replied, "I'll come too."

((Bleh post.))
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