Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rancealot


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"Y-yah, lets take the ladder." Defendia dejectedly said. I'll get it right the next time for sure!

Defendia decided to go up the ladder first, and looked onwards to the crowd. There was a statue and some colored flames.

"Hey, get up here already and tell me what you think is going on."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Freya climbed up, manipulating her puppet to do the same soon after. What she saw was tye plaza, overly crowded, with lit torches and a finely decorated shrine. Freya sighed at the fact that there was no chance for her to check it out up close.

"It seems that this is the main event of the festival. Although, We'll have to wait to see what they're actually doing."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jerkchicken
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The music finally fame its climax as the full melody accompanied the priestess' parting words to the audience. Already the entertainers and revelers were starting things up in the background albeit quietly as she continued. "...And now please to visitors enjoy your stay and the festival, our city she welcomes you with open arms." The celebration was in full swing as people cheered and the festivities commenced with revelers, entertainers, and of course the vendors doing their things.

The skies began to darken which in the case of rain might stall the festival or be ignored depending on the severity. Still the festivities continued uninterrupted with only a close eye for rain. However there was something different as there was an odd mechanical buzzing sound that screeched through the wind. Just then the gates were breached as a horde of the local outlaw gang came running in not for a suicidal attack but rather as if something was chasing them.

Like a million angry cicadas all making noise at the same time. Descending from above these things. They looks like statuesque angels with odd rotating spokes in place of feathered wings which like a swarm approached the city and began opening fire as bright red bolts hit the city in a short lived barrage barrage. The guards already alerted and ready to attack the bandits turned to attack the bandits turned to these attackers. But there countermeasures were sloppily overpowered as the city began to fall into flames and chaos spread.

A long figure dressed rather oddly stood alone next to a black box next to his side. Hand on sword and watching seemingly in shock. "THAT'S NO WAY TO DO THINGS. AS MASTER SAID, TO TAKE AN OVERWHELMING FOE DO NOT CHARGE IN BUT ATTACK PIECE BY PIECE AND THEN RUSH FOR THE FINISHING BLOW!" he said as if addressing some sort of audience although maybe it was the guards who kept rushing in and getting beat back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hiraku stood calmly as the City of Nele was burning. He adjusted his glasses with his freehand as he peered at the strange creatures that were attacking the city. Hiraku calmly breathed in and out. Great now I have to do "heroism", I just wanted a Business Deal! Well I guess my family will enjoy the story. He smiled softly as he then turned his face back into a blank expression. He loosened his tie, as he muttered to himself, "Let's Get Dangerous."

Hiraku jumped into the action, as firmly held his briefcase. He cooly pointed at the nearest attacker, and gestured "come at me"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Parser


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Oh man-", Tanya said as the angelic horde descended on the city, "-those wings are the coolest! M23, we totally gotta disassemble one of these guys!"
M-23 flexed its hands, servos fresh from the recent tuneup.
"Well then, what're we waiting for? Sic 'em!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 2 mos ago

As soon as the festivities started, everything went wrong. The skies turned dark and clouded, a gang arrived in a panic, and statuesque angels descend from the sky, raining down red bolts to pelt the city. Freya was excited. Such a strange-looking thing those angels were. She wanted to inspect them, and would have if not for the fact that they would probably kill her immediately. She would have to observe them differently.

As one descended close by, Freya drew her knife, just in case. She manipulated The armor puppet to take in hand the Greatsword. She was prepared to fight.

"I'm sorry Defendia, but I'm going to help ward these things off."

The Armor Puppet stood in front of Freya, Greatsword in hand, and ready to attack and defend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rancealot


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Defendia watched as the horde descended. While it was bad for the town, it was the perfect chance for her to get her name out. Sure these things look dangerous, but you don't become famous without fighting a few tough things.

"I'll leave that one to you Freya." She said while making a small salute.

She leaped from the roof onto the ground, there's definitely no way she wanted to fight two of those things on such a small and elevated place like a roof.
Defendia pointed at a nearby creature, "I'll give you the honor of being the first of Defendia's city defense kill count."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Descartes
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Descartes Give her the D

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Entranced by the statuette, Wrasslin did not notice the rain until finally, there came the sound of mechanical chirping. He broke out of his idle pose, one in which he has his hand on the opposite shoulder, his other hand holding onto the opposite side of his waist. Wrasslin turned his head to see what appeared to be gargoyles in the sky above him- if it were an enemy, things would be difficult; Wrasslin would not be able to reach something so high.

Wrasslin examined his surroundings, seeing that the guards were attacking the 'angels'. The wrestler deduced that this was not part of the festivities. Wrasslin pointed a finger at one of the bandits. "Come! Dare you attack the city that I, Wrasslin, have decided to squat in? Not today! Come and fight me!" he shouted.

With great speed, Wrasslin charged at one of the bandits.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The ceremony has been quite nice and Jack didn't regret taking some time to watch it, but it was time for him to go back to business. As he watched the celebrations hit full swing, with the town practically emptying itself into this one area, he rubbed his hands in glee at the prospect of an easy score. And then came the swarm. "Nononono" he started muttering under his breath as they approached. "NOOOOOOO! NOOOO, STOP THAT!" by the time the things began to set the city ablaze, he was screeching like a madman. "I WAS GOING TO BE STEALING THAT STUFF! STOP DESTROYING MY LOOT!"

Their apperance didn't bother him and he couldn't have cared less for the attack, but these bastards were burning perfectly good plunder, what were supposed to be his spoils of the night, and that could not stand. Readying his knives, he leaped off the roof, onto the ground and into the fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jerkchicken
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The flying statues had a rather weird vibe going on with their combination of coordinated movements with their appearance. Steeping back for a bit and looking around he had come to see a particular chunk of these assailants had seemed to cluster around the area him and some other people seemingly ready to attack these invaders. "So you people seem ready to fight. Anyone can swing and hit something, but not everyone has the talent or skill to pull of special techniques. Don't be afraid and hold back; use everything you got to take these things out just don't overextend yourself." he said to them as he put himself into a stance with his hands over his blade. He stood waiting for the right opportunity for them to line up and with one drawn to strike many. [Power move requiring activation and with the multiple target ability]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Parser


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tanya pointed to the nearest angel, "Kick his ass, M23!"
"OH YEAH." M-23 cried as it leapt into the sky, silhouetted against the sun for a moment before falling back to earth, cracking the pavement as it brought the angel down in a totally sweet flying elbow drop. (12, Dam 6)
Defense (6)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jerkchicken
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The stony angel was not fast enough to fly away from the flying elbow drop. As such it got slammed hard into the ground but all things considered it could have been hit a lot worse. (Def 6) It would then churn its fans and rise as from its stony fingers a ray of red light shot back at the robot. Atk(5) [Would do 3 damage per hit] Sadly it missed and instead lit a fruit stand on fire.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Jack knew he wanted to start killing the things, he just wasn't sure where to start exactly. There sure were a lot of them, and jumping down for a fight was starting to look like a pretty bad idea, now that he stopped to think about it. Maybe he should just ran and hide like survivors do, there was still time. Hm, no, definitely not, the time for running and hiding was well past. At least he wasn't going at it alone like a moron, he saw others jump into the fray including one gigantic robot that had just elbow dropped one of the statues. Well, Jack now knew who he was going to be teaming with.

In a flash, he produced his throwing knives and chucked one at stone angel currently preoccupied with blasting the robot (enemy #1, I suppose), then, without waiting to see if it had any effect, turned and tossed another knife at a different statue (Enemy #2).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jerkchicken
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The stony angel was seemingly on its toes as it simply side-stepped Jack's knife that was sent hurtling towards it with a neato whooshing sound followed by a disappointing plink as it ran out of momentum and fell on the cobblestone streets. The other stony angel didn't quite make the cut and as such got hit by a knife hard enough to make it bleed sparks from its stone body. Defense: 12&4

Three out of the horde of angels began opening fire. Each one blasting at different targets such as the man in the hat, Defendia, and Hikaru. 12,8, 2: The first shot the man rather hard as it not only did it burn part of his hat but also hit him in the shoulder causing him some pain as he failed to dodge the missile. 9.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rancealot


Member Offline since relaunch

The shot fired out and despite Defendia's attempt to roll away from it, it managed to hit her leg through her dress, leaving a hole.
[2 Damage]

Good thing I got this armor enchanted on my travels. Wait, is that a hole on my leg? I PAYED GOOD MONEY FOR THIS DRESS! She gave herself some distance from the statues, and raised her hands towards the sky, giving the statues a grimace.

"You DARE to singe the clothes of Defendia? Come, my shields! Drown these ugly statues in a sea of metal!" Numerous shields appeared from above her, they slowly started to spin. "Hey, if anyone of you aren't a statue, I highly suggest getting out of the way." Defendia said, she didn't want to hit any cooks after all. "SHIELD BARRAGE!" The shields shot into the group of statues and people, with two more waves of shields being summoned and rained down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jerkchicken
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The first statue managed to perfectly match the movements of the incoming shields to dodge them all. One nearby the first statue was about to make it but got hit so hard it got thrown into a nearby wall as chunks of rock and sparks littered the already cluttered streets. Another one near that one fared a bit better. One however got absolutely pummeled as it was about to start dodging but got tripped by a shield which let it get hit by another and another until it exploded gloriously. Last two that were being affected by the barrage managed to dodge all and the other only managed to get slightly roughed up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Descartes
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Descartes Give her the D

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Wrasslin saw two others being attacked by the stone angels as well. Wanting to save them, Wrasslin ran forth as the two dodged the attacks of the flying enemies. Wrasslin stood before the two angels and pointed. "Stop" he declared. "My name... is Wrasslin. I... AM A WRESTLER!" He ran forth and attempted to grab one and crush it in his grasp.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 2 mos ago

In a battle like this, priorities can be made easily. There are other people fighting as well, so Freya can focus one enemy at a time. People screaming, attacks being made, the sound of explosions...this might as well have been the grand finale for the festival. Such a shame that these strange creatures were the ones being fought, but now's not the time to care about that. Now's the time to fight.

With the strange movement of her free hand, Freya manipulates the Armor Puppet to make an attempt to run up and cleave the statue with its Greatsword.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jerkchicken
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The angel being grasped within the brawny elf's grasp could whirr furiously and impotently as his rippling muscles overcame its rock hard construction. As its surface started to crack and crumble with violent sparking before it disintegrated like a stale slice of bread being ground. Another one was easily cleaved exposing a funky colored energy beams arcing between the two pieces before exploding.>Implying GM game balance Defense

Just then one of the angels did the unexpected! It's wing began to bend and shape into some sort of crazy looking spiraling barrel as it began to tilt to position the new structure downwards and pulsating colored lines began running down the sides as it aimed itself to Freya. Power move It also began to sluggishly hover upwards high enough to avoid most melee attacks. Flying upwards
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hiraku watched as the angel fired a blast at him, which, was really weak looking compared to all of the ones fired against others who were fighting against them. That creature would never survive in the business world. Hiraku adjusted his glasses with his free hand as he took a quick side-step away from the energy blast. Hiraku peered at some nearby horrific angel monsters. He noticed that one had a proper name-tag, "Hi, I'm Monster Number 11." Hiraku gripped onto his briefcase as he charged towards Monster Number 11 as he swung his briefcase to smack the creature's torso.
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