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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 7 mos ago

> Mithias' fanged maw hung open. He could not believe what Bug just did. The guy was crazy, saying one thing and yet doing another. "The poor chap." Mithias blinked, no longer in touch with the disturbed reality around him as he stepped toward the portal where bug had been. Bug was very likely now dead too, ripped apart by the center of a massive black hole on the other side of that magical door.... or did he go somewhere else? Deliberation and confusion showed on Mith's face as he, for only a brief moment of insanity, considered following Bug. "Am I ready to die?" He mused to himself very seriously. If he went through, he had to be ready for that likely result, yet if he stayed, he'd still likely die in the fight with Omega. Maybe he should go through... "....FOR SCIENCE!" Tsubaki yells, before using her robotic leg, kicks Mithias right in the rump, most likely sending him toppling right into the portal, as a wicked, sadistic grin spreads across her face. In reality, she was just curious to see what would happen if she kicked the vampire in....morbid, sadistic curiosity.......and Tsubaki was going to scratch that itch with a steel foot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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*tumbles through portal* "AHHHHH!!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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As Kevin's hand hit the duplicate's shoulder, a loud explosion followed, hundreds of tiny robotic mechanisms being ripped apart by Crash, releasing a charge of soular energy as they exploded. The duplicate stepped back, a hole in it's shoulder, new robots already beginning to refill it, although far more slowly than before. 'You fight well. Was it Gildarts who taught you that? Fairy Tail truly has some amazing warriors, and I can tell, you've mastered your emotions. However, you haven't quite mastered strategy.' With a tingling sensation, energy gathered at the creature's chest, blasting outwards as a wave of sheer kinetic force, throwing Kevin backwards and smashing him into the ice. He slid a dozen meters away before he could get a grip on the slippery surface. As he looked up, his vision was clear. But the figure before him had changed. Standing at 1.5 meters, short for a human, there was a blue humanoid being. It lacked eyes, although part of it's face consisted of strips of red skin. Four arms reached outwards, the upper two significantly larger than the lower. It's mouth was similar to the trunk of an elephant, if it had been quite short and had had built in teeth. Kevin presumed it looked in his direction, as it spoke in a melodic, deep voice. 'You don't even know who your face, or when you live. You know so little of the paths of the Great Ones, but you would challenge the Path of Destruction? How do you justify your actions?' ----------------------- Toguro looked up, and as he observed the great ball of flame his powers instinctively flared. Then, even as Creed yelled his attack's name, a grin came to Toguro's face. he seemed to shrug, as if shaking something off. 'I was gone there for a moment kid. But don't worry, I'll play a little more.' The grin grew wider, the ends of his mouth touching the edges of his face, as the great ball of white flame rushed towards him, leaving a trail of plasma in it's wake. The earth trembled, as Toguro leeched it's very power through the soles of his feet. The ice cracked and shattered, far below metal corridors screeched and were torn. Toguro held one hand next to his chest, laughing loudly, as the ground beneath his feet started to melt away rapidly. 'What is it, Kid? Did you think I couldn't punch that?' Laughing, Toguro leans down, his fist briefly touching the quickly forming pool of water before shooting upwards. A whirlwind of power gathered around it, as his stone knuckles struck the surface of the ball of flame. Ripples moved along it, as the flame was struck, and an explosive force hits it. Sparks hit the water, which evaporates on contact. The flames engulf Toguro, even as his power concentrates. Even as the flame eats away at the ice, his voice can be heard from the center, roaring out. 'YOU THINK I CAN'T HANDLY THIS!' A flash of white light, an explosive wave of force. A beam of flame shoots into the sky, it's base wreathed in white light. Curtains of steam covered the area, as great glaciers are evaporated in mere seconds, a hole being ripped in the ceiling of frozen clouds. And then, slowly, the fog clears. In a hole the size of a large village, the ice had been molten away, exposing the thick layer of steel beneath. And in the center, floating above the surface of the water, stood Toguro. He grinned, steam coming from his body, as he hung in midair. Along his side, lava slowly dripped downwards, the remnants of his right arm. 'I can punch that, goddamnit.' With this, Toguro floats over to the shore, where he carefully lands on the ice, drips of lava drilling holes in the already partially melted surface.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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White light, green light, blue light, breadlight. This caused a moment's hesitation. Was bread a color? And yet, the light had already started fading, along with the numbness. Spinning through a whirlwind of whispers, jumping from word to word, large holes reaching down, ripping pages from the book.... ------------------ Mithias stood in a long hallway, carved from ornate wood. The walls were lined with runes drawn in blood, still fresh, dripping slowly downwards. From the corner of his eye, he could see corpses, intimately familiar and yet ultimately unrecognizable. And yet, they never seemed to leave his peripheral vision, never existing when he looked at them straight. There were only two doors, one behind him, which stood slightly open, and the other one at the end of the corridor. In the middle was a singly window, a thick velvet curtain covering it. Steady pulses of warmth seemed to move through the room, a heartbeat in the back of his mind, as if the entire archaic mansion was alive. Standing a while ahead of him was Bug, looking around with a clear expression of confusion on his face. And yet, was it really Bug? The creature certainly looked like him, but more... insectlike, large mandibled extending from it's mouth, and a pair of antennae on it's head. Hanging from his shoulders was a chain of heads, each of them quietly whispering, almost all of them human. On the back Mia's head was visible, glaring at Mithias with an appearance similar to a pouting cat. In his right hand the Bug-creature grasped the head of a man by the hair, and his face stuck out in particular. For in stark contrast to all the others, it was still breathing raspily, as if clasping on to life. ------------------------------------------------ Bug stood in a long hallway, it's walls and floor plated steel, rust encroaching around the edges. Flickering neon lights illuminated the area, creating sharp, drawn shadows. The scent of blood and fear assaults your nose, mingled with the subtle touch of rusting metal. Chains hang down from the ceiling in pairs, the rusted cuffs broken open. Screams echo through the hallway on regular intervals, the chains rattling as they do. There are two mechanised doors, one behind you, and one in front of you. The floor seems to pulse regularly with a strange heat, as if the entire lab complex were alive. The sound of feet on metal caused Bug to turn his head. Behind him stood Mithias, or at least something that resembled Mithias. It had the face of an old man, worn by age. It was covered in what seemed to be an ancient suit of armor, rusted, battered and torn, well beyond use. In his hand he held a spear, from which hung a set of rags, which might, at some point, have been a flag. As Bug looks upon this creature, he sees that it has no eyes, simply empty holes, through which he can see nothing but emptiness.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Akihisa Yoshii
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Akihisa Yoshii The Ultimate Epitome of Stupidity

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kevin smirks at 5, getting up. "Rarely do I justify my actions. I fight merely for the thrill of it. The possibility of not seeing another tomorrow, it is... exciting. Something I'm guessing you don't understand. That's the main reason for my ways. I believe one would refer to me as a mercenary..." He crosses his arms. "Yet I don't do it for the money, nor for any sense of moral reason. I guess, I'm just a born fighter? An idiot? Maybe that fits..." He looks over to Creed, who - huffing and puffing - starts flying at Toguro, flames blasting out of his feet. And the flames engulfed him, a human fireball, heading right for Toguro. 'FIRE DRAGON SWORD HORN!' He reared his head, heading dead center towards Toguro, a reckless attack that would almost certainly backfire. It was a very powerful move, but he had put a lot into that first attack and this one, while powerful, would most likely not be enough to put ol' Togy down... 'There's nothing you can't solve with a well-placed headbutt.' Rang in Kevin's head, but with Creed's voice. He hoped Creed had been right there... "I'd rather go down fighting, than anything else in the world... If I die, I want to die knowing I was bested by an extraordinary opponent..." He turns back to 5 and Crash activates once more, his magical aura flaring like a flame. "And yes, Gildarts is my father, and he taught me well... Now, please, let's stop the talking and get back to the fighting, shall we?" He shifted, ready to move, hands twitching lightly in anticipation for a use of his magic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Teoinsanity
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Teoinsanity Lost on Jeopardy

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Teo takes out a phone and dials a number "Yello ,ACME ,I'm gonna need Two hundred dalek robot body later eye thingies ,20 metric tons of enriched plutonium ,The head and essence of Barney the dinosaur ,yeah I know ,just get it,50 miles of wire ,parts for a tank,and Duct tape " "Why yes ,I am building a deathray ,and yes I would like fries with that " A giant crate falls out of the sky right by Teo "that was quick",it opens,revealing the stuff he needs ,he then jumps in it,and zooms around it building it under a giant cloud of smoke,5 miutes later the smoke settles to reveal a tank with 50 dalek eyes duct taped together with a giant Barney head on top of it where the cannon should be,And "TEO ROCKS !" Written on the side ,Teo proudly looks at it while eating fries,he then jumps in and hits a giant red button with his face(ala coop from MegasXLR),a giant purple laser then fires at Togy with a death Metal version of"I love you" playing in the background
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

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> ((If you weren't paying attention to the OOC, this is an official GM intervention message. Asura's post is rendered inert, as he performed an instakill, using a Deus Ex Machina, as well as his method of attack making no sense. Until his post is edited into something acceptable, it is to be ignored. Teo, as you have already reacted to this post, I would recommend you edit your post slightly. I like the idea of attempting to reverse-engineer 5, however, so if you want to work out a way to do something like that, feel free to PM me. My goal is not to kill you guys, it's to create a cool story.)) > > Using her foresight, Kaos had already sensed that some great force of ill will was moving. Dark omens lay in the future, and without heroes to slay the darkness, there was no doubt that the multiverse would be plunged into blackness. Her intervention had become necessary, and while it had taken a while, she had been able to predict where the Omegans would move next. It was clear they were following some pattern, although even she could not discern exactly what they were doing, nor why she could feel the strings of fate changing their course. > > As she arrived on this cold winter planet, suddenly, it was as if something burst into her head, screaming and clawing. And yet, even as she grasped her skull, gathering her will for a counterattack, she felt a strange serenity pass through her. Her vision seemed to fog and swirl, as before her very eyes, the fabric of the future and past seemed to intertwine. Thoughts and images passed through her, and she looked into the center of the fabric. There, she saw a brightness, an unspeakably terrifying light. > > Ten minutes later, Kaos awoke in the snow. Her body was covered in frost, her blood was freezing. It wouldn't be long like this before she died simply from the environment. But, despite this predicament, there were greater things to worry about. What had she seen? It was almost as if time had ceased to function, for just that moment. Something was severely wrong. > > ------------------ > > He could feel it. Pulsing beneath his feet, writhing and screaming against the pressure, the Infinity Shackle. It was here, it had always been here, every single time. Beneath him, the snow moved out of the way, the ice shattered and shifted, a hole forming. And, meters beneath this layer of frost, was a thick layer of steel. In the center was a trap door, marked with bolts and bars. Time and space had corrupted this place, but then it always had been. It felt like mere moments had passed since he had last set foot on that steel surface, and seen the locks burst open before him. It would not be long before he walked within. > > Soon, balance would fall, and the entire multiverse would be devoured into eternal destruction. ((First of all, it wasn't an instakill. At least, I didn't intend it to be. It was mainly to handicap 5 so that while it wouldn't function properly, but would still function. If anything, it was more like reducing the number of nanomachines, taking away 5's ability to use soular energy as a means of attack, and still allowing it to at least remain a floating cloud of nanomachines, albeit smaller, and not so dangerous. I outright said that kaos DIDN'T destroy the swarm. So no. Call me stubborn, but I won't edit it. Second, again. Future sight. Failsafes. Planning ahead. You had a char with future sight, you know how it goes. Plus even if kaos couldn't figure out the pattern. There's still two other hekate sisters that can. I would say three, but circe's not exactly the smartest of the four. But, since I kinda want to limit how effective kaos' future sight thing is, I'll at least let the space-time thing happen.)) Asura looked on. Not noticing kaos fall. He was going to handle toguro, but seeing he was preoccupied, Asura shrugged and flew towards genocide
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Bug was, for lack of a better word....worried. Already, this place reminded him far to much of somewhere Stine would of set up shop... Then, he saw Mithias, the surprise sending Bug toppling back to his rear, a look of shock on his face. "Mithias?" He asks. Already, he was poised to dart should this...Mithias looking creature attempt to attack him with the spear. The armor, and the lack of eyes put him at even more unease.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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Mithias gasped sharply as his state of terrified awe was harshly jolted back to reality. A push, a shove, a hard boot in the backside threw the center of gravity at his hips forward, allowing the tendrils of the forbidden portal to reach out and envelop him hungrily. Time slowed down and the hair on the back of his white neck stood up as the chill terror of death shocked him. Yet, no vampire speed was enough to escape the magic that had already wrapped it's tendrils over him, pulling him inside the gaping hole like a murderer. He screamed, and was gone. An untold time later, waking from oblivion, Mithias felt his heart pounding within him. He opened his eyes and stood up to find he was breathing, there was a normal amount of gravity, and more than that, he wasn't alone. He placed a hand over his chest and tried in vain to calm himself, panting heavily and looking around frantically. Several times now, he had been certain that he had died. Was this all the afterlife was, a series of terrifying moments, random incineration, and confusing transpositions? Surely he deserved something similarly hellish. Second bagan to tick by at a more casual rate, and Mithias' mind became more comfortable with accepting the idea that he was somewhere "normal." ...It was a house, no, a mansion, a castle? The blood runes that desecrated the beautiful wooden walls made him feel like he was trespassing through a coven, no... maybe worse. It was like a place where cultists sacrificed. Maybe they sacrificed vampires. Nevertheless, this place was a live. Visions of corpses evaded him in the corners of his eyes, and he furrowed his brow. Anything even resembling being mentally toyed with was infuriating. Finally, Mithias heard his name and noticed Bug. "Bug." The vampire blinked at him several times. Was this really Bug? It looked like him... but it looked like Bug had killed a lot of humans. Mithias, for a vampire, was very protective of humans, and seeing their heads strung over Bug's shoulders stung him undeniably. As he looked at their heads, he couldn't help but recognize one. "Mia?" It was the beautiful black-haired girl who had healed his shattered soul very recently. Mithias owed her, and the apparent fact that she had been killed by Bug was a terrible loss. It meant he could never repay her, and that he had failed her in some way. Then it hit him. Mithias gasped again and stepped back from Bug. The heads were whispering, still talking, and one was still trying to breathe! The creepiness factor was over 9000. Mithias covered his mouth in horror and turned away, leaning his back against the wall. What the hell happened when he fell into that portal? Was he dead or being toyed with by yet another mysterious god? He muttered to himself. "Damn all gods..." He was so done with gods. "Have I brought this upon myself?" Mithias shook his head and considered the plus side of surrendering to insanity.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Creed flew at Toguro at extreme speed, a flaming ball of arcane power. And yet, at the same time, Toguro saw the science fellow was building something, most likely a weapon. He would need to deal with both of them. Holding up his one remaining hand, he faced Creed, the more immediate threat. His black skin seemed to shift, as a blow of enormous force shot out of his hand, but instead of hitting creed head-on, it darted through the air with surprising precision. With incredible power, it struck from below, and even as Creed was inches from striking Toguro, he was launched upwards, his attack continuing for some distance into the sky. As Toguro turned around, he found himself staring at the weapon, already fully formed and charging up. He wasn't sure how much power it had - it looked odd, to say the least - and in his current state he couldn't afford to find out. His power pulsed, the already shattered ice rolling like a sea of frozen shards. Even as Teo fired, his gun was thrown into the air, the giant beam of energy scorching a line in the now exposed steel plating of the ground below, molten steel dripping into now exposed corridors. Toguro, in the meantime, had only been lightly singed by the glancing blow, and he stood firm. Lava seemed to be crawling up his leg, however, already beginning to reform into a new arm. Grunting, Toguro looked around. Pulses of energy traveled up his legs, tremors of force being observed into his powerful aura. He'd learned his lesson, these people weren't to be taken lightly. Even at full power, taking that blow head-on had hurt. And he doubted the science man would make the mistake of attacking him with the hammer again. But he could take them. And it wouldn't be long before 5 was done, too. But where had the one with the scarves gone? ----------------------------------------------------------- As Asura flew over the frozen wastes, he realized, to his annoyance, that finding Genocide would be harder than he had thought it to be. For some unknown reason, Genocide's soul was identical to that of a human being, as was his magical aura. And while he should have stood out like a sore thumb, he was nowhere to be seen. What he COULD sense, however, was several large magical presences, heading in this direction. He couldn't tell what they were from this distance, but they definitely felt divine, they possessed god-magic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teoinsanity
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Teoinsanity Lost on Jeopardy

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Teo barely makes it out before the tank is flipped over,while rolling across the ground while yelling "DO A BARREL ROLL!" He then hides and observes toguru "Seems to be imune against physical damage,but weak against energy ,time to take an old trick from the cartoon physicist's play book with a new twist " Teo then flies up high Above toguru and starts dropping glowing blue anvils on toguru. "Whadya give to a man who has everything ?AN ANVIL MADE OF PURE ENERGY OFCOURSE!" Teo says enthusicly ,while the crystal on his collar glows Purple
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Akihisa Yoshii
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Akihisa Yoshii The Ultimate Epitome of Stupidity

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Creed grunted as he was hit, flying into the air, and was groaning on the way down. "Fucking... shit... FU-" He didn't get to finish his sent-... swearing tirade as he crashed into the ice surface of the planet, landing hard enough to send cracks off in several directions and smash up the ice directly beneath him. He didn't move after that, other than one instance of trying and standing to get up onto more than just his knee.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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The insect-like being in the hallway with him looked just as shocked as Mithias must have. "Bug. Yes I'm Mithias. I followed you through that portal only a moment ago. Do you remember? Tsubaki constructed it... We were trying to find your father." He slowly pushed himself off of the bleeding wall and gestured. "You look very different."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 7 mos ago

> The insect-like being in the hallway with him looked just as shocked as Mithias must have. "Bug. Yes I'm Mithias. I followed you through that portal only a moment ago. Do you remember? Tsubaki constructed it... We were trying to find your father." He slowly pushed himself off of the bleeding wall and gestured. "You look very different." "I could say the same for you, but you seemed rather.....disliking of going though the portal. What changed your mind?" Bug asks....and Mithias could still feel the boot print in his rear, from Tsubaki's metal foot..... Back at her lab, Tsubaki tries to keep the portal open, diverting large amounts of power to it, trying to think of a way to get more.... -Insert hilarious moment involving a rubber chicken, some squash, a beetle, granola, and potato shavings here.--- Darkside is standing near the portal, pouring lighting into a rod, powering the portal, although he's also reading a book, lounging in a chair.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mithias was quite relieved. Bug was still Bug, at least on the inside. "Well, I, er, um... What about you? You said you shouldn't do it, then you lept the hell in!" Mithias' ass still felt the imprint of Tsubaki's boot as he tried to divert the subject.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 7 mos ago

> Mithias was quite relieved. Bug was still Bug, at least on the inside. "Well, I, er, um... What about you? You said you shouldn't do it, then you lept the hell in!" Mithias' ass still felt the imprint of Tsubaki's boot as he tried to divert the subject. "I've gone though hell to save my father before, this, this was nothing." Bug says, chuckling a bit. He grins, quite liking this thrill of being back in the figurative saddle...it had been far to long.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Ah." Mithias scratched his head and looked around. He knew Bug was fairly aged and had had some adventures long before meeting him. Trying to get the true details out now wasn't going to happen, and it probably wasn't relevant. Not knowing Bug envisioned a metal hallway, Mithias went over the the heavily draped window and carefully pushed aside one side of the drapes, trying to peer outside. "Bug... is that Mia's head on that chain around your shoulders?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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As Mithias moves aside the drapes, he finds himself staring at nothingness. And yet even as he looks, it becomes everything. Spires rise and fall, with great pulses of unspeakable energy Waves of power washed over the landscape, recreating great cities, unspeakable wonders, and objects that couldn't have possibly existed. And, amidst it all, filling up the entirety of his vision and yet reduced to a single infinitesimally small point, was something he couldn't describe. In it, he saw everything, the answers to all his questions, and questions he'd never thought to ask. He was no longer standing in the window, but walked among an alleyway of stars, time and space spreading out beneath him like a map. He could feel the life force of unspeakable billions of beings, fighting and loving and worshiping alien deities, great beings of pure energy traveling from world to world, creatures watching silently on the fringes of time. And all of it seemed to shrink, infinitesimally small. His worries, his hopes, his dreams, were reduced to nothing but flickers, too small to count, as he felt the entire multiverse flow through him. ---------------------------------------------- As Bug watched, the transformed Mithias walked over to the middle of the hallway, and as he reached out, he opened a rustic wooden window, brushing aside thick velvet drapes to look through. He wasn't sure when the window had appeared, how long it had been there without his knowing, but he knew it had definitely always been there. The only question was how he hadn't noticed it before. Of course, the far more pressing matters at hand soon distracted him from this line of thought. As Mithias looked through the window, he was greeted with a bright white light,shining over him. The room seemed to shake and shiver, as Bug felt an overwhelming energy was over him. The metal seemed to burn away, revealing black void deep beneath, a chasm forming in between the two halves of the room. And yet, Mithias simply floated there, staring into the light. Flames covered him, his body igniting, his eyes burning in their sockets, the intensity of the light still growing. It was as if an orb of pure white had started engulfing him, growing outwards rapidly. And yet, even as the entire hallways starts to flicker in and out of existence, a new figure steps through. ...... They were standing on a large grass plain, marked only by a number of large, cavernous holes into darkness. From above, it was illuminated by a pair of suns, orbiting around one another to form a single gravitational field. A girl in a green creeper outfit raises an eyebrow cynically, as Bug drops face-first onto the ground. A tall girl with long brown hair is sitting down a little while away, looking ready to run at the slightest sign. A smiling fellow with a top hat and pale bronze skin looks over, smugly assessing the situation. In the distance, the EXTROADINARILY good-looking Matt was already tinkering, the sounds of screws and bolts fitting into place breaking up the silence. Standing there, in the warm sunlight, grasping a small black suitcase with his right hand, was a tall figure with pale skin. A white lab coat reached down to his ankles, small insects crawling across the fringes. Two insectoid eyes stared over, as his long black leather boots stepped over towards you. Bug looked up from the ground, staring himself in the face, as a small spider crawled into his other self's mouth. And from this distance, he could smell the stench of death. 'OK, that's weird. Who's that?' 'It seems this might be more interesting than I thought.' 'He looks like me. I wonder what he'd look like as a Hive.' 'Back off, Bug!' Strolling over comes the body to the voice. Short black hair frames a pale face, blue eyes augmenting a cheerful smile. Hands are stuck in the pockets of an all-too-familiar green school uniform, as he walks over, nice uniform shoes softly rustling through the grass. He crouched down next to Bug, who backed off with nothing more than a glare. 'Maybe he knows something about what happened to Creed and Ven after they fell down that hole.' Still smiling, Mithias reaches down a hand to you, more cheerful than he's ever been.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Bug, for lack of a better word, has his mind blown over the area by this. "...Hello...." Is the first thing the very confused nature being says, as he looks over the familiar faces, taking Mithias's hand, and letting himself be pulled up. He goes to speak, a finger lifted to show he was going to say something...before the finger curls slightly, and he appears to lose what he was about to say...the finger straightens, and then curls, showing his was most likely picking his words, carefully. "...Can I have the pleasure of learning your names?" Bug asks, being very, very wary.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"You're right. He does sort of look like you, Bug." Mithias stood up with the new Bug and smiled at him as he asked his question. "Of course you can, friend." He gestured to each of the company one at a time. "This is Bug, over there is Matt, that's Angel, and I'm Aono Tsukune. It's kind of strange how you just dropped out of the sky like that. Did you come to find Bug? Did you happen to see anyone else on your way?"
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