Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu just wanted to find somewhere where he belonged. All of his life he had been in between worlds and belonged nowhere, feeling detached from everyone else and unable to interact properly with others. He was scared that he wouldn’t find somewhere to go if he got lost and be able to fit in there for a while, possibly finding that they would look down at him for being what he is and questioning what he was. It made him feel scared that if he ever got separated from his brother and friends that he would be treated like an animal and stuffed into a box again for not being ‘obedient’. Sighing a little as he lowered his head he scratched it gently, feeling a little sad still but trying to get over it. “I just wonder if Mother meant to abandon both of us for someone else to take us. Maybe Father was too bad to Mother and she no want us no more”. There were certainly a lot of questions that needed answered but he worried that he would never get any of them answered at this rate, instead left to question everything that was himself. Looking to his friend T’charrl he gave a little smile, trying to cheer up. “Yeah…okay! Friend been busy, yes? Not really seen because sleepy”. T’charrl didn’t mind Haku taking the musician too much, but it meant having to trust him that he’d do the right thing and not end up getting in trouble because of his attitude. It wasn’t so much Haku getting into trouble that worried him, but rather him getting the musician into trouble just for being around him while he was going off on a rant because something didn’t go his way. Sighing lightly when they headed on out he gave a glance to Takeshi and Shu, frowning a little before looking away, giving his head a rub. He didn’t want to hold them back from going anywhere, especially when they were fully able and free enough to make their own decisions. They didn’t need to stay behind if they didn’t want to, especially when there was a whole city for them to check out. It wasn’t as if the Kaesstrians didn’t know what Saiyans were, seeing how the thought of aliens landing on their planet even for a brief length of time was incredibly fascinating. “You two can go explore, you know. I just need to wait for the guards, it’s really no big deal…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Takeshi didn't much mind waiting with T'charrl on the ship, it wasn't like they were in any big rush anyways. He'd much rather stay at his brother's side than go running off with the musician anyways, and Shu probably wasn't up for going on a trip just yet. Hopefully the little guy perked up some once they were actually in the city, he was pretty low energy and glum right now. Hearing what Shu had to say he smiled slightly, not so certain how to go about answering that. Technically their mother did abandon them, but they didn't know why that was; their father could have forced her to or something bad may have happened. Whatever the case was Takeshi liked to think they hadn't just been outright abandoned and they might see her again sometime. "I'm sure mom wants to see us, don't be silly. We just have to find her, I doubt she knows where we are," he said confidently with a nod, "I mean look at us, we're flying through space, you know? If she's just a human there's no way she could know where we've gone." Watching as Haku and the musician flew off Takeshi found himself a seat on the rails, content to wait for the guards or someone to come get them. T'charrl didn't sound to thrilled about their hanging around though, probably worried he was inconveniencing them or whatever. Smiling over at their friend he gave a dismissive wave of his hand, placing both then on the rail as he swung his legs idly. "We can explore when you're all set too, the city's not going anywhere. We're not going to leave you alone buddy." Besides, T'charrl was pretty much the only guy these people would probably know, so wandering off on their own without him was going to just cause all sorts of headaches. It would be cool too to share the whole experiencing the city for the first time with their friend, it wasn't like any of them had been here before. "So what do you guys think it's like? The city?" Takeshi asked, glancing in the direction the others had gone, "It looks like it's all hidden away, maybe it's underground like yours T'charrl? Or maybe it's really just hidden, I want to know. I hope it's cool!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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T’charrl certainly didn’t want to stop them from having a look around while he waited around for some people to come and find him in an attempted arrest, especially now that the musician had gone and wasn’t going to defend him if they got aggressive with him. He would be fine with that, but it would just inconvenience everyone else. He was worried that they would get in trouble with him and he certainly didn’t want to sour their view of his world anymore compared to the experience they had before. They were supposed to be on holiday and enjoying themselves. Frowning a little his eyes went to the ship’s exit he let out a sigh, looking back to Takeshi and Shu. “Well…I guess if you say so. I mean…it’s not that I don’t want you to, just I don’t want to stop you from having a look yourself. My people know about Saiyans and probably know you weren’t aggressive”. Not entirely sure whether he was boring his friends, he hoped they weren’t just hanging around him to make sure nothing bad happened to him, even if it would be handy to have them around just incase. “The city? Uhh, no, it’s not underground. At least it doesn’t feel like it’s underground…” he sighed, looking around as if expecting to see something, “Uhh, if it’s any hint…the Kaesstrians that live underground like me are dark coloured. You can tell whether someone lives underground or not just by their colour. I just want to know how long I’ll be here for. It feels weird being in a foreign kingdom…” Shu didn’t know how he was supposed to deal with his mother once they finally wished for her to come back, finding it generally hard to figure out how he was supposed to react to a family member that wasn’t Takeshi. It was easy for Shu to get used to Takeshi when they met without knowing they were brothers, but it was up to his mother whether she wanted to know him or not. To think that someone wouldn’t want you was something he had gone through with his entire life, probably Takeshi too. Sighing a little he gave Takeshi a nod, smiling slightly at the thought of Space. “I really do like the travel…” Thinking about all the planets he’d seen he gasped out of his thought process, looking to T’charrl curiously before giving a smile, bouncing on his toes. “I really hope it’s nice! I love trees! Trees are my home!” he chirped happily, clapping his hands, “They’re so fresh and fun to climb! Fruit too and homes…I do love fruit…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"We can have a look around any time, so we're going to wait for you first, then look around," Takeshi explained, "Besides, you probably want to see it too, don't you? The city? We may as well all go look around together, more fun that way." Probably a little safer too, though he wasn't really concerned about anyone being nasty to them here. If there was anyone that might be a bad person though then they'd want to hurt T'charrl, and that was all the more reason for them to stick around with him. So... Just where was this city exactly? From the air they hadn't seen anything and now that they had landed it was still impossible to see. Wondering if it might perhaps be underground like T'charrl's he quickly had that theory kicked to the wayside, scratching at his head confused. "Makes sense... But I'd think we'd see the city then, you know? If it's above ground then it should be... Well, above ground, but we haven't seen anything yet." Maybe it was deeper in the forest and the musician just had them land here for safety. It wasn't such a bad idea, as landing too close when they were strangers might give off the wrong impression. Shu sounded all ready to get moving along, no surprise considering his usually hyper self. Smiling amused Takeshi rolled his eyes, reaching out and playfully poking his brother in the nose, "We know you love fruit, you're practically addicted to it. I'm sure if we're real nice or whatever they'll even give us some to eat." Because that's what they needed, another big meal of fruit... Takeshi didn't think all that much time had passed, and yet when he looked back in the direction the others had gone they were returning already. Interestingly it wasn't just Haku and the musician this time, but a group of four guards flanking them. Their friends didn't seem to be frightened or flustered which meant things had gone well, either that or they weren't trying to spook them. Either way they had their ticket into the city now, faster than they had expected too. Slipping off of the railing of the ship Takeshi smiled eagerly, going up ahead to meet the guards. They gave him a look and a small greeting, but passed him right on by as they went over to T'charrl. Blinking at being more or less passed by he looked over at the men annoyed, frowning before sniffing indignantly. "Real friendly, jerks didn't even say hello," he mumbled, folding his arms over his chest. "Uh... They're here to meet T'charrl, not us," Haku explained, rubbing at his head boredly, "They were nice enough in the city, but they're busy and need to get back to work, so they're kind of in a hurry." It had been a really nice city too, he'd wanted to stay and look around but the musician had insisted they go back for the others. A bit annoying, the guards were coming to fetch them anyways so what were they needed for? Slipping his hands into his pockets and kicking a small rock to the side he let out a sigh, looking at Shu curiously as he came over. Heh, maybe he finally had something to talk about with the other boy, maybe. "The city is nice, you'll like it," he said, frowning for a second before rubbing his head awkwardly. "It's... Um... Well you'll see, it's all stuff you'll like, I think." It wasn't that the guards didn't want to speak with the Saiyans, they just didn't have time. Lax as the kingdom may be they tried to keep to their schedules, and right now they were meant to be taking routes on the city, not greeting foreigners. If there truly was a Prince among these people however that made a slight exception to that, and lo and behold the information wasn't wrong. It had been a long time since any foreigner had come to the city, even longer since a ruler had at that, and to think it was one from a war-torn kingdom. Approaching T'charrl the four men stopped shy of the ship, one approaching it and smiling up at the young Prince. "Hello there, Prince T'charrl, yes? We're here to escort you back to the palace, if you'd like. Word has already been sent to His Majesty and I know he'll be excited to see you and your friends."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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T’charrl knew the risks of leaving him alone, but really he thought he would be perfectly capable even if he was using crutches. He just knew he was dragging everyone around with him and didn’t know if they were just being polite or really were just wanting to fly around on their own and see what they wanted to see by themselves. They didn’t need to get caught up in all of this political nonsense he had to go through to keep peace and find new allies to his own kingdom. While he was home he really wanted to find the answers he needed and with this he was hoping to find people that were like him, even if the King didn’t know what he was talking about. He didn’t want to have them going through all the boring stuff with him if they didn’t want to do it. “My race are very good at camouflage so uhh, the homes here are probably using a similar technique. We have a lot of dangerous animals on our planet and we’re enemies to each other a lot of the time too”. They had been lucky to not meet any of the nasty predators out there but probably because they hadn’t been out at night together. It was no big deal, especially when they could probably fight them off anyway. They wouldn’t run into anything at this time so it didn’t matter much, especially when they were near a city. “Uhh well, maybe they’ll give you food, but if they don’t I can always place the bill under my name for you all. Fruit, meat, uhhh bread; whatever you want”. Shu didn’t know how to be patient, but at least he was trying to keep calm even with the thought of fruit. He didn’t know how long Haku had been away for since his thoughts mostly occupied fruit and the thought of eating it, especially when he wasn’t exactly starving for it. He just loved the smell, texture and taste of fruit, especially when it was really juicy and messy. Shifting his feet around in anticipation the entire time he gasped when there was a noise which turned out to be Haku and the guards, his eyes immediately going to them anxiously. The guards were intimidating in his eyes, even if he knew they were coming to get them. Looking to T’charrl quickly he gasped a little when Haku decided to talk to him, shuffling his feet back slightly. “Huh? Uhh, stuff I like? How do you know what I like? You don’t talk to me at all…” T’charrl wasn’t expecting hostility unless they didn’t like him, but apparently they didn’t have much of a care for him and were somewhat quick to act, asking him to come to the palace immediately. Glancing to his friends he soon let out a sigh as he hopped his way over, keeping his head low. “Yes…I hope I’m not interrupting anything with my arrival either”, he spoke calmly, not looking too happy with having to still use the crutches as he shifted them uneasily, “If we can fly there, I’d much rather that. My legs have failed me since my last battle and I’d prefer to keep off them and not keep your King waiting”.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Haku was eager to get back into the city, and maybe this time he could actually have a look around it. As of late he was following the Princes around like a dog but at least that meant he could be out and about; they were in a new city, and maybe while the others were off playing diplomat he could wander around a little. There was enough in that place for everyone to be excited about, Shu in particular he figured. Trying to be friendly and strike up a little conversation he frowned when the other boy hardly seemed happy about it, sighing before shrugging his shoulders. "I know you like fruit, everyone knows that, and there's tons of it back in the city," he explained, glancing back over at Shu. He was near about to make a biting comment about never having a conversation but opted to clam up, not wanting to ruin things for himself. Figuring the other boy was just going to go wherever Takeshi was anyways his sharing anything was probably a moot point. Couldn't say he didn't try being friendly though.

"Oh... Uh... Please don't take our insistence the wrong way, Prince! We're just very busy men, and we're all on duty," one of the other guards chipped in quickly.

"Yes, we do apologize, but we're all supposed to be on patrol. We just happened to be the closest group to come and fetch you, you see."

The head guard smiled and nodded in agreement with his companions, looking back up at T'charrl when they were through. "Flying won't be a problem, we were going to ask about that in fact. Er..." he began, pausing as he looked at the ship, then Shu and Takeshi before finally back at the Prince. "How do we explain all of this...? That machine of yours... We have no idea what it is, and your friends... What are they?" Hopefully that wasn't coming across as rude, but none of them had any idea what they were dealing with really. Even the Prince seemed different, this certainly was going to be an unusual visit. None of them seemed to be a threat however, at worst they were a little difficult perhaps if Haku was any indication. Spreading his wings the guard motioned for the others to get in the air, gesturing for the Prince to follow them. "If you and the others are ready we could be going now. I can see if someone can come along to look after this... Ship, if you'd like."

Well this was nice, a bunch of guards that didn't want to kill them! As far as first impressions went these guys were doing a better job of it than T'charrl's people had; to be fair T'charrl hardly had control over those jerks who they'd first met. By what little he could overhear it sounded like things were being hurried along, but at least they weren't being rude about it. "If there's fruit in the city I'm sure you've got no problem going there now," the older boy joked, smirking at Shu as he nudged his shoulder, "Come on buddy, let's get going. We don't want to keep the King waiting, you know?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu didn’t know how to act around Haku, especially when he was a bully most of the time. He didn’t like him and vice versa so talking to each other was definitely awkward. He was a little afraid of talking to people who didn’t like him, especially when he was a nervous kid around strangers to begin with. It was difficult seeing beyond that nervousness unless he was confident that he wasn’t going to get bad thoughts directed his way. Pressing his fingers together he made a glance towards the ramp, trying to think about what was being said rather than who was saying it. “Lots of fruit? That sounds…really great. I can’t wait to see the city…” he spoke lowly, pressing his index fingers together, “I’m really excited about it…”

T’charrl didn’t really want to deal with these people all that much, probably because they were trying to hurry him along and were obviously noticing his strange looks. Their nervousness spoke more words than they were managing to blabber. He didn’t want to seem rude but he did wonder whether these guards held any authority with the way they were acting, but that was all probably due to their lack of battle when there was obviously no conflict to fight in and become trusty warriors. Frowning a little he shook his head, not finding a reason for them to try and explain themselves. “You’re guards and I was wanting guards. To get called to duty shouldn’t be frightening”, he sighed, looking around the ship. Their biggest issue appeared to be this as well as their friends, frowning a little at their wording. “’They’ are Saiyans from Outer Space. They helped save me and my kingdom”, he spoke calmly, “This machine is an invention built in my kingdom to help us with transport to faraway lands without sacrificing our wings for it. It’s something for your King to know more about. If I could get a few people to watch over my airship, then that would be great, thank you”. Moving around the guards he soon stopped, taking his crutches in hand and immediately started to fly, using his wings rather than Ki to fly. These guards already seemed freaked out and would probably freak out even more if they saw him flying around like the Saiyans. Turning in the air he faced the airship, waiting for his friends to get going.

Shu didn’t know how to take this many guards all in one place, finding it a little intimidating even if they weren’t dangerous. He didn’t like crowds of people who bore weapons, even if they weren’t hostile. Looking to his friend he squeaked when Takeshi spoke to him, almost stumbling when he was nudged. “Ooh! Yeah…uhh no, I don’t have a problem!” he squeaked, shuffling his feet a little before quickly looking to T’charrl and the guards, frowning a little, “Umm…can you fly me with you? I don’t want to fall and get lost or slow everyone down because I can’t fly very good…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Shu definitely needed a little pick me up, and Takeshi was surprised the promise of fruit didn't do it. Even if it was coming from Haku usually just the sheer mention of fruit got the little guy all jittery. Hopefully once they actually got there and had some food in their hands Shu would perk right up, and if not he'd find a way to make him happier. "The city's going to be awesome I bet. And if these people are half as nice as that musician guy says they are it should be a lot of fun too." They would just need to be extra mindful not to screw it up, or rather he would have to be. By the looks of things they were ready to move along already with T'charrl taking to the air, the guards and the musician along with Haku not long thereafter. Figuring they should get a move on as well Takeshi went to fly up after them, pausing when Shu spoke to him again. Glancing over at his brother for a moment he smiled, nodding his head before gesturing again to his back. "Sure thing buddy, and don't be so down on yourself, you fly just fine," he reassured, helping Shu up onto his back. Okay, maybe the little guy wasn't the best, but he could still fly. It wasn't as though they were going to be flying at high speeds either, the city couldn't be all that far off.

And it really wasn't. The flight through the forests had hardly lasted 3 minutes before sights of civilization began popping up, and boy was it something else. The city was hidden but only in the sense you might not think to look for it above the trees. The first thing that struck Takeshi was the fact there were absolutely no buildings on the ground, at all. Everything was up in the air, built into the trunks of the massive trees or suspended by thick wires wrapped around the many stretching branches. Bridges ran along the trees and wide platforms created leveled areas around many of the trunks, giving the illusion of there being loads of space to move around on. A hanging city hidden amongst the trees, really cool for how simple it was. Takeshi had stopped a little bit shy of the rest of the group as they climbed up to one of the tree tops, wanting to give Shu a chance to look around some. "I bet you've never seen anything like this..." he mused, glancing back at his brother with a smile. Neither had he, it really was a treat. If Shu had lived in anything remotely like this when he was with monkeys then it might have been a decent life, but animals that flung their poo around for fun probably didn't have anything like this.

"This is where we'll be leaving you, Prince. The palace is just above, and I'm sure the guards there have been told you're on your way," the guard explained, landing on one of the many platforms. "Anything you need will be provided, I'm sure, for you and your friends. All we ask is that you respect our kingdom's laws and don't cause any trouble. Other than that... Enjoy your stay!" This was a chance to make allies with a neighboring kingdom, so everyone needed to be especially courteous to the Prince. Not that they would behave much differently otherwise, but with that opportunity on the line it was special. All four men gave a polite bow before turning and leaping off of the platform, flying back the way they had come to resume their duties.

The musician was thrilled to be here, evident by the wide smile he bore as he grasped his lute tightly. The stories he was going to have, the things he had seen, it was going to be a very interesting evening! He'd flown in a ship that was unlike any he'd seen, met Saiyans and befriended a Prince all in a matter of two days, what a splendid trip it had been. "His Majesty will be so pleased to meet all of you, I'm sure! He tries to be friendly to everyone, but meeting someone who is truly a good person makes him so jolly, you'll love meeting him!" he sang, looking back at the group as Takeshi and Shu finally joined the rest of them. "The guards up ahead are very dedicated to their job, and serious, but they'll let us through. Even a beloved king has to keep security, yes? Once we're inside I would guess one of his aides will meet us, and we'll go meet His Majesty from there. When we're in the throne room be polite, and do try not to make any comments about anything unpleasant, he rather dislikes talking about those kinds of things. Any questions before we go on?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu didn’t want to end up getting distracted or find that he wasn’t able to keep up with everyone because he was still not very good at flying. He hadn’t had a lot of practice since relearning how to do it again so he was still worried that he might blast off erratically or end up falling, maybe even ending up being too slow and find that he was falling behind. With Takeshi giving him permission to use him as his ride he gave a little smile, moving around Takeshi and climbing onto his back. “But I haven’t in so long and it’s always hard to slow down or be quick”, he sighed, getting himself all set on Takeshi’s back, “I can’t wait to see the city! But…I don’t want to get lost too. I messed up using the scouter properly so I don’t think I could find you again! Must be safe, must stay with you…” If the city was anything like he had been told he’d never be able to stick around and find his way about by himself if he got distracted. There must’ve been a lot that he loved in that city and was pretty worried he might get lost so sticking with Takeshi was best.

T’charrl was a little nervous and was having a job trying to hide it, especially when he was supposed to be confident and displaying himself as the next ruler of his kingdom. He didn’t want to give a bad impression and first impressions were everything, but then again they probably were already wondering what was going on with his appearance. Whether there was a thought that it was a thought that they might be implants or decorations probably didn’t cross any of their minds, especially when they didn’t look like anything anyone ever wore in his world. Flying with them proved to be helpful for getting used to his planet’s gravity again but he still felt like he was floating on air, sometimes having to watch out since he might fly right into a tree instead. Flying into the city he looked up and around at the strange buildings, finding them to be so unusual. They were sort of like his own if they were above ground and in trees. Looking around slowly his eyes quickly darted to the guards, finding it strange that they weren’t going to escort him into the King’s chamber. That was a bit reckless, especially if he was actually here to kill the King instead. “Uhh, sure…thanks…” he spoke lowly, watching as they departed before he let out a sigh, turning his attention to the musician. Maybe he would better to have him escort the group, especially when he had been helpful so far. “I know how to act around royalty and they do too. You’ve met my mother, correct? Well they have too. The only question I have is, uhh…does he have children?”

Shu hadn’t seen a place like this before in his life, finding it all too exciting to gaze upon in all its glory. He didn’t know what he was supposed to think of it, finding it to be completely foreign and yet so familiar at the same time. He wanted to explore and swing around in the houses but then people would get angry, but that’s what he felt like doing so badly. He probably wouldn’t had been able to contain himself if he wasn’t clinging onto Takeshi, definitely thinking he’d get lost fairly quickly if he tried to go and see the buildings. Squeaking excitedly in response to Takeshi he barely realised the musician and the guards had stopped them, the guards leaving but the musician questioning them instead, finding it hard to think of any questions to ask. Quickly glancing to T’charrl he found his question a little strange, but probably because it wasn’t something he’d think about when they were meeting someone new. “Ooh! I would like some fruit! I would like some fruit…can I have some fruit?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

If Shu ever wanted to get used to flying then he really needed to start doing it again; getting a ride here and there was fine, but the little guy never flew. Not wanting to cause any undue stress Takeshi didn't say anything this time, but next go around he'd likely try getting his brother to fly. "We'll work on flying later then, we've got plenty of time for practicing. Hell, we can probably do it while we're here even!" The King was probably wanting to talk with T'charrl alone anyways, about leader stuff or whatever so they needed to find a way to pass the time. Giving Shu a small smile he patted his brother's leg, taking off finally but following some ways behind the others. "It's nice and all you think I can protect you, but I'm not always going to be there buddy. You've gotta learn how to rely on yourself, have a little more faith in what you can do, you know? I'm pretty much teaching you, so if you're that confident in me you should be just as confident in what you learned." The only way Shu was ever going to master anything was by practicing, and that meant practicing under his own volition and not with someone holding his hand. Sure it could be scary, Takeshi hadn't been crazy about flying at first either, but once you got comfortable with it the whole process just became really fun and second nature.

The musician hoped he wasn't overstepping any boundaries by saying all of this, he was only trying to be helpful. "Ah, good, good! It's always easier when someone knows how to behave! His Majesty is patient, but it's still terribly awkward for all involved. Best we avoid that, yes?" Smiling happily he watched as the other two Saiyans finally arrived, giving a small wave to both before glancing back at the Prince. "Hm? Yes, he does have children actually. Three in fact, one of which is about your age. The other two are younger, and they're all very interesting little royals! I suppose you're little friend there will have plenty of playmates while you discuss matters with the King." Speaking of Shu it seemed as though he already had something in mind for a request, how amusing. The little Saiyan had no problems putting forward his wants, and in the grand scheme of things what he requested was both extremely easy and trivial to provide. The musician snickered a little before nodding his head, turning towards the stairs. "Of course, my young friend! We have fruit to spare, I don't doubt you'll be allowed to have some. It might be a little while until we eat though, it is just past lunch time I think. But come, if you've no questions then we'll go right on ahead and see His Majesty!"

"You'll get your fruit buddy, just need to be patient," Takeshi added in, smiling as everyone started moving up to the palace. It was a pretty neat building for how simple it was; a large circular structure built into the canopy of the tree, with several smaller buildings attached to the sides of the central one. It must have been one hell of a project to create this place, let alone the whole city. From what little they had seen so far it didn't appear like these people had that high end technology that T'charrl's did, which probably meant it was all fashioned by hand. Glancing around at the building Takeshi blinked when he walked into the musician, looking down at him with an apologetic smile before glancing at the guards. The two men were pretty stoic in appearance, not coming across quite as friendly as the others had. Maybe they were just being serious because of work though, maybe some conversation would lighten them up. "Hey guys, nice to meet ya!" he said politely, smiling as he waved a bit. Neither guard seemed to do much more other than glance at him silently, making Takeshi chuckle uncertainly as he lowered his hand again. Or maybe they were all business.

"Menma, you were due back hours ago. What kept you?" one of the guards asked, tilting his head to the side curiously, "And who are these people? Just because His Majesty enjoys company doesn't mean you can drag random people by whenever you feel like it."

The musician, Menma evidently, smiled sheepishly as he hugged his lute, "I know that, but these aren't just any guests. This boy is T'charrl, Eslaria's son. And these are his friends, and I guess the people keeping him safe in a way. They're nice people I promise, they even helped me get home! I give my word that they're nice." Maybe his word wasn't as good as he liked to think as the guards shared an uncertain look between one another. Smiling exasperatedly Menma rubbed at his head, looking back at the group before at the guards once more. "Um... I mean I could send them back if you'd rather, I'm sure Eslaria wouldn't mind." A little threat, an innocent one, but that made the two men seem to reconsider rather quickly.

"Damn it Menma... Fine, but we're holding you accountable. These guests had better be well behaved, we would rather not have to explain to His Majesty why we let some troublemakers into his palace." Looking between themselves again the guards moved to the wooden doors, each grabbing a handle and pushing their respective side open. Past the doors the group would see an open area, the roof either transparent or non-existant as sunlight shone down on the floor and lite up the whole room in natural light. There were several spots in the walls and floors where holes were actually built to incorporate where the tree grew, giving the room a sense of it being built to accommodate the tree itself. Purple carpets ran up along the walls and through the center of the room, with several potted plants and various pieces of furniture lining the walls for decoration. "You know where it is, just be sure to let someone know you're bringing guests."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu was well aware that he had to learn how to protect himself and learn how to keep himself safe, especially when there was always so many people after him for whatever reason. He was just a little Saiyan and even though he was strong he still didn’t know how to use that strength. He wasn’t frail or mentally weak, he just needed help along the way. The Saiyans had managed to cause his confidence to drop significantly and it wasn’t as if he couldn’t recover from it, just he didn’t feel confident that he could do better than the others around him. They were all so much better than he was at everything he could do already and he just accepted it, but if he was to ever be by himself then he would certainly try his best. “I know you won’t…but I’m not that good at things! I’m not a leader…I grew up as a follower”. Takeshi probably wouldn’t understand it but it wasn’t a big deal. There wasn’t many people who understood him and he was okay with that.

T’charrl didn’t know what this King was like so he thought he’d be best asking the more respectable questions, ones that won’t land him in too much trouble. He didn’t want to end up making the King uncomfortable if he made an inappropriate comment or accidentally offer something, but luckily the musician knew whether the King had children. With antennae twitching he tilted his head slightly, finding it odd that he would have so many. Maybe they wanted that many or maybe it was something else completely. It was more often the case that higher class Kaesstrian only had one child, but maybe it was just a completely innocent reason instead. “Uhh, one my age? Huh...maybe Shu’ll like to play with young children. Haven’t seen him do that before”. Giving Takeshi and Shu a glance when Shu decided to call out his deepest desire he slowly scratched his head, not willing to speak up about his own hunger. It was very difficult to keep under control and he knew he’d get in trouble if he vocalised it, especially when it wasn’t long since food was eaten. He was just too used to being a lot larger with the appetite of a Saiyan except his came from burning energy too fast.

Giving sideways glances to the guards he narrowed his gaze when they could only show aggression to them, even when they were with someone who was probably known for being pretty harmless. They weren’t surrounding the musician in any way and there was nothing to say they were holding him prisoner and using him as a meat shield to get to the King. In his eyes it looked more as if the guards didn’t like the musician. Frowning at their reasoning for their grumpy behaviour he sighed and looked away, rubbing his claws together. None of them were going to cause trouble, but what was worse was he was a Prince and was being treated as if he was a commoner the musician picked up after a drunken night. Watching the guards slowly open the doors he slowly hobbled away into the palace, only looking around for a brief moment before sighing. “I thought your King was hospitable. Is it not enough that I’m a Prince? Does trouble commonly come the King’s way in the form of royalty?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Takeshi was torn between wanting to help Shu and making him help himself; either way it wasn't going to be easy, but they couldn't keep just bouncing between the two. Sooner or later Shu did need to be come self-sufficient, unless the older boy was okay with having to watch over his brother for their entire lives. Much as he loved the little guy that wasn't going to happen, he needed his space now and again. Smiling back at Shu sympathetically he set his brother down, placing a hand on his shoulder and giving a thumbs up. "Hey, I was a follower too. I used to follow my master everywhere, and after that I followed some other people for a bit too. Eventually you just get tired of being a follower though, you know? You just got to decide to start and that's it. I'll help ya, but I can't make you do it on your own, get it?" Everyone else could pitch in too whenever they had the chance, the more support Shu had for this the better. And who knows, maybe being more capable by himself would help him deal with his issues a little. Though they still did need to talk to Vegeta, something that Takeshi still had yet to do today. Maybe if they got a free moment while here at the palace he could slip away and try calling in, see if the guy had a minute to do some work for them.

Talking with the guards was a bit awkward, though Menma knew they would be this rigid from the get-go. Off duty this pair were friendly and fun to chat with, he'd had many evenings down at one of the local bars drinking fermented honey with them, a fact they likely wanted to be kept secret in front of visitors. While on the job however they could be real sticks in the mud, taking their posts a little too seriously. Smiling nonetheless as the pair opened up the doors he ushered everyone inside, following alongside T'charrl on the way in. Looking up at the Prince curiously he chuckled sheepishly, giving a shrug of his shoulders before turning and watching the doors close again. "The King is plenty friendly, but they're just serious about their job, that's all. I promise that's going to be the most unpleasant experience you'll have while here. And we do have visitors occasionally, but not that often to say its regular. He always remains polite to guests though, even ones who don't show it back, so you'll be just fine!"

People sure were on point today with seeing to guests, as in no time at all they were quickly confronted by one of the King's aides... Or rather, a pair of aides. Twins by the looks of them, young girls if Takeshi was guessing right. Definitely ladies, he'd managed to sort out the whole gender difference at this point to know that much. Both were wearing some colorful gowns and had a sort of tiara or some such on their heads, gods know why. By some standards they might be pretty, though he was having issue getting past the whole their being insects part to appreciate anything about them. Smiling slightly it was his turn to get behind his brother, shuffling over to Shu some and putting a hand on his shoulder. "So this is a little weird... Just two twins popping out of nowhere..." he whispered, squirming slightly as he saw their antennae twitch. He was fine with everything while they were moving about, but now that they were at a standstill and in the thick of things he was acutely aware of what kind of people were here.

"Hi there people, you must be the Prince and his friends!" the girl on the left said, smiling brightly as she stood on one foot and stretched an arm into the air.

"We're Seeta and Reeta, and we're here to welcome you to the palace!" the other girl added, copying her sister as they held each other's hands for support. Then, in unison they both said, "We hope you'll enjoy your time here!"

Menma smiled amused at the pair of twins, though not necessarily because of their antics. Behind them a third Kaesstrian had come along, one who was fairly tall and thin. Looming over the twins he cleared his throat, startling both as they jumped a little before looking behind them. "I think your father is going to take it from here, girls."

"I am, thank you girls. Go on back to playing," the man said, smiling amused as both girls pouted, "You don't want my job anyways, you never get to play with dolls and you can't wear whatever clothes you want. It would be so disappointing. now go on, go play." Chuckling as they each hugged one of his legs before running off the Kaesstrian smiled at the group, placing one hand over his chest as he bowed to them politely. "Sorry about that, they love meeting new people. My name is Pyrus, and I'll be helping you around the palace during your stay. I hope getting here wasn't too much trouble?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu didn’t know whether he was doing good by being a follower rather than trying to take over the position of leader, especially when he probably wasn’t a very good one. The only way he knew how to become a leader was to fight the current leader figure but he wasn’t going to be able to do something like that, especially when they were all his friends. He saw himself as the lower ranking member in the group, seeing how small he was and how much knowledgeable everyone was compared to him. He just didn’t understand everything they did and it frustrated him sometimes, but it was a lot easier to handle if he didn’t think of himself as in charge of anything. “I guess…but I’m no good at being leader. No good at making decisions too, always get distracted by everything! Everything so nice everywhere and…it’s just hard to focus. Everyone’s so much more smarter than me too! Best not to be a leader”.

T’charrl didn’t know why the guards would be so aggressive towards him when it was declared that he was a Prince, especially when it was something that could hurt their country’s relationship if his mother ever heard how he was belittled and spoken down to despite his royal title. Letting out a sigh when he decided to dismiss it he looked to Menma with a frown, feeling unsure as to whether they were just showing off or were actually fully capable of protecting their King. “Is the King a warrior too, per chance? I mean…my kingdom’s dictation relies on the strongest being the one to rule over as both a ruler and a protector”.

Before he could find a way to settle into the palace to find the answers he was looking for from Menma it was the strangest sight that put him off questioning the King’s position anymore, his eyes going to the twins who were quick to greet them. He didn’t expect them to be the ones to greet him and was expecting someone a little older and professional. Watching the twins curiously he gave a little wave when they introduced themselves, not finding it terribly encouraging that they were doing this. “Uhhh…that’s right…” he muttered before noticing the large man approach them, staring at him curiously before giving a glance to Menma. He wasn’t exactly sure how he was supposed to approach this anymore when it seemed the family were a lot more carefree, even this man was confusing him. If this was the King then he was going to end up feeling intimidated just because of how he acted and how he looked. Frowning slightly he gave a little bow to Pyrus, keeping his head low as he balanced on his crutches. “Uhh no, no it wasn’t. We were just a little late, that’s all”, he spoke calmly, looking up again, “I-I’m Prince T’charrl. I came to this kingdom on a few requests from my mother, Queen Eslaria”.

Shu was a little unsure about the twins and did give them a good staring at before looking back to Takeshi, feeling confused over him moving behind him. He didn’t think they were that bad, but he did think they were a little weird for Kaesstrians. “Ooh! What? It’s not weird if they were there the entire time”, he spoke before giggling, bouncing on his toes, “They like your friends! Same looks, yes? Different aliens, though. I don’t know what I would do if I had someone who looked like me…it would be weird!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Shu wasn't quite getting it, or Takeshi wasn't phrasing it right. Smiling exasperatedly the older boy rubbed at his head, placing a hand on his hip as he let out a sigh. "I don't mean you've got to lead everyone, I just... You know, be your own person. Instead of relying on us for things you should try to learn how to do a lot on your own," he explained, "Here... How about we do this. Every time I do something you're not super sure about ask me, okay? I'll try explaining whatever it is so you know how to do it. That way I'm not trying to come up with stuff to teach you, and you get to learn whatever you want. It's a win-win situation, right?" Only not a second after he'd shared that idea did Takeshi find a problem with it; Shu had a lot of questions normally, and now the little guy was given permission to basically blurt them all out. If he knew his brother as well as he thought he did then he'd best be prepping for an onslaught of questions for the next couple of days. Chuckling uneasily as he thought about it Takeshi shook his head, trying not to back out of an offer he'd only just made. "We can make you a hell of a lot smarter in no time if you want, you just need to do a ton of reading and... Wait... Do you know how to read?"

"His Majesty isn't a warrior, at least not anymore. He hasn't fought since the last time the kingdoms waged war, you see, so he's been rather peaceful since then." The musician had to stifle laughter at the approach of the two girls, not having expected them to come running. He should have though, they practically hung around the entrance just for the chance to say hello to visitors. Taking after their father he supposed, even if it wasn't the most exciting job in reality. It only took a second for the proper greetings to be handed out, courtesy of Pyrus. Knowing his daughters they had bolted ahead to try and get the first word in, and had been successful this time around. Chuckling amused he waved as the twins hurried off to go play, looking up at the other Kaesstrian amused. "Always a handful, Pyrus. Maybe you should cut down on their sugar," Menma teased.

"It's easier to let them have a treat than to try denying them. You'll understand one day," Pyrus retorted, smiling as he looked then to T'charrl. So this was the Prince he had been hearing about then? And these other people, the aliens he was traveling with? What an unusual and unexpected party to appear on their doorstep, no doubt the King would want to meet them. Curious when T'charrl bowed to him the aide tilted his head some, blinking a few times before letting out a small chuckle. "It's a pleasure to meet you, prince T'charrl, but you're wasting your courtesies on a simple aide. I'm only His Majesty's advisor, hardly someone worth of this kind of showing from a Prince. All the same, it's a pleasure," he added, giving a bow in turn. "I wasn't aware your mother sent you, I suppose you'll want to see the King immediately then?"

It wasn't the fact they were twins that was weird, or their popping up. He was just having one of those moments where be became acutely aware of the fact Kaesstrians were bugs and his phobias were kicking in. Even glancing over at T'charrl made him shiver some, though it wasn't as bad when he saw the guy as a friend. "Shu... You do have someone that looks like you..." Takeshi mumbled, glancing down and gesturing to himself. Well, sort of anyways. Their faces were sort of the same and that was it, they were different in near every other regard. Watching relieved as the twins scampered off he looked at the advisor warily, shifting on his feet a little before clearing his throat silently. "So uh... What do you think buddy... Cool place huh?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu didn’t understand where Takeshi was getting at even though he was trying, he was just too busy trying to use his own knowledge to understand what was being said to him. Feeling curious as he listened to Takeshi he frowned a little when he seemed to be completely off what it actually meant, giving his head a quick scratch. “Ooh! I see…I think. I don’t know much about being my own person, I guess”, he sighed, shaking his head, “Learning what I want, like umm…umm…I don’t know what I want to learn”. He really had no clue what there was to learn that others couldn’t teach him, especially when he was still fairly in the unknown about where his life was leading. If he got separated from the others all he’d be able to do was what he had been taught and struggle to figure it all out on his own, the very thought making him feel uncomfortably lost. Not entirely confident with himself he shook his head when questioned about his reading skills. “I don’t know…you were going to teach me! Or was Miss Yumi or Mister Vegeta? I don’t know, I think you didn’t want to. I know a few things! Sort of…umm…maybe…”

T’charrl was feeling pretty nervous and was hoping he had managed to catch the right person, especially when he was struggling to identify who the King was. There wasn’t much around that would tell him who they were since there weren’t many clues like paintings around. Frowning a little when it turned out he was wrong he sighed and stood up straight again, looking up and down Pyrus. “Advisor? Uhh, yeah…yeah, I’d like to see the King, if it’s alright”, he spoke calmly, giving a little nod, “So long as he’s not busy I’d like to see him immediately. I don’t believe I should be taking up too much of his time, of course, especially after his lunch…”

Shu didn’t see the twins as that big of a deal, especially when Takeshi’s friends were twins and he had no problem with them. Whether it was a case that Takeshi still had a problem with the aliens or not he didn’t know, but he didn’t understand why they would be weird or strange enough to send Takeshi backwards a few steps. Tilting his head a little he looked at Takeshi, curious to what he was looking at before gasping when Takeshi decided clearing his throat would force a subject change. “Huh? I like this place! It’s nice and sunny looking”, he smiled, looking around at the walls and the roof, “I don’t think I could live here, though! Too much space! Why do some people have big houses and you only have little house? I thought not many people live here or in Friend T’charrl’s place…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"I'm sure His Majesty won't mind seeing you now, he should be available. Even if you were to come during lunch I doubt he'd turn you away," Pyrus explained with a smile, "If it's business concerning your mother I'm sure the King will be happy to hear you out, so let's not keep him waiting much longer, hm?" His Majesty would no doubt be eager to hear the news, though his attitude may change depending on what it was T'charrl had to say. Folding his hands behind his back the adviser turned and began walking towards one of the hallways, motioning for everyone else to follow him. "The throne room is up at the top floor, overlooking the courtyard in the center. I think you'll find our palace here to be a little more open than most, as the royal family loves the feeling of the outdoors. Much of the building itself is left purposely open to give the illusion of not being contained by walls." They were a people who thrived with the world around them, so to the royal family it only made sense to incorporate that into their very home. Granted this building was made several generations before now, but the style of the place had been maintained regardless over all the years. Glancing back at T'charrl, Pyrus smiled curiously as he gave one of his antennae a stroke, "I am curious... What is your palace like? I'm ashamed to say I've never left the kingdom, so I don't know much of what's beyond our borders."

"I think we were all going to teach you at some point, but that sorta fell through..." Takeshi admitted, smiling sheepishly as he rubbed his head, "I mean we still want to do it... Or I do, but we've been busy and all, you know? We'll get to it soon, I promise." They could even start now if Shu really wanted to, or at the very least he could come up with some questions. Teaching his brother stuff from books seemed a little boring, and really a ton of that stuff he himself couldn't see use for. Better to just teach the little guy things as they came up and that way he'd know more important, actually applicable stuff. The older boy was thrown for a bit seeing the twins and Pyrus, having his phobia sort of kick in after a while of being fine. He really didn't know why it randomly popped up like it did, maybe it was just his being used to T'charrl now that saved him. Either way he got a little uncomfortable until the girls left, still a bit edgy around the adviser as they began moving along. Letting out a long winded sigh he shook his head, stuffing his hands into his pockets as Shu started asking questions. Or he did, trying to get them on a different topic than the Kaesstrians for now. "It is really nice, yeah. Feels real open," Takeshi agreed, looking over at Shu and giving a small pout, "My house isn't that small, it's just as big as I need it to be. I guess it's about how much space you need, or if you want a big house." Shrugging his shoulders he looked around some, curious about there being so many windows and bright furniture to really make the place glow. "Or some people like having big houses, big cars... It makes them feel good I guess. I don't know, I don't really care."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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T’charrl didn’t know how to react towards an advisor, probably because they were more like a person in the middle of it all rather than the King himself. It didn’t matter too much, they were probably not that much different than a Captain or guard. It was a little difficult adjusting to the lack of military authority that wasn’t a guard, but he did think he would get used to it and lower his anxiety. “Uh yes…yes. I don’t think he’d want us hanging around hoping he’ll find us”, he sighed, rubbing his neck. It was a first to hear of a throne room on a top floor, but then again if the King wasn’t a warrior so probably needed that extra level for his own protection. It was a bit of a shame that he wasn’t a warrior; he would’ve liked to spar against him sometime if they got on well. “That, uhh…sounds really risky. If we were to do that, my family probably wouldn’t survive very long”. Nervously chuckling he let out a sigh, lowering trying to make it out as a joke but instead felt a bit embarrassed. “M-My palace is underground and is fairly large. It’s more designed to confuse and get invaders lost, but…it’s nice and cosy. Lots of light from the trees and their energy so it’s just as good as the surface…”

Shu didn’t know when they’d get the opportunity to learn some letters and how to read, but he was sure he was going to be able to learn quickly when it finally came down to it. The most he got to was a few letters before he was questioned about his mental state a while ago, but it wasn’t regular enough for him to keep on learning either. Giving a nervous smile he pressed his fingers together. “I look forward to learning. I really like learning things…” He didn’t want to pressure Takeshi into doing something he didn’t want to do, but thankfully he hadn’t needed to use reading skills a whole lot yet. While learning things wasn’t a fantastic option, it probably wasn’t important on a planet where their writing appeared to be squiggles compared to the writing back on Earth. Looking around the palace he soon diverted his attention back to Takeshi, giving him a little smile. “Why do you no care? Do you wish you had a lot of big stuff? Big house? I don’t want cars…no no no. I am happy having what I have! Never had house to know what it like, but that’s okay. This place is nice, but I wouldn’t want it, nope”.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Pyrus was a touch curious why they were asking about the King being a warrior, but attributed it to their all being fighters themselves. It wasn't hard to figure out who fought and who didn't, normally one could see just by how a person carried themselves. All of the Prince's friends seemed to have at least some experience, goodness knows they all probably had some stories of their own. Smiling slightly at the comment of his own family the adviser shrugged his shoulders some, looking out the windows to the city beyond as they walked along. "It's not that our King is utterly helpless, because he isn't. The man can fight, he just rarely does. His philosophy is fighting is only a last resort, you see, and never the first option. Nearly everyone in the kingdom agrees with his more passive approach and as such there's no reason to fear for his safety. There will always be opponents of course, but I would be hard pressed to see someone who genuinely hates the man." It would be one thing if he simply refused to fight out of cowardice, but their King refused to battle for the interest of preserving life. A man that had experienced the Kingdom Wars probably saw quite a bit of turmoil, more than anyone a generation younger would ever hopefully witness. It came as no surprise then he might want to shy away from such tactics. "Underground... Hm. I figured you were from a Lower City, but I didn't want to assume," Pyrus mused, smiling back at T'charrl, "It sounds interesting, I would like to visit your city some day if possible, I'm sure it's a lovely place."

"Well then you can learn all you want. We've got free time now, nothing to distract us, so we can do whatever you want!" There wasn't really anything he needed or wanted to learn, except maybe some neat moves or ways to fight. Shu's stuff was more book learning, Takeshi just wanted new ways to beat someone's face in. Folding his hands behind his head the older boy smiled to himself, "Yeah... I'm sure we can teach you. I know some stuff, Yumi knows some stuff, Vegeta knows a ton. Then there's everyone else too... Kai, Choi, Kabocha, even Haku's got to know something," he paused, glancing back at the other boy and smiling amused, "We'll figure out some time for you to take lessons, okay?" What should they teach the little guy anyways? His first thought was Earth writing and language, but then they did travel a lot too so maybe other languages would be needed. Did Shu even have the ability to learn other languages? He barely knew the language all his friends spoke, let alone some alien tongue. Being asked about sizes of homes Takeshi crossed his arms, biting his lower lip and drumming his fingers against his arm in thought. "Well... Big stuff just seems like... Like you don't need it. I can't think of a reason you need a big house, or a ton of stuff. I just want what I need and that's that, you know? And why would we even bother getting cars? I fly, you fly and you have Nimbus, then Vegeta's got those little capsules with things we can use in them. A car would be a waste of money." That and he didn't have the foggiest idea how to drive one. Flying a ship was different, once you got off the ground there was nothing to crash into; there was plenty to crash into on the ground.

Pyrus led the group around to the back of the palace, finally reaching a large set of winding steps that wrapped around the outer walls of the palace itself. It really was an open building, seeming like any chance there was for it being opened up the architects took it. Whereas T'charrl's palace had winding corridors this palace had long, open halls with balconies, arched walls to let in fresh air and what looked like paper lanterns hanging off the side, no doubt providing light in the evenings. "I don't mean to brag... But you must see the city during a festival, it's quite beautiful," the adviser mentioned as they walked along, "Strings of lights are hung between trees, lanterns are arranged in various shapes and decorations of all kinds adorn buildings and trees alike. It's perhaps the only time you can see the city from above, if only because it's glowing so brightly." Would it be a problem for someone from a Lower City? Too much light could be uncomfortable, he wasn't wholly sure how that worked. "The throne room is just a floor above now, so if you've any questions concerning the King I'd suggest asking now."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

T’charrl saw no reason in not learning how to fight if you were a royal, finding it hard that one could defend themselves against any attack that might seek to destroy them. It may had been the warrior inside him that was telling him it was unusual and weird, but he felt right to question it. Frowning a little at Pyrus’s answer he gave a slight nod, still not finding it completely within his understanding to not try to hone your skills every once in a while. “That must be worrying sometimes, I mean…anyone could try to kill him and his family. How do you choose a leader?” There were many questions he had to find the answers to without ending up insulting their King. Their culture was so different even if it just meant the King wasn’t someone who fought often, but then again they did all live in trees. “You’re welcome to visit, it’s just, uhh…well, we’re going through some tensions lately a-and maybe ask for an invitation first”.

Shu didn’t know what he would want to learn first if this was the only opportunity to think of something, especially when neither of them had a very good memory. He often forgot certain things he needed to ask or learn and Takeshi was pretty quick to forget about the treatment he was supposed to receive. He wasn’t okay in the head yet but Takeshi kept forgetting to do something about that, luckily for him. He didn’t want to have to talk to Vegeta about his feelings and what was bothering him, especially when the nightmares and sudden vicious bouts he had were caused by sudden flashbacks rather than persistent memories. To try and get around something like that seemed impossible, but it didn’t matter too much if Takeshi kept forgetting any everyone else was too busy to care. “I don’t think your friends would want to go near me…but Miss Yumi and Mister Vegeta are good! They’ll want to help me learn things. Maybe Miss Yumi more, but I don’t know when…maybe, maybe much later!” He should probably think about getting stronger too, but it was difficult to see when the road would become clear in the future after everything else beyond defeating his father was done. “Ooh! I wouldn’t want car either! It’s not very nice…and I do like Nimbus…it’s my friend! Why it no let you ride it?”

T’charrl certainly thought the palace was pretty impressive, not to mention the amount of light it had available in the rooms and corridors was pretty nice too. He didn’t get out in the sun very often and even though there was some cover from the trees it wasn’t enough to properly cut it all out. He didn’t know how old this place was but it didn’t look very old, but then again not much of their architecture was unless it was ruins of what previously existed many years ago. Looking around at the lanterns he looked to Pyrus, smiling a little. “It would be nice to visit during a festival…maybe you can tell us back at the palace when one happens”, he sighed, feeling fairly confident he could see one in the near future, “I don’t think I have any further questions about him, I just hope he has the answers I’m looking for”.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

If there ever was a difference between cultures this was it; T'charrl's focus on battle and fighting was quite a lot different from their own. At one time their lifestyles may have been very similar, but with peace and prosperity gracing their kingdom they had no reason to fight anywhere near as much. "As you can see we do still have guards. Not that many, but they're all highly trained to keep the King safe. That being said he doesn't like tight security either, he feels it makes the palace feel more like a prison. The man is very open, and you can see that in the company he keeps just as well as the palace in which he lives." There were always concerns for His Majesty's safety, many of which Pyrus and others would voice, but rarely if ever were they heard. Perhaps His Majesty really wasn't worried, or he thought his men and himself even capable enough of fending off attackers. "Well... The current king is there because he led our people through the war, so after him... I can't imagine we'll go with anything less than one of his children. His son is yet to come of age but he'll likely inherit the throne, unless someone else comes along and his son doesn't want to take his place. And is that right...? I've been told your mother can be a little... Daunting, but I look forward to meeting her all the same!"

There were plenty of people around that could teach Shu, the only thing stopping them was time. Though now that they were on a vacation of sorts they had plenty of that, and more than enough things to teach the little guy. The easiest route would be going to Vegeta for instruction, but he had his hands full with Viral and probably with Shu once they were finished there. Maybe Yumi then, albeit she seemed busy with Viral as well. It really did come down to himself and his own squad in that case, and asking them when they grew up on another world may not be the best idea. "Why wouldn't they want to go near you? We're all near you now and we're fine," Takeshi said, smiling as he shrugged his shoulders, "I can't see any reason they would avoid you really, and if they don't want to teach you then I will, no sweat. We'll just keep asking til someone agrees, you know?" Before they decided to teach Shu anything he probably needed to learn to read, and at the very least that was something Takeshi could do. From there he supposed they could just give the younger Saiyan books, and whatever he thought sounded interesting he could read. "Eh? Why can't I ride Nimbus...?" he asked, his cheeks reddening slightly as he itched at his nose, "Well... You need to be completely pure or whatever to ride it, and I guess I'm not completely pure... I'm close I'm sure, but not completely." Who was he kidding? With the way he thought about girls and the things he'd done he'd never get to ride on the cloud, ah well.

"Of course, of course. We'll send someone by with a formal invitation next festival, for your whole family to attend if you'd like," Pyrus answered with a smile, "We have the usual festivals many of our people celebrate, and then a few of our own. The nearest festival would be in three weeks time, and it's a harvest festival. Feasts, music, games, it's a wonderful time. His Majesty loves the festivals as well, you can always expect to see him out amongst the crowd enjoying himself." A nice way to put it would be the King simply loved having fun, quite a bit considering someone of his age. Where most would be busy lying in bed resting or relaxing it was actually difficult sometimes to keep the man in his seat, or just in the throne room for that matter. T'charrl had no further questions regarding their leader it seemed, and just as well; two doors carved out of deep amber wood stood before them now, a tree engraved in each one and dyed with green and brown dyes to give the illusion of the plants popping out of the framework. Beyond the doors was the throne room, and therein the King. "Here we are my young friends, His Majesty should be expecting you." Rasping his knuckles on the doorway he waited for the faint signal to enter, folding his arms behind his back as the doors parted. "Your Majesty, I've brought our guests! If I may, I would like to introduce Prince T'charrl and his friends."

The doors were parted and beyond a wide open throne room was displayed to the group; the ceiling was nearly non-existent, and with the room being circular itself there was a wide opening up above, sealed by a pane of glass that gave the notion there was nothing there. The only wall in the room was immediately behind the throne itself, as the rest of the walls were the same as the corridors, comprised of high arches and wide windows. Several tapestries hung down from the ceiling around the skylight, of various colors and bearing numerous crests that likely belonged to either previous rulers or other noble families. Plants, furniture and paintings adorned any spot they could without becoming cluttered, and a long carpet stretched from the door to the throne itself, whereon the King himself sat. Even from the door one could see him, he was large, bigger than even the likes of Yusef or Garesh were. Both in height and circumference, the King towered over perhaps nearly all of their kind, and it was surprising he fit in his throne. His fur was what looked like an ashy grey, but if one got closer they would see mixes of browns and even oranges in his hairs. He wore a simple yellow and black robe, far as one could tell from the door, and only had two aides with him, no guards.

"Pyrus! I was wondering when you might arrive!" the King's voice echoed, "Come in children, come in! I'd like to see who's been causing so much excitement in my kingdom today." As the doors were closed the large Kaesstrian pushed himself out of his chair, letting out a faint groan as he did so. Even standing flat on his feet he was nearly tall as the throne itself, and easily as wide as it too. Smiling warmly at the group he clasped his hands together, shuffling towards them as his robe fell to the floor and dragged behind him. So that was T'charrl, and these the Saiyans he traveled with. How long it had been since he'd had another ruling party in his home, and even longer since a Saiyan had shown themselves. "Welcome children, welcome! It's a pleasure to have you all here, I assure you. Allow me to introduce myself, I am King Aseel Malak, third heir to the Malak lineage and current ruler of our fair kingdom. But please, address me as you see fit. It's nice to meet you all."
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