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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


Member Offline since relaunch

Sir Valentine

Aeternus II Nexus

Heroic Inn---> Town Square

Affected Players:Lilith

S.V. couldn't believe the kiss was that good, he felt something for Lilith, and this was real and not a game. "How could I possibly no it was you?" S.V. started to laugh,"Who else would kiss you that way, but me?"S.V. looked out the window to see the festival going on. "Valentine.....what's going on outside?""It's a festival happening Love, let's go find some great outfits for the festival, we have to look the best." S.V. started to laugh again, he scooped her up in his arms, thanked the doctor, and took Lilith into the world, a new world, and a new them.

HP: 80
SP: 100
Level 2(0.00%)
HP & SP Potions: x8
Red Ginger Snap Cookies: x14
Gold: x159

Sir Valentine Moves-Blade Dancer

-Massacre Tornado: Blade Dancer slashes around with his twin blades attacking all enemies in his way in a giant cyclone, of blade whips

Petal To The Metal: Blade Dancer uses his twin blades to shoot metal roses out of them and slice his foes. [20sp]
Pump It Up: Blade Dancer does a spiritual dance that recharges his allies sp by 50 points, (the cool down for the move is 3 mins)[50sp]
-Dance Of Illusion: Blade Dancer Uses his dance move to confused his foes and let his team attack the foe without getting hurt.(Puts a confused debuff on foes).[40sp]



Aeternus II Nexus

Town Square

Affected Players: N/A

Milk? I don't want milk, Maximellio plan to take the red head guy's money wasn't going so well. He would try again, but for now Maximellio wanted to start some mischief. Maximellio started first with some easy players, "Arggghhh!" He had coughed up a hairball, and through it at one of the players, it was funny the way they ran around. Maximellio wasn't having so much fun, he wanted to do something else that was fun, like terrorizing someone. Maximellio use some burning powder to light one of his arrows on fire, he shot it at a player and the player was burning, they wouldn't die since they were in town but they would feel it. Maximellio just laugh at everyone looking at the kid running around, it was funny to Maximellio. Now he just needed some more victims to terrorize, there was so many suckers to mess with today.

HP: 100
SP: 100
Level 1(0.00%)
HP & SP Potions: x10
Arrows: x49
Gold: x60

Maximellio's Moves- The Cheshire Shooter

Pick One Anyone!- Depending on the type of liquid or powder The Cheshire Shooter uses on his arrows, it can cause double damage, double the percentage of healing, or a longer buff or debuff status on a foe or ally.
The Hairball Idea- Being the humorous fellow The Cheshire is, they player can cough up a hairball, and shoot an arrow with the hairball on it. The hairball attaches to the foe and confuses them.
Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall- The Cheshire Shooter using sp can clone themseves once, when the clone is hit it will, damage the person who attacked them (But is also takes the user's hp down by 5%). [30sp]
How Are You Feline?- The Cheshire Shooter can use the curse on his body to turn into a cat, for when they are in a dangerous situation, but the bad thing about it is they will be stuck that way for 10mins, and they won't be able to use any skills or potions.[10sp]

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Revenger Knight
Avatar of Dark Revenger Knight

Dark Revenger Knight Dark Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aeternus || Mystic Forest
Forest Center -> Afriel Village -> Nexus
Affected Players: Moon234, Xenoko, Wandering Fool, The Imagineer, Lilith

Ares leaned against a nearby tree with his arms crossed. The Dark Knight regarded Wandering Fool ambiguously as the Knife Thrower administered the potion. The female seemed disturbed but even more disturbing was the male’s attitude.

“If you care for this girl, you’ll show a bit more resilience, boy,” Ares said with enough empathy in his voice to suggest reassurance. He strode toward the sleeping troll and raised Soul Eater over his head. Ares violently smashed his weapon against the troll in rapid successive blows – Triple Thrust. Ares kept at it, indifference in his cold, emerald eyes, until the troll burst into threads of data and was no more.

“Lead by example, Fool. This girl seems to care about you, do not take that for granted like some of us have.” Ares slipped an arm under Imagineer’s legs and another just above her lower back, cradling her gently. He lifted the female and regarded her own eyes with his trademark gaze reminiscent of the aurora. Who knew such violence could emerge from someone that seemed so fragile? At that moment, Lilith’s smile crossed his mind like a speeding freight train, hitting him hard. This was why Ares pushed forward so hard and kept Aurora at a distance, so she could smile once more in the real world, so this girl he held in his arms and this boy with the knives could live. The path Ares would embark on would be one of pain and he wasn’t prepared to let anyone else carry that kind of weight – he refused to become emotionally attached, no one would want his burden. Ares took the female back to the wagon and placed her lightly against a soft pile of cushioned sacks.

The Dark Knight mounted the black steed once more. “Fool, I won’t ask anymore of you than you have done already…I’ll be in Nexus. Seek me if you’re prepared to be a symbol of courage for others.” Ares acknowledged Moon with a gesture that suggested the same applied to him as well. Ares’ eyes shifted from the young boy to the Imagineer, he tried to gage her wellbeing but only drew blanks. Her abilities intrigued him. Ultimately, Ares decided on discretion, he’d message her later.

“The village lights are visible from here; you’ll be there soon enough.” And with a light kick and another ‘hiya’, Ares sped away on Baggels’ stallion.
There was light chatter, audible whispers, at the village entrance. “Is that him?” A player asked. There was a cluster of about three, maybe four players huddled in a group and several others dispersed but all seemed to notice at some point the crimson-hooded stranger as he stepped foot into the little farm village that was Afriel.

“They say he’s soloed trolls, it’s true my buddy saw it from a distance!”

“No way, why didn’t he help?”

“He’s a pu–“

“No way! I don’t believe it!”

The comments seemed to be all over the place. Ares remained composed; a quick shot of his cold gaze was enough to silence most spectators. He needed not utter a single word, his stride and the aura that surrounded him was heavy enough to make his intentions clear. The Dark Knight made his way into the village inn and took seat on a stool by the counter. Standing behind the counter was a female innkeeper – an Orcale employee, one of the many that were also tricked into this sick game but with twisted promises that simply were not true. “I need four HP Potions and two SP.” The woman reached for a cabinet and retrieved the vials. “Anything else?” She asked. “Sanity Potions, where can I find those?” Ares meant to send the Imagineer a vial in return for the HP Potion she had given him earlier. “We actually receive a few from Nexus, no one really claims them so fortunately for you; we’re in stock.” Ares nodded signaling the woman to retrieve those as well. This time, the woman disappeared into the inventory room in the back. As he waited, Ares accessed his HUD, he had a new message from Lilith. Hunter wasn’t sure how to begin responding. Was she really telling him to ‘have fun’?

Just as the female innkeeper returned with the Sanity Potion, Ares overheard a disturbing conversation. “And no one is doing anything for the two boys?” A player said incredulously. “No, they’re both mages, it just isn’t worth it, not with three raptors. They’d be dead by now…and it’s too bad, so close to the village.“

“You mean by the gorge? Such a shame and not a single person to –”

The sound of gold coins hitting hard against the wooden counter and a revolving door was all that was left by the Dark Knight.
Play track three,” Ares commanded on the HUD screen as he raced against time. The music helped him think, his strategy and adrenaline worked harmoniously – a lethal combination. A short distance away, Ares spotted the two players in a gorge formed by a hill, their only way out was past three vicious raptors that closed in. The two boys curled as they were mercilessly backed against the wall of the hillside. After crunching into two HP vials and one SP, Ares ferociously leapt off the hillside and slammed Soul Eater – his great-lance – hard against one of the raptors – Earth Breaker.

“Get to the hill and snipe them with magic, I’ll keep them busy down here.” Ares burst into the scene with a sly swing of his great-lance, causing a brief distraction. The two boys hesitated on their feet but quickly followed instructions as Ares began to trade blows with the three raptors. They’re as fast as wolves but don’t have as much power as trolls, he noted. As the two mages reached the hilltop, Ares swung Soul Eater igniting a powerful blast of dark magic – Dark Wave. The attack managed to connect with two of the raptors but the third was able to dodge the attack and charged for Ares.

He felt a heavy claw slam against his chest plate. Ares found himself against his back with a vicious raptor going for his life. The Dark Knight reached for Soul Eater and backhanded the creature on the snout. Ares rolled out of a second attack from yet a second attempt at his life before magic projectiles started raining, ending the raptors in seconds. His eyes widened to the sight of several players on the hillside. The two boys ran to the village for help and help indeed arrived.

He took a long, weary breath.

Perhaps not all hope was lost.

His plan was to head back to Afriel and use the beacon on the village center to transport himself back to Nexus.
The crimson-hooded figure arrived at the town gates. He could see the bright lights of the festival.

“I’m alive…” he muttered.

HP: 92%
SP: 35
Level: 3
Gold x93
Wolf Pelt x2
Wolf Fang
SP Potion x1
HP Potion x2

Ares’ Enemies
Forest Troll Level: 4 HP: 0%
Forest Troll Level: 2 HP: 0%
Forest Troll Level: 2 HP: 0% [DoT]
Forest Troll Level: 3 HP: 0% [SLEEP]
Forest Troll Level: 3 HP: 9%
Raptor Level: 2 HP: 0%
Raptor Level: 3 HP: 0%
Raptor Level: 2 HP 0%

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kittenlover
Avatar of kittenlover


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aeternus || Nexus
Town Square
Affected players~ Sir Valentine and Ares

"Let's! I'm dying for a new outfit! As you can see, this one is trashed, at least for now!" Lilith said happily, wrapping her arms around Valentine's neck as he picked her up, bridal style, and walked out of the Inn with her. Her bandages slowly fell off, revealing that her wounds were almost fully healed. "The Doctor sure does wonders!" She said and giggled a bit, her smile disappearing as she received a message from Ares. She gritted her teeth, feeling her hair want to start to flame, but if it did that, she'd burn Valentine. So she had to stay calm, at least for now. Later on though...... If she did see Ares...... She'd give him a verbal beating for sure.

Lilith shut off her hood, her message arriving to him as he got to the town gates. But only he would know that. She looked in a window and saw beautiful clothes, jumping out of Valentine's arms and looking at him. "Can we go in there? Pwease?" She asked, giving him those adorable big puppy dog eyes that no man, not even Ares, could resist. She begged until he finally said yes, rushing into the store and trying on the dress in the window along with a pair of boots that fit her just right. She came out and posed for Valentine, smirking as she waited for his reaction. "So, how do I look?" She asked, hoping he liked it.

HP~ 20%
SP~ 100
Level~ 2
Gold x5
SP Potion x6
Rope x2
Fine Ale x2
Food x10
Wolf Pelt x1


Lilith~ Demon

Lilith's moves~

Demon Claw: Base claw attack, user charges opponent for a basic series of slashes.


Silent Scream: User gives a shout that has a chance of staggering lesser or similar leveled opponents. [30SP]

Fireshout: User gives a fiery shout consisting of a lesser fire ball. [60SP]

Demon Gaze: Has a chance of inflicting a status condition on the opponent - temporary daze. [35SP]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
Avatar of deadpixel101

deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 12 days ago

Aeternus II Nexus

Affected players: Lilith, S.V

Vick let his strained arm dangle to his side, gravity pulling it down and causing some level of constant discomfort. He scanned people and booths as they bustled and made up the festival. he noticed a common theme, some new flashy clothes on nearly everyone's backs. He looked down to his now tattered clothes, ripped her and there from branches claws and teeth. He sighed a bit. Maybe something new would be good... Stopping at a small booth to pick up a quick treat of some sort of sweet fried bun on a stick, he made way to where he remembered passing a clothing store. Feeling a bit replenished from the meal he flexed his arm a bit, odd how this health system worked...It was barely bothering him anymore. After some awkward shuffling about busy street he arrived in front of the clothing store. A smallish looking place lit up all over for the festival. He shrugged for himself and wandered inside, finding an NPC behind the counter. He scanned the somewhat busy shop and spotted two familiar faces. It seemed the demon and dancer had found their way here first, and were currently enjoying each others company. Vick found himself smiling a tad bit as he watched the two and decided it was again best to leave them. They would probably want to spend their time talking with themselves, not with him. After some quick browsing Vick realized most of the clothes were for the event, and were quite flashy. He wasn't sure how much he really wanted something like that, but it would have to do. Finding something to his liking he stopped to look it over, I wonder if Prince would like it. His look changed from curiosity to deadpan "...Pardon me." He said courteously to the lady at the counter, before smacking his forehead hard into the nearest wall, hard enough to let the wall never forget. This action achieved a couple stares here and there. Still rubbing his head and wincing he re-approached the counter, the NPC looking a slight bit unsure of the interaction. "...I'll take it." Vick handed over the gold and walked out of the store red-faced.

Not finding any of the other stalls or booth to much to his liking he stopped in front of a specific one. It was lit up and had cutesy designs and font. "..." He stared at the thing, debating internally what to do. Maybe I can get matched with a nice girl...not to prove anything just... he let odd thoughts mix and poison his mind. "Ticket please..." he muttered to the person handing the numbers out. He got his slip and stumbled away, heading to any near inn to rest. He was actually pretty tired now...
HP ~ 65%
SP ~ 20
Level ~ 3
Inventory ~
Potion x 1
Gold x 103
Napkin X 1

Aeternus || Nexus
Forest Center -> Afriel Village

Affected players: Ares, The imagineer, Wandering Fool, Xenoko

Moon watched as a shot of black energy found itself in his trolls face, throwing it into a desperate fit of confusion and anger. It seemed to be even more clumsy now. "Thank you!" He cried a bit frantically back, without looking to see who shot it. The thing was making large useless swipes at air, Artemis floating safely above it. Moon decided he should finish up, and firmly waved his wand down. "Lunar pierce!" A streak of white light and Artemis was pulling the beast down by it's jaw, dragging it face first into the rough ground and exploding it into data. Moon raised his hands in victory and finally turned back to see his allies, hoping for some positive feedback. What he saw was the sulking girl curled up in a frail ball, the cloaked man riding away, his look seemingly lost in Moon's battle focused mind, and Wandering Fool lying down, seeming quite hurt. "O-oh..." Moon felt guilty once more, he never really had to get hurt, his familiar did all the work for him... "uhm..." The two looked so tired, he didn't know if it would be right to annoy them just then. "Oh!" The boy exclaimed, remembering he had abilities of his own. Popping yet another SP potion he refilled is energy and approached the black clad knife thrower gingerly. "Uhm, excuse me..." He put his hand out in front of the man, his wand not too far from their face. "Sorry to wake you, but...Moonlight" His spell taking effect a light cascaded around the other player. Filling his HP a mediocre 20 or so percent.

"Uh...that's all really..." Moon edged away again, not really thinking he would be a welcomed guest to nap time. He plopped himself down on the back edge of the cart. His hand still clenched firmly in his pale and shaky hand.
HP: 100%
SP: 12
Level: 2
Potion x2
Gold x10

Artemis HP: 84%

Forest Troll Level: 2 HP: 0%
Forest Troll Level: 3 HP: 0%
Forest Troll Level: 3 HP: 0%

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
Avatar of Silver Fox

Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aeternus ll Nexus
Town Gates
Affected Players: Ares

After receiving some useful info, with a now bruised head from a good can wacking, Prince had checked out the challenge events of the festival. Though he did not feel like he would win most... But he probably will try the wolf race once he has fully recovered. The lean man definitely did not have the build to be like a troll either so that was out.

Walking toward the town gates, pondering on the story of the witch, he spotted a familiar face and instantly gave a bright smile before bolting over and just about tackling the dark knight in a glomp, his arms wrapped around the other man's neck.

"Siiiiiir Booooossss!!! So good to see you again! Good to see your not on a stick over a roasting troll fire! It be a shame to ruin such a handsome face as yours." the red haired man purred before pulling away before he received a harsh strike and held up his hands in a peaceful surrender pose.

"Hey honest I was worried! But figured you'd be alright. Too stubborn to die on the first few levels eh?" Prince laughed softly before settling with a mere smile and a thoughtful look.

"Hey, I did hear a nice tidbit that may lead to that item that our adoring GM mentioned in his last letter. Not one hundred percent sure so I'll do some more digging, for now you go ease those tense shoulders and enjoy the festival. Kaaay?" Prince chirped cheerfully at the end after giving his version of a peace offering to avoid a thrashing.

HP: 40%
SP: 5%
Status Effects: None
Level 3

HP potions: 6
Sp potions: 10
Wooden Harp: 1
Cinnamon Cookies: 5
Gold: 52
Wolf Pelt: 1
Wolf Fang: 2


Aeternus ll Nexus
Town Square
Affected Players: Rose, Sarebii

Grinning widely as the two older women put her in charge, the little summoner cheered eagerly before turning away and pointed in some random direction that looked like it had a lot of booths. After all, more was better and with this many people wandering around, she was sure to find Fluffy somewhere around here. Fluffy liked festivals too, she often took the little girl to such things back home.

"Okay! Let us march on our quest!" Mystic cheered, puffing out her chest as she gleefully skipped on ahead, though managed not to move too fast so her faithful knight and Mage can follow, not knowing that it was probably easy for them to keep up with her if they so desired.

At the sound of Rose's stomach however, Mystic blinked at her curiously and giggled. "You have a loud tummy." she said before looking at one of the booths with food.

Walking over, she first asked about her friend and describing her. However the female booth keeper shook her head. "Sorry little lady... I didn't see a girl, but I saw quite the cute man that looked like that." the keeper mused softly.

Mystic tilted her head thoughtfully. Well it wasn't impossible that wasn't Fluffy since Fluffy was always confused for a guy back in the real world. Then she examined the food and saw it was selling cinnabuns. They looked delicious... So without hesitation she dropped 3 gold for one, not truly thinking about saving it and just getting what she wanted.

Though as she looked at it hungrily, she glanced toward the tall red headed woman before looking away and holding up her hands towards the elder girl. It was very obvious that Mystic wanted to wolf down the sweet food... But Fluffy had told her that sharing was caring. So she would try.. Plus her knight was in need of food to protect the princess.

HP: 100%
SP: 150%
Status Effects: None
Level 1

HP potions: 5
Sp potions: 10
Gold: 47 Gold

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shiinen
Avatar of Shiinen

Shiinen The Grand Imagineer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Imagineer
Aeternus || Nexus
Mystic Forest
Affected Players: Moon-Moon(Moon234), Wandering Fool, Bruce Lee (Xenoko), Ares

...Ah?..S-Stop! Stop! Bad people, bad men, bad...All bad...She tried to push Fool away as he looked to grab at her, tears eventually settling into her eyes as her jaw was held open, and hysterical terror in her eyes from the other person touching her. W-What was this? What was anything, what was going on, why was she here?
Her lips tried their hardest to part, to spit out the liquid, to get away, but...he...wouldn't let go. The convulsions of her muscles bought on by fear, the increasingly-weakining clawing at his arm...She finally came to something close to her senses after a few minutes, shattere irises within her eyes piecing back together in order to allow the violet optics to stare upon her savior with a doe's gaze. ...Ah?...Fool again?...The shivering lessened bit by bit as the deathgrip on his arm eventually lessened to that of a hold that a child usually made to cling onto someone that they did not want to leave. ...Warmth...There was...Warmth. All around her, she could actually feel the heat of another, the temperature change shifting her abnormally icy body to that of a balanced temperature -- and subsequently making her tired as she finally settled down and came to give his waist the softest of nuzzles once she began to see into that of a lucid dreaming.

...Ah. She was aware she was picked up. But could do nothing about it. She was aware of being set down on the cart. But couldn't do much about it. She was aware of Moon-Moon calling out to them, but couldn't do quite much about it other than offer a small mess of words similar to a congratulations. ...All she could do was tend to the unsettling desire for warmth that transcended that of her own slumber, glazed eyes barely open as she shifted once everyone was on-board to take hold of Fool's arm, hugging it ever-so gently and placing her head close to his hand in order to fall asleep appropriately. ...For once, there were no bad dreams. Only that of people she'd met. Ones she could...actually...possibly speak to.

When she woke next, she'd nearly fallen off the wagon. Suffice to say that the rest of the horrid voices had ceased -- and in time for the festival! ...She...actually had to do something. First, with her inbox showing a message from the Dark Knight that'd carried her to the wagon, he...- oh? What was that...?

...Well. Huh. A little red balloon with a Sanity Potion attached to it. How thoughtful. The reply was quick and swift before she turned her attention to Fool.

"...Fool. ...Uhm..."
Flustered. Her face was flustered as she sighed and crossed her arms. There was only one way to go about this at the moment...With her lips parted slightly, she actively sought to tug him out of the Wagon before anything else could be done, patting Moon on the head and speaking up about coming to join them at the Lunar Festival as she went. Yes, she was forcing the male on a date in order to make up for the pains he'd suffered! Hence, why her HUD opened up in the middle of their running, and a bright light engulfed her body in a matter of seconds in order to swift her costume to a light blue and purple yukata to match the event as he would be tugged by the arm. She was a bit stronger than she looked, luckily enough, and only when they were in and registered would she finally stop to turn around and look at him.

"I-I'm sorry for dragging you here but...I wanted to make up for being such trouble. S-S-So...T-They have an event-only pet here that we could get if we win the Fish Catcher game, along with some titles, special food, things of that nature...So...Uhm...How to do this right..."

She paused for a moment, taking hold of both of his hands in order to raise up her head and garner for his attention correctly with an uncharacteristically shy expression upon her face.

"...Would you accept my invitation to be my uhm...my...date to the Lunar Festival, Wander?"

...! She'd done it! N-Now...It was all up to his response. She could only hope he'd accept...!
Hit Points: 100%/100%
Sanity: 150/150
Level: 3
Status: RESTED

Health Potion x1
Sanity Potion x1
Gold x175

Black Thought Result
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Revenger Knight
Avatar of Dark Revenger Knight

Dark Revenger Knight Dark Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aeternus || Nexus
Beggars Inn -> Town Square
Affected Players: Prince, The Imagineer, Lilith

As he passed through the gates, he noticed the message icon blink several times – 2 messages. Lilith’s message, it stung. Hard. So many years as friends and this was all he deserved.

Hunter had no business here and he knew it; it was time for him to move on and initiate what he intended to do. At that moment, a towering player with a cheesy grin haphazardly snuck on him – Prince.

“I suggest you keep your hands off me if you want to keep them, clown.” Ares said rather annoyed. “Relay me the information immediately. I’ll meet you later by the lanterns or something. Oh and please don’t tell anyone you saw me. It’s just, some rumors going around and I don’t want it to get out of hand…you understand, right?” And with those cryptic words, Ares left the Buccaneer.

A large wooden sign that read ‘The Beggars Inn’ stood mounted on a poorly kept building. Not that anyone would go looking for him but Ares figured this was the best place to plan without interruption. A creak let loose as he opened the broken wooden door. “I need a room for a few minutes – an hour at most – and a map of the Mystic Woods.” Ares held out his pouch and poured a substantial amount of gold coins onto the counter. The innkeeper was the same old man from before but this time the result was different. The Lantern Festival had done its job; players were visibly relaxed and had come out of hiding so rooms were vacant. “Basement, third door to the left. Here’s your map. Anything else?” The scruffy innkeeper inquired as he handed Ares a chipped key and a worn out but legible map. “I want all available information on the area boss,” Ares instructed as he shook his pouch, pouring yet more gold coins on the counter. The innkeeper had a rather skeptical expression plastered on his face but could tell by the sheer intensity of his guest’s emerald eyes that he was serious and all business. “What is it you want to know, son?” The Dark Knight crossed his arms and shot questions at the old man like relentless rapid-fire. “I need fail rates, most common deaths, known attacks, potential mobs and any environmental information you might have. I also need you to deny you ever saw me here and various sheets of paper.”

Once in the confines of his room, Ares went to work. He had dozens of connected pieces of paper pinned to the wall. “Trolls, they’re slow, they lack periphery vision and will hit hard but are clumsy; wolves are fast and charge head-on, wait, parry and aim for vitals; raptors, faster than wolves, strike in rapid successive moments of the claw but can only manage three, four at most, hits; Thousand Year Kame, high defense, two phases, one mob and one environmental hazard.” He recited the written information until committed to memory. He knew a single mistake could, no would cost him his life. “Soul Attack, will leave me indefinitely at 1%HP, rumored item will restore condition.”

I’ll need a way out, he noted; Ares tried to remain as calm as possible but couldn’t help but feel death knocking on his door. It had been like that for a while now, actually, but he said nothing. A loud, coincidental knock on the door shook the Dark Knight from his deep thought. It was a delivery boy with a package he had ordered just a few minutes ago – a change of clothes. There were still a couple things that Ares needed from town including crucial items but his equipment was all too recognizable. He figured no one would know who he was if he was completely uncovered – it was the perfect camouflage, his real self.

Before heading out the door, Ares accessed his HUD and blocked all incoming messages from anyone that was not specifically Prince. With a determined stride, Ares, the Dark Knight, stepped out into the festival, blending into the crowd as one more spectator.

Level: 3
HP: 100%
SP: 35
Gold x67
Wolf Pelt x2
Wolf Fang

Ares’ Enemies
Forest Troll Level: 4 HP: 0%
Forest Troll Level: 2 HP: 0%
Forest Troll Level: 2 HP: 0% [DoT]
Forest Troll Level: 3 HP: 0% [SLEEP]
Forest Troll Level: 3 HP: 0%
Raptor Level: 2 HP: 0%
Raptor Level: 3 HP: 0%
Raptor Level: 2 HP 0%
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Wanderer

The Wanderer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Wandering Fool

Aeternus || Nexus

Lunar Festival

Affected Players:
Moon234, Xenoko, The Imagineer, Ares
What did he mean, show resilience? Or that he cared about her? Fool sighed, his eyes closed. No matter, people in general were strange, and he had little in common with them. Let them say whatever nonsense their hearts desired so long as it left him alone. He unconsciously rubbed his arm where Imagine’s nails had dug into his skin for a short period of time before relaxing. Then he was out. Vaguely Fool thought he could feel the warmth of the torch light just before a soft blanket of blackness enveloped him.

When he next awoke, a wand was in his face, and he caught the unfortunate tail end of the feeling of having ones bones rearranged in their chest. The feeling that came after was mostly bliss. Running on such low health, even the amount he had been healed was a great relief. “Thanks...” On a (slightly intoxicated) whim, Fool pulled open his HUD, and was about to reach up when a slight resistance paused him. His eyes traced over to see Imagine close at his side, actually holding his arm. Ah... so it wasn’t the torch... He tapped the screen with his free hand, letting it drop to his side again limply and then sighing, moving a bit closer to the warmth beside him and letting his mind drift off again.

He was awakened suddenly again, and rather abruptly. The wagon had arrived, and rather than sleep the night through - as he had originally planned, no matter where he was - Fool was being tugged upward by Imagine. Maybe Baggles wanted him off the wagon. Whatever the case, Fool was sure there was a reason for her actions, barely registering the word ‘festival’ when she addressed Moon. Fool achieved real consciousness when a flash of light coming from Imagine just about blinded him, he was trying to blink his way past the darkness that had encroached when she ruined his night vision, but they had already taken the portal back to nexus, which had erupted into a circus of noise and light in the hours they had been gone. She pulled him on urgently, his awakened mind finally registering what she was wearing as they passed into a more crowded part of town. Jeremy blushed, wondering just what was going on. Suddenly a ticket was in hand, registering him for some sort of couple’s challenge. What...

Imagine turned, and Fool could only stand there like a... fool... Listening to her nervously tell him a bit about the festival, his mind registering only two things. One. The festival didn’t sound all that interesting. Sleeping or grinding for experience would seem like better options- if it wasn’t for the second thing. Two. Imagine was really attractive.

If Jeremy had been stiff before, his body froze when she took hold of his hands. Looking at that face tipped up left him unable to answer for a moment. His mind blanked.

She asked me out. . . How am I supposed to respond to this? My mouth won’t even move to say yes or no- Fool swallowed dryly. No wasn’t an option anyway, not when she was giving him that expression. It’s just a game. You don’t know anything about the real her. She doesn’t know anything about you. Its alright. My name isn’t Jeremy, it’s Wandering Fool. Yep. Just. Be. Me.

Fool smiled and bowed to Imagine, still blushing, but it was fading. He could do this if he wasn’t himself. “You look very beautiful-” He almost had to choke back from saying just ‘nice’. Fool, not Jeremy, have to remember. “But I’m afraid I would be a poor match for you even in fresh clothing, much less this mess.” Fool smiled and hooked an arm through Imagines, gently tugging her through the crowd until he saw one of the stands selling the fancy festival clothing. With a wink, he broke contact with her for a moment and spoke in an undertone with the attending NPC. Two gold coins later and with a flash Fool’s clothing was more than restored, it looked as if it was equipped brand new with no wear as a perfect fit. In the real world, removing bloodstains and repairing the burned off sections would have cost a small fortune. Not here, luckily. Fool rejoined Imagine almost immediately afterwards, wisking her away into the crowd with a grin- and feeling as if he had left behind a piece of his other self with the NPC.

“You wanted to try... that fish game, right?” Fool thought that was one of the things she had mentioned, or the only thing. He wasn’t quite sure, as his mind had been preoccupied at the time. Jeremy caught an NPC that was passing through and got some quick directions for the price of a smile and a polite inquiry. “Come on, let’s go see what we gotta do to get that event pet!” His smile was wide and honest when Fool turned back, leading Imagine through the crowd to the Fish Challenge stall thing. Nothing wrong with enjoying his time with her- they weren’t even in the same room in reality. The warmth and softness of her hand was just a simulation. Keep telling yourself that, Jeremy. Fool’s grin grew a bit.

HP: 63%
SP: 70
Level: 3
Gold: 93
Deck of Cards
Dice & Cup x 10
Bread x1
Flint & Steel
Canteen (Empty)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Aeternus || Nexus

Affected Characters: Shai

~"Making a hundred friends is not a miracle. The miracle is to make a single friend who will stand by your side even when hundreds are against you."~

Alessia moved through the streets of Nexus, watching as the moonlight struck the water casting a beautiful reflection from the canal which followed the street path of which she walked. A few of the other players sat on the banks, some even with feet submerged into the virtual water. Maybe some of them wanted to savor what it felt like, or maybe they just wanted to enjoy the night before they'd have to face the reality of their situations. Either way it was none of her business. She pulled her buster sword from her back, the pristine sapphire blade glinting in the light as she set it down across her lap so she could take a seat on a bench which seemed empty. Alessia let out a small content sigh, choosing to simply observe some of the others as well as the scenery. Though it seemed her content silence was about to be challenged, as a young boy spoke to her.

She watched him for a moment, wondering what he wanted or hoped to gain by speaking with her. Maybe he didn't know what she was, or perhaps didn't care. Either way, she wasn't about to send him away when he offered some conversation to accompany the calm night. "She earned it" she replied simply, "And maybe I have a softer side for children" she admitted, her tone soft and smooth, though edged with an air of intellectual maturity. She thought about his question, realizing he he had watched her and had now sought her out specifically from the crowd earlier. "As for your offer, I'm not sure that you're fully aware of what you'd be getting yourself into. After all, I am an Imperial Knight and our survival chances aren't good" she replied, feeling it was only fair that he was given fair warning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


Member Offline since relaunch

Sir Valentine

Aeternus II Nexus

Town Square

Affected Players:Lilith

S.V. was having so much fun with Lilith, but he could tell something was distracting her, but he just let it go. It was time for fun and, he was not for all the drama. Then Lilith pulled him in a nice look clothing store. It had all different kinds of festival clothes and nice beautiful outfits. The outfits were not that cheap, but thanks to his performances he had enough of money to buy his and Lilith's outfits. "I think you look freaking beautiful." S.V. grabbed her around the waist, and he kissed her again. "Now let me pick something out."S.V. looked around for a few minutes, then he saw a nice outfit, it had a matching hat, and nice shoes to go with it. It was perfect, he liked it a lot. "So this is nice right? He smiled looking at Lilith, he liked this new thing happening with them, it was fun for a change.

HP: 80
SP: 100
Level 2(0.00%)
HP & SP Potions: x8
Red Ginger Snap Cookies: x14
Gold: x159

Sir Valentine Moves-Blade Dancer

-Massacre Tornado: Blade Dancer slashes around with his twin blades attacking all enemies in his way in a giant cyclone, of blade whips

Petal To The Metal: Blade Dancer uses his twin blades to shoot metal roses out of them and slice his foes. [20sp]
Pump It Up: Blade Dancer does a spiritual dance that recharges his allies sp by 50 points, (the cool down for the move is 3 mins)[50sp]
-Dance Of Illusion: Blade Dancer Uses his dance move to confused his foes and let his team attack the foe without getting hurt.(Puts a confused debuff on foes).[40sp]



Aeternus II Nexus

Town Square

Affected Players: Vick

Maximellio was having some fun, everyone was getting all dressed up, and he would just ruin their fun. Being a jerk was something he would always love to do. On top of the roof, Maximellio spotted the kid with the glasses, who was with the red head boy. Maybe he was easier to scam, he looked weak, Maximellio thought it would be an easy pick pocket. Maximellio sled of the roof, and then he acted like he wasn't paying attention to what he was doing. He had bumped into the nerdy looking boy, and made sure they both fell over and being the fast hand, he took the guy's coins out of his pocket, and then he ran off, not looking back to see if the guy was chasing him. If he was it would be the stupidest thing to do, anyone who chased Maximellio would probably not make it back the same way they came before.

HP: 100
SP: 90
Level 1(0.00%)
HP & SP Potions: x10
Arrows: x50
Gold: x70

Maximellio's Moves- The Cheshire Shooter

Pick One Anyone!- Depending on the type of liquid or powder The Cheshire Shooter uses on his arrows, it can cause double damage, double the percentage of healing, or a longer buff or debuff status on a foe or ally.
The Hairball Idea- Being the humorous fellow The Cheshire is, they player can cough up a hairball, and shoot an arrow with the hairball on it. The hairball attaches to the foe and confuses them.
Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall- The Cheshire Shooter using sp can clone themseves once, when the clone is hit it will, damage the person who attacked them (But is also takes the user's hp down by 5%). [30sp]
How Are You Feline?- The Cheshire Shooter can use the curse on his body to turn into a cat, for when they are in a dangerous situation, but the bad thing about it is they will be stuck that way for 10mins, and they won't be able to use any skills or potions.[10sp]

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
Avatar of Silver Fox

Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aeternus ll Nexus
Town Square--->Town Gates--->Forest Edge--->Town Gates

Prince chuckled at the threat, but otherwise didn't seem bothered by the slightly shorter man's words. In response about keeping quiet, the red head held up is right index finger to his lips in a 'shoosh' motion and indicated he wouldn't tell and nodded his understanding. After all, he had plenty of run in with rumors and they could be quite bothersome sometime.

Before the feline could get a word in though, the Dark Knight had already walked off but Prince had one question he wanted Ares to think on. He had wanted to give the question face to face, since he believed such questions were better asked that way but messaging would have to do.

Opening his HUB, he started to type the message before sending it.

Prince finished the message and sent it, slightly worried if he sounded harsh in which he did not intend for. Being a leader is a tough job, especially one like Ares who doesn't seem to be used to the role. In regular games, Prince wouldn't worry about it, but here it was no longer just a game. So any advice he can give to avoid casualties was all he can do.

Giving a sigh as he rubbed the back of his head before looking out to the forest and cracked his knuckles as he headed off to the forest edge. He probably should of worn more camp clothes the his white classy outfit, but this would have to do. Hopefully he can avoid confrontation with monsters by the trees. Good thing of being in the forest, there are a lot of trees to hide in.

Luckily according to that old woman, the apparent cursed tree where the witch spawns isn't too far from the city so if things get hairy he at least has a chance to bolt and make a dive to the city. Taking a deep breathe, the feline climbed up the nearest tree, getting the highest he could go with strong holding branches that would hold his weight. Carefully he travelled from tree to tree, making sure to make his movements quiet as he saw some monsters below. Some wolves whom didn't seem interested in anything in trees and Trolls who were unsure where the sound was coming from whenever they did hear the slight rustle of leaves and creaking of branches.

Eventually he stopped when he spotted a very large tree with a thick twisty trunk and some holes at the bottom. It was pitch black and it's leaves were missing. This must be the tree... Now to just wait... And just in case he took one of his SP potions so he could at least use Ensnare. It wouldn't immobilize her probably, but slowing her down was ideal.

It took some time and patience as he waited in that tree, watching and staring. His long feline ears twitching ever so slightly as he listened to the sounds of this forest. The pawsteps of several wolves, the hissing of raptors, and the heavy steps of trolls. Yet nothing could be heard for his intended target, but perhaps she does not make too much noise. Another note to add.

Prince wasn't sure how long he was there, but he knew it was starting to get dark by the time she finally appeared.

Haunt, The Mystic Witch.

The human like creature evaporated from the tree into her more solid form, her feet never touching the ground as she slowly floated around the area. Her eyes with a hollow glowing white and her skin was pale, her hood just about covering it and just about hiding her long scraggly black hair. Her clothes were black and she held two daggers, one in each hand as if ready to battle.

She was beautiful in a sort of gloomy way, and perhaps she was gorgeous before this happened.. If she really was once a player like him.

To think, if this was true, that this would be possible. The Game Master really was a cruel person to turn someone into one of his monsters. It be the mind thing to do to slay her, even if he did not want to. For now though, he could not grant that relief to the cursed woman.

It seemed at least she had not noticed him yet and he continued to watch and make mental notes. Level 8, too high for any of them yet and he doubted she was easy even at that level. She floated, so so she didn't really make any sounds to note those of her coming at them. Those daggers may be used for when a player gets too close and means her melee attacks are probably quick but don't do as much damage.

Of course her magical abilities may be too dangerous to get close to her but he wasn't willing to test those out. Deciding this was enough information until the actual battle, the red haired man cautiously retreated along the path he had took getting here.

All was going well, well until about fifty meters away a branch broke from under him and he came crashing down, luckily landing on his feet with ease. But that didn't stop the branch from making a large thud. This alerted the much higher leveled enemy, Haunt, who snapped her head toward her direction, her black lips slowly opening before stretching open widely and letting out a terrifying screech one could only hear in horror movies.

This was the moment when Prince remembered when he watched the Grudge movies and played the game... It only got worse as her body evaporated in black smoke before appearing twenty meters closer to him.

Great... Thank you GM for creating a horror game in a MMO... Just great!

Standing quickly as he turned and bolted as fast as he could. Zipping between trees in a effort to both lose her and to shield him from any blasts. As fast as he ran, when he glanced back, his tail fluffed as he saw dark woman speed after him like a flying bullet, her long black hair whipping in the wind as her voice carried against the wind like a ominous song from hell.

Quickly he castes Ensnare to slow the witch down a little.

"Oh what's next? Undead popping up " Prince grumbled, jumping a little a skeletal hands burst from the ground, trying to grab his feet to hold him still. Most likely a immobilizing spell. "I didn't mean it literally!" he whined as he tried dodging away from the grasping bones.

He could finally see the city entrance, and he forced his tired body to run faster, adrenine driving him foreword and yelping as electricity shot by his ear. Jumping for it, he made a dive to get through, hissing as a schreetching bat suddenly appeared and bit his left foot and shocking electricity run through him, making it hard to move.

Still when he sat up to look at the entrance, Haunt was gone. Taking a deep sigh of relief he pumped his hands in the air and shouted.

"IM ALIIIIIIIIIVE!!!!" Prince yelled before flinching as static rolled over him, spiking his hair and tail before he flopped down on his back on the ground and just laid there.

HP: 40%
SP: 20%
Status Effects: Paralyzed
Level 3

HP potions: 6
Sp potions: 9
Wooden Harp: 1
Cinnamon Cookies: 5
Gold: 52
Wolf Pelt: 1
Wolf Fang: 2


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Revenger Knight
Avatar of Dark Revenger Knight

Dark Revenger Knight Dark Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Ares -> Level 5; 35 Gold; x2 Wood Club; Raptor Claw; Marble Beak [Cargo Challenge Complete]
-- New Skill: Hell's Tide: Ares plunges Soul Eater into the ground, lifting a force of dark energy reminiscent of a rising tidal wave. [45 SP]
+20 SP

Prince -> Level 4; 10 Gold

Vick -> Level 3; 5 Gold

Sir Valentine -> Level 3; 5 Gold

Lilith -> Level 3; 5 Gold

The Imagineer -> Level 4; 16 Gold; Wood Club [Cargo Challenge Complete]

The Wanderer -> Level 4; 17 Gold; Wood Club [Cargo Challenge Complete]

Xenoko Feng -> Level 3; 10 Gold [Cargo Challenge Complete]

Moon234 -> Level 3; 18 Gold [Cargo Challenge Complete]

Mystic -> Level 2; 5 Gold

Rose -> Level 2; 5 Gold

Alessia -> Level 2; 5 Gold

Sarebii -> Level 2; 5 Gold

Maximellio -> Level 2; 5 Gold

100th IC Post Bonus: +100 Gold!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
Avatar of deadpixel101

deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 12 days ago

Aeternus II Nexus

Affected players: Maximellio

Vick was caught up in the beauty and detail of the festival, when he collided with another body. Hitting the ground hard he grunted, his glasses falling to the floor. "Ah!" He cried out as he scrambled around for them, hoping none of the busy feet would crush it. He didn't know if it could be replaced in game...After finding the optics he placed them back on his nose and sighed with some relief, looking over to where he thought the other fallen person would be, he instead saw the back of a colorful man running away. "Ah, s-sorry!" He called out, sitting in a slump for a few seconds as he watched them disappear into the crowd. He mumbled something about his own clumsiness and stood up, patting himself to get the dirt off his body. Hitting his coin pouch it felt suddenly, flat. Hitting the thing repeatedly he looked to his inventory, finding his coin count to be at an ultimate low. "Uh..." He paled a bit, starting to look worriedly down to the floor. "Did I drop them?" he was about to get on his knees to search better, but he stopped. "...Can coins even fall if they are still in my inventory?" His mind went through all the possibilities, one about a malfunction, a glitch, and a few other innocent options, until it finally set in. "Ah..." He looked back to where the odd man had disappeared, taking his dangerously gathered fortune away with him. He felt a mix of emotions in him, some helplessness, some anger, some sadness. "Well...maybe he needs them more than I do..." He sighed deeply, in these trying times some players may have to survive by picking pockets, but it was still terrible. He began to walk in a sulk, no longer feeling very festive he headed towards the inn. "Oh...right, money..." He stopped to say to himself, he looked about his current location, just near the front gates. "...Well...I..." He was running low on options, how much could he make himself? Maybe he could sell his stuff for some little cash. Two hands shoved into his pockets, he grumbled and started to trudge along slowly. This had been a long day, and looked to be a long night soon enough.
HP ~ 65%
SP ~ 20
Level ~ 3
Inventory ~
Potion x 1
Gold x 103
Napkin X 1

Aeternus || Nexus
Afriel Village -> Nexus town center

Moon had fallen into a weak sleep, his chin resting on his raised knee, some menial amounts of drool coming from the corner of his mouth. He woke with a jolt when he felt a hand tough his head. He nearly slipped off the backside of the carriage but shuffled back a bit in slight panic. Was it morning already? A quick look about and he realized it was most certainly not day, he also realized a notification in his HUD, not only had a friend request been accepted, but he had leveled up! Wonderful! He looked back to see the Imaganeer dragging the knife thrower a way, he had heard something about a festival from her lips when he was waking but it didn't really register in his mind. He blinked hard a few times and hopped off the back of the wagon, not wanting to loose the two he scurried after, stopping slightly to thank Baggles for the ride with a neat little bow. After nearly running behind the two he reached the warp, and then, the Nexus. Some confusion and he looked about once more. "Wuh?" Artemis came to his, he had been following the boy close the entire time. Moon swept his eyes here and there, searching for the only two figures he had thought familiar, but they did not present themselves. Feeling now like a kid lost at a carnival he began walking into the crowd, his eyes darting around looking for them. People were bustling and nearly bumping into him the whole time, and he felt alone. "...Have fun guys.." he murmured to the ears who would not hear. He sighed lightly and yawned. He was still tired, maybe he should sleep then search tomorrow...Looking for the desired building, he caught a good glimpse of the place, all the dazzling lights and colours filling his eyes with some curiosity. "...Maybe I can sleep later..." His steps filled with some vigor and he took to exploring. "I can find them easier if I keep moving!" He continued to hop around, barely at all looking for the two he was supposed to come along with.
HP: 100%
SP: 12
Level: 3
Potion x2
Gold x28

Artemis HP: 84%

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Revenger Knight
Avatar of Dark Revenger Knight

Dark Revenger Knight Dark Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aeternus || Nexus
Affected Players: Prince, Alessia

"Play track one..." A pair of melancholic emerald eyes traversed through the sea of players. They served as the only ornament to an otherwise lifeless expression. What was his purpose? Start a guild and command players like tools? This wasn’t a game; he couldn’t ask anyone to throw their life away. This isn’t about revenge, survival or justice, Prince; it’s about getting as many people out of this hell as possible, he thought in a sickening monologue that almost made his stomach turn. As he pondered his response, he strode through the festival keeping a distance from familiar faces; saying his goodbyes, only, without them knowing. With every beat of his darkening heart, he could feel the horrific premonition that he would never see any of them again – the reaper was creeping. Ares would go down fighting. Alone. Without ever being a worry to anyone else. He’d walk the darkness so they would not have to. He’d master it.

With those parting words, Ares blocked incoming messages from his final contact. As he retreated from the festival, his gaze caught the eyes of a female with long, dark hair – an Imperial Knight. Ares knew her chances of survival were dismal but he didn’t pity her. The stranger only fueled his resolve that much more. As he walked past her, time seemed stopped for a second. Who was she? He didn't have much time left but his curiosity managed the better of him. "Some say safety lies in numbers..." He said to her.

He wasn't one to talk given his new objective but she didn't have to know that. His new plan was to go forward alone and leave behind clues and information that would help others make it through with less risk. He’d be saving lives without putting any in danger – as a guild master, that wouldn’t be possible. Ares would be too deep in the spotlight to work efficiently.

Level: 5
HP: 100%
SP: 120
Gold x202
Wolf Pelt x2
Wolf Fang
Wood Club x2
Raptor Claw
Marble Beak

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Aeternus || Nexus

Affected Players: Ares, Shai

Alessia had her eyes cast down, watching the reflections of light glint from the beautifully designed weapon. Such a thing in the real world would be a sought after antique, something which belonged in a grand collection. The way the metal folded and patterned into the hilt and the glyph's which ran up the flat of the large sword all exaggerating it's elegance despite it's boastful size. The gentlemen who had introduced himself as 'Shai' had yet to reply to her and it seemed his reply would have to wait as another voice pulled her away from her silence. His voice was more mature but carried a weight of which she couldn't rightly measure from the few words he offered her. She looked at his reflection in her sword before she looked up to meet the gaze of the stranger. From what she could tell he couldn't be that much younger than her, but regardless seemed to carry an old soul far beyond the age of his body.

She'd always had an eye for these details, it came naturally to her as water would to a fish. It was apart of who she was; to be so observant of others and how they act. Personally she liked to think it was one of the qualities which allow her to stay ahead of enemies in this game, being able to predict their move by just enough time for her to move out of harms way and deliver a countering maneuver. But who is to say for sure how it is she made it through the first day. She paused for a moment, thinking on his words before she replied "Wise words from a soul who chooses to walk alone" she replied softly. Of course she didn't rightly know if he was alone or not, but as she observed him, she somehow knew. It was almost like she could feel it from him in his aura or whatever it is you chose to believe. She curiously waited for his reply, wondering just how much truth ran in her theories.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kittenlover
Avatar of kittenlover


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aeternus || Nexus
Town Square to Town Gates
Affected players~ Sir Valentine and Ares

Lilith read Ares messaged and started to panic. What had she done?! She knew he was lying, she knew that deep down inside. She had to find him and quickly. "I'll be right back Valentine, I have to go do something." Lilith said hurriedly, nervous as she bolted out of the store, already having paid for her outfit. She felt a feeling of relief wash over her, realizing she had just leveled up. She sped up as she rushed to the Town Gates, seeing Ares talking to another female. She quickly rushed up to him, coming up behind him and wrapping her arms around his waist. "A-Ares...... I'm so sorry....... I...... I didn't mean to....... Be so...... Mean...... This game....... It changed me...... This is not me! I'm so...... So sorry!" She said in between sobs, shuddering as she held onto him as tight as she could.

"You were going to leave me, weren't you.....? You were going to leave me here, alone, without you. You'd do that to me, wouldn't you?!" Lilith asked, her tone showing just how scared to death she was. "Don't leave me Ares....... Don't leave me here alone like this....... Please......." She begged, remembering that this was the second time Hunter had ever seen her cry. She had always put on a smile and acted like she was happy, even when she truly wasn't. The only time she had ever cried was when her mother died in a car accident and her father was a drunk who never cared about her. She had come to Hunter, and she had shown him this angry and saddened part of herself to him, but just once, and never again. This was the second time, and he would know that.

"I'm want to come with you....... You can't burden yourself like this! And I won't let you! I won't! So either you let me come with you, or I follow you everywhere you go and help you whether you like it or not! It's your choice! But either way I'm coming with you!" Lilith said, her eyes showing she was determined to come with him and not let him ever be truly alone.


HP~ 100%
SP~ 130
Level~ 3
Gold x110
SP Potion x6
Rope x2
Fine Ale x2
Food x10
Wolf Pelt x1


Lilith~ Demon

Lilith's moves~

Demon Claw: Base claw attack, user charges opponent for a basic series of slashes.


Silent Scream: User gives a shout that has a chance of staggering lesser or similar leveled opponents. [30SP]

Fireshout: User gives a fiery shout consisting of a lesser fire ball. [60SP]

Demon Gaze: Has a chance of inflicting a status condition on the opponent - temporary daze. [35SP]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
Avatar of Silver Fox

Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aeternus ll Nexus
Town Gates
Affected Characters: Ares, Lilith, Vick

Spazzing a bit as another current of static ran through his body, Prince heard a message pop up. Lazily opening his HUB and reading over Ares's message, the. Buccaneer gave a slight sigh. That wasn't really what he wanted the lone wolf to go with, considering he was just pretty much going to get himself killed and what good was that to anybody. As well as the fact that these special items may be limited considering the circumstances. However, he was not going to force the Dark Knight into something he was not ready for.

Everyone needed to find their purpose and their path before they can help others. If he believed this was it, it was up to Ares to discover it.

Speaking of which, Ares himself seemed to be talking to a girl. Now Prince would have not recognized the Dark Knight, whom was currently dressed in casual clothes and now his Mohawk and tattoos could be seen, if not for Lilith practically clomping onto the guy and calling his name. Begging him not to leave her... Which honestly seemed a little hypocritical towards both Ares and S.V. But Prince couldn't judge her considering the circumstances.

Not many people can handle them... Some have already taken their own life to escape this hell.

Standing up, he yawned and walked over to three of them, giving a cheerful grin and a friendly wave.

"Hey Ares! Good to see you before you disappeared. Listen, I won't stop you going on your crazy lone wolf thing but I do want to say something. Dying alone isn't as simple as it sounds, and friends should be kept at a arms length otherwise they are gone. People are going to die, that is sadly what is to be expected. Remember, the Game Master can change the rules anytime if things get boring. Safe Zones could even be taken down. So I'm going to start a guild, because my purpose to fly a path for those who need it. If you need some help, your free to call. If one day you want to join, my arms are open. But I know you need to follow your path first so I wish you he best of luck. Hope to see you again. Oh! But one more thing. That special boss, she's possibly a former player, she's level 8, and she uses electric spells, undead spells to immobilize players and black bats for paralyzing spells. She also seems to only come out when it's night time and she flies so she doesn't make a single sound. She appears by that creepy big black tree. Oh and she's fast so careful of that, and uses two daggers when up close to her." Prince cheered and lightly sent a friend request to the Dark Knight before looking at Lilith thoughtfully and gently patted her pretty blonde hair.

"Lilz, let him go. A man needs to follow what he's set out on and discover what he wants and how to accomplish it. Have more faith in him, or your just going to push him further away. Kay?" Prince smiled kindly before moving on, having a feeling those two may need to have a long chat.

He had said what he wanted to say and he wouldn't bother the Knight further unless he needed him.

Prince was about to head to the Guild Registration, but he spotted Vick wandering around looking quite depressed. Grinning, the white cloaked man tip toed behind the black haired boy and hugged him from behind. His strong slender arms wrapping around Vick's waist.

"Well hey Cutie. I thought I told you to get some rest?" he purred teasingly.

HP: 40%
SP: 20%
Status Effects: None
Level 4

HP potions: 6
Sp potions: 9
Wooden Harp: 1
Cinnamon Cookies: 5
Gold: 62
Wolf Pelt: 1
Wolf Fang: 2


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shiinen
Avatar of Shiinen

Shiinen The Grand Imagineer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Imagineer
Aeternus || Nexus
Mystic Forest
Affected Players: Wandering Fool

...Ah, it worked. A soft smile came to her lips as the worry eventually vanished from her eyes, a hint of embarrassment taking precedence as she was complimented on her looks. But it was taken in kind, a gentle "thank you" flowing past her lips prior to him slipping off for a moment and leaving her to fiddle with her sash until he came back and swept her up from the crowd in a flourish. Ah! She was stunned for a moment, lips curving into a smile as she nodded and pointed forward to a group of players leaving with diminished hopes from the stand labeled "FISH CATCHER". A quest even popped up on their HUDs as they approached!

"Oh...Let's try our best, alright? These fish can learn spells, tricks, and they won't need water -- the mystic ones, that is. I did some research on them in the forum hall.~"
Yes, this was a completely other face she had as she pressed a gold coin into the NPC vendor's hand and picked up a few paper fans. They seemed rather fragile, but she was even quicker to go into explanation as to how these things worked appropriately for him -- of course, in the event that he didn't know what was up and why they had to use such simplistic tools.
"In order to make the game harder, we have to use these paper fans to catch the fish. A gentle current is going to be released into the water that will send them flying up, and we have as many tries as we both have nets to catch one WITHOUT the net breaking. If we can manage that, we win!~ Oh, I really want the white one...Think we can catch a mystic fish?~"
Yes, it was like an actual, normal girl was there in place of Imagineer!


She...She even...Let out a small giggle as she readied herself above the small tank and the NPC readied the prod over the water to begin getting the fish jumping. Alright, this was the moment -- the one she'd been waiting for the festival to come for! She wanted one of those cute, snuggly fishes, and damnit, she'd get him one too! Oh, please internet gods...Please let her have what she wanted for once. Let it go right! Three fans each, they both had three fans each...And then..In the prod went.

The fish swarmed into the air, diving and dipping back in to escape the aggravating currents as an adorably comedic look came across the girl's face while her eyes drove through each of the fish in the swarming school to seek out a special one -- the one that had a tag on it!

...Ah?! WAS THAT IT?!

In she dove, fan coming out, attempting to catch it to the best of her abilities. Would she be able to make it?!
Hit Points: 100%/100%
Sanity: 150/150
Level: 4
Status: RESTED

Health Potion x1
Sanity Potion x2
Gold x174

Black Thought Result
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Revenger Knight
Avatar of Dark Revenger Knight

Dark Revenger Knight Dark Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aeternus || Nexus
Affected Players: Prince, Lilith, Alessia

“Fuck my life,” he sighed. This was too much. He gently slipped from underneath Lilith’s arms. “This is Lilith, a childhood friend and I’m Ares,” his face slightly reddened as he introduced himself and Lilith to the Imperial Knight. “The oversized clown that just left is Prince; he’s okay when he’s not being an idiot.” This was casual Ares, a slightly more comfortable person who could actually carry on a normal conversation – it was Hunter speaking. The unequipped Dark Knight ran his finger through his hazelnut fauxhawk; without his crimson hood, his facial features were more noticeable. His sideburns ran to an apex down his jaw and arched at the temples. He lacked facial hair and his emerald eyes seemed to glow much brighter, almost hypnotizing.

“Lilith, I won’t stop you or anyone else from doing as they damn well please. If you’re so insistent on following me then fine. Be at the Beggar’s Inn at dawn. I won’t wait. But you must stop this, I cannot fight for you or anyone else if I’m too busy worrying about your emotional needs. I cannot be that person.”

His gaze shifted from Lilith’s tears back to the female with the long hair. “I cannot ask you to follow me, a complete stranger, but if you want to change the way things are, well…you heard where I will be.” And with those words, Ares left.
Ares found himself once more in the Nexus Guild Archive, face-to-face with the female that had rejected him earlier. “Well, well, you’re making quite a name for yourself, aren’t you, Mr. Dark Knight,” she said challengingly. “You know why I’m here, let’s just keep this to the point, I’ve no humor to waste on you.” Ares responded dryly.

“Name?” She inquired.

“Hellion Knights.”

“Do you accept full responsibility over the actions of your guild members?”

“I do.”

“Public or private?”

“Invitation only, I will be the judge of my team’s merits.”

“It’s your funeral…”

Ares unblocked all incoming messages and headed back out to the festival. He was hungry.

Hellion Knights Guild Master
Level: 5
HP: 100%
SP: 120
Gold x202
Wolf Pelt x2
Wolf Fang
Wood Club x2
Raptor Claw
Marble Beak

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
Avatar of deadpixel101

deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 12 days ago

Aeternus II Nexus

Affected players: Prince

Vick continued to sulk until he felt a random body grasp him. The first thought to charge through his mind was that the thief had come back, perhaps to rough him up or try and get some more moola out of him, though that didn't seem too logical. Either way the true identity of the person was revealed to him when the voice matched the arms. Some sigh of relief exited Vick's lips. "Hi prince..." He murmured in response. It took a few seconds to re-register what was going on, and for his cheeks to adjust to the correct shade of pink. "Uh...mind letting go?" He asked with a nervous chuckle, he doubted his plea would be answered, but hey, crazier things have happened...He propped his arm to try and lightly push the buccaneers arms apart, but his relatively thin appendages did little to pry the hold from his waist. He felt his face become a bit more hot as he felt the eyes of a few people passing by, a little more force was applied and ignored to the red haired man's arms. "Uhm..." The wordless and slightly panicked sound exited his mouth, some younger players were giggling at him from afar, and he noticed them. His HUD lit up with a message, and he tried to use it to his advantage. "Uh, Prince! Message!" He squirmed a bit more and sighed, coming to a halt. He blew some bangs from his face and waited for the holder to make up his mind.
HP ~ 65%
SP ~ 20
Level ~ 3
Inventory ~
Potion x 1
Gold x 0
Napkin X 1

Aeternus || Nexus
Town center

The young boy bounced around the streets of the town, finding different placed to stop and occupy his time with. His first stop was at a booth selling lanterns. It seemed to be a theme. He smiled at the NPC and dropped the 10 gold to get a lantern of his own. He carried it around in both his hands, not bothering to put it in his inventory. Beaming and skipping about he found his second stop, an interesting game booth. "I'll play!" He offered up the man behind the counter. He payed the 5 gold necessary and was given the false rifle. He was tasked with shooting blue orbs, if he shot enough (or none at all) he would receive a prize! The orbs flew into the air, spread about thickly like a swarm of angry wasps. He panicked a tad bit and started firing excitedly. Luck being on his side he managed to shoot down a good amount, reaching the second tier prize, meeting the minimum of 11 shot orbs. He smiled widely as the NPC dropped the item into his hands. Carrying his lantern and wearing his red pendant he arrived at yet another booth. Something about match making. He looked at the possible games you could play if you joined and he asked for his ticket. He marched off with his little slip, smiling and waiting for his chance to play some more. Just when he thought to talk to the creepy old lady at another booth, he received a message. After reading it he stopped smiling. A face of deep thought replacing the jovial childish gaze. "...Well, at least I won't be lost anymore." He put the lantern away, and headed to reserve a room.
HP: 100%
SP: 12
Level: 3
Potion x2
Gold x13

Artemis HP: 84%

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