Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu wasn’t sure where he was supposed to be in society but he wasn’t sure whether he should be concerned or not, especially when he had Takeshi to keep him on track and make him feel like he had somewhere he could be. If he had Takeshi then he had somewhere he could belong. Having that feeling of solitude hanging over him made him feel fairly terrible most of the time so he didn’t want to think about it. He was definitely happier with others, especially when they liked him back too. He was not wanting to go back to that state of existence again, at least not for a long time. Smiling at Takeshi he gave a little nod, trying to understand what he was saying. “I think I get it now. I don’t know what I could do to get shinies…” he sighed, scratching his nose, “I could make people happy! That can be hard, yes? Do they give shinies if you make them happy? I do like making happiness”. He really had no idea what he was supposed to do to help Takeshi out but he did like the whole exploring part and travelling to meet new people so maybe they could keep doing that without needing too much work done. He would love to have the opportunity to keep travelling through space but still have access to Takeshi’s home for the trees and just being able to go back to Earth. T’charrl didn’t know how to turn off the paranoia around new people or how to keep calm when in no danger whatsoever. It might easily come down to being more afraid of people seeing him or worrying that others were going to attack him or his family because of things he did, but either way it wasn’t something that he wanted to keep as a trait. It was pretty difficult handling all these feelings of concern, but maybe he just needed his friends and family to help him along the way. Nodding at his mother he let out a sigh and rubbed his head, giving the orb on his forehead a quick tap. “Renthal hardly noticed a thing…either that or he is really good at hiding his concerns. I did get him to take a blood sample, though…” he sighed, feeling unsure to whether it’ll help, “I just wish I could figure it out myself”. When his mother decided she should get back to work he couldn’t help but feel saddened, hoping to spend more time with his parents. He had been away for a long time and this was their first meal together again, but if she needed to then it must’ve been important. Smiling sadly at her he lowered his head when she gave him a kiss, his eyes turning to his friends when they were given orders as if they were soldiers. Smiling awkwardly at them he sighed and looked to the table, raising his shoulders. “I’ll be okay…really. Thank you, Mother…” Viral didn’t know what he was supposed to think or if his memories were just false, especially when it had been proven that his memories could fail him by quite a large margin. It all made him rather paranoid and panicky, finding it hard to recover from that state when it got going in his mind. He wanted to try and recover from this by himself, trying hard to think positive but finding it impossible pretty quick too. Just how could he shake off the possibility of being used his entire life in some sort of secret plot to betray everyone he knew; he couldn’t take that kind of thought process, the thought of betraying others managed to make him furious and confused to how he managed to fall for it so easily. He was so naïve sometimes and it was hard to keep up with possible deceit. It didn’t matter if he was ill or stressed or whatever, being unable to see through something like that made him so angry. Growling lowly he rubbed his head, trying to ease the pain stress created. “Just because it seems weird doesn’t mean it’s not true…that it’s worth ignoring. If you can see a problem then there must be a problem! I can’t see any other reason why they would let me near you two when you were both so young…” He was certainly annoyed at both himself and everyone else for not spotting it sooner, especially when he was made such a fool of for so long. What he really needed was answers, but he didn’t know how he was going to get them when he was already struggling to believe anything anybody said. Slowly rubbing his face he let out a groan, his eyes slowly looking up again when Yumi tried to think of answers herself. Staring at her for a moment he soon sighed, rubbing his forehead. “Finding my own is the same as sitting alone in the dark. I never grew up the same way you did. I am nearly the same age as Vegeta and yet you both remember me as a grown adult. I never had the experience to learn and discover what I truly wanted to do and have been following what was placed in my head from the start. Maybe he did, but I need to find the answers…at least before I succumb to…this. You had the opportunity to grow up and decide what you wanted to be, but I was made with a purpose in mind, not just to see if it could be done. To live with that existence makes you no better than an empty shell. How would it feel if you grew up and didn’t know where to go, what to do and what the future held for you and nobody to guide or help you along the way?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

It was really hard to decide what jobs Shu might be good at considering he had trouble with some really basic stuff. A safe bet would be physical labor, but that seemed like a pretty miserable job; chances of a little guy like Shu getting a job like that in the first place were pretty slim most likely. "Er... I don't think making people happy is a real job," Takeshi answered, furrowing his brow as he frowned, "Or... I think it is, isn't that kind of what that doctor back on Earth did? Helps people with their problems and makes them happier? I don't think you can do that, buddy." Sure, there were probably other jobs that could make people happy. Food made folks happy, and doing favors for them made them happy, so maybe a job like that? Then again if food were involved Takeshi wasn't so sure Shu could keep himself from eating it all, especially if fruit was involved. Hearing the Queen addressing them he quickly looked over at her, smiling uneasily as he gave her a goofy salute, "Y-Yes ma'am! We'll keep him safe!" he said quickly, sighing when she left the room. Sheesh, did she have to be so scary even when asking for a favor? "Keep in mind this isn't something that we've seen before, T'charrl. I'm sure Renthal is working to figure it out, but he just doesn't know what it is yet. Have faith in him, he's our best doctor after all." If their own resident practitioner wasn't able to solve this then they would have to go elsewhere for answers, again perhaps to the imprisoned General. That really was a last resort option, though Eslaria was willing to wager they could get what they needed from the man IF he talked. Much as she would like to remain here and spend time with T'charrl she was busy today, as they were reaching the final points of the two cities coming together, so her presence was needed. Noticing the near immediate crestfallen look her son bore upon hearing that she smiled apologetically, giving him a light kiss before rubbing his head, "I'll be in the palace, and you're always welcome to come see us. You're a Prince after all my dear, it's not as if you're excluded from these sorts of dealings. In fact it might do you some good to sit in on them." If he was going to be spending time with his friends they were going to have to keep him out of trouble, and she made it very poignant that she wanted that. Narrowing her eyes at the Saiyans she relented when Takeshi and Haku agreed, nodding to herself before finally leaving the room. Haku was a touch intimidated by Eslaria, but not nearly as much as Takeshi was. It was funny and almost sad in a way seeing how bent out of shape the Prince was with women, he really was hopeless with them. Stifling a laugh that threatened to break through he smirked as the Queen left, glancing over at a flustered Takeshi amused. The lady just cared about her son, it wasn't anything to get all nervous over. What she had asked of them was what they had been doing all along anyways, it wasn't as if she was asking them to change what they were doing. Now that both of T'charrl's parents were gone he wasn't sure what they should be doing now; going back to the ship was boring, if possible he wanted to see more of the city. With the Queen being all concerned about people trying to hurt her son however there was a good chance they weren't going to be able to do that. Haku was sure he wasn't the only one reluctant to go back, they had spent far too much time onboard already. Moving his seat some as a few servants came out to clear away the food mess he settled back in his seat, placing his hands over his stomach and letting out a sigh. "So... Now what do we do...?" "If I'm thinking about it though don't you think someone else would have, Viral? I doubt it's anything, because if this was the case someone would have done something. They must have thought you were okay to be around us, which you were. We were raised fine and you never hurt us, so what's there to worry about?" She really ought not have brought that up, seeing how out of shape Viral was getting over it. The entire ordeal did seem fishy now in retrospect but she could be over-thinking things, there may be nothing wrong at all. This would have been better brought up with Vegeta, at least he would be able to say one way or another if it was true. "Even if one person did want to do that look how big the company is. Do you honestly believe that if anyone tried something like that no one would step up and stop it?" It could go both ways really, but after seeing how uneasy Viral had become Yumi was far more inclined to believe it the other way. Hearing what the Beastman had to say brought her mood down a bit too, seeing the problem he was having with all of this. Folding her ears down Yumi let out a soft sigh, shrugging her shoulders in defeat. "I... I don't know what I would do, honestly. I wouldn't be happy, I know that," she began, looking back at Viral, "But I never did have someone else decide for me. After I was old enough I finished school and started martial arts, though my parents wanted me to keep going to school. Someone had a plan for me but I did my own thing. And sure, we're not the same person and we didn't have remotely the same upbringing, but people can choose for themselves. If you don't know what it is you want yet that's fine, but you're not stuck in any role or job that someone else picked out for you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu didn’t know what he was supposed to do once they were all done with this and Takeshi wanted to work, especially when it would mean he would probably be alone while he was away doing things. He didn’t really want to do that too much and did want to be with Takeshi quite a lot, but it was hard when there was no way to see the future. He was curious about his future and did want to have a clearer idea to what he was supposed to do, but right now he didn’t have a clue and should probably continue focusing on his present and much more pleasant time with his brother and friends. With T’charrl’s mother leaving they could chat for a while properly and loosen up like they usually do, at least until this ‘musician’ arrived, whatever that was. Smiling at T’charrl’s mother he gave a quick wave, bouncing on his chair a little before sighing, looking back to Takeshi. “Would people give us shinies if we did things for others? Like giving food when you’ve been good! Food is good, then shinies is good…right?” T’charrl did hope that Renthal was going to find something that might be repairable but if it was a mutation he was going through then it most likely wasn’t reversible. If it could be controlled then that would be great, but if it was getting to the point where his body was actually weakening and he could possibly become debilitated. It was a pretty difficult time he was having and his mother could tell that, but his pheromones were probably telling her these things even if he did try to hide them. His friends weren’t very good at sensing emotions, but then again he figured their race couldn’t do that as well as his own. They certainly had a lot of different facial expressions compared to his own races so maybe that’s how they expressed themselves more. He should ask about their various ways of expression and what might be unique to them and foreign to him completely. Smiling with his mother as she left he let out a sigh, lowering his head a little before his eyes went to Haku, feeling confused about what he meant. “Do now? I want to listen to the musician”, he spoke, looking back to his claws as he rested them on the table, “I thought you might wanted to as well. I listened and watched everything your culture had to offer…so I thought I could show you all a little bit of mine too?” Viral didn’t doubt Yumi’s intelligence and everyone else’s complete lack of awareness when it came to anything concerning him. He was a bit of a radical element when it came to everyday life even if he had been around for a long time, but it was just a normal organic’s response. They naturally overlooked something that was out of place and the most out of place something could get was being artificially created. Being unable to fit in anywhere made it difficult to be recognised and regarded, something he had seen throughout his entire life. “I have a lot to worry about incase it happens again. Everyone already knows how fragile my mind is…who knows when someone will take advantage of that again and force me to betray everyone under the control of someone else”. He was always going to be concerned with killing someone close to him even if everyone dismissed it as being impossible. Yumi was right that someone would probably go up and try to stop it, but that would probably involve the termination of himself to fully get rid of the problem. Just because he was alive didn’t mean he was valued under the same rights that organic beings were. Staring into the fountain he sighed when Yumi found the same conclusion only coming to another which ultimately lead her to her life decision, but proved his point when she was trying to disapprove it. She had her entire life growing up and education to help her find what she truly enjoyed, but everything he learned early in life was how to fight. Due to the wiping of his memory he didn’t have any recollection of those days, but Aito made a point to him that he learned martial arts and trained under many battle techniques and strategies. It was all he was programmed to do from an early age and nothing else seemed possible for him to do. “Everything else will become misery for me to do because it was not what I was meant to do. You had many years to decide what you wanted to do, remember? What I’m trying to say is you experienced what the world had to offer while I was made to stare out of a window, yearning for freedom while the only ‘freedom’ I had was hunting with you and Vegeta but under heavy supervision. You may had thought I was allowed to go outside freely, but there was always someone watching me and taking notes. I wasn’t allowed to go beyond certain boundaries. But…maybe that’s just it. It’s all in the past and there’s nothing I can do about it now”.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

How in the world did a restroom break turn into a manhunt? The klutz of a musician had managed to do it, in record time too it seemed. The poor sap was supposed to perform at the meal and had every intention of doing so, but evidently had gotten lost along the line. Hearing the story as Yusef spoke to the guy nearly made Takeshi burst out laughing, amused by the man's cluelessness. Nothing bad had been done, all it was as it happened was a case of getting lost. Rather than punish him for going off on his own they made sure he was alright before offering to help him get back home. Supposedly it was a quick journey, and Takeshi assumed that a few guards would be selected to help the musician get back home. Smiling expectantly he did a double take when Yusef asked T'charrl and them to take care of it, opening his mouth soundlessly to protest before slouching. Arguing with it wasn't going to help, certainly not when everyone else was okay with the request. Honestly, they were playing escort to someone during their vacation. A musician too, it wasn't even like they were some super important person! Takeshi had been more than ready to get back to the ship, do a little training then hunker down and eat a nice big dinner before bed. Hard to tell how late it was seeing as the sun was still up, but he felt like it should be late so he was going with his gut. Rather than do any of that himself, Shu and Haku along with T'charrl were to bring this man back to his kingdom, which was some ways away apparently. It wouldn't be an issue could they fly, but since things were so uncertain right now Yusef had cautioned against it. Instead they were getting something from Katas to help them along, a vehicle of some kind. Already Takeshi wasn't crazy about this idea, recalling just how much Shu loathed being inside a vehicle before. If this was the only alternative other than walking they were going to have to take it, Shu would need to find his happy place while they were in. "Seriously... How did you get all the way out here anyways?" Takeshi asked, looking over at the small Kaesstrian, "You sure as heck didn't take any sort of vehicle, so did you fly?" "W-Well, yes, but that was before I knew we weren't supposed to," the musician explained, holding his lute to his chest, "You see... I was on my way to the city when guards grabbed me, and started asking where I was going. I tried to explain to them I was here as a guest but they didn't believe me, and they dragged me down to see the Queen!" He still remembered how terrified he'd been, not knowing how things would turn out. It was true he was there as a guest, but really his coming in alone was hardly the best way to go about it. He'd been offered an escort but turned it down, worried that there might be conflict between the two different soldiers, and so he'd made the trip alone. Not a horribly long journey either, a few hours at most flying at a leisurely speed. "Thank goodness Her Majesty is kind though, I thought I was going to be thrown in a cell! She kept me out of them though and made it up to me." Looking over at T'charrl he smiled nervously, glancing down at his weapon as he idly plucked a string. "Your mother is a frightful woman, Prince. She hit those two guards and probably sent them to the infirmary." "She's definitely... Uh... A strong leader," Haku noted, nodding to himself. He wasn't feeling very eager right now, finding the Upper City to be a bit more intimidating than the Lower City. It was far more crowded, and he was certain that plenty of people were looking at them. It was probably the fact they had a foreigner with them, or maybe that they were Saiyans, he didn't know. The idea of exploring the planet a bit more and not have to worry about anything was enticing, hopefully once they were out of such a crowded space he'd look forward to it more. How things had changed for him, it almost felt like a dream as he walked along the road. From one of the King's many dogs and being made to attack his sons to now traveling with them, he'd never believe it if he wasn't there now. Of course being with them didn't mean they were on good terms, as he could very well see by how he was basically ignored. For what he had done he supposed it was justified, though it didn't make being nigh excluded any less disappointing. The excuse of he was working under Yamate probably wouldn't cut it, so he'd just have to be careful and hope things worked out alright.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

T’charrl had no clue to where the musician had gone until he was told he had been found much later, finding it most unusual. He didn’t think it was possible to lose your way if you were invited to come to a city but then again it sounded as if the guy came without a guide and evidently ran into the same problem he did when he first arrived on the planet again. He really didn’t know what to make of the highly aggressive stance the soldiers were taking here, especially to a man with a lute. He should probably talk to his father about that, but not just now. He was definitely not sure how that was supposed to be welcoming to travellers and not seen as hostile at all by the other kingdoms, even if they had a security problem with a few rebels here and there. Resting on a crutch he frowned as he stared at the musician, his eyes going to Takeshi momentarily before he looked back to the musician, giving a nervous smile. His mother definitely was one for granting mercy to those who deserved it, but he did wonder how the guards were after they were found out by her. Only hoping there was no bad blood between them he let out a sigh, slowly rubbing his head. “I hope things are okay now, though. She, uhh…she’s very good at showing why she’s Queen”, he smiled nervously before frowning, “I hope this hasn’t soiled your desire to return here again. We’re just getting over a rather large conflict and uhh, the extra security is necessary for a while…but you’re welcome to stay in one of the guestrooms next time you come here! Your own personal guards too!” Shu didn’t know what was going on but was keeping close to Takeshi, not entirely sure what to make of the Kaesstrian with the strange item. He hadn’t seen anything like it before and was definitely curious, but not curious enough to try and touch it. If only he knew what its purpose was and why he had it, but maybe it was best that he stayed curious and didn’t find out. He had so much to worry about and he was sure it was going to get worse, but luckily he was with Takeshi and hopefully that would be enough protection for him. He was a little tired but he could keep awake for his friend, not exactly used to how long the Kaesstrian days were. He was used to staying up until the sun went down and getting to sleep before any full moon decided to show itself. He really wasn’t sure if this planet had a moon but he was not going to take any risks and go to sleep when he could. There was so much that frightened him and forced him to take precautions, but it was all for his own good and for the safety of others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

At this point in the ordeal the musician was just glad to be leaving, having had more than his fill of hostile guards for the day. They were just doing their job and he was trying not to be resentful of them, but having them threaten to destroy his lute was pretty low; if you broke a guard's sword they couldn't work, it was the same way for a musician... Except their sword was an instrument. The Queen and her husband had been kind enough and with the Prince graciously agreeing to help him get home he wouldn't say the trip was all bad. "Your kingdom is very... Nice. I'm not used to so many armed men around, so forgive me if I'm a little on edge," the musician admitted sheepishly, "I think I will return someday though... After this has all settled down. Be fortunate my King isn't someone who tends to be hostile, anyone else would probably take action over this." Realizing that may be interpreted as a veiled threat the musician frowned, hugging his lute nervously as he glanced over at T'charrl. "Uh, please don't take that the wrong way! All I mean to say is His Majesty is a kind man, he'll show kindness even to his enemies. I think you will all like it there, for however long you plan on staying." Takeshi was glad to hear there was a nice king for a change, having had more than his fair share of crappy rulers lately. The Queen and the General weren't bad rulers, though the former made it hard to relax sometimes; outwardly kind leaders weren't something he saw very much of in their travels. Seeing as this was supposed to be their time off of all that war nonsense too it was even better that they would be going to places where they would get a warm welcome. Glancing over at Shu as he was being unusually quiet Takeshi frowned, noticing how out of it the little guy seemed. He wasn't doing anything outwardly to show he was tired, but you spend enough time with someone and you pick up on little mannerisms. The fact they were going on an adventure should have Shu bouncing around, yet he was almost dragging his feet by the looks of things. Was he worried about going in a vehicle again too? Figuring he'd try to help Takeshi reached over, smiling as he playfully ruffled his younger sibling's hair to rouse him. "Hey, how about you get on my back? I'll give you a ride the rest of the way," he offered, pointing to his back with his thumb, "And if you're going to fall asleep I'll wake you when we get there, okay?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

T’charrl really did feel bad and hoped everything could be sorted once the musician got over his traumatic experience. It was not pleasant to be nearly locked up and have all sorts of harassment thrown at you just because you were invited to visit. It wasn’t going to help anybody, especially when it meant he might not come back. Smiling he soon sighed, lowering his head a little into a bow. “It would had been nicer if you weren’t harassed. I hope everything can work out for the better next time”, he smiled, hoping to make everything better despite the anxiety in his voice. He wasn’t used to sounding like he was royalty or talking to people in general. It was awfully difficult to do anything like that when he had little practice due to nobody wanting to be near him when he was growing up. Feeling happy that the musician will return again he gave a nod, looking away for a second. “My mother is very strong but she has a good heart. She would know how to find forgiveness from your King if he was not kindly”, he spoke quickly, trying to ease the man’s nerves, “I just, uhh…want to personally apologise to the King too. If he is as kind as you say then maybe he’ll let me umm…talk about…royal things too? I hope he’s okay with that sort of thing, at least”. Shu didn’t know how he was supposed to handle the travelling to this kingdom place, especially when he was not feeling all that great. He wasn’t ill or anything but he might as well had been with how dazed he looked, giving his eyes a little rub to try and keep them open. He really needed to learn how to stay up as long as everyone else did, but then again it was often that he freaked out in the middle of his sleep. He was often pretty quiet when he did suddenly wake up but probably because he fell off his bed at the same time or had his face buried in the pillow. While not feeling too enthusiastic about travelling in the way they had to go he frowned and looked away from the conversation, instead looking elsewhere to try and distract him before squeaking when Takeshi ruffled up his hair, his hands going up before he turned to Takeshi. He didn’t know if he wanted to take up his offer since it meant sleeping, his eyes going to his back curiously. Letting out a sigh he lowered his head a little, rubbing his head before slowly moving to Takeshi. “Okay…I don’t want to sleep, though”, he sighed, moving around to climb onto Takeshi, “I don’t want to be scared in my sleep when we travel. That is the worst…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"H-Honestly, after your parents came along everything was fine!" the musician said with a smile, "I wasn't sure where to go though until I was called, so I made the mistake of wandering. I... I do apologize for that, it wasn't my intention to cause problems, I just got lost." The palace here was smaller than the one he was familiar with, but not by much, and the layout completely different. It was a small wonder he'd even made it as far as the city limits on his own, and actually had it not been for the guards he'd have missed the entrance to the Lower City entirely. To that end he was grateful, even if the manhandling might leave him a bit skittish until they leave the kingdom. Hearing the way that T'charrl spoke the musician couldn't help but snicker, quickly covering his mouth before smiling apologetically. "I'm sorry... You and your family are just very casually for royalty. Then again so is our King, so I imagine you'll get along just fine!" he mused, "Royal things, idle chatter, I'm sure he won't mind what you talk about. It's very hard to get on his bad side and he's a friendly man, everyone in the kingdom loves him. Sadly I think he's one of the few rulers left nowadays who open outsiders with open arms. Maybe we'll get back to that someday though, I would love to travel more..." It was unlike Shu to be so drowsy this early, or even if it were late for that matter; getting Shu to sleep was one of the greatest challenges Takeshi faced, albeit not for the reasons he thought. All he could see at face value was the little guy was worn down, and that warranted giving him a helping hand. They had only a few minutes at most before they got to Katas' building, but he figured it would still be a nice gesture to let Shu take a piggyback the rest of the way there. Smiling approvingly as his brother agreed he got in front of Shu, letting him clamber up before slipping his arms under his legs. Good thing the little guy was just that, little, otherwise it would be awkward trying to carry him. "Shu... We really need to do something about that, you know?" Takeshi asked rhetorically as he glanced back, "It's something that can be fixed, and I'm sure you want it to go away. You can't tell me waking up every night and having to crawl into bed next to me over a nightmare is fun." He kind of wanted to keep to separate beds, just because Shu had a tendency to roll around constantly even before the nightmares began. If he needed to be there now and again to help then that was fine, but it wasn't healthy for him to act as a sort of safety tool, they were better off facing and dealing with the issue. Heh, he'd been listening to Vegeta way too much to think of that. "When we get back tonight we'll talk to Vegeta, okay buddy? I'll be right there with you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

T’charrl was always going to be afraid of confrontation until he was comfortable with who he was and right now he was still worried if someone was going to point out his pretty big flaws in his appearance and their wonder to what they might be. He didn’t want people to get too curious and touch him. The musician seemed to be dismissing it at least or preferring not to talk about it in front of him. Giving a little nervous smile he sighed and lowered his head into a quick bow. “We should had known you might not find your way. I didn’t even know you were coming here either…I mean, I arrived back earlier today”. He didn’t quite know whether he could make any more excuses but he was certainly not going to draw out the problem anymore, especially when it was a simple misunderstanding. Giving a little smile he let out a sigh, rubbing his head. “Well uhh, we just found peace again after a long time so umm…i-it’s just a good time to relax now, but it’s easy to be nervous about the arrival of strangers when they could be taking advantage of the calm. This’ll be my first time going to another kingdom so I-I’m definitely excited about seeing your King”. Shu used to love sleeping but it had been a chore for him for a long time now, the distant memory of sleep being welcoming feeling like a dream in itself. He didn’t think he would ever get to this point in his life but he was here and there was nothing he could do about it other than wait until he got back to normal somehow. It was a matter of waiting and seeing with him rather than actively trying to do anything about it. He didn’t know what he could do anyway, especially when it was all in his mind. Climbing up onto his brother’s back he let out a sigh, resting against his shoulder. Feeling a little more relaxed his eyes looked to Takeshi, frowning before lowering his gaze again. “It’s not fun…no it’s not”, he muttered before letting out a groan, “I don’t know how it gets fixed, how images get fixed…” He really saw no way for anything to actually work on him, especially when it was all in his mind. Viral’s problem was different; his problems come from pain filled memories that he was fully conscious over, however, Shu’s own experiences was less pain due to the drugs they used on him and more frightful and traumatic. Feeling confused about the possible solution he frowned at Takeshi, rubbing his cheek against him. “He’s so busy. I don’t know how he can do anything about it”, he sighed, feeling it was pointless to ask Vegeta, “I don’t even know how he can fix it for me. He never talks to me, anyway…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The musician was hardly going to hold what happened against these people, even if it was a bit nerve-wracking. It was nice to see the reports of this kingdom were wrong and the rulers were not in fact tyrants; speculation among other kingdoms said that Eslaria was unjust, and the recent uprising was an attempt at dethroning her, but in his time here she seemed anything but. T'charrl hardly came across as cruel either, though a touch unusual in both appearance and mannerisms. Then there were these three whom he traveled with, Saiyans as they were called. He'd never seen them before and they certainly looked strange, but he did his best not to stare. "Returned? Returned from where?" he asked, frowning confused. The Prince said this was his first time visiting another kingdom so if he hadn't gone there then where? What a curious adventure this was turning out to be, at the very least he'd have plenty of material for a few new songs. "If I can say so, you couldn't have picked a better kingdom to visit! His Majesty is easily one of the kindest men out there, and he revels in celebrations and festivals. Our place is a place of merriment, and there's always something going on! Most people where I'm from are of the mind that life is short and sweet, and we should make the most of it that we can, so we do. You may as well enjoy yourself, yes?" "There's got to be a way to fix it, there's a way to fix everything. We just need to know where to look and what to ask for, you know? I'm sure we can figure it out." Maybe that was just his being hopeful, but there had to be a solution to all this. It was nearly four months after they had gotten away from father and still Shu was having problems, so obviously something needed to be done. Unfortunately for them the only person he could even fathom going to was Vegeta, someone who already had their hands full. Looking back at the little guy sadly Takeshi managed a smile, giving him a slight bounce before shaking his head. "Vegeta will talk to you, we just never go see him is all. We can go and see him later like I said and I'm sure he'll help, all we need to do is ask." If Vegeta were to try and put it off Takeshi would hound him until he gave in, as there was no way this could wait any longer. As it was Shu struggled just to sleep, and who knows what not sleeping might cause the little guy down the road. Viral needed help, sure, but now that T'charrl was getting better and the Beastman was fairly stable there ought to be time for his little brother. Katas' building was just as he remembered it, and it was easier to find now that they realized it stuck out among the crowd of other buildings too. It seemed like the Queen had sent word of their arrival beforehand as the guards didn't give them any fuss this time around, promptly moving from the door and even opening it up for them. Glancing around the lobby Takeshi was surprised to see people from both cities here, a stark contrast to when it was just Upper City people before. The whole building itself just felt more alive, meaning there were likely tons more Kaesstrians working in here now. Sheesh, with so many men and women working away he couldn't even imagine what they might come up with, especially if Vegeta were guiding them. Their reason for being here wasn't to think about any fanciful new gadgets, not that Takeshi cared for them either way; Katas had a way for them to travel without needing to fly and they were supposed to be finding out what that was. Opting to avoid the elevator this time around Takeshi carried Shu over to the stairs, trotting up them slowly as they ascended to the man's floor. "If it's really bad Shu we can leave the windows open or something," he offered, looking back at his brother again, "You know... So it doesn't feel so cramped."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

T’charrl really hoped things were okay, feeling fairly relieved that the man seemed to be fairly pleasant and happy. He was definitely not wanting to have the man go to his King and upset this apparently pleasant man, creating further tension and making everything go horribly wrong. Maybe there was something else he could do to try and ease tensions, possibly getting the soldiers trained properly to see the difference between a weapon and a lute for starters. He did wonder why they would think that was a worry, especially when the man probably came flying in plain view and if there was any sort of aggressive rebel heading their way why they would go for the one with the lute. Smiling nervously he looked away for a moment, rubbing his neck. “Umm uhh, maybe it’s something to talk to your King about, especially when it’s apparently a big deal for everyone to know in my kingdom”, he spoke lowly, feeling a little too nervous to tell a stranger where he’s been lately. It may had been a big deal to his parents, but it was something he’d rather reveal to someone in an authoritative position rather than be laughed at because they didn’t believe him. “Really? He sounds great. And nobody’s ever tried to kill him?” he asked before quickly shaking his head, “Uhh I-I mean…well uhh, i-it’s been a long war for my family and…I didn’t mean any hostility, just not had a chance to experience such a life, is all. I’d love to have a life like that when I’m King…” Shu wasn’t too sure whether Takeshi was truthful with that, but he was just hoping the nightmares would eventually go away on their own. If he didn’t think about his experiences too much then maybe they would eventually disappear, but that would mean he would have to stay up for a few nights to full forget the memories. They always returned when he was in silence and sleeping so the solution he saw was to keep up; however, Takeshi would never let him and he would be called silly for thinking such a thing would help him. Squeaking when Takeshi bounced him he let out a groan, slowly rubbing his cheek against Takeshi. “But if he’s busy then he won’t want to…” he spoke lowly, “Why not wait for Mister Viral to get better…? Maybe he’ll see me then? I don’t know…I’m not too good at thinking things…” Hoping to recover from his sleepiness with Takeshi’s help his eyes soon went to what was going on in the building, looking around slowly before looking down to the stairs as Takeshi climbed up them. Watching as they passed his vision he looked back to Takeshi upon hearing his suggestion, curious to how that might help. “Ooh? Maybe…would it have windows?” he asked before sighing, wrapping his tail around Takeshi, “Can I hold you close to me when we go too…? It might move a lot and then it gets squishy and I don’t like it when it gets squishy and movings much…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

He could take a hint, it was pretty obvious T'charrl didn't want to share where he had been. That was perfectly fine, it was hardly his place to ask anyways and would be no worse off for not knowing. Could it have had something to do with his unusual appearance? Maybe, but again that wasn't his place to ask. It was nothing malicious or dangerous far as he could tell, nor did he think that the Queen would allow her son to go elsewhere if he were gravely ill; Eslaria and her husband both seemed like an honorable sort. Looking at the building they were to be entering the musician's eyes grew slightly, taking in the size of the building. Sure they had ones like it back where he was from, bigger even, but this stood out so much amongst those around it that it was really a sight to behold. Surprised more so by the question asked by T'charrl he frowned slightly, relaxing a bit when the young Prince cleared things up. "Ah... Not that I know of, but again I'm only a musician. I play for His Majesty now and again but I can't say I know very much of what goes on behind closed doors. Everything I hear in the palace is nothing but praise for the man though, so I'm sure if there has ever been an attempt it was not one of our own. And with his being so kind to other kingdoms I can't see any reason anyone would raise a hand against him." "Even if he's busy he will, I know he will. We really can't wait for Viral to get healthy again, you know. He's been sick for a while and I doubt he'll get better any time soon, and waiting too long for you to get looked at could be bad." Shu's problems would only get worse as time went on, all the more reason to try and deal with it here and now. Saying it was one thing, actually finding a way to help the little guy was a whole nothing matter entirely. Hurrying right on up to Katas' office they stopped outside, waiting to talk to the secretary lady before just barging on inside. There was another man speaking with her right now, so they had a second to chat a bit more. "I have no idea if it's got windows, but I know you don't like cars, so we'll try to make it work okay?" Takeshi asked, smiling encouragingly, "If holding onto me helps you relax then sure, whatever works buddy. We'll try to make it as comfortable for you as we can." Ah, that guy was leaving, now they could go ahead in. The secretary must had seen them because she just smiled and waved them along, so Takeshi went right ahead and marched up to the door, jumping slightly as it swung open and narrowly missed his nose by inches. "Holy crap!" "Aha! I saw you boys on the camera, glad to know it's working!" Katas said proudly, beaming as he rubbed his hands together, "Also I don't believe it's possible for feces to be holy, even if they come from a holy person, but I digress! I know why you're all here and to be honest I've been on the edge of my seat! There hasn't been a chance to test out my latest invention, and even though I told people there's only a 5% chance it'll go down in a fiery crash no one was willing to test drive it. But you capable young boys should be more than capable of handling any minor hiccups!" Ah... Why did they seem so lost? He'd not even gone into any specifics or details about how it worked, all he was doing was being excited. Oh dear, if this was how they responded to a little enthusiasm he wasn't so sure operating his vehicle was going to be possible for them. Smiling amused Katas folded his arms behind his back, kicking his door closed behind him as he walked past the group. "It's on the roof, not like I could fit a vehicle in my office! Sorry, I was going to send word down to have them send you right up but by the time I got through you'd already left the lobby. No matter, it's just another floor or three up!" Hopefully they liked it, he'd put a great deal of thought into it after all. Even if they didn't it was trivial, seeing as the vehicle was their only way really to travel to the other kingdom.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

T’charrl didn’t want to seem rude but it would be weird telling the musician that he went to Space, especially when it had never been done in the history of their planet. He didn’t want to sound like he was bragging or anything, only souring their meeting. It would soon be known all around and even though he didn’t really want to become famous his parents were going to make sure he was seen as something great for when he would take over the kingdom. He was happy enough to had been able to travel around with his friends, even if he went through a lot of aches and pains along the way. Smiling nervously in hope that he saved his question he sighed lightly and looked away, scratching his cheek. “That’s quite refreshing. It must be great being so loved”, he sighed, looking back with a smile, “Even after ending the war in my kingdom there’s still hostiles around. Even now I don’t feel relaxed”. Finally making it to Katas he couldn’t help but groan, rubbing his armpits as he was given a moment of relief from the crutches. He didn’t like feeling all fragile and weak like this but it wasn’t something he’d be able to fix anytime soon. Giving Katas a smile he looked up briefly, feeling curious about the vehicle. “It’s uhh…nice to see you too. We’ll get to it. Has it been tested enough to be safe…?” Shu didn’t think there was much time to wait when it came to Viral getting better, especially when he had faith in Vegeta to make him better. It was a little upsetting seeing Viral look so miserable and had been purposely trying to avoid seeing him, especially when it was mainly his body language that caused distress. He always had a slight limp and flinched whenever he touched something or was touched, always looking like an angry irritated cat. “Mister Vegeta has much to do, though…he no even come out for food with us…” he mumbled, slowly shaking his head, “Too busy for someone like me. Why no just not sleep for a bit and try forgetting things happened? Can’t remember then not have dreams that are bad, right? I can stay up…” Not proving to have the ability to stay up he rested his head against Takeshi, sighing when Katas decided to give Takeshi a fright. He barely made a reaction to that and just kept a tight grasp of Takeshi, looking over Takeshi’s shoulder to take a look at Katas. So he wasn’t going into the vehicle quite yet, luckily for him and could try and wake himself up some more before he had to go into it. He didn’t want to go in it while he was drowsy, worried that he would get ill and not find the trip to be at all enjoyable. He did wonder what adults did to keep awake, especially when the likes of Vegeta barely ever slept and still looked bright and awake.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"I guess you get used to the war? We've not had one in my lifetime, but I've heard the kingdoms used to fight all the time. I would guess that since it was so normal no one ever really felt at ease, even when there wasn't fighting." Of course that was history, nowadays wars between kingdoms were quite rare; territories had been divided up evenly enough and everyone had enough to survive, so there was no real reason to fight one another. Just as well, Kaesstrians had made huge leaps in advancement since all of the warring had ended. Judging by some of the things he was seeing here there were even more improvements being made, some which he wouldn't have been able to fathom. To think a good many of these were coming about because of this eccentric man before them, and it was hard to believe he was head of technology development for the kingdom. Bowing his head politely to Katas the musician looked at the rest of the group, not sure if everyone was familiar with the strange man or not. "Tested enough...? As I said there's only a 5% chance there would be a catastrophic failure, and I predict roughly a 17% chance of one of the engines failing, but those are worst case scenarios. If I've crunched the numbers correctly and followed the instructions your friend Vegeta left me then our vehicle should have in the area of 85-90% success rate..." Katas took a pause as he began ascending the stairs, glancing over his shoulder with a sheepish smile, "Er... To be fair those are the numbers he gave me, as far as I'm concerned it'll work, I don't know where he got those arbitrary numbers from. If you trust his word as much as mine then rest assured it'll work just fine." It should anyways, even if they hadn't given it a proper test run. Besides, should the vehicle fail it would hardly be a problem for people like them, seeing as everyone could fly on their own. While flying outside of the city was currently kept at a limit he didn't think anyone would be brazen enough to arrest the Prince or his Saiyan friends for doing so, nor would they take into custody an emissary from another kingdom. "Ah, but who cares about statistics! It'll work, and you'll love it! One of a kind, truly, and built for just this occasion! Or... Technically it was built in order to survey the city from above without having to fly, but who cares about the particulars!" Hearing Katas talking about the vehicle they were taking had Takeshi all kinds of confused, not really having the faintest idea what they might be going in. Logically he figured it was some kind of flying vehicle seeing as it was on the roof, but why give them a vehicle that could fly when they themselves could do so? They had even been told not to fly, so wasn't this sort of breaking that rule? If this was what the Queen had in mind he supposed it was alright, as the alternative was doing the exact opposite and defying her... Bad idea. "Vegeta will make time for you, I'll make sure he does. Even if it's only five minutes I'll make him see you," Takeshi said sternly, giving a nod of his head, "If you want to stay up that's fine, but don't feel like you can't sleep if you need to. I'll be right here buddy, nothing bad is going to happen to you." Looking ahead at the doors at the top of the stairs he stopped, letting Katas open it up before ushering them outside. It was a little bright coming out of the dim stairwell, and as he stepped up onto the roof Takeshi looked around curiously, finally spotting what their vehicle was going to be. It certainly was nothing like he'd ever seen, only able to really compare it to a blimp. Only this blimp had wings, and what looked like a boat rudder. It wasn't all that big, maybe large enough to fit 10 people at most, and it didn't exactly seem to be built for comfort. Tilting his head to the side confused he approached it slowly, giving it a look over. "So this is what we're taking...?" "Yes, isn't it amazing? Our very first airship! Granted this is essentially a prototype, and much smaller than I'd like the final products to be..." Katas explained, beaming as he walked over to the ship. Letting out a happy laugh he spun around to face the group, holding his arms out as he got all excitable again. "Just imagine! Ships as large as a building, built to carry 100, no, 200 people! One in every kingdom, transporting people to and fro on a daily basis! Think of the possibilities! It would be so easy for our people to see one another, we could get rid of this problem of isolation our race faces! Ideas could be shared, all of the world's greatest minds could collaborate! The possibilities are endless!" They could still fly themselves, but that was both tiring and exhausting. Ships like these however were not only fast, but friendly to the environment and easy enough to create. Sure, making one on a grander scale may imply difficulties, but they would work around those. Ah, but he was getting carried away again! Lowering his arms to his sides Katas smiled eagerly, looking between the group, "So then... Who wants to become the world's first airship pilot?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

T’charrl didn’t like it when it was the truth, knowing he was fighting his entire life. Even as a child he had to be careful incase he got stolen away so he grew up being pretty nervous about being on his own without a weapon. Now that he had hidden weapons and Ki to use he wasn’t too nervous, but there would always be that time when he would be worried that he might get snuck up upon. If that happened now he would probably change, revealing to everyone the monster he is. Everything would be ruined if that happened and he would have to go into hiding and hope he was going to Space soon. There would be no way he would be able to live that down, at least not in this point in time. Being accepted as the monster he was would take a lot of work, especially if this would never be possible to reverse. His biggest problem was enjoying the power he gained, something probably from the very depths of his DNA he didn’t even know he had. He was just getting nervous at this point, worrying that he might freak out in front of the King and ruin everything. Not sounding completely confident over the figure Katas was giving him he sighed and lowered his head, following after Katas nervously. He was always going to be seeing the terrible outcome no matter the possibility, especially when everything bad seemed to happen when he was around. He really needed to get his luck under control, hopefully before he set out again with his friends to fight their ultimate enemy. “Well…if you think it will work, then I’ll believe you. I just hope everything goes alright, that’s all…” He would certainly try to not think about it too much so if bad things happened he couldn’t blame it on himself, even if the doubt was always going to be there. Moving along in nervous anticipation he looked up once they finally made it outside, feeling confused at first to what he was looking at. It sure was scary looking and so new to him, despite having rode in a ship into Space. If this was the future of his people he didn’t know how he was supposed to react but it was certainly a sight to see. Looking between Takeshi, Katas and the machine he felt a little worried when the pilot was not made clear, instead one of them needing to play the pilot. Frowning, seeing Takeshi carrying a tired Shu around made him take into consideration his inability to pilot it and it would be too selfish to make the musician drive it. Sighing lightly he raised his claws. “I’ll pilot it, I suppose. I don’t want to steal any glory, but it seems I must”.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Katas had thought of everything for this journey... Save for perhaps a trained pilot. In theory the craft was incredibly simple to control; the rudder controlled direction, the wings were used to maintain a steady altitude and the sac of air above could let the airship hover if need be. The machine in of itself had an engine which ran on natural energy, meaning it absorbed both solar power as well as particles ejected into the atmosphere. As a result the vehicle was nigh silent, completely clean to use and easily maintained... Only problem was there were no pilots. Someone in the group would have to volunteer to be the first ever to try such a feat, and he figured one of the Saiyans might leap at the opportunity. Instead he looked over at T'charrl curiously when he offered, smiling and giving a nod of his head. "Fitting! The pioneer of space travel for Kaesstrians also tests our first airship! Splendid, I think it's fitting!" Katas said happily, beaming as he strolled over to the side of the vehicle. Opening up a large swinging door he hit a button on a side panel, letting a ramp slide out from the flooring and extend to the roof. "It's quite easy to fly really. The big red button on the console ignites the engines, and you use the levers to control the power in the wings. Use the wheel for the rudder, and that is essentially it. Given that this is our virgin flight I'd suggest not going too fast... But if you want to try it anyways I won't tell!" Flying fast probably wasn't the best thing to be doing, especially not with Shu's aversion to traveling by vehicle. They had been told the trip in of itself shouldn't be that long, and it'd likely even be shorter than expected with this ship of theirs now. Luckily for the little guy it was a fairly open vessel too, the only thing that may even make it feel like they were enclosed were the railings along the edges, and even then those had gaps in it. Glancing back at Shu with a smile the older boy went right on ahead up the ramp, looking around on the deck as they got to the top. It was pretty spacious for their group, and it looked kind of nice even. A few seats here and there were built in but aside from that not much else, definitely basic and not for flying on a rainy day. For their purposes it would work just fine though. "Hey buddy, this isn't so bad is it? Not closed up or anything," Takeshi mused, "What do you think? Wanna get off me and look around a little?" Not that there was a whole lot to look at, but it was still an interesting vehicle nonetheless.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

T’charrl really didn’t want to burden the others with flying this thing when they already had all of their own concerns or looked like they might not manage it. He didn’t want any of them worrying that they might not understand the controls or if their language was being used specifically in the instructions, meaning they would have a hard enough time figuring out if something went wrong. There was always a great possibility of the worst happening, but he would try and make sure none of it did. The airship was fitted for Kaesstrian flight and he was the only other Kaesstrian that wasn’t a guest so he would have to do it, frowning when Katas decided to make a fuss over it. “Uhh, don’t mention the travel thing?” he muttered, giving a glance to the musician. Not everyone knew that he had gone to Space and he didn’t really want the guy to be fussing over him upon that knowledge or falling into disbelief that he went. There was always going to be one non-believer, but he really didn’t want it to start up anything that might sound like lying. Letting out a sigh he looked to the door, watching the ramp curiously before slowly following after Katas. The instructions sounded easy enough, but looking at the machine he had no idea how it might handle. “I won’t go too fast. If we go too fast we might fall to the ground faster than we can escape”, he sighed, shaking his head, “I won’t screw it up. I can’t screw up this as well, you know…” Shu was rather curious over the large contraption, staring up at the strange beast he squeaked when the door opened, watching as the ramp popped out of it too. He didn’t know what this machine was but it was a vehicle like everyone was saying, still making him feel nervous. If something bad happened then he didn’t know what he’d do, but then again he was probably going to be able to blame his tiredness if that happened. Frowning, he looked to Takeshi when he spoke to him, his eyes soon looking around again to see the inside of the airship. He didn’t know what to make of it only that it was a flying box this time, not one with wheels. “Ooh, okay…” he squeaked, slowly climbing off Takeshi and slowly walking around, staring at the seats at first before looking around at the roof and walls. He kept his hands close to his chest as if for comfort as he investigated, his feet shuffling and his tail low. He didn’t know if it was going to be safe and would probably have to see how it handled in the air, his eyes going to T’charrl upon knowing he was going to be the one piloting it. “…Maybe…it’ll be okay for me…” he spoke lowly, looking back to Takeshi, “I still want you near me, if that’s okay…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Oh I wouldn't worry too much about crashing! Even if you do lose control the air sac gives you enough support to prevent any sudden landings. It's not enough to keep you afloat on its own, but it's light enough you should just glide back down to the ground." There were a few flaws here and there, but they were minor and Katas didn't see the need to go over them as none were threatening. The next iteration of the airship wouldn't have such flaws, so this was essentially a trial run. Smiling excitably Katas waited until the last person was onboard before drawing up the ramp and shutting the doors, going back over to the control console. "Let me see... There's the wings, the rudder, you can use that throttle to control speed... I think that's everything you'll need!" he said, pausing before pointing at another knob on the panel, "Oh, and that! Give it a good hard twist and pull, it'll release the anchor. It's a little heavy so do try not to drop it on any buildings, yes? Eslaria will have my head if we drop that through someone's roof! And frankly I like where my head is!" The airship was pretty neat and it would be fun using it, though Takeshi was still a little confused over the hypocrisy. If they couldn't fly why then were they taking a flying vehicle? Seemed like an awful lot of effort to go through to get them to come here, so maybe the intent to begin with was sending them out to test it. Hmph, he didn't like being someone's guinea pig, but now that they were here it would be silly to pass up giving it a go. With the ship as open as it was the older boy figured Shu would be okay on his own, at least for a short enough period to explore the ship some. Even with the vehicle being open the little guy wasn't having it, seeming just on edge the whole time. "Hey, whatever you need buddy, you know that. It's not that bad though, is it? We're not boxed in or anything, and there's plenty of room to walk around on." Walking over to Shu he placed an arm around his brother's shoulders, pulling him close and smirking in his direction. "Don't you think it's pretty neat? A flying vehicle! Well... Our ship's kind of a flying vehicle I guess, but this has wings. Don't see anything like that back on Earth do you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

T’charrl didn’t think the controls were too difficult looking at them. If Kata’s instructions were correct then he shouldn’t have too much of a problem with these, his eyes scanning over them to memorise them. If something went wrong he was in charge of trying to set everything right, hoping he was up to the challenge. He hadn’t ever had to do something like this before but he figured it was the same as learning how to use a weapon, only this one held people and was used for travel instead. Maybe it wasn’t too much like a weapon, but he still had the full understanding that it was delicate and needed to be understood before it could be properly wielded. Slowly moving his crutches around he moved his other arms to the controls, feeling them out before looking to the strange handled one that Katas seemed quite enthusiastic over. Frowning he glanced over to him, sighing lightly. “Wait, where do I land this thing when I get there? Do they know we’re coming? What if they shoot at us and we have to land? I feel like I should know where I should put this thing when I get there…is there a radio in this…?” Shu didn’t know what to think of the airship, finding it to be completely foreign in itself. He had never seen anything like this, just the floaty colourful things they had at the tournament and at that party for Viral so seeing them so massive and part of the vehicle certainly confused him. It worried him to a great extent, but certainly not as much as the thought of it having wheels and bobbing along on the ground at a high speed. Rubbing his hands together he looked up at Takeshi, frowning when he was pulled in before his eyes went around the vehicle, his feet shifting a little. “Umm, a little neat. Bigger than the other one that is little too”, he muttered, remembering how cramped that one was, “I’ve never seen anything like this before. Do those floaties hold us up…? What do the wings do? Aren’t we too heavy? What happens if we’re too heavy? Do we fall and get hurt real bad? I don’t know if I can fly while falling, not had a lot of practice…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Katas was borderline bubbly at seeing his invention being used, hardly able to keep any semblance of a professional demeanor right now. "Hm? Oh, oh right! Landing! Well I think Her Majesty is sending word that you're coming with our friend here, so they should be expecting you. As far as I am aware we only told them to expect something unusual, I wanted to surprise them you see. As long as you don't do anything to warrant hostility you should be just fine! As for where you actually land it... I suppose in any open space you can find. Landing is quite simple really, you just let the anchor down then slowly stop the wings until you're descending. As I said the air sac isn't enough to keep you afloat on its own, but it'll make settling down easy. Basically find a spot, stop the wings and the ship should land itself." There had been a few mechanics he'd wanted to try for landings, but given time constraints and the urgency of this trip he hadn't the opportunity to put them in place. No matter, they were already drafting up another vessel only this time with more of the additional features in place. Humming happily Katas meandered over to the railing, hoisting himself up and over it before landing on the platform, patting the side proudly. "Are there any other questions, T'charrl? If not then I think we should try setting off! I can't wait to see how this works!" "I think they balloon holds us up, yeah, and the wings probably do too. If both of them are going to keep us in the air then it's super safe, two different ways to keep us up and all," Takeshi explained with a smile, giving Shu's chest a pat, "I really doubt that we're too heavy, the wings are as big as I am and the balloon is bigger than all of us. It'll be fine buddy, don't worry so much." If the ship were to fail for whatever reason he'd grab Shu in a heartbeat, and the others could fly easily enough on their own. As far as what they had been doing lately this was probably one of the safest things out there. Maybe just because it was so foreign to Shu that he was so afraid of it, though it was pretty foreign to the rest of them as well. "Know how you lie on my back while I fly sometimes? It'll kind of be like that, only you can walk around. And if anything bad happens I'll keep you safe Shu, you know that." Taking his arm from his brother's shoulders he gave the young boy's hair a ruffle, offering a thumbs up as well. "So let's have fun with this! We never get to try things like this out, you know? Might as well enjoy it while we can."
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