Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu was really enjoying himself and the food he was given, finding it all to be a little too much for him to handle mentally. He was just completely happy to be eating so much fresh food and was almost jumping on his chair. He had been hungry all day and this was the best solution. Eating happily he turned to Takeshi, giving him a little wave with a piece of fruit on his finger. “Isn’t this nummy? Yummy yum! Can we get fruit and stuff for when we go and travel again?” he asked out, giving Takeshi a big smile, “Yummy fruit and yummy meats, yes? I miss bananas, though…I love bananas!” Hopefully Takeshi was having as much of a good time as he was with this food, even with T’charrl’s parents being right there. He wasn’t afraid of T’charrl’s parents like Takeshi was of his friend’s mother, especially when he was never threatened by her. He didn’t know why she might’ve lashed out sometimes but he did learn from it and to not make terrible mistakes. “Can we grow trees with the fruit?” T’charrl didn’t think he could manage a conversation if he was stuffing his face. He was rather curious about how his parents thought about his travels, giving his mother a smile. He was happy with hearing that his mother was so supportive of him, even if it was with a little uncertainty to whether he was actually completely better. Looking down at himself he could see why that was, but a few additions shouldn’t be too much of a problem. “I tried really hard to keep you and Father in mind. I didn’t get into too many fights, luckily”, he sighed, smiling to himself as he directed his eyes to his plate, “I wish I could understand what’s happened to me, though…that’s all I wanted”. Poking at his food at a little he was soon dropped a question he really didn’t know how to answer, especially when he hadn’t seen too many planets while two proved to be pretty dangerous to him. Tilting his head a little he gave it a moment of thought before smiling a little. “I guess I liked Earth a lot. I learned how to use my own life force to attack instead of what I already have. It was hard fitting in and there was a lot of deep water, but I still did the most there”, he spoke before looking back to his mother, “They had barely any trees! It would be nice to visit again, but so many of their kind makes it difficult to not look like a monster. I can do so many neat things now, even fly without using my wings!” Viral didn’t want to get all annoyed at Yumi but she was making it hard when she was being so silly. He didn’t know what was bringing that mood on but it was confusing him. Narrowing his gaze at her confusion over his protest he soon sighed and looked away again. “The Rebellion…hmph. You know they would never trust me again, and that Korian…” he grumbled, scratching at his face, “His own hatred of me will keep me from becoming anything he finds threatening. People don’t trust artificial creatures in positions of power. No sooner would I be in control of an army will people be hunting it down…besides, nobody likes taking orders from artificial creatures either”. Even when he was in control of the Saiyans people only feared him because of his lack of morals and the fact he had rose up to Elite status as soon as he appeared in the public eye. If he could become Commander again he would need to be in a war, but if the war was supposedly ‘ending’ soon then there was no point. It would be like giving him a cake but told he could only have a spoonful. He just didn’t know where he belonged in a world where everything was planned out but what he was supposed to be. Listening to Yumi he didn’t know what to make of it, feeling confused still as he tried to figure out what was meant by that. There was reasons he was the way he was and why his body was failing him, but he couldn’t understand what that purpose was other than what the RRA had plans for him. They were the first to create a weakness for him and now the Saiyans had that technology too. Giving her a glance when she laughed he only sighed, looking away again. “I’m not going to be your sidekick. I might as well clean your toilet while I’m at it…” he sighed, shaking his head, “There has to be something I’m not being told…but I can’t figure it out. I can create a monstrous machine with my energy alone…but why? Why can I use it to change form? Who would think to create something like me if not a madman. Dare I call Vegeta’s parents mad and that passing onto him?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Shu, you've got to stop bouncing around while you eat or you're going to choke, squirt," Takeshi warned, rolling his eyes with an amused smile. This was an almost unhealthy love with fruit, borderline fruit obsession. Was that a thing? If it wasn't then it probably was now thanks to Shu. How were they supposed to get fruit with their traveling around in space all the time? He supposed maybe if they stopped by another planet it would work, though they had no clue what worlds may and may not have some fruit on them. Looking over at his little brother Takeshi smiled exasperatedly, unable to refuse what he wanted. "Fine, we'll get fruit. But I don't know how much, so don't expect loads and loads." Well then, maybe now he could get to eating too, he was quite hungry. Lifting up one of the steaks and moving to take a bite he paused once more when Shu started again, glancing over and frowning. "Grow a fruit tree...? I don't know where we would even do that, we're kind of in space?" Takeshi said, tilting his head curiously, "Except we did kind of talk about growing trees in the ship, didn't we? So maybe it would work. I don't know, ask Vegeta when we see him. He's good at that science stuff, you know?" Eslaria wasn't intentionally trying to keep T'charrl from eating but she was really curious about what he had seen. Her son was the first Kaesstrian to go off planet, maybe the last one for a while too, so his experiences were completely unique to their entire race. If he were to do nothing else with his life she would think he would be okay knowing he had set such a big precedence. Then again maybe not, he was a boy who was always trying to improve somehow so no doubt he'd want to travel more. "I'm sure we can find out what's happened. Between Katas and Renthal we've already got some brilliant people looking into it, and they're bound to come up with something. And... What is Earth...?" Another planet obviously, but not one that she was familiar with, and how could she be? Such a strange word, though she supposed Kaesstra must be odd to some too; perspective changed how everyone saw something after all. Smiling curiously the Queen took another small bite of her meal, again glancing at her son as he spoke. "Fly without wings...? I didn't know such a thing was possible. Did your friends teach you that?" "You can't know that for sure! Okay, so some things didn't go that well, but they can and will get better. I mean... You and Takeshi get along now, right?" Yumi asked hopefully, "When you first met I thought you were going to kill each other, but look at you now! You... Well... You tolerate each other." Maybe that wasn't the best example to use. Both Viral and Takeshi were a little stubborn, though it really was something else that they managed to be somewhat civil with each other. If they were willing to give cooperating a chance then maybe it would work out the way she had mentioned. Failing to lighten the mood any with some casual joking she smiled sympathetically, shaking her head as she looked back at Vegeta briefly. "I don't have those answers honestly, I won't pretend I do, and I doubt Vegeta does either," Yumi answered, turning back to Viral, "But I know Vegeta's dad does, and we'll be seeing him soon. Maybe Vegeta's dad was a madman and we just never knew it, maybe all of his employees are crazy. Until we hear it from the source why you were made though I don't think anyone else can give you that answer. All the more reason for us to stay strong and keep moving though, so we can get to that point and find out."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu could behave if he wanted to but right now he was too happy and bouncy to care about choking. He’ll settle down since Takeshi asked him to so then he’ll try and settle, giving him a big smile. “I won’t! I’m just happy to eat”, he squeaked, looking down to his plate, “Do you ever feel so hungry that food is the best thing in the world?” He was rather happy to get food finally so his excitement just needed to be simmered down. Chomping down at his food he did have contemplations to where he might be able to grow some fruit if he wanted some more from somewhere else, giving Takeshi a smile when he completed over growing trees again for the fruit, only saying what they thought of before when it came to the fruit. “Ooh! Take to our home! Grow at our home. Is it something we can do?” Smiling happily he wagged his tail around, just thinking of what kind of mini-forest they could make at home. “Remember we were already going to ask Mister Vegeta for on the ship too? I do like science when it means more fruit! Not bad fruit though, when it all not nice to eat…that’s bad fruit!” T’charrl really did enjoy his time off the planet and travelling across the universe, but he did come across the issue of feeling a little bit foreign to his own planet now. He didn’t like feeling like this but he was sure it was only going to be temporary, especially when it was probably just because he had ‘space legs’ or whatever it was. He was sure he was full of energy if it wasn’t for his inability to ground himself to access it. Smiling at his mother as she expressed interest he gave a little nod. “Yeah! Earth. It’s full of people like my friends, but they’re not Saiyans or anything”, he spoke, scratching his cheek a little, “It was warm like our planet, but it had some weird white stuff on the planet when I saw it from space. Kind of like this weird cold planet I saw too. I wasn’t allowed to go on it because it was too cold for me”. He certainly thought his time on Earth was more fulfilling because he learned something new, especially when the other planets wasn’t the most habitable for him. “They did…or uhh, well, rather their Master. We went to see him and he taught me how to use it. Apparently, everyone can use it…but it was very hard and I’m still learning. Isn’t it neat? I can use it okay, but not as good as the others yet. I-I don’t know if it’s something people here should learn, though…it can be dangerous”. Viral was feeling fairly confused over his entire existence at this point, but he didn’t know if this was simply him starting to accept what was happening to him. Even though he saw death as not that far away he still didn’t want to die a dishonourable death. He needed answers and he wasn’t finding any, not yet. He needed to find them but he wasn’t managing to get to a conclusion and was only ending up with an existential crisis. “Korian isn’t Takeshi. He knows his science and know how my kind don’t tend to have ‘morals’…and I can’t deny that. Korian is smarter than Takeshi and knows better”. It was just going to be a fact that finding something for him to do was going to be something he would have to face with discrimination wherever he went. Being an artificial creature meant you were expendable and didn’t add anything other than temporary usefulness as intended. It was always going to be that way and there was no way of changing it. To think that Vegeta’s parents had the same idea in mind and were probably surprised to see him still alive when they peered through the portal was not that much of a longshot. Staring at Yumi as she tried to answer to the best of her ability she only expressed her own doubt over his words, frowning for a moment before looking back at the energy. “I would have to live that long and I don’t know how to accomplish that. Only Vegeta knows but I never see his work being accomplished. I can only remain strong for as long as this condition allows of me. I don’t know what’s going to happen to me in the future and neither does he”.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Is that a real question? I'm always that hungry when we eat Shu," Takeshi retorted with a grin, "But that doesn't mean eat like some crazy person, you know? We're not monkeys, even if you do have a tail, so we've got to eat like people." Especially with a rather judgmental and vicious Queen sitting at the head of the table, otherwise he may not be such a stickler for table manners. For the time being they were fine, as Eslaria and T'charrl were busy talking with one another, but he wasn't going to bet on his luck holding out for much longer. The question of growing fruit threw Takeshi through a bit of a loop, having totally forgotten up until now he'd mentioned something about doing that at his house. Gods know they had all the land they would need, and growing plants wasn't exactly difficult; having a diet that mostly subsisted of meat left little reason or want to set up a little garden, but with Shu around now it made sense. "We can grow fruit at home, sure. But that means you've got to help take care of the plants and all that, got it? There's a lot that goes into growing food... I think. Since you want it though you're going to have to help a ton, deal? And yeah, we'll talk to Vegeta later about that." With all else going on at the moment Takeshi didn't have high hopes for getting their indoor forest plan going, but it was worth at least bringing up for Shu's sake. "Earth, hm? Sounds interesting... I can't say I'm a fan of there not being many trees though." Trees were important to Kaesstrian way of life, from building their homes and places of business to providing a wide variety of food. Even in the Upper City there were a lot of trees, and she was certain other kingdoms were no different. Diets varied from place to place, but overall their race of people ate pretty much the same thing throughout. The mention of 'white stuff' really confused Eslaria, as did the notion of it being too cold to go out. Sure it could get a little chilly on Kaesstra, but never to the degree where you were stuck indoors. Nor was it ever so cold that this 'white stuff' appeared, she wondered what that was. It all sounded terribly interesting if not a bit off putting as well, and if she were to get the chance some time to experience it herself she'd like to. Hearing too that T'charrl had learned this new energy from Earth and that its people could use it had her slightly concerned, not knowing if it was safe for her son to be going there. He was a strong warrior of course, even stronger than her or Yusef now with his powers, but that didn't mean she didn't worry. "I think it's best we keep that from the others for now, until they're ready," Eslaria said with a frown, glancing down at her food, "Garesh was proof enough our people can't handle immense energy just yet. You're a special case and I'm sure you're fine, but I think most people would go the way of the General." It was a bit unfair to say people couldn't change or ever get along. Korian and Viral weren't exactly friends right now, and sure they had some problems before but that didn't mean things couldn't change. There had been plenty of people throughout history who had started as enemies and ended up as friends, and in a small way that had happened in their own group. Hell, she had dated one such person, that was a huge example of it. Even so Viral did raise fair points, and considering the track record he had every right to be wary of the rebel's leader. "Okay... But what do you mean your kind? There's not exactly a lot of Beastmen walking around, it's really just us. He doesn't hate me I don't think, and I think he doesn't hate you either," Yumi said, "If you don't like him thinking that then let's prove him wrong. Remember, I'm in the same boat as you now, and I'm not letting anyone think I'm just some thing and neither should you." Was she a Beastman, or just a human with a few extra tidbits? Yumi couldn't say, but she was as close to Viral both literally and figuratively as anyone else. The time where she had met the rebels wasn't exactly all that wonderful either, and she was sure that some of them must not be a fan of her because of it. "He said his work was close to being done, so we shouldn't have to wait much longer. And okay, no one knows what the future is going to bring, but you're going to be in it. We'll keep you going even when you don't feel like you can, because we know things will improve. Maybe you don't, but that just means we've got to help lead the way until you do."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

“Ooh! I am a monkey! Ooh!” Shu giggled, bouncing on his chair a little before slowly sitting down again, smiling cheekily, “I’m okay! I just love eating!” Shoving some food in his mouth in a fairly uncivilised manner he quickly stopped again when he couldn’t stuff in anymore, generally having a lot of fun with Takeshi’s annoyance over it. He knew how much he could manage and was well acquainted with food already so choking on it wasn’t going to be a problem. Shu was definitely someone who knew how to handle his food but was definitely trying to tease Takeshi with his lack of table manners. If he could get some of this fruit grown for himself he would be pretty happy, his hope that he might have all sorts of yummy fruits definitely making him feel pretty bouncy. He wondered if Takeshi would let him have some of them, even if Earth was still so far away. If they knew how to do that instant transporting thing that his idol Goku knew then that would be amazing, even if it was generally limited to places he could remember. “Ooh, I will! I’ll learn how to and I will look after plants! I would have something to be happy about that I helped make possible. I don’t think I have that feeling yet…” T’charrl gave a smile, lowering his head a little. “Well, they apparently don’t need many trees, I guess. Maybe it’s because they can’t do much with them. They seem to like to build with stone more than around trees”. He didn’t really understand it or why there was such an appeal towards rocks over trees but it was a different culture. “They really like their meat over there and fruit was hard to find sometimes. All that meat made me feel fat, sometimes…” He didn’t get to experience what the white stuff was but it was apparently dangerous to him considering he wasn’t allowed on the planet that was covered in it. There were so many dangers out there and he didn’t quite know how to deal with all of it but he would surely find a way to shield himself from the harsh weather. Hearing his mother’s conclusion over the use of energy he gave a little nod, sighing slightly when it simply meant he was going to just act like he usually did, not seeing it as that big a deal. Garesh was his reason as well to keep the energy hidden, but he did think he needed to find something out himself too. “Uhh, about my powers too…we should probably try and find others who might have my abilities. There could be many my age out there but we don’t know about. We should find them and let them know they’re not alone too or before they get killed for it”. Viral was probably a lot more bitter about Korian than Korian was towards himself, seeing how he was the victim here. He didn’t see the problem with him killing those soldiers even though he couldn’t exactly tell what he was doing and he was the one who was punished and humiliated all because of this man. He couldn’t trust Korian, especially if he was to be in charge of his future if he was to ever become a Commander under his lead. He wasn’t going to let that man take control of him. Looking to Yumi he let out a grumble at her misunderstanding, not seeing how she couldn’t see what he meant by ‘his kind’. “Just us? You’re not a Beastman. I mean artificial beings…experiments, androids, creatures who weren’t of natural birth! Do you understand?” he spoke before sighing, rubbing his head, “You can easily pass off as an alien or just a fan of fluffy ears, you know. There’s nothing wrong with you”. He didn’t want Yumi thinking she was any different just because she had some ears, especially when they could easily be disguised or make her just out to be an alien of some kind. With him it was quite blatant, especially when his energy signature was completely hidden from natural beings just like all unnatural beings suffered from. They could easily be spotted out just with a quick scan. Feeling a little overwhelmed by all this negativity he sighed as he slowly rubbed his head, slowly shaking it as if trying to rid himself of the pain. “It’s awfully easy to have hope when you’re not the one inflicted by it. I have been able to handle a lot in the past, but this is so unknown. I don’t know what’s going to happen. Who knows if I’ll become immune to the treatment or if my genes reject it; I just don’t know, anything could happen. It’s too hard to distract myself from it…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

How was the Queen not saying anything to Shu about how he was eating? Or T'charrl's dad for that matter? If anyone else was eating like that they'd probably be thrown out of the dining hall in a heartbeat, and yet there was the little guy literally cramming his mouth full of food. Smiling tightly Takeshi felt a vein pulse in his forehead, his eyebrow twitching as his brother quite clearly began teasing him over it. "I can tell you love eating... I love eating too buddy," he mumbled, closing his eyes and forcing a smile, "But we're at a nice place, so we've got to eat all nice and polite like, okay?" If they didn't and anything was wrong he was going to get it, he just knew it. Glancing over at the Queen nervously he found little solace in the fact she was currently busy, thinking it wouldn't last forever. Leaning over to get closer to Shu the older boy reached over, trying to pinch Shu's nose as a sign of his annoyance. "You'll have to work real hard at it, you know, and do exactly what I say. If we don't do it right our plants might die and we'll have to start all over, got it?" Letting out a soft sigh Takeshi settled back in his chair, picking up a strip of some fruit and giving it a nibble. Growing fruit did sound sort of fun really, and not too hard. Usually it grew on trees far as he knew, and how hard could it be to grow a tree? "The planet sounds... Strange. Earth, was it? A planet of cold white stuff and stone buildings... It doesn't sound all that nice." Eslaria couldn't understand the appeal of such a world, coming from one that was the complete opposite. For curiosity's sake she might go there some time if possible just to see what it was like, but actually wanting to live on such a planet was a stretch. Shaking her head at the thought she smiled slightly amused, resting one elbow on the table and laying her head in her hand lazily. "I see you've taken to meat then? Looks like we'll have to bring in even more food for our young bottomless pit," the Queen teased with a wink, "I'm glad that you enjoyed it though, it must have been quite the adventure." The idea of energy falling into the hands of the common Kaesstrian was even less appealing than the cold white stuff on Earth, at least that wouldn't destroy a city. If the General's actions were any indication their people were far from ready to wield such strength, and going on her knowledge of other Saiyans it certainly seemed to be a corrupting factor. The fact that T'charrl's friends were all good people yet Saiyans who wielded mighty power at the same time was a bit of an oddity, but a nice one at that. Looking at the Prince curiously at his idea Eslaria frowned, contemplating it as her eyes drifted back to her plate. It was a noble idea, but a dangerous one. Bringing in people from around their kingdom and perhaps others had certain risks involved with it. "And what do you propose we do when we find them? Just tell them things will be okay and leave it at that? Or do you plan to help them?" Yumi couldn't really understand why Viral and Korian wouldn't be able to reconcile their differences and work together. It wasn't impossible to do that, and if she wasn't mistaken Vegeta's own great-grandfather had done the very same thing with Goku all those years before. Also, if she could remember right Viral somewhat revered the original Vegeta, meaning that if it was something his idol could do then he should be able to as well. Trying to make her friend feel more included by placing herself alongside him Yumi was a little dejected to be told otherwise, her ears folding as she smiled sadly. "Well... Maybe I'm not exactly the same... But I'm a little like you, aren't I? More than most. I guess the way you say it though really does make you one different than me." No ears or some enhanced sense made her into a Beastman, maybe she had been trying to label herself as that for Viral's sake. Realistically though there was little different aside from those two facts, and there was a decent chance according to Vegeta the changes could even be undone. Looking at Viral sadly Yumi reached out, placing a hand on his back and mustering up a small smile for him. "It's okay to be nervous, because we won't know what happens until it happens. But things are going to get better, even if this treatment doesn't completely solve everything. Aito is going to be back soon, and he'll have you fixed in no time. So even if this is only enough to make you a little more comfortable at least we can look forward to seeing Vegeta's dad again, and having him work this out, right?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu didn’t see how he was doing wrong when everything he did was his own choice and not anybody else’s. He was the one who wanted to stuff his face with food and eat like some hyperactive kid, but it didn’t actually affect the others in any way. He didn’t know how they could be annoyed with them when he wasn’t spluttering food everywhere, just Takeshi seemed to be nervous because he might get hit for him acting out instead. He wasn’t acting out on purpose, he was just rather hungry. Giggling at Takeshi he shifted on his seat happily, having a lot of fun even if it was just with food. “I know! I really like it here and I’m showing I really like it here. I love the food!” he squeaked happily, giggling as he raised his hands to his face, “Do you like the food? You should! It was made for you too!” Squeaking when Takeshi grabbed his nose he lifted his hands up and rubbed it quickly, shaking his head soon after before turning his attention back to Takeshi. He didn’t need to do that just to prove a point, especially when he was going to try hard to get what he wanted. “Ooh, do you know how to take care of them? Is nature not supposed to grow trees for us too?” T’charrl gave a nod, smiling a little. “It was only in a few spots when I saw the planet, but it was warm and I liked being on it, even if I didn’t see that much of it”. Granted at one point he nearly drowned, but he definitely enjoyed his time there more than the other planets. It was the least hostile apart from Haku causing him terrible pain. Feeling a little uneasy from thinking about it he looked back to his mother, raising his shoulders a little before looking down at himself. “I don’t think I mean to take to meat…I mean, well, it is really appealing now, but a bunch of other elements are to blame too. I cut my tongue on my teeth one time…that really hurt for ages. I feel really hungry most of the time too!” He didn’t want to be scaring his mother so he wasn’t going to get into any great details over it, just he wasn’t feeling too good over certain aspects of himself. Giving a little nervous smile as if joking over it he soon sighed and looked back to his plate, eating at his food a bit as his mother contemplated his reasoning to find these people, making him feel a little dumb for asking it. “I-I just thought…maybe if they saw me they might know the dangers of these powers and maybe…I don’t know, it would be nice knowing I’m not alone too. It’s just all my life ever since I knew everybody couldn’t do what I could, I’ve never felt a part of society. It’s just so easy to feel alone with this kind of thing, you know? Or maybe you don’t, I don’t know…” Viral was confused and didn’t know how to fix it, feeling that it was all his fault he was in this state. He was the one who tried to run away, he tried to be something he wasn’t and he was the one who got ultimately caught and dragged everyone into this mess. If he just stayed put he wouldn’t had started any of this and ultimately brought his existence to this moment in time. He did everything to deserve this and more, no one else was to blame. He definitely wanted to detach himself from the others if they wanted to work with Korian for their own good since he would only cause more trouble. There was no sense in keeping him around if he was just ruining everyone’s plans. Rubbing his head his eyes looked to Yumi, frowning as she continued to try and be a part of his world. He didn’t want her to be and didn’t think he belonged there, especially when it meant prosecution and no legal rights. “You’re a Human and you should hang onto that fact. Don’t think because someone tried to change you means you should follow their desire and accept it. You didn’t choose to be enhanced because of me and you shouldn’t identify yourself with that”. It was just one thing after another and he really wished it would just stop. Everyone was probably getting irritated by it too but he just wanted to be left alone to face his problems himself. There was no other way to fix things and it was obvious that the only solution was to try and figure it all out himself. Looking back when she touched his back he shifted a little, scratching at his neck roughly. They didn’t know if the Namekian dragon could bring back Aito successfully after so long or whether he was simply hiding his resentment for what happened until he was finally alive, especially when Vegeta’s family was still a sketchy bunch at best. If they could create a living weapon like him and brush it off like they just wanted to create life then there were a lot of questions that were left unanswered so far. “I don’t remember the man other than what I saw in that portal. He is still a stranger to me”, he spoke calmly, sighing as he rubbed his neck, “It’s the same as being told…it’s safe to bet a lot of money on a ring fighter just because someone you know says they will win and make everything better for you, only this bet will cost everything…something like that. I don’t know what you Humans regard as important and personal…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Well, you can show you like it without stuffing your face like that, you know? It's... Well it's rude!" Or something like that, he didn't really know. Takeshi didn't have a solid reason really for why Shu shouldn't eat like that aside from his own not wanting to get smacked. His worries didn't look to do much at all in the way of stopping Shu though, if anything he kept going because of it. Of course he liked the food, it was good and all, but he was spending more time trying to get his brother to settle than actually eating it. Giving Shu's nose a pinch in an attempt to make him relax the older boy rolled his eyes, getting back to the topic of growing their own food instead. It sounded easy enough, and while he'd never really done it Takeshi figured it was so simple they could do it no problem. Leave it to Shu to make something simple sounding be all confusing. "Uh... No? I mean... What?" Takeshi was getting a bit flustered with this, having no idea how to answer Shu's question. Groaning he lifted his hands and rubbed at his head, shrugging his shoulders in defeat before glancing back at his brother. "Nature isn't supposed to do anything for us, it just sort of does. It's just kind of there, it's not there for us, get it? That's like saying there's fish in the water because they're supposed to be there for us, which is silly. Fish are there because that's just how it works, and it just so happens we eat them. Make sense?" It was going to take a bit to get used to T'charrl's new diet, particularly how he was fond of meat now. It wasn't unheard of for them to eat meat, and they did so as a family now and again, but never on a regular basis. Providing their son the food he wanted wasn't going to be an issue, it was just more of trying to adapt to the new meals they'd be preparing. Hearing about his worries was a little amusing, especially when he was so flustered over such a small thing. Sure, their kind didn't typically eat as much meat as T'charrl might be, but there was nothing inherently wrong with that. "You feel really hungry because you're a young Kaesstrian my dear. Our appetite peaks around your age, and if you're not careful you could cause a famine with how much you'll eat," the Queen teased, smiling at her dark humor, "There are more important things to concern yourself with that how much you might eat. Don't let it worry you so much." What was this idea that T'charrl had then? Grouping together other children like him? She had never given it much thought but it would make sense there were others like her son on Kaesstra. Chances were more likely than not these children were in other kingdoms though, and getting other rulers to agree to any single meeting place for these gifted children wasn't going to be an easy task. "I don't know what it's like and I won't pretend to. I've never fully understood what life must be like for you, and I don't think I can," the Queen explained, glancing over at her son, "But... I can understand your position, and I agree with it. There will have to be some way to prove we're not trying to do anything malicious with this, that will be the hard part. If there are others like you though I can certainly see them wanting someone to reach out to them, and who better than our people's hero?" Yumi had been giving in to her being changed a bit too easily, and she thought she knew why too. Maybe by labeling herself as a Beastman it would make Viral feel less isolated, perhaps help improve his mood a little. At the very least maybe she had hoped that by showing she was okay with what had happened then her friend wouldn't somehow blame himself for her condition. Whatever the case she was still human, and no ears or extra sensitive nose was going to change that. It was probably the wrong way to go about trying to associate herself with Viral anyways, as appearances were pretty superficial. There were a few things they enjoyed anyways, fighting being perhaps the most prominent of those. If they were going to do anything together then it should be that, only it would have to be a little different to accommodate for Viral's condition. "Isn't it better to be hopeful though? To like to think that what you want will work out, or that things will be okay after all is said and done?" Yumi asked, smiling as she wrapped her hands together. "We humans care about a lot of things. Family, friends, being happy, getting to have an adventure I guess. I can't sit here and list them all, there's too much. If you ask me though it's harder not to care than it is to care, which might sound weird. People want to be liked, and we want to be surrounded by others and have a good time while doing it. If you're wondering about me specifically, I think friends are probably my most important thing in life. So do you kind of understand now why I won't give up on you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

“Ooh! Saying someone is fat is rude too but you don’t think so”, Shu giggled, giving him a cheeky smile. Shu only had a little bit of his brother’s rudeness in him but he wasn’t going to get to his level and start insulting others and claim he did nothing wrong. Shu had pretty valid reasons for acting the way he did while Takeshi should know better, especially as Shu observed the outcome and only saw people acting aggressively towards some of the things Takeshi said. Shu was smart in how he could watch and learn, unlike Takeshi who made excuses. Giving his nose a rub he giggled a little, pressing his fingers together with a big smile on his face as he tried to understand what Takeshi was trying to tell him. “It’s not there for us? It keeps me safe, uh huh!” he nodded, shifting on his chair a little, “Fish there because they eat bugs! Bugs make me itchy sometimes so they eat them and make me not itchy. Fish are there for me! Although sometimes they big and bite then they not there for me, huh…ooh! Some fish! Not all fish! I should be careful not to get eaten”. T’charrl was a little worried about what was happening to him but was thankful that he had gotten over the impulse to eat others and was in near complete control. He still acted out a lot but not to the point where he wanted to chomp down on someone’s head. He still loved his fruit, but meat was definitely the most appealing foodstuff right now. He hoped his mother wouldn’t mind and hopefully she knew a little bit about what was possibly happening to him with his hunger, worried that he was going through a devourer-like state where it might become too much for him to control. Feeling all worried he looked back to his mother when she gave him an answer, finding that to be a much better answer than what he had previously been dreading. “So I’m just…I’m just growing up? This is all normal?” he asked, a little concerned with her wording but thought it was just a joke. Lowering his head a little he let out a sigh, rubbing his face. “I guess so, I just worry, is all. I’ve not been near another Kaesstrian for a while to ask…” He didn’t think his mother would be too enthusiastic with his idea but that was probably normal. There wasn’t a big problem with that, he had a strange power and people would probably want to stay out of the business of those who have the same power. It made him a little depressed whenever he thought about it though, especially when he had to deal with that attitude for most of his life until now. Giving his food a good staring at he nodded slightly before looking up to his mother, frowning a little. She didn’t sound too enthusiastic about his idea but then again she was probably a little afraid of them just like others would be too if they found out he could sap life energy and use it for his own doing. “I hoped you would understand. I just-…it was so easy thinking I’m the only one but now that I can travel, maybe there’s more people out there like me and think they’re alone too. Just knowing that there might be someone else out there with the same condition is good enough for me”. Viral would rather Yumi was her own person and not forced to take up a title that simply meant she felt sorry for his current situation. He wasn’t happy with her trying to isolate herself as well. He wasn’t the only one out there who was artificial so he didn’t feel that isolated, but being the only Beastman did have a negative effect on him when it came to his primal desire to be around more of his kind. There were a few aspects of his existence that his creators never did erase to make him the perfect killer, one of them being his desire to have contact with his own kind. He didn’t want to drag Yumi down into that lonely existence, she had plenty of people around her who could still identify with her. Staring into the energy he sighed as she went through the various aspects that made Humans what they are, finding a lot of the stuff to be fairly trivial. He thought that’s what most of them had and wanting more of it was certainly something, but then again maybe that was already something he was familiar with. He didn’t know what he wanted anymore, especially when he had such an uncertain future. “You don’t want a family that much? Or are you waiting to get back to Earth before you start thinking about that stuff…” he questioned her, not entirely sure why he was curious in the first place, “I understand…but I don’t know why I have to be subject to people’s focus all the time. Won’t you feel unfulfilled if you didn’t concern yourself with your other friends? Concentrating on one when you have so many others who you are forgetting about. If you believe I’m going to be fine, wouldn’t you want to spend time with them? The most appealing thing I’m doing is sitting here…all while Vegeta sits up by himself”.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"How is it rude if it's true?! That's like you thinking it's rude when I call you little," Takeshi retorted, huffing as he shook his head, "So the lady was big, not my fault she's like that." For someone who really did fret over getting smacked he certainly had a knack for putting himself into positions to get just that. Besides Shu had basically done the same thing by thinking she had a baby, therein implying she looked fat. Or had the woman conveniently overlooked that detail because he was little and adorable and blah blah blah. Looking over at his brother the older boy stuck out his tongue, putting a piece of food in his mouth to keep himself from going on any more. Coupled with his attempts to explain why nature wasn't supposed to do anything and Takeshi was at the end of his rope. Botching a chance at explaining the concept to Shu he listened as his sibling totally missed the mark, letting out a groan before laying his head on the table before leaning back and rubbing at his head fitfully. "No no no, fish are not there for you. They don't get up out of their fishy homes, say goodbye to their fishy families and then think 'Oh, I'd better go see Shu today!' Fish don't do that, they're just there," Takeshi reiterated, looking at Shu exasperated. Sheesh, he really did need to teach Shu a thing or two didn't he? The little guy was kind of clueless. "Yeah, don't get eaten by fish, we eat fish. Unless they're gross fish, we won't touch those." T'charrl had every right to be worried, a lot was going on in his life right now. There were things that the young Prince had experienced that no one else ever would, and some things that many may never have the chance to; the fact T'charrl was coherent and sane at the moment was a miracle really. "Yes, it's normal. There's more food on this world than fruits after all, we just happen to like that best. I'm sure your friends from Earth are the same way." The Saiyans seemed to favor meats over near anything else, save for Shu who rivaled even the most voracious Kaesstrian with his love for fruit. Different people liked different things was what it all came down to, and far be it from Eslaria to judge anyone, least of all her son. The proposal that the Prince had for her was a hard one to digest, and much too big to make a decision on right here and now. What he had in mind would take time, a lot of resources and very careful negotiations with other leaders, all of which would have to be handled elsewhere. Wiping off her mouth with a napkin, Eslaria sat back in her chair and let out a sigh, reaching up and adjusting one of her antennae carefully. "I don't think it's that bad an idea T'charrl, but understand you're asking a lot. Even just visiting these people would take a lot of negotiating, let alone getting everyone together to learn their power. The other leaders have no reason to abide by our requests, though maybe there is a way that we could sway their opinions..." Trailing off for a moment the Queen's gaze shifted over to her son's friends, a small smile appearing on her face. "They must know we're allies with Saiyans now, I would imagine that would make a good bargaining chip. I hate to involve your friends in more of our politics, but if you want to do this then that might be necessary." Being asked what was important or special to someone wasn't the easiest of questions to answer, certainly not in the span of a few seconds. Plenty of things were important, and it was difficult to rank them in terms of most to least. Above all else Yumi supposed the one thing she valued most were her friends and the bonds she made during their journeys together; people who she may never have given a second look otherwise had become nigh inseparable to her, and she loved that fact. Infuriating though some may be she couldn't think of any group she'd rather be traveling or spending time with. Glancing over at Viral her face reddened when asked about having a family, looking away in an odd show of embarrassment as she shook her head, "No, that's not even on my mind yet. Way too far down the road, I mean... I'm still young, and I'm traveling all the time, plus I like to fight, I can't be raising kids." Honestly having a family of her own had crossed her mind maybe once before, otherwise the thought was non-existant. She didn't hate the idea, but knowing what it would take and how long she'd spend out of action so to speak was too hefty a toll right now. Curious about something Yumi looked back at Viral, wanting to ask him a question but instead letting him finish first. "I do spend time with them, and I don't feel like you're okay, but that's not the only reason I'm sticking around. You're saying spend time with my friends which is exactly what I'm doing now, it just so happens that friend needs some kind of support too. It's a coincidence that those go hand in hand, but I'm not here solely for one reason or another." Sending a glance up in Vegeta's direction she watched him working away on that PDA of his, rolling her eyes at his obsession with technology. "I have a question for you now, though... Since you asked I'm curious," Yumi began, shifting closer and smiling, "Do you want to have a family?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu let out a giggle, smiling at Takeshi. “Would you like it if I called you fat? Fatty fat Takeshi!” he bounced happily, giggling away before stuffing food in his mouth again. At least he was polite with what he said and came up with the better question, especially when he didn’t know how Kaesstrians had kids. Asking if someone was expecting was definitely better than saying they eat too much, especially when babies were cute in Shu’s eyes. He only saw a few of their babies in town and did wonder how someone like his friend used to be something like that. Shu was certainly enjoying himself either way, even if Takeshi ended up the one being punished. Smiling happily as he continued to eat he looked to Takeshi again, confused to why he was making it so much more complicated than he was trying to explain it as. Tilting his head a little he smiled, hearing how silly Takeshi was being. “Nooo! I don’t mean that, silly! You so silly!” he giggled, shifting on his seat, “Shu means everything there for something! Everything needs the other thing to live. Can’t say I could be alive if it wasn’t for trees and fish. You may have easy time with a house, but living in the wilds was hard without relying on them”. T’charrl was certain his mother could relieve a lot of the worries, especially when she probably knew a lot about them and whether they were a part of growing up. He was still young and wasn’t a full adult yet so everything strange and new upset him, easily making him think he was even more different than his own kind. He hadn’t fully adapted to any of these changes and they all still managed to scare him. He didn’t know who to talk to about any of it other than his mother. Smiling he let out a sigh, looking down at his plate. “They really like meat, but I suppose Shu really likes fruit but still likes meat. Honestly…I don’t know what’s up with the two of them; although, I think Shu came from the forest, or something”. They were pretty different but they were very similar to each other too, both with personalities that worked well together. They were certainly related but looked nothing alike, except maybe their faces a little bit. Looking to his mother as she finished up he too decided to finish too, giving his plate a casual push forward and sitting back in his chair. T’charrl didn’t really know whether consulting the leaders was a very good idea, especially when his kind of power was more of a taboo amongst his people, something to be feared. He didn’t want the leaders knowing these people existed. “But…if they knew, wouldn’t they want them dead? They won’t know about them if they were like me”, he muttered, keeping his head low, his eyes soon going up to his friends. He didn’t want to get them involved in something they didn’t want to be a part of, especially when it would be too selfish to get them involved in his own business. “I don’t want to threaten them. I-I just want to know if there’s others like me and if there is then I-I just don’t want their lives threatened anymore”. Viral didn’t want Yumi ending her life without accomplishing all the goals her kind often gave themselves so it was only right to ask her if she was going to accomplish them all. She had that freedom to do all of these things and there would always be many things he couldn’t do himself, but he was not sure if he wanted those things himself. He didn’t know what was going to happen to him and he knew his limits, especially when it came to what he could mentally handle. Frowning at her reasoning he sighed and shook his head, not finding it a good enough excuse. “Vegeta wouldn’t exist if certain family members never decided to have kids…then you get the fact Goku managed to figure it out…” he grumbled, not really wanting to think about that. Something about he thought of Goku having kids made him feel slightly queasy, probably because he was such a buffoon. Giving his head a slow rub he glanced up in slight annoyance, his hand slowly shifting to one of his horns and giving it a rub instead. “It’s just a few…ornaments or whatever. I’m okay. Wouldn’t mind being able to reverse it…but whatever…” He was probably just making up excuses to why he felt so bothered by everything, hoping maybe it was just these afflictions and the pain they were causing that was making him so angry. He knew there was probably a lot more to it than that but didn’t want to believe what was going on in his head was his true problem. The nightmares and insomnia were still a problem, so were the odd flashback or two, but he was sure the psychosis was due to his genes rather than what was going on in his head. He didn’t want to believe he had problems that everyone needed to get involved with. Feeling rather fed up already he continued to stare into the energy, his eyes momentarily going to Yumi as she moved closer to him, immediately feeling on edge when she asked her question. “…What is this? Some kind of investigation?” he asked up, letting out a growl as he moved a little, “Someone might get hurt with a question like that. Why would I want a family? I don’t even know where a question like that would become relevant in my life. Might as well ask if I want a needle in my eye and you’ll know how that’d turn out…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"I know I'm not fat, so it doesn't bother me none. It helps to call someone fat when they're actually, you know, fat." Defending the fact he had called some lady fat wasn't the best of things to do, but Takeshi was much too stubborn to let Shu think he was in the right. If nothing else the older boy had just been honest, not his fault the lady couldn't handle a bit of honesty. If he'd said she looked good then she might think he was lying and get even more upset, so how was he supposed to win at that? Watching as Shu went back to devouring his food he rolled his eyes, glancing down at his own empty plate. Huh, so he'd eaten everything and not even realized it, bummer. There was more food but honestly he was done for now, he'd wait until they got something back on the ship. Making one last ditch effort at explaining how things weren't in place for their needs Takeshi gave up, finding that he wasn't getting his point across to Shu. He wasn't wrong, the little guy, but that wasn't what he was getting at. The way his brother had been saying it was almost like everything was there solely for him, which obviously was not the case. "Hey, home wasn't all cushy either! I had to steal food and a lot of what I used to have because I didn't have money. My house was really empty for a long time, you know. The stuff you get to enjoy now is all stuff I had to bust my butt for, you know. So my life wasn't exactly a cakewalk either." The Saiyans certainly were peculiar little creatures, though if they had befriended T'charrl they were alright. Odd to think how different they could be too, just looking at the contrast between Shu and Takeshi in particular. They were brothers according to everything Eslaria knew, and yet looking between them even now she was hard pressed to see it. Some similarities in the face perhaps, but aside from that little else. It was difficult to tell one way or another, and she couldn't even begin to imagine what the rest of their race must look like. "After seeing what you're capable of I doubt they would kill the children," the Queen explained, frowning as she folded her arms, "Speaking purely from a strategic point of view, this isn't my personal opinion, but someone with your abilities would be essential if fighting broke out. Unless the leaders of the other kingdoms are absolute morons I'm sure they've realized this by now, and are probably being a little more accepting of the unique children." This was all provided that the leaders even knew of these children, which there was a fair chance they didn't. T'charrl had been kept from the public for quite some time in regards to his powers, and it was a safe bet the others were too. Not only then would they need to somehow be granted entry into other kingdoms, but then they would have to locate the gifted child, or perhaps children. "If you don't want their lives threatened then it may come to violence, or intimidation at the very least," Eslaria said plainly, looking over at her son, "If anyone wants to harm these children then we'll need to protect them, and if it comes to a fight then so be it." "Of course... Fighting isn't our only course of action," Yusef added, smiling at T'charrl, "Politics isn't my area of expertise, but I'd bet we could negotiate something. If the children are allowed to train under you, or your friends and learn their powers I don't imagine the leaders would mind. Especially not if we let them go back home afterwards." That proposal was a double-edged sword, but it might be the best option they had. Should the children be allowed to train then they would be accepted by someone, perhaps be happier for it all while learning to control and hone their power. The flip side of the matter was they would be making veritable weapons for other kingdoms, weapons which may come back to haunt them some day. Their only hope in that regard was that the children would be grateful for the help and never use their abilities for any malicious purposes, though it was impossible to guarantee such a thing. Setting his empty plate to the side Yusef folded his hands together on the table, letting out a sigh before shaking his head. "I really don't like the idea of taking these children from their homes and training them, but it may be for the best. And though I don't think violence is going to help us any, showing a little muscle could help in persuading our fellow leaders abroad into cooperating." Yumi couldn't answer whether she wanted a family for herself or not, at least not just yet. She was still young and there was a lot she wanted to do, so raising children sort of fell way to the wayside for now. It seemed like a nice enough thing, albeit she'd never cared for a child before so it would certainly be an experience. Why was Viral asking about having a family of all things? It seemed a touch unusual, as he didn't tend to ask personal questions like that. Maybe he was just curious, or trying to find something to keep his mind off of something else. To that end she didn't mind answering questions, but it did raise one for Yumi in turn. She had to ask it back, whether Viral had ever wanted a family or not; Beastmen were artificial, yes, so maybe they couldn't have families in the traditional sense, but nothing was stopping more from being created for Viral. Getting closer as to keep the question between them she prodded him for an answer, smiling bemused at the flustered response given. "Why are you getting so defensive over it? It's a simple yes or no question," Yumi teased, giggling as she folded her arms and raised an eyebrow. "Why would you want a family? Same reason anyone does, I guess. To have someone around, to raise a kid, just to try it? If I was going to have a family it'd be to raise a kid and teach them things, but that's just me. What about you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

“But you are fat compared to me! You fattie-fat”, Shu giggled, shifting on his seat, “It’s okay if you’re fat. I’m not fat and if I was fat like you, I would be in trouble! I would look too much like you!” It was amusing to get Takeshi all wound up and bothered by his own rudeness, especially when Shu was now seeing why it was such a bad thing for him to say. Giggling a little he reached out to grab one last piece of fruit, munching at it as Takeshi tried to justify his ‘tough’ life. He didn’t think it was so bad, probably because there had been constant threats when he was growing up. “Ooh! I didn’t have money…no need for money! Always looking for food, fighting back predators and bad clans! Moving everywhere and lots of rain all the time”, Shu sighed, scratching his neck in contemplation, “Never really had a home except for whole jungle! Scary place…are you scared of creatures in the night? I am. Scary things might eat you while you sleep…and family no care because they no like you much. Makes scary place even more scary…” T’charrl was pretty well set on not using his friends to his advantage, thinking it to be a little lowly to do such a thing just because of what they were. It would be the same as Takeshi and Shu using his power to their advantage and only taking him somewhere so they could make him do something they couldn’t do. He could try and do it himself and not have to force others into his business when they didn’t want to, especially as they were supposed to be having a holiday. “But…not even the guards know about what I can do. I don’t want to show off my powers just because I am wanting to try and find people who might have them. I’m not sure how I would do such a thing without it being an act of aggression”. He could probably try and use his powers to find them since they would have the same type of energy he has, but that would be a complete longshot when he had no idea how to do such a thing. He hadn’t found anyone else who had the same abilities as him so it would be trial and error. He wasn’t sure whether going by it aggressively would accomplish anything. The thing he worried about was the kingdoms thinking they’d use people like him to hold dominance over them, using the unknown power against them. “I…guess…something needs to be done to help them…” he frowned, letting out a sigh, “I’m worried that I may not have the gut to think like that, though. I know I’m supposed to, but something about wanting something like that and there actually being people to find doesn’t sound like a good start at all. I don’t know if they exist and I don’t know if I can find them. I’ve never had to try and do that before and if we threaten them only to find nobody, I don’t know how that would benefit us”. Feeling a little discouraged T’charrl lowered his head before his eyes turned to his father, frowning as he spoke. Even with that plan he still worried that they would be seen as a threat much like he was to anybody who met him, just like L’esta thought. He didn’t know how to get around that and knew how sketchy the plan he had was, so maybe there was a way to work around it without causing a lot of trouble. “Send them back? I guess so…I mean, it’s their choice to want to come here too. I just wonder how to hide the fact I would be doing that stuff with them from the public. I don’t think they’ll be ready to understand such a thing without spawning some sort of fear or hatred for us”. He didn’t like the idea of taking them away but he didn’t want it to be hostile. He wanted it to be a choice and to try and understand his power too, maybe finally get it under control if there was a master out there who could help him. He didn’t want to be a danger to his friends and family anymore but he didn’t know how to solve it. “Maybe uhh…I-I can convince them to do it without showing off aggression? I mean, they might know me and if I say there might be terrorists targeting certain people, maybe they’ll want me to find them before the terrorists win?” Viral didn’t like talking about this particular subject when it was directed at him, hoping that he was going to instead direct her towards possibly thinking of having a family of her own. Instead, Yumi did her typical thing and turned the discussion towards him and made things incredibly awkward. It wasn’t as if it was something she knew a lot about anyway so it was a fairly innocent question, but it was incredibly awkward considering what he was and what exactly he couldn’t do. He thought him saying how he lacked the same morals people would be a big enough hint that he wouldn’t be good around other people. Growling in annoyance he rubbed his head, his paw eventually waving to get her to stop poking him before leaning his head on his palm. It wasn’t a matter of getting defensive as it was trying to avoid the question by calling it stupid. “’Just to try it’? Sure, I’d love to just test the waters with raising a kid of my own…” he grumbled, not having a lot of fun with this subject, “I can’t have kids. My genetics wouldn’t allow it. I’d rather not think about something I barely know anything about and have never been interested in! Besides, I tried to teach you two things but you both grew out of them fairly quickly. I wouldn’t want kids anywhere near me incase they piss me off too much…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"I'm not fat! I'm not even remotely fat!" Takeshi retorted, getting all flustered now because of Shu, "I've never been fat in my life, definitely not as fat as that lady was!" Grr, Shu was really just teasing him now and he knew it, but it was annoying all the same. Problem here was unlike with his other friends there was little he could do to his brother to make him stop, especially in the company they had now. Seriously, it wasn't like he'd gone out and just randomly told someone they were fat either, he'd corrected his little brother. Maybe not in the best way admittedly but that was it, he hadn't intentionally done it. Pushing away his empty plate Takeshi then tried to show Shu he wasn't the only one with a tough life, sharing how he'd had nothing but basically an empty house in which to live. Of course the little guy had to totally ruin that too, saying how his was harder and all that. It probably was in reality, but being as annoyed as he was Takeshi didn't see it that way. Narrowing his eyes at his brother he let out a huff, folding his arms and looking away stubbornly. "No I'm not scared of creatures at night. If something attacks me I kill it, probably eat it too," he explained, shrugging his shoulders, "Nothing's going to eat you while you're with me, so relax." Eslaria had a hard time thinking of any plans outside of outright showing what T'charrl could do. Near most of the Upper City was aware of the Prince's power, and people in the Lower City had begun to become savvy to it as well. True, not everyone knew still but enough to the point that it wouldn't be a massive surprise to everyone involved. "Don't you think by showing off your powers though it would send a message to the others? Tell them that it's okay to be as they are?" the Queen asked, "You could just come out and say you're like them, but what reason would they have to trust you? If they've lived a life of scrutiny before I don't think some random Prince from another kingdom is going to make them open up, my son." A great way to lead was by example, it was what Eslaria had done when she'd initially taken power. Military exercises, even fighting when the war began, she had been in the midst of it with her everyman soldiers from the get-go. Sure, once things escalated it became increasingly obvious that she as a leader had to remain safe, and her husband would lead in her stead, but she had formed that link with her people, and that made them beyond loyal and trusting of her. "The only way to learn if they exist is to go looking. Though I suppose a little espionage could work, just to take a look. I could have Katas come up with some solution for it, maybe a way to save us from even having to send someone physically into another kingdom." There was no easy way to go about addressing this topic and that's what made it so difficult to handle. Apart from already being under the scrutiny of other kingdoms now they had to find a way to gain access to other lands without drawing any further suspicion; there was no reason to trust Eslaria right now, and while her actions were just not everyone knew that. Chances were neither her idea or his own were the ideal course of action, but something had to be tried. If there were in fact children like T'charrl out there it could only benefit them to get help, and ultimately the kingdom in which they resided. As a military man there were plenty of applications that Yusef could see for such power, yet as a father he knew these children could not simply be designated as weapons and have that go over well. Frowning as he rubbed at his head the General looked to his son, giving a small nod in agreement. "Aggression has no place in this, of that I'll agree. Deception might work as you're suggesting, but it's walking a fine line. It would have to be convincing, otherwise they'll notice what we're doing and close us off completely. Maybe we could enlist the help of a neighboring kingdom, if we find someone like-minded. That could be the best chance for us." If Yumi was going to be put on the spot about family than so was Viral, as fair was fair. It was a difficult thing for the Beastman to discuss and she knew that, and she also knew that he couldn't actually create a child; hypothetically speaking would Viral want a family? For someone who was supposedly dismissive and against the idea entirely he sure did get flustered, and she had the sneaking suspicion there was more to it than being let on. After all if the idea was as absurd and stupid as Viral was saying why would he bother getting so up in arms over the suggestion? "Well kids do that, they grow up and change. Still though, you helped make us who we are today," Yumi explained with a smile, "I might not remember everything, like hunting, but there's loads of useful skills you taught me, and Vegeta too. You taught us ways to fight, and how to do some every day things that no one else did. And to be fair I don't think we pissed you off as kids, did we? Maybe we did and you got annoyed, I can't remember, but..." Yumi paused for a moment, smiling slyly as she nudged closer again and winked knowingly at the Beastman. "If I'm not wrong then I remember you having fun with us. Either that or you were really good at faking it. And maybe the kid wouldn't be yours genetically, like Vegeta or I were, but who's to say you can't raise a kid?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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“You are fat. More than me so yes you are”, Shu giggled, smiling as he raised his shoulders, “Is not very nice being called fat now when you no think you’re fat, is it?” Takeshi probably didn’t like being called fat, but it was true when it was Shu that was the skinny one and Takeshi was indeed ‘fatter’ than he was. There was a lot to add up when it came to insulting someone and Shu figuring out why they were insulted, completing his acknowledgement that it was indeed an insult and how it shouldn’t be used. He was certainly happy over that discovery and even though it meant Takeshi was getting a little upset by it, he was still the one who called the lady fat and thought it wasn’t that bad an insult. Smiling away to himself he soon finished off the fruit, letting out a sigh and soon began licking his fingers as Takeshi tried to sound tough. Squeaking, Shu wiggled on his chair a little, wiping down his hands on his shirt. “Ooh! But when you so little and there’s strange noises in the night and you feel all scared and want to cuddle up it’s hard to want to attack it. It’s not always easy to defeat attackers in the night when you’re so small and scared”. T’charrl didn’t know what would be a suitable solution to his problem, finding it all to be too difficult to think through when he had no idea what he was supposed to do to find them. There was supposed to be a way for him to find energy signatures like his own if there was a way to do it like he could with Ki, but even then it was too difficult to think about nevermind do. To do what his mother was asking him was a bit difficult for him to think through, especially when it sounded as if it’d cause more aggression than calm. Looking to his mother he frowned at her answer, sighing a little as he looked back to the table. “I…guess so. I’m just afraid, I guess. I’m not sure how to show it off without frightening people and calling me a threat to their lives”. He was sure he wasn’t going to be able to encourage them to come out if he acted with aggression, threatening the leaders to let him into their kingdoms just because of his status. They could duel him all they wanted to if that would make them happy, but he didn’t want to resort to that. “It might be a little hard to find them though, I mean…you didn’t know about what I could do…” Not entirely sure how to go about this he felt he needed a little more time to think about it, wondering if he could probably discuss it with Katas as well if his mother wanted to go through with that plan. Looking to his father he hoped maybe he could think of a way to make this work too after all this chatter, smiling slightly when he agreed with his non-violent approach. He really didn’t want to create a war out of his one desire to find someone who was like him. “Maybe. Do we still have allies even after uhh…the conflict?” he asked curiously, certainly in a position to wonder about that, “I’ve never even seen the other kingdoms. Will they even know who I am? I don’t need to show off the fact I defeated the General, do I? I can’t say I like using that for anything”. Viral really wanted to move off this subject before they moved into territory that he really didn’t want to set foot in. He knew what it would be like if he ended up telling her everything he had been hiding for so long, even if she didn’t care about him being thought of as a weakling. He didn’t want to reveal too much about himself and what he often thought about certain aspects of his life, especially regarding this. Growling lowly he soon let out a sigh instead, rubbing his forehead. He didn’t think he managed to teach them anything that they still used, especially when Yumi went to train at a dojo and Vegeta concentrated more on science. It was at the point when Vegeta considered hiring him out to work in the army was the final straw for him. Letting out a grunt he shook his head, not feeling the praise she was trying to give before giving her an annoyed look when she tried to come closer. Staring at her for a moment he looked away soon after, going back to resting his head on his paw. “I’m not going to have a kid! Okay? It’s not going to be an option and neither is it a good idea. Just because you have happy memories doesn’t mean they are all good. I wasn’t raising you two by myself. I was constantly being watched and monitored, as always. I didn’t have you two with me a lot of the time at the start because I kept scaring Vegeta without meaning to. He wasn’t used to not having parents and not used to seeing me around for a while, even if he was the one who released me. I’m not raising a kid that has nothing to do with me. I don’t know why I tried to raise Vegeta…but then again, I was told I was ‘made’ for that purpose…even though I doubt it greatly”.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Takeshi was borderline wanting to dope-slap Shu, totally missing the point his brother was trying to teach him a lesson with this. Or he could be, either that or the little guy was just being a pain. Either way he wasn't having very much fun anymore, shooting the younger boy a dirty look before looking down at his plate. Seriously, it was just calling someone fat, it's not like he'd insulted her fricken mother or anything. What was that about scary noises in the night? Eh, there were things he didn't like but the dark was never one of those, and anything that made noise in the night was usually an animal; animals were for eating, predator or prey he didn't care, meat was meat. Shu could play the frightened little boy all he wanted but Takeshi wasn't going to say he was afraid of any noises, that was just silly. Besides, he'd been fighting things as long as he could remember, so being young or little or whatever wasn't really an excuse for him. "I guess that's what you get for living in the jungle like a monkey," he remarked callously, shrugging his shoulders. It certainly wasn't Shu's fault for where he'd grown up and he knew it, but being annoyed right now he didn't much care. "If you grew up in a house or whatever then you'd not be afraid of things like that, you know? Besides, I'd think living in the wild would make you tougher." "People are going to be afraid of new things, that's in our nature. It'll be up to you to show them there's no reason to be afraid," Eslaria explained with a smile, "They might be intimidated, or fear for their safety, but you'll need to show that while you have the power you're not going to do anything bad with it. All they need is a little reassurance, not too hard is it?" This was provided they went a more passive route, something that the Queen admittedly was a touch skeptical about. Swaying the minds of a large number of people without something really powerful to drive the point home was tricky, even more so when you weren't using some show of power. She supposed that mindset was a relic of old ways though, and she was every bit a part of that as Garesh had been. Her husband had a decent idea, and while probably the safest way of approaching things it still wasn't going to be easy. Furrowing her brow Eslaria folded her arms, trying to think of who they might be able to rely on for this plan. "I can think of a few, though we haven't spoken in a few years now. No doubt they're every bit as suspicious about us as the others are, but they may at least be willing to hear us out. I could always send a message back, with that..." she began, pausing as she frowned and looked around the dining room, "Weren't we expecting that musician to come and play?" Yumi couldn't help but pout when Viral went and shot down the idea entirely, having hoped she might spark a little something in him. She swore he'd had fun with her and Vegeta, so why wouldn't he enjoy some other kids? Not only was he against the notion of raising a child but by the sounds of it he was completely put off by it, going on a small rant about why it wasn't going to happen. Maybe she had been wrong in assuming he enjoyed it, as the way he spoke it sounded more like an obligation or job. To be fair it didn't make very much sense to Yumi, Viral's situation. Frowning she settled back down and crossed her legs, looking over at the Beastman curiously. "I've been thinking... So you did... What you did, and they put you to sleep for a while. Even if Vegeta woke you up they could have put you back to sleep again, but they didn't. Considering what happened I would think they would, instead they let you stay around two little kids..." Scratching at her head for a moment she glanced back at Viral, smiling apologetically before shaking her head. "Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy you were around, I wouldn't trade it for anything. But do you see what I'm getting at? There was every reason for you not to be taking care of us, and I really doubt that's what Aito planned, but you did it. So that's kind of got me wondering if someone at Capsule Corp tried setting things up?" She wasn't going to voice the last bit, but the thought that crossed her mind sent a shiver down her spine. Viral had killed Aito and June, they all knew that now and in retrospect could have met the same fate. What if someone had tried seeing to that by letting him stay out? And it was only by good fortune they had been spared?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu was scared of a lot of things to do with the dark, but it had gotten worse since he was taken in by his father. The noises at night really put a number on his mind, especially when he was alone in a cold room most of his time. He wasn’t a creature of solitude at all, it made him feel cold and alone. Hearing noises during the night really put him on edge, his worry definitely on the thought that he might get attacked because his vision wasn’t very good at night. It was always going to be a primal fear but it had definitely gotten worse than it once was. It shouldn’t matter anyway; he was with Takeshi and his friends so he shouldn’t be alone at night anymore. Frowning a second when Takeshi spoke he soon smiled again and bounced a little. “I am a monkey! I am!” he giggled, smiling happily, “Is there something wrong with that?” Giving his head a quick scratch he frowned again when he was subtly accused of being weak despite coming from the wilds, not liking the wording of that sentence. “You think it does? It makes the world be seen as the scary place it is. Must find food to live, shelter to live, hide to live, fight to live…lots of things! Best time I’ve had is living with you! But it’s tough to get used to it…need shinies for food…no shinies mean no food! Shinies gone and then Shu is no living no more!” T’charrl knew people were afraid of new things, even he was still afraid of his own powers after all these years. He had always been afraid of exposing it to everyone he knew and now his problem was being afraid of losing control. He didn’t know when it might happen again but he knew all he needed to feel was some sort of stress that often triggered his powers, but he knew this kind of chatter would never cause that to happen at least. “I guess so. Umm, I have a question about that, actually…” he spoke lowly, shifting his claws on the table, “Are you two afraid of it? You’ve seen what it does to me and what it can do and I just-…I just feel a little afraid myself. I don’t know a thing about what’s happening to me”. There was no doubt that he could blame the General for what happened to him but he didn’t know how that would make anything better, his idea of blaming being directed immediately to himself after he thought about it. He was the one who carelessly took all that energy and didn’t know how to expel it safely. Feeling a little distracted he nearly forgot all about the musician, his head immediately picking up. “O-Oh, right. Maybe they were waiting until we finished?” No matter how Viral looked at it he was always going to be a danger to children, even if he could have his own. He was violent by nature and didn’t have a great track record for not finding trouble so there would be no peace for them. It would be selfish to share that kind of life with another. He didn’t want Yumi thinking he wanted a kid as she would only encourage it and probably try to get him one, placing the child in danger unknowingly. He knew himself best and knew he couldn’t do that, especially when he was facing an illness that gave him a limited future. Thinking the risk to be too great over in his head he gave Yumi a quick look as she decided to do some thinking of her own, going all the way back to the past after he had a quick reminisce. He didn’t like what she was trying to suggest at all, screwing up his perception of his past. He didn’t know how to take that, finding it a little confusing yet concerning. To think he was being used without even being aware of it for so many years made him pretty terrible that he might had missed it, but also rather paranoid. “You think I was part of a plot to kill Vegeta?” he questioned her before letting out a groan, not finding it great for his stress, “Expecting me to betray everyone…willingly letting me near children…but why? To find a new heir to the company? To say I was always being used even when I didn’t know…I don’t know how to take that. How long have you been thinking that?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Takeshi would have thought growing up in the wilds would make you hardier, not the other way around. According to Shu his upbringing was much harder, so why then was he not as tough? To him it didn't make a lot of sense no matter how he sliced it, there was probably some psychological mumbo-jumbo Vegeta could explain it with but he didn't want to hear it. Looking over at his brother the older boy sighed, smacking his face before shaking his head, "You were brought up by monkeys, but you're not actually a monkey. If I was raised by wolves would that make me a wolf? No, I'd be a Saiyan, I was just brought up by them. Get what I'm saying?" The people who raised you didn't change what you were, after all he wasn't human though he'd been brought up by one. Hearing that the time spent with his older brother was the best made a quick change in Takeshi's mood, breaking him out into a smile as he itched at his nose sheepishly. "Well... I've got to take care of my little brother, you know? I think we've got money left over back home, but if we don't then we can always get a job," he said, pausing for a moment before chuckling and looking over at Shu, "Well... I can get a job. I guess you can keep an eye on all the food we'll be growing." "I was a little shocked when I first saw it, I won't lie. Actually shocked might be putting it lightly," Eslaria mused with a small smile, "But since then I've calmed down, and I can see that you've gotten better. Are you completely better? Not yet, but you're definitely improving. So to answer your question, no, I'm not afraid of it. I worry as your mother but I'm certain that things will get better as they have been." He may not be wholly himself, but considering how T'charrl had looked upon their last meeting this was a vast improvement. She should really thank his friends with more than just a meal, but she hadn't a clue what more could be offered. Money was moot if they were traveling off world, and they hardly came around enough to warrant giving them a home or something of the likes. She supposed the only thing that could be offered was somewhere to stay and some hot food when they came around, even if some of her son's friends might be a touch insufferable. "I'm not afraid either, though I saw less than your mother did. You're a strong boy, if it were anyone else I doubt they could make it through this. Already you seem to be healthy again, and it's only going to get better from here on out. Just keep working at it T'charrl, and let your friends help you along the way, things will work out." It may not be an easy recovery, as no doubt up to this point it was hard, but it would happen. Raising an eyebrow at the question of the musician Yusef looked around the room, noticing that the man was in fact nowhere to be seen. "He was supposed to perform during the meal, as he wanted to meet you too I think. Strange that he's not here," he said, sighing as he got up from his seat, "I'll go find him then, no doubt he's just gotten lost wandering around the palace. I hope you boys enjoy the rest of your visit, and thank you for being so helpful to our son." Smiling down at T'charrl, Yusef rubbed his head before heading to the door, exiting the dining hall and being flanked by the two men who had been stood there. So maybe having a child was out of the question for Viral, now at least. Once he had recovered and was on the track to being healthy again maybe she could propose the idea, see how he took to it. She could well have continued pressing the matter now in hopes that he would give in, but something that had been said got her to thinking. The day that June and Aito had been killed, when Viral was put into a sort of stasis and even when he was woken up, she could vividly recall near all of it in her mind. Now that they had background information on the former it made more sense, but what struck her as odd in retrospect was why the Beastman had been allowed to stay out. He had killed Vegeta's parents, and yet was allowed to not only be around the young Saiyan but also to essentially raise him. Why was that? "I don't know why, I really don't. Maybe someone in the company did want to get us out of the way? Maybe someone wanted to take the head seat and was angry that Vegeta was inheriting the company instead, I don't know. It could be a lot of nothing, I wouldn't take this to heart really." Giving her head a curious scratch Yumi glanced over towards Vegeta, wondering if they should bring it up with him as well. If she was thinking it then he had to have at some point too, right? Maybe he was already watching someone, though they'd never know unless they asked. Wanting to go ahead and do just that she looked over at Viral, smiling slightly as she shrugged her shoulders, "Just recently really, it's never occurred to me before. Like I said, I can't think of any person who would try that, or why really. Vegeta basically lets others run it already so why bother getting rid of him?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu didn’t think he was ever going to be tough in anybody’s eyes even if he was pretty strong, probably because he was so small and he knew it. He was always looking up at everyone while everyone looked down at him in return so it was easy to feel afraid of a lot of things that the others couldn’t possibly understand. To have everything staring down at you would easily make you scared of the world, something Takeshi probably would never understand. The world was always going to be a giant scary place, at least until he grew up. Staring at Takeshi as he tried to explain what it meant to be of a particular species Shu tilted his head slightly, not entirely understanding what was being said. “I guess…? I don’t feel I belong to the Saiyans or Humans. They don’t like me”. His clan didn’t really like him either but at least they accepted him for so many years without trying to kill him. He was very strong for his size and they knew that, but that was probably why they left him alone. Squirming on his chair slightly he smiled a little at Takeshi’s response, only feeling a little confused over the ‘job’ remark. “A job…? Ooh, I want to do a lot too. I don’t want to watch one thing all my life too, but I want to look after food too…but adventure!” T’charrl knew his mother was probably scared of him when he first changed considering he tried to eat her, but he didn’t know if she was still scared. He didn’t like the thought of his parents being scared of his power just because it wasn’t something people were familiar with. Lowering his head he gave a nod at his mother’s admittance, stroking his antennae. “I really am trying to get better…but I don’t know why it’s so hard either. Ki was easy, but I still don’t know what’s happening to me to solve this problem. I’m not sure how else to fix it other than maybe finding a Master”. He was always going to be worried over his powers, but it probably wasn’t best to discuss them for too long if they were going to have a musician from another land here. Looking to his father he smiled a little, letting go of his antennae. “Well…I’m not completely healthy, but I am trying to get there”. Not entirely sure if it was an illness he had or not he looked to his father again as he decided to look for the musician, giving a brief nod. “Okay. Just be careful, okay? Maybe it’s because of Space, but strangers make me feel really paranoid now. I wish I sorted that out too…” Viral didn’t know what he was supposed to think when it came to the Capsule Corp possibly wanting to use him in such a fashion, but then again was it any better when he was considered being used as a weapon in conflicts that didn’t interest him. It seemed everybody was concerned with using him as a weapon for their own personal use, never allowing him to make his own decisions. Sure, he enjoyed fighting, but that’s what he was made for. His creators were wrong when they told him he ‘could be whatever he wanted to be’ because he clearly couldn’t; he was a warrior through and through and would always crave combat, no matter what his situation was. It really made him wonder why he was created and what purpose that desire served, why he was made from these specific genes. If he was just going to betray everyone around him then there was no point in him staying with these people and if he ever got better then maybe it was best leaving them before he became too withdrawn into his own destructive desires. Sure, he would be alone for the rest of his life, but his path of destruction won’t include any of them. “I should expect such assumptions by now to be correct…after all, that’s all I’ve been used for. Who is to say you are not correct in this theory of yours given the evidence…” he spoke lowly, running his claws through his hair, “To let others run the company is no better than taking control of me. Just because it can’t walk…hmph, his father will soon be alive again to take over the company, anyway…but…the worst can still happen again. The one who did that to me is possibly still alive…and what of the media? They’ll catch wind that he’s alive again and then the RRA will find out. I’m confused…I don’t know what to think anymore. I don’t know what to do. What is my purpose? Like you’d know…like anyone would know other than the dead! They’ll continue to hide it from me…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"I'm sure we can ask Renthal to have a look again later, and there's your friend too, yes? He seems like a bright one, between the two of them I'm sure they can think of something." Maybe Katas too, he was certainly an intelligent man. Though she loathed to voice it another option could be asking Garesh, seeing as everything happening to her son was a result of his work. It stood to reason that he would know what was happening, and perhaps even have a means of fixing it, but that was only if they could get him to talk. His sentencing was said and done with, he'd be spending quite a bit of time in prison, so they would somehow have to find a way to get him to agree to a deal maybe in return for information. Such a bothersome man to work with, she'd just as soon excommunicate him from the kingdom and let it be. Glancing over at Yusef as he left to track down the musician, Eslaria smiled slightly as she too got up from her seat, waving in some help to start clearing food and the table of dishes. "I'll get in touch with anyone I think can help you T'charrl, we'll see if we can do our part with this too. For right now though I really need to get back to work my dear, I hope that's okay." She wouldn't mind spending a little more time with her son, but with final negotiations between cities coming to a close and plans being set in place it was required of the Queen to be present. Leaning over T'charrl she placed a small kiss on his head before looking at his friends, a small frown forming on her lips. "You three, be sure to keep him safe. He's had enough of a hard time as it is, I don't want anything more to happen to him." Ah jeez, now Shu didn't feel like he belonged? With him and their friends Takeshi figured the little guy had no problem, so he couldn't relate to their own race then? To be fair Shu wasn't alone in that regard; Saiyans were kind of jerks in their experience, befriending the few they had was a miracle in of itself. Being partially human too made things a little confusing, and this was something the older boy could relate to actually. Being half of one race and half of another made you wonder which you really were, or if you belonged in either. Without his tail now Takeshi looked fairly human, albeit he was certainly stronger than any of his human counterparts, as was Shu. Shu did look different though, for both races and even monkeys, that had to be a headache. "Yeah, a job. You know... Get work, make some money. I don't know what either of us could do, but... Hey, we'd find something." Even if it was just physical labor, that would probably be their safest bet. Hauling around heavy objects or helping to build something was simple enough, even Shu ought to find it easy. As soon as he realized that the Queen was speaking to them Takeshi jumped a bit, giving her his fully undivided attention as he blinked owlishly. Oh good, she was just asking them to keep an eye on T'charrl, easy enough. "O-Of course miss! Er... Your Majesty! We're on it!" he replied, nodding his head quickly. "N-No, don't think of this as the truth! It's only something I've been wondering about, and I'm probably way off the mark," Yumi said, laughing uneasily, "There really isn't any evidence, just some stuff that seems weird. But hey, maybe they were being careful and figured it was best we get to see you, I don't know. There's really no way of knowing what the deal was without asking someone." There were going to be a lot of repercussions with Aito returning, many of which Yumi hadn't even considered until now. No one at the company knew of their plans, and no doubt there was going to be quite the mess upon the former head's return. That aside Capsule Corp was in the public image way too much to keep a secret like that, meaning everyone was going to find out that the company's deceased chairman was somehow back and doing his job again. Had Vegeta considered this all as well? Ultimately it was probably worth it, if the return of Aito meant Viral could be saved, but it certainly wasn't going to be an easy task. "Since you're listening to my crazy ideas now, maybe you'll hear me out on this one... What if Aito didn't make you with any purpose in mind?" Yumi asked, "What if... He wanted to just try it, and it worked? Or maybe you did have a purpose, but now he wants you to find your own? We'll see him soon enough if things work out, so you can ask him yourself if it'll help. I don't think anyone is purposely hiding anything from you, we just don't know."
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